Wang Jianlin, it’s sold!

China Fund Journal, Taylor

Hello everyone, 2023 is coming to an end! Just look at some news, and we’ll go on vacation.

Wang Jianlin continues to sell Wanda Plaza

In just a few days, Wang Jianlin sold three Wanda plazas!

On December 29, Guangzhou Luogang Wanda Plaza Co., Ltd. had an equity change, and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company withdrew from the company’s shareholders, 100% owned by Suzhou Lianshang Sihao Commercial Management Co., Ltd., the latter controlling shareholder is Zhonglian Qianyuan Real Estate Fund.

On December 25 and 26, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management withdrew from the list of shareholders of Taicang Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd. and Huzhou Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. The two companies added Suzhou Lianshang No. 3 Commercial Management Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Lianshang Wuhao Commercial Management Co., Ltd. as full shareholders respectively.

The official website shows that Zhonglian Fund focuses on the real estate financial business with REITs as the core, with real estate securitization as the entry point and extending to both ends, forming three business lines of real estate investment incubation, real estate securitization investment banking, and securitization product investment, and laying out the whole business chain of real estate with various themes.

Under Wang Jianlin’s previous plan, Wanda Group would sell some of its Wanda plazas nationwide in exchange for liquidity.

On December 12, Wanda’s gambling crisis was lifted. PAG and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group jointly announced the signing of a new investment agreement. PAG will work with other investors to reinvest in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management after its investment redemption period expires in 2021 and is redeemed by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group. Existing investors invested about 38 billion RMB in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management in August 2021, of which PAG’s investment is about 2.80 billion US dollars (about 18 billion RMB). Existing investors enjoy redemption rights in the original investment arrangement.

According to the new agreement, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management holds 40% of the shares, making it the single largest shareholder. Several existing and new investors such as Pacific Alliance will participate in the investment, with a total stake of 60%. Wanda will work with Pacific Alliance and other important shareholders to further optimize the corporate governance of the company, maintain the stability of the management team, and jointly support the long-term development of the company.

The market believes that the signing of the new agreement may mean that Wanda’s huge share repurchase crisis has been temporarily lifted. However, comparing the equity data, it will be found that the shareholding ratio of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has dropped significantly, and it has "lost weight" a lot.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange has notified Industrial Bank of abnormal stock trading

On the evening of December 29, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the abnormal trading situation of the closing auction of Industrial Bank shares on December 29, 2023.

The notice shows that during the closing auction stage on December 29, 2023, the stock price of Industrial Bank fluctuated sharply. After preliminary verification, it was caused by an investor declaring a large transaction at a price that obviously deviated from the latest transaction price of the stock. The Shanghai Stock Exchange will conduct further in-depth verification of the relevant situation and take corresponding measures according to the verification results.

Original title: "Wang Jianlin, sold!"

Read the original text

The history of game AI evolution, the only thing that can stop AlphaGo may be Werewolf

  "Stimulate the battlefield below the golden level, 80 AI in one game", this is a topic that cannot be avoided recently about mobile PUBG.

  Regardless of whether the chicken-eating mobile game is really ***ting cold, after all, it is not uncommon for such a hundred-person online mobile game to use robots to make up numbers to speed up the matching rhythm. But why, almost everyone who has played the exciting battlefield will invariably question – "These are all robots, right?" The answer is obvious, the robots used to make up numbers are really ******.

  Without collecting equipment, without looking for cover, with poor marksmanship, and slow response… In a game where everyone has a lot of tricks, these special players are like couriers delivering equipment, which is very abrupt. Even if it is to take care of the gaming experience of novice players, but in high-end games, they will also encounter such "silly and sweet", which makes people wonder: Can’t these AIs be smarter?

  Today, we will discuss the past, present, and future of AI players in the history of gaming.

  Evolution history of game AI

  Since the birth of video games, there has been a shadow of game AI, whether it is the earliest oscilloscope tennis or tic-tac-toe, especially in the past when multiplayer online games were still trapped in the difficulty of popularizing network technology. AI in stand-alone games has become the most reliable companion for players and the absolute overlord of the game world at that time.

  In a sense, the prototype of video game AI may have already appeared in the classic arcade game "Pac-Man". At that time, the AI in the game was beginning to rise around the world, and "Pac-Man" at that time made a great attempt in this regard. There are a total of 4 different colors of monsters in the game, and each monster has a different pursuit algorithm, and all monsters have a unified goal of encircling and chasing. Therefore, in the game at that time, those monsters did not line up to chase the player, but "chased and intercepted" the player from different paths and methods, and there may be different choices at each intersection. This mechanism has made Pac-Man a significant attempt for modern video game AI, and has also made Pac-Man a classic in the hearts of gamers.

  Since then, more classic games have begun to revolve around opposing AI characters, such as Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, Prince of Persia, and Mega Man 2. In these popular games, AI has become the key to ensuring the game experience and controlling the difficulty of the game. At that time, the core of the game was actually the confrontation between the player and the AI, but in different ways.

  At that time, the ultimate purpose of AI was to let players defeat and then gain a sense of achievement. However, AI at that time was still in the "pseudo-intelligence" stage, and the actions of the relevant virtual characters in the game were based on a series of scripts set in advance based on the conditional judgment language.

  However, as game types and gameplay have evolved, the roles and functions of AI have also changed. A typical example of this is 1987’s Metal Gear, in which AI first appeared in the game as a player’s equivalent, was given the role of patrol, and for the first time added the hostile reaction mechanism to the player. This mechanism gradually formed the enemy alarm mode of the core NPC in the Metal Gear series. The appearance of this AI mode also further expanded the mission and role scope of AI in the game.

  With the rapid development of hardware, algorithms, and computing power in the video game industry over the past 30 years, the pace of evolution of AI in games has gradually widened compared to that of human players. Especially at that time, most game mechanics were testing the player’s reaction and operation. In these aspects, AI has quickly destroyed humans. First-person shooter games are a good example.

  Starting with Counter Strike in 1999 and then Road to Survival, Valve laid the foundation for AI in FPS games, but in the early years, robots in CS have always been one of the places where players complain. At that time, robots were responsible for filling vacancies in the game. They had no other role than being cannon fodder and meat shields, because they basically acted according to easy-to-master rules, and most non-novice players could easily kill them.

  However, it is not difficult for those familiar with FPS games to find that in recent years, the AI in many FPS games has become more and more "brutal", and the difficulty level has also increased. In many cases, the highest difficulty AI combat power has far exceeded that of most players. In a recent online elite game of "CS: GO", there was an amazing scene – a robot named BOT Connor single-handedly killed the members of the opposing team.

(Image credit: PcGamer)

  Today, AI is beginning to surpass humans in all aspects of different games, and even the various chess games that humans are proud of have long been beaten by IBM, Google and other tech giants. Not long ago, Go was completely lost without accident.

  Humans are responsible for inventing games, while AI is responsible for conquering games and players, which seems to be an irreversible trend. But in fact, there is always a battlefield in the field of games, where AI cannot completely defeat humans.

  Real-time strategy, humanity’s last "high ground"?

  After AlphaGo’s 3-0 victory over Ke Jie in May last year, many people lamented that humanity had become a complete catch-up on the road of "Game". However, AlphaGo did not think so, because it has another goal – "StarCraft".

  As early as 2016, after AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, Deepmind announced that it would challenge StarCraft players with AI in the future. But a year later, when AlphaGo was already alone in the Go world, AI was still "crushed" by top human players in the game of StarCraft. Google’s DeepMind practiced for a year and couldn’t even beat simple NPCs. In a game at the end of 2017, CherryPi from Facebook AI Research Institute was also swept by South Korean former professional player Song Bingju 0:4.

  The momentum of AI’s destruction in other fields seemed to stop abruptly in the face of StarCraft, all because of the characteristic mechanism of games like StarCraft, the fog of war.

  "StarCraft" is a game like Go, but the addition of the "Fog of War" mechanism has become a gap that AI cannot cross.

  In the game of Go, both sides could see each other’s current situation at any time, which meant that the player had no hidden information, and all the information in the past was clear at a glance. The so-called knowing oneself and knowing one’s enemy depended on the player’s thorough understanding and imagination of the rules of the game.

  In real-time strategy games such as StarCraft, the fog of war makes it impossible for both sides to know all the information in the game. In this case, based on the limited information collected to make judgments and decisions about the dynamic situation, when to do what, many times need to rely on inference and guesswork. This is the "incomplete information game" that makes AI headaches, and games like Warcraft, Dota, etc. belong to this category.

  There is a common phenomenon between top AI and humans in such games – winning the battle and losing the war. If you analyze the gap between AI and humans, intuitively, it mainly lies in the "big picture" and "rhythm" aspects.

  As Geek Park mentioned in the previous article "Win Go first, then win the tower, and how can artificial intelligence catch up with humans in the game?", in this type of game, the change of strength is more dynamic, no one is absolutely strong and weak, the real winner may be at a certain point in time to seize the weakness of the other party, and the judgment of this point in time is a complex decision made through investigation and empirical judgment. Both sides of the game can change the direction of the battlefield by inducing and feigning attacks. Even if they are weak, they can achieve the transformation of the situation through some psychological games.

  When to attack, when to retreat, where to attack, divide and outflank, sneak attack and harassment, feint and lure… In the incomplete information, it is difficult for the AI to tease out absolutely valid logic to support the decision, so it is difficult to make key judgments at the right time.

  Therefore, in the past, many real-time strategy games could only improve their AI level by increasing their AI resource income, building speed, and fully opening the map. Under the same restrictions as human players, it was difficult to simply rely on operations to win the entire game.

  Where is the future of gaming AI?

  Perhaps AI will soon be able to defeat humans in the field of real-time strategy games, but that is not the future of gaming AI.

  With the investment and guidance of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and IBM in this regard, it is not surprising that AI is likely to defeat humans in real-time strategy games in the future. For humans, it is more important to make better use of the development of AI to provide players with a better gaming experience. Just like when AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, AlphaGo did not destroy the 3,000-year-old game, but opened the door to a new world of Go for humans through its own advantages.

  Regarding the exploration of the future of game AI, the famous game masterpiece "GTA5" is a perfect case. This open game with high realism and complexity has huge randomness, providing players with an unprecedented gaming experience. What’s more interesting is that this game has also become an experimental field for many autonomous driving AI. Intel Labs, Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany and Princeton University have all chosen to use the "GTA5" game to train artificial intelligence for autonomous driving.

  You know, smarter AI in the game can do far more than just defeat opponents, more importantly, according to the development of the plot and player characteristics, to provide a more perfect game experience, which can be dynamically increased difficulty, of course, can also be reduced, everything is to make the game more interesting to play.

  There is no need to worry too much about whether AI will eventually defeat humans, after all, we still have Werewolves. If one day AI can really read words, read expressions, and tone, and then deceive all humans to win, that will be the end of AI…

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The purchase of 96 luxury cars and 135 suites in Harbin was investigated and dealt with.

CCTV News:Since the 14th Supervision Team of the Central Committee for Eliminating Evil entered Heilongjiang, it has taken cases with high public concern and great social impact as the key supervision work to follow up and promote the progress of cases.

Yu Huajie, member of the Standing Committee of Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection:In August 2018, we received a large number of reports from the masses, especially from some electric power construction enterprises and construction people. It reflects a series of problems, such as corruption, bribery, monopoly and so on, of Li Wei, deputy general manager of Harbin Power Supply Company of the former State Grid, and his younger brother (Li Tong, former chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Company). We immediately launched an investigation under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and took lien measures against them in a timely manner according to law.

 Li Wei, the eldest brother of the Li family, was then the deputy general manager of Harbin State Grid Corporation. He had nearly 1 billion yuan of power engineering projects in his hands every year. As his younger brother Li Jian, he started a private power engineering company with his friends, and his business naturally flourished under the care of his brother. Li Tong is the youngest in the family. He started as an ordinary worker. After his brother Li Wei was promoted from the position of chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Group Company to the position of deputy general manager of State Grid Harbin Company, he directly took over his brother’s position and became the main person in charge of the company. The two brothers took up leadership positions through illegal means, and this was only the beginning of the three brothers of Li’s taking up the road of black crimes.

Collusion in bidding and violence to suppress monopoly power projects

Since 2010, since Li Wei served as assistant director of Harbin Electric Power Bureau and chairman of the electric power industry group, he has been monopolizing the electrified connection project in the whole city. Through collusive bidding, they first won the bid with the electric power industry group, and then subcontracted the project to the company started off-line by their younger brother Li Jian and the black-related organization. In a few years, they almost monopolized the construction of the electric power project in the whole city.

 Boss Li Wei

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:According to statistics, since 2010, the Li brothers, a criminal gang, monopolized 76.7% of the power projects in Harbin. They monopolized these power projects by means of bidding and violent suppression, and directly distributed them to the secondary companies controlled by the members of the organization, which in turn handed them over to downstream companies for construction.

Refusal to pay for subcontracted projects is forced to pay with goods.

In 2017, Mr. Ma of Harbin became the construction company they subcontracted. What was the result? During the central supervision team stationed in Heilongjiang, Mr. Ma came to the station to reflect his experience.

Mr. Ma from Harbin:These 22 substations should be around 11 million, and my own capital investment is 4.3 million, but so far I haven’t got a penny. He gave us a car with a market price of 700,000 at that time at a price of 1.5 million pieces, and the house and watches were several times higher than the market price. If you don’t want it, there is no money. Anyway, this is the thing.

I squander my money and my employees can’t pay.

There are more than 70 injured companies in Harbin, where Mr. Ma also suffered. All of them could not get the money after completing the construction, but the three brothers Li gained huge benefits in a short time. After a joint investigation by the Supervision Committee of the Harbin Commission for Discipline Inspection and the task force of the Public Security Bureau, in the past 14 years, the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations have made illegal profits of nearly 3.4 billion yuan.

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:After they had money, they bought a lot of real estate, luxury cars and antique cultural relics all over the country. As a collective enterprise, more than 100 employees went to the provincial government all the year round to report the situation because they could not pay their wages.

On the one hand, there are hundreds of employees who can’t get paid, and on the other hand, there are 96 luxury cars with nearly 100 million yuan. At the same time, the task force also detained 135 properties purchased by the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations all over the country.

96 high-end cars that received bribes were worth nearly 100 million yuan.

Since the central supervision team entered Heilongjiang, it immediately took this triad-related organization as the key supervision case and went to the case-handling unit several times to understand the progress of the case. Members of the Central Supervision Team came to the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to interrogate Li Wei, who had been criminally detained.

Luxury cars full of parking lots

Luxury cars full of parking lots

During more than two hours of interrogation, Li Wei told the Central Supervision Team about other leading cadres’ participation in business operations, bribery and crimes. According to the investigation, Li Wei, together with his younger brothers Li Tong and Li Jian, made huge profits in power projects, and also accepted bribes of more than 20 million yuan from other companies. In June this year, 96 high-end cars photographed by the task force of Harbin Public Security Bureau during the seizure of criminal goods filled the parking lot, with an estimated value of nearly 100 million yuan.

Is the second generation of entertainment still a star? Investigation on the current situation of celebrity children


Rich girls also break into the entertainment circle

It’s too early to be famous!

  3 Huang Zhiqing

  "Princess" selected by Stickmen "Prince"

  Identity: Huang Rihua Daughter Age: 19 years old

  Star potential: ★★★★☆.

  Taiwan Province’s super-popular idol group Stickmen held a concert in Hongkong earlier, which attracted thousands of girls to join in, while Stickmen member "Prince" held a beautiful female fan’s hand for a week and hugged deeply during her solo show. This lucky "princess" who was favored by "Prince" was Felix Wong Yat Wa and his wife Liang Jiehua’s baby daughter Huang Zhiqing.

  Felix Wong Yat Wa always dotes on her daughter and takes her everywhere in idolize. TWINS took her daughter to chase TWINS when she first debuted, and chased S.H.E when she grew up. Now that her daughter is 19 years old and slim, the 24-year-old father still drove her to Stickmen. "I sent my daughter to the concert that day. When I entered the venue, someone asked if I would mind letting my daughter go on stage. My daughter has been chasing Stickmen for two years and likes them very much." Felix Wong Yat Wa was generous when she talked about her daughter’s attention. When the reporter praised Huang Zhiqing’s outstanding appearance and qualified to enter the entertainment circle, Felix Wong Yat Wa did not reject it. "She should finish reading the book first. In fact, my daughter likes acting very much, but she plays a stage play instead of a TV series. I have been to see her performance and she played well. "

  4 Miao Tong

  Little "school flower" has no intention of choosing Hong Kong sister.

  Identity: Michael Miu Daughter Age: 18 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★

  Michael Miu and Qi Meizhen were a couple of golden couple when they were young. Their daughters inherited their parents’ excellent genes, and they became the "beauty queen" of the school at a young age, which was very popular with male students.

  In order to raise a pair of precious children, Michael Miu and Qi Meizhen did not hesitate to give up their acting career in their early years. Under the careful guidance of their parents, Miao Tong, now 18, and Miao Jun, now 15, are obedient, and Miao Tong, who looks very much like Qi Meizhen’s daughter, is very popular with male students. A reporter from Hong Kong followed suit and found that Miao Tong, as the "school flower", often had a male classmate with small eyes to escort him around.

  At the registration stage of "Hong Kong Sister" this year, it was once reported that Miao Tong would run for Hong Kong Sister. When Qi Meizhen attended a public event, she said that her daughter was not interested in the entertainment circle. "I am so angry with my daughter. After reading the report, she asked me what is’ the front belly of the bus’? Later, I learned that she meant’ a lot of prospects’, and my daughter is now preparing to go to college. I was scared all day when I heard that I chose Hong Kong sister. My daughter would better go to school and not be photographed by paparazzi. "

  Children’s group

  1 Chen Kangdi

  A "hipster" who became a designer before her mother

  Identity: Eason Chan Daughter Age: 4 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★

  Chen Kangdi, who has long hair, has become a "hipster girl" under the creation of Xu Haoying, a "hipster mom" who has always studied fashion clothes. She has a beautiful appearance and knows how to draw and dance ballet. She is both a writer and a dancer, and her father is a "big brother" in Hong Kong’s music scene. Xiaokangdi is naturally favored by advertisers. It is said that the value of advertisements in Chen Kangdi is as high as HK$ 2.5 million. Eason Chan said that if his daughter is interested in advertising, he will not object, but he still thinks it is too hard to be an artist. He hopes her daughter can study hard and lead an ordinary life.

  Chen Kangdi, who is only 4 years old, participated in the "I want to be a designer" taught by He Zhien himself earlier. Many children’s hair in the class was stained with paint, but Xiaokangdi was very calm and had a good idea of color matching. He painted the paper skirt and decorated it with small shells, which was praised by He Zhien for its creativity. At a fashion show specially designed for children, Xiaokangdi put on a skirt designed by herself to walk the catwalk.

  2 Xie Zhenxuan

  More suitable for entertainment than grandpa and dad.

  Identity: Nicholas Tse son Age: 2 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★★★

  Because both parents are big stars, Xie Zhenxuan’s gestures have been widely reported since his birth, and his clothes have become a trend indicator, such as Nike sneakers and Bathing Ape hats. Nicholas Tse once blew himself up that his son was worth 10 million Hong Kong dollars, which was higher than himself: "I might scare you to death if I told him. Someone once offered him eight figures to advertise, but I didn’t want him to walk back to his parents’ road." An advertiser confirmed that Nicholas Tse’s statement was true: "There are often manufacturers who want to find Lucas to advertise through us, and there are indeed large brands that bid more than HK$ 10 million. Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Nicholas Tse. He said that he should at least wait until his son is sensible. " To this end, Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse also had a big fight.

  The advertisement was not made, but it didn’t affect Lucas’ exposure at all. His mother often took him everywhere to play, while his grandmother took him everywhere to drink tea and shop. Lu-cas had already trained very professionally, and he was never afraid to see reporters’ "long guns and short guns", but he would cry if the camera didn’t shoot him. Cecilia Cheung once said that Lucas has the talent to be a star, and he will be more popular than grandpa and dad. Grandma praised him for his musical talent, which was better than his father Nicholas Tse.

  3 Ren Qingjia

  Little princess who loves to walk the catwalk.

  Identity: Yam Tat-wah Daughter Age: 4 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★★★

  Yam Tat-wah and Sophia Kao’s daughter, Ren Qingjia, are really beautiful. Some time ago, their family of three went to Guangzhou to "chase" Jay Chou, and Xiao Qingjia, sitting in the VIP seat, attracted many people’s attention.

  Ren Qingjia is deeply loved by her parents, and she is a model of Yam Tat-wah who loves photography. Since childhood, her father recorded her growth with a camera, and she was used to showing herself in front of the camera, and even picked up the camera to take pictures herself. Yam Tat-wah was full of praise for her daughter’s "photography", saying that her composition was very special and her idea was very good.

  With a supermodel mother as an example, Ren Qingjia, who loves beauty, began to walk the catwalk at the age of 3. One day, at the age of 3, she went to the street with her mother and grandmother. Originally, she always wanted her mother to hold her, but suddenly she asked to walk in the fields, and then she swaggered up as a model on the road to give full play to her acting talent. In fact, not only the catwalk on the road, but also many fashion shows have invited Xiao Qingjia to make a guest appearance, but all of them have been blocked by their eager parents. "It’s best not to, don’t, don’t even sing. If the daughter goes to film, there will be fewer opportunities to meet. Besides, filming is too hard, and there are day shifts and night shifts. Girls should not stay up all night. I just want my daughter to be healthy. I don’t even let them visit my own filming. It doesn’t matter if you call me autocratic. " Yam Tat-wah said this in an interview.

  ● Reporter’s viewpoint

  Be an ordinary person.

  ■ Kaka

  I’m glad to see that the children whose parents are stars are slim and graceful now, and I’m glad that none of them have dreams of becoming stars again. They inherited their parents’ excellent genes, so they are either hot and beautiful, or they have some extraordinary talents in music and acting, but they only regard this as a kind of interest and hobby. Instead of living in the public eye like their parents, they should be happy and ordinary people.

  In the past, we always liked to use the word "family", including a family of performers, singers and movies. Indeed, there are many big stars in the entertainment circle now. Their parents are stars themselves, such as Nicholas Tse, Fang Zuming and Ceng Baoyi. My father’s shadow may have brought convenience to them when they made their debut, but their ultimate success depends on their own efforts. In fact, what more second-generation celebrities see is not the glamour of the entertainment circle, but the pain that their parents have been followed by paparazzi and the despair that life has no privacy. In today’s era of individuality and freedom, this may be more unbearable than having no money. As a result, the children of these stars are far away from Hong Kong to study abroad, living a rich life of ordinary people and enjoying the freedom that their parents have always hoped for. Parents who are stars also agree with their children’s choice, because they have suffered too much in the entertainment circle and shed too many tears that others can’t see.

  In this era of fast food, entertainment stars are definitely fast-moving consumer goods. What we want to see are some new faces and voices that can cheer us up. As for who she and her parents are, we don’t care.

Editor: Liu Haifeng

"Hot Search" won the Golden Rooster domestic new film exhibition, which was most anticipated by the audience. Xin Yukun did not play suspense to dig deep into human nature.

A few days ago, the film "Hot Search" appeared at the Golden Rooster Film Festival and held a screening event. Director Xin Yukun, producer Wang Hongwei, starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin attended the post-screening interaction to share the behind-the-scenes story of film creation with the audience. In this film festival, Hot Search won the 36th China Golden Rooster Award, and the domestic new film exhibition was the most anticipated feature film by the audience.

The film "Hot Search" tells the story that Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, penetrated the traffic password, created an explosive article and rushed to the hot search, but indirectly boosted the female student of the bully to jump off the building. At this time, Chen Miao accidentally discovered the help information sent by a female student and involved a sexual assault case. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are involved in it. Public opinion has turned many times, what kind of interest chain is hidden behind the incident, and a public opinion war for the weak has started … The film will be officially released on December 1.

Xin Yukun, the director of Heart Labyrinth and Silent Burst, didn’t choose to make a fuss about suspense structure this time, but focused on the network theme closely related to the present, and explored the complex humanity behind the "network public opinion war". Xin Yukun said that in such a story, the suspense skills full of design will weaken the sense of reality. "I am willing to sacrifice suspense and impress the audience with authenticity.".

At the scene, producer Wang Hongwei said that movies have the responsibility to show social phenomena. Xin Yukun also said, "What happened in the network in recent years is the power of awakening, and it is necessary to be recorded and transmitted.". "The film can’t tell all the complicated causes behind the network, but I hope it can help you sort out the whole story and improve your ability to identify the truth."

This time, Zhou Dongyu plays Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media. At the scene, Zhou Dongyu also shared his love for the role. "Chen Miao believes that one thing will die to the end, and this tenacity in her body particularly attracts me.".

Song Yang plays He Yan as a "middle-aged social animal" trapped by interests. Song Yang said frankly that the middle-aged crisis dominated the choice of what to say, and the reality and pressure made him constantly compromise, and he was powerless to the truth. Yuan Hong played a "perverted and bad" villain. Peng Yue held power and did whatever he wanted. Justin couldn’t help but say "I want to beat him!"

23141 Football Quiz: brentford vs West Ham United

Traditional football 14 quiz games.

Welcome to the 23141 football quiz game:

Brentford vs West Ham United is stronger than brentford. Brentford’s performance in the near future is average, and West Ham United may win or draw; Sheffield United VS Wolves, the current state and strength of Wolves are better than Sheffield United, and they are more likely to win this game.

Everton VS Brighton, although Brighton has certain strength, there is still a gap compared with Everton, and Everton has a greater chance of winning or drawing. Manchester City VS Bournemouth, Manchester City is a strong team in the Premier League, and its strength is obviously higher than Bournemouth. In this game, Manchester City wins, Burnley VS Crystal Palace, and the strength of the two teams in this game is relatively close. Burnley has performed well recently, while Crystal Palace has some ups and downs, but considering Burnley’s situation, it is possible to win or draw.

Newcastle United VS Arsenal, Newcastle United performed in general, Arsenal has a strong lineup and good offensive ability, and Arsenal has a greater chance of winning or drawing.

Frejborg VS M? nchengladbach, although Frejborg also has certain strength, M? nchengladbach is more prominent in attack and midfield control.

Meng Xing wins or draws. Hoffenheim VS Leverkusen, a strong Leverkusen with outstanding offensive and defensive abilities. Although Hoffenheim has certain strength, there is still a certain gap.

Leverkusen wins. Clone VS augsburg, Cologne and augsburg are similar in strength, but Cologne has performed slightly better recently. Augsburg has a lot of ups and downs, and this game is a draw or Cologne wins. Berlin United VS Frankfurt, the Berlin United lineup is poor, and there are problems in attack and defense. Frankfurt wins or draws. Mainz VS Leipzig Red Bull, Leipzig has advantages in attack and defense recently.

Red Bull Leipzig won this game. Dortmund VS Bayern Munich, although Dortmund has certain strength, there is still a certain gap compared with Bayern, and Bayern won the game. Atlanta VS Inter Milan, despite Atlanta’s remarkable offensive ability, Inter Milan has an advantage in lineup and defense.

Inter Milan won the game. AC Milan VS Udinese, the strength of AC Milan, a strong Serie A team, is obviously stronger than Udinese. AC Milan won this game, and the charm of football lies in its passion and unpredictability. Welcome to my sports lottery store to present you with a wonderful football feast.

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Tourists are punished for taking pictures of red-billed gulls. Take stock of how countries protect wild animals.

  Beijing, China, November 19 (Xinhua) According to Voice of China’s Global Chinese Broadcasting Network, on the morning of November 16, a tourist was playing on Caohai levee in Kunming, Yunnan Province. When feeding food to the red-billed gull, he caught a red-billed gull with his hand and took pictures. Subsequently, the tourist’s behavior was stopped by security guards patrolling the levee and called the police. According to the relevant regulations, the Forest Public Security Bureau decided to impose a fine of 625 yuan on this tourist’s behavior.

  Going out to play and enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature is a good way to relax. Animals are a part of nature, and how to live in harmony with them is still a lesson that many people need to learn. However, some netizens questioned why the scenic spot did not set up warning signs or notices to clearly remind tourists not to catch gulls and take pictures. Then, are there any regulations in foreign countries that prohibit animals from grabbing in a certain area or city? What kind of punishment do you face if you break the rules?

  Singapore: Paying attention to the survival of animal populations, residents are strictly forbidden to feed wild animals.

  Singapore has a reputation as a "garden city". Let alone animals, where every flower and grass is extremely protected. Sun Muning, a correspondent of China Radio International in Singapore, said that as early as 1992, Singapore passed and improved the Animal and Bird Law, which made detailed provisions on the protection of animals’ survival rights.

  Singapore emphasizes the construction of a garden city and attaches great importance to environmental protection. Wildlife conservation is an important link in environmental protection. While promoting conservation, relevant departments in Singapore also attach great importance to the survival and stability of animal populations. Wild animals are very common in Singapore, but in order to maintain the stability of the population, residents are strictly forbidden to feed these wild animals. Just last week, the Singapore government just installed more than 100 surveillance cameras to monitor the illegal feeding of pigeons and remind residents not to feed wild pigeons, so as to avoid the population expansion and affect the ecological balance.

  In addition, the animal protection department headed by the Singapore Wildlife Conservation Group is also committed to assisting neighboring countries to protect rare animals and to protect and reproduce species such as Burmese tide turtles in Singapore. There is a sign that animals haunt, which can be said to be a scenic spot in Singapore, that is, otters. There are two wild otter families living in Singapore, which are deeply loved by local people, and even they can often be seen in local news programs. One of the otter families lives in the famous marina bay area of Singapore. Signs of beware of otters escaping can be seen everywhere near the Jinsha Hotel in marina bay and the Marina Bay Garden, which not only reflects the love of Singaporeans for these small animals, but also reflects the achievements of building a garden city in Singapore and realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  Australia: The concept of harmonious coexistence between man and animals is rooted in the hearts of citizens.

  Australia is far from the mainland, alone in the ocean, and with simple natural conditions, many species have no natural enemies there. Australia attaches great importance to the protection of animals. They have not only enacted strict laws, but also rooted the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in the hearts of every citizen.

  Hu Fang, an Australian Chinese, said that wild animals in public places and scenic spots are protected and are not allowed to be captured. For example, on the edge of parks or beaches, tourists will see clear signs stating that it is forbidden to feed birds, but it will not state that it is forbidden to capture animals, because for Australians, it is already a thing that you can never do wrong without any reminder. There are many wild animals in Australian cities, even parrots can be seen everywhere, and there are many birds coming from time to time in our yard. In Australia, people treat the wild animals around them as passers-by A and B and live in peace with them. In Australia, once there is an incident suspected of catching wild animals, it will cause an uproar. For example, there was a sensational Duck Gate incident in Australia recently. Passers-by recorded a video of a father and son putting ducks into plastic bags in a park, which attracted much attention, including investigations by the police and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. However, people familiar with the matter later revealed that the father and son were actually taking sick ducks to the park for air. The previous public condemnation may be due to misunderstanding, and the police also confirmed this matter, so this matter came to an end.

  In addition, in Australia, people should not only pay attention not to catch wild animals in public places, but also pay attention to keeping a distance from wild animals and not being harassed by them.

  Because of the huge number of wild animals in Australia, and many animals don’t even have any natural enemies, they often show a fearless look. If you eat seafood in the fish market and open grass in Sydney, you must take care of your food, because if you are not careful, seagulls staring at your food may fly around and take it away. As for kangaroos, you need to be more careful when you get along. You can look at them from a distance, but it’s best not to be too close to them, because no one can tell the temper of these kangaroos. One is unhappy, and they slap you in the face. Kangaroos are boxing champions in the animal kingdom, so don’t grab wild animals in Australia. Besides protecting animals, there is another meaning, that is, only in this way can you protect yourself. Australian animals are really brave.

  Spain: Wildlife protection measures are gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels.

  Spain has more than half of all known animal species in the European Union due to its rich and diverse geographical conditions. Undoubtedly, it has become the most representative country of biodiversity in Western Europe. This also attracts hunters from all over the world to go to Spain for illegal hunting. In this regard, the wildlife protection measures in various regions of Spain have been gradually refined under the legislation of governments at all levels. Zhang Shunheng, who has lived in Spain for many years, took the local animal protection law promulgated in Andalusia, Spain in November this year as an example to introduce how Spain severely punished the killing and catching behaviors that threatened the survival of birds.

  Spain’s National Civil Guard has set up a special branch to protect the natural environment in the region and implement all animal protection laws in the region, the country, the European Union and even the world. It is worth noting that Spain announced its agreement to the European Convention on the Protection of Animals as early as 1987, but it was not until 2015 that it officially signed and joined.

  The 30-year period of not formally joining the convention can be seen as people’s re-understanding of animal protection under the traditional thinking, in addition to differences in party views. In 2015, a 41-year-old man in Spain injured his neck because of a horse, and even beat the horse to death, resulting in criminal punishment, becoming the first person in Spain to be sentenced to prison for cruelty to animals. This incident is also the strongest punishment for violating the animal protection law introduced by the Spanish government. At the same time, the man will be banned from all animal-related work and activities within three years, and the biggest controversy among the people is whether to ban traditional bullfighting activities in national culture. Spain kills about 50,000 bulls in the bullring every year. Last year, the Spanish Constitutional Court lifted the ban on bullfighting, but the local government said it would not implement it. This year, Spain’s animal rights protectors marched on the day before the famous Bullfighting Festival, wearing horns and stained with red paint, demanding the abolition of the Bullfighting Festival and the tradition of bullfighting.

Pay attention to these changes when 30 provinces start the teacher qualification examination registration today.

  BEIJING, Beijing, January 24 (Ren Jing) Starting from the 24th, the registration for the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers (written examination) will begin in the first half of 2022, and this examination will be held in 30 provinces across the country. In recent years, the registration fever of teacher qualification examination has been rising continuously, and the "teaching-funded fever" has been concerned by public opinion. Experts said that the increasing professional attraction of teachers and the increase in the number of college graduates have all increased the registration fever of teaching-funded examinations.

Announcement of registration for teaching examination. Image source: China Education Examination Network

  Image source: China Education Examination Network

  30 provinces started to register for the written test on March 12 today.

  According to the information from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the registration for the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers (written examination) in the first half of 2022 will start on January 24th, and the written examination will be held in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) (Tibet is currently only held in the second half).

  It is worth noting that the registration time for this exam was originally scheduled for January 14th, but due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 in some provinces, the registration start time was postponed to January 24th.

  According to the current teacher qualification examination method, the examination is held twice a year in most provinces, and the general written examination is arranged in March of the first half of the year and November of the second half of the year, 1-mdash ahead of schedule; Start registration in 2 months. A few days ago, 30 provinces announced the registration of primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examinations in the first half of this year. According to local announcements, the date of this exam (written test) is March 12th.

  The topic of "funding fever" has attracted attention.

  In recent years, the topic of hot research on teaching funds has attracted public attention. According to the data of the Ministry of Education, during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the average number of qualified teachers was over 1.6 million, an increase of about 37% compared with the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" year.

  In recent years, the teacher qualification examination has been held twice a year, and the number of applicants for each examination is over one million. In 2016, the number of applicants for the teacher qualification examination totaled 2.6 million, reaching 4.1 million in 2017 and climbing to 9 million in 2019. In the registration of teaching examination in the second half of last year, the number of applicants in some provinces is still rising.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Education Research Institute, in recent years, one of the main reasons for the "fever" of teaching-funded examinations is the ever-increasing scale of college graduates. Under the employment competition, holding certificates means an extra way out.

  "From the overall environment, teachers’ salaries and benefits are constantly improving, and the state has given priority to the preparation. The attractiveness of teachers’ careers in the future is increasing, which is the background of the rising popularity of teaching-funded examinations." Zhang Xiaojing, an expert from Huatu Education Research Institute, analyzed that in recent years, the country has raised the entry threshold for teachers, and the teacher qualification certificate has become a necessary condition for teachers inside and outside the department, which is also an important reason for the rising popularity of the teaching examination.

  These people can be qualified as teachers without examination.

  On the eve of the registration of this teaching-funded examination, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Promoting the Qualification Reform of Primary and Secondary School Teachers for Normal Students’ Exemption from Examination, demanding that the reform of exemption from examination be carried out among normal students in relevant colleges and universities on the basis of the reform of exemption from examination for education postgraduates and public-funded normal students.

  The notice pointed out that teachers’ majors in colleges and universities that joined the pilot provinces of the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination reform in 2017 and before can participate in the examination-free certification reform from 2022.

  The circular requires that institutions of higher learning that implement the examination-free accreditation reform should establish and improve the assessment system of normal students’ educational and teaching ability, and classify and determine the teaching sections and disciplines according to the talent training objectives of normal majors.

  If the relevant institutions of higher learning arbitrarily expand the scope of exemption accreditation, or fail to issue the "Certificate of Professional Abilities for Teachers of Normal Students" for unqualified students, or neglect their duties or engage in malpractices for selfish ends in the reform of exemption accreditation, they will cancel the qualification of exemption accreditation for relevant normal majors in schools according to discipline and regulations, reduce the enrollment index of relevant normal majors in schools, and investigate the responsibilities of the principal responsible persons and relevant personnel of schools. (End)

No heating, no down jacket … How did ancient people spend the cold winter?

  BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Every winter, the howling cold wind becomes the standard, especially in the northern part of China, where it is often freezing, and people have to wrap themselves up from head to toe when they go out.

  Even now, how did people spend the winter in ancient times when the material conditions were relatively poor and there was no heating?

  How to keep the house warm? Get to know the fire wall and fire resistance

  One winter many years ago, Bai Juyi, a great poet, wrote a poem, "I know that the snow is heavy at night, but I can hear the sound of bamboo breaking", lamenting that the bedding is cold and the heavy snow has broken the bamboo, which shows that the weather is cold. In the cold winter, a warm house is undoubtedly the best way to keep warm.

  Data map: Students are experiencing the northeast folk fire kang. Photo by Liu Dong

  In ancient times, fireplaces and fire walls were all good ways to keep warm. People build a house wall into a hollow sandwich wall, and a fire tunnel is dug under the wall. There are air holes at the end of the fire tunnel to discharge smoke, and the charcoal port for adding fire is under the eaves of the house. After the charcoal fires, the heat can be transferred to the whole house along the sandwich wall. This kind of sandwich wall is called "fire wall".

  The farther north, the colder and longer the winter is, and the "fire kang" has become a good way to resist the cold. Kang has a stove mouth and a smoke mouth, which are used for heating and smoke exhaust respectively. In the north of China, the stove mouth of the kang is mostly connected with the stove, so it can keep warm when cooking.

  The heating facilities in the palace are more exquisite. For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, there was a greenhouse hall in the court, which was equipped with various warm-keeping facilities. "Miscellanies of Xijing" records: "The greenhouse hall is painted with pepper and mud, and the wall is covered with splendid flowers, with cinnamon as the main part, and a fire mica screen … …”

  At that time, the palace where the Queen lived was called "pepper room temple", and the mixture of pepper and mud was used as the material for painting the walls, which not only allowed the temperature to be measured, but also had a faint fragrance.

  If there were no conditions, the ancients would use the warm sunshine as much as possible, and when building a house, they would choose the orientation of "sitting north facing south" to let the warm sunshine shine into the house; Then, put a bamboo ceiling or other "floor" on the roof to prevent dust and keep out the cold.

  Warm wine and hot pot … … Winter fancy diet

  Data Map: People are waiting for boiling around the "Ice and Snow Hot Pot". Photo by Liu Wenhua

  In winter, the human body has a high demand for calories, so the ancients would choose to eat some warm food as much as possible. Such as ginger, mutton and dog meat.

  The ancients thought that drinking alcohol could warm the body. Bai Juyi mentioned in "a suggestion to my friend liu", "Green ant new baked wine, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove. There’s a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside?? " Scholars sit around the fire in the cold winter, make a pot of hot tea or wine, and have a drink with friends at night, which is also very comfortable.

  Hot pot is naturally a standard in winter diet. There is a saying that hot pot was called "antique soup" in ancient times, and it was named after the "splash" sound when food was put into boiling water.

  By the Song Dynasty, eating hot pot was more common. In Lin Hong’s cookbook Shan Jia Qing Gong in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was an introduction similar to eating hot pot.

  Warm hat, gloves and coat … … Tips for keeping clothes warm

  In winter clothes, modern people have cotton-padded jackets and down jackets, but the ancients were not so well treated. It is said that in winter, poor families can only sew catkins and reed flowers into clothes or quilt covers to keep out the cold. After cotton was planted and applied in a large area, the situation was better.

  In the TV series A Dream of Red Mansions, people’s costumes after the snow. Image source: 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" video screenshot

  Wealthy people with well-to-do families will choose to make coats and cloaks with animal fur, so as to keep out the wind. Hands and feet are prone to frostbite, so the ancients made various styles of gloves, some of which were short gloves with fingers exposed, and some of which could wrap all the fingers with patterns embroidered on them, which was very fashionable.

  The warm-keeping measures for the head are even more varied. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a kind of "Fanmao" that came from the western regions. It was also called "ear cap", and there were ear protectors on both sides of the hat, which hung down just to protect the ears in winter. In the Yuan Dynasty, wealthy women used a trowel to keep warm, and there were "lying rabbits" and "Zhao Jun sets", which had similar functions.

  No matter how warm the room is, people still have to go out. At that time, riding a horse or riding a carriage was a faster mode of transportation. When traveling in winter, people would wear hoods to keep out the wind and sand. It is said that Kublai Khan had many warm hats of skin and silver mouse.

  In addition, there is something called "ear warming", which is made of fox skin, a bit like earmuffs used by modern people.

  "Cold artifact"? Soup woman and hand warmer can have.

  While paying attention to keeping warm, people will also have various small objects called "cold-proof artifacts" at hand, such as "soup woman", hand stove, foot stove and so on. In addition, families with conditions use artificial charcoal for heating, and aristocratic homes pay more attention to it.

  Data Map: Dunhuang Research Institute combed and summarized the life interest of ancient people in the statues, murals and Dunhuang suicide notes in the ancient Dunhuang Grottoes, that is, decorating incense burners to add fragrance to winter. The picture shows the incense burner displayed in the silk painting "Shuiyue Guanyin Bodhisattva (partial)" unearthed in Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra Cave. Photo courtesy of Dunhuang Research Institute

  Su Shi, Zeng Zeng, gave an old man a "copper leg warmer", and wrote to tell him how to use it: fill the hot soup, plug the water inlet, wrap the cloth sheet, and sleep very warm at night. Judging from the efficacy, it is a bit like a hot water bottle today.

  If you are worried that it is not warm enough, you can consider going to the stove or smoking cage. The shapes and sizes of smoking cages vary: the big ones can reach hundreds of kilograms; Small ones can be lifted, and elegant people will carve exquisite patterns on them, which is quite artistic.

  Hand-held stoves can be called "warm babies" in ancient times, which can be carried around, and also have the elegant names of "sleeve stoves" and "holding stoves"; There is a hand stove, and naturally there is a foot stove. As the name implies, this is used to warm feet. Others use a "fuming stove" to adjust the room temperature, and put some spices in it to make the room full of incense after heating, killing two birds with one stone.

  In fact, the ancients did not have heating and various advanced measures to keep out the cold, but they combined with real life and invented many items to solve the heating problem, and many designs have been extended to the present. (End)

My father died suddenly, and there was 2.29 million yuan in the stock account, but I couldn’t get it?

  CCTV News:The old father died unexpectedly. One year later, the son found that the old man had more than 2 million yuan in cash in his stock account! I want to take out the money, but my son, Mr. Ma, has encountered great difficulties. "The securities company said that the asset ownership relationship is not clear, which proves that my dad is my dad, and the old couple has no other heirs. What is the unclear asset relationship? !”

  Father died suddenly, and there was 2.29 million cash in the stock account.

  In March 2015, Mr. Ma’s old father accidentally fell down while going up the stairs and fell to his head. Although the doctor was sent in time, the old man died. Because of the sudden incident, the old man didn’t leave a word. In August and September this year, Mr. Ma’s lover suddenly remembered that the old man still had a stock account. Mr. Ma went to the securities company to check, and the old man’s account contained more than 2.29 million yuan, all in cash, while the bank card associated with the account contained less than 300 yuan’s money.

△ data map

△ data map

  The old man has passed away, and Mr. Ma doesn’t know the account name and password. "The securities company asked me to notarize and prove the father-son relationship, and the elderly can’t have other heirs." Mr. Ma said.

  The father’s death certificate is in Mr. Ma’s hand, and Mr. Ma’s mother died of a cerebral infarction in 2010. On October 18, 2016, Huanggu Notary Office of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province issued a notarial certificate, which recorded the balance of Mr. Ma’s father’s account in the securities company. "This is to certify that the legacies of Ma Moumou and Qiao Moumou were inherited by their sons, Mr. Ma", which was clearly stated in the notarial certificate.

  After proving to be the sole heir, the assets still cannot be taken out.

  Holding the notarial certificate that has been worked hard, Mr. and Mrs. Ma came to the securities company again, only to find that they still couldn’t get the assets under their father’s name.

  "When I went to the securities company to inquire, I found that the balance in the account was actually different from that on the notarial certificate." Mr. Ma said.

  "Look carefully again, just as I was waiting for the notarial certificate, someone used this account to trade stocks, which is a trading quota of hundreds of thousands, which is a large transaction. The result of the final transaction is that there is no loss of money. " Although there is no loss of money, but people have passed away, why can anyone operate the account?

  "The securities company said that they could not find out who the operator was." Mr. Ma introduced.

  Because of new problems, the securities company froze the account and refused Mr. Ma’s request to withdraw the money.

  Securities companies: The possibility of disputes over the ownership of assets cannot be ruled out.

  After negotiation, the securities company handed over the management right of the account to Mr. Ma and issued a written reply to Mr. Ma.

  “… … It is found that since the death of the old man, there are still records of fund transfer and stock trading in the old man’s account, and you, as the sole heir of the account, clearly stated that you did not know the password of stock trading and fund transfer in the old man’s account, and you did not know the situation of stock trading, fund transfer and actual operator in the old man’s account, and the bank card associated with the account was not in your hand; The notarial certificate also did not explain this situation. In view of the above-mentioned actual situation, our department believes that the accounts of the elderly may be stolen or operated or borrowed by others, and does not rule out the possibility of disputes over the ownership of assets … … In order to avoid disputes over asset ownership in the future, we suggest that you handle judicial confirmation through judicial channels. "

△ data map

△ data map

  Lawyer: The notarial certificate can prove that the securities company of inheritance right should cooperate.

  Regarding the problems faced by Mr. Ma, the lawyer said: "First of all, the notarial certificate is a legal document recognized by the national notary office at the request of the parties. The notarized facts are generally adopted directly as valid evidence even during the trial of the people’s court. If the parties have a notarial certificate issued by the notary office to prove that they are the sole heirs of the estate, then the securities company should actively cooperate with the inheritance. Even if someone has operated the account transaction after the death of the old man, it will not affect Mr. Ma’s legal inheritance right. "

  Regarding the suggestion of judicial confirmation in the reply of the securities company, the lawyer said that this suggestion is difficult to operate in practice. Going to the court for judicial confirmation is to let the court determine who the money belongs to. Let’s not say that the notarial certificate has proved Mr. Ma’s inheritance right. As far as judicial confirmation is concerned, it is necessary to have a clear defendant, who will go to the court to identify it when there is a dispute between the two sides over the money. Mr. Ma doesn’t know who operated this account at first. He is an only child himself. He has no dispute with others on this money. Let him go to the court to confirm the right, and he can’t find the defendant at all.

  Make a will in advance to avoid inheritance disputes

  My father died suddenly, but as an only child, I encountered many problems in inheritance. This is not an isolated case. Xiaoli, an only daughter in Hangzhou, also encountered a similar problem. When she inherited the property left by her father, because her father did not make a will, she was told by the Housing Authority: either provide the inheritance certificate issued by the notary office or provide the court judgment. Xiaoli found the notary office, and the notary office asked her to find all her parents’ relatives and bring them to the notary office to do inheritance notarization.

  It turns out that Xiaoli’s grandmother was still alive when her parents died, so her father’s three brothers and sisters are also property heirs from the legal point of view. Only by proving that these people have given up their inheritance rights can Xiaoli get the house.

  "To prevent this from happening, parents can only make a will in advance to confirm that the property is inherited by their children." Lawyers advise you not to be shy about making a will before you die. He said that in the Inheritance Law, there are two forms: statutory inheritance and testamentary inheritance, and statutory inheritance means that when the decedent has no will, the heir inherits the inheritance in the order of inheritance. Therefore, making a will first can avoid these troubles. The same is true of stock accounts.

  In addition, the lawyer also stressed that as parents’ joint property after marriage, when making a will, parents must sign it together. At the same time, it is best to have a notary notarize on the spot, and keep the voucher through audio and video recording to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future. (This article Source: Liaoshen Evening News)