BMW owners get drunk and make a scene. Workers are injured by golf clubs in the factory (Figure)

Vehicle involved

    At noon yesterday, a young man driving a BMW after drinking wanted to enter the Fenhe Wood Products Co., Ltd. in Qingpu District. After being rejected, the young man waved a golf club and had a dispute with the workers, and many people were injured in the dispute. At present, the police have intervened in the investigation. At about 4 pm yesterday, the police said that the man had sobered up, but what is the identity of the man and what responsibilities should be borne by both parties to the conflict will be announced after the investigation is clear.

    Scene 1: A man driving a BMW wants to break into a factory.

    At 12 noon yesterday, it was the lunch break of Fenhe Wood Products Co., Ltd.

    As usual, the worker He Gansheng and the doorman were playing cards in the security room. While playing in the mood, a rush of horns interrupted everyone’s good interest, and the workers looked up one after another and saw a black BMW parked outside the iron gate of the factory. When He Gansheng saw this, he put down his cards and walked to the door. He saw the window slowly rolling down and a young man leaned out.

    "He has a beard, is of medium height, wears casual clothes and has a strong smell of wine." He Gansheng recalled to reporters.

    "Open the door! Open the door quickly! " The owner of BMW asked He Gansheng to open the factory door and let him in. He Gansheng asked him, "What can I do for you when you enter the factory?" This question attracted the dissatisfaction of BMW owners, who insisted on entering the factory.

    Because the owner of BMW couldn’t tell the reason for entering the factory, and there were rules and regulations in the factory that "no other vehicles are allowed to enter except for business relations", He Gansheng said "you can’t enter the factory casually without special things" and then turned back to the security room.

    Act II: Refused entry into the factory. BMW owners dance golf clubs.

    When the workers saw He Gansheng coming back, they all asked, "What can I do for the BMW driver?" He Gansheng told the workers what had just happened, but his voice did not fall. He saw that the BMW owner had rushed into the security room and the BMW car was still parked outside the factory gate. Obviously, he came in from an unlocked side door. Everyone immediately dropped the cards in their hands and stood up. Before everyone could speak, the BMW owner asked loudly, "Why don’t you work but play cards together?"

    He Gansheng and the doorman explained: "From 11: 30 to 12: 10, it is a lunch break, and we are now in a normal rest."

    However, BMW owners still repeat: "Why don’t you work?" And claimed to be from the city government. When everyone saw that the young man was inarticulate and repeated a word, coupled with the smell of alcohol, they concluded that the man was drunk, so everyone worked together to push the BMW owner out of the door.

    When everyone thought that things could end here, an unexpected scene happened. I saw the BMW master and slave take out a golf club from the trunk and rush into the security room again waving it. In the chaos, there was a dispute between the two sides, and the BMW owners and some workers were "hanged". When He Gansheng saw that the situation was not good, he stopped the BMW owners and workers on both sides with his body and finally pushed the BMW owners out of the door.

    Act III: The BMW owner did not have an alcohol test to check the injury first.

    After the BMW owners were pushed out of the factory by the workers, they put away their golf clubs and drove away. A room full of workers looked at the BMW that was far away, and they all felt a little inexplicable. What exactly does this BMW owner do? Why did he insist on entering the factory? Will he come again?

    Before the workers in the timber factory could figure out what happened, the BMW owner and the police came to the factory again. According to the memories of the police at Xianghuaqiao Police Station in Qingpu District, they received an alarm from a young man at about 12: 50 pm. The young man claimed that he was injured by the workers of Fenhe Wood Products Co., Ltd., so the police rushed to the factory. He Gansheng and several other workers and Manager Zhang of the factory operation department were taken to Xianghuaqiao Police Station, while the young man went to the hospital for an examination.

    Scene 4: BMW owners are drunk and can’t take notes.

    The police investigating the case told the reporter that because the young man was injured in the fight, he was not tested for alcohol, but was sent to the hospital for examination. As for who this young man really is, according to the police, young people sometimes talk loudly and excitedly on the way to the hospital, and sometimes they are delirious and ask questions, so the police can’t make a record until the young man wakes up.

    The identity of the young man driving a BMW and the reason for the dispute are still unclear, but Matt Wong of Qingpu District Public Security Bureau told the reporter that if the man is determined to be drunk driving after taking an alcohol test, he will be restrained by the traffic management department of the public security organ until he wakes up in accordance with the Road Traffic Safety Law, and will be detained for less than 15 days, detained for more than 3 months and less than 6 months, and fined for more than 2,000 yuan in 500 yuan. Matt Wong also said that being drunk and hurting people can’t be used as a reason to be exempted from legal responsibility, but whose responsibility it is and whether young people are drunk driving need to be further ascertained.

    The latest news: Before the deadline, the police released the latest news: BMW owners claimed to have gone to the wrong door because of drinking too much, but refused to admit defeat because of the strength of drinking, which led to an argument with the workers in the timber factory.

Editor: Fan Jing