Pay attention to these changes when 30 provinces start the teacher qualification examination registration today.

  BEIJING, Beijing, January 24 (Ren Jing) Starting from the 24th, the registration for the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers (written examination) will begin in the first half of 2022, and this examination will be held in 30 provinces across the country. In recent years, the registration fever of teacher qualification examination has been rising continuously, and the "teaching-funded fever" has been concerned by public opinion. Experts said that the increasing professional attraction of teachers and the increase in the number of college graduates have all increased the registration fever of teaching-funded examinations.

Announcement of registration for teaching examination. Image source: China Education Examination Network

  Image source: China Education Examination Network

  30 provinces started to register for the written test on March 12 today.

  According to the information from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the registration for the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers (written examination) in the first half of 2022 will start on January 24th, and the written examination will be held in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) (Tibet is currently only held in the second half).

  It is worth noting that the registration time for this exam was originally scheduled for January 14th, but due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 in some provinces, the registration start time was postponed to January 24th.

  According to the current teacher qualification examination method, the examination is held twice a year in most provinces, and the general written examination is arranged in March of the first half of the year and November of the second half of the year, 1-mdash ahead of schedule; Start registration in 2 months. A few days ago, 30 provinces announced the registration of primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examinations in the first half of this year. According to local announcements, the date of this exam (written test) is March 12th.

  The topic of "funding fever" has attracted attention.

  In recent years, the topic of hot research on teaching funds has attracted public attention. According to the data of the Ministry of Education, during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the average number of qualified teachers was over 1.6 million, an increase of about 37% compared with the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" year.

  In recent years, the teacher qualification examination has been held twice a year, and the number of applicants for each examination is over one million. In 2016, the number of applicants for the teacher qualification examination totaled 2.6 million, reaching 4.1 million in 2017 and climbing to 9 million in 2019. In the registration of teaching examination in the second half of last year, the number of applicants in some provinces is still rising.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Education Research Institute, in recent years, one of the main reasons for the "fever" of teaching-funded examinations is the ever-increasing scale of college graduates. Under the employment competition, holding certificates means an extra way out.

  "From the overall environment, teachers’ salaries and benefits are constantly improving, and the state has given priority to the preparation. The attractiveness of teachers’ careers in the future is increasing, which is the background of the rising popularity of teaching-funded examinations." Zhang Xiaojing, an expert from Huatu Education Research Institute, analyzed that in recent years, the country has raised the entry threshold for teachers, and the teacher qualification certificate has become a necessary condition for teachers inside and outside the department, which is also an important reason for the rising popularity of the teaching examination.

  These people can be qualified as teachers without examination.

  On the eve of the registration of this teaching-funded examination, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Promoting the Qualification Reform of Primary and Secondary School Teachers for Normal Students’ Exemption from Examination, demanding that the reform of exemption from examination be carried out among normal students in relevant colleges and universities on the basis of the reform of exemption from examination for education postgraduates and public-funded normal students.

  The notice pointed out that teachers’ majors in colleges and universities that joined the pilot provinces of the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination reform in 2017 and before can participate in the examination-free certification reform from 2022.

  The circular requires that institutions of higher learning that implement the examination-free accreditation reform should establish and improve the assessment system of normal students’ educational and teaching ability, and classify and determine the teaching sections and disciplines according to the talent training objectives of normal majors.

  If the relevant institutions of higher learning arbitrarily expand the scope of exemption accreditation, or fail to issue the "Certificate of Professional Abilities for Teachers of Normal Students" for unqualified students, or neglect their duties or engage in malpractices for selfish ends in the reform of exemption accreditation, they will cancel the qualification of exemption accreditation for relevant normal majors in schools according to discipline and regulations, reduce the enrollment index of relevant normal majors in schools, and investigate the responsibilities of the principal responsible persons and relevant personnel of schools. (End)