Deng Chao is distressed: Should artists be honest or silent in love?

Feature: Picture Channel


  From the instant success of "Young Son of Heaven" to the popularity of "Assembly Number", Deng Chao successfully completed the transition from screen to screen with the enthusiasm of the character "obsessive". At the same time as his career success, Deng Chao also harvested a "happy like a flower" love affair with Sun Li, and the "Sweet Honey" starring the two will soon be released on the Shanghai screen.

  However, since the incident of Feng Xiaogang’s director "walking away", Deng Chao seems no longer willing to share his happy life with Sun Li. In an exclusive interview with this newspaper’s (News Afternoon) reporter yesterday, Deng Chao, who did not know whether to be honest about feelings or keep silent, was more willing to talk about his love for acting and obsession with the stage.

  Avoid talking about relationships

  Shadows left after "overwhelming"

  More than a month ago, Feng Xiaogang led the creator of "Assembly Number" to shout everywhere in Shanghai. At the MTV Super Ceremony party, one of the starring Deng Chao successfully stole the spotlight with his "outstanding" acceptance speech, "… Finally, I would like to thank a girl surnamed Sun. It is your emotion that has always supported and encouraged me, so that I am not lonely or lonely. This award is for you, and I will put it in the bathroom of your new home. I love you!" Later, Deng Chao and other creators of "Assembly Number" were interviewed together, but the media focus was on Deng Chao’s bold confession to Sun Li. Feng Xiaogang, who could not bear it, said sullenly: "It seems that no one is interested in movies, only private life, sorry." After saying that, he walked away.

  This incident was undoubtedly a huge impact on Deng Chao, and after that, his attitude towards love changed 180 degrees. In the face of many questions from reporters about "super love", he either diverted the topic, silenced or avoided it. Whether it is the constellation fate with a matching index of up to 100% (Deng Chao of Aquarius and Sun Li of Libra are a natural match), or whether "happiness is like a flower" love will be delayed by their respective rising careers. Deng Chao did not answer directly. He only said that the emotional life of artists is not very different from that of ordinary people, but because artists are public figures, their private lives often become the focus of public attention. "I think it is quite difficult to be an artist now, especially when asking me and Sun Li. If you don’t say it, some people will think that something happened to you. If you say too much, some people will say that you are hyping this matter, and you don’t know whether to be honest or keep silent. "

  Deng Chao, who is good at imitating Jacky Cheung, also said that he would like to make an album for Sun Li, which is full of words for Sun Li and songs sung to her. When it comes to the album, Deng Chao said that he has also considered it and regards it as a very serious job. "This is not playing tickets, it is not singing KTV. If you want to do it, you have to put down filming and other things and do it wholeheartedly."

  Only talk about work

  The two characters were confused

  Reporter (hereinafter referred to as "Record"): "Assembly" is your first big screen shock. Although Zhao Erdou does not belong to the "tear gas" hero Jiulian, he has taken on the biggest laugh of the entire film. Do you think your performance has achieved the desired effect?

  Deng Chao (hereinafter referred to as Deng): The film itself is a regrettable art. Every actor will find some problems and shortcomings after looking back and summarizing after shaping a role. Zhao Erdou is the same. But the actor’s experience and shaping of the character cannot be repeated. If I replay it now, I can’t act out some of the feelings at that time. Actors create with 100% or even 200% of their energy and mature through this kind of tempering again and again. I like Zhao Erdou, and I also like all my previous roles. Those are the paths I have traveled and the wealth of my life.

  Remember: It seems that the filming time was rather rushed at the beginning. Aren’t you very satisfied with your performance?

  Deng: Time was tight because I was still filming "Sweet Honey" at the time. I was also very confused at that time. I couldn’t completely extract the souls of the two characters "Lei Lei" in "Sweet Honey" and "Zhao Erdou" in "Assembly" from my heart. I wasn’t particularly dissatisfied with the performance. What I was dissatisfied with was that I didn’t have more time to figure out the characters. All the scenes were "crazy"

  Remember: Every man has a hero complex in his heart. I heard that you are more "wild" than Zhao Erdou in life, and you really want to fight on the battlefield until you die?

  Deng: It’s not that I’m wild, most of my plays are in peacetime, so I really hope to fight with the Jiulian brothers in the front. I envy the "Jiulian brothers" such as Hanyu and Naiwen, and I am also very jealous of them. I hope to become one of them and sacrifice on the battlefield. That must be a very shocking thing. They even joked at that time: Chao’er, you can shoot with us. Anyway, the audience won’t recognize you (paint your face dirty), and you won’t wear it. You can play Zhao Erdou again later.

  Reporter: In the survey of, more than 60% of the female audience voted for Zhao Erdou as the ideal marriage partner. Do you have anything in common with your characters in life?

  Deng: Actually, there is nothing in common. I may have had some arrogant places similar to Zhao Erdou in the past. Now that I am old, I am much calmer, and I no longer use "arrogant" methods to express my emotions.

Editor in charge: Li Erqing