Why does Andy Lau always make bad movies?

Text | Zhang Ying

edit | Zhao ordinary

"Andy Lau is an entertainer who is deified by all the media."

In a speech on a CCTV program in 2013, Andy Lau commented on himself. But everyone knows that the three words Andy Lau can no longer be summed up in words like "an artist".


"There can be people in Hong Kong who don’t know the governor, but no one doesn’t know Andy Lau." The media and the public have many similar evaluations of Andy Lau, constantly pushing him to a higher "mythical" status.

(Andy Lau’s "If Heaven Has Love")

It is undeniable that in the past 40 years of his debut, Andy Lau has many roles that everyone loves to talk about, and has also handed over many quality masterpieces such as "Infernal Affairs", "Heaven Ruoyou Love" and "Sister Tao". But at the same time,Poison Eye(WeChat ID: DomoreDumou)It seems that Andy Lau has been entangled and swayed in bad movies over the years.

A few days ago, the new film "Hot Blood Choir" that he produced and starred in was released. As of now, the box office is less than 50 million, and the rating of Douban is as low as 4.8. This result has awakened many people’s memories of "the bad movies that Andy Lau made these years."

"Buchuan Mountain Residence" is an "iconic bad movie" that he starred in that caused audiences to complain and bad reviews on a large scale. There are more films like "Ace", "Macau 3" and "My Agent Grandpa" with Douban ratings hovering around 3-5 points, and acting in movies with bad reputation. This is what happened to Andy Lau from time to time.

He himself has never been shy about this."I don’t care about scenes. I don’t dare to shoot anything except taking off my clothes."

"Stupid child" | "As long as I don’t take off my clothes, I dare to shoot"

"There is a stupid child born in the 1960s outside the quiet village." Andy Lau wrote and sang this lyric about himself.


Born in 1961 in a remote village in Hong Kong, Andy Lau moved to the city at the age of 6 and lived with his family in a slum called Diamond Hill. He knew how to live hard before anyone else: as a teenager, he got up at 4 a.m. to pull water and prepare to sell breakfast, helped out in his shop after school, started doing homework at 10, and slept only about four hours a night.


Because he had to help his family’s grocery store and the ice room deliver takeout, and the ice room was near the Jiancheng studio, Andy Lau kept an eye on the phone every day, rushing to answer when the bell rang, in order to go to the studio to deliver takeout and see more stars in the crew.


Perhaps because of this influence, after graduating from Secondary Five, Andy Lau applied for the wireless artist training class. At the age of 20, he entered the TVB training class and became a trainee.


A year later, Xu Anhua’s "Joining the Sea of Rage" began filming. One of the male leads was originally reserved for Chow Yun-fa, but Chow Yun-fa refused to play due to market considerations. After being recommended, the producers found Andy Lau. At that time, Andy Lau, who was a complete newcomer to the film, was not qualified to worry too much like Chow Yun-fa and firmly seize this precious role opportunity.

"Go to the Sea of Anger" won the earth-shattering wins, good reputation at the same time, also won the box office revenue of 15 million Hong Kong dollars, in 1982, this is the absolute head of the hit film, and the newcomer Andy Lau also took this hit, won the Academy Award "Best New Actor" nomination.

(Andy Lau starred in the 1982 film "Joining the Sea")

Perhaps it was because "Go to the Sea of Rage" allowed Andy Lau to dig the first "diamond", and then he buried his head on the "Diamond Mountain".But in this process, there will also be a lot of "sand and gravel".


According to incomplete statistics, in the four years from 1988 to 1992, Andy Lau almost made more than 10 movies every year. And among these huge numbers of movies, there are many bad movies that have long been forgotten in the corner.


Asked by the media in 2005 why he was making 12 films a year, Andy Lau replied: "I knew at that time that if I wanted to stay in the entertainment industry, I had to take more roles. No matter what, I had to make an impression on everyone, and I had to be firmly tied to everyone’s heart."


As a newcomer to the film industry, Andy Lau, who is in his twenties, had to film.


In the 1980s, the annual production of Hong Kong films remained at around 100, the total output value of films was once the first in Asia and the second in the world (after the United States). A large number of Hong Kong directors rose, and various types of films such as martial arts, action and comedy were produced. For Lau Dehua, it was a good time. The booming Hong Kong film market gave him the opportunity to make intensive films.


"In Hong Kong you can shoot three movies at the same time, shoot this one in the morning, change to another one tomorrow, and go home at night." Behind this "everything" mirrors the fierce competition behind the booming Hong Kong film market.


Andy Lau’s "opponents" include Zhou Yun-fat, Miao Qiaowei and Tang Zhenye, who are already famous in the market and have box office in the radio training class, as well as Leung Chaowei and Zhou Xingchi, who are in the late class.


Only by constantly shooting can Andy Lau catch up with the ever-changing market.Bad movies also became the "fate" he never got rid of in the process of running and catching up.

Businessperson | "Not so artistic, I love money"

"Stupid kid" Andy Lau also has smart things.


Perhaps the 15 million Hong Kong dollar of "Go to the Angry Sea" is too charming, and the smart Andy Lau smelled the huge opportunity of the film market. Obviously, this is a broader and more charming blue ocean.

"In the early 1990s, Andy Lau felt that he knew a lot about movies and wanted to try his hand at filming, so he set up a joint venture with a telecommunications company in Hong Kong," Jin Yan, who has worked with him for many years, told the media publicly.

From then on, Andy Lau assumed the role of a businessperson.


(Andy Lau concert)

As a novice businessperson, Andy Lau did not go well. He invested in several films using expensive big-name actors such as Anita Mui, Maggie Cheung, and Guan Zhilin. The film "The Legend of War" (1992) alone had an investment of 60 million Hong Kong dollars, but in the end, the box office was only over 12 million.


By 1995, Andy Lau had lost more than 40 million yuan.


"From 1995 to the middle of 2000, all the scenes I made were used to pay off debts."Andy Lau once said in an interview. During this period, Andy Lau starred in a large number of films with poor reputation, such as "Ambition of Heaven and Earth" (1997), "Love Dream" (1999) and "Battle to the Top of Forbidden" (2000).


(Andy Lau’s "Love Dream")

After being in huge debt, the 40-year-old Andy Lau had to take a photo.


However, after the money was paid, Andy Lau still did not give up his film business. In 2002, he founded Yingyi Entertainment Co., Ltd. This time, Andy began to turn his attention to newcomers: in 2005, his Yingyi Entertainment launched the "Asian Rising Star Direction" program, in which Andy alone paid about 25 million Hong Kong dollars to film six emerging directors.


At that time, the list of new directors was now the big director Ning Hao. In 2006, Ning Hao used the 3.50 million invested by Andy Lau to shoot the box office 23.50 million work "Crazy Stone". Director Ning Hao had his own famous work and helped businessperson Andy Lau make money.


Unfortunately, of the six films that Andy Lau invested in, the other five lost money. Some were thrown away after filming, some were not released after filming, and some were begged for mercy halfway through the shooting: "Please don’t shoot it, okay?"


In the following years, Andy Lau’s company invested in many films, and he often starred in films he invested in in addition to his status as a producer and producer. Among them, there were many masterpieces such as "Sister Peach", and of course, there would also be films with general reputation such as "My Agent Grandpa" and "I Know Women’s Hearts".

(Andy Lau’s "Sister Tao")


Bad movies became part of Andy Lau’s businessWhen asked by the media "Don’t you think you are an artist?", Andy Lau could only answer with a smile: "I don’t count, I’m not that artistic, I love money."

Favors | Andy Lau of "On Call"

In the days when Andy Lau was desperately filming to pay off his debts, a familiar figure often appeared in his works: Wang Jing.


In those years, Wang Jing would find Andy Lau to act in a suitable film, giving him a lot of help when he was eager to make money. So in many public occasions later, Andy Lau would speak for Wang Jing without hesitation: "I came out of making the bad movies you said. Director Wang Jing gave his all for his movies, which is worthy of our admiration."


(Andy Lau and Wang Jing)

"Sometimes, for example, meeting Wang Jing may be too good a friend. I don’t know if this is good or not. I think sometimes some human favors are necessary for people."


Andy Lau repaid the money debt and owed the "love debt".


Not only Wang Jing, in the 1980s, when Andy Lau experienced being "hidden", he also received a lot of help from Hong Jinbao. After that, Andy Lau has been recalling the love of that year. Even Hong Jinbao himself lamented that he has won many celebrities, and it is difficult for most people to find them to make movies after they become popular, but there is another Andy Lau who is "on call".


(Andy Lau and Samuel Hung)

In this way, for the sake of favor, Andy Lau, who is about to turn 60, still had to shoot.

When he recorded the program "Zhiyun Dinner" in his early years, Andy Lau said that he was very eccentric, "friends will help you when you are busy."

When Zhang Weijian’s investment failed and he was facing bankruptcy, he asked Andy Lau to borrow money for help. Andy Lau generously helped him and told him that what he learned should be taught, and what he earned should be given to others.

Perhaps it was because he was helped by too many people in his early years that Andy Lau, who became famous, did not hesitate to assist filmmakers.Helping to play a "bad movie" is also one of the ways.

The 2013 release of "Tianji Fuchun Mountain Residence" (3 points on Douban) was the darkest moment for Andy Lau’s film reputation. Every time he attended an event, he had to face questions from the media "why did you accept this film".

When filming "The Founding of a Nation", Han Sanping took Sun Jianjun (the director of "Fuchun Mountain Residence") to see Andy Lau. At first, he asked Andy Lau to be the director. Andy Lau thought his directing ability was limited and refused, but in the process, Andy Lau and Sun Jianjun established a friendship.


Andy Lau said in an interview,"Just like a group of friends, the audience should not think so much about why, it is actually that simple."


(Andy Lau in "Secret: The Residence of Fuchun Mountain")

Du Qifeng once told Andy Lau to be selfish and choose works selfishly, so that he can control the quality of his works better.Andy Lau replied that this is not his personality.


In the future, Andy Lau’s "road to bad movies" may be longer. But fortunately, as long as they hear the words "Andy Lau", audiences will still walk into the cinema with hope.



1. "Ten years is not easy, ten years in a flash – 1997 to 2007 Hong Kong Film Talk" Author: Liefu

"57-Year-old Andy Lau has been popular for 37 years" by Captain

3. "Let’s Talk" 20131215 (No. 072: Andy Lau)

4. Chongqing Evening News: "Andy Lau confesses that doing business is difficult: I can still afford to lose money now"

5. Sohu Entertainment: Interview | Andy Lau: Shooting "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" for Friendship

6. Interface News: Interview with Andy Lau: I’m not that artistic, I love money

7. China News Weekly: "Hong Kong People" Andy "

How can online ride-hailing drivers who are trapped for a long time protect their health?

  reading prompt

  Sitting for more than 10 hours a day, not being able to eat on time, not being able to use the toilet at any time, and driving with high brain tension, online ride-hailing drivers face a variety of occupational health risks. Due to the "cooperative relationship" with the platform, online ride-hailing drivers cannot obtain corresponding medical insurance on the platform.

  "The mileage of the dashboard of the car is hundreds of kilometers every day, and the number of steps we walk is less than 1,000. It seems that we don’t have to work in the car every day, but in fact, after more than 10 hours a day, we are more tired than people who do other jobs," said the ride-hailing driver Xiang Feibian as he drove.

  In 2015, Xiang Fei came to Beijing from Qinghai to become an online car-hailing driver. In order to increase the number of orders, he, like many online car-hailing drivers, goes out early and returns late every day, and works more than 10 hours. Online car-hailing is convenient for people to travel, but sitting for a long time every day, not being able to eat on time and using the toilet at any time bring many health risks to online car-hailing drivers.

  Chen Baosheng, chief physician of the physical examination department of Peking University Shougang Hospital, said that online taxi drivers are sedentary in the cab for a long time, often put into work immediately after meals, and the brain is in a high state of tension when driving. It is easy to gain weight, blood pressure, blood lipids, etc. will rise, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes will also be caused by metabolic dysfunction. In addition, if you maintain a posture for a long time, the spine is not evenly stressed, and the driver is also prone to ligament and muscle damage.

  Working overtime makes the health of online car-hailing drivers worry

  At 10:30 p.m. on April 19, Qi Caijuan, who had finished her mission, returned to the downstairs of the community. She slowly opened the door, gently poked her legs out of the car, and walked out of the cab hunched over. "It’s an old problem," Qi Caijuan said. Every night when she finished work, her waist would not straighten up, and it would take a few minutes to walk normally.

  Qi Caijuan is an online ride-hailing driver in Chengde, Hebei. At the age of 20 years, she has a hair problem. In addition to the pain in the waist, shoulders and neck caused by long-term sitting, Qi Caijuan also suffers from stomach problems due to the lack of argument for eating.

  Although he has only been driving online for a few years, Xiang Fei has already suffered from a serious lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. He said that he had heard people say that online car-hailing drivers make a lot of money before, but after he started working, he knew that there was a lot of water on his account, but after deducting the oil money and car damage, he really didn’t get much. In the past two years, the number of online car-hailing drivers has increased, and the industry competition has intensified. In order to make more money, he drives almost 12 hours a day.

  Xiang Fei used to put a headrest in the driver’s seat to keep the head and waist relatively comfortable, but in the past two years, the platform has required drivers to have a unified image, and they are not allowed to put personal items in the car. He can only remove these items. Xiang Fei said that because of the difficulty of parking, he rarely goes to the toilet, and many drivers also suffer from prostatitis.

  According to a study conducted by Tsinghua University in 2021, the average daily working time of online car-hailing drivers in first-tier cities is 11.05 hours, and the average weekly travel time is 6.45 days. More than 80% of online car-hailing drivers spend more than 8 hours a day.

  "If you have a new order, please take it in time." Wu Jiahong, the online taxi driver, took advantage of the absence of passengers and was ready to take a nap in the car. Before taking 10 minutes, the order notification sounded on her mobile phone. Wu Jiahong leaves the car on time at 7 o’clock every day, and sometimes it is already 12 o’clock in the evening when she returns home. On this day, she wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, so she did not turn off the order receiving system during the rest, but just started the car, a burst of cervical spine pain accompanied by a burst of dizziness suddenly hit, and she had to cancel the task and go home to rest.

  Go to the hospital once and lose half a day’s income

  Online car-hailing drivers belong to flexible employment. They have not signed an employment contract with the platform and have no social security. It has always been a dilemma for online car-hailing drivers to be solved. All along, Qi Caijuan has paid social insurance by herself as a flexible employer.

  Although she often feels unwell, Qi Caijuan rarely goes to the hospital in order to take more orders. "It takes half a day to go once, and in addition to the money it costs to see a doctor, half a day of income is also gone." She said that when her stomach is uncomfortable, she goes to the community hospital to prescribe some stomach medicine and put it in the car for backup. When her shoulder and neck are really uncomfortable, she will go to the massage shop to press it, on average once every two months.

  After resting at home for half a day, Wu Jiahong still felt stuffy in her chest, so she came to a hospital the next day in desperation. "I spent nearly 300 yuan in the morning, which is almost half of my water for half a day." Wu Jiahong told reporters that if she used medical insurance to settle, she would only need to pay half the money, but because the platform did not pay for her medical insurance, she did not renew her medical insurance after it expired, and could only pay in full.

  On November 30 last year, the Ministry of Transport and other eight departments issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Employees in the New Business of Transportation", which proposed to encourage online car-hailing platform enterprises to actively participate in the pilot of occupational injury protection, and to urge online car-hailing platform enterprises to participate in social insurance for drivers who meet the conditions of labor relations in accordance with the law, and to guide and support drivers who do not fully meet the conditions of establishing labor relations to participate in corresponding social insurance.

  Wu Jiahong told reporters that in order to increase her income, she often takes orders on multiple online ride-hailing platforms, but none of these platforms have signed employment contracts with them, which are only "cooperative relationships." She said that if there are platforms that can pay for social security and medical insurance, she is willing to run orders on one platform full-time.

  "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups"

  After seven years of online car-hailing in Beijing, Xiang Fei recently participated in the free driver medical examination organized by the trade union system through the platform for the first time.

  Xiang Fei is very satisfied with the inspection. He told reporters that the physical examination includes not only blood routine, liver and kidney function, full abdominal color ultrasound and other routine inspections, but also a special project for the driver’s prostate examination.

  After the checkup, the hospital also held lectures on disease prevention, first aid and other aspects of occupational diseases for online ride-hailing drivers, and organized free clinics for online ride-hailing drivers. "I think it’s very useful, I learned a lot of knowledge, and I feel much more comfortable after shoulder and neck massage," Xiang Fei said, but he did not know when the next checkup would be.

  As she gets older, Qi Caijuan has become more and more concerned about her physical condition. Since the platform has not yet provided free medical checkups to drivers, she has taken the initiative to check twice. "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups, so that I can feel more at ease when working," Qi Caijuan said.

  Chen Baosheng said that considering the professional characteristics of drivers, they should conduct more in-depth and comprehensive inspections of key parts such as the spine every three years or so in addition to the regular physical examination every year. Drivers themselves should also pay attention to their physical health and get out of the car as much as possible to do some stretching exercises.

  The recent notice issued by Guangdong Province on further improving the work related to flexible employment personnel participating in basic medical insurance for employees pointed out that, including relying on new business platforms such as e-commerce, online car-hailing, online food delivery, and express logistics to achieve employment, and employees who have not established labor relations with new business platform enterprises can participate in basic medical insurance for employees at the place of employment in Guangdong Province without household registration restrictions. This measure will increase health protection for new employment forms such as online car-hailing drivers.

Opponents, do you hear the murderous look in the word "far ahead"?

At 14:30 on September 25th, the new product launch conference of Huawei in autumn was held in Beijing. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, brought new mobile devices including Mate 60 series, MatePad Pro, M-Pencil, HUAWEI WATCH and so on, with unprecedented scale and popularity.

In addition to these mobile devices, although there are not many car-related contents in the press conference, the amount of information is also very sufficient. Yu Chengdong’s speech was even interrupted by the audience’s enthusiastic cry of "Far ahead".

So, what "car"-related content did Yu Chengdong, who has just been promoted as the chairman of Che BU, bring to us at the press conference?

Question M9: "The best is within 10 million, and the strongest is on the road."

Yu Chengdong said at the press conference that at the end of the year, Huawei will launch a new car-the M9. Yu Chengdong maintained a confident and funny style, and said:

"Ask the world M9 is the best SUV within 10 million yuan, and it is the most powerful SUV that can be seen on the whole road! M9 is expected to arrive as scheduled in December. 」

At present, the official APP shows that the M9 has been pre-sold, and the pre-sale price of the extended range version and the pure electric version is 500,000-600,000.

In fact, on September 12, before that, the M9 was listed in the new car catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and some core information was also exposed. As the flagship of the family, the M9 is divided into pure electric version and extended range version. In the declaration, the pure electric version also uses the "two-color body" that used to appear on Maibakh and Rolls-Royce. The new car has the momentum that a large SUV should have.

The extended-range model has been slightly adjusted in the front face. The design of black chrome trim with bright color in the declaration drawing is also very mature and steady.

According to the data of the Federation, the length, width and height of the boundary M9 are 5230 x 1999 x 1800 mm, and the wheelbase is 3110 mm. In contrast, the ideal L9 has a length, width and height of 5218 x 1998 x 1800 mm and a wheelbase of 3105 mm, and the two cars are very close.

In terms of power parameters, the motor power of the extended range version of the M9 is 165 kW/200 kW, and that of the pure electric version is 160 kW/230 kW. For comparison, the motor power of the ideal L9 is 130 kW/220 kW.

As early as the press conference on April 17th this year, Yu Chengdong revealed many thoughts about the design of M9, and the smell of gunpowder was full: "We should redefine the most luxurious SUV within 10 million yuan", "Those so-called best SUVs within 5 million yuan, they are steel bodies, we are 80% aluminum bodies" and "refrigerators and color TV sofas, all of which are well-off levels, not real luxury".

According to Yu Chengdong’s statement at that time, the space of M9 is flexible, realizing the same flat floor as MPV, so there are no steps in three rows, which is convenient for access. In addition, the front and rear adjustable range of the two rows is larger, and all the seats in the car are provided with electric slide rails, so that the passenger and luggage space can be flexibly adjusted. In addition, the M9 will also provide a changeable seating mode with 3|4|5|6 seats.

The M9 will also be equipped with the "HUAWEI XPIXEL" mega-pixel smart headlights, which is the first time that Huawei smart headlights have got on the bus. The digital projection headlights with double reflective lenses can realize ultra-near field projection, and ADB (adaptive high beam) /AFS (adaptive headlight system) is also integrated.

Yu Chengdong also revealed that the Wenjie M9 was built on a brand-new D-class luxury SUV platform, with an all-aluminum chassis and an integrated die-casting body. The aluminum alloy volume of the body accounts for more than 80%, and the whole system comes standard with air springs and CDC damping system. In addition, Wenjie M9 is equipped with the world’s largest integrated die-casting car body with 9,000 tons of die-casting equipment.

The intelligent assistant of Xiaoyi in the car is also connected to the "Pangu Big Model" developed by Huawei, which not only has visual interaction, but also serves as the tweeter of HUAWEI SOUND.

At the same time, in the cabin, Huawei’s AR-HUD can achieve a large projection area of 75 inches, and this technology is deeply integrated with Huawei’s ADS intelligent driving, which is expected to have a very novel experience in the visualization of intelligent driving. Passengers in the back row will have a "Huawei light field screen", which is expected to simulate a maximum display effect of 100 inches. Yu Chengdong even said, "The M9 can carry 10 screens when fully equipped, redefining the large screen in the car. 」

From the above information, it is not difficult for us to find that the M9 has fully carried Huawei’s smart car full-stack technology solution.

From intelligence to function, from cockpit to intelligent driving, from space to design, Huawei has joined hands with the world to offer the most advanced technology, which also makes Yu Chengdong’s declaration of "the best within 10 million, the strongest on the road" at today’s press conference even more exciting.

Intellectual S7: "Beyond Tesla Model S in all dimensions"

At the Huawei Developers Conference on August 4th, Huawei officially launched HarmonyOS 4. In addition to carrying HarmonyOS 4, Yu Chengdong also revealed that the pure electric coupe with Chery, Zhijie S7, will be unveiled this quarter.

This time, Yu Chengdong once again announced that Zhijie S7 will be released in November. Yu Chengdong also said:

"Zhijie S7 will surpass Tesla Model S in various specifications. 」

As can be seen from this Huawei publicity map, Zhijie S7 is expected to achieve an excellent level in driving and control dimensions, spatial dimensions and intelligent dimensions.

According to the photos previously exposed in Weibo, Yu Chengdong, this pure electric coupe did not use the AITO brand jointly built by Huawei and Cyrus, but was named "Zhijie". Judging from the design of the new car, Zhijie S7 did not use Chery’s design language, but chose to use a front face design similar to the flagship SUV M9 that Wenjie is about to launch. It can be seen that Huawei has a very high voice in cooperation with car companies.

At present, the spy photos of Zhijie S7 are gradually increasing. According to the photos of the interior exposed on the Internet, it can be seen that the new car adopts the layout of arms, and the area of the center console from the big screen is very similar to the M5. The steering wheel with small diameter is expected to be very good for driving, and its shape and roller design are somewhat similar to those of Aouita. The new car is designed with a step in front of the co-driver, and we can also see a similar design on Tucki P7.

Moreover, the intelligent S7 adopts the design of high-position instrument panel, which is expected to give consideration to the role of HUD and thus save some costs. In addition, we notice that Zhijie S7 has the same tweeter structure as Wenjie M9, and it is expected that Huawei’s AI model will also be put on the bus.

Due to the high cost of Huawei’s HI cooperation model in the past, for example, the Huawei HI version of the Alpha S of BAIC Extreme Fox sold for more than 350,000 yuan, and its market competitiveness was not high; However, the early "intelligent car selection" mode, such as AITO’s M5, only had the car system in HarmonyOS and lacked high-level intelligent driving ability.

After Yu Chengdong took charge of Huawei BU, Huawei’s "HI Mode" and "Intelligent Car Selection" modes were merged and unified. Under the new cooperation scheme, the scheme of intelligent driving is changed from three lidar to one, and the hardware cost is reduced by improving the algorithm ability; At the same time, cooperative car companies can also own the car system of Huawei HarmonyOS.

On the surface, Huawei has always stressed that it "does not build cars" but "helps car companies build good cars". However, as far as the current cooperation mode with the world is concerned, the cooperation between Huawei and car companies will involve vehicle design, technology empowerment, marketing, factory construction and other aspects.

It is not difficult to see from the information exposed at present that the combination of Chery’s engineering ability and Huawei’s technical blessing will bring great pressure to other competitors in the range of 200,000-300,000.

In addition to the extraordinary master edition, there is also the "Huawei Mate 60 Pro Aouita Special Edition".

The "Porsche Design Edition" of Huawei Mate series may become out of print. At this autumn Huawei product launch conference, the special design version of the flagship model was named "Mate 60 RS ULTIMATE DESIGN Extraordinary Master", and the spokesperson also chose Andy Lau.

On the other hand, Tan Benhong, CEO of Aouita Technology, revealed two messages in Weibo: First, Aouita 12 will be the first vehicle equipped with HarmonyOS 4.0 and Huawei ADS 2.0 like Zhijie S7; Second, Aouita also cooperated with Huawei to create "Mate 60 Pro Aouita Special Edition".

Reminiscent of Nio Phone released by Weilai a few days ago, the "Mate 60 Pro Aouita Special Edition" jointly created by Aouita and Huawei may be deeply customized in terms of mobile phone/car interconnection, ecological connection and remote control.

Aouita’s two models 11 and 12 are also equipped with HarmonyOS system, and we have reason to believe that Huawei will customize a more exclusive and intelligent car experience for Aouita.

As a brand jointly built by Changan Automobile, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Huawei, CHN, a technology platform for intelligent electric vehicles in Aouita, has a very bright performance in intelligent technology, body structure and three-electricity technology, while Aouita just made its first offline appearance at Munich Auto Show.

As an early collaborator of Huawei HI mode, Aouita 11 and 12 still adopted the hardware scheme of 3 lidar. Aouita has also become the top brand among the car companies that cooperate with Huawei. With the endorsement of giants in design, manufacturing, intelligence and three electric technologies, Aouita’s high-end road will also be quite interesting.

Huawei is "far ahead" and its competitors are "on tenterhooks"

Established in 2019, Huawei BU has experienced ups and downs.

From "HI mode" and "intelligent car selection" to concentrate on intelligent car selection, from intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving to providing "full-stack technical solutions for intelligent cars", Che BU’s ambition and achievements to become "Bosch in the era of intelligent electric vehicles" are obvious to all.

Car BU also experienced personnel transfer not long ago. Yu Chengdong was promoted to chairman, and Jin Yuzhi, president of Huawei’s optical product line, has recently taken over as CEO of Car BU. It seems that in response to the previous rumor that "the focus has shifted to the mobile phone business", Yu Chengdong, who has become the chairman, still appeared in front of the press conference and enthusiastically introduced the intellectual and intellectual circles.

However, this time, the audience in the audience and in front of the screen shouted "Far ahead" and Yu Chengdong was overwhelmed, and the team he led finally moved from behind the scenes to the stage.

At the press conference, Yu Chengdong announced that from the release on September 13th to September 24th, the average daily increase of the customer M7 was 1,500+,and the large order of the customer M7 exceeded 20,000. This is only ten days’ data. If this momentum is maintained, all 300,000-class medium and large new energy SUVs should rethink their future strategies.

The M7 is just the beginning-we can see the wide range of Huawei’s attention and technology empowerment from the preview, and there will be new products such as Zhijie S7 and Aouita 12. Huawei is still planning to cooperate with Jianghuai Automobile to launch more high-end models.

In the era of fuel vehicles, Bosch, as a supplier giant, cannot fundamentally affect the competitiveness of car companies. However, in the era of electrification, Huawei holds almost all technical chains except the car itself, and it can bring far more to car companies than Bosch.

Consumers have more advanced and smarter technologies to choose from, and they should be happy and gratified. Users who hold money for purchase hope to have more mature and cost-effective technology.

However, for car companies, if they watch the excitement with the same mentality as the audience without a sense of crisis, then only the waves and crises that cannot be dealt with are waiting for them.

Is it a strong car company or an industry trend to pay for unlocking new functions?

  Want the wheel steering angle to be larger, the seat to be heated automatically and the vehicle to be started remotely … … The functions that come with these cars don’t cost extra but can’t be used. Recently, the paid subscription function launched by several car companies has sparked heated discussions. Netizens spit out: Will the accelerator pedal and steering wheel also be paid for subscription in the future? I even questioned that this was arbitrary charges. What do car companies, industries and lawyers think about this?


  Mercedes-Benz remote start-up renewal fee is 898 yuan.

  "The validity period of your remote interconnection service is coming to an end. From now on, the highest discount for remote products is 400 yuan, and you can enjoy the three-year remote engine start with the original price of 1,298 yuan for only 898 yuan … …” Recently, some netizens broke the news that when his vehicle remote start function was about to expire, he received such a "preferential" message from Mercedes-Benz.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that this is not the first time that Mercedes-Benz has been exposed to the function of using vehicle configuration and needs to pay extra. Earlier, a Mercedes-Benz owner also received a short message reminding him that Mercedes-Benz’s brand-new high-tech customized navigation has been launched, and it can be upgraded in a 4S shop. It only takes "1998 yuan" in three years.

  In July, Mercedes-Benz launched the rear-wheel steering payment, and it is understood that the EQS 450++Pioneer version of Mercedes-Benz launched a "paid subscription" project. After paying 4,998 yuan, the owner can enjoy the rear-wheel steering function for one year. The active steering angle of the rear wheel of the vehicle will increase from 4.5 degrees to 10 degrees, and the turning radius will be reduced to 10.9 meters. For eligible models, a three-month free experience will be provided, and the functions that come with the vehicle will cost extra money to use. These operations have to make consumers suspect that they have been "cut with leeks".


  I will remind you before the three-year free period expires.

  Mercedes-Benz customer service said that the basic service will be free for three years after the remote interconnection service function is activated from the date of car purchase and invoice issuance, otherwise it will not be used, so the owner will receive the corresponding text message. The remote interconnection service has the functions of checking the vehicle status and remotely unlocking. This service is related to the model and configuration of the vehicle, some can be purchased separately, and some can’t.

  As for how to know in advance that you need to pay in order to use this function, the customer service said that in general, the owner is notified by SMS. "The Internet store will send a text message to remind that the service is about to expire. If this function is enabled, there will be a text message reminder when it is about to expire."

  The customer service also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not clear whether the subsequent charges for this service were stated in the car purchase contract. "This belongs to the sales process." Because you need real-name authentication to activate when you buy a car, it is through the system operation in the dealership, so there will be a reminder of payment when you activate it, which is usually informed by sales.

  She also suggested that car owners go to the store of Mercedes ME APP bound by real-name authentication to check the function and use of the corresponding paid products. In "My Garage", you can see the basic services that the vehicle has been activated, such as the remote start that can be used for three years for free, and you will receive SMS reminders when it is about to expire.


  A number of car companies test water and pay subscriptions.

  According to public reports, as early as 2016, Tesla proposed software subscription services such as fully automatic driving and seat heating. All ex-factory models have embedded automatic driving hardware, and users can choose whether to turn on this function according to their needs. In 2021, autonomous driving was officially launched with a monthly fee of $199 per month. By the end of the second quarter of 2022, more than 100,000 Tesla owners had used the fully automatic driving test version function in North America. It can be said that Tesla pioneered the mode of hardware embedded+paid activation software.

  According to its financial report, in 2021, Tesla’s services and other businesses, including autonomous driving software, achieved revenue of 3.802 billion US dollars, up 65% year-on-year, accounting for 7.06% of the total revenue. Software payment has gradually become an important part of Tesla’s revenue.

  Many car companies began to reproduce the business model of paid subscription system, and rose from software to hardware.

  BMW has pre-installed hardware in some vehicles when they leave the factory. Recently, it announced the launch of paid subscription services such as seat heating, steering wheel heating, CarPlay and safe assisted driving in countries such as South Korea, which also caused heated discussion. However, BMW’s paid projects currently only exist in overseas markets. It is understood that BMW once launched a project in China that cost money to choose CarPlay and had to subscribe again when it expired, but it ended up being cracked.

  In addition, domestic new car manufacturers Weilai and Tucki have also joined the ranks of offering paid subscriptions. However, at present, consumers generally hold a wait-and-see and even skeptical attitude towards the paid subscription services launched by car companies.


  Which is more cost-effective, paid subscription or single purchase?

  Regarding the problems behind car subscription payment, Chang Yan, who is certified as a well-known car blogger, said in a live broadcast entitled "Peeking into" Car Payment Subscription "that on the one hand, consumers are more accepting of software payment than hardware. For example, the rear wheel steering belongs to the hardware of the car, which is already in the car. If you have to spend money to use it, you will feel unreasonable. On the other hand, the services provided by paid subscriptions are relatively rudimentary and basic, and cannot be differentiated, and consumers will think that car companies are "cutting leeks".

  "In fact, consumers are willing to pay for autonomous driving, and they also bought hardware first. Then pay for the software. For example, Tesla, the self-driving chip actually paid the fee when buying a car. " He suggested that you can calculate an account for the paid function, and whether it is more economical to use it according to the subscription system than to buy it alone. For example, BMW recently launched a paid subscription package for seat heating, and the price is several hundred yuan per month. The buyout function needs 20 thousand yuan and can be used for about 100 months. In most parts of China, the use of the heated seat function means two or three months in winter, and even some areas are hot all the year round and do not need the heating function. If this is calculated, the subscription function may be more cost-effective.

  Chang Yan said that he personally prefers to pay for subscriptions, which can be stopped at any time. Try some functions before you decide whether you need to spend money to subscribe. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can turn it off.


  Crack hidden dangers of software for free.

  For paid subscriptions, many netizens are worried about whether the price will increase or whether members will have to spend money to become super VIP. Some people even said that in order to get free use, it is completely possible to crack the software.

  Cracking the car has long appeared, including Tesla. Chang Yan introduced that some were hacked and some were broken by some hardware. Although this may bring more playability and performance improvement, it will make the car worthless. Tesla officials will lock these up and no longer provide services and related warranties. Moreover, some cracks are irreversible, which may damage the battery and other hardware of the car, thus affecting the value of the car.

  Chang Yan also said that cars are related to our life safety. If they are cracked by unofficial institutions or third parties, there will be some security risks. If there is a problem and then go to the official repair, it will bring a lot of trouble, not worth the loss. For pricing, I believe the market will have a fair judgment, and with the development of the industry, it will gradually standardize.


  If clearly informed or agreed, it is difficult to identify infringement.

  Liu Bin, a lawyer of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that from the current industry situation, there are two main ways to consume vehicle hardware: one is optional configuration, and the hardware configuration that consumers want is selected through prior agreement between consumers and manufacturers, and consumers make a one-time payment; The other is to subscribe to services in the form of subscription packages. With the further development of vehicle electronic functions, many car companies have launched such subscription services, such as active rear wheel steering, car entertainment, acceleration package and remote temperature control. Because there are a large number of electronic auxiliary functions in vehicles now, some car owners will not even use these functions after purchasing the vehicles, which can effectively reduce the cost of car purchase for car owners who do not use these functions frequently; For car owners who pay attention to these functions, they can purchase them selectively according to their needs. This subscription method increases consumers’ choice space, but this choice should be based on consumers’ right to know.

  Liu Bin believes that the subscription payment method is an option for the payment method of vehicle hardware. It is difficult to identify the damage to consumers’ right to know on the premise that the dealer clearly informs consumers of this payment method and content or there is a clear agreement in the contract signed by both parties. If we only charge consumers by subscribing to the service, it just changes the way of charging. If there are no unfair price behaviors such as manipulating market prices and raising prices in disguise, it is hard to say that this kind of charging method is arbitrary.

  If the services provided by car companies obviously violate the principle of fairness, it may infringe on consumers’ right to choose independently and fair trade. For example, a car company’s car entertainment service package subscription agreement stipulates: "We can change these terms at any time, change, add or delete the service or the functions contained therein, and also change the charging price of the service." This agreement expands the rights of car companies, exempts major obligations, and is suspected of infringing consumers’ right to fair trade and independent choice. This group/reporter Song Xia

On-line animation short play for foreigners in China

Rule of Law Daily, Beijing, March 27-Zhang Chen, an all-media reporter of Rule of Law Daily, learned from the State Administration of Immigration today that the first season (five episodes in total) of the cartoon short play "Legal Tips" for foreigners in China was broadcast online today.

"Legal Tips" is a short cartoon drama about foreigners’ popularization of law in China, which is planned and produced by the Immigration Service Center of the State Immigration Administration. Each episode is about 5 minutes long, and there are two versions in Chinese and English. The contents are all based on real cases of foreigners’ violation of laws and regulations in China, focusing on social life fields that are prone to illegal situations such as foreigners’ stop living, accommodation registration, work and employment, using MG hand-drawn animation form and adding Chinese traditional cultural elements.

"Legal Tips" is a cartoon drama for foreigners to popularize law in China, which makes full use of the mode of "big screen+new media" and "TV+network", and will be accurately promoted to foreigners in China on national TV channels, official online media platforms such as China Law Popularization Network and new government media of immigration management institutions, so as to ensure the effect of popularizing law.

The relevant person in charge of the Immigration Service Center of the National Immigration Bureau said that the Legal Tips for foreigners in China will provide practical and effective legal guidance for foreigners in China to help them enhance their legal awareness and better integrate into China society.

The recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products is released to see what spring delicacies are available.

  "The light rain brings new flowers, and the thunder starts." Starting today, China has entered the solar term of fright. "Sting" means "hiding", and insects hide in the soil in winter; "Surprise" means "wake up", and the spring thunder in the sky wakes up the insect. "Spring thunder scares all insects", which means that the spring thunder begins to sound at the time of the sting, awakening the stinging insects that are dormant in the ground for the winter.

  In this solar term, when spring thunder suddenly rings and everything grows, what are the delicious tips of spring? Let’s take a look at the "Rural Revitalization and Good Solar Term" recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products jointly launched by China Weather Network and China Social Assistance Network.


  When Cherry, the fruit assassin, slowly disappeared in the market, China native cherry began to appear on the market. Cherry is called "the first fruit in early spring" in the north. As the saying goes, "cherries are delicious but difficult to plant", especially the high-quality varieties in big cherries, which are very demanding on many conditions such as climate, soil and water, temperature and humidity. Thanks to the suitable geographical and climatic conditions, sweet cherry has formed two concentrated world-class advantageous producing areas in China: Liaoning, which is dominated by Dalian, and Shandong, which is dominated by Yantai.


  Golden skin, tender flesh and sweet juice make mangoes popular with people. Mango is native to India and Malaysia. According to research, mango was brought back to China by Master Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty. It is recorded in the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty that "An Boluo Fruit is rare in the world". Nowadays, mangoes are planted in Taiwan Province, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and Yunnan.

  Shepherd’s purse

  "The peaches and plums in the city are worried about the wind and rain, and the shepherd’s purse flowers in the stream head in spring". Entering the solar term of fright, willows spit out new things, flowers are waiting to be released, and green shepherd’s purse begins to grow out of the ridge. Shepherd’s purse has been eaten since ancient times. Its history can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period in the 6th century BC, and "Who says tea is bitter, it is as sweet as water" in The Book of Songs is the initial understanding of shepherd’s purse. For thousands of years, shepherd’s purse has been interpreted in a variety of ways, such as raw food, frying, simmering soup and stuffing, which can be described as one dish and a hundred flavors.

  Bamboo shoots

  "Bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts, can be dishes." The definition of Erya, the earliest ancient Chinese dictionary, tells the historical origin of bamboo shoots and China cuisine. Throughout the dynasties, many literati had a soft spot for bamboo shoots, leaving many poems of praise. Huang Tingjian said that it "leaves bamboos and shoots, and when it blooms, it overwhelms salmon dishes", and Li Yu praised it as "the freshest and most beautiful thing, the first among vegetables". In modern times, the practice of bamboo shoots is varied, such as braised in oil, stir-fried, cold salad and simmered soup, all of which are delicious.

  Toona sinensis

  Speaking of the smell of spring, there is another thing that has to be mentioned, and that is Toona sinensis. Although the Toona sinensis on trees in most parts of the north has not germinated during the period of fright, thanks to the developed logistics and greenhouse technology, we can taste this spring flavor in advance during the period of fright. For Toona sinensis, it can be said that those who like to eat are eager to eat, and those who don’t like to eat are shunned. The rich and unique fragrance is used to cold tofu or stir-fry eggs, which are all delicious dishes for people to eat.

The number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in two years.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 13th According to the data released by Korea Education Development Institute on the 12th, with the increasingly severe problem of low fertility rate, the number of students in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in 2026.
On May 27th, 2020, students from Shilun Primary School in Seoul, South Korea returned to school accompanied by their parents. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Sang Ho Lee)
The data shows that the number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is about 5.13 million this year, and it is expected to decrease to about 4.83 million by 2026. In 2029, this number is expected to further drop to about 4.275 million.
The number of freshmen in primary schools in South Korea is also decreasing rapidly. According to the evaluation data, there were about 401,000 freshmen in primary schools in South Korea last year, which is expected to drop to about 348,000 this year, and will fall below 300,000 in 2026, and will be further reduced to about 245,000 in 2029.
With the sharp decrease of school-age population, the Korean government has introduced a policy to reduce the number of teaching staff in public schools. According to the teacher recruitment plan released by the Korean Ministry of Education in April last year, from 2024 to 2027, South Korea will reduce the number of newly hired teachers year by year. In 2027, the number of newly recruited teachers will drop to 2,600-2,900, a decrease of up to 27% compared with 3,561 in 2023.
In recent years, the phenomenon of late marriage and unmarried in Korean society has gradually increased, and the fertility rate has been declining. In 2022, the number of newborns in Korea was 249,000, and the total fertility rate was 0.78, both of which were the lowest since Korea had relevant records. The total fertility rate of 0.78 is far below the 2.1 needed to ensure the stability of the country’s population.
According to a preliminary estimate by the Korea Statistics Office, the number of newborns in the country may be less than 230,000 in 2023, which is nearly half of that eight years ago. (Zhang Jing)
Source: Xinhua News Agency

Movie viewing benefits | Please invite 50 readers to watch the movie Goodbye, Li Kele for free.

In order to thank the readers, New Evening News, in conjunction with Harbin Workers’ Cultural Palace Film City, specially launched the "I do practical things for the masses" weekend staff free special public welfare film activity, and invited 50 readers to watch the film "Goodbye, Li Kele" at 9 am on December 23rd.

Directed by Wang Xiaolie and scripted by Liu Qian and Wu Di, the film Goodbye, Li Ke Le invited Jason Wu to join in and form a "magic family" with NI YAN, Seven and the cute dog "Ke Le" to stage a touching story about "love and growth". In the movie, in order to fulfill her daughter’s wish before the third year of high school, her father Li Boyu (Jason Wu) is determined to take Sinan (Seven) to go skiing in Altay. The sudden accident made Li Boyu unconscious, and also made Pan Yanqiu (NI YAN), his wife and mother, have to make a difficult decision. Being in charge of the family gradually lost its temperature, and a puppy named Coke broke into the life between mother and daughter and became a companion in life. The story of how they let go of their remorse after the pain and how they learned love and courage in their growth is worth the audience’s expectation.

How to participate in:

Step 1: Pay attention to "New Evening News Film and Television".

Step 2: Participate in the message and get a reply to win the prize. Tickets can be picked up after registration with the union membership card or ID card. One certificate can only be exchanged for one movie ticket.

Watching time:

At 9 o’clock on December 23,

Viewing address:

Workers Cultural Palace Film City (No.248, Zhongshan Road, nangang district)



Harbin Daily reporter Shen Zhiyuan