Deng Chao is distressed: Should artists be honest or silent in love?

Feature: Picture Channel


  From the instant success of "Young Son of Heaven" to the popularity of "Assembly Number", Deng Chao successfully completed the transition from screen to screen with the enthusiasm of the character "obsessive". At the same time as his career success, Deng Chao also harvested a "happy like a flower" love affair with Sun Li, and the "Sweet Honey" starring the two will soon be released on the Shanghai screen.

  However, since the incident of Feng Xiaogang’s director "walking away", Deng Chao seems no longer willing to share his happy life with Sun Li. In an exclusive interview with this newspaper’s (News Afternoon) reporter yesterday, Deng Chao, who did not know whether to be honest about feelings or keep silent, was more willing to talk about his love for acting and obsession with the stage.

  Avoid talking about relationships

  Shadows left after "overwhelming"

  More than a month ago, Feng Xiaogang led the creator of "Assembly Number" to shout everywhere in Shanghai. At the MTV Super Ceremony party, one of the starring Deng Chao successfully stole the spotlight with his "outstanding" acceptance speech, "… Finally, I would like to thank a girl surnamed Sun. It is your emotion that has always supported and encouraged me, so that I am not lonely or lonely. This award is for you, and I will put it in the bathroom of your new home. I love you!" Later, Deng Chao and other creators of "Assembly Number" were interviewed together, but the media focus was on Deng Chao’s bold confession to Sun Li. Feng Xiaogang, who could not bear it, said sullenly: "It seems that no one is interested in movies, only private life, sorry." After saying that, he walked away.

  This incident was undoubtedly a huge impact on Deng Chao, and after that, his attitude towards love changed 180 degrees. In the face of many questions from reporters about "super love", he either diverted the topic, silenced or avoided it. Whether it is the constellation fate with a matching index of up to 100% (Deng Chao of Aquarius and Sun Li of Libra are a natural match), or whether "happiness is like a flower" love will be delayed by their respective rising careers. Deng Chao did not answer directly. He only said that the emotional life of artists is not very different from that of ordinary people, but because artists are public figures, their private lives often become the focus of public attention. "I think it is quite difficult to be an artist now, especially when asking me and Sun Li. If you don’t say it, some people will think that something happened to you. If you say too much, some people will say that you are hyping this matter, and you don’t know whether to be honest or keep silent. "

  Deng Chao, who is good at imitating Jacky Cheung, also said that he would like to make an album for Sun Li, which is full of words for Sun Li and songs sung to her. When it comes to the album, Deng Chao said that he has also considered it and regards it as a very serious job. "This is not playing tickets, it is not singing KTV. If you want to do it, you have to put down filming and other things and do it wholeheartedly."

  Only talk about work

  The two characters were confused

  Reporter (hereinafter referred to as "Record"): "Assembly" is your first big screen shock. Although Zhao Erdou does not belong to the "tear gas" hero Jiulian, he has taken on the biggest laugh of the entire film. Do you think your performance has achieved the desired effect?

  Deng Chao (hereinafter referred to as Deng): The film itself is a regrettable art. Every actor will find some problems and shortcomings after looking back and summarizing after shaping a role. Zhao Erdou is the same. But the actor’s experience and shaping of the character cannot be repeated. If I replay it now, I can’t act out some of the feelings at that time. Actors create with 100% or even 200% of their energy and mature through this kind of tempering again and again. I like Zhao Erdou, and I also like all my previous roles. Those are the paths I have traveled and the wealth of my life.

  Remember: It seems that the filming time was rather rushed at the beginning. Aren’t you very satisfied with your performance?

  Deng: Time was tight because I was still filming "Sweet Honey" at the time. I was also very confused at that time. I couldn’t completely extract the souls of the two characters "Lei Lei" in "Sweet Honey" and "Zhao Erdou" in "Assembly" from my heart. I wasn’t particularly dissatisfied with the performance. What I was dissatisfied with was that I didn’t have more time to figure out the characters. All the scenes were "crazy"

  Remember: Every man has a hero complex in his heart. I heard that you are more "wild" than Zhao Erdou in life, and you really want to fight on the battlefield until you die?

  Deng: It’s not that I’m wild, most of my plays are in peacetime, so I really hope to fight with the Jiulian brothers in the front. I envy the "Jiulian brothers" such as Hanyu and Naiwen, and I am also very jealous of them. I hope to become one of them and sacrifice on the battlefield. That must be a very shocking thing. They even joked at that time: Chao’er, you can shoot with us. Anyway, the audience won’t recognize you (paint your face dirty), and you won’t wear it. You can play Zhao Erdou again later.

  Reporter: In the survey of, more than 60% of the female audience voted for Zhao Erdou as the ideal marriage partner. Do you have anything in common with your characters in life?

  Deng: Actually, there is nothing in common. I may have had some arrogant places similar to Zhao Erdou in the past. Now that I am old, I am much calmer, and I no longer use "arrogant" methods to express my emotions.

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Interview with Zong Qinghou, Chairperson of Wahaha Group: Work hard and prosper

  Zong Qinghou: Nearly 200 proposals for 15 years of re-election to the National People’s Congress

  CCTV News:Zong Qinghou, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairperson and general manager of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, has been re-elected as a deputy to the National People’s Congress for three terms since 2003. 2017 is his fifteenth year in office. In the past 15 years, he has submitted nearly 200 proposals and suggestions to the 10th, 11th and 12th National People’s Congress, about 260,000 words, with an average of 13 pieces per year. The content involves politics, economy, people’s livelihood, agriculture, rural areas, laws and regulations, real estate and other aspects.

  Reporter:First, why write this suggestion from so many angles? Also, what time do you have to write this suggestion?

  Zong Qinghou:It should be said that I have more than 80 bases across the country, located in various provinces across the country. Second, I often do market research and have extensive contact with all walks of life. Because I am also an ordinary person, people sometimes tell me, so I know more about all aspects.

  Reporter:For example, in your proposal this year, I saw one. Governments at all levels need to improve their execution and deepen reform. Let’s take this as an example. Is this your own feeling, or is it a common feeling after you have run your project, or after communicating with more people?

  Zong Qinghou:This is my own feeling, and of course I have also come into contact with other people. Because many of the policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, whether they are reform measures or not, are undoubtedly very wise and correct, and they are indeed aimed at making our country’s economic development better. Sometimes it is true that many of the policies of the central government are very good, but when it comes to the bottom, there will be no interest. For example, I have not been mentioning it to young people, because the housing prices are too expensive now, and they cannot afford to buy houses, so they cannot live and work in peace and contentment. Later, the State Council issued a document that could give some young people rent subsidies, but I don’t think local governments have implemented it.

  Reporter:You think it’s necessary to write.

  Zong Qinghou:The executive power of governments at all levels requires that employees at the bottom of enterprises also improve their executive power. The same is true for enterprises and governments, and the government also needs to improve its executive power.

  Reporter:For example, the words you used just now, the original intention of this country is good, but there are some local governments that do not implement them effectively. Although these words are objective, are you afraid that saying them will offend people?

  Zong Qinghou:It should be said that I am a business owner, operating according to the law and paying taxes, and I have no braids to be caught, so I am not afraid of what others will do. Since you are the representative of the people, you should say what the people want to say.

  National People’s Congress deputies must be brave, outspoken, and kind

  In Mr. Zong’s view, as a delegate to the National People’s Congress, one must be bold, outspoken and kind. The principle is to "dare to speak the truth and reflect the truth." This year, he submitted 14 various proposals to the National People’s Congress.

  Reporter:For example, this year, I read your suggestions, one of which is about checking the use of administrative fees by governments at all levels. Why?

  Zong Qinghou:It is often said that corporate taxes and fees are relatively heavy. Some leaders say that you often say that taxes and fees are heavy, and how much fees are charged? No one is clear. Later, I asked my finance department to go through our charges, so at that time, there were more than 500 charges. In 2016, it was reduced a little, by 200 items, but there were still more than 300 items. The Ministry of Finance later sent people to all my branches to check the accounts. After checking, he said that more than 100 inspection fees were combined into one item, so it became more than 200 items. He may be under a lot of pressure, but he doesn’t need that much pressure. The Ministry of Finance doesn’t ask you to collect the fees. Every department has no money to use, so they send a notice to collect it. But what is the use of this money? It should be said that there is no budget report. And I found that there is also a phenomenon that temporary workers are hired in many departments. Your money is allocated by the finance department.

  In March 2003, Zong Qinghou attended the first session of the 10th National People’s Congress for the first time as a delegate. At that time, as a new delegate, he put forward six suggestions, which only covered his own industry. Later, the scope of his proposals and suggestions became more and more extensive. Economic development, national economy and people’s livelihood are his key areas of concern.

  Reporter:For example, you once said that the most important thing for an entrepreneur is to do a good job in their business, which is their greatest responsibility and their greatest contribution to society.

  Zong Qinghou:But if you say that the policy of the whole country is not good and the development of the enterprise is not good, will the development of the country not be good? The enterprise should be the economic cell of our whole country, and all the cells are dead, so the body is also dead? So we entrepreneurs should not only do a good job in the enterprise, but also care about national affairs. When the leaders from above go to the bottom, they may not see and hear some actual situations. They tell the leaders what is good, and let the leaders see what is good. Our reform and opening up country has indeed achieved good development and made good progress, but after all, there are still problems that have not been solved. We should let the leaders know these things.

  Build a beverage kingdom with 30 years, no financing or listing, because there is no shortage of money

  Mr. Zong, 72, was born in Hangzhou. After graduating from high school, he worked for 15 years in Zhoushan Salt Field and Shaoxing Tea Factory in Zhejiang Province. In 1979, his mother, a primary school teacher, retired and he took over as a primary school janitor. In 1987, at the age of 42, he started his business. He then spent 30 years building a beverage empire. But in the process of enterprise development, Zong Qinghou has insisted on not financing and not going public, which is somewhat out of line with the current popular practice.

  Reporter:But now many companies will immediately raise funds and go public as soon as they develop. Why don’t you do this?

  Zong Qinghou:Because there is no shortage of money in itself.

  Reporter:Never been short of money?

  Zong Qinghou:There is no shortage of money.

  Reporter:I don’t believe it.

  Zong Qinghou:You don’t believe it. You see that there is never a loan now, and there is always a large amount of deposits in the bank, but you manage your money in the bank instead of lending money to the bank.

  Reporter:This is when you develop to a healthy operation, can you not go?

  Zong Qinghou:I developed steadily from the outset.

  Reporter:Never been short of money?

  Zong Qinghou:There was no over-development, no shortage of money, you think about it, we were engaged in a joint venture at that time, I sold things first to collect money, bought raw materials, I pay at the end of the month, at the end of my payment, I have already made money, so I don’t need liquidity, but this depends on reputation, you promise to pay people on time, he will rest assured that people put money with you, and I also pay him interest, which is higher than his bank loan interest, so I guarantee that I have no bad debts.

  Reporter:Even for such a large enterprise, the possibility of going public and raising funds is the modern way of doing business. Are you prepared to never do it, or will you do it someday?

  Zong Qinghou:If there is a big investment, I may also go public, and I may also take out a loan, but there are no big investment projects now. Why should I take out a loan when I have enough money now? I will go public again. If I go public, I must generate benefits for shareholders. Otherwise, you will be scolded by others and make up stories to deceive the people’s money. It is not easy for the people to earn money.

  "You don’t have wealth, how can you enjoy it?"

  In recent years, despite the surging Internet economy, Zong Qinghou has remained unmoved, single-mindedly managing his beverage kingdom and becoming a representative figure of the real economy.

  Reporter:You told the reporter yourself that I sold a bottle of water and a bottle of water. But now what? We see some, he can have great wealth overnight, several nights, with a story. What do you think of such wealth?

  Zong Qinghou:He came and went quickly. I think it’s better to be down-to-earth and engage in some industry, because the real economy is an economy that creates wealth. You see at the end of the Qing Dynasty, our GDP was also the largest in the world, but what was his GDP? It was silk, porcelain, tea, etc. You closed your country and lost the opportunity for the Industrial Revolution. After the foreign guns and foreign guns were built, the 38,000-nation coalition army beat you and fled, which made us go through a long period of time, a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, and we were bullied by others.

  Reporter:So what do you think this history shows?

  Zong Qinghou:What it means is that you must develop the real economy and our manufacturing industry. Your manufacturing industry is advanced, and we have advanced weapons. Who would dare to beat us? So at that time, we proposed to save the country through industry. Now I think we need to be a strong industrial country. Although we have become the second largest economy through reform and opening up over the years, and we have also become an economic power and a manufacturing power, you are not a strong country. We don’t have many advanced things yet, and we don’t have many core technologies either.

  Reporter:This is how you look at this from the perspective of doing business. But do you feel that the moment we live in, the society we live in seems to be…

  Zong Qinghou:Too impatient.

  Reporter:Everyone is more envious of the way to get rich quickly and quickly, but everyone knows that planting crops requires a process and must wait for it to mature naturally. What do you think of this kind of entrepreneurship?

  Zong Qinghou:In fact, I sometimes tell young people that when I say you start a business, you don’t have to be a boss to start a business. You can’t be a boss in the country of more than 1.3 billion. In the past, it was said that 360 lines, and you were the champion. Your employment is entrepreneurship, and being a good teacher is also entrepreneurship. Being a famous host is also entrepreneurship. Being a good doctor is also entrepreneurship. It doesn’t mean that a boss is entrepreneurship. This concept needs to be changed. In addition, I think young people, it is indeed good to talk about teachers. Education, including media and public opinion, is the same. It is necessary to form a good atmosphere.

  Zong Qinghou does not hide his views. On many occasions, he has spoken bluntly about the concept of industrial prosperity, and at the same time put forward his own different views on some new economic forms.

  Reporter:Maybe many people think that you are an outdated role model. Because although you have been doing it for 30 years, you have worked too hard and been too tired. Maybe if more young people today don’t see you as a role model, but more Internet entrepreneurs as role models, what do you think?

  Zong Qinghou:It’s impossible for everyone to make money so easily. Everyone is relaxed, and when the time comes, everyone will not be easy, and if they don’t work hard to create wealth, there will be problems later. For example, if you like Europe, with high welfare and high taxes, after such a long time, you will not create wealth. Mainly because there are more people enjoying wealth and fewer people creating wealth, then there will be problems again.

  Reporter:Would you rather be someone who enjoys wealth or someone who creates it?

  Zong Qinghou:First of all, I think we should create wealth, and only by creating wealth can we enjoy wealth.

  Reporter:Can’t it be turned upside down?

  Zong Qinghou:It cannot be reversed. You have no wealth, how can you enjoy it?

  Zong Qinghou: The first thing to do in an enterprise is to be diligent, and the second is not to be mercenary

  For a long time, Wahaha’s internal management mechanism has also been famous in the industry. For a long time, Wahaha Group had only one chairperson and one general manager, and Zong Qinghou himself served as the chairperson. The group did not have a deputy general manager, and the management of various fields such as production and sales was handled by various ministers. This almost difficult-to-replicate mechanism has left many people wondering how Wahaha would have developed without Zong Qinghou when Zong Qinghou would have retired from management.

  Reporter:If you use a hundred years to measure an enterprise, you are firmly in control of the previous period and the first half. If you want to reach the goal of a hundred years, what should you do in the second half?

  Zong Qinghou:I think I can manage it for 50 years. I think my lifespan is still relatively long, and my health is relatively good. In the next 20 years, I hope to gradually institutionalize it and do it well in all aspects. In the future, people will know how to do it. This way, this enterprise may enjoy a long life.

  Reporter:We still need a system.

  Zong Qinghou:System.

  Reporter:Why didn’t you consider this issue earlier?

  Zong Qinghou:I used to have it too. At that time, I was personally catching it, but now I want them to divide their labor and let them catch it, so that they actually know how to catch it. Therefore, I have now appointed two vice presidents, and I am also cultivating them, gradually and gradually training the management, because in the end, it is still the management who manages this. Professional managers manage enterprises, and China will definitely come to this step, but now we Chinese professional managers, this group has not yet formed, so many of us young people should go to enterprises to train as professional managers.

  Entrepreneurs are the main force of economic development, so for many years, Zong Qinghou has not been far from the media spotlight. And Zong Qinghou believes that under the spotlight, entrepreneurs should pay more attention to social responsibility. For the young entrepreneurs in the current entrepreneurial wave, Zong Qinghou also has something to say.

  Reporter:Do you think there are some constant entrepreneurs and some qualities that entrepreneurs should have? No matter how the times change, they should be firmly adhered to?

  Zong Qinghou:Entrepreneurs first diligence is the most important. If you don’t work hard, how can you achieve success?

  Reporter:Diligence comes first. What else?

  Zong Qinghou:The other second is that you want to create wealth for the public, not for profit.

  Reporter:From your perspective today, you can think that I am creating wealth for the general public, but for many fledgling entrepreneurs, it is not about creating wealth for themselves.

  Zong Qinghou:Indeed, there is a process. At first, you strive for your own survival. After a certain degree, when your own survival is no problem, then you have to create wealth for society and make contributions to society.

  Reporter:This is the only way.

  Zong Qinghou:The only way to go is through a process.

  Reporter:As an old entrepreneur, as a successful entrepreneur, if you give these young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs who are just starting out, what advice would you give them from the older generation to the younger generation?

  Zong Qinghou:I think one is to have a good mindset first.

  Reporter:What is a good mindset?

  Zong Qinghou:Some money is something you can earn, some things you can achieve through hard work, and some things you don’t want to start at once and never achieve.

  Reporter:I don’t quite understand.

  Zong Qinghou:In the process of starting a business, sometimes you can’t be too ambitious and think too well. In fact, you just need to be down-to-earth and take it step by step. When I started my business, I was helping people dropship popsicles and ice cream, and I didn’t expect to be the largest beverage company. You have to improve your goals step by step and develop step by step.

  Reporter:If you start with this goal, chances are you won’t be able to achieve it.

  Zong Qinghou:Maybe it’s over.

  Reporter:Is this the only sentence, or is there more to these young people?

  Zong Qinghou:Sure, your entrepreneurial process will encounter many difficulties. The key is that you have to persevere and go on, but you can’t help but correct it. If you feel that this path is not going to work, you have to reconsider this. How to go down the road behind, you can’t go dark one way. Second, if you encounter difficulties, you can’t be downcast and don’t want to do it, then you will never be able to do things.

  "Having wealth and having others respect wealth are two different things"

  As an older generation of entrepreneurs, Zong Qinghou rarely talks about various concepts that are popular at the moment. He does not have bodyguards or is surrounded by people, and he rarely has famous brands all over his body. For a long time, he lived in an ordinary residential area with little entertainment and leisure. Even if he was over 70, he often worked fifteen or six hours. When it comes to wealth, this entrepreneur who started by selling popsicles has a more calm attitude than the average person.

  Zong Qinghou:When I was young, I was probably poorer than you, poorer than the average person. I lived in the countryside for fifteen years, and I didn’t have enough food or warm clothes, so I should have been created by ordinary people through hard work and entrepreneurship, but I should still develop the habit of thrift. Generally speaking, I am still wealthy, but I think this money is still social. How much can I use? I still classify myself as the life of ordinary people. You see, I don’t wear any luxury goods. I have not participated in some of their things, and I still can’t play golf or say what they want to do. I didn’t participate.

  Reporter:Do you not like it from the bottom of your heart, or do you like it too but don’t have the time?

  Zong Qinghou:It should be said that I don’t like it either, because I’m busy with work every day now, and I haven’t had this idea since I was a child.

  Reporter:No. What sort of idea?

  Zong Qinghou:There is no thought of enjoying this life either.

  At the end of 2016, a photo of Zong Qinghou taking a second-class high-speed rail ride caused heated debate in the community.

  Reporter:Many people think that if you don’t take the business seat, you should at least take the first-class seat, so why don’t you take it? Do you have to take this second-class seat?

  Zong Qinghou:It’s not because I have to take a second-class seat, because I couldn’t buy a ticket that day, and a second-class seat is a second-class seat, and it doesn’t matter to me anyway.

  Reporter:Don’t you think there is a difference between this?

  Zong Qinghou:I don’t think there’s a difference. I don’t think that’s right.

  Reporter:Which view is wrong?

  Zong Qinghou:It doesn’t necessarily mean that rich people have to fly business class.

  Reporter:What’s the money you make?

  Zong Qinghou:Money only reflects your value. You have to enjoy it, and you can’t enjoy it all.

  Reporter:What is enjoyment for you? What is enjoyment?

  Zong Qinghou:Enjoy I feel that things are done successfully, that is, enjoy, and be happier.

  Reporter:Still can’t live without work.

  Zong Qinghou:That’s right.

  Reporter:What about life?

  Zong Qinghou:It’s nothing in life, I eat in the cafeteria. Maybe I have an iPad next to me when I eat, which is a little easier.

  Reporter:What is your ideal living situation?

  Zong Qinghou:Now I don’t think about any ideal or unideal living conditions. I feel that I can feel better.

  Reporter:What are your standards?

  Zong Qinghou:Make the people more satisfied with your business, more respect you, respect your wealth. It’s not that easy to do this.

  Reporter:Having wealth and having others respect wealth are two different things.

  Zong Qinghou:Yes.

  Reporter:What do you think is the difference?

  Zong Qinghou:If you have wealth, help others to become wealthy together, so that they will respect you. If you don’t help others with wealth, they may be jealous of you. If you help others become wealthy, he will definitely respect you.

What is the AEB in He Xiaopeng, Yu Chengdong?

A few days ago, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng publicly stated in an interview that "Ninety-nine percent of AEB of Friends (Friends) are fake.",this burst point of view instantly attracted the attention of the network.

Subsequently, Yu Chengdong countered He Xiaopeng’s AEB argument in the circle of friends:Experience it quickly, even what AEB is, even the top leaders of car companies have not understood it at all.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Wen Jie and Tucki are both in the first echelon in the field of intelligent driving, and this fight has attracted a large number of people who eat melons. So what exactly is the AEB that Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng are arguing about? Let’s talk about it today.

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

1. He Xiaopeng: It is said that 99% of AEB is fake.

Recently, in an exclusive conversation with "No.42 Garage", He Xiaopeng released a lot of materials and made a rather sharp comment on the technology of friends and businessmen.

After the launch of the new M7 in Wenjie, it was completely destroyed, with a large quantity exceeding 80,000 units. The AEB active safety promoted by Yu Chengdong has become the main reason for many people to buy it. You know, it can stop at 90km/h, and there is only one at present, but in He Xiaopeng’s view,This is actually a fraud.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

In his reply, he said: first, most people may never touch AEB;;Second, friends talked about AEB. I think 99% of it is fake. It is fake. None of the publicity was officially released by the company. It was all from small videos.

At the same time, it added: our people also asked, its AEB can’t be opened at all, and there are too many cases of wrong braking on the road.

Answering "its propaganda effect is greater than its actual use effect?" , He Xiaopeng said:

At present, when talking about AEB in the industry, we mainly talk about vertical AEB; When it is triggered, its speed should be within 60 kilometers per hour in most cases.If the speed is too high, once you brake by mistake, it will be a great shock to users, which is simply unacceptable.

He Xiaopeng added: I don’t think it’s right to treat customers as guinea pigs. Some enterprises dare to do this, but they will also bite back. I have worked in the automobile industry for several years, but I don’t want to do this, but we will definitely do a better job in AEB.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

2. Yu Chengdong retorted that the top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB.

This view has attracted the attention of Yu Chengdong, the chairman of Huawei Zhixuan Car. After all, the other party named it as fraud, so Yu Chengdong refuted it in the circle of friends, saying"The top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB".

This is not enough. Yu Chengdong continued to write in the comment area of his circle of friends:

Some people don’t understand what AEB is at all, and tell some people that intelligent driving is nonsense/flicker, almost exactly the same!

Lack of basic understanding of industry technology development and future development!

Some car companies are busy doing intelligent driving all day, and the results of AEB active safety test are very poor. When asked, they know that they have not even done the basic functions of AEB.This surprised me very much! Either let the men fool, or lack the most basic understanding of the development of the automobile industry!

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

There is no doubt that Yu Chengdong’s response is full of gunpowder, but in combination with He Xiaopeng’s previous remarks, it is indeed time to stand up and say, after all, the more clear the argument is.

3. What is AEB?

So what the hell is AEB?

According to public information,AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an automatic emergency braking system for automobiles.The distance from the vehicle or obstacle in front is detected by radar, and analyzed by electronic control unit. According to different distances and speeds, whether there is a danger of collision is judged, an alarm is given to the driver, and automatic emergency braking or vehicle deceleration is performed to the maximum extent, so as to reduce the probability of collision with the vehicle or pedestrian in front and avoid accidents.

Simply put, it is to take the initiative to help you step on the brakes to avoid hitting people or other objects.

As one of the active safety functions, AEB has increasingly become the standard of many new cars. At present, the relatively advanced AEB score in the industry is 60 km/h.. That is, when driving at a speed of 60km/h, AEB can take the initiative to stop the car before it hits the object when it detects a stationary object in front.

Yu Chengdong promoted that the AEB active safety of its own Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving can reach 90km/h braking, which is "far ahead".It can effectively avoid most traffic accidents caused by inattention and complex road conditions.

4, use it once to return to the book! Huawei AEB successfully avoided hitting the elderly.

Huawei’s ADS 2.0 advanced smart driver does have related cases, not the M7, but another Aouita 11.

Recently, Aouita CEO Tan Benhong shared a very thrilling case. The owner drives a Aouita 11 on the national highway. Because there are few vehicles, the speed is not slow, and the light on the road is not good.

All of a sudden, this Aouita 11 suddenly started to brake, and gave a thumping sound until the brake stopped.The driver found that an old man dressed in black wanted to cross the road. If the vehicle did not automatically identify and brake urgently, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

When the Aouita 11 brake stopped, a Volvo S90 came near the driveway. The driver on it also noticed that the situation was wrong, and the brake light was always on. Then the old man retreated to the road and the two cars drove away.

Tan Benhong said:

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

In fact, there are many feelings. On the one hand, it has strengthened our determination to do intelligent driving.Help everyone step on the brakes and take a direction in the extreme situation of being invisible and too late to improve the safety of travel;

On the other hand, I still want to remind you that the current intelligent driving is only an aid, not a real automatic driving. You should concentrate and be ready to take over at any time.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

5, the end

From this point of view, the AEB function is indeed very practical in safe driving, and it can even be said that "use it once to return to the book." After all, if you really succeed in avoiding hitting people, the loss saved may be hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Although there are differences in their understanding of AEB, it is undeniable that AEB has become an indispensable part of intelligent driving in the future.

Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng’s "pinching each other from a distance" is actually a microcosm of the increasingly fierce competition in the automobile industry in recent years, especially in the research and development of new energy and intelligent driving. Whoever comes up with really good products can survive under the cruel competition.

The highlights of the 2024 Guiyang International Auto Show were wiped out.

The 14th Guiyang International Auto Show in 2024, which has attracted the attention of the industry, will kick off on April 11-15, and the exhibition scale and highlights will usher in a breakthrough new change, striving for a new life and gorgeous transformation in China’s automobile industry.

This year’s auto show, the exhibition area is expected to reach more than 80,000 square meters, attracting automobile manufacturers and dealers from all over the world to participate. More than 80 mainstream automobile brands will focus on the latest technologies and products in the automobile industry, bringing unprecedented car purchase benefits to the people, and will show the new trend of people’s travel mode shifting from pure means of transportation to "car+intelligence", "car+life", "car+culture" and "car+new format", which will make consumers look forward to the future travel mode and purchase of their favorite cars. Seven innovative highlights will be launched in the same period of the auto show, bringing unprecedented audio-visual car feast to the public.


01. Time flies-collection of old photos of auto show and film exhibition

In order to trace the history of automobile industry and show the charm of automobile culture. The organizing committee of the auto show collects the old photos and the stories behind the photos of Guiyang International Auto Show from 2011 to 2023 for the whole society. No matter you are an old master of photography, a car enthusiast or an ordinary consumer, you can share your precious moments with Guiyang International Auto Show to Zhanbao. Anyone who participates in the event will have the opportunity to get a gift from 200 yuan’s exquisite photography, and the shortlisted photos will be displayed in the car time film festival area at the exhibition site.


02. Understand the car emperor’s attack, find a topic and praise the king.

As the leading online service platform for automobile consumption in China, Know Car Emperor has been committed to finding a new perspective for the automobile industry and creating more valuable services for users. At this auto show, I understand that the car emperor will innovate to create a new season for buying cars in spring, and launch tens of millions of subsidies in conjunction with major auto brands to help citizens easily change new cars, which will effectively promote the prosperity and development of Guiyang’s auto market. In the same period, the official of Know Car Emperor will jointly hold the anchor battle Competition and the National Topic Challenge with the theme of "Know Car Emperor Recommended Officer" in conjunction with Guiyang International Auto Show. At that time, the anchor of Guiyang rim will lead the citizens to directly attack the "Huashan Argument on Sword" of Chinese and foreign brands at the auto show for the first time, and talk to the big coffee in the industry, focusing on the development of China’s auto industry and chatting about hot topics.


03. CCB Car Festival, car loans enjoy low interest rates.

At this year’s Guiyang International Auto Show, China Construction Bank once again joined in, and launched the activity of "China Construction Bank Car Purchase Festival, which aims to provide convenient and preferential financial services for car transactions". Consumers can not only enjoy the benefits brought by various automobile OEMs, such as direct cash drop, buying a car gift package and so on, but also easily realize their dream of buying a car through various car purchase schemes such as installment payment, low down payment and interest-free loans of China Construction Bank. And provide a "one-stop" car buying and selling service for the auto show, and escort all the worries of consumers buying and selling cars. Reference for discount calculation by installment:


04. Green Life Festival, having fun and having fun.

At the same time as the auto show, the novel and fun green life festival will explode at the scene. At that time, the middle street of the exhibition hall will gather RV, motorcycle, camping, outdoor sports, cool market and other elements, which is a new diversified entertainment way integrating "camping+market+music+entertainment", combining the immersive experience of outdoor camping with the multi-interactive carnival market to create a comprehensive outdoor party for young people, so that everyone can find their own small world here. Whether you want to explore a personalized way of traveling or go shopping for a punch card, the happy atmosphere here must be your only wild resort.


05. Boutique used car area, the price is really fragrant.

In March, 2024, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods, and the policy was clear: carry out trade-in of automobiles. With the promotion of the country’s automobile trade-in policy, consumers will also enjoy greater policy dividends when they choose used cars. This year’s auto show and Guiyang Hengxin Famous Car jointly launched the used car exhibition area. Consumers will choose used cars of various brands and models with high cost performance and a wide range of choices. Every day, the auto show will also launch various types of car buying activities, full of surprises, and experienced used car appraisers will "sit in the clinic" on the spot. While providing free consultation service for your used car valuation, it also ensures that these vehicles have undergone strict screening and evaluation to ensure that the cars are in good condition and consumers can buy with confidence.


06. The workshop course in DJI started on the spot.Flying friends recruitment is about to start

In addition to watching cars, models and participating in rich activities, the organizing committee of Guiyang International Auto Show jointly launched workshop course teaching in Guizhou, DJI, and extensively recruited flying friends who love unmanned aerial vehicles to participate in free courses, and professional trainers and flight instructors gave lectures on the spot. In addition, DJI’s popular products will be displayed on site, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (mini series, Air series, Mavic series, crossing series, carrier, etc.), pocket cameras, handheld pan/tilt, camera stabilizers, etc. Interested friends can sign up for the event and experience it in person at the exhibition site.


07. Children’s rookie, blooming the beauty of art.

At the auto show, a group of talented children’s elites will compete on the same stage, and the children’s star talent show will be held. The young players will show their talents and grace through various talent shows such as model catwalk, dance, singing and instrumental music. Combined with the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, it brings a Hanfu theme show that travels through time and space, shows the beauty of Chinese culture, and also provides a platform for small players to show themselves and enhance their self-confidence, bringing a hearty artistic feast to the audience.


This year’s Guiyang International Auto Show is a multi-dimensional, more fun and more fashionable exhibition feast, which will show the audience the sensory impact brought by the blending of automobile culture and fashion elements more intuitively. For more auto show information, new car trends and auto show activities, please search and follow "Guiyang International Auto Show" WeChat WeChat official account. April 11-15, I look forward to meeting you at Guiyang International Convention and Exhibition Center.

"Hot Search" won the Golden Rooster domestic new film exhibition, which was most anticipated by the audience. Xin Yukun did not play suspense to dig deep into human nature.

A few days ago, the film "Hot Search" appeared at the Golden Rooster Film Festival and held a screening event. Director Xin Yukun, producer Wang Hongwei, starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin attended the post-screening interaction to share the behind-the-scenes story of film creation with the audience. In this film festival, Hot Search won the 36th China Golden Rooster Award, and the domestic new film exhibition was the most anticipated feature film by the audience.

The film "Hot Search" tells the story that Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, penetrated the traffic password, created an explosive article and rushed to the hot search, but indirectly boosted the female student of the bully to jump off the building. At this time, Chen Miao accidentally discovered the help information sent by a female student and involved a sexual assault case. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are involved in it. Public opinion has turned many times, what kind of interest chain is hidden behind the incident, and a public opinion war for the weak has started … The film will be officially released on December 1.

Xin Yukun, the director of Heart Labyrinth and Silent Burst, didn’t choose to make a fuss about suspense structure this time, but focused on the network theme closely related to the present, and explored the complex humanity behind the "network public opinion war". Xin Yukun said that in such a story, the suspense skills full of design will weaken the sense of reality. "I am willing to sacrifice suspense and impress the audience with authenticity.".

At the scene, producer Wang Hongwei said that movies have the responsibility to show social phenomena. Xin Yukun also said, "What happened in the network in recent years is the power of awakening, and it is necessary to be recorded and transmitted.". "The film can’t tell all the complicated causes behind the network, but I hope it can help you sort out the whole story and improve your ability to identify the truth."

This time, Zhou Dongyu plays Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media. At the scene, Zhou Dongyu also shared his love for the role. "Chen Miao believes that one thing will die to the end, and this tenacity in her body particularly attracts me.".

Song Yang plays He Yan as a "middle-aged social animal" trapped by interests. Song Yang said frankly that the middle-aged crisis dominated the choice of what to say, and the reality and pressure made him constantly compromise, and he was powerless to the truth. Yuan Hong played a "perverted and bad" villain. Peng Yue held power and did whatever he wanted. Justin couldn’t help but say "I want to beat him!"

In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan, down 13.8% year-on-year.

[In December, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, down 13.8% year-on-year] On January 29th, the Ministry of Finance released the national lottery ticket sales in December 2023. In December, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, down 8.565 billion yuan year-on-year, down 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the high base of the pulling factors of the football World Cup in the same period last year. From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

The U.S. military slashed its defense budget just to aim at the "current war"?

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

  When US Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the defense budget for 2010 on the 6th, he stressed that the US military should drastically reduce the expenditure on R&D and purchase expensive and advanced armaments, and invest more resources to meet the equipment demand in real battlefields such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Analysts said that although it is still unknown whether Gates’s budget can be approved by the US Congress, it reflects a certain shift in the US military strategy.

  Give up some "advanced" weapons

  According to the defense budget submitted by Gates, the US military plans to reduce or stop some expensive arms production and R&D projects that are not needed at present.

  As far as the navy is concerned, a plan to develop a new cruiser based on DDG1000 design will be abolished and the fleet upgrade plan will be suspended.

  In the future, the navy will continue to use the main ship type "Ali Burke" class destroyer used in recent years.

  It is said that the DDG1000 destroyer is a multi-functional warship that can avoid radar detection.

  After the design of this destroyer, it was delayed to be delivered for manufacture, but the cost climbed to more than $3 billion per ship in the past 10 years. Therefore, the US Navy called for abandoning the project, but under the lobbying pressure of congressional interest groups, it only reduced the number of reserved ships from 32 to 3.

  In the defense budget, Gates set the premise for purchasing the three ships under construction, that is, the contractor needs to move the two scattered construction sites to the same dock, otherwise the navy will only consider purchasing one of them.

  As far as the Army is concerned, the $160 billion future combat systems R&D project will be cut.

  Gates specifically pointed out that the chariot research and development project costing $87 billion in the system will be cancelled.

  In view of the fact that roadside low-tech bomb attacks are the main cause of American casualties in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, Gates thinks that instead of developing light chariots with advanced concepts, it is better to spend money on anti-mine ambush vehicles. Based on a South African chariot in the early 1990s, this armored vehicle is said to have effectively reduced the casualties of American troops since it was put into use in Iraq.

  For the Air Force, Gates intends to cancel the VH-71 presidential helicopter project costing $13 billion, the C17 new transport aircraft project and an advanced military satellite research and development plan, and at the same time reduce the production of each F-22 fighter at a cost of $140 million, which will be discontinued after 187 fighters are produced.

  The F-22 fighter, nicknamed "Raptor", is the most expensive fighter in active service of the US military and the first fourth-generation fighter in the world. Although it has the functions of stealth and supersonic cruise, it is not suitable for helping the US military to deal with roadside bombs in Iraq or hunt down terrorists hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan. Gates said that F-22 fighters are of little use to American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  Increase the need of real war

  While proposing to cancel and reduce many weapons programs, Gates announced that he would increase funds for other weapons programs. Gates suggested that the navy buy more ships with fast sailing speed, which is beneficial for the military to carry out offshore missions, and suggested that the Air Force increase the number of F-35 joint attack fighters purchased from 14 in fiscal year 2009 to 30 in fiscal year 2010, and the project funds increased from $6.8 billion to $11.2 billion. Gates also said that the Pentagon will increase the funds used to fight against anti-American militants in Iraq and Afghanistan, equip special forces to hunt down terrorists, stop reducing the number of air force and navy personnel, and expand the size of the US Army and Marine Corps, with an increase of 65,000 for the Army and 27,000 for the Marine Corps.

  Gates also proposed to allocate $2 billion for the research and development and application of surveillance technology, including the addition of 50 Predator drones. It is said that since the beginning of this year, the US military has repeatedly dispatched Predators to crack down on Al Qaeda and Taliban forces hiding in the border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Serve the "current war"

  American public opinion believes that the main purpose of the defense budget submitted by Gates is to serve the "current war". The expensive armament project that Gates plans to cut is either a combat system formed during the Cold War or an advanced project aimed at mastering the hostile forces of super-sophisticated technology, which is not in line with the current situation. He stressed that what the United States needs is weapons that can be used to equip American soldiers to fight against real enemies.

  The Los Angeles Times believes that Gates’ purpose is to shift the focus of military spending from large-scale wars against traditional rivals such as China and Russia to small-scale conflicts against armed forces such as the Taliban, which is the first step for the Obama administration to rebuild the US military. This fundamental and directional change in the focus of national defense spending is essentially to increase the ability of rapid deployment of troops, global response and information warfare, reduce the equipment needed for large-scale wars, and reduce the investment and installation of heavy equipment and traditional large-scale weapons development projects in accordance with the "need to guide contracts", rather than mainly considering meeting the requirements of various services and arms and indulging their selfish greed.

  Correspondingly, the deployment of the US missile defense system may also be adjusted. In the defense budget submitted by Gates, the expenditure on missile defense projects will be reduced by $1.4 billion. He proposed to increase investment in regional anti-missile projects targeting missiles with short range and relatively limited strike capability, but to cancel or postpone the deployment of projects targeting intercontinental ballistic missiles.

  Although the day before Gates’ defense budget was published, North Korea announced the successful launch of an experimental communication satellite, and arms dealers such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin took the opportunity to lobby that Gates would strengthen the existing multi-layer missile defense system in the United States in the defense budget, but it was not adopted in the end.

  Military spending still ranks first in the world.

  Analysts said that Gates’ defense budget was a helpless move when the United States was mired in the financial crisis and faced with financial difficulties. Gates himself said bluntly that the purpose of proposing to cancel those eye-catching sophisticated weapons programs is to save money.

  Even so, once Gates’ plan was announced, it caused doubts in the United States. In addition to worrying about whether the United States has the ability to defend its homeland security after reducing conventional weapons, public opinion also believes that this plan will certainly not be approved by Congress. Because the plan harms the interests of arms dealers, these arms dealers will inevitably put pressure on members of Congress who represent their interests and obstruct the adoption of the plan. Even if it is passed, it must be transformed in the implementation.

  International public opinion generally believes that the so-called worry about the impact of Gates’ reduction of the defense budget on American security is simply unnecessary, because Gates’ plan to reduce large-scale advanced weapons and equipment is itself based on "the United States’ military strength is the only one." Although many armament projects have been drastically reduced, the total defense budget submitted by Gates in 2010 will still reach $534 billion, up from $519 billion in 2009. In fact, the total defense budget of the United States has accounted for more than 40% of the global military expenditure for many years. If the cost of counter-terrorism is added, its defense expenditure is almost equivalent to the sum of all other countries and regions in the world.

Editor: Li Yongchao