Twenty-six live broadcast platforms, including Betta, were investigated and found to have an advertising offer of "online celebrity" of 100,000 yuan.

The anchorwoman of "online celebrity" earns extra income by rewarding her fans.

On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the investigation results of a number of online performance platforms, 26 online performance platforms were investigated and 16,881 illegal online performers were dealt with. The reporter’s investigation found that with the webcast terminal moving from PC to mobile, the live broadcast began to enter the era of the whole people. The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has attracted capital madness, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. At the same time, problems such as pornography, violence and infringement in webcasting have also become prominent.

Close more than 4,000 performance rooms.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of cultural markets in six provinces (cities) such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong have recently inspected various online performance platforms, and combined them with self-examination and self-correction of online performance platforms to centrally clean up the content of online performances.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, in this centralized clean-up, all major online performance platforms closed 4,313 performance rooms with serious violations and rectified 15,795 performance rooms with violations.

The reporter learned that many of the live broadcast platforms and performers investigated this time involved obscene and pornographic content, which is one of the main chaos in the current live broadcast. The reporter has seen on some well-known live broadcast platforms that some "anchors" sexually tease and hint through body and language. "Now mobile phones have almost become the standard for students, and the hard-to-prevent pornographic information in the live broadcast platform is really worrying." A parent in Beijing said.

Violence and abetting crimes are also the focus of this investigation. On some live broadcast platforms, funny live content such as racing cars, eating light bulbs and biting dozens of burning cigarettes appears from time to time. In April this year, the Ministry of Culture clearly pointed out that there was a live broadcast platform to broadcast the gangster-themed games "Grand Theft Auto (GTA)5" and "Dragon 0", etc., with bloody pictures and abetting crimes; Live broadcast of the illegal game "Zhajinhua", etc., promoting gambling behavior, violating social public order and good customs.

According to the investigation results released by the Ministry of Culture on the 12th, 12 business units, including Wuhan Betta Network Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panda Mutual Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Liujianfang Technology Co., Ltd., were investigated for providing illegal and illegal contents such as promoting obscenity, violence, abetting crimes and endangering social morality. At the same time, many anchors and performers were investigated and dealt with, and a total of 1502 serious illegal network performers were dismissed and 16881 illegal network performers were dealt with.

According to the reporter’s investigation, in addition to pornography, violence and other factors, the infringement problem in the live broadcast process has also been repeatedly criticized. Last year, Betta broadcasted the 2015 DOTA2 Asian Invitational Tournament without authorization, and was judged by the court to compensate the relevant companies for economic losses of more than 1 million yuan. In addition, some video websites take street scenes and shopping crowds in shopping malls as live broadcast targets, and even have live broadcast channels under the banner of "the only way for college beauty". Yang Li, a citizen of Jinan, said, "Many people care about this invasion of privacy. Isn’t live broadcast in public places unattended?"

There is an advertisement for "online celebrity" offering 100,000 yuan.

According to a reporter’s investigation, the huge economic benefits, especially the phenomenon that "the more Huang Yue becomes famous for its violence, the more rewards it gets", have made some network anchors spare no effort to broadcast pornography, violence and even create various farce, and strive for fame.

A female anchor named "Coco" in Shandong has more than one million fans on a live broadcast platform. Fans rewarded her with online virtual flowers, lollipops, diamond rings, luxury cruise ships and other gifts. "Coco" also earned extra income by opening members, adding micro-signals and taking photos with netizens. "Some fanatical fans will send out 1314 gifts in a row according to the performance, with one gift ranging from 0.1 yuan to more than 10 yuan, and a group of 1314 will cost hundreds to thousands of yuan. There are more groups of 521 and 88. " "Coco" said.

It is understood that different platforms have different sharing modes. Some platform anchors can get 30%, while others can get 50%. Some platforms will also set corresponding sharing ratios according to different revenues.

In addition, in addition to directly rewarding and sharing, anchors can earn income by participating in various activities invited by fans, selling goods in online stores, and pushing advertisements during live broadcast. Many "online celebrity" have quoted more than 100,000 yuan for pushing an advertisement. The "2016 China E-commerce Red People’s Congress Data Report" released by CBN Business Data Center estimates that the output value of red people’s industry is close to 58 billion yuan this year, which has far exceeded the total box office of 44 billion yuan in China last year.

The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has also attracted the madness of capital, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. On March 15th this year, Betta TV, a live broadcast platform, received $100 million in Series B financing from investment institutions such as Tencent and Sequoia Capital.

■ Expert advice

Establish performers

Blacklist system

The Ministry of Culture issued the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Culture in 2011. Recently, the Ministry of Culture also issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Performance, which explicitly prohibits using human defects or showing human variation to attract users, or using terror, cruelty, destroying the physical and mental health of performers and cruelty to animals to conduct online performance activities.

Wang Yunfei, an associate professor of sociology at Anhui University, and other experts believe that there are so many kinds of live content that it is difficult to clearly define whether it is horrible, cruel, violent or vulgar. Some platforms and anchors play "edge ball", and some deliberately put servers abroad to avoid direct supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually refine policies and clarify the boundaries of various behaviors.

Some cultural law enforcement officials said that it is also difficult to investigate and deal with illegal webcasts. It is understood that at present, the cultural department’s supervision of webcasting mainly relies on random inspections and reports from the masses. The live broadcast platform needs self-examination and self-examination and is responsible for the live broadcast content. However, some live broadcast platform managers said that nearly a thousand live broadcasts are online at the same time, which is often difficult to monitor seamlessly.

Performers such as anchors bear the most direct responsibility for the content of webcasts. Some experts believe that the "blacklist" system for performers such as anchors should be established and improved to make them "illegal in one place and restricted everywhere" and play an effective deterrent warning role. At the same time, real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated. According to Xinhua News Agency