The most complete running strategy! Correct running posture, warm-up and stretching will help you protect your knees.

Haruki Murakami said this in the book "What do I talk about when I talk about running":

Every time I see this pastoral chicken soup, my mind can’t help but flash out:

The wonderful running posture I saw in the gym in those years.

Like this:

Especially the last one! !

This kind of person’s posture is not only dramatic, but also the whole process must be accompanied by the loud noise of "pa pa pa".

Although running looks simple, you should be serious!

First of all, adjust your posture before starting, hold your chest high, raise your head and abdomen.

This posture correction looks like this on the treadmill.

The sense of professionalism will come out at once, but you have to keep it all the time.

Because some friends run and relax because of their bad physical habits, it will become like this …

The correct running posture should be like this:

Keep the upper body straight, lean forward slightly as a whole, make a fist with both hands, and the big arm drives the body to swing rhythmically.

If you have a pairThe damping effect is particularly good.You can find the ground with your heel, but don’t be too heavy. Otherwise, it will hurt your knees and there will be hidden dangers of injury.

The correct running posture should be the forefoot landing, or the whole foot landing.

Be careful, don’t think it’s running on tiptoe.

If you want to lose weight on the treadmill, practice your physical fitness by the way.

Then this running posture is enough for you to complete the training safely.

What do you think running to warm up is?

Walk at a speed of 4 on the treadmill for a while?

Start running when you get a little sweaty? ?

All wet.

Running is not just about swinging back and forth on two legs, you need your ass.

How to "wake up" your ass during warm-up?

It is enough to use these three tricks on the treadmill.

It can reduce the pressure of knee joint as much as possible and strengthen the strength of quadriceps femoris.

Strengthen hip muscles by maintaining a semi-squat posture.

Action 2: The treadmill walks sideways.

Activate the hip and strengthen the stability of the hip joint.

Exercise the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus to make the buttocks fuller and rounder.

Action 3: Treadmill walks alternately.

Improve the flexibility of hip joint and strengthen the core abdominal muscles.

Strengthen the flexibility of ankle joint and reduce the risk of sprained ankle.

In fact, many students who claim to have "lost their knees" are just scaring themselves.

Have you ever seen what it’s like to run a broken knee?

It’s like this.

This is running away from your knees, and every step will hurt.

So, if every time you finish running, you just feel sore and uncomfortable in your knees the next day, and then you will recover after two days’ rest, then it’s not a big problem at all, just iliopsoas syndrome.

Buy a foam shaft and learn to relax with me.

Put the foam shaft on the outside of the thigh, then press down the weight of your whole body, support the ground with the other leg, and rub back and forth.

If you roll to a very, very painful point, and the pain is the same as my expression in the picture above, then you are doing the right thing.

Repeat rolling for 40 seconds and then change legs, and then repeat rolling for 40 seconds.

In addition to the relaxation of the iliac meridian tract, our thigh roots have to be stretched.

Lunge forward to leg press, straighten your upper body, slowly turn your body, feel the stretching of your thighs and hips, take five deep breaths, and continue on the other side.

You can do the above two moves alternately after running.

Kneel your legs on the foam shaft, support your upper body, and press the weight on the front side of your calf to crush the foam shaft.

If you show the same expression as me, it’s basically that you’ve found the pain point and just keep running over it.

In addition to relaxing the fascia, you also need to strengthen the muscles in the front of your calf and let him help you every time you run.

First lie on the yoga mat and do a hip bridge posture, then hook your toes forward for about 5 seconds, put them down, and then repeat.

From the knee to the calf, there is another part! !

The soles of the feet hurt when running, which is probably plantar fasciitis.

For this kind of disease, you can practice the skill of catching towels when you are free at ordinary times. You can catch towels with a sense of ceremony as shown in the picture above.

You can also throw the towel on the ground and then "catch" it with your feet.

It’s very Buddhist to feel tired every time you scratch your feet.

"10-20-30 training method"It is a very simple but efficient method.

According to a research report in Scandinavian Sports Medicine and Science, compared with normal runners, ordinary fans who use this training method have a very high training level after 8 weeks.

Running must challenge yourself and refuse to be bored.