How can online ride-hailing drivers who are trapped for a long time protect their health?

  reading prompt

  Sitting for more than 10 hours a day, not being able to eat on time, not being able to use the toilet at any time, and driving with high brain tension, online ride-hailing drivers face a variety of occupational health risks. Due to the "cooperative relationship" with the platform, online ride-hailing drivers cannot obtain corresponding medical insurance on the platform.

  "The mileage of the dashboard of the car is hundreds of kilometers every day, and the number of steps we walk is less than 1,000. It seems that we don’t have to work in the car every day, but in fact, after more than 10 hours a day, we are more tired than people who do other jobs," said the ride-hailing driver Xiang Feibian as he drove.

  In 2015, Xiang Fei came to Beijing from Qinghai to become an online car-hailing driver. In order to increase the number of orders, he, like many online car-hailing drivers, goes out early and returns late every day, and works more than 10 hours. Online car-hailing is convenient for people to travel, but sitting for a long time every day, not being able to eat on time and using the toilet at any time bring many health risks to online car-hailing drivers.

  Chen Baosheng, chief physician of the physical examination department of Peking University Shougang Hospital, said that online taxi drivers are sedentary in the cab for a long time, often put into work immediately after meals, and the brain is in a high state of tension when driving. It is easy to gain weight, blood pressure, blood lipids, etc. will rise, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes will also be caused by metabolic dysfunction. In addition, if you maintain a posture for a long time, the spine is not evenly stressed, and the driver is also prone to ligament and muscle damage.

  Working overtime makes the health of online car-hailing drivers worry

  At 10:30 p.m. on April 19, Qi Caijuan, who had finished her mission, returned to the downstairs of the community. She slowly opened the door, gently poked her legs out of the car, and walked out of the cab hunched over. "It’s an old problem," Qi Caijuan said. Every night when she finished work, her waist would not straighten up, and it would take a few minutes to walk normally.

  Qi Caijuan is an online ride-hailing driver in Chengde, Hebei. At the age of 20 years, she has a hair problem. In addition to the pain in the waist, shoulders and neck caused by long-term sitting, Qi Caijuan also suffers from stomach problems due to the lack of argument for eating.

  Although he has only been driving online for a few years, Xiang Fei has already suffered from a serious lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. He said that he had heard people say that online car-hailing drivers make a lot of money before, but after he started working, he knew that there was a lot of water on his account, but after deducting the oil money and car damage, he really didn’t get much. In the past two years, the number of online car-hailing drivers has increased, and the industry competition has intensified. In order to make more money, he drives almost 12 hours a day.

  Xiang Fei used to put a headrest in the driver’s seat to keep the head and waist relatively comfortable, but in the past two years, the platform has required drivers to have a unified image, and they are not allowed to put personal items in the car. He can only remove these items. Xiang Fei said that because of the difficulty of parking, he rarely goes to the toilet, and many drivers also suffer from prostatitis.

  According to a study conducted by Tsinghua University in 2021, the average daily working time of online car-hailing drivers in first-tier cities is 11.05 hours, and the average weekly travel time is 6.45 days. More than 80% of online car-hailing drivers spend more than 8 hours a day.

  "If you have a new order, please take it in time." Wu Jiahong, the online taxi driver, took advantage of the absence of passengers and was ready to take a nap in the car. Before taking 10 minutes, the order notification sounded on her mobile phone. Wu Jiahong leaves the car on time at 7 o’clock every day, and sometimes it is already 12 o’clock in the evening when she returns home. On this day, she wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, so she did not turn off the order receiving system during the rest, but just started the car, a burst of cervical spine pain accompanied by a burst of dizziness suddenly hit, and she had to cancel the task and go home to rest.

  Go to the hospital once and lose half a day’s income

  Online car-hailing drivers belong to flexible employment. They have not signed an employment contract with the platform and have no social security. It has always been a dilemma for online car-hailing drivers to be solved. All along, Qi Caijuan has paid social insurance by herself as a flexible employer.

  Although she often feels unwell, Qi Caijuan rarely goes to the hospital in order to take more orders. "It takes half a day to go once, and in addition to the money it costs to see a doctor, half a day of income is also gone." She said that when her stomach is uncomfortable, she goes to the community hospital to prescribe some stomach medicine and put it in the car for backup. When her shoulder and neck are really uncomfortable, she will go to the massage shop to press it, on average once every two months.

  After resting at home for half a day, Wu Jiahong still felt stuffy in her chest, so she came to a hospital the next day in desperation. "I spent nearly 300 yuan in the morning, which is almost half of my water for half a day." Wu Jiahong told reporters that if she used medical insurance to settle, she would only need to pay half the money, but because the platform did not pay for her medical insurance, she did not renew her medical insurance after it expired, and could only pay in full.

  On November 30 last year, the Ministry of Transport and other eight departments issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Employees in the New Business of Transportation", which proposed to encourage online car-hailing platform enterprises to actively participate in the pilot of occupational injury protection, and to urge online car-hailing platform enterprises to participate in social insurance for drivers who meet the conditions of labor relations in accordance with the law, and to guide and support drivers who do not fully meet the conditions of establishing labor relations to participate in corresponding social insurance.

  Wu Jiahong told reporters that in order to increase her income, she often takes orders on multiple online ride-hailing platforms, but none of these platforms have signed employment contracts with them, which are only "cooperative relationships." She said that if there are platforms that can pay for social security and medical insurance, she is willing to run orders on one platform full-time.

  "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups"

  After seven years of online car-hailing in Beijing, Xiang Fei recently participated in the free driver medical examination organized by the trade union system through the platform for the first time.

  Xiang Fei is very satisfied with the inspection. He told reporters that the physical examination includes not only blood routine, liver and kidney function, full abdominal color ultrasound and other routine inspections, but also a special project for the driver’s prostate examination.

  After the checkup, the hospital also held lectures on disease prevention, first aid and other aspects of occupational diseases for online ride-hailing drivers, and organized free clinics for online ride-hailing drivers. "I think it’s very useful, I learned a lot of knowledge, and I feel much more comfortable after shoulder and neck massage," Xiang Fei said, but he did not know when the next checkup would be.

  As she gets older, Qi Caijuan has become more and more concerned about her physical condition. Since the platform has not yet provided free medical checkups to drivers, she has taken the initiative to check twice. "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups, so that I can feel more at ease when working," Qi Caijuan said.

  Chen Baosheng said that considering the professional characteristics of drivers, they should conduct more in-depth and comprehensive inspections of key parts such as the spine every three years or so in addition to the regular physical examination every year. Drivers themselves should also pay attention to their physical health and get out of the car as much as possible to do some stretching exercises.

  The recent notice issued by Guangdong Province on further improving the work related to flexible employment personnel participating in basic medical insurance for employees pointed out that, including relying on new business platforms such as e-commerce, online car-hailing, online food delivery, and express logistics to achieve employment, and employees who have not established labor relations with new business platform enterprises can participate in basic medical insurance for employees at the place of employment in Guangdong Province without household registration restrictions. This measure will increase health protection for new employment forms such as online car-hailing drivers.

Yunli (Ticket Easy Pass) helps Staples to implement its financial intelligence system

In the context of the global digitalization wave, data is constantly integrated into all aspects of life and production, and digitalization is becoming a new growth point and new driving force for China’s economy. Yunli (Ticket Easy Pass), the pioneer and leader of enterprise collaborative services in the field of digital economy, joins hands with Staples, the world’s leading office supply company, to jointly create an efficient and transparent financial supply chain system, and promote the implementation of Staples’ financial intelligence system! Help Staples achieve cost reduction and efficiency, and become a pioneer enterprise led by digital intelligence!

Mr. He Jun, vice-president of finance at Staples, said: "The ultimate goal of Staples’ digital innovation is to further improve the operational efficiency of its partners, with value creation as the core and empowering the business as the principle. On the road of digital transformation, Yunli’s excellent product strength and quality services have been helping Staples’ supply chain business to thrive."

Traditional procurement processes face digital transformation challenges

As the first office supply service provider in the industry to serve the whole country, Staples and its suppliers are prone to problems such as large reconciliation workload, low efficiency, and difficult monitoring of the whole order process based on the traditional supply chain procurement process, which hinders its progress in the digital age. Through digital settlement and collaborative products to open up communication barriers, upgrade automated invoicing systems, and improve business processing efficiency are Staples’ practical needs and expectations.

After a long period of research and rigorous selection, Staples has reached a strategic cooperation with Yunli (Ticket Easy Pass) in the global Enterprise Services field. In the upgrade of the digital financial supply chain system, step by step, from pilot operation to iterative optimization, and in the process of upgrading, the system is continuously promoted in the form of accelerated jogging.

Through solutions such as import and sales ticket tax management and supply chain settlement collaboration, Staples is helped to establish a digital intelligent supply chain system, achieve information connection, automatic decision-making, automatic adjustment, and whole-process optimization, effectively avoid fiscal and tax risks, improve efficiency, reduce fees and reduce taxes, and fully realize upstream and downstream coordination.

03 Deeply empower the value of the whole process of business collaboration supply chain

With the help of the Ticket EasyPass Settlement Collaboration Platform, Staples has achieved all-round management of orders from procurement, settlement, invoicing, billing, and payment, from the electronicization of invoicing and settlement to the electronicization of comprehensive transaction processes, ultimately achieving efficient business collaboration and value enhancement throughout the supply chain.

Value 1 Direct invoicing compliance Efficient

Using the "Settlement Collaboration Platform", Staples’ thousands of suppliers can receive the settlement data pushed by VP (Staples Supplier Settlement System) in a timely and accurate manner, and realize one-click issuance of online reconciliation invoices. The function of automatic ticket opening and matching tax classification codes avoids split errors, avoids staggering, reduces communication costs, realizes account matching, reduces costs and increases efficiency, and ensures efficient corporate invoicing compliance.

After using the collaborative platform to directly connect invoicing, the overall processing efficiency of bills increased by 80%, the single invoicing operation time was reduced by about 45 minutes year-on-year, and the probability of refund was reduced by 5% year-on-year, almost reaching 0 refunds.

Funding issues often have a direct impact on the health of the supply chain. For Staples, focusing on business digitalization is not only an important measure for its own development, but also a strategic deployment that reflects Staples’ business philosophy of integrity and win-win, and ensures the smooth development of partners’ business upstream and downstream in the supply chain.

Through the cooperative invoicing of Ticket Easy Pass settlement, the reconciliation information is confirmed online, and the invoicing information is reviewed in advance, the settlement efficiency is greatly improved, and the payment cycle of suppliers is greatly shortened. Through the Yunli (Ticket Easy Pass) digital platform, the transaction process of purchasers and suppliers is maintained, the financial pressure of suppliers is reduced, the overall supply is guaranteed to operate smoothly in a healthy and coordinated environment, and the last mile of settlement between Staples and upstream and downstream partners is connected.

Value 3 Smooth transition ticket electronic

The electronic issuance of special tickets has become the trend of the times. The Ticket Easy Pass Settlement Coordination Platform is the first batch of third-party platforms for the issuance of electronic special tickets approved by the national tax, and has obtained the filing of electronic invoices from 36 provincial tax bureaus across the country. When suppliers issue electronic invoices through the settlement coordination platform, Staples can receive the invoices, and the invoices and business orders are automatically matched without sending them. The system supports the invoicing requirements after the electronic issuance of special tickets. Under the special phone policy, Ticket Easy Pass can quickly iteratively meet the invoicing needs of suppliers, helping Staples to calmly cope with the trend of electronic issuance of special tickets.

By upgrading the traditional offline settlement model to online collaboration, Staples has reinvented its financial business data collection process, and realized the whole process information display of orders from procurement, settlement, invoicing, billing, and payment. This has laid the foundation for the comprehensive accumulation, fast processing, and real-time sharing of financial information, forming the transition from accounting to management.

Yunlianpin Yitong settlement collaboration platform, the whole process of order, return order, acceptance order, and settlement invoice data can be seen and traced. Through system construction and data analytics functions, we will build a financial "big data center" for Staples to help enterprises better perceive the economic and operating laws behind financial data, and completely subvert the transformation of decision-making based on experience into decision-making based on data insight.

04 Focus on collaborative connectivity to welcome the new digital future

Over the past 6 years, Yunli has successfully served more than 150 Fortune 500 companies, connected more than 1 million upstream and downstream suppliers, the cumulative transaction amount exceeded 20 trillion yuan, and technology empowered Walmart, McDonald’s, Vanke and other retail, real estate and other industry giants to achieve upstream and downstream enterprise collaboration and electronic ticket, boosting the construction of fiscal and taxation information.

The tide of digital transformation is unstoppable, Yunli is willing to work closely with Staples, continue to coordinate the entire supply chain system with a big picture view, provide accurate data support and high-quality services for the settlement process through the blessing of technology, and join hands with Staples, win-win growth, and jointly meet the new future of China’s industrial digitalization!

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted from our website to provide readers with more news information. The content involved does not constitute investment or consumption advice and is for readers’ reference only.

[Editor in charge: Zhong Jingwen]

Looking forward to the U8 real car debut with Yunnian -P body control system.

On April 10th, I looked forward to the appearance of the U8 real car. As the first mass-produced model launched by BYD’s high-end brand, we look forward to U8 positioning a million-level new energy hard-core off-road, equipped with "Easy Sifang" power system, and providing four wheels and four motors. It is also equipped with BYD Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system released today. It is reported that Wangwang U8 is expected to go on sale in August.

Looking up at U8, there is a huge I-shaped grille on the front face, and there are also dot matrix LED light sources on both sides. The car body will also have an electric hidden door handle, and the shape of the rear is very tough. The external spare tire is located in the center, and the rear has "L" and dot matrix LED light sources, which have strong recognition. The top of the new car is equipped with lidar to provide high-level autonomous driving technology.

Previously, the official data showed that the length, width and height of U8 were 5319*2050*1930mm, and the wheelbase was 3050mm. It is expected that the car will also have excellent space performance. Polygonal wheel arch integrates hardware such as laser radar, camera and side sign lamp, and its modeling design is practical.

In terms of interior, the new car adopts a four-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel, which is more in line with the hard-core temperament of the vehicle. In addition, the size and clarity of the all-LCD instrument panel have a good performance, and it will adopt a joint screen design. In terms of seat layout, the vehicle will adopt a 7-seat layout form of 2+2+3.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with the "Easy Sifang" power system, which provides four wheels and four motors. The maximum power of a single motor of the vehicle is 220-240kW, and the maximum torque is 320-420 N m, with the fastest 3-second acceleration performance. In addition, it is also equipped with a square blade battery and a non-loaded body.

"Easy Sifang" is a set of power system with four-motor independent drive as the core, which has been completely reconstructed around the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution, completely subverting the power system capability system of previous fuel vehicles. It can realize accurate control of vehicle four-wheel dynamics by means of four-motor independent vector control technology.

The body stability control of traditional fuel vehicles is limited by its era and technical development, and the speed and accuracy of perception are far from the ultimate safety. There are some problems in the implementation level, such as slow response, low efficiency, low power and low degree of four-wheel differentiation. Compared with the traditional fuel vehicle power system, the "Easy Sifang" technology can independently adjust the dynamics of the four-wheel end of the vehicle at millisecond speed through a more perceptive electric drive system, thus better controlling the body posture.

Thanks to the above technical achievements, the "Easy Quartet" technology can provide users with greater safety redundancy. For example, after a single wheel of a vehicle has a flat tire, the torque of the remaining three wheels can be accurately adjusted at a frequency of 1,000 times per second, and the body posture can be compensated and intervened by the driving wheel in time to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. This function is expected to avoid the occurrence of secondary accidents to the greatest extent from the root of power.

With the "Easy Sifang" technology, the vehicle core system protection ability reaches IP68 level, and the vehicle body and cockpit are well sealed, so it can even obtain the emergency floating ability by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function.

In addition to the ultimate security, "Easy Sifang" will also provide users with the ultimate performance and experience. The "Easy Sifang" platform has a maximum rotation speed of 20500rpm and a vehicle horsepower of over 1,100 horsepower, which can meet the performance requirements of various extreme scenes such as streets, off-road and racetracks. The powerful power brought by independent research and development of highly integrated motors also supports the "Easy Sifang" technology to realize flexible in-situ U-turn function on high adhesion roads such as asphalt roads.

With the independent positive and negative torque output capability of the four-motor drive technology, the "Easy Square" platform can even achieve a braking distance of less than 40 meters and an agile steering capability of less than 12 meters when the steering gear and brakes are not working, so that large SUVs also have the flexibility of not losing A0-class cars.

Praise the speed of China! Fully test BYD Tang flagship edition

Model picture Basic parameter Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Manufacturer’s guide price 279,800 Dealer quotation manufacturer BYD grade Medium SUV Energy type Plug-in hybrid power Environmental protection standard Guo v Time to market 2015.06 NEDC pure electric cruising range (km) 80 Fast charging time (hours) – Slow charging time (hours) 5.5 Fast charge percentage – Maximum power of engine (kW) 151 Total power of motor (kW) 220 Maximum engine torque (n m) 320 Total torque of motor (n m) 500 engine 2.0T 205 HP L4 Motor (Ps) 299 gearbox 6-gear wet dual clutch Length * width * height (mm) 4815*1855*1720 Body structure 5-door 5-seat SUV Maximum speed (km/h) one hundred and eighty  Official 0-100km/h acceleration (s) 4.9 Measured 0-100km/h acceleration (s) 4.8 Measured braking at 100-0km/h (m) 39.41 NEDC comprehensive fuel consumption (L/100km) 2 Measured fuel consumption (L/100km) 6.3 Vehicle warranty Six years or 150 thousand kilometers bodywork Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Length (mm) 4815 Width (mm) 1855 Height (mm) 1720 Wheelbase (mm) 2720 Front track (mm) 1580 Rear wheel track (mm) 1555 Body structure SUV Number of vehicles (units) five Number of seats (units) five Tank volume (l) 53 Trunk volume (l) 1084-2398 Curb quality (kg) 2220 engine Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Engine model BYD487ZQA Displacement (mL) 1999 Displacement (l) 2.0 Air intake form turbocharge Cylinder arrangement form L Number of cylinders (each) four Number of valves per cylinder (units) four admission gear DOHC Maximum horsepower (Ps) 205 Maximum power (kW) 151 Maximum power speed (rpm) 5500 Maximum torque (n m) 320 Maximum torque speed (rpm) 1750-4500 Fuel form Plug-in hybrid power Fuel label No.92 Oil supply mode Direct injection Cylinder head material magaluma Cylinder block material magaluma Environmental protection standard Guo v electric motor Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Motor type Permanent magnet/synchronization Total power of motor (kW) 220 Total torque of motor (n m) 500 Maximum power of front motor (kW) 110 Maximum torque of front motor (n m) 250 Maximum power of rear motor (kW) 110 Maximum torque of rear motor (n m) 250 Number of driving motors bi-motor Motor layout Front+rear Battery type Lithium iron phosphate battery NEDC pure electric cruising range (km) 80 Battery energy (kWh) – Power consumption per 100 km (kWh/100km) – Battery pack warranty Six years or 150 thousand kilometers Fast charging time (hours) – Slow charging time (hours) 5.5 Fast charge (%) – gearbox Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Number of gears six Gearbox type Wet dual clutch gearbox (DCT) abbreviation 6-gear wet dual clutch Chassis steering Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model type of drive front engine Four-wheel drive form Electric four-wheel drive Front suspension type mcphersonindependent suspension Rear suspension type Multi-link independent suspension Type of assistance Electric booster Car body structure Bearing type Wheel braking Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive flagship model Front brake type Ventilated disc Rear brake type disc-type Parking brake type electrical parking brake Former tyre size 235/55 R18 After tyre size. 235/55 R18 Spare tire specification Non-Full-Size

Brand-new Power Brand-new Model Tiggo 8 plus Kunpeng Edition

This year, many independent brands have developed brand-new power systems, among which Chery’s Kunpeng Power is one of them. However, since its release, it has not been applied to any model. It was not until recently that it was reported that Chery’s newly developed Kunpeng Power will be mounted on the Tiggo 8 plus Kunpeng version. Next, we will make a detailed model diagram for this car.

Let’s look at the front of the car. The front of the car has not changed much compared with the past. However, the position of the air intake grille has been greatly updated, and it adopts dot matrix, which really looks more classy than before. It is worth mentioning that if you look at the picture, you will think that the car paint is black, but it is not. It is a brand-new color matching nebula purple, which will be more dreamy at close range.

When you come to the side of the car body, you can’t see much difference from the previous version, and the length, width, height and wheelbase have not changed compared with the past, which is 4722/1860/1745mm and the wheelbase is 2710 mm.

In fact, it is not only the side of the car body, but also the rear of the car has not changed much from the past. However, it is worth mentioning that the bilateral four-port exhaust at the rear of the car is still very eye-catching.

Entering the car, a small-scale embracing center console is designed, and it is equipped with a pair of 12.3-inch smart dual screens, and there is an 8-inch LCD touch screen below to control the air conditioner or seat. Moreover, the overall style of the car is full of science and technology, and it is equipped with a SONY surround sound system, which improves its enjoyment.

It is worth mentioning that its air outlet is very long, extending from the central control to the co-pilot, which looks very comfortable.

Finally, it is time to introduce its power system, which is also the most important part of this article, because this is the first time that the Kunpeng power developed by Chery has been applied to the car. So what is this Kunpeng power? Don’t worry, let’s take a look at its power system first.

It is equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI engine, with a maximum power of 187kW, a peak torque of 390N·m, an acceleration of 7.3 seconds at 0-100km/h and a fuel consumption as low as 7L/100km.

In fact, when Kunpeng Power was launched, Chery first proposed the concept of Chery 4.0 this year. This power architecture includes various new energy forms such as fuel, hybrid, pure electricity and hydrogen power. Fuel and hybrid are also called Kunpeng Power, which are made up of Chery’s fourth-generation engine and DHT hybrid special speed change.

It is worth mentioning that this is also the world’s first full kinetic energy hybrid configuration Kunpeng DHT dual-motor drive, with 9 working modes, 11 combined gears and SD dual-shaft drive. This technology has also successfully integrated smooth, powerful and efficient features, which can realize the functions of single/dual-motor pure electric drive, extended range, parallel connection and direct engine drive, and greatly improve the comfort and efficiency of most driving conditions.

Finally, let’s look at its tires. It uses Cooper tires with the size of 235/50 R19. Cooper tires often appear on SUV models. Its powerful handling, all-season traction and comfortable driving experience are integrated, which is very suitable for this car in general.


In fact, for the Tiggo 8plus Kunpeng Edition, we are more looking forward to its power performance. In other places, there is actually not much difference from the previous version or the Tiggo 7 PLUS. After all, the price of 124,900-169,900 yuan is here. Imagine that it is not expensive to experience the more advanced power technology in China for ten years. And we will also bring you a test drive article of this car in the future.

What is the AEB in He Xiaopeng, Yu Chengdong?

A few days ago, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng publicly stated in an interview that "Ninety-nine percent of AEB of Friends (Friends) are fake.",this burst point of view instantly attracted the attention of the network.

Subsequently, Yu Chengdong countered He Xiaopeng’s AEB argument in the circle of friends:Experience it quickly, even what AEB is, even the top leaders of car companies have not understood it at all.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Wen Jie and Tucki are both in the first echelon in the field of intelligent driving, and this fight has attracted a large number of people who eat melons. So what exactly is the AEB that Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng are arguing about? Let’s talk about it today.

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

1. He Xiaopeng: It is said that 99% of AEB is fake.

Recently, in an exclusive conversation with "No.42 Garage", He Xiaopeng released a lot of materials and made a rather sharp comment on the technology of friends and businessmen.

After the launch of the new M7 in Wenjie, it was completely destroyed, with a large quantity exceeding 80,000 units. The AEB active safety promoted by Yu Chengdong has become the main reason for many people to buy it. You know, it can stop at 90km/h, and there is only one at present, but in He Xiaopeng’s view,This is actually a fraud.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

In his reply, he said: first, most people may never touch AEB;;Second, friends talked about AEB. I think 99% of it is fake. It is fake. None of the publicity was officially released by the company. It was all from small videos.

At the same time, it added: our people also asked, its AEB can’t be opened at all, and there are too many cases of wrong braking on the road.

Answering "its propaganda effect is greater than its actual use effect?" , He Xiaopeng said:

At present, when talking about AEB in the industry, we mainly talk about vertical AEB; When it is triggered, its speed should be within 60 kilometers per hour in most cases.If the speed is too high, once you brake by mistake, it will be a great shock to users, which is simply unacceptable.

He Xiaopeng added: I don’t think it’s right to treat customers as guinea pigs. Some enterprises dare to do this, but they will also bite back. I have worked in the automobile industry for several years, but I don’t want to do this, but we will definitely do a better job in AEB.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

2. Yu Chengdong retorted that the top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB.

This view has attracted the attention of Yu Chengdong, the chairman of Huawei Zhixuan Car. After all, the other party named it as fraud, so Yu Chengdong refuted it in the circle of friends, saying"The top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB".

This is not enough. Yu Chengdong continued to write in the comment area of his circle of friends:

Some people don’t understand what AEB is at all, and tell some people that intelligent driving is nonsense/flicker, almost exactly the same!

Lack of basic understanding of industry technology development and future development!

Some car companies are busy doing intelligent driving all day, and the results of AEB active safety test are very poor. When asked, they know that they have not even done the basic functions of AEB.This surprised me very much! Either let the men fool, or lack the most basic understanding of the development of the automobile industry!

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

There is no doubt that Yu Chengdong’s response is full of gunpowder, but in combination with He Xiaopeng’s previous remarks, it is indeed time to stand up and say, after all, the more clear the argument is.

3. What is AEB?

So what the hell is AEB?

According to public information,AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an automatic emergency braking system for automobiles.The distance from the vehicle or obstacle in front is detected by radar, and analyzed by electronic control unit. According to different distances and speeds, whether there is a danger of collision is judged, an alarm is given to the driver, and automatic emergency braking or vehicle deceleration is performed to the maximum extent, so as to reduce the probability of collision with the vehicle or pedestrian in front and avoid accidents.

Simply put, it is to take the initiative to help you step on the brakes to avoid hitting people or other objects.

As one of the active safety functions, AEB has increasingly become the standard of many new cars. At present, the relatively advanced AEB score in the industry is 60 km/h.. That is, when driving at a speed of 60km/h, AEB can take the initiative to stop the car before it hits the object when it detects a stationary object in front.

Yu Chengdong promoted that the AEB active safety of its own Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving can reach 90km/h braking, which is "far ahead".It can effectively avoid most traffic accidents caused by inattention and complex road conditions.

4, use it once to return to the book! Huawei AEB successfully avoided hitting the elderly.

Huawei’s ADS 2.0 advanced smart driver does have related cases, not the M7, but another Aouita 11.

Recently, Aouita CEO Tan Benhong shared a very thrilling case. The owner drives a Aouita 11 on the national highway. Because there are few vehicles, the speed is not slow, and the light on the road is not good.

All of a sudden, this Aouita 11 suddenly started to brake, and gave a thumping sound until the brake stopped.The driver found that an old man dressed in black wanted to cross the road. If the vehicle did not automatically identify and brake urgently, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

When the Aouita 11 brake stopped, a Volvo S90 came near the driveway. The driver on it also noticed that the situation was wrong, and the brake light was always on. Then the old man retreated to the road and the two cars drove away.

Tan Benhong said:

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

In fact, there are many feelings. On the one hand, it has strengthened our determination to do intelligent driving.Help everyone step on the brakes and take a direction in the extreme situation of being invisible and too late to improve the safety of travel;

On the other hand, I still want to remind you that the current intelligent driving is only an aid, not a real automatic driving. You should concentrate and be ready to take over at any time.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

5, the end

From this point of view, the AEB function is indeed very practical in safe driving, and it can even be said that "use it once to return to the book." After all, if you really succeed in avoiding hitting people, the loss saved may be hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Although there are differences in their understanding of AEB, it is undeniable that AEB has become an indispensable part of intelligent driving in the future.

Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng’s "pinching each other from a distance" is actually a microcosm of the increasingly fierce competition in the automobile industry in recent years, especially in the research and development of new energy and intelligent driving. Whoever comes up with really good products can survive under the cruel competition.

Jia Ling’s "Li Huanying" takes the fire to travel to Xiangyang to promote the development of cultural tourism

This Spring Festival, Hi, Mom has become a popular film in the Spring Festival schedule. While making a high box office, the film also brought fire to the location of Xiangyang, Hubei Province.

After the release of Hi, Mom, a large number of tourists poured into Hubei Weidong Holding Group Co., Ltd., the main location. The company, formerly known as the State-owned Weidong Machinery Factory, mainly engaged in the production and manufacture of chemical raw materials and chemical products, still retains some features of the State-owned factory in the last century. Staff canteens, barbershops, basketball courts, grocery stores, big signs and other places in the factory are crowded with tourists waiting to take pictures.

Dongfang Chemical Factory is the place where Jia Ling lived with her parents and sister, and the old house of Jia Ling’s family is still preserved. "In the movie, the gate of Shengli Chemical Plant, the ball game and other shots were all taken in our factory. The popularity of the film also made our factory a fire. " The relevant person in charge of the factory said. According to the data of Xiangyang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, from February 11 to 17, Xiangyang received a total of 837,600 tourists and realized a tourism income of 154.04 million yuan. According to the data of Tik Tok, the topic # Hello, Li Huanying Shooting Place, Xiangyang New Punch Point # has been played 48.18 million times. Under the charm of film and television dramas, the lit destination of cultural tourism is far more than one in Xiangyang, Hubei.

Those "online celebrity attractions" that have been ignited by film and television works.

Through combing, it is found that during holidays, the appearance rate of "online celebrity attractions" which became popular due to the explosion of film and television dramas is comparable to that of famous tourist attractions. Last summer, the suspense drama "The Hidden Corner" spread all over the network. Besides the actors in the play, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, which was shot and set, also became a new scenic spot in online celebrity. Within a week of the drama’s popularity, Zhanjiang’s tourism fever rose by 261% week-on-week.

The place where Zhu Chaoyang swims with his father in the play (called "Chikan Swimming Shed" by locals) has attracted more than 2,000 visitors every day. The Benlisto convenience store in front of Zhu Chaoyang’s house, the corner where Pupu recognized Zhang Dongsheng, the Xinhua Bookstore where three children often went, and the breakfast shop where the old police officer took Yan Liang to eat were all located in the famous Chikan Old Street in Zhanjiang, and netizens also marked them as "holy places".

The Longest Day In Chang’an is also worth mentioning. During the broadcast, "Xi ‘an fever" was promoted. From the delicious food in Xi ‘an, to the ancient buildings in Xi ‘an, and then to the local government’s initiative to promote the theme of "See Chang ‘an at twelve o’clock and visit the ancient capital of Xi ‘an", the ancient capital of Xi ‘an was very popular at that time. According to the data of a travel platform, the search volume of air tickets rose to 200% in just one week in Xi ‘an.

On the occasion of the broadcast of the court drama Story of Yanxi Palace, the presentation of "Yanxi Palace" in the drama directly ignited the "unpopular tourist route of the Forbidden City" in that year. According to the media reports at that time, "many foreign tourists who travel to the Forbidden City will also specifically tell the tour guide’ Be sure to go to Yanxi Palace’."

After the broadcast of The Untamed, it led to the "Eleventh Guizhou Punch Card Fever" of that year. A barren hill in Duyun, Guizhou Province, attracted a large number of fans to punch in because the characters Lan Zhan and Wei Ying walked by. The barren hill, which had no one to come, abruptly made a way out.

stage photo

live scene

Punching strategy map of "Chen Qing Ling Girl"

The film’s ability to carry goods should not be underestimated. Since Han Han’s movie "See You Later" was broadcast in the summer of 2014, Dongji Island, located in Dongji Town, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, has caught fire, and the number of tourists visiting here on holidays has increased by nearly 10 times. For this reason, the shenjiamen Banshengdong Wharf, which is the only way to Dongji Island, has increased the ferry service, and even a ticket is hard to find. According to official data, in 2015, the number of visitors to the East Pole exceeded 200,000, an increase of over 50% compared with 2013.

The film "The Richest Man in Xihong City" quickly set off a tourism boom in Xiamen and Penglai. Many people will be curious about Shen Teng’s "Bao Xia" Castle Hotel in the film. In fact, its real name is Wencheng Castle, which is located in Penglai, Shandong Province. It was built by Li Wencheng, a master architect, and his team after 10 years and spent 600 million yuan, covering an area of more than 5,000 square meters. Since the release of The Richest Man in Xihong City, the search popularity of keyword products such as Xiamen, Penglai and Penglai Wencheng Castle on a tourism platform has increased by 31%, 162% and 210% respectively. In terms of the predetermined number of people, Xiamen attracts more young couples (couples), of which the post-80 s and post-90 s accounted for 37% and 41% respectively; Penglai Wencheng Castle attracts mainly parent-child families, and its "Deluxe Sea View Triple Room" is the best selling, and "Castle Tour" has become the most popular parent-child travel mode that summer vacation. Some tourism platforms have also taken the opportunity to launch a family-friendly tour package. Visitors can not only stay in and visit the splendid castle, but also visit a large-scale organic grape plantation in the castle and get two bottles of local red wine. It is worth mentioning that the hotel room price is not as luxurious as in the movie, and it only takes a few hundred yuan to completely reproduce the "hundreds of millions of scenery" in the movie.

Film and television works bring huge traffic.

According to the Global Tourism Destination Analysis Report, 24.5% of China tourists said that they would be tempted by a certain destination after watching the film and television works, so that they would like to experience the scenery in the camera and experience the same route of the stars. Film and television IP has brought huge traffic to tourist attractions, making previously unknown scenic spots "red" and driving the local tourism economy. Take Wuzhen as an example. A local film "Time Like Water" made Wuzhen famous, but Wuzhen was not satisfied with the temporary scenery-from a sightseeing town to a holiday town to a cultural town. On the road of differentiation, Wuzhen launched cultural IP such as Wuzhen Drama Festival and Muxin Art Museum with culture as its personality, giving birth to more diverse and colorful forms.

Also with the help of the promotion of film and television, the Zhujiayu Scenic Area in Jinan, which is known as the "famous village of Chinese history and culture", can tap its own cultural value. Many people learned about Zhujiayu through the hit drama "Going to the East". Since the Ming Dynasty, Zhujiayu has gone through more than 600 years of ups and downs, and still completely preserved the original architectural pattern. With an area of 7,000 mu, there are nearly 200 ancient buildings, 99 stone bridges, 66 Jing Quan and more than 100 natural landscapes … With its own cultural value and film and television popularity, Zhujiayu Scenic Area has built a new era spirit education base and a new era spirit exhibition hall. Five scenic spots in Zhujiayu Old Street were restored, eight traditional workshops were restored, and 21 damaged houses in Zhujiayu Old Street were restored. In the next step, Zhujiayu will become an ancient village in Qilu’s original ecological mountain area with important influence in China, which integrates four functions: nostalgic experience, film and television shooting, painting and calligraphy sketching, and cultural research. Today, Zhujiayu Village is known as "the first ancient village in Qilu, the first specimen in Jiangbei" and a 4A-level scenic spot.

Zhujiayu Street View

Zhu Kaishan old house

In 2010, a movie "If You Are the One 2" caught fire in Yalong Bay in Sanya. Until today, tourists’ evaluation of Yalong Bay has been high. Among them, Bohou Village in Sanya, located in the southwest of Yalong Bay National Tourist Area, is particularly worth mentioning. Before Bohou village, the land had been immersed in seawater all the year round, and it had been salinized. In 2017, Sanya municipal government repositioned the village and began to build beautiful countryside. At present, Bohou Village has developed 25 travel rentals and inns, which can provide nearly 500 rooms, 2 farmhouses and 1 supermarket. Since beautiful countryside was built in 2017, the annual per capita income of villagers has reached 19,000 yuan, of which the annual per capita income of villagers has reached 30,000 yuan after the renovation of Xinpo District in beautiful countryside.

Avoid the explosion effect "short-lived glory"

The radiation effect of film and television travel should not be underestimated, but many scenic spots are prone to "booing" and "IP". The industry believes that cultural IP hot topics alone are not enough, and the supporting facilities and services of tourist destinations need to be continuously improved in order to create high-quality IP attractions.

Taking Xi ‘an as an example, after the upsurge of Xi ‘an tourism in The Longest Day In Chang’an, Xi ‘an Culture and Tourism Bureau took the IP of film and television works as an opportunity to hold city tourism promotion activities and launch related cultural and tourism products. In recent years, because some scenes in the Japanese animated film Spirited Away written and directed by Miyazaki Hayao are similar to Hongyadong, a popular scenic spot in Chongqing, many people once thought that Hongyadong was one of the "locations" of the animated film, making Hongyadong, which is a popular tourist destination, more sought after.

It’s also very important to make new ideas in publicity and promotion. In the film My People My Homeland unit story "A UFO falls from the sky", the location of "Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST)", "Bridge of the sky", astronomical town, alien home inn, etc., let the audience remember the beautiful scenery of traditional villages in Gelai and many other places. With the flow of film and television works, the local media center has launched a series of reports on "My hometown and my hometown, the story of Guizhou", aiming to project the film into reality and attract more tourists.

For cultural travel destinations, the favor of film and television is only a lucky "lottery ticket" after all. Whether you can cash huge bonuses from it, besides luck, it is more important to have more sincere operation and layout.

Source: Public Network Poster News, People’s Network, Xinhuanet, Xiangyang Evening News, etc.

Where did the legendary "tank turn around" come from? The principle comes from walking tractors, which are only carried by high-end cars.

Where did the legendary "tank turn around" come from? The principle comes from walking tractors, which are only carried by high-end cars.

With the development of science and technology, the functions are becoming more and more comprehensive. Not long ago, it was reported in the media that domestic hard-liners actually had the function of turning tanks around, which also surprised many consumers and other people in the industry. Many people are asking what is the function of the Haval h9 tank to turn around? Why has this function never been heard before? Let Xiaobian explain it to you.

It is called the tank u-turn function because the car can turn around in the same place as a tank. The principle of this operation is that the tracks on both sides can be driven in opposite directions, so that the center can be used as the origin to turn around in the same place as a tank. Or you can lock the track on one side and let the track on the other side move normally, so that you can complete the in-situ U-turn with the single track as the center point like a tank.

The reason why Haval h9 uses the function of turning the tank in place is that it can be greatly reduced, and so can the tank. The application of this device can further improve the agility and mobility of the tank, thus improving the survival probability of the tank on the battlefield. Although it doesn’t involve the question of whether to survive or not, once you have the function of turning the tank in place, you can make the overall performance by going up one flight of stairs. After all, as a survival ability in the wild, you must pass the test.

Perhaps many people think that the principle of tank turning around in situ is very simple and common, because two walking tractors used in many rural areas also apply the same principle. Many two walking tractors in China can turn around in situ just by stepping on the pedal and then turning in the general direction.

It is undeniable that there are similarities between the two in principle, but there are still many differences in practice. Because of the different design structure, many traditional fuel vehicles can’t drive the two sides in the opposite direction as easily as tanks. And many of them can’t turn at a large angle as easily as our common walking tractors, so it seems that it is actually very difficult to make a traditional fuel truck turn around in situ.

When an ordinary fuel locomotive makes a U-turn, the rear wheel on one side corresponding to the turn will be stuck by the electronic lock, while the other three can move normally and keep a certain range of rotation to complete the U-turn. However, through experiments, it can be realized that the tank can turn around in situ, which can greatly reduce the radius involved in turning, and this radius is obviously similar to the radius of turning. Although many people still can’t turn around in the same place as tanks, the radius of turning can be greatly reduced after improvement. This is much more convenient for some people to pass through narrow places.

At present, which models in the world have the function of tank turning around in situ? After all, carrying this device which can realize in-situ U-turn can greatly improve the overall performance, which is also a good aid to improve the competitiveness of products. But so far, very few people have this technology. The most famous thing is that the price of this car is not cheap between 77.10 and 1.194 million. The most expensive is 570, and the price of this model has reached 1.291 to 1.417 million yuan. There is also the upcoming Haval h9, as well as domestic guns.

Since having this function can greatly improve the competitiveness of products, why is this technology not popularized in the world, and only a few have this technology? In fact, this involves the problem of cost and utilization rate. First of all, if you want to carry this function, you must have excellent economic strength and scientific and technological ability. There are not many manufacturers in the world who can put a lot of money into product research and development. In addition, if you want to have this function, you must have a large number of low-speed four-wheel drive, front, middle and rear, and crawling systems. These configurations are not cheap for ordinary manufacturers and have high requirements for installation technology.

For example, its Land Patrol and 570 both adopt many advanced configurations, such as non-load-bearing, Torsion Induction Self-locking and Creep System. It is estimated that the development and application cost of these configurations is about 30% of the whole vehicle, so the price of this car will rise a lot and many consumers will be discouraged.

The most important thing is that many consumers spend a lot of money to buy a car with the function of turning around in place, which may not be able to be used. Unless you are a local tyrant, the opportunity to buy one of these practical applications is really rare. Because this function will only play an important role in the rather harsh terrain, but for the average person, it is rare to drive out cross-country. Therefore, the market of this kind of car is very small, and not many manufacturers are willing to spend a lot of money to configure this device, so few have this function.

It may seem to many people that having the function of tank turning around in situ is just icing on the cake, because it is really rare to apply this function in real life. But the most important thing for today’s market is to develop new products to make the market glow with new vitality, and this tank’s in-situ U-turn function can be regarded as one of them.

The article is provided by the author.

Lei Jun: The official version of Xiaomi Auto SU7 has been delivered.

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79,800 BYD Qin PLUS Glory Edition was sold.

  [car home new car listed] On February 19th, we learned from BYD official that its compact car-Qin PLUS Glory Edition was officially launched, among which DM-i models were launched in five configurations, with the price range of 79,800-12,580 yuan; There are five configurations for EV models, and the price range is 10.98-13.98 million yuan.. At the same time, the official also announced a number of concessions. It is worth mentioning that (|) Glory Edition has added white glaze and green appearance color matching, upgraded intelligent voice continuous call, and upgraded intelligent power on and off for all departments. For the detailed price of the new car, please see the figure below:

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, the new car adds white glaze and green color matching, which is in line with the existing design style as a whole and looks more advanced as a whole. Specifically, the new car uses a larger "dragon mouth" front grille and internal "dragon armor" elements to bring strong sensory impact. At the same time, the heavy downward pressure of the front of the car and the four three-dimensional lines on the hood of the engine combine to create a visual effect of diving. It is worth mentioning that the EV model is different from the DM-i model in the front grille, which improves the recognition.

Home of the car

  The car uses a penetrating taillight, the outer shell of the lamp group is blackened, and the interior uses LED light source. Above the taillights, there is also a "Build Your Dreams" trailer with the latest design font.

Home of the car

   Qin PLUS Glory DM-i is equipped with a DM-i plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a permanent magnet synchronous drive motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 81 kW and the maximum torque is 135 Nm. In terms of driving motor, two power versions are provided according to different models, with the maximum power of 132 kW and 145 kW respectively and the maximum torque of 316 Nm and 325 Nm respectively. In terms of battery, the new car will be equipped with DM-i super hybrid special power blade battery pack, and its NEDC comprehensive pure electric cruising range is 55km and 120km respectively.

  Qin PLUS Glory EV is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous drive motor with a maximum power of 100 kW and a peak torque of 180 Nm. In terms of battery, it is equipped with 48kWh and 57.6kWh battery packs according to different configurations, corresponding to cruising range of 420 km and 510 km. (Text/car home Zhouyi)