You are reading: How to turn on the Xiaomi stereo How to turn on the Xiaomi stereo

To turn on Xiaomi audio, you can follow these steps:

1. Plug the Xiaomi stereo into the power supply and turn on the power switch.

2. After waiting for the stereo to start, you can start using it.

Please note that Xiaomi Audio needs to be connected to the Internet to work properly. You can connect to the network via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to the phone hotspot, etc. In addition, Xiaomi Audio supports Keyword Spotting function. You can directly say "Xiao Ai Classmate" or other set wake-up words to activate the speaker and start voice interaction with it.

Through voice interaction, you can ask about the weather, play music, inquire about information, etc. Just say a command or question, and Xiaomi Audio will perform automatic speech recognition and give corresponding answers or perform corresponding actions.

In addition, Xiaomi Audio also has the function of controlling smart devices. For example, you can control the switching and brightness of smart light bulbs, smart sockets and other devices through language commands.

To sum up, to turn on the Xiaomi speaker, plug it into the power supply and turn on the power switch. Then make sure it is connected to the network and activate it with the appropriate wake word. Then you can interact and control various functions through language!

Geely Galaxy completed its first 225 stores and opened 700 by the end of the year

  Geely Galaxy completed its first 225 stores and plans to open 700 by the end of the year

  After going public, Geely Galaxy’s exclusive new retail system was unveiled.

  On June 5, Geely Galaxy announced the official opening of its first batch of 225 stores. It is reported that Geely Galaxy adopts a new channel ecosystem of compound franchise authorization, and the first batch of stores are mainly set up in cities with a capacity of Top150 in China’s new energy market. In terms of agency distribution system, Geely Galaxy and partners have jointly built user centers (4S stores), experience centers (city exhibition halls), display spaces (supermarket stores), and fully empowered dealers in talent management, service standards, and digital operations to create a more transparent car purchase environment and a more efficient and convenient car purchase experience for users.

Image Source: Geely

  At the same time, Geely Galaxy will set up a number of brand centers in first- and second-tier cities. These brand centers located in the city CBD will provide users with a comprehensive understanding of Geely Galaxy and provide a display platform. They are also a demonstration center for Geely Galaxy’s user experience and service standards, a talent training center, and a multi-activity center for users. Play a role as a model and a benchmark, and continue to empower other channel networks at all levels.

  According to the plan, Geely Galaxy will continue to expand its channels, and it is expected to achieve a channel scale of 650-700 exclusive stores nationwide this year.

  At present, the first model of Geely Galaxy series – Geely Galaxy L7 has been fully launched in major exclusive stores across the country, achieving "delivery on the market". In addition to the Galaxy L7, this year Geely Galaxy series will also launch new models including intelligent electric hybrid cars and pure electric models.

Image Source: Geely

  Geely Galaxy to accelerate the launch of new models and channel construction expansion or its sales target. At the beginning of the year, Geely Automobile Group put forward the goal of doubling the overall sales of new energy in 2023. Data show that the sales of new energy products of Geely Automobile Group in 2022 are about 320,000, which means that the overall sales of new energy of the group this year will exceed 600,000.

  As a product sequence in the Geely brand, Galaxy also bears part of the sales target. Bach, general manager of Geely Galaxy’s business unit, said in an interview during this year’s Shanghai Auto Show that at least one-third of the more than 300,000 new vehicles to be added by the group this year will be borne by Galaxy products.

  (This article comes from Gaishi Automobile Network)

The best writer in the history of writing books with 70 computers has published 200 thousand books (Figure)

Special topic: picture channel


  Philip Parker, a 48-year-old man from San Diego, USA, claimed to be "the most prolific writer in history"

  Philip Parker, a 48-year-old man from San Diego, claimed to be "the most prolific writer in history", the The New York Times reported on the 16th. Of course, this is not entirely a boast, because with the help of 70 computers and 7 computer programs, he has "written" 200,000 books so far, and many of his books are sold on Amazon’s book website. Thanks to almost all the computer help, Parker’s cost per "creation" of a new book is only 12 cents. In addition, his books are "printed on demand", and he only prints one when customers order one.

  Write a book with 70 computers

  Parker holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in management economics from Wharton College, University of Pennsylvania, USA. At the same time, Parker is a visiting professor of management in a business school near Paris. Actually, Parker doesn’t publish books in the conventional sense. He is called an "editor" rather than a writer. Because almost all of the 200,000 books he "created" were "compiled and sorted out" through computer programs.

  It is reported that the computer program written by Parker can collect any public information about a research topic from the Internet and compile it into a book. Parker’s 0.2 million/200 thousand books were actually completed with the help of 70 computers and 7 programs.

  Because of this simplicity, Parker’s "creation" of each new book costs only 12 cents, and the books are "printed on demand". Parker’s books sold on Amazon. com are never pre-printed, but he only prints one when customers order one.

  However, although Parker has published 200,000 books, his sales per book are not satisfactory. According to Parker, hundreds of his best-selling books have been sold.

  Plan to write a love novel

  Parker’s books cover all walks of life, including "medical works", crossword puzzles, simple poems and even animated game scripts. The page number of each book is about 150 pages. It is reported that there are thousands of crossword puzzle books written by Parker alone and they can be published in 20 languages.

  Parker is currently writing some new computer programs, and hopes that the new computer programs can help him "create" some love novels. At present, the computer programs have been able to lay out the basic structure of some love novels.

  Readers feel "cheated" after buying it

  Parker said that his main motivation for compiling books by computer is to provide readers with some text materials that are ignored by booksellers because the readership is too small.

  However, readers who buy Parker’s books have no idea that these books are computer works, because like other books, Parker’s books also have titles, catalogs, rich illustrations and contents.

  However, many readers feel cheated after buying Parker’s books. David Pascoe, a reader in Perth, Australia, bought the book "The Source Materials of Patients with rosacea" from Amazon in 2004, but he found that this book was not an incisive study by medical experts at all, but a hodgepodge of online information about rosacea.

  Is it expected to become a "new industry"?

  For this special way of publishing books, Kurt Beidler, senior manager of Amazon Book website, thinks: "Parker’s way of publishing books is a creative example. This is a new industry, which uses computer power to introduce new materials to customers." (Aier)

Editor: Li Erqing

Finnish man’s severed finger can be directly plugged into a computer by implanting a USB flash drive (Figure)

Jerry shows the thumb drive.

U disk finger in use

Jerry’s thumb drive

  Finnish man amputated his finger and implanted a USB flash drive directly into the computer with a capacity of 2GB.

  According to Finnish media reports, in May last year, Finnish man Jerry Chalahua lost a finger in a car accident. When the doctor learned that Jerry had been a computer hacker, he suggested that he install an invisible USB flash drive when repairing his fingers, and Jerry readily agreed. Although the finger of this USB flash drive looks a little strange, Jerry obviously likes it very much because all his information is stored in his finger.

  Lose one’s finger in a car accident

  Jerry’s friend Henry Bogos revealed in his blog that Jerry is a young software engineer in Richmarki, Finland.

  Last May, Jerry, who was driving a motorcycle on the road, accidentally hit a deer that was about to cross the road. He flew out of the motorcycle on the spot. Fortunately, Jerry only lost one finger, and he only needs a doctor to repair his finger and install a fake finger to return to normal life.

  Fake finger USB flash drive

  However, just as the doctor was preparing to rebuild Jerry’s silicone finger, he inadvertently learned from his chat with Jerry that he was a software engineer and had worked as a computer hacker. The doctor put forward a novel suggestion to him: an invisible U disk could be implanted when installing the prosthetic finger, and Jerry readily agreed on the spot. As a result, Jerry’s finger became a USB flash drive with a capacity of 2GB. The fly in the ointment is that when ten fingers are stretched out flush, the strange fingers on the U disk are very different.


  Although it doesn’t look good, Jerry obviously likes this finger very much. When he got home, he couldn’t wait to unplug this USB flash drive and plug it into the computer. He downloaded and installed software such as Billix, CouchDBX and Ajatus for this USB flash drive. After that, all he had to do was gently unplug the ring finger.

  Now, Jerry can not only use this USB flash drive to transfer data from his fingers to the computer, but also transfer his brain’s thoughts to his fingers through the computer. At present, Jerry has put forward higher requirements for this USB thumb drive. He said, "I am eager for the doctor to help me upgrade as soon as possible, with larger capacity and higher technology content, and to look more beautiful with removable nails!"

Editor: Peng Wei

The purchase of 96 luxury cars and 135 suites in Harbin was investigated and dealt with.

CCTV News:Since the 14th Supervision Team of the Central Committee for Eliminating Evil entered Heilongjiang, it has taken cases with high public concern and great social impact as the key supervision work to follow up and promote the progress of cases.

Yu Huajie, member of the Standing Committee of Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection:In August 2018, we received a large number of reports from the masses, especially from some electric power construction enterprises and construction people. It reflects a series of problems, such as corruption, bribery, monopoly and so on, of Li Wei, deputy general manager of Harbin Power Supply Company of the former State Grid, and his younger brother (Li Tong, former chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Company). We immediately launched an investigation under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and took lien measures against them in a timely manner according to law.

 Li Wei, the eldest brother of the Li family, was then the deputy general manager of Harbin State Grid Corporation. He had nearly 1 billion yuan of power engineering projects in his hands every year. As his younger brother Li Jian, he started a private power engineering company with his friends, and his business naturally flourished under the care of his brother. Li Tong is the youngest in the family. He started as an ordinary worker. After his brother Li Wei was promoted from the position of chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Group Company to the position of deputy general manager of State Grid Harbin Company, he directly took over his brother’s position and became the main person in charge of the company. The two brothers took up leadership positions through illegal means, and this was only the beginning of the three brothers of Li’s taking up the road of black crimes.

Collusion in bidding and violence to suppress monopoly power projects

Since 2010, since Li Wei served as assistant director of Harbin Electric Power Bureau and chairman of the electric power industry group, he has been monopolizing the electrified connection project in the whole city. Through collusive bidding, they first won the bid with the electric power industry group, and then subcontracted the project to the company started off-line by their younger brother Li Jian and the black-related organization. In a few years, they almost monopolized the construction of the electric power project in the whole city.

 Boss Li Wei

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:According to statistics, since 2010, the Li brothers, a criminal gang, monopolized 76.7% of the power projects in Harbin. They monopolized these power projects by means of bidding and violent suppression, and directly distributed them to the secondary companies controlled by the members of the organization, which in turn handed them over to downstream companies for construction.

Refusal to pay for subcontracted projects is forced to pay with goods.

In 2017, Mr. Ma of Harbin became the construction company they subcontracted. What was the result? During the central supervision team stationed in Heilongjiang, Mr. Ma came to the station to reflect his experience.

Mr. Ma from Harbin:These 22 substations should be around 11 million, and my own capital investment is 4.3 million, but so far I haven’t got a penny. He gave us a car with a market price of 700,000 at that time at a price of 1.5 million pieces, and the house and watches were several times higher than the market price. If you don’t want it, there is no money. Anyway, this is the thing.

I squander my money and my employees can’t pay.

There are more than 70 injured companies in Harbin, where Mr. Ma also suffered. All of them could not get the money after completing the construction, but the three brothers Li gained huge benefits in a short time. After a joint investigation by the Supervision Committee of the Harbin Commission for Discipline Inspection and the task force of the Public Security Bureau, in the past 14 years, the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations have made illegal profits of nearly 3.4 billion yuan.

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:After they had money, they bought a lot of real estate, luxury cars and antique cultural relics all over the country. As a collective enterprise, more than 100 employees went to the provincial government all the year round to report the situation because they could not pay their wages.

On the one hand, there are hundreds of employees who can’t get paid, and on the other hand, there are 96 luxury cars with nearly 100 million yuan. At the same time, the task force also detained 135 properties purchased by the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations all over the country.

96 high-end cars that received bribes were worth nearly 100 million yuan.

Since the central supervision team entered Heilongjiang, it immediately took this triad-related organization as the key supervision case and went to the case-handling unit several times to understand the progress of the case. Members of the Central Supervision Team came to the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to interrogate Li Wei, who had been criminally detained.

Luxury cars full of parking lots

Luxury cars full of parking lots

During more than two hours of interrogation, Li Wei told the Central Supervision Team about other leading cadres’ participation in business operations, bribery and crimes. According to the investigation, Li Wei, together with his younger brothers Li Tong and Li Jian, made huge profits in power projects, and also accepted bribes of more than 20 million yuan from other companies. In June this year, 96 high-end cars photographed by the task force of Harbin Public Security Bureau during the seizure of criminal goods filled the parking lot, with an estimated value of nearly 100 million yuan.

5G signal, 5G package, 5G mobile phone, you need to consider carefully when changing your mobile phone.

With the launch of the operator’s 5G package on November 1, it is estimated that many friends have plans to change their 5G mobile phones. After all, the 5G era has indeed arrived. For 5G, I think many friends know that its network speed is 5-10 times that of 4G, online drama is not worrying, and multiplayer competition is smooth, which is probably such a carefree experience. So you will think: instead of changing the new machine next year, it is better to change the 5G mobile phone directly now, and you can experience the 5G high-speed network at once, making your life and work more efficient and more "fragrant".

Having said that, before you formally choose a 5G mobile phone, you need to consider three issues:

The first question: 5G signal coverage in the place.

To be honest, in the field of 5G, China’s 5G technology and 5G mobile phones are dominant in the global market, so we should be proud of this. In this regard, we can first try 5 G. However, in the actual process, you and I have to consider whether our home is covered with 5G signals. Although major cities will basically cover 5G signals next year, if there is a 5G signal in the place where your home is located, it must be superior.

Relatively speaking, in first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen, almost all the central cities in these areas are covered with 5G signals, so "people in the city can really play" still have the first experience advantage. After all, the urban population is large. You can go to the operator official website or the mobile APP to check the 5G signal diagram, which is usually found in the "5G Zone".

The second question: Which 5G package should I choose?

At present, the three major operators have launched 5G packages. Different operators and different 5G packages have different charges and standards. You should look carefully when choosing to upgrade to avoid wasting fees or traffic. China Mobile, the 5G package starts at 128 yuan, and the back cover is 598 yuan; China Telecom and China Unicom started at 129 yuan, and the back cover of 599 yuan … ···5G network speed is between 200 Mbps and 1 Gbps.

By the way, a digression: Do you think 30GB package traffic is enough? As far as I’m concerned, I usually use about 10GB of traffic every month, which is only when I’m crazy about brushing Tik Tok and playing the king’s "eat chicken" mobile game! Therefore, when you choose the 5G package category, don’t be blind, depending on the actual use needs of individuals.

The third question: Which of a bunch of 5G mobile phones do you like best?

As we all know, many places are accelerating the construction of 5G base stations, and the coverage rate of 5G signals around us will be higher and higher. At that time, it is not a problem to seamlessly connect to 5G networks. Therefore, after knowing the 5G signal coverage area and 5G package, you can boldly choose 5G mobile phones. At this stage, high-priced 5G mobile phones can be "suspended". After all, the cost is too high and unnecessary. The most important thing is to try Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G and iQOO Pro 5G versions, with three thousand files, which is a good choice. Which one to choose, and see the comparison results.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

5G network speed reception. At this point, we directly look at the test results of Speedtest software: the download rate of iQOO Pro 5G version reaches 895Mbps;; Although Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G is equipped with the same 5G baseband, the download rate is 757Mbps··· … Obviously, there is a gap in the speed of 5G network.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

The level of game experience. As two Snapdragon 855 Plus models, iQOO Pro 5G and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G have smooth performance, but one thing is the unique product advantage of iQOO Pro 5G, that is, the two pressure-sensitive buttons on the middle frame. This design is comparable to the e-sports mobile phone, which can bring fast operation of four-finger linkage, making the skill control of game characters more comfortable and faster. In other words, the king "eats chicken" with iQOO Pro 5G version, and the king wins the championship in minutes.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

Fast charging performance of mobile phone. IQOO Pro 5G version is equipped with 4500mAh battery +44W ultra-fast charging, Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G is equipped with 4000mAh battery +40W fast charging … The power is from 0% to 100%, iQOO Pro 5G version takes 53 minutes, and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G takes 70 minutes. It seems that iQOO Pro 5G version not only has a larger battery, but also has a faster battery return, which really helps our mobile phone life.

Final decision: try 5G in advance, and be flattered.

The 5G package has been commercialized, and the 5G era has arrived, so a 5G mobile phone naturally comes. I believe that when you look at the comparison between iQOO Pro 5G and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G, you will find that although they are both Snapdragon 855 Plus models and three thousand models with the same price, iQOO Pro 5G is more powerful in 5G network speed, game experience and charging speed, so its cost performance is relatively high. It seems that the complete coverage of subsequent 5G signals and the accelerated popularization of 5G mobile phones are really just around the corner.

Tourists are punished for taking pictures of red-billed gulls. Take stock of how countries protect wild animals.

  Beijing, China, November 19 (Xinhua) According to Voice of China’s Global Chinese Broadcasting Network, on the morning of November 16, a tourist was playing on Caohai levee in Kunming, Yunnan Province. When feeding food to the red-billed gull, he caught a red-billed gull with his hand and took pictures. Subsequently, the tourist’s behavior was stopped by security guards patrolling the levee and called the police. According to the relevant regulations, the Forest Public Security Bureau decided to impose a fine of 625 yuan on this tourist’s behavior.

  Going out to play and enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature is a good way to relax. Animals are a part of nature, and how to live in harmony with them is still a lesson that many people need to learn. However, some netizens questioned why the scenic spot did not set up warning signs or notices to clearly remind tourists not to catch gulls and take pictures. Then, are there any regulations in foreign countries that prohibit animals from grabbing in a certain area or city? What kind of punishment do you face if you break the rules?

  Singapore: Paying attention to the survival of animal populations, residents are strictly forbidden to feed wild animals.

  Singapore has a reputation as a "garden city". Let alone animals, where every flower and grass is extremely protected. Sun Muning, a correspondent of China Radio International in Singapore, said that as early as 1992, Singapore passed and improved the Animal and Bird Law, which made detailed provisions on the protection of animals’ survival rights.

  Singapore emphasizes the construction of a garden city and attaches great importance to environmental protection. Wildlife conservation is an important link in environmental protection. While promoting conservation, relevant departments in Singapore also attach great importance to the survival and stability of animal populations. Wild animals are very common in Singapore, but in order to maintain the stability of the population, residents are strictly forbidden to feed these wild animals. Just last week, the Singapore government just installed more than 100 surveillance cameras to monitor the illegal feeding of pigeons and remind residents not to feed wild pigeons, so as to avoid the population expansion and affect the ecological balance.

  In addition, the animal protection department headed by the Singapore Wildlife Conservation Group is also committed to assisting neighboring countries to protect rare animals and to protect and reproduce species such as Burmese tide turtles in Singapore. There is a sign that animals haunt, which can be said to be a scenic spot in Singapore, that is, otters. There are two wild otter families living in Singapore, which are deeply loved by local people, and even they can often be seen in local news programs. One of the otter families lives in the famous marina bay area of Singapore. Signs of beware of otters escaping can be seen everywhere near the Jinsha Hotel in marina bay and the Marina Bay Garden, which not only reflects the love of Singaporeans for these small animals, but also reflects the achievements of building a garden city in Singapore and realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  Australia: The concept of harmonious coexistence between man and animals is rooted in the hearts of citizens.

  Australia is far from the mainland, alone in the ocean, and with simple natural conditions, many species have no natural enemies there. Australia attaches great importance to the protection of animals. They have not only enacted strict laws, but also rooted the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in the hearts of every citizen.

  Hu Fang, an Australian Chinese, said that wild animals in public places and scenic spots are protected and are not allowed to be captured. For example, on the edge of parks or beaches, tourists will see clear signs stating that it is forbidden to feed birds, but it will not state that it is forbidden to capture animals, because for Australians, it is already a thing that you can never do wrong without any reminder. There are many wild animals in Australian cities, even parrots can be seen everywhere, and there are many birds coming from time to time in our yard. In Australia, people treat the wild animals around them as passers-by A and B and live in peace with them. In Australia, once there is an incident suspected of catching wild animals, it will cause an uproar. For example, there was a sensational Duck Gate incident in Australia recently. Passers-by recorded a video of a father and son putting ducks into plastic bags in a park, which attracted much attention, including investigations by the police and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. However, people familiar with the matter later revealed that the father and son were actually taking sick ducks to the park for air. The previous public condemnation may be due to misunderstanding, and the police also confirmed this matter, so this matter came to an end.

  In addition, in Australia, people should not only pay attention not to catch wild animals in public places, but also pay attention to keeping a distance from wild animals and not being harassed by them.

  Because of the huge number of wild animals in Australia, and many animals don’t even have any natural enemies, they often show a fearless look. If you eat seafood in the fish market and open grass in Sydney, you must take care of your food, because if you are not careful, seagulls staring at your food may fly around and take it away. As for kangaroos, you need to be more careful when you get along. You can look at them from a distance, but it’s best not to be too close to them, because no one can tell the temper of these kangaroos. One is unhappy, and they slap you in the face. Kangaroos are boxing champions in the animal kingdom, so don’t grab wild animals in Australia. Besides protecting animals, there is another meaning, that is, only in this way can you protect yourself. Australian animals are really brave.

  Spain: Wildlife protection measures are gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels.

  Spain has more than half of all known animal species in the European Union due to its rich and diverse geographical conditions. Undoubtedly, it has become the most representative country of biodiversity in Western Europe. This also attracts hunters from all over the world to go to Spain for illegal hunting. In this regard, the wildlife protection measures in various regions of Spain have been gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels. Zhang Shunheng, who has lived in Spain for many years, took the local animal protection law promulgated in Andalusia, Spain in November this year as an example to introduce how Spain severely punished the killing and catching behaviors that threatened the survival of birds.

  Spain’s National Civil Guard has set up a special branch to protect the natural environment in the region and implement all animal protection laws in the region, the country, the European Union and even the world. It is worth noting that Spain announced its agreement to the European Convention on the Protection of Animals as early as 1987, but it was not until 2015 that it officially signed and joined.

  The 30-year period of not formally joining the convention can be seen as people’s re-understanding of animal protection under the traditional thinking, in addition to differences in party views. In 2015, a 41-year-old man in Spain injured his neck because of a horse, and even beat the horse to death, resulting in criminal punishment, becoming the first person in Spain to be sentenced to prison for cruelty to animals. This incident is also the strongest punishment for violating the animal protection law introduced by the Spanish government. At the same time, the man will be banned from all animal-related work and activities within three years, and the biggest controversy among the people is whether to ban traditional bullfighting activities in national culture. Spain kills about 50,000 bulls in the bullring every year. Last year, the Spanish Constitutional Court lifted the ban on bullfighting, but the local government said it would not implement it. This year, Spain’s animal rights protectors marched on the day before the famous Bullfighting Festival, wearing horns and stained with red paint, demanding the abolition of the Bullfighting Festival and the tradition of bullfighting.