The first trailer of "China Star Jump" Tian Liang demonstrates "Champion Jump"


  Zhejiang Satellite TV has created a large-scale public welfare star diving reality show "China Star Jump", and recently officially released its first trailer. As the star coach of star jump, diving prince Tian Liang appeared in the trailer, reappearing the style of "the return of the king", and said that he would take all the players to jump again in April.


  Although the program has not been officially launched, the "devil-like" training led by Tian Liang has started ahead of schedule with the approaching of the competition. Yesterday, Tian Liang met all the contestants for the first time, and trained 10 people in "Point Soldiers on the Battlefield". With such a huge training project, we had to "force" Tian Liang to make a surprise move, "broadcast gymnastics" to warm up, and collectively "play with glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which made the atmosphere at the scene increase sharply. In order to enhance morale, Tian Liang even moved the "champion jump" in the Olympic Games to the training site and demonstrated a difficult 10-meter flip jump for the athletes present, which attracted cheers. All the athletes were excited to say that they "finally saw the champion jump".


  Tian Liang 10-meter demonstration jump kills the audience.


  Chen cursor exclaimed, "I finally saw the champion jump."


  As the first meeting with the students, Tian Liang gave a heavy "meeting ceremony" on the spot-the 10-meter platform flip jump, and the scene switched to the Olympic mode in one second. Although he retired for many years, the chemical reaction between Tian Liang who stood on the 10-meter platform again and the platform was triggered immediately. From jumping to tumbling to entering the water, every movement was flawless and perfect, and immediately the spectators in the audience were killed. The players were stunned and excited. "Finally, I witnessed it with my own eyes." In the trailer of "China Star Jump" released recently, Tian Liang also said that "this is the place where my dream began" and "I will jump again with the contestants". This jump once again proves the strength of the diving prince, and at the same time, it greatly increases the morale of the scene. In the next one-on-one training, Chen cursor can be inspired to volunteer to take the lead in training. Although there are many difficulties in the midway due to physical problems, Biao Ge still encourages himself with his iconic "rustic laughter", and he even turns into a Tian Liang fan and POSE for a photo with the star captain.


  Tian Liang’s own unique training method


  Broadcast Gymnastics Warm-up "Tangyuan" Test Water


  In order to quickly achieve the goal of promoting rookie players to professional players, Tian Liang created a unique training method that day. With a group of players doing "broadcast gymnastics" by the pool to warm up, Tian Liang seems to be a parent. On weekdays, the players with the star aura temporarily crossed into the student days, and in addition to listening carefully, they also tried their best to compete for favor in front of the teachers. Chen cursor’s beer belly made his movements too slow, so he won many personal instructions from Tian Liang, which caused Wen Ya’s dissatisfaction that "the coach is biased". For the 64-year-old cow father, Tian Liang also took good care of him, especially during the exercise, and personally accompanied him in one-on-one practice. Considering that some players are timid and afraid of water, Tian Liang led the players to collectively "dive the glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which set up a psychological guarantee for the timid players. When a group of people shouted for the run-up to the pool, they forgot to be afraid or even forget the pain of being choked and slapped by the water. Although Tian Liang scored one to ten that day, all the trainings were carried out in an orderly way with the original training method and friendly smile, and the results were good. The contestants also said that they had gained a lot and looked forward to the second class in Tian Liang.