The first trailer of "China Star Jump" Tian Liang demonstrates "Champion Jump"


  Zhejiang Satellite TV has created a large-scale public welfare star diving reality show "China Star Jump", and recently officially released its first trailer. As the star coach of star jump, diving prince Tian Liang appeared in the trailer, reappearing the style of "the return of the king", and said that he would take all the players to jump again in April.


  Although the program has not been officially launched, the "devil-like" training led by Tian Liang has started ahead of schedule with the approaching of the competition. Yesterday, Tian Liang met all the contestants for the first time, and trained 10 people in "Point Soldiers on the Battlefield". With such a huge training project, we had to "force" Tian Liang to make a surprise move, "broadcast gymnastics" to warm up, and collectively "play with glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which made the atmosphere at the scene increase sharply. In order to enhance morale, Tian Liang even moved the "champion jump" in the Olympic Games to the training site and demonstrated a difficult 10-meter flip jump for the athletes present, which attracted cheers. All the athletes were excited to say that they "finally saw the champion jump".


  Tian Liang 10-meter demonstration jump kills the audience.


  Chen cursor exclaimed, "I finally saw the champion jump."


  As the first meeting with the students, Tian Liang gave a heavy "meeting ceremony" on the spot-the 10-meter platform flip jump, and the scene switched to the Olympic mode in one second. Although he retired for many years, the chemical reaction between Tian Liang who stood on the 10-meter platform again and the platform was triggered immediately. From jumping to tumbling to entering the water, every movement was flawless and perfect, and immediately the spectators in the audience were killed. The players were stunned and excited. "Finally, I witnessed it with my own eyes." In the trailer of "China Star Jump" released recently, Tian Liang also said that "this is the place where my dream began" and "I will jump again with the contestants". This jump once again proves the strength of the diving prince, and at the same time, it greatly increases the morale of the scene. In the next one-on-one training, Chen cursor can be inspired to volunteer to take the lead in training. Although there are many difficulties in the midway due to physical problems, Biao Ge still encourages himself with his iconic "rustic laughter", and he even turns into a Tian Liang fan and POSE for a photo with the star captain.


  Tian Liang’s own unique training method


  Broadcast Gymnastics Warm-up "Tangyuan" Test Water


  In order to quickly achieve the goal of promoting rookie players to professional players, Tian Liang created a unique training method that day. With a group of players doing "broadcast gymnastics" by the pool to warm up, Tian Liang seems to be a parent. On weekdays, the players with the star aura temporarily crossed into the student days, and in addition to listening carefully, they also tried their best to compete for favor in front of the teachers. Chen cursor’s beer belly made his movements too slow, so he won many personal instructions from Tian Liang, which caused Wen Ya’s dissatisfaction that "the coach is biased". For the 64-year-old cow father, Tian Liang also took good care of him, especially during the exercise, and personally accompanied him in one-on-one practice. Considering that some players are timid and afraid of water, Tian Liang led the players to collectively "dive the glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which set up a psychological guarantee for the timid players. When a group of people shouted for the run-up to the pool, they forgot to be afraid or even forget the pain of being choked and slapped by the water. Although Tian Liang scored one to ten that day, all the trainings were carried out in an orderly way with the original training method and friendly smile, and the results were good. The contestants also said that they had gained a lot and looked forward to the second class in Tian Liang.

EU issued regulations requiring customs to register electric vehicles imported from China, and the Ministry of Commerce responded.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference on March 14th. Some media have asked questions. Recently, the European Commission issued regulations requiring the customs to register the imports of electric vehicles from China. It is believed that the import volume increased significantly after the countervailing investigation against China last year, which will harm the EU market. What is the response of the Ministry of Commerce?

  He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that we have noticed that the EU recently issued regulations requiring the customs to register electric vehicles imported from China. China is highly concerned about this, and the industry is extremely worried about the measures that the EU may take in levied retroactively in the future.

  China’s electric vehicle export enterprises reflect that China’s export volume to the EU is in line with the changes in the consumption of electric vehicles in the EU, and there is no so-called surge in imports and damage to the EU market. The adoption of import registration measures and possible levied retroactively by the EU has increased import links, added burdens to normal trade, and is not conducive to deepening cooperation between the new energy industries of the two sides, and will also affect the interests of EU consumers.

  China has always insisted on resolving mutual concerns through dialogue and consultation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. It is hoped that the European side will prudently use trade remedy measures to create a more stable and healthy environment for the development of China-EU electric vehicle industry. China will pay close attention to the follow-up actions of the European side and firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises.

Folklore experts elaborate on the origin of "Yuanxiao"

  On February 9, the Lantern Festival in Dongguan Street, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province was crowded with tourists. On that day, it was the Lunar Lantern Festival, and thousands of lanterns were hung in the market of Dongguan Street in Yangzhou, allowing citizens and tourists to enjoy the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival. China News Agency issued Zhang Bingtao photo

  "Selling glutinous rice balls, selling glutinous rice balls, second brother’s glutinous rice balls are round and round …" The 9th is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, and it’s time to eat Yuanxiao again. On the fifteenth day of the first month, why do you want to eat Yuanxiao?

  Zhao Zhi Heng, an expert in Tianjin folklore, said that Yuanxiao is a holiday food, just like the rice cakes in the Spring Festival and the zongzi in the Dragon Boat Festival. Eating Yuanxiao symbolizes family reunion like a full moon, and places people’s good wishes for future life. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed.

  Folklore experts said that regardless of the north and the south, the 15th day of the first month is the day for family reunion to eat Yuanxiao. The food name "Yuanxiao" is said to have appeared in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty because people used to eat it on the night of the Lantern Festival. Shangyuan Night is the first full moon night in the New Year. "A full moon begins with a circle", and a full moon shines in the sky. People gather to eat Yuanxiao, which is shaped like a full moon, and has a very subtle correspondence with natural phenomena. "The moon and the stars are burning in the sky, and there are two yuanxiao on earth", which expresses the happy mood of people’s family reunion.

  The moon on the Lantern Festival this year is unpredictable. Wang Sichao, a researcher at Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that while the public is enjoying the full moon, a penumbral eclipse is also happening.

  Wang Sichao introduced that the penumbral eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that the moon enters the penumbra (a relatively bright part of the shadow) of the earth. At this time, the earth blocks part of the light from the sun to the moon, and the moon looks darker than usual. If you use a telescope to observe the moon, the feeling of darkening will be more obvious. Although the penumbral eclipse is not so spectacular and shocking, it is the best time to enjoy the full moon.

  This penumbral eclipse started at 20: 37 Beijing time on the 9th and ended at 0: 40 on the 10th, and the whole process can be enjoyed throughout China. Among them, the eclipse, that is, the maximum penumbra eclipse, is around 22: 38, when it is the most appropriate time to observe the slightly dim moon. (Author: Zhou Runjian, Cai Yugao)

Editor: Liu Li

We can’t have a reunion dinner: we are going home for others on the way.

Network mapping
We can’t have a reunion dinner: we are going home for others on the way. The 41-year-old Yuan Wen took about 5 minutes from getting off the bus to eating a "reunion dinner" with a lunch box and then preparing to leave after eating. He drives a bus on line 618 of Liangjiang Bus No.2 Branch. Bus 618 is a bus of more than 8,600 buses in Chongqing. Two days ago, everyone in the Yuanyang dispatching room where he was located discussed that this year we would have a reunion dinner in the dispatching room, and everyone would provide a dish.
What is this reunion dinner like? Chongqing Times reporter "witnessed" it on January 25th.
Seven dishes include country chicken, fat sausage and sausage.
At 11: 48 noon on January 25th, 41-year-old Yuan Wencai drove the 618 bus back to the Yuanyang dispatching room, and the shift leader in the dispatching room quickly called him to prepare for the "reunion dinner". The reunion dinner has been placed on a simple rectangular dining table in the dispatching room.
The Chongqing Times reporter saw at the scene that there were seven dishes on the table, and several of them had no heat. But this does not affect everyone’s appetite at all. Several drivers have been waiting with plastic lunch boxes. The seven dishes are Maoxuewang, Braised Pork Intestines, Sliced Mushroom Soup, Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, Stir-fried Cauliflower, Sausage and Braised Chicken. These dishes are all brought from home by these drivers.
Braised chicken was brought by Villi, a female driver. She said that the native chicken was brought by her father from the countryside of Wulong’s hometown. On the 24th, she made it specially when she was on leave, packed it in a plastic crisper, and brought it to work on the 25th. The 42-year-old captain Zhu, the captain on duty, personally made Mao Xuewang. "It was also brought in a plastic box, and a large plate was borrowed from the restaurant opposite the dispatching room and then loaded."
Xie Dingrong, 39, also provided several dishes. Xie Dingrong said, "This year, everyone decided to have a group year. In addition to so many dishes, we also hung lanterns in the dispatching room. Although it is a place of work, it also needs a festive atmosphere."
Network mapping
After the rice was heated in the microwave oven, it was placed on the table and everyone began to eat. After we took a few photos, Master Yuan Wen of Line 618 put down the chopsticks.
The reporter looked at the watch time, and it took Yuan Wen only five minutes to eat this "reunion dinner". The reporter asked if he had eaten so soon. Yuan Wen said while washing dishes and chopsticks, "The same time as usual." The Chongqing Times reporter learned that Yuan Wenjia is in Beibei District, and now he rents in Renhe, and only goes back to Beibei once on weekends.
After Yuan Wen’s dishes and chopsticks were washed, the other drivers’ masters basically finished eating. There is a lot of food left on the table. Captain Zhu, the captain on duty, said that the interval between buses usually is about ten minutes. In order to ensure the convenience of citizens, even when it is like the Year of the Communist Youth League, it is necessary to ensure the punctuality of the departure. "The rest of the food, hot for a while, the next wave of drivers to eat. However, the next driver has other dishes that have not yet been taken out. "
Compared with the reunion dinner of citizens and friends, it takes several hours at a time, but the "reunion dinner" of these bus masters is only 5 minutes. Yuan Wen said, "Although it takes five minutes, it is nothing as long as it can ensure the convenience of citizens."
Network mapping
After Yuan Wen left, he came back one after another with several drivers. The reporter noticed that several dishes were added to the table one after another. These new dishes were brought by these drivers’ masters from their own homes and heated in the microwave oven in the dispatching room.
"Why is there no fish in the reunion dinner?" The reporter asked everyone. Captain Zhu, the captain on duty, said: "I have been working here for so many years, and I have never seen anyone eat fish. Even if I usually eat, I have never seen anyone eat fish. Because the time is short, eating fish is easy to get stuck in the throat. “
Besides, there is no wine or drink on this "reunion dinner". Naturally, you can’t drink wine, but neither can you drink. Captain Zhu said, "Bus drivers take a long time to go back and forth on a line, so they can only go back to the dispatching room when they go to the toilet, and few people drink drinks."
This "reunion dinner" is eaten by drivers one after another, and they continue to drive one after another. A bystander, Mr. Chen, heard that it was a bus driver who had a reunion dinner, and said with a smile, "Where are you, the reunion year, the reunion New Year, and the reunion dinner can’t be round?"
However, Mr. Chen’s words were immediately covered up by the laughter of the driver who ate the reunion dinner. Someone said loudly, "so many dishes are richer than those in the family group!" "
Network mapping
The whole "reunion dinner can’t be round" lasted for about an hour and a half. A master said with a smile, "this seems to be a running water mat. If it’s cold, heat it up in the microwave oven. If you come first, eat it and hurry to start." There are always drivers on the road, and a whole table of reunion dinner can’t be made up. However, we bus drivers drive on the road so that other citizens can go home faster. "
The Chongqing Times reporter learned that there are five lines in the Yuanyang dispatching room, namely 607 lines, 620 lines, 618 lines, 644 lines and 635 lines. There are 129 drivers on 5 lines. There are no more than eleven or twelve people who can get together for a reunion dinner at the same time.
Chen Shuping, chairman of the trade union of the Second Branch of Liangjiang Bus Company, said that the purpose of this driver’s "reunion dinner" is to make these bus people who work together more happy to work in the new year. "All the dishes are brought by everyone at home. Let’s get together and taste each other’s skills. It’s festive and happy. Although many people can’t spend the New Year with their families, they are also very happy with their colleagues. "

The current situation of China automobile market: BYD pressed Volkswagen to fall into the altar on the first day.

On January 29th, China Automotive Technology Research Center (CATRC) reported that BYD surpassed Volkswagen and its market share ranked first in China for the first time.

According to the above data, in 2023, BYD registered 2.4 million new car insurance, and its domestic market share reached 11%, up 3.2% year-on-year, surpassing Volkswagen’s 10.1% market share in China, ranking first in China for the first time.

In addition to BYD and Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Changan ranked third to fifth in domestic market share, among which the market share of two Japanese brands continued to decline, and Changan was flat year-on-year.

According to the data released by the company, BYD sold 3,024,417 vehicles in 2023, up 61.9% year-on-year, and exported 242,765 vehicles, up 334.2% year-on-year.

In 2023, Volkswagen delivered a total of 3.236 million new cars in China, up 1.6% year-on-year, of which Volkswagen brand delivered 2.3986 million cars, up 0.1% year-on-year, and Audi brand delivered 728600 cars, up 13.5% year-on-year.

From the perspective of pure electric vehicles, the sales volume of BYD pure electric vehicles was 1,574,800, up 72.84% year-on-year, while that of Volkswagen Group was 191,800, up 23.2% year-on-year.

It is worth noting that the sales growth of Volkswagen Group in China in 2023 was achieved under the circumstances of substantial price reduction and promotion. In 2023, many of its high-end cars were greatly discounted, and some models were reduced by more than 100,000 yuan.


24-hour bookstore enriches wuhan nightlife. You have a good place to stay up late reading.

Citizens read books in a 24-hour bookstore. Intern Peng Hua, reporter Yang Taoshe

  In November 2014, Zall Bookstore launched a 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close", waiting for people to read books every cold or hot night. At that time, Zall was the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan. In recent years, the 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan has added Jiuqiu Library and Boshihui City Study, enriching the cultural nightlife in Wuhan.

  24-hour bookstore is a night reader.

  Provide a quiet place for reading

  "There will be many interesting things happening at night." Luna is the manager of Jiuqiu Library, which is located in Dongsan Road, Fruit Lake, Wuchang District. It opened on January 25, 2016 and has been open since then.

  On the 18th, she told reporters that the biggest feeling of working at night shift is to find that there are really many people who love learning. There used to be an old man who rode an old bicycle every night and went back around 6: 00 in the morning. He studied English here all night. There are often some students from Wu Da University here, and he will ask them for advice. A girl from Wu Da University specially prepares study materials for this grandfather, and she will put them here the next day for the clerk to hand over to him.

  On the 18th, a young girl was watching a video with headphones, and there was a book full of notes in front of her. The post-90s girl who was preparing for the exam as a certified public accountant usually came over after work and talked about her views on this 24-hour bookstore. The girl said, "People who stay up late need this kind of store very much."

  Unattended libraries can "brush their faces" to borrow books

  On July 12th this year, the 24-hour city study room on the first floor of Boshihui International Plaza in Jiang ‘an District opened to welcome guests, which is located near Sanyang Road subway station. There is no librarian in the museum, and citizens can enter the museum at any time, "brush their faces", and apply for certificates and borrow books by themselves. This is the first unattended intelligent library in Wuhan. Since opening up, it has become a popular punching point for citizens.

  On the 18th, the reporter visited this intelligent library. At about 9 pm that day, a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass study room on the left side of the lobby on the first floor of the building was lit with yellowish light. There is a face recognition access control system at the door. When you enter the library for the first time, you need to swipe your ID card. There is a self-service borrowing and returning card machine in the tube, which can handle the reader’s ID card and complete face registration and WeChat binding. Later, you can enter the library without a card, and you can "brush your face" to borrow and return books by yourself.

  Ms. Mei, who passed by here at night, picked out five books, put them in the sensing place, and the machine began to recognize faces. In less than 10 seconds, the screen showed that five books were successfully borrowed at the same time. The mobile phone also received a message from WeChat prompting the successful borrowing. "Very convenient." Ms. Mei said that after the library opened, she would come here every other week or so, and if she had time, she would read here for a while.

  24-hour bookstore enriches the function of city night

  In recent years, wuhan nightlife has become increasingly diversified. In addition to consumption and entertainment at night, the opening of 24-hour bookstores and other cultural places has provided people with new choices and enriched the city’s night functions.

  At about 10 pm on the 17th, Mr. Deng, who lives near Zall Bookstore, wanted to go to the movies, but when he passed by the bookstore, he saw the lights on in the store and chose to go into the bookstore. "Watching movies is more of a social need. It will be better to go with friends, and it will be more enjoyable to read when you are alone." In 2013, Zall Bookstore opened in Wuhan and noticed that many readers had no time during the day and could only come at night. In 2014, Zall Bookstore started the 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close" and became the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan.

  On the 17th, when talking about the original intention of Zall Bookstore’s 24-hour opening, Ms. Gao, the manager, told the reporter that the 24-hour bookstore provided a choice and place for those who only had time to quiet down and study at night. 24-hour bookstore will not bring much benefit, but it is a functional existence, and there will always be people who need it, which is a useful supplement to the cultural construction of the city.

  Feng Guilin, a researcher at Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the more convenient the cultural facilities are for the public, the more diverse the forms and contents, and the more diverse the needs of various groups. This is not only a promotion for a city’s function, but also a guide, which can better improve citizens’ civilization quality.

  Trainee reporter Li Huizi

The Powerful Effect of Platform Integration of Central Radio and Television Station from the Perspective of Data World Cup

  The current World Cup has entered the knockout stage. The wonderful game process and unpredictable results attracted more fans’ attention. On June 30th, Argentina-France match, CCTV’s multi-screen ratings entered the ranks of 4+ for the first time (4.29%), setting a new high for single event ratings since the start of the match.

  The feast of the World Cup coincides with the integration of various platforms of the Central Radio and Television General Station. Taking stock of the communication effect data of this World Cup can reveal the powerful value and brand communication effect of CCTV.

  First, the head platform for efficient aggregation of users

  As of June 30th, the total number of users of the World Cup video broadcast by CCTV and new media content has exceeded.18.14 billion person-times. The World Cup quickly formed a super-large-scale communication effect in a short time, and together with a series of brand contents such as News Network, Spring Festival Evening, Golden Theater, live broadcast of major events, Olympic Games, etc., it formed a head resource platform for users to efficiently aggregate.

  The promotion of media convergence provides an effective meeting point for the content interaction and collaborative operation of the platforms of the main station. By building a new media matrix and forming a one-button trigger mechanism, the efficient collaboration of various platforms on the new media side has played a positive role in the large-scale cross-screen communication of the World Cup. During the World Cup coverage, the users of multi-screen communication (TV screen, IPTV, web page, APP) based on the advantages of video at the main station always touched people for the following times.8.955 billion times; Based on the matrix communication of social media (Weibo, WeChat) on various platforms, users always touch people.9.185 billion times. Multi-screen video communication and social media secondary communication are basically the same in magnitude. Each platform integrates and cooperates to become a multiplier and accelerator for the cross-media communication of superior resources.


  Second, the integration platform with high user stickiness

  As of June 30th, the total time for users to watch the games on CCTV through live broadcast on big screen, playback in CCTV area, live broadcast on new media and on-demand is2.18 billion hours, multi-screen viewing users always reach for4.297 billion person-times, the average viewing time is30.53 minutes. It is equivalent to a 90-minute game, including the intermission. On average, each user only enters and exits less than three times, which shows the super high viewing stickiness.

  The super-high viscosity of the World Cup ratings is closely related to the deepening of resource integration and the insistence on content-oriented after the integration of the main station, which makes the attraction of large and small screen platforms constantly improve. Since the establishment of the main station, major event reports and key innovative content have maintained a long-term user input in large-screen TV viewing and direct demand of new media.


  Third, the fusion platform of large and small screen collaboration

  According to the data, as of June 30th, the total broadcast volume of CCTV World Cup live TV broadcast was2.328 billion person-times, the total broadcast volume of live and on-demand games with new media and multi-terminals is1.969 billion person-times.

  In terms of absolute volume, the broadcast of sports events on TV and new media is "divided into two parts", which are mutually supportive. This fully reflects the implementation effect of the integrated main station in promoting advantage gathering, resource sharing and deep integration.


  Fourth, a balanced service platform for the rapid growth of young audiences

  The data shows that during this World Cup, the proportion of users of young people under 40 years old, such as CCTV Audio & Video, CCTV5, CCTV Microvision and other major broadcast clients under the Central Radio and Television General Station, exceeded 70%, becoming the absolute main force for watching the event. On the TV side, since the start of the World Cup, the number of young viewers under the age of 40 in the live broadcast period of CCTV-5 evening matches (20: 00-26: 00) has increased by 83 million compared with the same period before the game.


  In the coverage of the World Cup, CCTV has expanded the all-media channels for content dissemination, met the diverse needs of users and achieved all-round service for users. The younger cross-media users of the World Cup and CCTV’s innovative programs show that the content advantages and platform advantages of CCTV, as a national media, are being reflected in more extensive and balanced communication advantages and user advantages through deep integration. (CCTV Editor-in-Chief of Central Radio and Television Station)