Guide to offering incense and praying in Jinshan Park on New Year’s Eve released

On February 2 nd, the reporter learned from Zhenjiang Wenlv Group that the guide to worship incense and pray for blessings in Jinshan Park on New Year’s Eve in 2024 was released. The activity is civilized and fragrant, and the staff will provide each visitor with 3 fragrant scents free of charge. Visitors are forbidden to bring any incense sticks, tin foil and other fragrant items into the park.

The time for offering incense is from 20: 00 on February 9 to 2: 00 on February 10, 2024. All the activities will enter the park by ticket, and the ticket price is 10 yuan/Zhang, which will be pre-sold at the ticket office of Jinshan Park three days in advance. All kinds of card certificates are not allowed to be used.

The activity will implement the control of the flow and direction of the incense worshippers, and visitors are invited to enter and leave the scenic spot according to the guiding route. When the number of people entering the park exceeds the instantaneous maximum carrying capacity of the scenic spot, ticket sales and admission will be suspended, and visitors are requested to wait in line patiently.

It should be noted that a no-fly zone is set up at the event site, and drones, Kongming lanterns, etc. are not allowed to be used in and around the scenic area.(Shan Shan Yang Yue)

Come and sign up! Chengdu people’s most anticipated "PK Competition for Hard Dishes in the Year of the Communist Youth League" is coming again!

Cover journalist Han Jianwen

Pot friends! Today is the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, officially starting the countdown to the 10-day Chinese New Year! At the same time, it also means that the annual vegetable competition is coming!

Imagine, you showed your hand at the group annual banquet, made a tonal and delicious hard dish, which will definitely impress your relatives and friends, be praised by your peers, be admired by your younger generation, be deeply loved by your partner, and be promoted and raised in your job! Go to the peak of your life immediately!

If you haven’t decided what to do, let the Star Chef Competition and the hard dish guide for the New Year’s Eve give you inspiration!

Guide to hard dishes for 2020 New Year’s Eve.

In 2020, we invited chefs from major star-rated hotels in Chengdu to show us the hard dishes in their hearts. Just saying a few things will make people drool.

Baked Alaskan Crab with Garlic Flavor

The combination of thick garlic and Alaskan crab is bright and fragrant, and simple seasoning can set off the sweetness of crab meat, which is full of the whole mouth and has endless aftertaste.

Sesame crackling Diao roast chicken

When it comes to lifting roast chicken, many foodies are salivating, because its crispness and separation of flesh and blood are comparable to ordinary roast chicken, and with the fresh fragrance of sesame seeds, it will trigger your taste buds.

Boiled beef with green pepper sauce

The fat cow cooked with the secret green pepper juice is full of the flavor of the sauce, and the refreshing and exciting taste in one bite is still full of fat cows full of vigor, which is really unique.

This year, ace chefs will bring you a brand-new batch of delicious food in the Star Chef Competition, and take you to taste the "hard dishes of the group annual banquet" in Chengdu hotels and Chinese restaurants in the Spring Festival of 2024!

Looking for Chengdu, the star chef arrived.

"Chengdu 4th Star Chef Competition" and "Dragon" re-appeared!

The whole city collects the most "hard" taste of 2024!

Long press the poster to identify the QR code to register!

Taste Chengdu together and celebrate the Year of China!

Looking forward to your registration, come and participate!

Do you feel that the air conditioner blows "fake 26℃" in winter? Not an illusion!

The first cold, freezing rain and snow weather in 2024

People in Guangxi are shivering with cold.

As soon as many friends get home,

I took it out.

The same "standard movements" as in summer:

Turn on the air conditioner, set it to 26℃ and start heating.


Blow for a while

I always feel that something is wrong …

The air conditioner is turned on to 26℃ in summer.

You can stay indoors.

Wear short-sleeved shorts and have fun

Why is it open to 26℃ in winter?

anyway/no matter what/ in any case

You have to wear long-sleeved trousers.

It doesn’t feel too warm, does it

in fact

Many people will have it in their hearts

Questions like this:

26℃ of air conditioner in summer

It feels like that.

In winter,

The total feeling is "false 26℃"

I can’t help but doubt my life.

Don’t blow a lonely?

Dig into the reason

It’s a little complicated

Take you to reveal the secret

There is nothing wrong with your body feeling.

The temperature of 26℃ in air-conditioned rooms in winter is just different.

First of all, expose a truth that many people don’t know:

Setting the air conditioner to 26℃ does not mean that the wind blown by the machine is 26℃, but that we want the indoor temperature to become 26℃.

Therefore, the summer temperature is 35℃, and we set the air conditioner at home to 26℃. In order to lower the room temperature to this temperature, the air conditioner will blow cold air; When the temperature is 0℃ in winter, we set the air conditioner at home to 26℃. In order to raise the room temperature to this temperature, the air conditioner will blow hot air.

The above is easy to understand, but then another key knowledge point comes: cold air has a large proportion, love to run down, warm air has a small proportion, and love to flee up.

We often install the air conditioner on the wall two or three meters above the ground, and the components that sense the ambient temperature in the air conditioner are also located in the high place of the room, that is, the place where warm air gathers.

So, when everyone sets the air conditioner to 26℃ in winter, the people who stay under the air conditioner haven’t warmed up yet, but the air conditioner in the high place has "felt" that the indoor temperature is 26℃, which is warm enough and the task is completed.

In addition, the temperature of the wall is quite different in winter and summer.

Let’s assume that the indoor temperature is the same in winter and summer, and the temperature distribution in the room is even, but you will still be significantly colder in winter. Why? Because the wall is cold, it is also conducting heat.

Heat will flow from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects, so in winter, the walls of air-conditioned rooms will continuously conduct and transport warm heat to the cold outdoor. So if you want to really feel the indoor warmth of 26℃, wait for the wall to heat up slowly.

Wet air cooling

It will also weaken the "power" of air conditioning heating.

In addition, specifically to the southern region, another reason why air conditioning is not so warm in winter is wet and cold. Because of the cold water hidden in the air, it absorbs the heat from your skin all the time. When they are dried and evaporated by your body temperature, they will take away some heat.

Wet cold is everywhere, between clothes and skin, between socks and feet. As long as there is air, this wet cold will accompany you. Therefore, in winter, we might as well try the "dehumidification" mode of air conditioning first. When you feel the air is drier, is it warmer?

Dry mouth and nosebleed

"Winter air conditioning disease" can not be ignored either.

However, solving the wet and cold, another problem that comes with it may be air-conditioning disease in winter.

Everyone is familiar with air-conditioning diseases in summer, and there are also air-conditioning diseases in winter, which can not be ignored. People who stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time in winter may have symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness, sore throat, cough, irritability, tight skin, etc. Many people wake up in the morning and feel thirsty and even have nasal bleeding.

In addition, in rooms where floor heating and heating are used, people are also prone to "heating sickness", and the symptoms are similar to air conditioning sickness. The reason is nothing more than two factors: too high temperature and too low humidity.

First of all, under normal circumstances, the human body will evaporate about 1000 ml of water every day, including 600~700 ml through the skin and 300~400 ml through the respiratory tract. After heating, the room is dry, and the human body loses more water. In such an environment for a long time, many systems of the body will be unsuitable.

In addition, if the heating temperature at home is too high and the air continues to be dry, it will cause the secretion of respiratory mucosa to decrease. In addition, in order to keep warm, the window ventilation will be reduced, and dust and bacteria at home will attach to the mucosa, which will easily lead to diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection and bronchial asthma.

Dry air in the air-conditioned room will aggravate the evaporation of tears, cause insufficient wetting of the angle and conjunctiva, and cause dry eyes and visual fatigue. In addition, when people stare at mobile phones, computers and other electronic screens, they will unconsciously reduce the number of blinks, and the secretion of tears is insufficient, which will easily induce dry eye syndrome over time. Exposure to air-conditioned environment will accelerate the loss of water in the skin, leading to symptoms such as dryness, tightness, peeling, roughness and itching.

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay special attention to it. When the indoor temperature is high, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases go out to contact cold air, which will easily lead to vasoconstriction and spasm, and blood pressure will suddenly change. When the organism is short of water, it will easily lead to the increase of blood viscosity, which may lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Correct prevention of "air conditioning disease" and "heating disease" in winter can start from the following points:

1. When using air conditioner, adjust the direction of air outlet.

In winter, when the air conditioner is heating, the temperature is too high, the temperature rises too fast, and it is blowing directly on the human body, which will cause some problems. Therefore, the air conditioner should be adjusted to medium wind and the tuyere should be adjusted to blow down.

2. Air conditioning temperature should not be too high, pay attention to regular ventilation.

If the indoor temperature is too high, it will easily lead to cough and chapped lips. It is necessary to control the indoor temperature and humidity and keep the air circulating. The room temperature is preferably between 18℃ and 22℃, and it is guaranteed to open the window twice a day for at least half an hour each time.

3. Keep indoor air humidity.

To prevent the room from being too dry, it is recommended to keep the humidity at 50%~60%, and a humidifier can be placed in the room to increase the air humidity. At the same time, you can also put pots of water in the house, or put some aquatic plants to adjust the indoor humidity. Note that the humidifier can’t always be on.

4. Pay attention to replenish water in time.

Being in an air-conditioned room for a long time will make your skin dry and rough, so you should pay attention to hydrating, drink 1500~2000 ml of water every day, or eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Source | Popular Science China, Henan CDC, Health Times, Public Health, etc.

Reprinted only as a guide to life or popular science. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.


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Do you feel that the air conditioner blows "fake 26℃" in winter? Not an illusion! Touch the weather in Guangxi to read the original text

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Original title: "I feel that the air conditioner blows" fake 26 C "in winter? Not an illusion! 》