The mayor of Zhangjiajie’s "entertainment" caused controversy. Netizens said that he was the most handsome in history.

    Zhao Xiaoming, mayor of Zhangjiajie, shows people with exaggerated cartoon images.

    Endorsement of Zhangjiajie International Country Music Festival with Cartoon Image

    Data Map: Zhao Xiaoming, Deputy Secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee and Mayor.

    "Writers are entertaining, scholars are entertaining, and now even the mayor is entertaining." Yesterday (6th), a video of Zhao Xiaoming, the mayor of Zhangjiajie, showing people with exaggerated cartoon image spread on the Internet, which caused a thousand waves, causing widespread controversy among netizens at home and abroad.

  "Cartoon mayor" triggered online controversy

    The opening of "2009 Zhangjiajie International Country Music Festival in China" is just around the corner, and Mayor Zhao Xiaoming can be described as a pioneer. As the "image ambassador" of this music festival, Zhao Xiaoming did not hesitate to "vilify himself" and showed people with the cartoon image of "grinning" in the image propaganda film of the music festival. The mayor personally endorsed a large-scale music festival and "sacrificed his life to get an electric shock" to appear on the screen with his exaggerated cartoon image, which may be the first time in China.

  Netizens called him "the most handsome mayor in history"

    Mayor Zhao’s "self-destructive image" and "giving his life to get an electric shock" caused a strong controversy on the Internet. A netizen in Hainan commented that "what does this make the mayor’s authority and dignity?" This netizen’s statement was immediately refuted by other netizens. Most netizens believe that the mayor is a "public servant" and does not have to be "high above" to reflect the authority of officials. Mayor Zhao’s act of being close to the people makes people feel very cordial; A netizen in Shandong said that "the creativity is very good, but the painting is too rough", which means that the exaggerated cartoon image of Mayor Zhao is "not flattering", while a netizen in Guangxi said that "the sexiest organ of a man is his mind, so he should be given a’ most handsome mayor in history’!"

  With some comments from netizens:

    Beijing netizen: like one! Such a move can increase the intimacy of officials!

    Jiangsu netizen: I hope all officials can be closer to the people in reality!

    Shanghai netizen: What’s the fuss? Foreign presidents personally design their own cartoon images!

    Shandong netizen: Creativity is good, but can’t it be painted better? ? This is not difficult, is it? ?

    Guangdong netizen: mayors all over the country should learn from this man. Don’t put on an official airs all day!

    Hunan netizen: Zhangjiajie has made great progress in urban construction and city appearance in the past two years. As a native of Zhangjiajie, I sincerely thank Mayor Zhao.

    American netizen: This is a kind of progress and closeness to the people. Officials in China often look arrogant. Do more similar things, which is beneficial!

    Shanxi netizen: very good, emancipate the mind and set an example of innovation! More approachable image.

    Fujian netizen: It is more important than cartoons to manage Zhangjiajie’s tourism environment better!

    Zhejiang netizen: it’s quite good, but it’s a little rough!

    Netizen in Chongqing: I hope more officials can be as popular as Mayor Zhao.

    Korean netizen: Look at those objections, and China’s official standard thought can be seen.

    Sichuan netizen: Hunan is the central region, but the dancer on the right in this picture is dressed like a western ethnic girl, not a local Miao and Tujia costume, which is a failure.

    Netizen in Liaoning: Very good, approachable and innovative. Most people should like it.

    Macau netizen: Controversy is also beneficial, at least raising the popularity of the music festival.

    Netizen in Xinjiang: The mayor is so handsome. I like him, and the music is very nice, which gives people a shocking feeling.

    Shaanxi netizen: My wife clamored to go to Zhangjiajie several years ago, but she never made it. This time, you can see that tickets for many performances have not increased in price, so let’s go together on annual leave!

    Jiangxi Netizen: Since it is the China International Country Music Festival, why should we use American country music songs? Why not use China folk music? Are you holding a music festival in China or an American country music festival in China? How dare you say that? While all over the world are building up the confidence of local culture, the mayor of China still uses American music as a propaganda sign of China folk music. Is this a manifestation of its contemporary "national inferiority complex"? Why do music festivals in China promote American music?

    Hunan netizen: this is the perfect combination of advanced management concept and Zhangjiajie’s original natural scenery. I believe that music energy saving can be as successful as promotional film, and we look forward to it!

    Netizen in Hebei: Hunan people just dare to think, dare to be the first, and live up to the eternal famous couplet at the entrance of Yuelu Academy.

    Guangxi netizen: I don’t think the cartoon image of Mayor Zhao is ugly at all. On the contrary, I can give him a "most handsome mayor in history" or something. The most handsome, coolest and sexiest organ of a man is not eyebrows, eyes, nose, face, muscles, but-thoughts! (Reporter Wang Xiaoyang)

Editor: Li Xiuwei