Where did the legendary "tank turn around" come from? The principle comes from walking tractors, which are only carried by high-end cars.

Where did the legendary "tank turn around" come from? The principle comes from walking tractors, which are only carried by high-end cars.

With the development of science and technology, the functions are becoming more and more comprehensive. Not long ago, it was reported in the media that domestic hard-liners actually had the function of turning tanks around, which also surprised many consumers and other people in the industry. Many people are asking what is the function of the Haval h9 tank to turn around? Why has this function never been heard before? Let Xiaobian explain it to you.

It is called the tank u-turn function because the car can turn around in the same place as a tank. The principle of this operation is that the tracks on both sides can be driven in opposite directions, so that the center can be used as the origin to turn around in the same place as a tank. Or you can lock the track on one side and let the track on the other side move normally, so that you can complete the in-situ U-turn with the single track as the center point like a tank.

The reason why Haval h9 uses the function of turning the tank in place is that it can be greatly reduced, and so can the tank. The application of this device can further improve the agility and mobility of the tank, thus improving the survival probability of the tank on the battlefield. Although it doesn’t involve the question of whether to survive or not, once you have the function of turning the tank in place, you can make the overall performance by going up one flight of stairs. After all, as a survival ability in the wild, you must pass the test.

Perhaps many people think that the principle of tank turning around in situ is very simple and common, because two walking tractors used in many rural areas also apply the same principle. Many two walking tractors in China can turn around in situ just by stepping on the pedal and then turning in the general direction.

It is undeniable that there are similarities between the two in principle, but there are still many differences in practice. Because of the different design structure, many traditional fuel vehicles can’t drive the two sides in the opposite direction as easily as tanks. And many of them can’t turn at a large angle as easily as our common walking tractors, so it seems that it is actually very difficult to make a traditional fuel truck turn around in situ.

When an ordinary fuel locomotive makes a U-turn, the rear wheel on one side corresponding to the turn will be stuck by the electronic lock, while the other three can move normally and keep a certain range of rotation to complete the U-turn. However, through experiments, it can be realized that the tank can turn around in situ, which can greatly reduce the radius involved in turning, and this radius is obviously similar to the radius of turning. Although many people still can’t turn around in the same place as tanks, the radius of turning can be greatly reduced after improvement. This is much more convenient for some people to pass through narrow places.

At present, which models in the world have the function of tank turning around in situ? After all, carrying this device which can realize in-situ U-turn can greatly improve the overall performance, which is also a good aid to improve the competitiveness of products. But so far, very few people have this technology. The most famous thing is that the price of this car is not cheap between 77.10 and 1.194 million. The most expensive is 570, and the price of this model has reached 1.291 to 1.417 million yuan. There is also the upcoming Haval h9, as well as domestic guns.

Since having this function can greatly improve the competitiveness of products, why is this technology not popularized in the world, and only a few have this technology? In fact, this involves the problem of cost and utilization rate. First of all, if you want to carry this function, you must have excellent economic strength and scientific and technological ability. There are not many manufacturers in the world who can put a lot of money into product research and development. In addition, if you want to have this function, you must have a large number of low-speed four-wheel drive, front, middle and rear, and crawling systems. These configurations are not cheap for ordinary manufacturers and have high requirements for installation technology.

For example, its Land Patrol and 570 both adopt many advanced configurations, such as non-load-bearing, Torsion Induction Self-locking and Creep System. It is estimated that the development and application cost of these configurations is about 30% of the whole vehicle, so the price of this car will rise a lot and many consumers will be discouraged.

The most important thing is that many consumers spend a lot of money to buy a car with the function of turning around in place, which may not be able to be used. Unless you are a local tyrant, the opportunity to buy one of these practical applications is really rare. Because this function will only play an important role in the rather harsh terrain, but for the average person, it is rare to drive out cross-country. Therefore, the market of this kind of car is very small, and not many manufacturers are willing to spend a lot of money to configure this device, so few have this function.

It may seem to many people that having the function of tank turning around in situ is just icing on the cake, because it is really rare to apply this function in real life. But the most important thing for today’s market is to develop new products to make the market glow with new vitality, and this tank’s in-situ U-turn function can be regarded as one of them.

The article is provided by the author.