Musk’s greatest achievement is brain-computer interface, which is far ahead in building the highest medical technology. Brain-computer interface can not only help more people stand up, but also live l

On October 27th, according to Tianjin Daily, recently, a new generation of domestic chip dedicated to brain-computer interface acquisition was successfully developed in Tianjin.

Affected by this news, in the early morning of October 27th, many brain-computer concept stocks such as innovative medical care, Xinzhi cognition, Guanhao biology, Sanbo Brain Department, international medicine and Nanjing Panda changed.

At the close, Guanhao Bio increased by 7.89%, innovative medical care increased by 5.68%, Nanjing Panda increased by 4.54%, and Sanbo Brain Department increased by 3.58%, ranking among the top gainers.

New progress of brain-computer interface

Brain-computer interface (BCI or Brain-Machine Interface,BMI) refers to the direct connection between human or animal brain and external equipment, which realizes the information exchange between brain and equipment, and is known as the "information superhighway" for human brain to communicate with the outside world.

With the continuous progress of brain science, brain-like science and artificial intelligence technology, people’s interest in brain-computer interface is increasing day by day. Various research institutions and companies have invested in this research.

According to the analysis data of Rui Beast, from 2014 to August 20th, 2023, there were 170 financing incidents in the brain-computer interface industry in China, involving 60 companies, and 78 incidents in which the financing amount was disclosed, with a total financing amount of 5.845 billion RMB, involving 149 investment institutions. From the breakdown of the track, the biomedical field is the most active, followed by brain-computer interface equipment. In addition, EEG acquisition platforms and electrodes/probes have also concentrated many high-quality enterprises to attract capital investment.

Since the second half of this year, good news in the field of brain-computer interface in China has continued, and a number of policies have supported industrial research and development. In August, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Standardization Pilot Project of New Industries (2023-2035)", in which the future industries will focus on nine major areas, such as meta-universe and brain-computer interface. On September 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the unveiling of the future industrial innovation tasks in 2023, aiming at four key directions: metauniverse, humanoid robot, brain-computer interface and general artificial intelligence.

According to reports, the chip successfully developed in Tianjin is jointly developed by Haihe Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interaction and Human-Computer Integration and China Electronic Information Industry Group. It has completely independent intellectual property rights and can be used for non-invasive brain-computer interface and multi-modal neuroelectrophysiological equipment. It can be widely used in smart medical care, aerospace, human-computer interaction, games and entertainment, etc., and will transform the achievements of enterprises in Tiankai Park.

Among them, Yishi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., an enterprise hatched by Haihe Laboratory of Brain Machine aiming at the innovation achievements, is negotiating and docking with a number of 3A hospitals, scientific research institutes and medical device enterprises. After the trial production of the chip sample is successful, it will be formally applied to self-developed EEG acquisition modules and wearable portable devices, and put into various civil and special brain-computer interface application scenarios to accelerate the transformation and promotion of follow-up products.

Brain-computer interface is an interdisciplinary subject in the fields of materials science, neuroscience, brain science and information science. Relevant research reports show that brain-computer interface technology is widely used in the market. Among them, medical health is the largest market application field of brain-computer interface at present, and it is also the fastest growing field, mainly focusing on four functions: monitoring, improvement/recovery, substitution and enhancement.

Brain-computer interface technology can directly realize the interaction between the brain and external devices, cross the conventional brain information output path, and is widely used in medical and health fields. At the same time, with the continuous exploration of the structure and function of the brain by modern medicine, human beings have made in-depth research on the functional areas of the brain, such as movement, vision, hearing and language, so obtaining and analyzing the information of these brain areas through brain-computer interface equipment has a wide range of applications in the fields of physical examination and diagnosis, screening and monitoring, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological and mental system diseases.

In the future, after removing obstacles such as ethics and technical maturity, it will gradually penetrate into entertainment, smart home, military and other fields and become one of the important forms of human-computer interaction.

Innovative medical care is suspected of speculation.

According to public information, in the A-share market, many listed companies, including Innovative Medical Care, Sanbo Brain Department, Nanjing Panda, Jiahe Intelligent, century huatong, Tomcat and so on, have started brain-computer interface business.

In the early morning of October 27, there was a change in the brain-computer interface plate. Among them, Innovative Medical jumped 8% to the daily limit in 5 minutes, and the closing price was 8.37 yuan/share, an increase of 5.68%.

This is not the first time that innovative medical care has experienced a daily limit due to the concept of brain-computer interface. In June this year, innovative medical care gained 5 consecutive boards. According to the announcement of abnormal fluctuation of stock trading released on June 13th, on June 8th, 9th and 12th, the deviation value of closing price decline of innovative medical stocks for three consecutive trading days totaled more than 20%.

According to the announcement, the company’s production and operation situation and internal and external operating environment have not changed significantly recently, so investors are advised to pay attention to the trading risks in the secondary market.

According to the data, innovative medical treatment was mainly engaged in the cultivation, processing and sales of freshwater pearls. In February 2016, the company successfully completed a major asset restructuring. In 2016, the company’s main business expanded to the medical service industry and transformed into a big health industry, from a single aquaculture processing enterprise to a dual-main listed company with pearl jewelry processing and production, wholesale and retail and medical services. The company achieved diversified development.

This also makes many investors suspect that the brain-computer interface may be another false concept of harvesting leeks. "This company’s business has nothing to do with the brain-computer interface at all. It has been losing money since 2019 and has never made any money. It’s just that a company called Boling Brain Machine was set up by participating in the stock market, and it caught the east wind of brain-computer interface. In fact, this company was only established in 2021, and everything is in ruins. The so-called brain-computer business has not been lost. "

Innovative Medical previously stated on the interactive question-and-answer platform of investors that the company’s shareholding in Boling Brain Computer (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. was 40%. According to public information, Boling Brain Machine (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the development of brain-computer interface and the core technology of pan-brain application medical instruments, focusing on the social problems of treatment and rehabilitation of stroke with high morbidity and disability in international clinics, and developing new brain-computer interface technologies to improve the rehabilitation effect of patients and enable patients to maximize their functional improvement and self-care ability.

After the close of trading on October 27th, Innovative Medical released the results announcement for the third quarter of 2023, with revenue of 607 million yuan in the first three quarters, up by 12.32% year-on-year; The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 14.21 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.52%. Among them, the net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company in the third quarter was 10.761 million yuan, compared with 35.2151 million yuan in the same period of last year, which turned from profit to loss; Operating income 2.02100 million yuan, down 1.53%.

Network anchor pseudo-charity: the live broadcast gives money to do charity, and then the money is recovered after the broadcast.

  Aauto Quicker Jiege, the anchor of "pseudo-charity", collected the money sent to the villagers.

  Before the live broadcast, the anchor "Aauto Quicker Jiege" said that he would send money to the villagers.

  Expose false charity

  In front of the desolate soil slope, a group of local villagers in shabby clothes stood in a row, while the children squatted on the ground. A young man is taking back the money just sent to them from them: 2000 yuan each.

  The parties appear

  Afterwards, the man who sent the money admitted that it was really his own doing to send money to shoot the video first and then take it back after shooting. The purpose was to increase the number of fans and watch more, so that "fans can brush more gifts."

  More ironically, this man was actually the first "flag-bearer" to reveal pseudo-charity in Aauto Quicker. However, when his revealer retaliated, he used his killer weapon and released this secretly recorded video.

  I see

  The exposed man and the exposed person are both anchors on the live broadcast platform in Aauto Quicker. They used to be a team, and then they began to reveal each other because of "infighting", revealing the true face of "pseudo-charity".

  Recently, a video was circulated on the Internet, which became an "armor-piercing bullet" that penetrated the pseudo-charity volunteer group in Daliangshan area. In the video, two men broadcast live on the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform to do charity, arranged villagers in a village in Liangshan Prefecture to stand in two rows, and then distributed money to the villagers live broadcast. After the live broadcast, these people took the money back from the villagers.

  Afterwards, the man who sent the money admitted that it was really his own doing to send money to shoot the video first and then take it back after shooting. The purpose was to increase the number of fans and watch more, so that "fans can brush more gifts." More ironically, this man was actually the first "flag-bearer" to reveal fake charity in Aauto Quicker. However, when his revealer countered, he used his killer weapon and released this secretly recorded video.

  In fact, the "pseudo-charity" of giving money first and then taking it back is not this one. After the rise of webcasting, many "volunteers" who went to Liangshan Prefecture in the name of charity actually engaged in the activities of collecting money through charity.

  "This is ‘ Aauto Quicker Charity Circle ’ The general rule is that live charity can be on the hot search list, fans are rising fast, and with fans, everything is there. " Aauto Quicker Jiege, the anchor involved in the pseudo-charity storm, said.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Huan Xiaohuai

  Video exposure

  Pay the money first, and then take it back after the live broadcast.

  The parties admit that taking it back after sending money is only to increase the powder.

  This video circulating on the Internet has become a powerful evidence to uncover some "volunteers" pseudo-charity.

  In the video, a man in a black shirt walks away from the picture and says, "I’ll send you something later … …” Behind him, another man took back stacks of hundred-dollar bills from a group of old people and children. Then he handed it to the man in black. The man in black buried his head in counting money and greeted him, "Take something." After putting the money in the handbag, he went on to shout, "Keep shooting, line up, line up, let’s keep shooting!" " A group of children gathered around the trunk of the car to get something.

  Corresponding to this video circulating on the Internet, it is another video. In the same place, the same group of people, the man in black is standing on the side of the old man and the child, waving a stack of RMB in his right hand. "Dear iron powder and black powder, I will do what my brother Jie said, and I promise to give all this 30,000 yuan … … Send it to the 15 poorest families in this village, each with 2,000 yuan. " After reading the lines, the man in black handed the money to the villagers behind him one by one.

  On the day of sending money, the man in black and his party rented the Chang ‘an bus of the local passenger transport company. As can be seen from the license plate information, this is a car in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture. The reporter then contacted the owner, who said that he was only the driver of the county passenger transport center. The car can be rented. Some time ago, someone did rent a car to the village. It is not clear whether he sent money.

  Through investigation, the reporter learned that the man who gave money in the video was an anchor "Aauto Quicker Jiege" in Aauto Quicker live broadcast. Recently, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" was on the live broadcast platform, fighting with several other anchors and accusing each other of doing "pseudo-charity". After the video was exposed, he told reporters that he was secretly recorded by others. For this video, the anchor is a little angry. And "Aauto Quicker Jiege" also exposed his opponent’s video, and the "Wolf King of Northeast China" and "Uncle Black of Aauto Quicker" who used to do charity together became the objects of his revelation.

  "I admit that I sent money and took it back. Do they dare to admit it?" On the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" admitted that he had made a mistake, and repeatedly emphasized his purpose of doing public welfare in Daliangshan, "just to increase the number of fans for Aauto Quicker Live, so that fans can brush gifts while watching their love". At that time, a netizen who was with "Aauto Quicker Jiege" at the money distribution site also confirmed the matter online.

  Behind a "pseudo-charity"

  Anchors expose each other’s shortcomings: the other side is cheating.

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" broke the news: "How miserable are they to the recipients?"

  After he was exposed as "pretending to send money", "Aauto Quicker Jiege" was not to be outdone, but also exposed many insider stories about his opponent’s "pseudo-charity".

  In his live video, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" broke the news that another anchor "Uncle Aauto Quicker" who is famous for "doing public welfare" in Daliangshan on the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform gave 1,000 yuan to an old man, sent a video once, took it back after filming, and sent it to another old man, and sent it to seven old people successively. However, "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" did not formally respond to this matter.

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" also revealed that these "volunteers" who went to Liangshan Prefecture not far from Wan Li to do charity were all miserable in the face of the recipients. He broke the news in the video that these "caring people" smeared mud on children’s faces, highlighting their misery.

  At the scene, in addition to the anchor, the person in charge of the camera kept directing the movements of the old man and told the caring people how to stand and where to go. On the home pages of these anchors, a video ends, often accompanied by a sad music. Jiu-Er and Call of Love are familiar in these videos. These love scripts are almost the same. Apart from giving money directly to the old people, the second is to put a piece of meat in the children’s hands, hand them a chicken, and let them eat it in front of the camera, or send a box of milk to the grandmother, and several people take pictures with their mobile phones for a long time.

  Attack each other in live broadcast:

  You call me "fake charity" and I call you "greedy"

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" has 659,000 fans. According to his data, he is 27 years old from Suzhou, Anhui Province, and has been doing public welfare in Daliangshan for two or three months.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned from a number of anchors engaged in "charity" that the anchor Liangshan Tour usually has two or three people as a group, staying in a hotel in the county town, and going to the mountain village to "do public welfare" during the day, usually renting a car and buying some clothes and stationery. After that, they began to look for a remote primary school or village, distribute gifts and shoot live videos.

  Aauto Quicker Black Uncle, a native of Harbin, published 1,050 works with 678,000 fans. After the fan base grew, he began to recruit some "apprentices". Among them, there are 640,000 fans of the "Northeast Wolf King" in the same camp. "Aauto Quicker Jiege" originally belonged to a member of the team, but later, because of infighting, it became a different kind of team, and began to reveal the secret with the momentum of killing one thousand enemies and injuring 800 others.

  For the infighting, "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" has another saying, "Later, when we were greedy for more money, we broke out with us."

  Now, the main content of several "charity" anchors broadcast live every day is to denounce each other for doing "fake public welfare". "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" swore in the live broadcast room with a Northeast dialect. "Who was protecting you at the beginning? Now catch who bites who. " He revealed that it was "Aauto Quicker Jiege" who first came up with the idea of getting the money back after sending it, and he revealed the secret because they were greedy and earned more.

  Farewell to "Uncle Aauto Quicker":

  The message said that "people are not sages."

  On November 4th, influenced by this incident, "Uncle Aauto Quicker" bid farewell to his fans and left a message saying that "to err is human". In the live video, he sat in the back seat of the car, smoking a cigarette, and his expression was lonely.

  Prior to this, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" had repeatedly exposed "Uncle Aauto Quicker" doing fake charity in Liangshan Prefecture. In response, the latter exposed the video of "Aauto Quicker Jiege" giving money first and then taking it back.

  After this infighting storm, many "charity" anchors admitted to cheating everyone. An anchor "Sister Mei of Shandong" apologized in response to the accusations of fans, saying, "I don’t want to deceive everyone either."

  After it was exposed that the money was paid back, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" released a live video on the evening of November 4, with the words "Jiege admits his mistake and apologizes to the fans" on the live screen. In the live broadcast, in order to express his determination to admit his mistake, he drank a bottle of disinfectant on the spot and was taken to hospital for treatment.

  The anchors make money like this.

  "Uncle Aauto Quicker" once revealed that "you can earn 20 million by May next year"

  These rely on "charity" as the anchor of the live broadcast program, and they have dug the first bucket of gold on the live broadcast platform. Mr. Zhao, who has been watching videos live in Aauto Quicker for a long time, has a deep understanding of the rapid rise of these "charity" anchors. "When I first started to pay attention to them, there were more than 800 fans. In just two months, it has reached 630,000."

  Like most of the audience, Mr. Zhao also praised and brushed gifts for these groups at the beginning. "Because the live broadcast can arouse fans’ sympathy, let them make donations by brushing gifts." According to the introduction, to make their iron powder grow, besides fans brushing gifts, they can increase their income, and they can also make use of fan groups to engage in Wechat business and advertise in the live broadcast room.

  It is understood that in Aauto Quicker, if you want to give a gift to the anchor, you must recharge the fast coin. 6 yuan can recharge 60 fast coins, and one coin is 10 cents. Among the gifts, a flower costs 1 fast coin, a glass of beer costs 10 fast coins and a rockhopper costs 298 fast coins.

  Fans are productivity, and with fans, someone will brush gifts. If you are lucky, you can earn 10 thousand yuan a day, not to mention. During the live broadcast, Uncle Aauto Quicker, who is also doing "public welfare" in Daliangshan, even revealed during the live broadcast that "it is necessary to rely on Lao Tie (fans) to brush gifts, and together they can do public welfare, and they can earn 20 million after May next year."

  Police statement

  The phenomenon has attracted great attention from relevant local departments.

  Previously, several anchors were summoned by the police.

  According to a person familiar with the relevant departments of Liangshan, some time ago, there were indeed a number of anchors engaged in live broadcast activities in Zhaojue and Bhutto. They usually took out money and distributed it to some villagers. After the live show was completed, they took back the money. "They usually gave a small part of the money to the villagers as ‘ Hard work fee ’ Or give something to eat, and then leave after filming, deceiving the local people. " After such behavior was exposed, it caused resentment among local people and netizens. At the same time, this has also attracted the attention of relevant departments in Liangshan, and local public security, civil affairs and other departments have been involved in investigating this matter. After the incident, several anchors were summoned by the police.

  According to this person familiar with the matter, in recent years, there have been many charitable organizations and individuals coming to Liangshan. With the development of webcasting, some anchors have flooded into Liangshan to attract attention, attract fans to grow and gain benefits. This person believes that such pseudo-charity not only affects the image of Liangshan, deceives the kindness of local people, but also sends the wrong message to the outside world.

  Yesterday, the Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned from the Liangshan Charity Federation that at present, the public security and civil affairs departments in Bhutto and other places are jointly investigating and handling this matter. "The results of the investigation and handling have not yet come out."

   Response from all sides

  Local Charity Federation: Violation of the New Charity Law

  According to the relevant person in charge of Liangshan Charity Federation, "We have learned many such things, some are deliberately posing photos, and some are maliciously guiding villagers to say that some poverty problems are spread on the Internet." The person in charge said that this way of making fake and creating poverty has damaged the image of Liangshan and the local people.

  The person in charge said that the newly adopted Charity Law clearly stipulates that individuals cannot initiate public fundraising. "The actions of these people have violated the Charity Law."

  Lawyer’s statement: If the circumstances are serious, criminal responsibility can be investigated.

  Lawyer Kou Yi of Beijing Yingke (Chengdu) Law Firm pointed out: This kind of behavior is a serious violation of law and social morality. Deceived netizens can claim the corresponding losses from the network anchor and the operating platform where the anchor is located, and at the same time, they can report to the administrative department. If the amount of fraud is large, they can directly report to the public security organ and investigate the criminal responsibility of the deceiver.

  Yuan Jia, a lawyer of Taihetai Law Firm, also believes that these anchors’ behavior of "pseudo-charity" belongs to using fictional facts to defraud everyone to spend money. They have obtained other people’s money for the purpose of illegal possession, and the circumstances are serious, which is a kind of fraud.

  Latest progress

  Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform: There is no response to this matter yet.

  Aauto Quicker Live is a live broadcast software of Beijing Aauto Quicker Technology Co., Ltd., and its official website claims that the live broadcast software has 300 million users.

  Is Aauto Quicker Live Broadcasting Company aware of the behavior of a group of "pseudo-charity" anchors? Is there any obligation to suspend its live broadcast service? Yesterday afternoon, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily sent an interview outline through the email account left by Aauto Quicker Live, trying to interview it. As of 8: 00 last night, when the reporter wrote, the other party had not replied.

Finnish man’s severed finger can be directly plugged into a computer by implanting a USB flash drive (Figure)

Jerry shows the thumb drive.

U disk finger in use

Jerry’s thumb drive

  Finnish man amputated his finger and implanted a USB flash drive directly into the computer with a capacity of 2GB.

  According to Finnish media reports, in May last year, Finnish man Jerry Chalahua lost a finger in a car accident. When the doctor learned that Jerry had been a computer hacker, he suggested that he install an invisible USB flash drive when repairing his fingers, and Jerry readily agreed. Although the finger of this USB flash drive looks a little strange, Jerry obviously likes it very much because all his information is stored in his finger.

  Lose one’s finger in a car accident

  Jerry’s friend Henry Bogos revealed in his blog that Jerry is a young software engineer in Richmarki, Finland.

  Last May, Jerry, who was driving a motorcycle on the road, accidentally hit a deer that was about to cross the road. He flew out of the motorcycle on the spot. Fortunately, Jerry only lost one finger, and he only needs a doctor to repair his finger and install a fake finger to return to normal life.

  Fake finger USB flash drive

  However, just as the doctor was preparing to rebuild Jerry’s silicone finger, he inadvertently learned from his chat with Jerry that he was a software engineer and had worked as a computer hacker. The doctor put forward a novel suggestion to him: an invisible U disk could be implanted when installing the prosthetic finger, and Jerry readily agreed on the spot. As a result, Jerry’s finger became a USB flash drive with a capacity of 2GB. The fly in the ointment is that when ten fingers are stretched out flush, the strange fingers on the U disk are very different.


  Although it doesn’t look good, Jerry obviously likes this finger very much. When he got home, he couldn’t wait to unplug this USB flash drive and plug it into the computer. He downloaded and installed software such as Billix, CouchDBX and Ajatus for this USB flash drive. After that, all he had to do was gently unplug the ring finger.

  Now, Jerry can not only use this USB flash drive to transfer data from his fingers to the computer, but also transfer his brain’s thoughts to his fingers through the computer. At present, Jerry has put forward higher requirements for this USB thumb drive. He said, "I am eager for the doctor to help me upgrade as soon as possible, with larger capacity and higher technology content, and to look more beautiful with removable nails!"

Editor: Peng Wei

Draw a pie? Xiaomi executives announced that the plan for mass production and listing of Xiaomi automobile will remain unchanged in 2024.

It has been two years since Xiaomi announced the construction of the car. During this period, there have been news reports, true or false, but they have not been officially confirmed. I thought that Lei Jun could reveal some news in his personal annual speech, but there was little talk about Xiaomi Automobile in the whole process. Can it be done in mass production in 2024? Lu Weibing gave the answer.

On August 29th, Xiaomi announced the results announcement for the second quarter and the first half of 2023, and held a conference call.

According to the financial report, Xiaomi invested 1.4 billion yuan in innovative business expenses such as smart electric vehicles in the second quarter. Lu Weibing also said that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research and building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is higher than the disclosed figures.

Lu Weibing also responded to the previous road test of Xiaomi Automobile in Xinjiang. He said that the IP of Weibo, which was sent by General Manager Lei two days ago, was displayed in Xinjiang at the same time, and everyone was wondering whether he had gone to Xinjiang to participate in the summer test, which was true. The summer test of Xiaomi car should be said to be very smooth.

Lu Weibing also introduced that when Xiaomi Automobile chose to enter the automobile industry from the very beginning, they made all the layouts from the perspective of "a century-long industrial change" and with the strategic goal of "Xiaomi will enter the top five global electric vehicle brands in the future". Based on this layout, they adopted the whole process of self-research, and almost all aspects of their first car were self-developed by Xiaomi.

According to the financial data that can be disclosed at present, Xiaomi Group has invested more than 5.5 billion yuan in the automobile business, from supply to manufacturing, to products and sales, etc. It can be seen that Xiaomi has invested everything that can be used for his first car.

According to the information that broke the news before, Xiaomi has built a factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, and has produced the first batch of cars, but the degree of confidentiality is quite high. Even most employees in the factory have never seen what the cars look like. Xiaomi Automobile also recently started the recruitment of workers, and opened a number of positions such as painting operators and battery workshop operators. At present, the gap is over 100, and the recruitment process is very fast. The factory recruited this time is in the factory in Yizhuang, Beijing.

Although the appearance of Xiaomi car has been exposed, the battery, the core component of electric car, is still rarely circulated on the Internet. The only news we can retrieve at present is that Xiaomi Automobile will use batteries from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines, while the previously rumored battery Xiaomi from BYD has not been used.

At present, the real problem that plagues Xiaomi Automobile is the qualification of building a car. However, a few days ago, foreign media broke the news that Xiaomi had obtained the qualification of building a new energy car. Similarly, this news has not been officially confirmed.

Write at the end:At present, the track of new energy vehicles is very winding, especially in China. You really can’t kill it on this road without some real skills. Xiaomi Automobile is expected to be priced at around 300,000 yuan, and the target is Tesla model 3. It is rumored that the price of the new Tesla model 3 can reach around 200,000 yuan, so Xiaomi Automobile has no price advantage. Besides Tesla, Xiaomi should also pay attention to Tucki. On Monday, Xpeng Motors acquired the related assets and R&D capabilities of the Didi Smart Electric Vehicle Project for a maximum of HK$ 5.835 billion (about RMB 5.423 billion), so that Tucki will launch a brand-new brand, the first model code-named "MONA", which is expected to be listed in 2024, with a price of about 150,000. Of course, as a late-comer manufacturer, Xiaomi still has disadvantages, and it can also learn from the advantages of more products to avoid some pits. As a late-entry manufacturer, Xiaomi is definitely going to grab the market with other stable automobile companies. Xiaomi’s advantages in the automobile market have to be established bit by bit. Whether the young people’s first car can be achieved depends on the market feedback after Xiaomi’s listing.

Weihai reported the main itinerary of 14 local COVID-19 infected people, involving buses, hospitals, etc.

According to the website of ahava Health Commission on the 9th, from 0: 00 to 24: 00 on March 8th, 2022, Weihai reported a confirmed case of COVID-19 and 13 asymptomatic infected people. After preliminary epidemiological investigation, the main itinerary is as follows:

No.17: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zone B of Changhong Community, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Keji Road and changchun road).

On March 1st, I went to Room 208, the second floor of Zhenjiabao (Donghe North Branch) for dinner in the evening.

On March 2 -3, I sent my family to work in the North Campus of Weihai Stomatological Hospital (Haigang Road).

On March 4th, I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5, in the morning, I scraped with a white Beijing Hyundai in Area B of Changhong Community, and handled the accident for about 1 hour.

On March 6th, I sent my family to work in the North Campus of Weihai Stomatological Hospital (Haigang Road).

On March 7th, I went to Leda Department Store in Xilaotai in the morning, and then to Ant Quick Repair Auto Repair Shop (opposite to Shining Auto Repair in the east of Keji Road).

No.18: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.10 Suzhou Street, Jingyuan Sub-district Office, Huancui District.

From February 28th to March 4th, I walked to school every morning and walked home from school in the evening. There is no history of activities in other places except family and school.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6th, I went to Zhang Cun Sports Park Library in the morning and went to Zhang Cun Xiaoerge Dumpling Shop for dinner at noon.

On March 7th, I went to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) for nucleic acid detection in the morning.

No.19: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Building 110, Guzhai East Road.

On March 1st, I went for a walk in Huancuilou Park in the morning.

On March 2nd, I went to work in Weihai Seaside Forest Farm, had lunch and dinner in the unit canteen, and lived in Gaojiao Mountain at night.

On March 3rd, I went for a walk in Huancuilou Park in the morning.

On March 4th, I took a bath in Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5th, I went to work in Weihai Seaside Forest Farm in the morning, had lunch and dinner in the unit canteen, and lived in Gaojiao Mountain in the evening.

On March 6th, I went for a walk in Huancui Building in the morning.

On March 7th, I took a bath in Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the morning and went to the municipal hospital for nucleic acid detection in the evening.

No.20: male, confirmed case, living at No.154 Xinwei Road, Huancui District.

From March 1 ST to March 7 th, life is more regular. In the morning, take bus No.12 at Ceramic Road Station and get off at TV Station, and go to work at Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone. In the evening, take bus No.12 and get off at TV Station and get off at Ceramic Road Station.

On March 4th, I went to the Shantou store next to Jiajiayue in Tashan Morning Market to buy steamed bread.

On March 5, in the morning, I went shopping in the shop near Yuanyuan Bath (Guzhai East Road), and in the afternoon, Zhenhua took a bath to get the express delivery.

On March 7th, I went shopping in the shops near Tashan Morning Market, bought medicine at Yanxitang Pharmaceutical Chain (Zhaizi Store) at noon, and took a taxi to Weihai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for emergency treatment after lunch.

No.21: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.116 Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District.

From February 28th to March 3rd, I stayed on campus and didn’t go out.

On March 4th, I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6th, we went to the nucleic acid detection point of Limin Hospital in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone for nucleic acid sampling.

No.22: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.98 Guzhai East Road, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

On March 1st, I went to Jinyuan Decoration Material Store in the morning and then went to work in Weihai Tianjun Decoration Co., Ltd..

On March 2nd, I went to Yingchuang Meiyu Hangao Store for shopping in the morning, then went to Mingren Nanfang Hardware Store for shopping, and went to Wanjiatuan Jiayue (wearing a mask) for shopping in the afternoon.

On March 3, I went to work in the company in the morning, decorated and purchased in Jinyuan at noon, then purchased in Mingren Nanfang Hardware, and bought food in Wanjiatong Market in the evening.

On March 4, I went to work in the company in the morning, then went to Daguanghui Yousheng Hardware Purchase, and then went to Jiangjiazhai Agricultural and Sideline Market; In the afternoon, I went to the neighborhood Committee to buy insurance, and then I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) to take a bath.

On March 5, I went to work in the company in the morning, then went to Deyi Hardware Store and then went to Qincun Market.

On March 6th, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Huya Fried Chicken Restaurant in the food court on the fifth floor at noon, and went to Haixitou Village in the afternoon and then to the company.

On March 7, I went to work in the company in the morning and then went to the municipal hospital for nucleic acid testing; Go to the community clinic at noon, and then ride home without going out.

No.23: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaiku Garden, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in the 123 Computer Technology Co., Ltd. (Lotte Twin Towers) in the morning, went home for dinner at noon, went to work in the company in the afternoon, and went to Jiajiayue (Zhaiku Store) and Peony Garden Community in the evening, and didn’t go out at home.

On March 2, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Mingding Steamed Bun (Changfeng Store) at noon, went to Changqing Fortune Building at noon and returned to work in the company. After work, I went to Peony Garden Community and didn’t go out after returning home.

On March 3rd, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Sean Mala Tang (Lotte Twin Towers) at noon, and ate at Yilang Barbecue Buffet Shop on the 3rd floor in the evening.

On March 4, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate in the company at noon, and went home from work in the evening.

On March 5, I went to work in the company in the morning, went home for dinner at noon, and went home from work in the evening.

On March 6, I didn’t go out at home in the morning. At noon, I went to the second floor to buy men’s clothes, and I didn’t go out after I got home.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home in the morning, and was transferred to isolation in the afternoon.

No.24: Female, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaku Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning and took bus No.92 to take them home in the afternoon.

On March 2, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning, went home after arriving at Weihai Commercial Bank, and took bus No.92 to pick them up in the afternoon.

On March 3rd, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning, took the No.12 bus to the Young Seedling Quotations Rehabilitation Center, and took the No.92 bus to pick them up in the afternoon.

On March 4th, in the morning, take bus No.53 (from Zhaiku Station to RT Mart Station) to attend classes in Chunmiao Yulu Rehabilitation Center, and then take bus No.41 (Lanhua Office Supplies Station-Changfeng Station). In the afternoon, I picked up my children at Xinxing Kindergarten, and then got off at Bus No.92 (Changfeng Station-Zhaiku Station). I didn’t go out after I got home.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6, I rode an electric car to the Economic and Technological Development Zone at noon and actually bought clothes.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home.

No.25: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaku Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On March 3, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 4th, I went to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning and went home in the afternoon.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6, I went to the Economic and Technological Development Zone at noon and actually bought the second floor, and then returned home without going out.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home.

No.26: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Pomegranate Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On February 28th, I went to the Shunxin Barbecue Restaurant on Unify Road for dinner in the evening, then took a bath in Koryo, Economic and Technological Development Zone, and went home without going out.

On March 1st, I bought breakfast at Laotaimen Steamed Bun in Zhaku in the morning, bought rice at MengMeng Steamed Bun Shop in Changfeng at noon, and went to Changfeng Freight Market in the afternoon.

On March 2, I went to Wenbifeng Ancestral Hall in the morning, and then I went to Songshan Community to collect nucleic acids.

On March 3, in the afternoon, I went to Jimo Dingxin Fruit Market to purchase goods, and then I went to Huainan beef soup for dinner.

On March 4th, at noon, I went to Kaijia Automobile Maintenance Center in Zhaku, then to Hongfang Hotel for dinner, and then to the Mulberry Picking Garden in Wendeng District to purchase goods. In the afternoon, go to Wharf Primary School, and then have dinner at Shuiwan Hotel.

On March 5, in the morning, I went to the hot spring wholesale market and Nanqufu FAW Pentium Automobile Hospital to get the goods. In the afternoon, I went to Sifang Road to have a fresh food room, and then I bought food at Sifang Road Vegetable Shop and Jiajiayue Supermarket in the south of Xiangyang Community.

On March 6th, I went to the picking garden in Wendeng District in the morning, and there was a fresh food room in Housifang Road to get the goods. In the afternoon, set up a stall in Huaxia Wash Square.

No.27: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.374 Guzhai East Road, Tianhe Street Office, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

From March 1 ST to March 3 rd, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, ate in the unit canteen at noon, and didn’t go out after returning home in the afternoon.

On March 4th, I was at work in the morning, went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon, and had dinner at Mingdeyuan Hotel, a bathing beach in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone in the evening.

On March 5th, in the afternoon, I went to Baojiahui Shopping Mall of Qunyi Vehicle Management Office of Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and then went to the supermarket upstairs of Xiyuding Neighborhood Committee.

On March 6th, I went to Ximen Aquatic Products Market in the morning.

On March 7th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon, and drove to Weihai Municipal Hospital to collect nucleic acid at night.

No.28: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Building 21, Lily Garden, Huaxia City, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, went to Haiyuan Park in the afternoon, and went to Zhajiang Noodles (Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone) for dinner, Olufang Night Market and Olufang Shopping Mall in the evening.

On March 2, I went to work in the morning, sent a colleague to Qijia Banker at noon, and went to Xiangyun Fire Theme Park at night.

On March 3rd, I drove to work in the morning, went to CITIC Bank in Beizhudao at noon, and took a walk near my community at night.

On March 4th, I drove to work in the morning, went to Suning Chen to Ma Lamian Noodles for dinner in the afternoon, and went to Zhaizi RT Mart, Whale Garden Zunhui Pharmacy and Harbour Park in the evening.

On March 5th, I went to CITIC Bank in Wenhua Middle Road for business in the morning, and went to Sunjiatuan Jinhai Accord Hotel and Qianhaiyu Hotel (Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone) in the evening.

On March 6th, I had breakfast in the Northwest Mountain Jingren Pie in the morning, then went to work in the unit, bought food in Changfeng market in the afternoon, and went home at Xiangyun Fire Theme Park in the evening.

On March 7th, I drove to work in the morning, went to Changfeng market to buy food at noon, went to grandma’s house (Lily Garden) for dinner in the afternoon, and walked around grandma’s house for about 1 hour in the evening.

No.29: Female, asymptomatic infected, living in Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District.

On March 4th, in the afternoon, I picked up my children from Weihai No.2 Experimental Primary School and went back to my parents’ home in Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District for dinner. I didn’t go out after returning home.

On March 5, I didn’t go out in the morning, went to my parents’ house for dinner at noon, went to Fortune Plaza in the afternoon, and returned home after dinner at my parents’ house at night.

On March 6th, I went to Ruisi English (Weihai Fortune Center Store) in the morning, then picked up the courier at the entrance of Weihai Meteorological Bureau, picked up the children at Ruisi English at noon and returned to my parents’ home. In the afternoon, I went to Master Street Dance Chain (downtown store) and returned home in the evening.

On March 7th, I sent my children to Weihai No.2 Experimental Primary School in the morning, and then went to work in Weihai Meteorological Bureau. At noon, I ate in the canteen of the unit. In the afternoon, I drove with my colleagues to Haogang Trading Firm in Huancui District, sampled nucleic acid at Limin Hospital in Gaoqu District, and returned after dinner.

No.30: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.10 Suzhou Street, Jingyuan Sub-district Office, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and went to Harbour Park for exercise and running in the evening.

On March 2, I went to work in the morning and bought wine at Qigutuan Red Sorghum Brewery at noon.

On March 3, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and then went to Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Jinzuo Community; Go to the North High-speed Railway Station for car inspection in the afternoon.

On March 4th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and stayed at home in the afternoon.

On March 5th, I stayed at home.

On March 6th, I went to Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Golden Tower in the morning, had dinner at Xiaoerge Dumpling Shop at noon, and then went to the express delivery point (now to Tesco) to get vegetables.

On March 7th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and then arrived at Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Golden Tower.

Foreign media look at global supercomputers: the performance of the strongest computer in the EU is only 2.5% that of China.

  Reference News Network reported on April 4 that foreign media said that the famous Top 500 ranking shows which countries have the most powerful supercomputers in the world. The United States has kept its position as a powerful computer superpower, with China occupying the forefront, while Europeans without their own technical foundation can only be vassals of the United States.

  According to the website of Austrian Anti-Party Magazine reported on March 30th, German Konrad Zuse invented the computer in 1937 — — Z1。 He later completed the Z3 in 1941, which was the first programmable computer in the world. The transistor was first invented and patented by Europeans.

  People may think that the computer industry must be owned by Germany — — At least it is dominated by Europe. After all, the inventor was German — — Europeans. No, that’s not the case. In terms of computer hardware, Europe can be said to be unqualified.

  According to the report, the performance of supercomputers is expressed in units of floating-point operation speed per second (TFlop/s). The most powerful supercomputer in Europe is Piz Daint of Switzerland, which ranks eighth, with a speed of 7788.9 tflops/s. This computer, which belongs to Swiss National Supercomputing Center, is produced by American Cray Company.

  The United States is strong

  According to the report, American computers frequently appear in the top 100, occupying the 3rd, 7th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th-21st and many other positions. Since the x86 division of IBM responsible for supercomputers was sold to Lenovo in China in 2014, the current ranking of IBM computers (4th, 6th, 14th, 54th and 68th) is shared by China and the United States.

  The United States occupies 31 places in the top 100. Because the rankings of other countries that use American processors are not counted, this figure does not reflect the real strength of the American computer industry (specifically, the chip giant Intel).

  According to reports, most supercomputers in Japan use Fujitsu processors. So is Japan very independent? Not exactly. Fujitsu is an R&D and production partner of Intel. Therefore, Intel’s genes also promoted the development of Fujitsu processors.

  According to the report, Europeans have no ability to succeed on their own in supercomputer technology. The most powerful supercomputer in Europe must be purchased — — Buy from America. Apart from Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Britain and Germany are all customers of Cray. American computer companies do well in Europe. HP’s customers include Poland, France and Czech Republic.

  According to the report, there are also many computers in China in Europe. Lenovo and Huawei are famous Chinese brands in Europe. Italy and Germany are Lenovo’s customers. Lenovo has bought part of IBM’s computer business little by little in recent years. Therefore, in the past, the customers of "Blue Giant" became Lenovo’s customers. With the help of China — In the framework of cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe, Poland has become a close partner of China people, especially in the computer field. Poland’s supercomputers occupy the 48th, 90th and 92nd places in the top 100. The computer ranked 48th was purchased from Hewlett-Packard in the United States, but now it attaches great importance to cooperation with the United States and China.

  China processor is far ahead.

  The report said that in terms of supercomputers, China has not caught up with the United States — — But surpassed the United States. China occupies the 1st, 2nd, 42nd, 67th, 74th, 77th, 78th, 86th, 91st and 96th positions in the top 100 respectively. Tianhe-2, ranked second, still uses Xeon processors from the United States. Now this is a thing of the past.

  During this period, China people developed their own processors — — The Shenwei processor makes Intel’s Xeon look old. Top 500 ranked first in China Shenwei Taihu Lake Light, and its peak speed reached 125,435.9 tflops/s. The third-ranked American Cray Company’s supercomputer using AMD Opteron processor has a peak speed of "only" 27,112.5 tflops/s. This is roughly only 22% of the light of Taihu Lake in China.

  According to the report, the best supercomputer in the European Union is the Mistal in Hamburg (using American processors), which ranks 33rd, with a speed of 3,147.8 tflops/s, only 2.5% of the light of Taihu Lake. The most powerful computers in the European Union can only achieve 2.5% of the performance of China supercomputers by using American components.

  Now can you understand why Trump wants to make America great again? He is right to say so. In the field of computers, the technology of the United States is many light years ahead of that of Europe, but it is only ahead of Europeans, not China.

  Specifically, a giant battle, a battle between the United States and China, and a processor war between American chip giants AMD and Intel and Shenwei of China Jiangnan Computing Technology Research Institute have begun.

  According to the report, with the launch of processors such as Huawei Kunlun and FusionServer, another China company is also shaking the position of AMD and Intel. It should not be forgotten that Huawei and Intel have a technical cooperation relationship. With Intel’s genes, Huawei is now preparing to step out of Intel’s shadow and bathe in the sunshine of the computer industry independently.

  Europe’s achievements in the computer field are few and far between. Think about it, only such achievements can be achieved with American processors. In the field of computers, European technology is virtually the same as non-existence. This is a shame for Germany and Europe: they waste the advantages and great legacy created by people like Chuze. (Compile/Zhao Wei)

Twenty-six live broadcast platforms, including Betta, were investigated and found to have an advertising offer of "online celebrity" of 100,000 yuan.

The anchorwoman of "online celebrity" earns extra income by rewarding her fans.

On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the investigation results of a number of online performance platforms, 26 online performance platforms were investigated and 16,881 illegal online performers were dealt with. The reporter’s investigation found that with the webcast terminal moving from PC to mobile, the live broadcast began to enter the era of the whole people. The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has attracted capital madness, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. At the same time, problems such as pornography, violence and infringement in webcasting have also become prominent.

Close more than 4,000 performance rooms.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of cultural markets in six provinces (cities) such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong have recently inspected various online performance platforms, and combined them with self-examination and self-correction of online performance platforms to centrally clean up the content of online performances.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, in this centralized clean-up, all major online performance platforms closed 4,313 performance rooms with serious violations and rectified 15,795 performance rooms with violations.

The reporter learned that many of the live broadcast platforms and performers investigated this time involved obscene and pornographic content, which is one of the main chaos in the current live broadcast. The reporter has seen on some well-known live broadcast platforms that some "anchors" sexually tease and hint through body and language. "Now mobile phones have almost become the standard for students, and the hard-to-prevent pornographic information in the live broadcast platform is really worrying." A parent in Beijing said.

Violence and abetting crimes are also the focus of this investigation. On some live broadcast platforms, funny live content such as racing cars, eating light bulbs and biting dozens of burning cigarettes appears from time to time. In April this year, the Ministry of Culture clearly pointed out that there was a live broadcast platform to broadcast the gangster-themed games "Grand Theft Auto (GTA)5" and "Dragon 0", etc., with bloody pictures and abetting crimes; Live broadcast of the illegal game "Zhajinhua", etc., promoting gambling behavior, violating social public order and good customs.

According to the investigation results released by the Ministry of Culture on the 12th, 12 business units, including Wuhan Betta Network Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panda Mutual Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Liujianfang Technology Co., Ltd., were investigated for providing illegal and illegal contents such as promoting obscenity, violence, abetting crimes and endangering social morality. At the same time, many anchors and performers were investigated and dealt with, and a total of 1502 serious illegal network performers were dismissed and 16881 illegal network performers were dealt with.

According to the reporter’s investigation, in addition to pornography, violence and other factors, the infringement problem in the live broadcast process has also been repeatedly criticized. Last year, Betta broadcasted the 2015 DOTA2 Asian Invitational Tournament without authorization, and was judged by the court to compensate the relevant companies for economic losses of more than 1 million yuan. In addition, some video websites take street scenes and shopping crowds in shopping malls as live broadcast targets, and even have live broadcast channels under the banner of "the only way for college beauty". Yang Li, a citizen of Jinan, said, "Many people care about this invasion of privacy. Isn’t live broadcast in public places unattended?"

There is an advertisement for "online celebrity" offering 100,000 yuan.

According to a reporter’s investigation, the huge economic benefits, especially the phenomenon that "the more Huang Yue becomes famous for its violence, the more rewards it gets", have made some network anchors spare no effort to broadcast pornography, violence and even create various farce, and strive for fame.

A female anchor named "Coco" in Shandong has more than one million fans on a live broadcast platform. Fans rewarded her with online virtual flowers, lollipops, diamond rings, luxury cruise ships and other gifts. "Coco" also earned extra income by opening members, adding micro-signals and taking photos with netizens. "Some fanatical fans will send out 1314 gifts in a row according to the performance, with one gift ranging from 0.1 yuan to more than 10 yuan, and a group of 1314 will cost hundreds to thousands of yuan. There are more groups of 521 and 88. " "Coco" said.

It is understood that different platforms have different sharing modes. Some platform anchors can get 30%, while others can get 50%. Some platforms will also set corresponding sharing ratios according to different revenues.

In addition, in addition to directly rewarding and sharing, anchors can earn income by participating in various activities invited by fans, selling goods in online stores, and pushing advertisements during live broadcast. Many "online celebrity" have quoted more than 100,000 yuan for pushing an advertisement. The "2016 China E-commerce Red People’s Congress Data Report" released by CBN Business Data Center estimates that the output value of red people’s industry is close to 58 billion yuan this year, which has far exceeded the total box office of 44 billion yuan in China last year.

The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has also attracted the madness of capital, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. On March 15th this year, Betta TV, a live broadcast platform, received $100 million in Series B financing from investment institutions such as Tencent and Sequoia Capital.

■ Expert advice

Establish performers

Blacklist system

The Ministry of Culture issued the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Culture in 2011. Recently, the Ministry of Culture also issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Performance, which explicitly prohibits using human defects or showing human variation to attract users, or using terror, cruelty, destroying the physical and mental health of performers and cruelty to animals to conduct online performance activities.

Wang Yunfei, an associate professor of sociology at Anhui University, and other experts believe that there are so many kinds of live content that it is difficult to clearly define whether it is horrible, cruel, violent or vulgar. Some platforms and anchors play "edge ball", and some deliberately put servers abroad to avoid direct supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually refine policies and clarify the boundaries of various behaviors.

Some cultural law enforcement officials said that it is also difficult to investigate and deal with illegal webcasts. It is understood that at present, the cultural department’s supervision of webcasting mainly relies on random inspections and reports from the masses. The live broadcast platform needs self-examination and self-examination and is responsible for the live broadcast content. However, some live broadcast platform managers said that nearly a thousand live broadcasts are online at the same time, which is often difficult to monitor seamlessly.

Performers such as anchors bear the most direct responsibility for the content of webcasts. Some experts believe that the "blacklist" system for performers such as anchors should be established and improved to make them "illegal in one place and restricted everywhere" and play an effective deterrent warning role. At the same time, real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated. According to Xinhua News Agency

Xiaomi Auto is released soon! The latest full-body exposure, within 300,000 plus laser radar, will sell 100,000 vehicles next year.

Since Xiaomi announced the construction of the car, this unreleased "first electric car for young people" has been successfully circled.

However, many rice noodles were somewhat disappointed with Lei Jun’s annual speech last week. It was less than half a year before "the production car will be launched in 2024". Lei Jun only mentioned "Xiaomi car" twice at the press conference, and the progress and details of building a car were not announced.

It seems that Lei Jun is not in a hurry. What about the last venture that he promised to put his life honor and family property on?

Fortunately, the latest news has given everyone a reassurance. Recently, a blogger claimed to have photographed four test cars of Xiaomi cars on the Urumqi-Changji Expressway in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and said that "the posture is really good". At the same time, he also added some details of Xiaomi car: equipped with yellow calipers and sharp interior center console edge.

As for how to see that it is Xiaomi Automobile, the blogger said, "Taillights, headlights, wheels and camouflage are all consistent with what Beijing broke at that time."

Coincidentally, at the same time, Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Group, also posted a message in Weibo: "Test Xiaomi MIX Fold 3 Leica Optics, Four-shot and Five-focal Section" and took a group photo. At this time, his IP attribution showed that he was located in Xinjiang. And after the banner held in the group photo is enlarged, it is "fighting for Xiaomi car".

On the other hand, Lu Weibing, the partner and president of Xiaomi Group, also sent a Weibo: "Two shadows are formed", with a picture of two shadows.

Combining multiple sources seems to imply that Lei Jun and other senior executives came to the scene to "supervise" Xiaomi’s test results.

What’s more exaggerated is that the energy consumption performance of Xiaomi Automobile has been concealed. The former Geely Automobile Research Institute Hu Zhengnan published a document in Weibo to disclose the power consumption of Xiaomi Automobile, which can actually achieve good results of "8.8 kWh per 100 kilometers". …

This is quite amazing. The new car may break through everyone’s imagination again like the Xiaomi mobile phone of that year.

Judging from the content released by Hu Zhengnan, due to being spoofed by the engineer, a tram with a remaining battery life of 152 kilometers was thrown at 8 pm, and he was asked to take three strong men back to the destination 85 kilometers away, with an ambient temperature of 37 degrees.

However, he successfully drove the tram to his destination, and the remaining mileage showed that there were still 90 kilometers, and the energy consumption per 100 kilometers was only 8.8 kWh.

Hu Zhengnan revealed in the comments that the whole road is a mixed road condition of high-speed national highways and rural roads. In this process, Xiaomi Automobile has experienced several downhill energy recovery, but in the end, the energy consumption of the vehicle can still be regarded as an upper-class level.

Regarding Hu Zhengnan’s identity, he was the president of Geely Research Institute. In September 2021, he announced on social media that he had joined Leijun’s Shunwei Capital, focusing on the ecological field of smart car technology. Previously, this personnel change was regarded by the outside world as Xiaomi’s car. Welcome to the first car circle.

Combined with its geographical location-Xinjiang, Hu Zhengnan’s news about Xiaomi Automobile is very credible.

The exposure of this data has also triggered a heated discussion among netizens. A medium and large-sized car, such as Tucki P7 and Tesla Model S, has an excellent energy consumption of less than 15kWh per 100km with a single motor version, so the performance of this millet car at 8.8kWh can definitely be regarded as excellent.

In this regard, there is also a digital blogger @ Alex on Earth who analyzed the data, indicating that the four people can still maintain the score of 8.8 kWh per 100 kilometers in a 50-kilometer journey under a 37-degree environment, plus the graph shows that most of the time they are in an acceleration/rapid acceleration state, and some kinetic energy is recovered in the last 10 kilometers, which means that the power consumption performance of Xiaomi Automobile is "a little scary".

In addition to the energy consumption, we have a clearer understanding of the design of Xiaomi car.

Although the new car is still in a state of high camouflage, it is certain that it will be a coupe with a sliding back design, and the front of the new car is long, which is obviously different from our impression of pure electric vehicles. It is expected that the new car will adopt a closed front face design to further optimize the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle.

Not only that, the new car will adopt a borderless door and a hidden door handle design, which looks a bit like Porsche Taycan, so some netizens teased: Whether you can drive a Porsche in this life depends on Xiaomi.

In addition, judging from the outline of the vehicle, the new car may be equipped with a spoiler.

In the body posture, the new car also looks very low. The inclination of the A-pillar is too large, the B-pillar is slender, and the waistline is high. It really looks like a coupe. In detail, the charging port is arranged on the left rear fender, and it will support sucking the charging gun.

From the general outline, it can also be found that the top of Xiaomi car is equipped with lidar equipment.

Earlier, there were car bloggers who came across the road test camouflage car of Xiaomi MS11. The blogger said that the body size of the new car would be at the B+ level.

However, it was revealed that the dimensions, length, width and height of the new car were 4860/1980/1666 mm respectively, which was similar to that of Tucki P7 currently on sale.

In the interior part, the new car may adopt a more conventional design, and there is a large central control screen in the middle of the center console.

Because the screen on the test car has a wide border, it is speculated that the production version may be equipped with a simpler and more sci-fi screen. In addition, the test car is equipped with a relatively small LCD instrument, and the steering wheel seems to adopt a flat-bottomed design, which highlights a certain sporty atmosphere.

In the core configuration, it is revealed that the battery of Xiaomi Automobile is 101kWh, with a rated voltage of 726.7V and a weight of 642kg. These parameters also show that the power battery carried by Xiaomi Automobile is expected to support 800V high-voltage fast charging, which is the same as the previous news.

800V should be the most advanced pure electric fast charging scheme in the field of new energy at present. As a reference, Tucki G6 equipped with 800V fast charging technology can charge for up to 10 minutes and have a battery life of 300km.

At the same time, Xiaomi’s first car will be equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which adopts 5nm process, and the GPU 3D rendering performance is three times higher than that of 8155. At present, there is no production car equipped with this chip in the market, even if Xiaomi car was released in 2024, it is still at the hardware level of the first echelon.

In addition, it will be a high probability that Xiaomi car will be equipped with MIUI car version. After all, MIUI system has always been the core of Xiaomi mobile phone, and it is expected to be equipped with intelligent voice of Xiaoai classmates and get through with Xiaomi smart home system. In addition, Xiaomi car will also support functions such as non-inductive unlocking of mobile phones.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi recently announced the test results of autonomous driving. According to the official statement, the test vehicle can realize unprotected automatic U-turn, bypass the accident vehicle and automatic parking in place.

You can even find the charging port automatically through the mechanical arm to complete automatic charging and homing.

As early as June 2021, Xiaomi invested in laser radar provider Hesai Technology, and Hesai Technology released a pure solid-state close-range blind-compensating laser radar named FT120 in November last year, which is expected to be mass-produced and delivered in the second half of this year.

Therefore, Xiaomi Automobile will be dominated by a hybrid solid-state radar located above the windshield, supplemented by several all-solid-state radars. This configuration is absolutely luxurious today.

Less than a year before Xiaomi’s first car went on the market, the core question of Lei Jun’s "soul torture" may be changed from "to do or not to do" to: expensive or not, which is a problem.

When Xiaomi just called to build a car, Lei Jun made a vote on "How much do you want Xiaomi’s first car to cost?" The result showed that the user group with less than 100,000 yuan was the largest.

However, judging from the current situation, the price of Xiaomi car seems to be not so low. According to many sources, the new car will be divided into two versions, one with a price range of 260,000-300,000 yuan and the other with a price of more than 350,000 yuan.

Then Xiaomi’s mass-produced electric vehicles are expected to become competitors of high-end electric vehicle brands such as Weilai, Tucki and Geely Extreme Chlorine.

However, Lei Jun seems quite confident about this new car. According to media reports, in the past two years, Lei Jun has recruited troops for Xiaomi Automobile. According to insiders of Xiaomi, the existing number of people in Xiaomi Automobile Department has reached 2,500, of which the algorithm team for automatic driving has exceeded 500.

According to the financial report, in 2022, the investment in innovative business such as Xiaomi smart electric vehicle was 3.1 billion yuan, and the size of the automobile business team was about 2,300 people. Half a year has passed, and the team members of Xiaomi Automobile are also growing steadily, and the new car will be unveiled at the end of the year at the earliest.

According to reports, Lei Jun has set a big goal in Xiaomi Automobile, and will achieve sales of 100,000 units in the first year of listing in 2024. In contrast, in the first year of mass production of Weilai Automobile in 2018, the set annual delivery target was only 10,000 vehicles. Until 2022, Weilai delivered a total of 122,500 vehicles, and in the same year, Xpeng Motors delivered 120,700 vehicles. Therefore, the pressure on Xiaomi car is really not small.

Then the question is coming. Do you think Xiaomi’s first battle next year will be successful this time?

Is it a strong car company or an industry trend to pay for unlocking new functions?

  Want the wheel steering angle to be larger, the seat to be heated automatically and the vehicle to be started remotely … … The functions that come with these cars don’t cost extra but can’t be used. Recently, the paid subscription function launched by several car companies has sparked heated discussions. Netizens spit out: Will the accelerator pedal and steering wheel also be paid for subscription in the future? I even questioned that this was arbitrary charges. What do car companies, industries and lawyers think about this?


  Mercedes-Benz remote start-up renewal fee is 898 yuan.

  "The validity period of your remote interconnection service is coming to an end. From now on, the highest discount for remote products is 400 yuan, and you can enjoy the three-year remote engine start with the original price of 1,298 yuan for only 898 yuan … …” Recently, some netizens broke the news that when his vehicle remote start function was about to expire, he received such a "preferential" message from Mercedes-Benz.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that this is not the first time that Mercedes-Benz has been exposed to the function of using vehicle configuration and needs to pay extra. Earlier, a Mercedes-Benz owner also received a short message reminding him that Mercedes-Benz’s brand-new high-tech customized navigation has been launched, and it can be upgraded in a 4S shop. It only takes "1998 yuan" in three years.

  In July, Mercedes-Benz launched the rear-wheel steering payment, and it is understood that the EQS 450++Pioneer version of Mercedes-Benz launched a "paid subscription" project. After paying 4,998 yuan, the owner can enjoy the rear-wheel steering function for one year. The active steering angle of the rear wheel of the vehicle will increase from 4.5 degrees to 10 degrees, and the turning radius will be reduced to 10.9 meters. For eligible models, a three-month free experience will be provided, and the functions that come with the vehicle will cost extra money to use. These operations have to make consumers suspect that they have been "cut with leeks".


  I will remind you before the three-year free period expires.

  Mercedes-Benz customer service said that the basic service will be free for three years after the remote interconnection service function is activated from the date of car purchase and invoice issuance, otherwise it will not be used, so the owner will receive the corresponding text message. The remote interconnection service has the functions of checking the vehicle status and remotely unlocking. This service is related to the model and configuration of the vehicle, some can be purchased separately, and some can’t.

  As for how to know in advance that you need to pay in order to use this function, the customer service said that in general, the owner is notified by SMS. "The Internet store will send a text message to remind that the service is about to expire. If this function is enabled, there will be a text message reminder when it is about to expire."

  The customer service also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not clear whether the subsequent charges for this service were stated in the car purchase contract. "This belongs to the sales process." Because you need real-name authentication to activate when you buy a car, it is through the system operation in the dealership, so there will be a reminder of payment when you activate it, which is usually informed by sales.

  She also suggested that car owners go to the store of Mercedes ME APP bound by real-name authentication to check the function and use of the corresponding paid products. In "My Garage", you can see the basic services that the vehicle has been activated, such as the remote start that can be used for three years for free, and you will receive SMS reminders when it is about to expire.


  A number of car companies test water and pay subscriptions.

  According to public reports, as early as 2016, Tesla proposed software subscription services such as fully automatic driving and seat heating. All ex-factory models have embedded automatic driving hardware, and users can choose whether to turn on this function according to their needs. In 2021, autonomous driving was officially launched with a monthly fee of $199 per month. By the end of the second quarter of 2022, more than 100,000 Tesla owners had used the fully automatic driving test version function in North America. It can be said that Tesla pioneered the mode of hardware embedded+paid activation software.

  According to its financial report, in 2021, Tesla’s services and other businesses, including autonomous driving software, achieved revenue of 3.802 billion US dollars, up 65% year-on-year, accounting for 7.06% of the total revenue. Software payment has gradually become an important part of Tesla’s revenue.

  Many car companies began to reproduce the business model of paid subscription system, and rose from software to hardware.

  BMW has pre-installed hardware in some vehicles when they leave the factory. Recently, it announced the launch of paid subscription services such as seat heating, steering wheel heating, CarPlay and safe assisted driving in countries such as South Korea, which also caused heated discussion. However, BMW’s paid projects currently only exist in overseas markets. It is understood that BMW once launched a project in China that cost money to choose CarPlay and had to subscribe again when it expired, but it ended up being cracked.

  In addition, domestic new car manufacturers Weilai and Tucki have also joined the ranks of offering paid subscriptions. However, at present, consumers generally hold a wait-and-see and even skeptical attitude towards the paid subscription services launched by car companies.


  Which is more cost-effective, paid subscription or single purchase?

  Regarding the problems behind car subscription payment, Chang Yan, who is certified as a well-known car blogger, said in a live broadcast entitled "Peeking into" Car Payment Subscription "that on the one hand, consumers are more accepting of software payment than hardware. For example, the rear wheel steering belongs to the hardware of the car, which is already in the car. If you have to spend money to use it, you will feel unreasonable. On the other hand, the services provided by paid subscriptions are relatively rudimentary and basic, and cannot be differentiated, and consumers will think that car companies are "cutting leeks".

  "In fact, consumers are willing to pay for autonomous driving, and they also bought hardware first. Then pay for the software. For example, Tesla, the self-driving chip actually paid the fee when buying a car. " He suggested that you can calculate an account for the paid function, and whether it is more economical to use it according to the subscription system than to buy it alone. For example, BMW recently launched a paid subscription package for seat heating, and the price is several hundred yuan per month. The buyout function needs 20 thousand yuan and can be used for about 100 months. In most parts of China, the use of the heated seat function means two or three months in winter, and even some areas are hot all the year round and do not need the heating function. If this is calculated, the subscription function may be more cost-effective.

  Chang Yan said that he personally prefers to pay for subscriptions, which can be stopped at any time. Try some functions before you decide whether you need to spend money to subscribe. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can turn it off.


  Crack hidden dangers of software for free.

  For paid subscriptions, many netizens are worried about whether the price will increase or whether members will have to spend money to become super VIP. Some people even said that in order to get free use, it is completely possible to crack the software.

  Cracking the car has long appeared, including Tesla. Chang Yan introduced that some were hacked and some were broken by some hardware. Although this may bring more playability and performance improvement, it will make the car worthless. Tesla officials will lock these up and no longer provide services and related warranties. Moreover, some cracks are irreversible, which may damage the battery and other hardware of the car, thus affecting the value of the car.

  Chang Yan also said that cars are related to our life safety. If they are cracked by unofficial institutions or third parties, there will be some security risks. If there is a problem and then go to the official repair, it will bring a lot of trouble, not worth the loss. For pricing, I believe the market will have a fair judgment, and with the development of the industry, it will gradually standardize.


  If clearly informed or agreed, it is difficult to identify infringement.

  Liu Bin, a lawyer of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that from the current industry situation, there are two main ways to consume vehicle hardware: one is optional configuration, and the hardware configuration that consumers want is selected through prior agreement between consumers and manufacturers, and consumers make a one-time payment; The other is to subscribe to services in the form of subscription packages. With the further development of vehicle electronic functions, many car companies have launched such subscription services, such as active rear wheel steering, car entertainment, acceleration package and remote temperature control. Because there are a large number of electronic auxiliary functions in vehicles now, some car owners will not even use these functions after purchasing the vehicles, which can effectively reduce the cost of car purchase for car owners who do not use these functions frequently; For car owners who pay attention to these functions, they can purchase them selectively according to their needs. This subscription method increases consumers’ choice space, but this choice should be based on consumers’ right to know.

  Liu Bin believes that the subscription payment method is an option for the payment method of vehicle hardware. It is difficult to identify the damage to consumers’ right to know on the premise that the dealer clearly informs consumers of this payment method and content or there is a clear agreement in the contract signed by both parties. If we only charge consumers by subscribing to the service, it just changes the way of charging. If there are no unfair price behaviors such as manipulating market prices and raising prices in disguise, it is hard to say that this kind of charging method is arbitrary.

  If the services provided by car companies obviously violate the principle of fairness, it may infringe on consumers’ right to choose independently and fair trade. For example, a car company’s car entertainment service package subscription agreement stipulates: "We can change these terms at any time, change, add or delete the service or the functions contained therein, and also change the charging price of the service." This agreement expands the rights of car companies, exempts major obligations, and is suspected of infringing consumers’ right to fair trade and independent choice. This group/reporter Song Xia

Xpeng Motors IPO with a market value of $15 billion, its share price rose 41% on the first day.

Original Sharla Cheung titanium media

Titanium Media

| Science and technology lead the new economy |

Do you think the market value of Xpeng Motors will be super ideal?

Sharla Cheung, editor of Titanium Media

Following Weilai and Ideality, Xpeng Motors, a new car-making enterprise in China, also successfully listed in the US stock market.

On the evening of August 27th, Beijing time, Xpeng Motors was officially listed on the NYSE, with the stock code "XPEV". The opening price was $23.1 /ADS, up 56% from the issue price. At the close, Xpeng Motors’s share price closed at $21.22, up 41.47% from the issue price, with a total market value of $15.59 billion.

The issue price is superb and ideal.

The IPO price of Xpeng Motors was $15 /ADS, and a total of 99.73 million American Depositary Shares (ADSs) were issued, with a pre-market value of $11.021 billion.

It is worth noting that Xpeng Motors originally planned to issue 85 million shares of ADS, and the corresponding financing scale was US$ 1.28 billion. However, due to the higher-than-expected market demand, the issuance scale was increased to about 99.73 million shares, which means that the total amount of funds raised by Xpeng Motors this time is about US$ 1.5 billion.

At the end of last month, the issue price of LI, which landed on Nasdaq, was $11.5 per share, and the total amount of funds raised was $1.1 billion. On the day of listing, the pre-market value was $9.724 billion. Weilai listed in the US in 2018 at an issue price of US$ 6.26 per share, raising a total of US$ 1 billion, and its pre-market value on the day of listing was US$ 6.4 billion.

Comparatively speaking, Xpeng Motors’s listing price, pre-market value and fund-raising scale all exceed Weilaihe’s ideal of listing in the United States. This means that the head enterprises, a new force in car manufacturing, are still valued by the capital market, and the pure electric mid-to high-end market has been cultivated and matured by Tesla model3 and Weilai ES6. Compared with Weilai’s listing in that year, Tucki and Ideality are just in time to go public.

According to the prospectus, Xpeng Motors has completed 10 rounds of financing since its establishment. The latest financing was the C+ and C++ rounds in July and August this year, which raised 900 million US dollars. The investors included Alibaba, Aspex, Coatue, Gaoyou Capital and Sequoia China, and the post-investment valuation was 8 billion US dollars. In November last year, Xpeng Motors raised $400 million in Series C and introduced the strategic investment Xiaomi Group. By the end of the second quarter of 2020, Xpeng Motors had cash assets of 2.12 billion RMB, and its cash reserves were better than those of Weilai Automobile and LI before IPO.

At present, there are Internet giants behind the three new car-making companies, which have formed a pattern of "Weilai+Tencent, Ideality+Meituan, Tucki+Ali".

By August 28th, Weilai’s market value had reached US$ 23.5 billion, and its ideal market value was US$ 16.2 billion. From the market value, Xpeng Motors was closer to the ideal, and even exceeded the ideal on the first day of listing, but there was still a certain gap between them.

The strength of the three companies should not be underestimated, but from the product point of view alone, Xpeng Motors currently has two models G3 and P7 on sale, and plans to launch the third pure electric car before the end of next year; Weilai has three products, ideally only ONE Li ONE, and no new models will be launched within three years.

In addition, Tucki and Weilai take the route of pure electric technology, and the ideal is extended-range hybrid, and pure electric products will be launched later, but compared with Xiaopeng and Weilai, the ideal is a big step behind in pure electric.

The net loss in the first half of the year was 775 million.

Like Weilai and Ideality, Tucki has been in a state of loss.

According to the prospectus, in 2018, Xpeng Motors’s revenue was 9.7 million yuan and its net loss was 1.399 billion yuan; In 2019, it achieved a revenue of 2.321 billion yuan and a net loss of 3.692 billion yuan; In the first half of this year, Xpeng Motors’s revenue was 1.003 billion yuan, down 18.52% year-on-year (1.231 billion yuan in the first half of 2019), with a gross profit of-36.116 million yuan and a net loss of 796 million yuan. The gross profit margin narrowed sharply to-3.6% year-on-year (-38.23% in the same period of 2019).

In this regard, Xpeng Motors explained in the prospectus that the reason why the company experienced a year-on-year decline in revenue in the first half of the year was mainly due to the fact that most of the orders delivered in the first quarter of 2019 were accumulated in 2018, resulting in high revenue in the quarter; At the same time, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in the first quarter of this year, the speed of vehicle delivery decreased, which affected the income in the first half of this year.

It is worth noting that as of July 31st, Tucki G3 has delivered 18,741 vehicles, and Tucki P7, which started delivery in May this year, has delivered 1,966 vehicles, with a cumulative delivery volume of 20,707 vehicles.

From January to July this year, Xpeng Motors delivered 7,950 vehicles, Weilai delivered 17,702 vehicles and LI delivered 12,182 vehicles. Tesla Model 3 delivered 11,014 vehicles in July alone, ranking first in the sales of new energy vehicles in China.

As a car company whose main source of income is car sales, the decline in sales directly affects its income. With the current sales performance in Xpeng Motors, after IPO, it will face greater sales pressure.

Xpeng Motors predicted that the cost of batteries would drop significantly in the next 2-3 years. At the same time, by expanding vehicle types and production scale, sharing multi-platform effect, supplier collaboration, etc., we can also reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Although it continues to lose money, Xpeng Motors continues to invest in R&D. In 2018, 2019 and the first half of 2020, Xpeng Motors’s R&D expenditure reached 1.051 billion yuan, 2.07 billion yuan and 630 million yuan respectively, accounting for 89.2% and 62.9% of the total revenue in 2019 and the first half of 2020. Up to now, the accumulated R&D investment is 3.752 billion yuan, cumulatively.

Emphasize self-research ability

Xpeng Motors said that the proceeds from this IPO will be used for R&D and expansion of sales channels, and the remaining funds will be used for general corporate purposes.

In the prospectus, Xpeng Motors said that it has designed and developed its own software, core hardware and data technology, and it is the first new force car enterprise in China to independently develop and commercialize autopilot software (hardware is based on Xavier of NVIDIA, which supports L3 autopilot).

Xpeng Motors repeatedly emphasized self-research in the prospectus, including autonomous driving, intelligent operating system, internal powertrain and electronic and electrical architecture, and disclosed his own proprietary algorithms, including localization and high-precision map fusion; Camera-based perception and multi-sensor fusion; Behavior planning, motion planning and control.

In order to further prove its self-research ability, Xpeng Motors also disclosed a lot of key information, such as the use of ADAS: the adaptive cruise control function has accumulated 25.1 million kilometers of driving, and the lane centering control function has accumulated 11.1 million kilometers of driving.

Tucki also revealed some functions that the latest XPilot 3.0 will realize, and plans to launch the "navigation guided pilot" which can be used on expressways early next year, namely NGP, which can realize the functions of automatically changing lanes, overtaking other vehicles, recognizing traffic signs and adjusting speed.

In addition to software, Xpeng Motors has also achieved autonomy at the core hardware level. In the most critical three-electric system of electric vehicles, except for battery core procurement, battery management system (BMS) and battery pack are all independently developed by Xpeng Motors. And has completed the dual product line layout of SUV and car, becoming the only smart car company in China that has mastered the whole industry from design, research and development to manufacturing.

Risks after IPO

Although in terms of software, the new domestic car-making forces have certain competitive advantages. But compared with Tesla, there is still a certain gap. As to whether Xpeng Motors’s share price is inflated, an insider told the titanium media, "Let the bullets fly for a while. As a bulk product, automobiles ultimately depend on product strength. If the sales volume can continue to grow, the capital market will continue to be optimistic. If it is a bubble, it will burst sooner or later. "

Listing is a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages. Building a car is a process of heavy assets and long-term investment, and it is difficult to make a profit in the short term. For the new forces of building a car, listing is not only a manifestation of fulfilling their promises to investors, but also a way to attract other capital. At the same time, talents will also flow to the head enterprises in large numbers, thus ensuring that there is enough "ammunition" to go forward and fight.

At the current time node, the market prospect of new energy vehicles has been clearly visible. Behind the new forces competing to go public, they are more looking for opportunities to survive. Xpeng Motors’s choice of IPO is also a key step.

However, listing will also bring risks, and some of its own problems will be exposed in the capital market without any cover. For Xpeng Motors, a large amount of R&D investment will follow, and if the sales volume cannot be greatly increased, the loss will be enlarged.

Coupled with the limited number of models on the market and the charging services such as software ordering, there is also great uncertainty whether it can meet the expectations of users.

In addition, some core technologies, such as batteries and semiconductors, are dependent on suppliers, and the charging service is mainly dependent on third-party cooperation, with risks such as cooperation renewal and quality control, and the new Zhaoqing factory has operational risks, which will bring many uncertainties to the subsequent development of Xpeng Motors.

For Xpeng Motors, listing in the United States is just the beginning, and there will be many challenges in the future. How to continuously improve the product strength and become a real breaker in the new energy vehicle market is the key.

(This article is the first titanium media, author/Sharla Cheung)

Original title: "Xpeng Motors IPO with a market value of $15 billion, and its share price rose by 41% on the first day"

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