Hu Ge was questioned in "County Party Committee Courtyard" for not having acting skills? Although the talent is average, it has always been improving

Written by Wang Xiaogun, directed by Kong Sheng, and produced by Hou Hongliang, starring Hu Ge, Wu Yue, and Zhang Xincheng, "County Party Committee Courtyard" is being broadcast in full swing on CCTV.

With such a luxurious and amazing lineup, the audience rating of the drama went LIVE broke through two on the first day, breaking the record of the annual champion "Human World" and winning the best result of the first day broadcast of this year’s CCTV set. The dazzling results have also caused various controversies on the Internet, such as whether the life of grassroots cadres shown in the drama is real or not, whether the working environment within the system suffocates everyone, and whether the work of ordinary people is so difficult to do. A series of related discussions around the plot have been hanging on the hot search for several days.

In addition to everyone’s attention to the plot, the actors’ performances were also important. Especially the male protagonist Hu Ge, after all, this was his work that had not been in the TV series for five years. Before leaving, the "Langya Ranking" left to the audience was his transformation and the work of apotheosis.

In the new drama, he challenges himself to play a cadre and serve as the head of a county. The drama sets him up as a young cadre with a great future. In the face of the old fritters who have been in the officialdom for many years in the county party committee courtyard, this forces Hu Ge to mediate in front of a group of old actors and actors, and he is always tense. Where he can’t catch the play, he can’t hang up.

Of course, fans who had seen the drama said that Hu Ge’s acting skills were delicate and true. However, there were also discordant voices. Some netizens posted on Douban that Hu Ge had no acting skills at all. And this post actually received more than 5,000 likes on an unpopular website that basically didn’t have many people working. People couldn’t help but feel surprised. Could it be that Hu Ge’s acting skills have been blown out for so many years?

Let’s talk about the conclusion first, and give Hu Ge a pertinent evaluation of his acting skills, that is: more than enough.

This evaluation, as long as you look at his acting career, you can see it. The first stage is that Hu Ge plays freely and is invincible by his appearance.

Hu Ge, who was in his early 20s, met "Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero 1" and played the male lead Li Xiaoyao. The remake of "Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero 1" will soon meet with everyone, but everyone agrees that no one is Li Xiaoyao except Hu Ge. Li Xiaoyao became Hu Ge, and Hu Ge also became Li Xiaoyao. At that time, Hu Ge was young and high-spirited, and even without acting skills, he could easily interpret Li Xiaoyao’s chivalrous and youthful spirit.

At the same time, most of the TV dramas filmed by Hu Ge were mainly costume idol dramas. Because of this face, he can play all the roles completely without thinking and without any skills. There is nothing wrong with generosity, but it will always make everyone feel a little embarrassed if they need delicate feelings. For example, "Flying Immortals", "Liaozhai" and so on are all from this time period.

Maybe God saw that this handsome guy’s career was going too well, so he deliberately arranged some hardships for him, so that he got into a car accident, and the injured part of the car accident was the face he depended on for a living. Li Xiaoyao once had more than 100 stitches in her big clear and transparent eyes, and now he came to the second stage of Hu Ge.

At this time, he knew that he could no longer rely on his face to eat, and he wanted to transform. Even though he was still attached to the Tang Dynasty at that time, and he was still filming ancient costume idol dramas, he learned to bravely lift his bangs. Therefore, the audience saw Hu Ge deliberately pretending to be ugly and playing the villain in "The Scar of the Sky in Xuanyuan". I can understand that Hu Ge wanted the audience to stop looking at his appearance and see his acting skills. However, in an ancient costume idol drama, there is nothing for the actor to exert depth. The two roles played by Hu Ge made people complain that they were pretending to be crazy and acting stupid.

Indeed, acting ugly did not mean improving his acting skills. Then, Hu Ge came to the third stage. He stopped filming ancient costume idol dramas, went to acting in plays, polished his acting skills, and got to know the team of Shan Ying, which was the predecessor of Noon Sunshine. In this way, "Langya Bang" was born.

Hu Ge made up with himself in this drama. He didn’t pretend to be ugly on purpose, but was instead personable, but he was no longer a young man who used to be high-spirited and save the common people, but a weak and scheming strategist. When the drama needed to really take care of it and use the scenes of deep performance, he did it, which won him a good reputation over the years.

Therefore, based on Hu Ge’s acting experience, he was indeed not a gifted actor who could be enjoyed by God. As soon as he debuted, he was able to perform accurately. At first, he did not plan to take the route of the powerful faction, but he was willing to take one step at a time, constantly changing himself and breaking through himself. Taking a step back, Hu Ge’s acting level may not be comparable to many old actors for the time being, but with time, no one knows if he will change again.

Driving brother: Run up to 1200 kilometers, and frankly say that "Driving is a job that truly reflects more work and more reward"

Flexible employment is one of the hot topics recently. According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2021, there will be 200 million flexible employment workers in China. Driven by information technology, a large number of new flexible employment needs and opportunities have arisen. Different from the characteristics of traditional employment relationships, all workers who belong to flexible employment relationships are classified as flexible employment workers. In addition to traditional flexible employment forms, with the development of new business formats, they also include a large number of takeaway riders, online car-hailing drivers, e-commerce live streaming hosts, online class teachers and other groups. Due to the flexibility of time, space and salary, these occupations are also increasingly favored by young people. Many college students choose to enter flexible employment platforms after graduation. In response to this group, the national level and the provinces have introduced corresponding support, encouragement and safeguard measures.

Liu Pengfei has been driving for almost 7 years. He goes online at 19 o’clock every day and goes offline at 4 o’clock in the morning. The longest online time is 14 hours. He can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month by working hard. During the Chinese New Year this year, his daily income is more than 1,000 yuan, which is the busiest time of the year.

Liu Pengfei, who had a job in a hospital before, talked about choosing to drive and why he could stick to it for so long. He said he liked this loose freedom, being able to get in touch with all kinds of people, and being able to drive all kinds of cars. "I have also met customers who offered me 30,000 monthly salary and asked me to be a full-time driver, but I refused. I like freedom and freshness."

entry experience

Resign from the hospital to be a substitute driver, the first step to joining the job is to take a road test

Liu Pengfei was born into a military family and was influenced by his father to choose to join the army after graduation. After the army changed his career, he was placed in a hospital in Beijing as an internal service, responsible for security work, and earned a good income. This job, which was considered stable by outsiders and a good unit, was "too comfortable" for Liu Pengfei. He felt that the day-to-day work with no upward path would make him "******". In his 20s, he began to do some side jobs after *** off work.

On the one hand, he chose to work as a substitute driver because he could earn more money, and on the other hand, he did it out of hobby. "Boys like cars. They can drive all kinds of cars and experience different driving feelings, which is very interesting to me."

Liu Pengfei introduced that when he first started working as a chauffeur, the chauffeur was a major offline company, and he needed to call a long time in advance. The master was relatively small, the cost was very high, and he could not receive a few orders a day, which was very expensive for the guests. In 2015, Didi started the chauffeur business and was attracted by the advertising. In August, Liu Pengfei registered for Didi chauffeur. He was the second batch of chauffeur masters on the platform.

If you want to be a chauffeur, the threshold is still relatively high. According to Liu Pengfei, the current entry process is that after the individual registers, the platform has advanced administrative review, confirms that there is no criminal record, no dangerous driving records such as drunk driving and speeding, and then conducts an interview. If you have a large area of tattoos, you will not be able to pass the interview. After passing the interview, you will also have to take the unified driving school road test, similar to the "Subject 2" test, which tests the driver’s proficiency in driving a manual car; after passing the test, you will go to the training service process. "We have regulations on each link from the first sentence we say when receiving the order, to the customer meeting to the boarding service, the start of the journey, and to the end of the order." After all the training, it will take about a week

Liu Pengfei found that with the deepening of people’s awareness of the rule of law, more and more people are called on behalf of the driver, and his income has also increased significantly. Moreover, by taking orders through the Internet, he does not have to worry about not having orders, and because of his good performance and service, he can receive more high-quality orders. In 2017, he quit his job as a hospital editor and dedicated himself to being a driver.

income level

Normally, it is more than 10,000 a month, and the farthest distance is 1200 kilometers.

The family did not know about Liu Pengfei’s resignation until two years later, when his father went directly to the hospital to find him without saying hello, his colleagues leaked the truth. Liu Pengfei said that until now, the family only knew that he was "running Didi" and did not say that he was a driver, because the old man did not understand and always felt that he would come out at night and come into contact with some drunk people, so he did not want them to worry.

"I didn’t think I would do it for so long, but I’m still very willing to continue doing it." Liu Pengfei said that the working hours are free, and he "comes out when he wants to, takes a day off when he wants to, and doesn’t have to clock in to work." And the more work, the better the income.

Liu Pengfei lives in Tongzhou District, Beijing, and every night around 7 o’clock, he will go online in places where orders are concentrated, such as Moon River and 1988 Town in Tongzhou, "because there are many good restaurants in these places, and business banquets are here. This is also our main customer group, because if it is a family dinner, many of them are driven back by the daughter-in-law." Then as the system assigns, he will go to Tongzhou, Beijing City, and even other places in the suburbs of Beijing.

"After working for so many years, I have never cancelled an order for personal reasons. For example, if it is too far away, I will go anywhere. Fangshan, Pinggu, etc., in my eyes, there is no place too far." At around 4 am, with the decrease in orders, Liu Pengfei went offline and rode his electric car back to his home in Tongzhou.

Once, a guest placed a driving order in Harbin, which was the farthest he had ever received, more than 1,200 kilometers. The guest needed to drive two cars back to Harbin as a wedding car, but only one person knew how to drive. The next morning at 7 am, Liu Pengfei drove off and drove to the destination at 10 pm. The whole journey took 13 hours. The guest insisted on buying a plane ticket for him to send him back to Beijing the next morning. Liu Pengfei earned 2,900 yuan for this order.

For drivers, there are obvious seasonal orders in a year, and more orders in winter. The busiest months of the year are the twelfth and first months. "From the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the daily income is more than 1,000 yuan; from the fourth to the sixth day of the first lunar month this year, I earned 3,500 yuan after running for three days." Liu Pengfei said that the income of driving is relatively good. Normally, it is no problem to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. If it is a little harder, you can get more than 20,000 yuan. "The possibility of more than 30,000 yuan is a little higher on the Internet," Liu Pengfei said with a smile.

Work Story

Be invited to work full-time 30,000 monthly salary

Once bravely helped catch a car thief

As a substitute driver for many years, Liu Pengfei has not only met all kinds of people and driven all kinds of cars, but also encountered all kinds of things, including nobles and madmen.

One night in 2019, Liu Pengfei received a drunken driving order from Tongzhou to Tiantongyuan. He drove normally in the inner lane of the Fifth Ring Road according to the maximum speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour. There was a dispute between two passengers in the back row of the road. One of them was drunk and suddenly opened the door. At that time, there were two large trucks parallel to each other. The large truck in the middle lane almost collided with the large truck in the outer lane in order to avoid their vehicles. Liu Pengfei quickly stopped. "Who knew that after getting out of the car, the male guest who opened the door gave me two hits directly. He also said, ‘Why didn’t you stop if you asked you to stop?’ In fact, he didn’t say to stop me at all." Liu Pengfei said that another guest quickly apologized to him, saying that his friend had drunk too much to make such rude behavior. Liu Pengfei, who is more than 1.8 meters tall and has been a soldier, did not fight back, but just reported to the platform according to the process, called the police, and swallowed the grievance in his stomach. The next day, he accepted the mediation of the police station and refused the compensation of the other party. "He has a good attitude. There were two people the night before. I know he drank too much, forget it."

Another time, Liu Pengfei took an order to Tianjin at 1am. When he arrived in Tianjin, he found that it was raining very heavily there. After parking the car, the guest gave him an umbrella and asked him how to get back. He said he planned to take the first high-speed train back at 5am. After a while, the guest came back and said: "I went back to check, my daughter-in-law is not at home, you can come to my house to make do with the night." Eventually, the guest dragged Liu Pengfei home and cooked two packs of instant noodles. The rainy night was unforgettable to him.

On several occasions, because of Liu Pengfei’s good skills, good service, and discernment, guests asked about his background. When they learned that he had been a soldier and worked as a security guard in a hospital, they directly offered to "come to my company to work as my full-time driver," with the highest monthly salary of 30,000. But Liu Pengfei refused, "It is indeed more stable and high-paying, but I know what the purpose of my work is. I still like this sense of freedom. I can contact different people and take care of my family and children, so I refused."

Once, Liu Pengfei accompanied a fellow team member to the traffic team to deal with violations. With years of professional sensitivity, he saw two sneaky people on the side of the road circling a motorcycle, "I said these two must be thieves, so I parked the car in front of them, and when I saw them turn around and come back, I was basically sure. I dialed 110 directly, and the other party asked me for the specific location and how many thieves there were. During my call, they succeeded. One of them went back to ride their own car, and the other was about to get on the bus and leave. I told the 110 operator directly, I’ll catch it for you! 110 reminded me to do what I can, and if not, just wait for our police to arrive. I was afraid that if they ran away, I would go up with another master and press the thief there. We also checked his pockets to make sure there was no sharp knife or something like that, and then controlled and waited for the police. His accomplices later met and wanted to run, so I went up and dragged him down directly. He may have been scared silly at the time. "Later, they handed the person over to the police who rushed over, and also cooperated with the police station to make a confession. The police station said that he applied to the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau for a brave and advanced individual. Although he was not elected in the end, Liu Pengfei felt very proud.

Industry transformation

There is a new trend in driving, and the valet goes to the 4S store for maintenance.

Today, Liu Pengfei has become the captain of the driving team. He manages 60 or 70 masters, and the team has 200 people at most. New drivers will ask him if they don’t understand anything, and he will remind everyone to make more money online during peak periods. He also opened the account at Douyin and posted some interesting things he encountered in work and life.

After seven years of driving, Liu Pengfei found that his job had changed. For example, more and more people were doing driving, and the range of orders received was shortened from the previous 3 kilometers to about 1 kilometer now, but there were also many more customers. The people who called the driver were not only drunk, but also had services similar to "errands". For example, if they didn’t have time to go to the 4S store for maintenance, they called the driver to help. They also cooperated with Audi, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota stores, and the 4S store would pay to help customers call the driver for maintenance. Some second-hand car dealers would also use the driver to collect the car without delaying other trips.

When it comes to work testimonials, Liu Pengfei said that chauffeur is a real job that can get more work and more money, and as long as you pay, you will get a good return. Of course, pure physical effort cannot completely do the chauffeur work well, but also have a good sense of service and experience accumulation. Of course, there are not easy things in the work. You must be able to withstand waiting, accept bad weather and all kinds of customers. At this time, you must control your emotions and understand them as much as possible from the perspective of customers. You will accumulate regular customers for yourself, and ultimately benefit yourself.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily

Wang Sicong joked that Huang Zitao’s singing skills were poor, and the program team choked: You can do it, you go

??1905 movie network news On the evening of the 25th, the entertainment large "Star Wanted" bombarded Huang Zitao, commenting that Huang Zitao’s RAP performance in the variety show "Who is the Singer" was "The rhythm can’t keep up with the rap, and the subtitles can’t keep up with the rhythm."

??That night, "National Husband" Wang Sicong immediately forwarded the Weibo and commented: "Is this… the’misplaced RAP ‘that has been lost in the music industry for a long time?" This is not the first time Wang Sicong has choked Huang Zitao. Before, he broke the news in the "H surname Xiaoxianrou playing a big name" incident: "I will not break the news of all kinds of dating in the name of dating, a brainless one." Now "National Husband" once again fired at H surname Xiaoxianrou, making the majority of netizens guess: "What exactly did Huang Zitao offend my husband!"

??In addition to attracting tens of thousands of netizens to watch, the official Weibo of "Who is the Singer" also stood up at the first time, forwarding Wang Sicong’s Weibo and commenting: "You can do it, you can do it." Some netizens expressed support for this domineering side leakage, "The official blog is domineering", "The official blog is too cute", "Whether it is hyping the official blog or not, I respect you as a man! What! Da!".

??There are also netizens who, as always, support the entertainment industry Discipline Inspection Commission: "Don’t let people say that you sing badly, he doesn’t know what you sing", "You have finally restored the messenger of justice in the entertainment industry, and finally started to complain about this male **", "Husband, why don’t you go to" Who is the Singer "to have a shot?".

It is said that Xiaomi will have a press conference this month, and the "heavy new product" is suspected of Xiaomi Automobile.

On December 5th, according to the blogger "@ Li Ang Ang Ang Ah", it was reported that Xiaomi had a press conference this month, which was related to Xiaomi’s surging system and "really heavy" new products.

Some netizens asked if they could talk about it, and the blogger replied that "the news is not a mobile phone anyway". In addition, some netizens asked if it was a "car", and the blogger replied to the dog head expression pack.

Picture 3

According to the IT House, in the past two months, Xiaomi has continuously released heavy new products such as Xiaomi 14/14 Pro, Redmi K70 series, and 澎湃 OS, including accessories such as Xiaomi Watch S3 and Redmi Buds 5 Pro. However, Xiaomi Automobile remains mysterious. In addition to the ID photo published in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the configuration information of Xiaomi Automobile is unknown. Therefore, netizens’ guesses about "heavy new products" are mostly Xiaomi cars.

After completing the training of store managers in some cities, Xiaomi Automobile has a new trend in sales. According to the new interface, some Xiaomi homes in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have started to confirm the display of cars. A Xiaomi Home store in Xujiahui, Shanghai, the first floor of which is currently under renovation (two floors in total).

According to the staff, in the future, the first floor of the store will all be used to place the exhibition car, and the exhibition car will arrive at the store in the first quarter of next year. In addition, the IT House has also reported a similar statement, saying that "it is tentatively scheduled to start arriving at the store in March next year".

Also today, Xiaomi was exploded in Zhejiang International Stadium. Many bloggers exposed the pictures and videos of the special internal test of Xiaomi Automobile today. It can be seen that Xiaomi Automobile went to the track and adopted a unique painting style.

Picture 4

At the same time, Hu Zhengnan, a partner of Shunwei Capital Investment, took a photo, saying that "it’s another day’s Battle. Some people claim to set up our circle, while others claim to overtake me through the straight road", and Weibo’s positioning is displayed as "Zhejiang International Circuit".

Picture 5

As early as November 15th, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

Public information shows that the car is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1440mm; high; The maximum speed is 265km/h, and the fuel is pure electric; The total mass is 2655kg and the kerb mass is 1980kg;; The front tread is 1693mm and the rear tread is 1699mm;; The front suspension is 975mm and the rear suspension is 1022m, and several photos of Xiaomi car body are displayed.

Picture 6

At present, there are many speculations about the pricing and official listing time of Xiaomi Automobile in the industry. As of press time, Xiaomi has not made an official announcement yet.

Integrated from IT house, interface news

Is it a strong car company or an industry trend to pay for unlocking new functions?

  Want the wheel steering angle to be larger, the seat to be heated automatically and the vehicle to be started remotely … … The functions that come with these cars don’t cost extra but can’t be used. Recently, the paid subscription function launched by several car companies has sparked heated discussions. Netizens spit out: Will the accelerator pedal and steering wheel also be paid for subscription in the future? I even questioned that this was arbitrary charges. What do car companies, industries and lawyers think about this?


  Mercedes-Benz remote start-up renewal fee is 898 yuan.

  "The validity period of your remote interconnection service is coming to an end. From now on, the highest discount for remote products is 400 yuan, and you can enjoy the three-year remote engine start with the original price of 1,298 yuan for only 898 yuan … …” Recently, some netizens broke the news that when his vehicle remote start function was about to expire, he received such a "preferential" message from Mercedes-Benz.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that this is not the first time that Mercedes-Benz has been exposed to the function of using vehicle configuration and needs to pay extra. Earlier, a Mercedes-Benz owner also received a short message reminding him that Mercedes-Benz’s brand-new high-tech customized navigation has been launched, and it can be upgraded in a 4S shop. It only takes "1998 yuan" in three years.

  In July, Mercedes-Benz launched the rear-wheel steering payment, and it is understood that the EQS 450++Pioneer version of Mercedes-Benz launched a "paid subscription" project. After paying 4,998 yuan, the owner can enjoy the rear-wheel steering function for one year. The active steering angle of the rear wheel of the vehicle will increase from 4.5 degrees to 10 degrees, and the turning radius will be reduced to 10.9 meters. For eligible models, a three-month free experience will be provided, and the functions that come with the vehicle will cost extra money to use. These operations have to make consumers suspect that they have been "cut with leeks".


  I will remind you before the three-year free period expires.

  Mercedes-Benz customer service said that the basic service will be free for three years after the remote interconnection service function is activated from the date of car purchase and invoice issuance, otherwise it will not be used, so the owner will receive the corresponding text message. The remote interconnection service has the functions of checking the vehicle status and remotely unlocking. This service is related to the model and configuration of the vehicle, some can be purchased separately, and some can’t.

  As for how to know in advance that you need to pay in order to use this function, the customer service said that in general, the owner is notified by SMS. "The Internet store will send a text message to remind that the service is about to expire. If this function is enabled, there will be a text message reminder when it is about to expire."

  The customer service also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not clear whether the subsequent charges for this service were stated in the car purchase contract. "This belongs to the sales process." Because you need real-name authentication to activate when you buy a car, it is through the system operation in the dealership, so there will be a reminder of payment when you activate it, which is usually informed by sales.

  She also suggested that car owners go to the store of Mercedes ME APP bound by real-name authentication to check the function and use of the corresponding paid products. In "My Garage", you can see the basic services that the vehicle has been activated, such as the remote start that can be used for three years for free, and you will receive SMS reminders when it is about to expire.


  A number of car companies test water and pay subscriptions.

  According to public reports, as early as 2016, Tesla proposed software subscription services such as fully automatic driving and seat heating. All ex-factory models have embedded automatic driving hardware, and users can choose whether to turn on this function according to their needs. In 2021, autonomous driving was officially launched with a monthly fee of $199 per month. By the end of the second quarter of 2022, more than 100,000 Tesla owners had used the fully automatic driving test version function in North America. It can be said that Tesla pioneered the mode of hardware embedded+paid activation software.

  According to its financial report, in 2021, Tesla’s services and other businesses, including autonomous driving software, achieved revenue of 3.802 billion US dollars, up 65% year-on-year, accounting for 7.06% of the total revenue. Software payment has gradually become an important part of Tesla’s revenue.

  Many car companies began to reproduce the business model of paid subscription system, and rose from software to hardware.

  BMW has pre-installed hardware in some vehicles when they leave the factory. Recently, it announced the launch of paid subscription services such as seat heating, steering wheel heating, CarPlay and safe assisted driving in countries such as South Korea, which also caused heated discussion. However, BMW’s paid projects currently only exist in overseas markets. It is understood that BMW once launched a project in China that cost money to choose CarPlay and had to subscribe again when it expired, but it ended up being cracked.

  In addition, domestic new car manufacturers Weilai and Tucki have also joined the ranks of offering paid subscriptions. However, at present, consumers generally hold a wait-and-see and even skeptical attitude towards the paid subscription services launched by car companies.


  Which is more cost-effective, paid subscription or single purchase?

  Regarding the problems behind car subscription payment, Chang Yan, who is certified as a well-known car blogger, said in a live broadcast entitled "Peeking into" Car Payment Subscription "that on the one hand, consumers are more accepting of software payment than hardware. For example, the rear wheel steering belongs to the hardware of the car, which is already in the car. If you have to spend money to use it, you will feel unreasonable. On the other hand, the services provided by paid subscriptions are relatively rudimentary and basic, and cannot be differentiated, and consumers will think that car companies are "cutting leeks".

  "In fact, consumers are willing to pay for autonomous driving, and they also bought hardware first. Then pay for the software. For example, Tesla, the self-driving chip actually paid the fee when buying a car. " He suggested that you can calculate an account for the paid function, and whether it is more economical to use it according to the subscription system than to buy it alone. For example, BMW recently launched a paid subscription package for seat heating, and the price is several hundred yuan per month. The buyout function needs 20 thousand yuan and can be used for about 100 months. In most parts of China, the use of the heated seat function means two or three months in winter, and even some areas are hot all the year round and do not need the heating function. If this is calculated, the subscription function may be more cost-effective.

  Chang Yan said that he personally prefers to pay for subscriptions, which can be stopped at any time. Try some functions before you decide whether you need to spend money to subscribe. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can turn it off.


  Crack hidden dangers of software for free.

  For paid subscriptions, many netizens are worried about whether the price will increase or whether members will have to spend money to become super VIP. Some people even said that in order to get free use, it is completely possible to crack the software.

  Cracking the car has long appeared, including Tesla. Chang Yan introduced that some were hacked and some were broken by some hardware. Although this may bring more playability and performance improvement, it will make the car worthless. Tesla officials will lock these up and no longer provide services and related warranties. Moreover, some cracks are irreversible, which may damage the battery and other hardware of the car, thus affecting the value of the car.

  Chang Yan also said that cars are related to our life safety. If they are cracked by unofficial institutions or third parties, there will be some security risks. If there is a problem and then go to the official repair, it will bring a lot of trouble, not worth the loss. For pricing, I believe the market will have a fair judgment, and with the development of the industry, it will gradually standardize.


  If clearly informed or agreed, it is difficult to identify infringement.

  Liu Bin, a lawyer of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that from the current industry situation, there are two main ways to consume vehicle hardware: one is optional configuration, and the hardware configuration that consumers want is selected through prior agreement between consumers and manufacturers, and consumers make a one-time payment; The other is to subscribe to services in the form of subscription packages. With the further development of vehicle electronic functions, many car companies have launched such subscription services, such as active rear wheel steering, car entertainment, acceleration package and remote temperature control. Because there are a large number of electronic auxiliary functions in vehicles now, some car owners will not even use these functions after purchasing the vehicles, which can effectively reduce the cost of car purchase for car owners who do not use these functions frequently; For car owners who pay attention to these functions, they can purchase them selectively according to their needs. This subscription method increases consumers’ choice space, but this choice should be based on consumers’ right to know.

  Liu Bin believes that the subscription payment method is an option for the payment method of vehicle hardware. It is difficult to identify the damage to consumers’ right to know on the premise that the dealer clearly informs consumers of this payment method and content or there is a clear agreement in the contract signed by both parties. If we only charge consumers by subscribing to the service, it just changes the way of charging. If there are no unfair price behaviors such as manipulating market prices and raising prices in disguise, it is hard to say that this kind of charging method is arbitrary.

  If the services provided by car companies obviously violate the principle of fairness, it may infringe on consumers’ right to choose independently and fair trade. For example, a car company’s car entertainment service package subscription agreement stipulates: "We can change these terms at any time, change, add or delete the service or the functions contained therein, and also change the charging price of the service." This agreement expands the rights of car companies, exempts major obligations, and is suspected of infringing consumers’ right to fair trade and independent choice. This group/reporter Song Xia

The recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products is released to see what spring delicacies are available.

  "The light rain brings new flowers, and the thunder starts." Starting today, China has entered the solar term of fright. "Sting" means "hiding", and insects hide in the soil in winter; "Surprise" means "wake up", and the spring thunder in the sky wakes up the insect. "Spring thunder scares all insects", which means that the spring thunder begins to sound at the time of the sting, awakening the stinging insects that are dormant in the ground for the winter.

  In this solar term, when spring thunder suddenly rings and everything grows, what are the delicious tips of spring? Let’s take a look at the "Rural Revitalization and Good Solar Term" recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products jointly launched by China Weather Network and China Social Assistance Network.


  When Cherry, the fruit assassin, slowly disappeared in the market, China native cherry began to appear on the market. Cherry is called "the first fruit in early spring" in the north. As the saying goes, "cherries are delicious but difficult to plant", especially the high-quality varieties in big cherries, which are very demanding on many conditions such as climate, soil and water, temperature and humidity. Thanks to the suitable geographical and climatic conditions, sweet cherry has formed two concentrated world-class advantageous producing areas in China: Liaoning, which is dominated by Dalian, and Shandong, which is dominated by Yantai.


  Golden skin, tender flesh and sweet juice make mangoes popular with people. Mango is native to India and Malaysia. According to research, mango was brought back to China by Master Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty. It is recorded in the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty that "An Boluo Fruit is rare in the world". Nowadays, mangoes are planted in Taiwan Province, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and Yunnan.

  Shepherd’s purse

  "The peaches and plums in the city are worried about the wind and rain, and the shepherd’s purse flowers in the stream head in spring". Entering the solar term of fright, willows spit out new things, flowers are waiting to be released, and green shepherd’s purse begins to grow out of the ridge. Shepherd’s purse has been eaten since ancient times. Its history can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period in the 6th century BC, and "Who says tea is bitter, it is as sweet as water" in The Book of Songs is the initial understanding of shepherd’s purse. For thousands of years, shepherd’s purse has been interpreted in a variety of ways, such as raw food, frying, simmering soup and stuffing, which can be described as one dish and a hundred flavors.

  Bamboo shoots

  "Bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts, can be dishes." The definition of Erya, the earliest ancient Chinese dictionary, tells the historical origin of bamboo shoots and China cuisine. Throughout the dynasties, many literati had a soft spot for bamboo shoots, leaving many poems of praise. Huang Tingjian said that it "leaves bamboos and shoots, and when it blooms, it overwhelms salmon dishes", and Li Yu praised it as "the freshest and most beautiful thing, the first among vegetables". In modern times, the practice of bamboo shoots is varied, such as braised in oil, stir-fried, cold salad and simmered soup, all of which are delicious.

  Toona sinensis

  Speaking of the smell of spring, there is another thing that has to be mentioned, and that is Toona sinensis. Although the Toona sinensis on trees in most parts of the north has not germinated during the period of fright, thanks to the developed logistics and greenhouse technology, we can taste this spring flavor in advance during the period of fright. For Toona sinensis, it can be said that those who like to eat are eager to eat, and those who don’t like to eat are shunned. The rich and unique fragrance is used to cold tofu or stir-fry eggs, which are all delicious dishes for people to eat.

Tourists are punished for taking pictures of red-billed gulls. Take stock of how countries protect wild animals.

  Beijing, China, November 19 (Xinhua) According to Voice of China’s Global Chinese Broadcasting Network, on the morning of November 16, a tourist was playing on Caohai levee in Kunming, Yunnan Province. When feeding food to the red-billed gull, he caught a red-billed gull with his hand and took pictures. Subsequently, the tourist’s behavior was stopped by security guards patrolling the levee and called the police. According to the relevant regulations, the Forest Public Security Bureau decided to impose a fine of 625 yuan on this tourist’s behavior.

  Going out to play and enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature is a good way to relax. Animals are a part of nature, and how to live in harmony with them is still a lesson that many people need to learn. However, some netizens questioned why the scenic spot did not set up warning signs or notices to clearly remind tourists not to catch gulls and take pictures. Then, are there any regulations in foreign countries that prohibit animals from grabbing in a certain area or city? What kind of punishment do you face if you break the rules?

  Singapore: Paying attention to the survival of animal populations, residents are strictly forbidden to feed wild animals.

  Singapore has a reputation as a "garden city". Let alone animals, where every flower and grass is extremely protected. Sun Muning, a correspondent of China Radio International in Singapore, said that as early as 1992, Singapore passed and improved the Animal and Bird Law, which made detailed provisions on the protection of animals’ survival rights.

  Singapore emphasizes the construction of a garden city and attaches great importance to environmental protection. Wildlife conservation is an important link in environmental protection. While promoting conservation, relevant departments in Singapore also attach great importance to the survival and stability of animal populations. Wild animals are very common in Singapore, but in order to maintain the stability of the population, residents are strictly forbidden to feed these wild animals. Just last week, the Singapore government just installed more than 100 surveillance cameras to monitor the illegal feeding of pigeons and remind residents not to feed wild pigeons, so as to avoid the population expansion and affect the ecological balance.

  In addition, the animal protection department headed by the Singapore Wildlife Conservation Group is also committed to assisting neighboring countries to protect rare animals and to protect and reproduce species such as Burmese tide turtles in Singapore. There is a sign that animals haunt, which can be said to be a scenic spot in Singapore, that is, otters. There are two wild otter families living in Singapore, which are deeply loved by local people, and even they can often be seen in local news programs. One of the otter families lives in the famous marina bay area of Singapore. Signs of beware of otters escaping can be seen everywhere near the Jinsha Hotel in marina bay and the Marina Bay Garden, which not only reflects the love of Singaporeans for these small animals, but also reflects the achievements of building a garden city in Singapore and realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  Australia: The concept of harmonious coexistence between man and animals is rooted in the hearts of citizens.

  Australia is far from the mainland, alone in the ocean, and with simple natural conditions, many species have no natural enemies there. Australia attaches great importance to the protection of animals. They have not only enacted strict laws, but also rooted the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in the hearts of every citizen.

  Hu Fang, an Australian Chinese, said that wild animals in public places and scenic spots are protected and are not allowed to be captured. For example, on the edge of parks or beaches, tourists will see clear signs stating that it is forbidden to feed birds, but it will not state that it is forbidden to capture animals, because for Australians, it is already a thing that you can never do wrong without any reminder. There are many wild animals in Australian cities, even parrots can be seen everywhere, and there are many birds coming from time to time in our yard. In Australia, people treat the wild animals around them as passers-by A and B and live in peace with them. In Australia, once there is an incident suspected of catching wild animals, it will cause an uproar. For example, there was a sensational Duck Gate incident in Australia recently. Passers-by recorded a video of a father and son putting ducks into plastic bags in a park, which attracted much attention, including investigations by the police and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. However, people familiar with the matter later revealed that the father and son were actually taking sick ducks to the park for air. The previous public condemnation may be due to misunderstanding, and the police also confirmed this matter, so this matter came to an end.

  In addition, in Australia, people should not only pay attention not to catch wild animals in public places, but also pay attention to keeping a distance from wild animals and not being harassed by them.

  Because of the huge number of wild animals in Australia, and many animals don’t even have any natural enemies, they often show a fearless look. If you eat seafood in the fish market and open grass in Sydney, you must take care of your food, because if you are not careful, seagulls staring at your food may fly around and take it away. As for kangaroos, you need to be more careful when you get along. You can look at them from a distance, but it’s best not to be too close to them, because no one can tell the temper of these kangaroos. One is unhappy, and they slap you in the face. Kangaroos are boxing champions in the animal kingdom, so don’t grab wild animals in Australia. Besides protecting animals, there is another meaning, that is, only in this way can you protect yourself. Australian animals are really brave.

  Spain: Wildlife protection measures are gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels.

  Spain has more than half of all known animal species in the European Union due to its rich and diverse geographical conditions. Undoubtedly, it has become the most representative country of biodiversity in Western Europe. This also attracts hunters from all over the world to go to Spain for illegal hunting. In this regard, the wildlife protection measures in various regions of Spain have been gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels. Zhang Shunheng, who has lived in Spain for many years, took the local animal protection law promulgated in Andalusia, Spain in November this year as an example to introduce how Spain severely punished the killing and catching behaviors that threatened the survival of birds.

  Spain’s National Civil Guard has set up a special branch to protect the natural environment in the region and implement all animal protection laws in the region, the country, the European Union and even the world. It is worth noting that Spain announced its agreement to the European Convention on the Protection of Animals as early as 1987, but it was not until 2015 that it officially signed and joined.

  The 30-year period of not formally joining the convention can be seen as people’s re-understanding of animal protection under the traditional thinking, in addition to differences in party views. In 2015, a 41-year-old man in Spain injured his neck because of a horse, and even beat the horse to death, resulting in criminal punishment, becoming the first person in Spain to be sentenced to prison for cruelty to animals. This incident is also the strongest punishment for violating the animal protection law introduced by the Spanish government. At the same time, the man will be banned from all animal-related work and activities within three years, and the biggest controversy among the people is whether to ban traditional bullfighting activities in national culture. Spain kills about 50,000 bulls in the bullring every year. Last year, the Spanish Constitutional Court lifted the ban on bullfighting, but the local government said it would not implement it. This year, Spain’s animal rights protectors marched on the day before the famous Bullfighting Festival, wearing horns and stained with red paint, demanding the abolition of the Bullfighting Festival and the tradition of bullfighting.

The number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in two years.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 13th According to the data released by Korea Education Development Institute on the 12th, with the increasingly severe problem of low fertility rate, the number of students in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in 2026.
On May 27th, 2020, students from Shilun Primary School in Seoul, South Korea returned to school accompanied by their parents. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Sang Ho Lee)
The data shows that the number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is about 5.13 million this year, and it is expected to decrease to about 4.83 million by 2026. In 2029, this number is expected to further drop to about 4.275 million.
The number of freshmen in primary schools in South Korea is also decreasing rapidly. According to the evaluation data, there were about 401,000 freshmen in primary schools in South Korea last year, which is expected to drop to about 348,000 this year, and will fall below 300,000 in 2026, and will be further reduced to about 245,000 in 2029.
With the sharp decrease of school-age population, the Korean government has introduced a policy to reduce the number of teaching staff in public schools. According to the teacher recruitment plan released by the Korean Ministry of Education in April last year, from 2024 to 2027, South Korea will reduce the number of newly hired teachers year by year. In 2027, the number of newly recruited teachers will drop to 2,600-2,900, a decrease of up to 27% compared with 3,561 in 2023.
In recent years, the phenomenon of late marriage and unmarried in Korean society has gradually increased, and the fertility rate has been declining. In 2022, the number of newborns in Korea was 249,000, and the total fertility rate was 0.78, both of which were the lowest since Korea had relevant records. The total fertility rate of 0.78 is far below the 2.1 needed to ensure the stability of the country’s population.
According to a preliminary estimate by the Korea Statistics Office, the number of newborns in the country may be less than 230,000 in 2023, which is nearly half of that eight years ago. (Zhang Jing)
Source: Xinhua News Agency

China Social News article: The ins and outs of the 100 million yuan prize.

  A stone stirs up a thousand waves. Recently, a lottery winner in Gansu won the 100 million yuan prize for the two-color ball, and successfully redeemed all the 113 million yuan prize money at the provincial welfare lottery distribution center in Lanzhou on December 3, setting a record for single winning in the history of lottery in China. What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball? How can the two-color ball bonus be as high as 100 million yuan? How did the billion-dollar prize come into being? A series of question marks aroused people’s extensive interest and even raised doubts about it. Therefore, China Social News reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center.

  What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball?

  Two-color ball is a double-zone lottery lottery suitable for China’s national conditions, which is scientifically designed, improved and innovated by China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center based on the successful issuance experience of foreign lottery tickets. Approved by the Ministry of Finance, it was listed and issued on February 16th, 2003. Two-color ball adopts double-zone betting, and each bet is 2 yuan. The bettor needs to select 6 or more of the 33 red ball numbers and 1 or more of the 16 blue ball numbers at the same time to form a bet. If the number selected by the buyer is exactly the same as the number shaken during the lottery, the first prize will be won.

  Lotto lottery has the characteristics of large number of small prizes and high prize amount. Because it has a prize pool, the prize pool amount generally determines the prize amount. Therefore, with the increase of the prize pool, it is easy to arouse the interest of lottery buyers and promote the increase of sales. Recently, a lottery ticket in Germany has accumulated more than 38 million euros (more than 400 million yuan), which attracted German lottery players to snap up lottery tickets for this reason. It is precisely because of this feature and charm that lottery tickets are popular all over the world. At present, it accounts for about 42% of the world lottery sales, making it the most common and mainstream lottery variety. As a lottery ticket, the two-color ball has been increasingly favored by lottery players in China since its listing in 2003, and its weekly sales volume has increased from about 10 million yuan at first to about 450 million yuan at present. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume has exceeded 17 billion yuan, and nearly 6 billion yuan of social welfare fund has been raised for the country. A total of 470 notes were won in the first prize of 5 million yuan, which is the most popular lottery game with the highest sales volume in China color market.

  How can the winning amount of two-color ball be as high as 100 million?

  The two-color ball is a kind of lottery ticket, but it has different characteristics from foreign general lottery tickets, mainly because the grand prize amount is capped at 5 million yuan. In other words, no matter how much the prize pool accumulates, the amount of the single-note prize must not exceed 5 million yuan. However, although the grand prize is capped, lottery players also have the opportunity to get higher bonuses. When the prize pool is high, some lottery players will adopt the method of one-bet multi-investment, that is, choose a group of numbers and buy lottery tickets with the same number of 2 bets, 5 bets and 10 bets. The higher the prize pool, the more bets they buy the same number. Although more money is invested in one bet, the amount spent is not much. For example, the winner of the 100 million yuan grand prize only spent 40 yuan. Therefore, this betting method is often adopted by lottery players, but it occasionally works. Over the past four years, 56 people across the country have won more than two prizes through the method of one bet and more votes. A lottery player in Heilongjiang made a 15-fold bet on four groups of numbers, and won the first prize of 15 notes in the 2007119 issue of the two-color ball, with a total prize of more than 65 million yuan; At the betting station No.13150026, Smurfs Internet Cafe, Haigang Development Zone, Laoting County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, a lottery player named Liu won 105 million yuan with two single tickets with five times bet, and won a total prize of 50 million yuan; Mr. Wang from Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province won the first prize with a 6-fold "7+2" double ticket, with a total prize of more than 30 million yuan.

  According to the rules of the two-color ball game, if no one wins the first prize in the current period, the first prize will be rolled into the next period. If many periods are missed or the number of winning bets is small, the prize pool amount will be accumulated to a higher amount. November 27, 2007, is the lottery day of two-color ball lottery. The current prize pool has accumulated to 120 million yuan, which has also caused a sensation in the market. Many people are eager to try and win the grand prize by means of one injection and more investment. It is not surprising that a lottery player in Gansu made a bet of 20 times the amount of 40 yuan on the afternoon of November 27th. His goal is to win the first prize of 20-note two-color ball, and the prize pool at that time can also satisfy his desire to get a prize of 20-note 5 million yuan, totaling 100 million yuan.

  How did the 100 million yuan bonus come about?

  The time for the two-color ball lottery is 8: 45pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and the lottery is held three times a week. The lottery is broadcast live on TV (with a delay of 30 seconds) and the program lasts for 8 minutes, which is broadcast on China Education Television CETV-1.

  According to the computer room of Gansu Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, at 14: 48 on November 27, the winner bought a double ticket with a note of "6+16", that is, six red numbered balls were selected, namely 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, which were combined with 1- 16 blue numbered balls to make a 32 yuan. At 14: 51, another group of numbers (6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22 in red and 6 in blue) was selected from the 16 groups of numbers just purchased, and 20 bets were purchased. These two lottery tickets are normal bets and entered the database of Gansu Welfare Lottery Center. At 20 o’clock that night, the sales of Gansu Fucai two-color ball ended, and at the same time, the public began to enter the live broadcast of the two-color ball lottery in Beijing; At 20: 10, the audience will select the lottery balls for the current period (there are 4 sets of lottery balls in total, and 2 sets will be selected in the current period, one for the positive selection and one for standby); At 20: 15, under the supervision of the notary, the staff opened the safe and took out the selected two sets of lottery balls; At 20: 20, the notary and the staff jointly put the current lottery ball into the lottery machine; At 20: 45, the lottery began; At 20: 50, the lottery numbers of the current period were generated: red ball numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, and basketball number 6. Subsequently, the notary delivered a notarized speech. At this point, the current lottery number is generated. At 20: 55, the lottery number was signed and sealed and sent to the provincial centers by fax; At 21: 10, after receiving the fax of the lottery number, Gansu Provincial Center conducted data retrieval according to the conventional procedure.The search results show that there are 21 first prizes in Jiayuguan No.62020119 betting station, of which 20 bets are multiple bets, and the 100 million yuan prize is generated.

  The government management department requires that lottery agencies have the responsibility to keep the personal information of the winners confidential and shall not disclose it to the public without the consent of the winners themselves. Lottery agencies must obtain the consent of the winners in advance before arranging media interviews with the winners. When the winner of the 100 million yuan prize in Gansu contacted the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province to receive the prize, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province asked the winner whether he would accept media interviews, and the winner clearly stated that he would "resolutely not accept media interviews". Therefore, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province did not arrange the media to interview the winners when they received their prizes, which was handled in accordance with relevant regulations. It is also inappropriate for the media to question the lottery institutions or the winners who acted in accordance with the regulations without directly interviewing the winners.

  Since 2005, there have been lottery players, betting station salesmen and journalists from all over the country, and the general scale is about 50 people. At present, more than 11,000 people have been received at the lottery site. On November 27th, a delegation of 44 members of the public from Chongqing "Approaching the Two-color Ball" arrived in Beijing, watched the whole process of the 2007139th live lottery of China Welfare Lottery, and took a group photo at the lottery site as a souvenir, witnessing the birth of the 100 million yuan prize of the two-color ball.

  China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center emphasizes that lottery is a lucky game, and each lottery is an independent random event. The winning numbers are randomly generated, and the lottery is irregular. All odd or even lottery numbers are possible, and 17 odd or even numbers have been generated in the past. And always advocate lottery friends to buy lottery tickets, give love, do what they can, make rational bets, buy lottery tickets with an entertaining attitude, and treat winning with a peaceful attitude. Winning is a kind of luck, and not winning is also a contribution to social welfare.


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Editor: Zhu Zhen