The protagonist of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" has his own halo, and the supporting role "Phnom Penh" is dazzling

  The second season of the hit drama "Celebration of More than Five Years" was launched after a lapse of five years. The protagonist Fan Xian was resurrected from suspended animation at the end of the first season, returned to Kyoto, and was forced to be involved in a conspiracy struggle: not only to be careful of the "accidental injury" of the second prince and the crown prince competing for power, but also to break free from Emperor Qing’s "unpredictable power, and the holy heart is like an abyss".

  Compared with the first season, the second season of "Qingyu Nian" has a weaker sense of pleasure and a stronger sense of reality. Fan Xian has also changed from a high-spirited teenager to a scheming person – constantly experiencing setbacks, weakening the aura of the protagonist, and taking off the golden finger. But it is also in the process that his strategy, pattern, courage, and wisdom have been continuously improved and grown.

  Fan Xian admitted his limitations by saying to his subordinate Deng Ziyue, "I can only survive in Kyoto because I have a backer." This also meant that the character began to really grow. The backer he was talking about was not Emperor Qing, the highest representative of the imperial power, but Chen Pingping, the supervisor, his father Fan Jian, and Lin Xiang, his father-in-law, as well as his powerful subordinates Wang Qinian, Deng Ziyue, Yan Bingyun, and the protégés he discovered during the invigilation of the Chunqu exam. The sum of the forces formed by these people became a powerful balance that hindered the imperial power and gave Fan Xian the confidence to win in the end.

  The reason why the first season of "Qingyu Nian" has become a hit is that in addition to Fan Xian (played) with the aura of the protagonist and the golden finger is wide open, Chen Pingping (Wu Gang), Fan Jian (Gao Shuguang), Lin Xiang (Yu Yang), Wang Qinian (Tian Yu), Teng Zijing (Wang Yang), Begonia Duoduo (Xin Zhilei) and a series of supporting characters have also contributed to the shaping. "The second season of Qingyu Nian", in addition to the wonderful original supporting characters, has added more supporting characters – their highlight performance has contributed a lot of famous scenes, which not only effectively sets off and enriches Fan Xian’s growth, but also makes the quality of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" more significant.

  The main characters often have their own halos, but the supporting characters also have "gold medals". In the second season of the celebration of more than one year, the highlights of the supporting characters are like setting a dazzling gold edge on the beautiful jade of the series (gold edge is a jade decoration process, which is done by inserting a layer of metal material on the edge of the jade to make the jade look more exquisite and gorgeous). Let’s take a look.

  Highlight Supporting Actor 1: Old Gold Head (Wang Jianguo)

  When Fan Xian returned to Kyoto, the first thing he encountered was the tragic death of Lao Jintou’s father and daughter. The old Jintou, a vegetable seller, went through several times to enter the Huoyue Building in order to help Fan Xian find Teng Zijing’s wife and children, and to meet his daughter. In the end, they and their daughter were beaten to death. They represent the most insignificant civilians in Kyoto. In a world where human life is regarded as a mustard, they are "dead and dead", and few people care. When Fan Xian tried to save the father and daughter, he saw the intertwined web of power – the ideal of "equality for all" he pursued was greatly hit, which also opened the first step of his growth. His personality also changed from the high-spirited spirit of the first season to deep and pragmatic. The old golden head did not appear in many scenes, but the old drama bone Wang Jianguo played a miserable and helpless little character with a few expressions and movements.

  Highlight Supporting Actor 2: Deng Ziyue (Yu Mailei)

  When Fan Xian competed with the intertwined power system and the emperor’s wits, in addition to relying on the support of Chen Pingping, Lin Ruofu and other high-ranking people, he also relied on the help of Wang Qinian and Yan Bingyun. The fate of Deng Ziyue, a lower-level official, resonated with many migrant workers today.

  When he was young, he also had ideals and full of enthusiasm, and he was determined to achieve a career. However, he was defeated by the dirty and corrupt officialdom, and he issued a sigh of "being an official can’t be too maverick, but choose to be with the light". He only wanted to be independent and clean in the big dye vat of officialdom. For this reason, Deng Ziyue "bent his waist and his knees were soft". However, there were still shining things in his heart, such as backbone and the energy to do things realistically.

  Deng Ziyue is the "trumpet" Fan Xian, a Fan Xian without a golden finger. His decline is the descent of an idealist to vulgarity, and it is also the fate that Fan Xian may encounter in reality. Yu Mailei, who plays Deng Ziyue, is full of drama, and his performance is very layered. Through facial expressions, body movements, and lines, he accurately presents the change of the fate of a small bureaucrat in a few minutes: from a hot-blooded young man who slays evil and eliminates adultery, to a clown who slaps horses and whiskers, and a vulgar official who only wants to protect himself is unwilling.

  Fan Xian pressed Deng Ziyue step by step, and Zhang Ruoyun and Yu Bailei both showed superb acting skills. The two jointly dedicated a famous scene in the second season of "Celebration of Yu Nian".

  Highlight supporting role three, royal history Lai Mingcheng (played by Bi Yanjun)

  The emperor, Lai Mingcheng, is most likely the embodiment and epitome of honest officials in history such as Hai Rui: he is Geng Jie, noble, arrogant, upright, upright, pedantic, and inflexible. He holds high the banner of idealism and has a clean pursuit of honesty. For this reason, Lai Mingcheng became "against the sky and the earth and the air", and even joined Fan Xian and his son, the second prince of Shen Qing, and even the emperor of Shen Qing. As a result, he touched the reverse scale and got the fate of being killed by the rod.

  He is also another Fan Xian, a more idealistic one, who uses anti-Machiavellian to deal with Machiavellian, demands the de-absolutization of power, and effectively supervises the imperial power. His ideal is also Fan Xian’s ideal. On the one hand, he made an example for Fan Xian by martyrdom and remonstrance with death. At the same time, his radicalism and rashness also made Fan Xian change from an arrogant idealist to a down-to-earth idealist. Fan Xian later talked about strategy and layout during the invigilator’s Spring Exam, which led to success and avoided his detours.

  The emperor Lai Mingcheng was killed in the rain is another scene in the second season of the celebration of more than one year: Bi Yanjun’s personality of the emperor Lai Mingcheng is both hard and pedantic, both hot-blooded and unworldly.

  Highlight supporting role Fourth Second Prince (played by Liu Duanduan)

  The second prince also shines brightly in "The Second Season of Qingyu Nian". He is arrogant, surly, crazy, sensitive, and fragile. At the same time, he is smart, has means, and has strategies. He basically does not lose ground in the confrontation with Fan Xian. At the same time, like Fan Xian, he is tired of being a pawn. He has the ambition to dominate the overall situation, but he is powerless in the face of Emperor Qing’s overturning imperial techniques. He is a mirror image of Fan Xian, a dark version of Fan Xian. He is the whetstone that Emperor Qing used to test the crown prince. No matter how much he fluttered, he could not control his own destiny, and was destined to be a tragic figure. In fact, if the protagonist’s aura was closed, the fate of the second prince would most likely be Fan Xian’s fate as well.

  Liu Duanduan played the second prince with his alpaca-style hairstyle, model-style steps, and his expression of boredom, madness, and neuroticism. Every match between him and Fan Xian is worth savoring.

  In addition, the newly added concealment of Wang Qinian’s wife (Gao Lu) and the madness and cuteness of Princess Beiqi (played) are also dazzling. They add 10% emotion and 20% humor to the 50% Machiavellian and 20% suspense of the whole play, which adjusts the dark color of the Machiavellian part, making the rhythm of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" switch between heavy and light, making the viewing experience more comfortable and more in line with the creator’s pursuit of anti-Machiavellian to deal with Machiavellian theme appeal. (Text/Liancheng)

The movie "Hua Qiangu" will be set for January next year, with Chen Turin and Li Chengbin starring

The Beijing News reported that on October 30, the movie "Hua Qiangu" was announced to be set for January 20, 2024, and the cast was announced at the same time. The film was directed by Zhang Chaoli, starring Chen Turin and Li Chengbin, starring Mao Zijun, starring Lai Meiyun and Zhang Zining, starring Xu Muchan in a special friendship, Chen Xiaodong and Zhang Li in a friendship, and Wang Xichao, Yang Yi, Xie Chengze, Xie Zichen and other co-stars.

Image from official Weibo

The story tells that the Heavenly Evil Lone Star Hua Qiangu changed his life for the sake of defying the sky and worshiped under the painting door of Changliu Baizi, but under the secular standards, the two people who were incompatible with good and evil still went to the fate of facing the sword…

Editor, Xu Meilin

Proofreading, Zhao Lin

The first trailer of "China Star Jump" Tian Liang demonstrates "Champion Jump"


  Zhejiang Satellite TV has created a large-scale public welfare star diving reality show "China Star Jump", and recently officially released its first trailer. As the star coach of star jump, diving prince Tian Liang appeared in the trailer, reappearing the style of "the return of the king", and said that he would take all the players to jump again in April.


  Although the program has not been officially launched, the "devil-like" training led by Tian Liang has started ahead of schedule with the approaching of the competition. Yesterday, Tian Liang met all the contestants for the first time, and trained 10 people in "Point Soldiers on the Battlefield". With such a huge training project, we had to "force" Tian Liang to make a surprise move, "broadcast gymnastics" to warm up, and collectively "play with glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which made the atmosphere at the scene increase sharply. In order to enhance morale, Tian Liang even moved the "champion jump" in the Olympic Games to the training site and demonstrated a difficult 10-meter flip jump for the athletes present, which attracted cheers. All the athletes were excited to say that they "finally saw the champion jump".


  Tian Liang 10-meter demonstration jump kills the audience.


  Chen cursor exclaimed, "I finally saw the champion jump."


  As the first meeting with the students, Tian Liang gave a heavy "meeting ceremony" on the spot-the 10-meter platform flip jump, and the scene switched to the Olympic mode in one second. Although he retired for many years, the chemical reaction between Tian Liang who stood on the 10-meter platform again and the platform was triggered immediately. From jumping to tumbling to entering the water, every movement was flawless and perfect, and immediately the spectators in the audience were killed. The players were stunned and excited. "Finally, I witnessed it with my own eyes." In the trailer of "China Star Jump" released recently, Tian Liang also said that "this is the place where my dream began" and "I will jump again with the contestants". This jump once again proves the strength of the diving prince, and at the same time, it greatly increases the morale of the scene. In the next one-on-one training, Chen cursor can be inspired to volunteer to take the lead in training. Although there are many difficulties in the midway due to physical problems, Biao Ge still encourages himself with his iconic "rustic laughter", and he even turns into a Tian Liang fan and POSE for a photo with the star captain.


  Tian Liang’s own unique training method


  Broadcast Gymnastics Warm-up "Tangyuan" Test Water


  In order to quickly achieve the goal of promoting rookie players to professional players, Tian Liang created a unique training method that day. With a group of players doing "broadcast gymnastics" by the pool to warm up, Tian Liang seems to be a parent. On weekdays, the players with the star aura temporarily crossed into the student days, and in addition to listening carefully, they also tried their best to compete for favor in front of the teachers. Chen cursor’s beer belly made his movements too slow, so he won many personal instructions from Tian Liang, which caused Wen Ya’s dissatisfaction that "the coach is biased". For the 64-year-old cow father, Tian Liang also took good care of him, especially during the exercise, and personally accompanied him in one-on-one practice. Considering that some players are timid and afraid of water, Tian Liang led the players to collectively "dive the glutinous rice balls" to test the water, which set up a psychological guarantee for the timid players. When a group of people shouted for the run-up to the pool, they forgot to be afraid or even forget the pain of being choked and slapped by the water. Although Tian Liang scored one to ten that day, all the trainings were carried out in an orderly way with the original training method and friendly smile, and the results were good. The contestants also said that they had gained a lot and looked forward to the second class in Tian Liang.

The all-sky map of the outer reaches of the Milky Way has been released, and the galaxy’s "little tail" may be searching for dark matter clues

  ◎ Intern reporter, He Liang

  On April 21, NASA’s official website announced that astronomers had released a new all-sky map of the Milky Way’s periphery. There was a particularly obvious bright spot on the map, which was a stellar wake caused by a dwarf galaxy that was about to collide with the Milky Way, which also aroused heated discussions among astronomers. Chang Jiang, a doctor of astrophysics at the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that this is the first time that humans have directly observed a high-density wake that generates dynamic friction after the theory of dynamic friction was proposed in the 1940s. Its discovery will improve the theoretical framework of galaxy dynamics and play an important role in promoting the theory of galaxy cosmology.

  Dynamic friction effect has not been directly observed until now

  Dynamical friction effect is an important physical mechanism in galactic cosmology, but there is no direct observational evidence.

  Chang Jiang said that in general, the motion of celestial bodies only needs to consider the attractive force, not the friction caused by electromagnetic interactions. For example, the earth revolves around the sun for 5 billion years and is hardly affected by friction.

  When a massive object is stationary in the background density field, the resultant attractive force in all directions is zero, and the motion properties do not change. However, if it moves relative to the background density field, it will cause its gravitational attraction to surrounding matter and form a high-density wake behind it. This wake will bring a backward static attractive force, which will drag the object down and produce a similar result to friction, so this effect is called "dynamic friction".

  Imagine a small boat on a big river, and the boat’s rope is tied to the shore. If the tether is released, the boat will be washed away by the river, due to the friction between the river and the boat (stickiness is not considered here). Chang Jiang explained to the Science and Technology Daily reporter that if the motion state of the boat and the river is different, the boat will be carried along with the river because of the friction of the river; if the river has no friction, and the attractive force of the river from all directions is exactly zero, even if the tether is released, the boat will stay in place because of Newton’s first law.

  However, even in an environment where the river has no friction but attractive force, the flow path will be bent by the attractive force of the boat after the water passes through the boat – the water passing on the left side of the boat will turn right, the water passing on the right side of the boat will turn left, and the stern will produce a high-density wake, so that there is more material behind the boat than in front of the boat, thus creating a net attractive force backwards for the boat, which will cause the boat to move backwards. "Although the river has no friction, due to the accumulation of attractive forces, there will still be a friction-like effect," Chang Jiang emphasizes.

  Like ships, galaxies move in a background material field, generating dynamic friction that causes them to slow down. The larger the spatial scale, the more pronounced this effect is. In the solar system, it can be ignored, but it is very obvious on the galactic scale.

  This is the first time that humans have observed this high-density wake, which is the blue, white mass below the Milky Way in the all-sky map. "This shows that the number of stars there is higher than the surrounding ones, and it is likely that the two galaxies on the right side of the Milky Way disk (the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds) produce high-density wake of stars as they move through the Milky Way," Chang Jiang said.

  New opportunities to study the Large Magellanic Cloud and dark matter

  The new map also reveals the connection between this high-density wake and a dwarf galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud (hereafter referred to as the Barley Cloud) – the Barley Cloud sails through the Milky Way halo like a ship through the water (scientists believe that the Milky Way’s halo is a "hodgepodge" of high-speed stars, star clusters, and diffuse dwarf galaxies thrown out by the Milky Way, including low-density stellar spheres of stars with no obvious structure and various star streams, stellar high-density regions). Its attractive force gathers the stars in the halo and creates a wake behind it.

  Changjiang told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the barley cloud is the largest satellite galaxy in the Milky Way, with a total mass of roughly one-tenth of the Milky Way, but it is likely to have just "fallen" in, so it is affected by the tide for too short a time, and the tidal structure is not fully developed, so it is difficult for us to study its "falling" process.

  This discovery is equivalent to providing a new structure or new perspective to study the falling process of the barley cloud. Chang Jiang said that because the barley cloud is so large, it can serve as a good "probe" to study the structure of the Milky Way and surrounding areas, and even limit cosmology and dark matter theories. Some astronomers believe that the Milky Way is wrapped in a huge dark matter halo, and stars and gas together make up only 3% of the mass of this dark matter halo.

  "Obviously, according to the kinetic friction theory, this high-density wake is not only composed of high-density stars, but also there should be a more massive dark matter wake at the same location, and the combined force of the two will slow down the barley cloud." Chang Jiang boldly imagined that although dark matter cannot be seen, through the study of the stellar structure and barley cloud dynamics, the mass and range of this wake can be inferred, so as to further infer the ratio of stars and dark matter, the structure of the stellar halo, and the structure, distribution, and mass of the dark matter halo in the Milky Way, and to judge the nature of dark matter, to see if it is cold dark matter or warm dark matter, or some other special particle.

  Telescopes help humanity understand the Milky Way and the universe

  "The previous all-sky maps either couldn’t see the outer halo; or the accuracy was not high, and the number of stars was not enough; or the data from multiple telescopes were combined, and the observation accuracy was uncertain." Chang Jiang said that the successful observation of the faint stellar wake by astronomers this time was due to the improvement of observation capabilities and the advantage of space telescopes to achieve all-sky observations.

  Moreover, since the earth is located on the Milky Way disk, where the density of stars, gas, dust and other celestial bodies is very high, optical observation of the Milky Way disk has always been a big problem. In addition to the structure of the Milky Way disk, observation capabilities also limit the observation of the edge of the Milky Way disk, the Milky Way halo, satellite galaxies in the Milky Way and star streams. "It is difficult to see them in areas that are too far and too dark, and even if you see them, the information obtained is extremely limited," said Chang Jiang. "This requires on the one hand the improvement of telescope technology. On the other hand, it requires multi-band observations, such as seeing high-temperature gas and high-energy processes through X-rays, and observing gas in the Milky Way through radio telescopes. The Purple Mountain Observatory is currently drawing the’galactic picture ‘of the gas distribution in the Milky Way through radio observations

Takeaway rider health certificate fraud chaos: 30 yuan a piece, "package approved"

  Beijing, May 15 (Reporter Li Xingjian) According to the Voice of China’s "News Evening Peak" report, for word-of-mouth maintenance, food safety, etc., many takeaway delivery platforms have declared that "riders should apply for a health certificate". However, the reporter’s investigation found that it is easy to search for a link to apply for a fake health certificate on the Internet. For only 30 yuan, you can get a fake health certificate completed by a P picture. "The store" also promises to "pass the package review". Many takeaway delivery platforms are also "open" to the review of riders’ health certificates, and even takeaway sites help riders open a so-called "green channel" for health certificate application, which can be completed quickly without a physical examination.

  Xiao Zhang, who was a rider on a takeaway delivery platform in Nanjing, Jiangsu, told reporters that according to regulations, the health certificate should be handled by the CDC in each district, but at their rider station, as long as they hand over 20 yuan to the stationmaster, in less than half an hour, the health certificate can be completed and approved by the takeaway platform.

  "The reason I don’t do it is that 70% to 80% of riders have fake health certificates. If you want to do it, you will pay 20 yuan to the webmaster, and then you will get the fake health certificate." Xiao Zhang said.

  Xiao Zhang and others said that due to the intense competition among various platforms and the greater mobility of riders, there is a shortage of personnel at various distribution points, and some distribution points falsify health certificates for convenience.

  The reporter searched for the name of the group "health certificate" on QQ, and the list immediately popped up multiple ways to apply for the health certificate. After the reporter randomly joined two of the group chats, an administrator soon chatted privately and asked, saying that there is no need for a physical examination, only need to provide information such as name, age, avatar photo, and the city where the running order is located. The health certificate can be applied for in all cities across the country, 30 yuan each, and promises to "pass the platform review".

  Less than half an hour later, the reporter received the completed "health certificate", which looks almost real from the appearance. The first column of the certificate reads the employee’s preventive health inspection certificate, and the category of the employee is marked with food hygiene, which is valid for one year. It is stamped by the center for disease prevention and control of the reporter’s registered city, and the health certificate number and barcode. The staff member said that many of the health certificates used to run takeout are completed by P pictures.

  According to media reports, although many disease control departments across the country have provided online inspection of health certificate number network services, but a number of takeaway platform personnel confirmed that the actual operation is still mainly manual review, due to the large number of people and other reasons, the verification effect still needs to be improved.

  Reporters consulted the local 12320 public health service hotline on issues such as how to report false health certificates, and staff told reporters that they could consult industry and commerce, market supervision or health departments.

  The reporter then dialed the Nanjing Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the staff said that questions related to the health certificate should be asked by the health bureau.

  The local disease control department said that it is only responsible for handling health certificates, and the CDC has no law enforcement powers and is not responsible for complaints and reports of fake health certificates.

  In recent years, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong and other places have successively issued food safety supervision and management measures for online catering services, which clearly stipulates that operators, third-party platform providers and third-party logistics service providers engaged in online ordering services should strengthen the training and management of food delivery personnel, and require food delivery personnel to obtain health certificates according to law when they are on duty. However, the national regulatory documents do not put hard requirements on the health certificates of takeaway personnel. The "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services" that came into effect on January 1, 2018 mentioned that "food delivery personnel should maintain personal hygiene" and "food Security Training and management of food delivery personnel should be strengthened."

  The relevant person in charge of the Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control said that in addition to the problem of false health certificates being difficult to investigate and deal with, there are still problems such as "people and certificates are difficult to verify" in some areas where the health certificate has not been informatized. The person in charge said: "In our provincial CDC to apply for a health certificate, real-time capture and real-time physical examination, after the physical examination, the photo can be matched to apply for a health certificate, and take the road of informatization. Is the person going to the medical examination himself? If you don’t take the road of informatization, there may be loopholes."

  Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering at China Agricultural University, said that health certificates that can pass the platform inspection can be called "real and fake health certificates", which brings difficulties to supervision and great hidden dangers to food safety, making the original "safety gate" of food safety into an "empty shelf". Building a fence for food safety requires the joint efforts of distribution platforms and regulatory authorities, and the full use of information technology to make the health certificate information transparent. "The market supervision department not only needs to supervise whether riders are certified to work, but also should conduct on-site inspections and spot checks. At the same time, when it comes to food hygiene, the platform cannot be mercenary."

Shenzhen has introduced a new version of the online car-hailing management measures, and the newly registered online car-hailing must be pure electric vehicles

  In the new issue of the government gazette, Shenzhen announced the revised "Shenzhen Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), which came into force on December 1.

  The new regulations require that newly registered online car-hailing vehicles must be pure electric vehicles. The "Measures" stipulate that vehicles engaged in online car-hailing business services should obtain a "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate", and the application for this certificate must meet the requirements of pure electric cars with a wheelbase of more than 2650 mm.

  At the same time, Shenzhen also has new requirements for drivers. The "Measures" show that drivers engaged in online car-hailing business services should obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", which requires drivers to apply for the online booking taxi driver qualification test and pass the test results.

  In addition, in order to provide employment convenience for drivers and reduce unnecessary employment restrictions, Shenzhen implements mutual recognition of taxi driver qualification certificates and online booking taxi driver certificates. Drivers can directly drive cruise taxis or online booking taxis before the expiration of the valid period of the former type of certificate.

Returning to "Archery" to resume work, Hu Ge: The car accident made me face life again

  Guangzhou Daily News, more than a year ago, a sudden car accident forced the production of the new version of "The Legend of the Projectile Hero" that was being filmed to stop. Hu Ge, who played the actor Guo Jing, was unable to shoot due to serious facial injuries and was almost disfigured, but the production unit insisted on waiting for Hu Ge to return. On August 31, the cast of "The Projectile" finally resumed full work in Hengdian, and it is expected to be completed on January 10 next year. The reporter conducted an exclusive interview with Hu Ge who was in Hengdian the day before yesterday. On the same day, the crew was filming the scene "Huang Rong worships Hong Qigong as his teacher". Hu Ge, who was full of braids, appeared in front of the reporter in good condition. Now, except for the slightly different skin grafts at the corners of his eyes, the rest is as usual. When it comes to the new version of "The Condor", he has a mixed mood, but he wants everything to be complete and worthy of his friend who died in a car accident.

  Reporter (hereinafter referred to as "Remember"): You look very smart, how did you show Guo Jing’s honesty?

  Hu Ge (hereinafter referred to as Hu): Hehe, use performance to make up for the congenital shortcomings. In fact, he did not deliberately show honesty and honesty. Guo Jing’s chivalry and sincerity are more important.

  Remember: there was the 1983 version of Huang Rihua Zhuyu in front, and the mainland version of Li Yapeng, how do you break through the frozen frame given to Guo Jing by predecessors?

  Hu: I think the most important thing is to form your own style. When it comes to breakthroughs, there will be pressure. Jin Yong’s Guo Jing is the highest form of chivalry. In his eyes, brotherhood is more important than himself, and national feelings are more important than brotherhood. He and Huang Rong are classic complementaries, a very pure love without any impurities. This is my understanding of Guo Jing, and I will interpret it according to this understanding.

  Remember: Evaluate Ariel Lin, who plays Huang Rong.

  Hu: Ariel Lin has added a lot of new things to her performance, and she is more rational than the Huang Rong I remember. We worked together when we were in "Flying Immortals". Ariel Lin is very dedicated and does not complain no matter how hard she works. She also "went on a hunger strike" to lose weight, eating boiled vegetables every day and losing 5kg.

  Remember: I heard that the kiss scene between the two was deleted?

  Hu: Haha, it’s not that Guo Jing doesn’t want to kiss, but he doesn’t need this way to express his love.

  Remember: As a reshoot after a car accident, can you talk about what preparations you made for the reshoot? Many people are very concerned about your current situation.

  Hu: 10 months away from the public eye, I seem to have been diving for too long and suddenly surfaced, and I’m not used to it all of a sudden… This time I joined the crew two weeks ahead of schedule, and I entered the crew early to get into the state faster.

  I didn’t get used to re-entering the cast at first, and I was at a loss in the face of the camera. When I needed to hang the wire to shoot, I quickly became excited, because I had also mentally prepared for a year, and of course I was 100% committed to my work when I came back. The producers originally wanted to add a scene of Guo Jing’s injury to explain the changes in the image before and after, and Jin Yong agreed, but in the end they decided to respect the original.

  Remember: Did you have such a big accident in your life?

  Hu: I feel that "Condor Shooting" is like my unfinished business, with another friend leaving in the middle (referring to the assistant who died in a car accident). I hope the play can have a happy conclusion.

  Remember: You seem to be recovering well now. Do you need further cosmetic surgery in the future?

  Hu: I still need one or two surgeries.

  Remember: Then what? A plan for the future?

  Hu: Finished the first album. I feel that my life has always been smooth sailing in the past. Now I am afraid that I am not strong enough to do other things as an actor, and I have a sense of crisis. Guo Jing has gone through a lot of setbacks, and now I can finally resonate with him more.

  The car accident knocked me out of the original trajectory of life, and also shattered the mask on my face. Brushing past death made me see clearly what is the most important thing in life. Material and desire are external things. The previous life was very superficial, but now I have to face life sincerely again and pick up what I lost little by little.

  In fact, I myself like to play, so I also like the character of Zhou Botong very much. I am shooting with a playful mentality now. Also, I am still playing photography, and I have a small darkroom at home where I can develop photos. (Reporter Chen Yuzhong)

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Pick up the car and drive 1073 kilometers in three days: 34 questions to tell you what the Xiaomi SU7 is like

The Xiaomi Mi SU7 is the most talked-about car this year.

It just so happened that we also ordered a founding version of the MAX top model and picked an ice berry…

Ah no, the color of Xiaguang purple, and it has been picked up on April 4th, and it is also the first batch of car owners in Hangzhou.

Before picking up the car, we asked everyone what they wanted to know about it.

It can be seen that everyone really cares about this car, collecting nearly 100 questions in one night, and then we sifted through these questions and aggregated them into 34 key questions.

These days, we are on vacation, with several waves of people taking turns to test drive, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Hangzhou, and even going to Shanghai, working until 3 am to run out of power.

In such a high-intensity test drive, we conducted in-depth experience and evaluation of the SU7, and the car has run 1073 kilometers. We also discovered many details that we had not noticed before.

For example, its driving is even more enjoyable than we expected, but its car-machine interaction has not achieved the desired effect because many functions have not yet been implemented.

But overall, we feel that this car is still a good buy.

Therefore, in today’s article, we will not talk about anything else, but will answer the questions that everyone is most concerned about one by one.

Okay, the question-and-answer session begins with the three most asked questions:

1. How about the space in the back row? Will the 1.8-meter seat in the back row be turned up and pushed to the head?

The space in front of the rear legs is okay, but because the seats are too short and the platform is high, the thighs are not supported enough.

As for the head space, our colleague who is nearly 1.8 meters tall sat in it, and it was almost at the top.

We actually measured the flying slope, and the speed of 70 is good, and 80 becomes Super Mario.

2. Test the battery life to see how far it can go.

We started testing on the first night we got the car. From Hangzhou EFC to Shanghai B station headquarters, the air conditioner is 24 ° C, the refrigerator is 2 ° C, and the kinetic energy recovery is soft. The entire road section is about 80% high-speed, 20% urban area, and the high-speed stable speed is between 120-130. There are three people sitting in the car, plus a total of 240 kg of shooting equipment, the outdoor temperature is 11 ° C, and it is raining lightly.

For the SU7 MAX version, we chose 20-inch wheels, and the official CLTC battery life is 750 kilometers.

We went from a full charge to a zero charge, and really, we almost got out of the cart in the middle of the night,The final measured endurance was 462 kilometers.

Hey~ There may be rice noodles or rice black here.

It should be emphasized here,Our battery life test is not for the purpose of running a high battery life, but to fit our habit of often traveling to Shanghai. On the expressway, it is 130, so there is no need to compare with those who run 100 at high speed.

This data is also for your reference. If you are driving in the urban area, it will definitely be no problem to run 500 kilometers.

3. Is Carplay bigger than the Mercedes-Benz C-Class? How about support for Apple’s ecosystem?

Unexpectedly, this function turned out to be a cake.

Carplay is currently unavailable and will have to wait for the OTA.

But you have to ask about the size. The screen of Mercedes-Benz C is 11.9 inches, and Xiaomi’s is 16.1 inches. If the adaptation effect is what Lei Jun showed at the press conference, Xiaomi will definitely be larger.

In addition, the rear row of the SU7 can be controlled by an iPad, which is connected to the vehicle hotspot, and then enters the screen-projecting APP to adjust the air conditioner and seat. However, turning off the air conditioner can only turn off the rear row, and music can also be played at the same time.

However, the iPad does not support PIN point power supply, so it must be plugged in, while the Xiaomi pad can be charged with PIN point.

After finishing the TOP 3 questions, we will answer them in turn from the aspects of the vehicle’s appearance, interior, intelligence, and driving experience.

Let’s talk about the appearance first.

4. Driving into the street, how is the return rate?

No? This is a guaranteed time… Xiaomi SU7.

The return rate is very high. During our live broadcast that night, we were "stopped by the Americans" in Shanghai, and we were even beckoned by a few cars on the highway to see the cars.

Let’s put it this way, driving a big car now may not be more attractive than the SU7.

5. Is the vehicle workmanship good and how is the assembly effect?

Our car is smaller than the various seams on the assembly of the trial car, the rear wing is slightly uneven, and the overall workmanship of the vehicle is at a medium level, which is better than expected. As for the workmanship of the high-mounted brake lights at the back, our car is not so exaggerated…

6. I heard that car paint is not scratch-resistant, is that true?

It feels okay to use it these days, unless you want to scratch it.

By the way, I asked the after-sales service for you. One surface of SU7 refinish is 800, not counting labor costs. How much is your car?

7. Will the electric tailgate pinch your hands? Will bananas and cucumbers be pinch off?

The paper is clamped firmly.

The carrot and banana were both clipped and then bounced away, causing some injuries.

Hands are fine, but don’t try it lightly.

8. Are the front and trunk large?

The front tank is very large, although there is a slope, but in fact it does not affect the loading. The main problem is that the glass water filling hole is on the inside of the rubber strip, and the actual use may flow into the front tank, but there is no drain hole inside. If you are not careful, water will accumulate.

No wonder Ray always said that he could put the fish he caught in front. It turned out that he could raise fish.

There is enough space in the trunk, because it is relatively deep, and there is still room under the cover plate, so you can put some small pieces. However, because the bottom of the trunk is hollow, the load-bearing capacity is only 35kg, so you should be careful when using it.

9. Does the semi-hidden door handle have mechanical buttons? Can the door be opened when the vehicle is powered off?

We specially consulted Xiaomi’s people,As long as the vehicle is powered off, there is only a broken window to enter the car, and there is no mechanical switch on the outside.

And there is a mechanical door opening device inside, which is on the door panel.

Is it necessary to upgrade the 10.21-inch wheels?

The 21-inch wheel hub looks handsome or handsome, and the overall appearance is larger.

But because the vehicle itself uses a 20 Michelin PS EV, high-speed wind noise and tire noise are obvious, and a 21-inch Pirelli P ZERO tire with a tire width of 245/35 (rear tire 265mm) is also more expensive than a PS EV. Unless you are a pure driving enthusiast and are ready to brush the track, there is no need to go.

Let’s take a look at the interior issue again.

11. Does the car smell big, and how are the interior materials and workmanship?

The smell of SU 7 is the smallest among the new energy vehicles I have tried so far. Of course, it may also be because of the founder’s version that the current car has been in the sun for many days.

I think the interior materials are actually not as good as Krypton 001. For example, SU7 under the door panel is a hard plastic, and 001 is a soft coating.

The workmanship is okay, and I didn’t find any big problems. It is the OEM of the founding version on the steering wheel. When playing the direction at a large angle, there are rowers.

The picture above is SU7, and the picture below is 001.

12. A 1/4 threaded interface is reserved on the car. Is it convenient to shoot Vlogs?

There are three 1/4 ports in the front row, one for the left side of the main driver to take a close-up view of the face, one for the middle shot, and one for the rearview mirror in the middle to take a picture of the road conditions and the car. You can arrange any position you want.

If that’s not enough, you can also add a suction cup to the canopy glass, and the SU7 car ecosystem can be considered clear.

But do so many people (like me) really like to photograph their own cars?

13. How does the refrigerator work? Is the Coke cold?

It just so happens that we have a Taiwan M9 and a refrigerator, so let’s make a Horizontal comparison.

We filled two refrigerators with 22 ° C Coke at the same time, and the temperature of the refrigerators was adjusted to the lowest level. After an hour of temperature measurement, the Coke in the Xiaomi SU7 dropped to about 10 ° C, which was 2 ° C lower than the temperature of the refrigerator.

This semiconductor refrigerator is enough to ice a Coke, but we found that using Xiaomi refrigerator is really troublesome.There is no way to open the refrigerator by calling Xiao Ai, so you have to find the buttons in the car machine by yourself, and the temperature control of the refrigerator is also hidden deep.

14. How is the massage strength of the front seat?

Sorry, the SU7 series does not have seat massage.

But this price car, even with a seat massage, is almost interesting to use. If you cut this in exchange for a cheaper car price, then I don’t think it’s a problem.

15. What are the ways to play with various accessories?

Okay, let’s take a look at the intelligence of the car. Xiaomi, as a mobile phone factory, builds cars, and this part has the most problems.

16. How does Mijia ecology work?

In fact, the Mijia APP in the mobile phone got on the bus, and the functions that can be realized in the car are all on the mobile phone. The icon in the car machine is large, which is more convenient to click. Other than that, I didn’t feel too much freshness.

But there is a slot point that there is no "select all" button when importing. Milo’s Mi family in our hardware department has about 90 devices, so we really need to click one by one.

17. Is there a sentinel mode?

Yes, and the viewing angles are rich, and there is no blind spot monitoring for 6 viewing angles. It takes about 2 kWh to open overnight. But because it is parked in the park, there may be more people passing by, which may also affect the power consumption.

18. Is Xiao Ai smooth? Can you let her capture the violation of the car in front? If the mobile phone and the car are not the same Xiaomi account, will calling Xiao Ai respond?

Xiao Ai was very fluent, and his response was also very humanized. This was reflected in the fact that when you called him, it was not a stiff "Hello to the main driver, hello to the co-pilot", sometimes "Hey", and sometimes "What’s wrong".

One night, I felt cold and asked her to turn on the seat to heat it up. She actually said, "It’s open for you, and it will be warm soon." This kind of humanized feedback is an unexpected little surprise. You can also try to explore it. There will definitely be more application scenarios for large models in the future.

As for the violation of the front car, and the demonstration at the press conference can answer what model the front car is, we have to wait for the OTA.

If the mobile phone and the car are not the same account, call Xiao Ai, and both will answer. If it is the same account, our mobile phone will sometimes be lit up after we tried it, but there will be no response in the next step. It is still Xiao Ai of the car and the car that is talking to you.

19. Is intelligent driving far ahead of the world?

At present, Xiaomi has not yet opened urban NOA, only high-speed elevated NOA, the actual experience is much more radical than the world, but also because of the steering ratio or training reasons, the high-speed autonomous lane change is very fast and stable, and it does not follow the car at all. If there is a chance, it will exceed. Depending on personal preference, we think it is very good.

However, this would make people feel less at ease. In comparison, the wise driver of the world was more composed.

20. I want to take a look at the car’s running score.

We would also like to try it, but the current problem is that the Xiaomi car is closed, there is no developer mode, and there are only a few fixed applications in the app store.

After trying various methods, I have not successfully installed Antutu.

At the moment of writing the article, we are still figuring out how to install it. When we succeed, we will let you know immediately.

21. Can the car be connected to a Bluetooth headset?

Tried it, didn’t work.

22. When there is no network in the underground parking lot, can the car still be used?

No way.After being disconnected from the Internet, it is mentally retarded.

23. Is the black edge of the screen big? Can the car play 3A? Can you say "Yuan God, start!"?

The black edge is okay, but this car is not a complete game at present. There are strategies like "Return to the Future 1999" and "Kingdom Guard Army", as well as RPGs like "Crystal Nucleus", but why do you want to play games on the car? Don’t you have a mobile phone? (dog head)

24. The sound effect is good, how are you ok?

The sound is quite ordinary, the sound is rubbed together, and there is a lack of layering. I have tried several modes of the sound field, and I feel almost interesting.

For the "are you ok" that everyone was looking forward to, of course Xiaomi also hid an Easter egg. You said to Xiao Ai, "I want to hear Lei Jun’s voice", and it came.

25. Ask Xiao Ai to open the airbag, will it be successful?

Xiao Ai is ignoring you at all…?

After talking about so many static experiences, of course, there are also many friends who are very concerned about how the car drives. Let’s talk about the driving experience of the SU7 again.

26. Many professional drivers say that the driving experience is unique. Acceleration, drift, front and rear power distribution, and chassis tuning are very powerful. I want to see the actual measurement.

In terms of the texture of the chassis alone, it is unbeatable at this price. The whole is very sporty, and it has a strong floor absorption when opened. The filter shock is advanced enough, which is the kind of performance that always gives you feedback on the road, but all the excess rare vibrations are filtered out. Colleagues in the editorial department are full of praise for this chassis.

And under this chassis, the SU7’s brakes are not good enough, the front section is more sensitive, but it is not the kind of linear braking performance, you can feel the empty position when you step on it. Such a good chassis should be equipped with a better brake.

Then, the steering of the SU7 is very precise, the steering ratio is small, and there is almost no empty position. But I think the steering damping of the sports mode can be a little larger.

We also tried drifting. Although the front and rear power distribution of this car can be adjusted steplessly, it is difficult to find the critical point of drifting because the tire grip is too strong and the power is fierce.

27. How about NVH? Will the highway be noisy?

It was not particularly good. At 90 per hour, the highest noise in the car would reach 70 dB, but it was not at an unacceptable level. At this speed, the voice in the car could still be heard clearly.

28. Are there any restrictions on track mode? If a novice driver drives sports or track mode on the street, is there a risk of losing control?

The track mode is about this master mode. There are many adjustable items, not only can you adjust the front and rear power, but also the kinetic energy recovery of the front and rear motors can be adjusted separately, and the anti-skid can also be turned off completely.

We very much do not recommend that novices go to the street to try the master mode. SU7 steering ratio is small and the horsepower is large. If there is no anti-skid, it will be very easy to lose control if the operation is not good.

29. How does it feel to cross the pit and pass the speed bump? Will the chassis be scratched in the lower basement?

One word, cool. The chassis is very neat after a big pit, the body does not collapse, and it is very tough after a small pit, and the filter shock is just right.

Generally, it is not possible to scrape the chassis in the basement, but when you come up, don’t set the suspension to the lowest level, or you will be like me…

30. What is the level of suspension? Is it necessary to choose?

This problem is like buying a Xiaomi phone. Xiaomi has always been the most cost-effective. If you have the budget, you can choose it or not.

Our top version with max, it can be said that Xiaomi’s air suspension is very good. Although it is a single-cavity air suspension, it can still firmly support the body during intense driving. When crossing big ditches and major hurdles, the rebound is very fast, and the overall tuning will not feel stiff, but very resilient.

And, buddy, how can you lie low if you don’t buy an empty suspension? This is the Tayc Xiaomi SU7.

However, we have booked a test drive 215,900 low-end version, and the comparison will be clearer.

In addition to the car itself, there are also people who are curious about the issue of buying a car.

31. How much is vehicle insurance?

There are three insurance institutions in the delivery center in Hangzhou, and the prices are all between 8,000 and 9,400 yuan. The company is 8,200, and the individual is more than 9,000.

Among them, there is a new new energy insurance item that can be mentioned, such as the failure of the external power grid, 140 yuan. It mainly guarantees that spontaneous combustion caused by the problem of the external power grid can be compensated. There is also tire insurance, about 100 yuan. If four tires are damaged or blown, they can be replaced with tires of the same model, size and brand. Another is that medical insurance external drugs are insurance for drugs that are not covered by medical insurance after an accident among the three.

Everyone considered the tire suggestion carefully, and the other two suggestions were ticked, and there was not much money.

32. The family is choosing a car. When my parents hear about Xiaomi, they don’t consider it. They say that the quality of a mobile phone manufacturer’s car is definitely not as good as that of an old car company. How can I convince my family to choose Xiaomi SU7?

It’s very simple, whoever pays will listen to whom.

33. If there is no delivery center in the city where you are located, what about the maintenance at the back? When buying a used car, is there a difference in the warranty?

At present, if you don’t have a delivery center in your city, you can only go to a place with a delivery center for maintenance. For example, Jinhua doesn’t have it, so you can only come to Hangzhou for maintenance. Xiaomi’s official answer is that maintenance centers in multiple cities are being opened as soon as possible, and the coastal area should open faster.

Finally, let’s talk about a problem that my friends are very concerned about.

34. Why didn’t you choose 925 for your founding edition number?

The source of 9.25 was on that day, we pigeon friends, and there is no daily push. So if you choose No. 925, there will be no content in this issue…

Okay, here are the answers to our questions about this Xiaomi SU7.

Due to various reasons, there are still some questions raised by everyone that we have not had time to evaluate. For example, how is the sun protection ability of SU7? It is rainy in Hangzhou these days, and the temperature is not high, so conditions do not allow it.

In addition, there are some functions like city NOA that need to be updated by the manufacturer.

Editor in charge: Q above

Officially listed! 249,800 ask what surprises the new M7 brings?

On September 12, 2023, the much-anticipated Wenjie new M7 was officially launched, attracting the attention of consumers and the automotive industry. At a price of 249,800, it brought a series of surprising features and functions, highlighting the world’s leading position in the field of smart travel. In today’s era of waiting for everything, even buying Huawei Mate 60 Pro + and Mate X5 needs to wait, but the new M7 will be delivered as soon as it is launched, allowing users to enjoy the joy brought by the new car immediately.

The Xiaoyi smart assistant equipped on the new M7 in Wenjie has left a deep impression, realizing dialogue text completion. Drivers can control navigation, music, communication and other functions through simple voice commands, achieving true voice control. This not only improves the convenience of driving, but also greatly reduces the driver’s distraction and improves driving safety. It is worth mentioning that Xiaoyi smart assistant is very friendly to all passengers in the whole car, and even the voice of the rear passengers can easily control the vehicle. For example, in hot summer or cold winter, everyone’s physical condition perception is different. At this time, just simply say "adjust the temperature of the air conditioner", and Xiaoyi will automatically adjust according to the instructions issued by different locations, which is very convenient and practical.

Of course, what is even more attractive is the new Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 in the car, which has super desktop functions. The car and mobile phone can achieve a true "seamless connection", which brings people a first-class experience. For example, when you enter the corresponding address on the mobile phone, get on the car and connect to the car through the car and machine, and the address information in the app can be transferred to the car map. The map navigation function can also be turned on synchronously to provide drivers with a more intelligent travel experience. When encountering a bad signal, the map navigation is sometimes delayed. The car supports offline map voice navigation. As long as it is a destination you have been to before, the automatic speech recognition rate of offline navigation can reach 99%, allowing drivers to easily deal with various road conditions and ensuring driving safety.

What’s more exciting is that the new M7 is equipped with the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which takes the active safety capacity enhancement to a new height. Among them, the AEB automatic emergency braking function can sense the obstacles ahead and automatically brake during the vehicle’s driving, effectively avoiding the occurrence of collision accidents. Even at speeds up to 90km/h, the AEB can stop steadily. And the LCC lane cruise assist with multiple fusion perception of machine vision and lidar can more accurately identify the behavior of the vehicle and surrounding traffic participants. This function is particularly practical in scenarios such as complex road conditions, which can release the driver’s stress and enjoy a more comfortable and relaxed driving experience.

In addition, the new M7 is equipped with APA custom parking function, making parking easier and safer. By monitoring the environment around the vehicle in real time, the system can provide accurate parking instructions, minimizing the risk of scratches and collisions. For drivers who are not good at parking, this feature is undoubtedly a great boon.

In addition to intelligent technology, the new M7 has further improved comfort, with a new five-seat version, which has the largest effective space in the car in the same class, which is larger and more comfortable. And it also adopts a 10-layer seat comfort stack design, with a foam thickness of 100mm to greatly improve comfort. At the same time, the four seats in the front and rear rows are equipped with standard ventilation, heating and massage functions, which can be said to directly fill the comfort!

To sum up, the new M7 sold 249,800 has brought a new experience to consumers with its excellent intelligent technology, excellent safety performance and high interconnection performance. I believe that with the new M7, it will further promote the development of intelligent travel, and is committed to becoming a pioneer, changer and leader in the field of new energy vehicles!

Network NIO will lay off 10% -20%, the official said that the relevant information has not been received, it is difficult to break the "20,000 car curse"

  Red Star Capital Bureau news on November 2nd, 1st, some netizens broke the news in Maimai that NIO (09866.HK/NIO.US) started layoffs, ranging from 10% to 20%, involving multiple departments and positions. Employees certified as NIO Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd. also confirmed the news on Maimai.

  However, on the afternoon of November 2, the original post was deleted. NIO told the Red Star Capital Bureau that it had not received relevant information. A number of NIO front-line sales and marketing personnel also said that they had not heard of any layoffs.

Screenshot of Maimai's revelation

  NIO is hard to break "20,000 car spell"

  On November 1, car companies disclosed sales in October. Li Auto (02015.HK/LI.US) has sold more than 40,000 vehicles a month; XPeng Motors (09868.HK/XPEV.US), which was once at the bottom, reversed the decline and broke through the 20,000 mark; AITO asked the single model to deliver more than 10,000 vehicles a month, holding 80,000 orders menacing; Zero car (09863.HK), extreme krypton cars have also set a monthly delivery record.

  NIO delivered 16,000 vehicles in October, an increase of 2.77% month-on-month, still failing to reach the 20,000 mark. Li Bin, chairperson of NIO, previously announced: "Confident that sales will achieve 20,000 vehicles in a single month in the second half of the year". From January to October, NIO delivered a total of 126,000 new vehicles, and the annual delivery target (245,000 vehicles) was just over half.

  In April and May, sales fell to more than 6,000 vehicles; at the end of May, the new ES6, known as the "hope of the whole village", began to be delivered, and in June NIO deliveries returned to 10,000 vehicles; on June 12, NIO announced a price reduction of 30,000 yuan for all new cars, and deliveries in July soared to 20,000 vehicles; but it fell again in August, and hovered around 16,000 vehicles in September and October.

  Although there are remedies such as a price reduction of 30,000 yuan and the same price of ET5T and ET5, NIO still cannot escape the "20,000 car curse".

  26,800 employees in 2022,

  Over 11.20 billion yuan salary

  At the end of last year, Li Bin said that "as long as the salary can be issued, it is easy to avoid layoffs." "Maintaining 100% of the people and completing 150% of the work, this should be what we should do."

  However, in January this year, Li Bin’s letter to all staff mentioned the need to streamline the team. The letter pointed out that the team will continue to expand in 2022, but there are many cases of unclear responsibilities, inconsistent goals, imperfect processes, and repeated construction, and there is still much room for improvement in efficiency.

  The 2022 annual report shows that NIO has 26,800 employees, ideally 19,400 employees, and Xiaopeng has 15,800 employees.

  NIO paid more than 11.20 billion yuan in employee compensation in 2022, and if it layoffs 10% -20%, it can save about 11.2-22 40 million yuan.

  As of June 30 this year, NIO’s cash reserves were 31.50 billion yuan, a decrease of 6.30 billion yuan from the first quarter. In July, NIO completed a $738.50 million strategic equity investment from Abu Dhabi investment institutions. On September 19, NIO announced its intention to issue a $1 billion convertible senior bond.

  NIO’s material cash requirements due within one year, which mainly include capital commitments, operating and finance lease commitments, short-term and long-term bank borrowings, convertible bonds, and asset-backed securities and bonds, are $19.708 billion.

  Self-developed chips, operating systems, mobile phones, batteries,

  "All of it" is expensive

  In the second quarter, NIO’s net loss was 6.056 billion yuan. According to the delivery volume of 54,600 vehicles in the first half of the year, NIO sold an average car at a loss of 200,000 yuan; the overall gross profit margin fell to 1%, 1.5% in the first quarter, and 13% in the same period last year. Li Bin postponed the break-even date from the fourth quarter of this year by less than one year.

  In the third quarter, NIO’s sales increased by 135.74% to 55,400 vehicles, but the performance is not optimistic. Although NIO cancelled the free power exchange and reduced the owner’s rights, the remaining expenses are all "hard bones".

  R & D investment cannot be saved. Smart cars are all about technology, and car companies are not hesitant to invest. NIO’s R & D expenses in the second quarter reached 3.345 billion yuan. Li Bin previously said that the average R & D expenses per quarter in 2023 will remain at 3 billion – 3.50 billion yuan.

  Supplementary energy system also need to increase investment, which is the core competitiveness of NIO. NIO plans to build a total of more than 2,300 substation in 2023, according to the second generation station 150-2 million yuan construction cost calculation, to invest at least 3.45 billion yuan.

  Service-related expenses are difficult to reduce. NIO’s positioning is a "user-based enterprise", and the ultimate service is the core of the brand and the competitiveness of differentiation.

  "NIO wants everything, the stall is too big," Hao Liu, an independent automotive analyst, told Red Star Capital.

  NIO’s self-developed chip "Yang Jian" was mass-produced in October, with a chip research and development team of 800 people; self-developed vehicle global operating system Tianshu SkyOS; NIO is currently the only new car manufacturer with a self-built mobile phone team, and NIO Phone has been listed.

  Previously, NIO was also exposed to develop lithium manganese iron phosphate and 4680 batteries, and plans to mass-produce these two batteries to supply NIO (NIO) and its sub-brand Alps.

  Li Bin mentioned in the third quarter of 2022 earnings call that NIO expects to invest 3 billion-4 billion yuan in sub-brands, batteries, chips, mobile phones and other related businesses in 2023, and will not stop investing in new businesses before the fourth quarter of 2023.

  Will NIO be China’s future automaker?

  According to data from the Passenger Federation, the number of passenger car companies in China was 82 by the end of 2022, and 64 by September 2023, a decrease of 18 in nine months.

  The collapse of Weimar Automobile has sounded the alarm for the industry. Although the official denied the rumors that Chairperson Shen Hui ran overseas, saying that the company is actively saving itself and has not filed for bankruptcy, the fact is that Weimar Automobile has fallen behind in sales since 2022, selling one at a loss, financing difficulties, and the capital chain is broken.

  Wang Xing, Meituan’s founder, predicted in early 2020: "China’s car companies are basically competing for the next two rounds of the ‘3 + 3 + 3 ‘competition. In addition to three central enterprises, three local state-owned enterprises and three private enterprises, the three new forces are Ideal, NIO and Xiaopeng."

  This pattern may change, but it is an industry consensus that the number of Chinese automakers will be limited in the future.

  At the 2023 China Automobile Chongqing Forum, Yin Tongyue, chairperson of Chery Automobile, Ding Lei, chairperson of Gaohe Automobile, Zhu Jiangming, chairperson of Zero Run Automobile, Ma Donghui, president of Li Auto, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, and Shen Feng, executive vice president of NIO, expressed their views on the future industry structure. They believe that there will be less than 10 Chinese car companies in the future, and maybe even less than or equal to 5.

  The industry generally believes that 2024 will be the year of life and death for the auto market. Li Bin also said in late 2022 that 2024 is the final stage of the new energy vehicle industry. "We believe we have the qualification to participate in the finals."