From national fitness to national healthy sports to make people’s lives better.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 10th  Title: From national fitness to national healthy sports to make people’s lives better.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Wenxian and Su Bin

  In the past winter, the ice and snow sports are surging. From the Beijing Olympic Games to awaken the awareness of national fitness, to the Beijing Winter Olympics to drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports, the forms of national fitness have become more diverse and the connotation has been continuously enriched. It carries people’s yearning for a better life and the pursuit of a healthy body, and provides a strong boost for building a sports power and a healthy China.

  According to Yang Yang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, sports play different roles in different stages of development in China. "After the Beijing Olympic Games, China proposed to move from a sports power to a sports power, and national fitness received more attention. Sports began to be an important indicator and an important tool for healthy China. Now that China has hosted two Olympic Games (Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics) and a Youth Olympic Games, sports has gradually become a way of life for people. "

  On February 8, 2023, at Aoqiwan Ski Resort in Songhua River, children skied under the guidance of ski instructors. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei photo

  From road running and square dancing to skiing, surfing and frisbee, sports have become more and more people’s habits and even social ways. Xie Minhao, a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and a researcher at the Institute of Sports Medicine of the State Sports General Administration, believes that for individuals, fitness is mainly about two things: active exercise and safe exercise. In addition, it is best to cultivate personal hobbies around some projects.

  On September 29, 2022, Wen Feifu (former), an employee of Beijing enterprise, competed in the Frisbee competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chaoshe

  To promote national health through national fitness, we must establish the concept of scientific fitness. In this regard, Xie Minhao suggested: "Sports should not only think about benefits, but also think about risks. When an exerciser wants to do a sport, it is suggested to know the common sense in this respect first; When engaging in some projects that are physically challenging, such as running a marathon, it is best to do a sports risk assessment first and have an understanding of your own strength. " On the social level, he believes that it is necessary to further guide the people to actively exercise and strengthen the integration of sports and health, and the relevant departments continue to create conditions for the people to exercise.

  Efforts to meet people’s fitness needs are also the view of Bao Mingxiao, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of China Sports Policy Research Institute of Beijing Sport University. "In the past, athletes in the arena were very happy to win a few gold medals. Now people not only want to win gold medals, but also depend on whether there is a venue in life when I want to exercise, whether there are sports organizations around me that can be easily joined, and whether there are sports activities for ordinary people … … In recent years, the epidemic situation has made people’s sports awareness and demand rapidly improve, giving us ‘ People-centered ’ The practice has found more entrances, and we have better opportunities to carry out new practices of life sports than ever before. "

  On December 18th, 2022, the contestants set off in the 2022 Danzhou Marathon in Hainan. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Lizhen photo

  Bao Mingxiao said that the "people-centered" concept of sports development is not a slogan, but it has a broad space for action. Integrating sports into the pursuit of a better life by more than 1.4 billion people is an important embodiment of "people-centered". It is one of the most basic functions of sports to let sports promote people’s all-round development. "Especially in promoting the all-round development of teenagers, sports can play an important basic role."

  It has become the consensus of many schools and parents to follow the concept of "health first" and help students enjoy fun, strengthen their physique, improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise.

  Many delegates and members attending the National People’s Congress this year will focus on campus sports. Zhang Yufei, deputy to the National People’s Congress and Olympic champion in swimming, suggested that a special course of "Champion physical education class" should be formulated, and excellent athletes from national teams of each project should be integrated to make teaching videos, which should be distributed to primary and secondary schools nationwide. Tao Luna, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and director of Shanghai Shooting and Archery Sports Center, proposed to use artificial intelligence equipment to popularize shooting on campus. Yang Yang appealed that the physical education entrance examination should not be "biased", but should break the "exam-oriented" thinking and widely carry out campus events … …

  Li Yanhu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and director of the Sports Health Medicine Research Center of the Sports Medicine Research Institute of the State Sports General Administration, said that the health status of teenagers is not only related to personal growth and family happiness, but also related to the future of the country and national hope.

  He introduced that the Institute of Sports Medicine has been conducting research on adolescent spine health since 2011, and the survey data shows that the proportion of spine abnormalities among primary and secondary school students in China is large. In 2019, the Youth Division of the State Sports General Administration cooperated with the Institute of Sports Medicine, and organized a team of experts to carry out experiments in Shanghai, and carried out sports interventions such as 90-second stretching exercises, bedtime exercises and cervical health exercises for the students in the experimental group. After one month, the unqualified rate of students’ vision and the abnormal rate of scoliosis decreased obviously. Accordingly, Li Yanhu suggested in the proposal this year that attention should be paid to the spine health of teenagers.

  Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, the Communist Party of China, stressed that the national fitness activities should be widely carried out, the youth sports work should be strengthened, the all-round development of mass sports and competitive sports should be promoted, and the construction of a sports power should be accelerated. Last March, the Opinions on Building a Higher Level Public Service System for National Fitness was released. In recent years, all kinds of national fitness activities at all levels have been widely carried out, which has effectively enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

  As Bao Mingxiao said: "Developing national fitness can promote the development of sports industry and consolidate the foundation of a sports power, and the foundation of winning glory for the country in the future will be more solid."