It’s settled! The 2020 postgraduate entrance examination will be held on December 21st.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education today issued the Announcement of the 2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement). The "Announcement" mentioned that the initial test time for the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2020 will be from December 21 to December 22, 2019; Exam subjects with more than 3 hours will be held on December 23rd. The details are as follows:

  First, the initial test time

  The initial examination time of the 2020 national postgraduate entrance examination is from December 21 to December 22, 2019 (8:30-11:30 am and 14:00-17:00 pm every day). Exam subjects with a duration of more than 3 hours will be held on December 23rd (starting time is 8:30, and the deadline is determined by the admissions unit, not exceeding 14:30).

  The examination time is based on Beijing time. The state will not recognize the postgraduate entrance examination that is not held on the specified date.

  Second, the initial test subjects

  The initial test methods are all written tests.

  On the morning of December 21st, the comprehensive ability of ideological and political theory and management was jointly tested.

  Foreign language in the afternoon of December 21st.

  On the morning of December 22, business class 1

  On the afternoon of December 22nd, Business Class II

  Examination subjects with an examination time of more than 3 hours on December 23rd.

  The examination time for each subject is generally 3 hours; The longest examination time for special subjects such as architectural design shall not exceed 6 hours.

  For detailed examination time, examination subjects and relevant requirements, please refer to the Admission Ticket and the announcement of test sites and enrollment units.

  Third, the registration requirements

  The registration of postgraduate entrance examination includes two stages: online registration and on-site confirmation. All candidates who take the postgraduate entrance examination are required to register online, and go to the registration site to confirm the online newspaper information, collect their own images and other related electronic information, and pay the registration fee as required.

  In principle, fresh graduates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education entrance examination institution where their school is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures; Candidates for individual examinations should choose the registration points designated by the provincial education entrance examination institutions where the admissions unit is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures; Other candidates (including professional degree candidates in business administration, public administration, tourism management and engineering management) should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education entrance examination institution where their work or residence is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures.

  The technical service of online registration is the responsibility of the National College Students’ Information Consultation and Employment Guidance Center. On-site confirmation shall be organized by the provincial education entrance examination institutions.

  Fourth, online registration

  Online registration time is from October 10 to October 31, 2019, from 9: 00 to 22: 00 every day. The forecast time is from September 24 to September 27, 2019, from 9: 00 to 22: 00 every day.

  Candidates should log in to "China Postgraduate Admissions Information Network" (public website, education website, hereinafter referred to as "research recruitment network") to register. Before registering, please be sure to browse the application instructions in advance and register according to the online announcements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education entrance examination institutions, registration points and enrollment units.

  During the registration period, candidates can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again. In order to avoid occupying more test places and affecting other candidates’ application, one candidate can only keep one valid registration information.

  Candidates only fill in one major of an enrollment unit when registering. After the examination is over and the Ministry of Education announces the basic requirements for the candidates’ initial test scores for re-examination, the candidates can learn about the adjustment methods and planned balance of the enrollment units through the adjustment service system of "Yanzhaowang", and independently fill in multiple adjustment volunteers in parallel according to relevant regulations.

  During the registration period, candidates’ academic qualifications (student status) information will be checked online, and candidates can check the results of academic qualifications (student status) online. Candidates can also log on to the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website to check their academic qualifications (student status) information before or during registration. Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic qualifications (student status) should complete the verification of academic qualifications (student status) within the time specified by the enrollment unit.

  Candidates should accurately fill in personal online registration information and provide real materials as required. If you can’t take the exam, retest or admit because of the wrong information in the online newspaper or the false information, the consequences will be borne by the candidates themselves.

  For the specific requirements and precautions for online registration, please refer to the Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Enrollment in 2020 (published in, official website, Ministry of Education) and the application notes for "Research and Recruitment Network".

  There is plenty of time for online registration. It is recommended that the majority of candidates arrange the registration time reasonably to avoid the initial and final peaks of registration and avoid the influence of network congestion on registration. No supplementary report will be made after the deadline, and the registration information will not be modified.

  V. On-site confirmation

  On-site confirmation of the specific time and requirements shall be determined and announced by the provincial education entrance examination institutions according to the application situation in the region.

  Candidates are requested to pay attention to the announcements issued by provincial education entrance examination institutions in time, and complete on-site verification and confirmation of personal online registration information, payment of registration fees, and collection of personal image information as required. Do not reissue it after the deadline.

  Candidates should submit their resident ID card, academic degree certificate (fresh graduates hold student ID card) and online registration number when confirming on site, which will be checked by the staff at the registration point. Candidates who apply for the special postgraduate enrollment plan of "Retired University Student Soldiers" should also submit their original or photocopy of the "Approval Letter for Joining the Army" and "Retirement Certificate".

  Candidates should carefully understand and choose to fill in their volunteers in strict accordance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements. Online registration information will not be modified after the candidates confirm it on the spot.

  Sixth, print the admission ticket

  From December 14 to December 23, 2019, candidates can log in to the "Research and Recruitment Network" with their online username and password to download and print the "Admission Ticket" themselves. The Admission Ticket is printed in A4 format white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates take the initial test and re-test with the downloaded and printed Admission Ticket and valid resident ID card.

  Candidates are requested to take good care of their user names, passwords, Admission Tickets, resident ID cards and other documents to avoid losses caused by leakage.

  VII. Others

  For other matters related to the entrance examination, please refer to the Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Admissions in 2020, or visit the "Research and Recruitment Network" to browse the application instructions and the online announcements of relevant units.

  In order to help candidates understand the enrollment policy, the graduate enrollment units will launch the 2020 National Postgraduate Enrollment Publicity and Consultation Week on the "Research and Recruitment Network" from September 19th to 23rd, when the relevant graduate enrollment units will answer the questions of the majority of candidates online.

Four couples of police doctors on the front line of epidemic prevention: postponed wedding, son alone at home and reunion dinner that can’t be made up.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, an epidemic prevention and control war broke out nationwide. In the face of the pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, the police and medical staff stood in the front line of epidemic prevention. Many "police doctors and couples" gave up their families for everyone. Some of them were born after 70, 80 and 90, and they silently built an important epidemic prevention line with their persistence and dedication. What we are going to tell below is the story of four police and medical couples who are sticking to the front line of fighting the epidemic this Spring Festival …
The wedding dress that was too late to try was postponed after 90 years.
Write Xiao Wei couple chat record.
Xiao Wei, a policeman from Jinhua Police Station of Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, and Xiaoxiao, a nurse from People’s Hospital, both born in 1990s, originally planned to hold a banquet in the near future, but the wedding was postponed due to the sudden epidemic. In Jinhua Town, which is dozens of kilometers away from the city, there are only three police officers in the police station. As the youngest policeman, Xiao Wei took the initiative to provoke the responsibility of daily patrol and quarantine. The small separation made them unable to meet each other for several weeks, and they could only express their thoughts on each other through WeChat.
"I want to see you. I don’t want to be alone at home."
"Why did you come to me? I don’t have a car. I didn’t eat anything here. I ate instant noodles."
"You should pay attention to safety when checking, put on the mask and tighten the strip above your nose!"
"There are a lot of things today. You should cover yourself in the evening, eat more, and don’t put your son hungry!
Nurse Xiao Xiao introduced that she had planned to let her husband accompany her to try on the wedding dress after the New Year, but now the epidemic is current, she is busy, and her husband is busy, and the wedding will be held after defeating the epidemic. Because I learned that I was pregnant with a baby, I was afraid that the dress style I had been optimistic about had to be changed. No girl wanted to be the most beautiful at the wedding, but in the face of this epidemic prevention and blocking war, only understanding and strength were the greatest encouragement for herself and the greatest support for her husband.
Incorrect reunion dinner, stick to your post and have direct contact with patients.
↑ Yang Yang is taking blood tests for patients.
Yang Yang, a post-80s police sister-in-law, is a tester in the respiratory department of Mianzhu Hospital. She and her colleagues completed the blood drawing work for all patients. She had direct contact with the first pneumonia patient infected by novel coronavirus in Mianzhu. During the epidemic prevention, she can’t go home or dare to go home. She said that although she has done a good job in protection, she will still worry unconsciously, not because she is afraid of being infected, or because she doesn’t want to get involved with her family.
Her husband, Li Hong, is a police officer investigating a case in Chengnan Police Station. In an extraordinary period, he has to do his job correctly in epidemic prevention, and he takes turns to visit the homes of isolated people in his jurisdiction every day. Find and help injured elderly people living alone to seek medical treatment; Go to the mahjong room where people gather to persuade them to disperse; Handle public security cases of rumors and rumors and criminal cases of telecom fraud. During the Spring Festival, many people are tired of staying at home, but for Li Hong, they can’t go home.
"When the epidemic is over, let’s have a good reunion dinner!" On the phone with Li Hong, Yang Yang’s voice choked. "You went to other provinces to catch fugitives during the Spring Festival when our eldest son was born. Our youngest son was just born this Spring Festival, and both of us were too busy to go home. Since New Year’s Eve, we haven’t had a bite of the reunion dinner. When we are finished, we will pick up our parents and have a good reunion!"
"Drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
↑ Zhang Chun went to the duty station to ensure the supply of materials.
"Wife, have a drink!" "Husband, you also drink quickly!" After 80s, Zhang Chunhe Shen Li, a police doctor and wife, handed each other a bottle full of mineral water, and they both smiled at each other and gulped it down.
Zhang Chun is doing police security work in Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, not only considering the epidemic prevention and protection of front-line police officers in society, but also taking into account the daily epidemic prevention and quarantine in the unit. "The first-line masks are missing again, so we need to buy them quickly … three meals for the 24-hour police should be guaranteed. Disinfectant should be sprayed every day. Goggles, yes, give the first line goggles! " Zhang Chun carefully handled all the materials procurement, transportation and guarantee. However, he was surrounded by pieces of mineral water, and he was completely unconscious to take a sip.
Shen Li is "armed to the teeth" in the fever clinic of the hospital, taking the temperature of patients in long queues and cooperating with the screening test of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus. This "equipment" has to be worn for a long time every day, and it is difficult to take it off. In order not to delay the patient’s medical treatment, she wears it for one day. When she came home at night, she had a break to drink water.
A day without drinking water, drinking a can of water, "drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
"Pay attention to safety" is the only thing he can tell his grown-up son.
Shu Shizheng visited the returnees.
"Child: In the face of the epidemic, the two busiest people are your father and me. Don’t blame us!" In the WeChat circle of friends of police sister-in-law Tsui Hua Chen, she said to her son with guilt.
As a medical worker sent to the community by Mianzhu People’s Hospital, from the beginning of the New Year’s Day, she went to the door every day to take the temperature of the isolated people at home, publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention, and do her best to monitor the epidemic. The child’s father Shu Shizheng, as the director of the police station in the city, has not finished the security duty on New Year’s Eve, and has received the task of epidemic prevention and control. In recent days, he led a team to assist the streets and communities to shut down 266 related places in the area in time, and concentrated police force to investigate and prevent 61 returnees from Hubei one by one, and cooperated with the government’s prevention and control working group to track down and isolate people, taking the lead in severely investigating 4 cases involving the epidemic, and cracking down on 14 related owners and illegal personnel who secretly operated mahjong halls.
The couple have been away for a long time, and only their son takes care of himself at home. Shu Shizheng said with deep feelings that the post-70s love memories. When the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake was used for earthquake relief, their son was only 4 years old, and the couple didn’t take care of it much. Now his son is 15 years old. These days, he is allowed to cook and do housework at home alone. Seeing his son’s maturity and independence, he is more gratified and more sour in the face of this sudden situation.
Wang Shuli Red Star Journalist Wang Mingping According to Mianzhu Public Security Editor Zhang Wei

Clean-up of professional qualifications: the state does not allow enterprises to be "willful"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30th, by topic:Some similar "chicken ribs" certifications are still in progress-professional qualification cleaning and tracking

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  A few days ago, the State Council decided to cancel 47 professional qualifications such as property manager, market manager and flower arranging worker. So far, the State Council has cancelled 319 professional qualifications in six batches.

  However, according to a survey conducted by Xinhua Viewpoint, although some professional qualifications have been cancelled, there are still qualification examinations with similar names and types organized by different departments. Many job seekers are not sure whether they still need to take the examinations, and some enterprises still take the cancelled qualification certificates as the entry threshold.

  Almost all the qualification exams have left people "stupid and confused"

  The reporter learned that with the issuance of relevant national documents and the rapid implementation in various places, many qualification examinations have been cancelled.

  "We have cancelled the qualification examinations for flower arrangers and manicurists according to national documents." Occupational skill testing authority officials in Shandong, Jiangxi and other places said that all the qualifications cancelled by the state would not be tested again.

  Some job seekers also reported that in some places, some qualification examinations listed in the cancellation list are still in progress. For example, the country has previously cancelled the professional qualification of landscape architects, but some provinces clearly stated in the announcement that the landscape architect exam was held in May.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the country cancelled the certification of landscape designers organized by China Building Decoration Association, while some provinces conducted the certification examination of landscape designers organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In fact, although the certificates and accreditation methods are different, the qualifications of the two departments are similar, mainly including landscape design and greening planning. "In our industry’s view, the landscape architect certification functions and objectives of the two departments are basically the same, and the gold content is not high, which is of little significance in practical work, like chicken ribs." Wan Nan, a landscape architect from Dalian, said.

  The staff of a vocational skill appraisal station in Anhui introduced that whether the qualification examinations with similar or consistent names and organized by different departments are cancelled or retained depends on the understanding of each province.

  Similar situations are not uncommon. The accreditation of registered enterprise trainers organized by the National Development and Reform Commission was cancelled in 2014, but the accreditation of enterprise trainers organized by the human and social departments is still going on this year; The qualification certification of professional managers in China, which is in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, was also cancelled in 2014, but the qualification certification of professional managers organized by entrepreneurs associations in china enterprise confederation and China still exists, and relevant training notices were issued in March this year.

  Some job seekers said that it is impossible to know which qualifications have been cancelled and which ones need to be tested. The relevant personnel of human and social departments in Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi and other places interviewed by the reporter said that there are many departments that organize the implementation of vocational qualification licensing and accreditation in China, and various ministries and associations have many qualifications. Some staff members bluntly said: "It is impossible to figure out how many qualifications there are."

  "Some associations and departments are keen on organizing examinations and setting thresholds, partly because vocational qualification certificates are profitable from training and examinations to issuing certificates." A cadre of the human society department in Anhui Province said.

  The state does not allow enterprises to take the exam, but it still requires qualification certificates.

  It is understood that vocational qualification certificates are divided into two categories: access and level. Access certificate requires that you must hold a certificate, and the level class represents the level and business ability of the holder, and it is not required to hold such a certificate.

  However, during the interview, the reporter found that among the vocational qualifications that have been cancelled by the state, not only some entry qualifications are still regarded as entry conditions by some enterprises, but even the level certificates that are not entry thresholds have become entry "stepping stones".

  Although the qualification of the entry-level tenderers has been cancelled by the state, the reporter found on some recruitment websites that the recruitment requirements issued by many companies in Hunan and Zhejiang still clearly stated that "the professional qualification certificate of the tenderers must be available".

  The country has cancelled the qualification identification of access property manager, but the reporter called a real estate agency company in Wuhan in the name of applying for a property project manager. The staff said that job seekers must have relevant qualification certificates such as property manager.

  The barista organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the hotel waiter organized by the China Business Federation all belong to the level evaluation qualification certification. However, the reporter found that a company in Guangzhou requires job seekers to "hold a barista qualification certificate issued by the state" in their job descriptions, and hotels in Tianjin, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other places require waiters to bring hotel waiter qualification certificates during interviews.

  "In the face of a large number of job resumes, the qualification certificate is an important tool for enterprises to select talents quickly and effectively. If only one out of 20 people has a qualification certificate, then I will definitely choose him. " A person in charge of Nanchang Jialaite Peace International Hotel said, "It’s better to have a certificate than nothing, and whoever has a qualification certificate will definitely give priority to who."

  "The country has cancelled the qualification examination. Where can I take it?" "I didn’t send a resume when I saw a company that clearly stated that it needed a qualification certificate." For some "willful" requirements of enterprises, some job seekers in Jinan and Changchun expressed their helplessness.

  Continue to intensify the clean-up and standardize the development of the evaluation system of social institutions.

  In addition to cleaning up 319 professional qualifications, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security proposed that in the future, all newly established national professional qualifications should be reported to the human resources and social security department of the State Council for unified planning and management of national professional qualifications, and all regions and departments should not set up national professional qualifications by themselves.

  Hongchun Wang, a professor of labor and social security in anhui university of finance, and other experts believe that the state’s measures to cancel the license and recognition of professional qualifications in batches have played an obvious role in simplifying administration and decentralizing power and stimulating market vitality. However, in view of the phenomenon that some departments and associations set up qualification recognition indiscriminately for their own interests, we should continue to intensify the clean-up and make a "positive list" of professional qualifications as soon as possible.

  Cadres of the human and social departments in some areas said that relevant departments and associations should conduct self-examination and self-correction according to the vocational qualification certification items that have been cancelled by the state, take the initiative to cancel the qualification certification that is similar to or even the same as its content, and consciously reduce duplicate identification and "chicken ribs" identification. Provincial and municipal departments of human resources and social security should also take the initiative to stop setting relevant examinations. At the same time, guide enterprises to adapt to policy changes, no longer set invisible thresholds, but select talents in a more scientific and effective way. Relevant enterprises that obviously violate state regulations should be given necessary disciplinary warning.

  Wang Zhongwu, a professor of sociology at Shandong University, said that certain departments must not be reluctant to "cash cow", so that qualification recognition becomes a stumbling block to "double innovation". "For pharmacists, teachers and other occupations with greater responsibilities or public interests, as well as the level evaluation of taxation, accounting and other social needs, the reservation should be retained."

  Hongchun Wang and others suggested that we can learn from foreign advanced experience for some level evaluation with large demand, give full play to the role of the market and social organizations, support and encourage the cultivation of a number of accreditation organizations with high degree of specialization and strong credibility, and establish a scientific and effective third-party evaluation accreditation system. (Reporter Meng Hanqi, Yuan Junbao, Chen Nuo, Wu Huiying)

We can’t have a reunion dinner: we are going home for others on the way.

Network mapping
We can’t have a reunion dinner: we are going home for others on the way. The 41-year-old Yuan Wen took about 5 minutes from getting off the bus to eating a "reunion dinner" with a lunch box and then preparing to leave after eating. He drives a bus on line 618 of Liangjiang Bus No.2 Branch. Bus 618 is a bus of more than 8,600 buses in Chongqing. Two days ago, everyone in the Yuanyang dispatching room where he was located discussed that this year we would have a reunion dinner in the dispatching room, and everyone would provide a dish.
What is this reunion dinner like? Chongqing Times reporter "witnessed" it on January 25th.
Seven dishes include country chicken, fat sausage and sausage.
At 11: 48 noon on January 25th, 41-year-old Yuan Wencai drove the 618 bus back to the Yuanyang dispatching room, and the shift leader in the dispatching room quickly called him to prepare for the "reunion dinner". The reunion dinner has been placed on a simple rectangular dining table in the dispatching room.
The Chongqing Times reporter saw at the scene that there were seven dishes on the table, and several of them had no heat. But this does not affect everyone’s appetite at all. Several drivers have been waiting with plastic lunch boxes. The seven dishes are Maoxuewang, Braised Pork Intestines, Sliced Mushroom Soup, Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, Stir-fried Cauliflower, Sausage and Braised Chicken. These dishes are all brought from home by these drivers.
Braised chicken was brought by Villi, a female driver. She said that the native chicken was brought by her father from the countryside of Wulong’s hometown. On the 24th, she made it specially when she was on leave, packed it in a plastic crisper, and brought it to work on the 25th. The 42-year-old captain Zhu, the captain on duty, personally made Mao Xuewang. "It was also brought in a plastic box, and a large plate was borrowed from the restaurant opposite the dispatching room and then loaded."
Xie Dingrong, 39, also provided several dishes. Xie Dingrong said, "This year, everyone decided to have a group year. In addition to so many dishes, we also hung lanterns in the dispatching room. Although it is a place of work, it also needs a festive atmosphere."
Network mapping
After the rice was heated in the microwave oven, it was placed on the table and everyone began to eat. After we took a few photos, Master Yuan Wen of Line 618 put down the chopsticks.
The reporter looked at the watch time, and it took Yuan Wen only five minutes to eat this "reunion dinner". The reporter asked if he had eaten so soon. Yuan Wen said while washing dishes and chopsticks, "The same time as usual." The Chongqing Times reporter learned that Yuan Wenjia is in Beibei District, and now he rents in Renhe, and only goes back to Beibei once on weekends.
After Yuan Wen’s dishes and chopsticks were washed, the other drivers’ masters basically finished eating. There is a lot of food left on the table. Captain Zhu, the captain on duty, said that the interval between buses usually is about ten minutes. In order to ensure the convenience of citizens, even when it is like the Year of the Communist Youth League, it is necessary to ensure the punctuality of the departure. "The rest of the food, hot for a while, the next wave of drivers to eat. However, the next driver has other dishes that have not yet been taken out. "
Compared with the reunion dinner of citizens and friends, it takes several hours at a time, but the "reunion dinner" of these bus masters is only 5 minutes. Yuan Wen said, "Although it takes five minutes, it is nothing as long as it can ensure the convenience of citizens."
Network mapping
After Yuan Wen left, he came back one after another with several drivers. The reporter noticed that several dishes were added to the table one after another. These new dishes were brought by these drivers’ masters from their own homes and heated in the microwave oven in the dispatching room.
"Why is there no fish in the reunion dinner?" The reporter asked everyone. Captain Zhu, the captain on duty, said: "I have been working here for so many years, and I have never seen anyone eat fish. Even if I usually eat, I have never seen anyone eat fish. Because the time is short, eating fish is easy to get stuck in the throat. “
Besides, there is no wine or drink on this "reunion dinner". Naturally, you can’t drink wine, but neither can you drink. Captain Zhu said, "Bus drivers take a long time to go back and forth on a line, so they can only go back to the dispatching room when they go to the toilet, and few people drink drinks."
This "reunion dinner" is eaten by drivers one after another, and they continue to drive one after another. A bystander, Mr. Chen, heard that it was a bus driver who had a reunion dinner, and said with a smile, "Where are you, the reunion year, the reunion New Year, and the reunion dinner can’t be round?"
However, Mr. Chen’s words were immediately covered up by the laughter of the driver who ate the reunion dinner. Someone said loudly, "so many dishes are richer than those in the family group!" "
Network mapping
The whole "reunion dinner can’t be round" lasted for about an hour and a half. A master said with a smile, "this seems to be a running water mat. If it’s cold, heat it up in the microwave oven. If you come first, eat it and hurry to start." There are always drivers on the road, and a whole table of reunion dinner can’t be made up. However, we bus drivers drive on the road so that other citizens can go home faster. "
The Chongqing Times reporter learned that there are five lines in the Yuanyang dispatching room, namely 607 lines, 620 lines, 618 lines, 644 lines and 635 lines. There are 129 drivers on 5 lines. There are no more than eleven or twelve people who can get together for a reunion dinner at the same time.
Chen Shuping, chairman of the trade union of the Second Branch of Liangjiang Bus Company, said that the purpose of this driver’s "reunion dinner" is to make these bus people who work together more happy to work in the new year. "All the dishes are brought by everyone at home. Let’s get together and taste each other’s skills. It’s festive and happy. Although many people can’t spend the New Year with their families, they are also very happy with their colleagues. "

National lottery sales in December 2023

  First, the national lottery sales

  In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan [1], a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly because of football in the same period last year.The base of the pulling factors of the event is high.

  From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

  Second, the sales of lottery tickets by type

  In December, lottery digital lottery sales reached 16.952 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 22.431 billion yuan, down 47.8% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 10.224 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 214.4%; Keno lottery sales reached 3.676 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.3%. In December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 31.8%, 42.1%, 19.2% and 6.9% of the total lottery sales, and the sales volume of video lottery was 140,000 yuan, an increase of 120,000 yuan year-on-year.

  From January to December, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 176.803 billion yuan, an increase of 21.385 billion yuan or 13.8%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 246.476 billion yuan, an increase of 65.550 billion yuan or 36.2% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 119.021 billion yuan, an increase of 59.574 billion yuan or 100.2%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets reached 37.394 billion yuan, up 8.534 billion yuan or 29.6% year-on-year. From January to December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 30.5%, 42.5%, 20.5% and 6.5% of the total lottery sales. Video lottery sales reached 1.53 million yuan, up 930,000 yuan year-on-year.

  Third, the sales of lottery tickets by region

  In December, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in various provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased more, increasing by 231 million yuan, 191 million yuan, 163 million yuan and 138 million yuan respectively. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Sichuan saw a large decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.722 billion yuan, 1.106 billion yuan, 735 million yuan, and 659 million yuan respectively.

  From January to December, compared with the same period of last year, lottery sales in all provinces in China increased, with Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increasing by 16.321 billion yuan, 12.946 billion yuan, 12.442 billion yuan and 10.832 billion yuan respectively.

  Lottery agencies at all levels should closely follow and analyze new situations and new problems, effectively strengthen the issuance and sales of lottery tickets, and ensure the smooth operation of the market. Financial departments at all levels should further strengthen lottery supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain market order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of lottery.

  Remarks: [1] The sales volume of lottery digital lottery tickets is counted according to the end time of the sales period; Traditional football of quiz lotteryAnd counting the sales volume according to the end time of the sales period in the single-game quiz with regional networking, and counting the sales volume according to the lottery time of the betting content in the single-game quiz with national networking of quiz lottery tickets; Instant lottery tickets count sales according to sales time; Video lottery statistics sales according to sales time; The sales volume of Keno lottery tickets is counted according to the end time of the sales period.

Come and sign up! Chengdu people’s most anticipated "PK Competition for Hard Dishes in the Year of the Communist Youth League" is coming again!

Cover journalist Han Jianwen

Pot friends! Today is the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, officially starting the countdown to the 10-day Chinese New Year! At the same time, it also means that the annual vegetable competition is coming!

Imagine, you showed your hand at the group annual banquet, made a tonal and delicious hard dish, which will definitely impress your relatives and friends, be praised by your peers, be admired by your younger generation, be deeply loved by your partner, and be promoted and raised in your job! Go to the peak of your life immediately!

If you haven’t decided what to do, let the Star Chef Competition and the hard dish guide for the New Year’s Eve give you inspiration!

Guide to hard dishes for 2020 New Year’s Eve.

In 2020, we invited chefs from major star-rated hotels in Chengdu to show us the hard dishes in their hearts. Just saying a few things will make people drool.

Baked Alaskan Crab with Garlic Flavor

The combination of thick garlic and Alaskan crab is bright and fragrant, and simple seasoning can set off the sweetness of crab meat, which is full of the whole mouth and has endless aftertaste.

Sesame crackling Diao roast chicken

When it comes to lifting roast chicken, many foodies are salivating, because its crispness and separation of flesh and blood are comparable to ordinary roast chicken, and with the fresh fragrance of sesame seeds, it will trigger your taste buds.

Boiled beef with green pepper sauce

The fat cow cooked with the secret green pepper juice is full of the flavor of the sauce, and the refreshing and exciting taste in one bite is still full of fat cows full of vigor, which is really unique.

This year, ace chefs will bring you a brand-new batch of delicious food in the Star Chef Competition, and take you to taste the "hard dishes of the group annual banquet" in Chengdu hotels and Chinese restaurants in the Spring Festival of 2024!

Looking for Chengdu, the star chef arrived.

"Chengdu 4th Star Chef Competition" and "Dragon" re-appeared!

The whole city collects the most "hard" taste of 2024!

Long press the poster to identify the QR code to register!

Taste Chengdu together and celebrate the Year of China!

Looking forward to your registration, come and participate!

China Social News article: The ins and outs of the 100 million yuan prize.

  A stone stirs up a thousand waves. Recently, a lottery winner in Gansu won the 100 million yuan prize for the two-color ball, and successfully redeemed all the 113 million yuan prize money at the provincial welfare lottery distribution center in Lanzhou on December 3, setting a record for single winning in the history of lottery in China. What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball? How can the two-color ball bonus be as high as 100 million yuan? How did the billion-dollar prize come into being? A series of question marks aroused people’s extensive interest and even raised doubts about it. Therefore, China Social News reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center.

  What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball?

  Two-color ball is a double-zone lottery lottery suitable for China’s national conditions, which is scientifically designed, improved and innovated by China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center based on the successful issuance experience of foreign lottery tickets. Approved by the Ministry of Finance, it was listed and issued on February 16th, 2003. Two-color ball adopts double-zone betting, and each bet is 2 yuan. The bettor needs to select 6 or more of the 33 red ball numbers and 1 or more of the 16 blue ball numbers at the same time to form a bet. If the number selected by the buyer is exactly the same as the number shaken during the lottery, the first prize will be won.

  Lotto lottery has the characteristics of large number of small prizes and high prize amount. Because it has a prize pool, the prize pool amount generally determines the prize amount. Therefore, with the increase of the prize pool, it is easy to arouse the interest of lottery buyers and promote the increase of sales. Recently, a lottery ticket in Germany has accumulated more than 38 million euros (more than 400 million yuan), which attracted German lottery players to snap up lottery tickets for this reason. It is precisely because of this feature and charm that lottery tickets are popular all over the world. At present, it accounts for about 42% of the world lottery sales, making it the most common and mainstream lottery variety. As a lottery ticket, the two-color ball has been increasingly favored by lottery players in China since its listing in 2003, and its weekly sales volume has increased from about 10 million yuan at first to about 450 million yuan at present. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume has exceeded 17 billion yuan, and nearly 6 billion yuan of social welfare fund has been raised for the country. A total of 470 notes were won in the first prize of 5 million yuan, which is the most popular lottery game with the highest sales volume in China color market.

  How can the winning amount of two-color ball be as high as 100 million?

  The two-color ball is a kind of lottery ticket, but it has different characteristics from foreign general lottery tickets, mainly because the grand prize amount is capped at 5 million yuan. In other words, no matter how much the prize pool accumulates, the amount of the single-note prize must not exceed 5 million yuan. However, although the grand prize is capped, lottery players also have the opportunity to get higher bonuses. When the prize pool is high, some lottery players will adopt the method of one-bet multi-investment, that is, choose a group of numbers and buy lottery tickets with the same number of 2 bets, 5 bets and 10 bets. The higher the prize pool, the more bets they buy the same number. Although more money is invested in one bet, the amount spent is not much. For example, the winner of the 100 million yuan grand prize only spent 40 yuan. Therefore, this betting method is often adopted by lottery players, but it occasionally works. Over the past four years, 56 people across the country have won more than two prizes through the method of one bet and more votes. A lottery player in Heilongjiang made a 15-fold bet on four groups of numbers, and won the first prize of 15 notes in the 2007119 issue of the two-color ball, with a total prize of more than 65 million yuan; At the betting station No.13150026, Smurfs Internet Cafe, Haigang Development Zone, Laoting County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, a lottery player named Liu won 105 million yuan with two single tickets with five times bet, and won a total prize of 50 million yuan; Mr. Wang from Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province won the first prize with a 6-fold "7+2" double ticket, with a total prize of more than 30 million yuan.

  According to the rules of the two-color ball game, if no one wins the first prize in the current period, the first prize will be rolled into the next period. If many periods are missed or the number of winning bets is small, the prize pool amount will be accumulated to a higher amount. November 27, 2007, is the lottery day of two-color ball lottery. The current prize pool has accumulated to 120 million yuan, which has also caused a sensation in the market. Many people are eager to try and win the grand prize by means of one injection and more investment. It is not surprising that a lottery player in Gansu made a bet of 20 times the amount of 40 yuan on the afternoon of November 27th. His goal is to win the first prize of 20-note two-color ball, and the prize pool at that time can also satisfy his desire to get a prize of 20-note 5 million yuan, totaling 100 million yuan.

  How did the 100 million yuan bonus come about?

  The time for the two-color ball lottery is 8: 45pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and the lottery is held three times a week. The lottery is broadcast live on TV (with a delay of 30 seconds) and the program lasts for 8 minutes, which is broadcast on China Education Television CETV-1.

  According to the computer room of Gansu Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, at 14: 48 on November 27, the winner bought a double ticket with a note of "6+16", that is, six red numbered balls were selected, namely 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, which were combined with 1- 16 blue numbered balls to make a 32 yuan. At 14: 51, another group of numbers (6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22 in red and 6 in blue) was selected from the 16 groups of numbers just purchased, and 20 bets were purchased. These two lottery tickets are normal bets and entered the database of Gansu Welfare Lottery Center. At 20 o’clock that night, the sales of Gansu Fucai two-color ball ended, and at the same time, the public began to enter the live broadcast of the two-color ball lottery in Beijing; At 20: 10, the audience will select the lottery balls for the current period (there are 4 sets of lottery balls in total, and 2 sets will be selected in the current period, one for the positive selection and one for standby); At 20: 15, under the supervision of the notary, the staff opened the safe and took out the selected two sets of lottery balls; At 20: 20, the notary and the staff jointly put the current lottery ball into the lottery machine; At 20: 45, the lottery began; At 20: 50, the lottery numbers of the current period were generated: red ball numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, and basketball number 6. Subsequently, the notary delivered a notarized speech. At this point, the current lottery number is generated. At 20: 55, the lottery number was signed and sealed and sent to the provincial centers by fax; At 21: 10, after receiving the fax of the lottery number, Gansu Provincial Center conducted data retrieval according to the conventional procedure.The search results show that there are 21 first prizes in Jiayuguan No.62020119 betting station, of which 20 bets are multiple bets, and the 100 million yuan prize is generated.

  The government management department requires that lottery agencies have the responsibility to keep the personal information of the winners confidential and shall not disclose it to the public without the consent of the winners themselves. Lottery agencies must obtain the consent of the winners in advance before arranging media interviews with the winners. When the winner of the 100 million yuan prize in Gansu contacted the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province to receive the prize, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province asked the winner whether he would accept media interviews, and the winner clearly stated that he would "resolutely not accept media interviews". Therefore, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province did not arrange the media to interview the winners when they received their prizes, which was handled in accordance with relevant regulations. It is also inappropriate for the media to question the lottery institutions or the winners who acted in accordance with the regulations without directly interviewing the winners.

  Since 2005, there have been lottery players, betting station salesmen and journalists from all over the country, and the general scale is about 50 people. At present, more than 11,000 people have been received at the lottery site. On November 27th, a delegation of 44 members of the public from Chongqing "Approaching the Two-color Ball" arrived in Beijing, watched the whole process of the 2007139th live lottery of China Welfare Lottery, and took a group photo at the lottery site as a souvenir, witnessing the birth of the 100 million yuan prize of the two-color ball.

  China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center emphasizes that lottery is a lucky game, and each lottery is an independent random event. The winning numbers are randomly generated, and the lottery is irregular. All odd or even lottery numbers are possible, and 17 odd or even numbers have been generated in the past. And always advocate lottery friends to buy lottery tickets, give love, do what they can, make rational bets, buy lottery tickets with an entertaining attitude, and treat winning with a peaceful attitude. Winning is a kind of luck, and not winning is also a contribution to social welfare.


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On the first prize of Taiwan lottery, 800 million netizens raised money to buy fans and knelt down to ask for the number.


Editor: Zhu Zhen

In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan, down 13.8% year-on-year.

[In December, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, down 13.8% year-on-year] On January 29th, the Ministry of Finance released the national lottery ticket sales in December 2023. In December, a total of 53.284 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide, down 8.565 billion yuan year-on-year, down 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the high base of the pulling factors of the football World Cup in the same period last year. From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

Jiangsu meteorological latest release: "sauna" mode continues

Today, the highest temperature in the province is 34.5℃

Appear in Wuxi city

Although that high temperature line of 35 DEG C is not reach.

But the relative humidity in most parts of the province is around 60%

Wuxi and Suzhou reach 80%+

The somatosensory temperature is much higher than the monitored temperature.

When the air temperature is 32℃

When the relative humidity reaches 60%

The somatosensory temperature can reach 37℃

Did your somatosensory temperature break 40℃

Little friends remember to open more windows for ventilation.

Don’t stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time.

Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.

The province will be fine in the next three days.

From 20: 00 on August 9 to 20: 00 on August 10, the whole province was cloudy. Maximum temperature: 32 ~ 33℃ in the whole province; Minimum temperature: 22 ~ 23℃ in Huaibei area and 24 ~ 25℃ in other areas. The northerly wind in the province is 3-4.

From 20: 00 on August 10th to 20: 00 on August 11th, the whole province was sunny to cloudy. Maximum temperature: about 34℃ in the northwest of this province, 30 ~ 31℃ in the northeast and 32 ~ 33℃ in other areas; Minimum temperature: about 23℃ in the whole province. The northerly wind in the province turns to the easterly wind, and the winds are all 3-4.

From 20: 00 on August 11th to 20: 00 on August 12th, the whole province was sunny to cloudy. Maximum temperature: 35 ~ 36℃ in the northwest of this province, and around 34℃ in other areas; Minimum temperature: around 25℃ along the Yangtze River and southern Jiangsu, and 23 ~ 24℃ in other areas.

Urban weather

Original title: "Jiangsu Meteorological Latest Release:" Sauna "Mode Continues"

Read the original text

No heating, no down jacket … How did ancient people spend the cold winter?

  BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Every winter, the howling cold wind becomes the standard, especially in the northern part of China, where it is often freezing, and people have to wrap themselves up from head to toe when they go out.

  Even now, how did people spend the winter in ancient times when the material conditions were relatively poor and there was no heating?

  How to keep the house warm? Get to know the fire wall and fire resistance

  One winter many years ago, Bai Juyi, a great poet, wrote a poem, "I know that the snow is heavy at night, but I can hear the sound of bamboo breaking", lamenting that the bedding is cold and the heavy snow has broken the bamboo, which shows that the weather is cold. In the cold winter, a warm house is undoubtedly the best way to keep warm.

  Data map: Students are experiencing the northeast folk fire kang. Photo by Liu Dong

  In ancient times, fireplaces and fire walls were all good ways to keep warm. People build a house wall into a hollow sandwich wall, and a fire tunnel is dug under the wall. There are air holes at the end of the fire tunnel to discharge smoke, and the charcoal port for adding fire is under the eaves of the house. After the charcoal fires, the heat can be transferred to the whole house along the sandwich wall. This kind of sandwich wall is called "fire wall".

  The farther north, the colder and longer the winter is, and the "fire kang" has become a good way to resist the cold. Kang has a stove mouth and a smoke mouth, which are used for heating and smoke exhaust respectively. In the north of China, the stove mouth of the kang is mostly connected with the stove, so it can keep warm when cooking.

  The heating facilities in the palace are more exquisite. For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, there was a greenhouse hall in the court, which was equipped with various warm-keeping facilities. "Miscellanies of Xijing" records: "The greenhouse hall is painted with pepper and mud, and the wall is covered with splendid flowers, with cinnamon as the main part, and a fire mica screen … …”

  At that time, the palace where the Queen lived was called "pepper room temple", and the mixture of pepper and mud was used as the material for painting the walls, which not only allowed the temperature to be measured, but also had a faint fragrance.

  If there were no conditions, the ancients would use the warm sunshine as much as possible, and when building a house, they would choose the orientation of "sitting north facing south" to let the warm sunshine shine into the house; Then, put a bamboo ceiling or other "floor" on the roof to prevent dust and keep out the cold.

  Warm wine and hot pot … … Winter fancy diet

  Data Map: People are waiting for boiling around the "Ice and Snow Hot Pot". Photo by Liu Wenhua

  In winter, the human body has a high demand for calories, so the ancients would choose to eat some warm food as much as possible. Such as ginger, mutton and dog meat.

  The ancients thought that drinking alcohol could warm the body. Bai Juyi mentioned in "a suggestion to my friend liu", "Green ant new baked wine, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove. There’s a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside?? " Scholars sit around the fire in the cold winter, make a pot of hot tea or wine, and have a drink with friends at night, which is also very comfortable.

  Hot pot is naturally a standard in winter diet. There is a saying that hot pot was called "antique soup" in ancient times, and it was named after the "splash" sound when food was put into boiling water.

  By the Song Dynasty, eating hot pot was more common. In Lin Hong’s cookbook Shan Jia Qing Gong in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was an introduction similar to eating hot pot.

  Warm hat, gloves and coat … … Tips for keeping clothes warm

  In winter clothes, modern people have cotton-padded jackets and down jackets, but the ancients were not so well treated. It is said that in winter, poor families can only sew catkins and reed flowers into clothes or quilt covers to keep out the cold. After cotton was planted and applied in a large area, the situation was better.

  In the TV series A Dream of Red Mansions, people’s costumes after the snow. Image source: 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" video screenshot

  Wealthy people with well-to-do families will choose to make coats and cloaks with animal fur, so as to keep out the wind. Hands and feet are prone to frostbite, so the ancients made various styles of gloves, some of which were short gloves with fingers exposed, and some of which could wrap all the fingers with patterns embroidered on them, which was very fashionable.

  The warm-keeping measures for the head are even more varied. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a kind of "Fanmao" that came from the western regions. It was also called "ear cap", and there were ear protectors on both sides of the hat, which hung down just to protect the ears in winter. In the Yuan Dynasty, wealthy women used a trowel to keep warm, and there were "lying rabbits" and "Zhao Jun sets", which had similar functions.

  No matter how warm the room is, people still have to go out. At that time, riding a horse or riding a carriage was a faster mode of transportation. When traveling in winter, people would wear hoods to keep out the wind and sand. It is said that Kublai Khan had many warm hats of skin and silver mouse.

  In addition, there is something called "ear warming", which is made of fox skin, a bit like earmuffs used by modern people.

  "Cold artifact"? Soup woman and hand warmer can have.

  While paying attention to keeping warm, people will also have various small objects called "cold-proof artifacts" at hand, such as "soup woman", hand stove, foot stove and so on. In addition, families with conditions use artificial charcoal for heating, and aristocratic homes pay more attention to it.

  Data Map: Dunhuang Research Institute combed and summarized the life interest of ancient people in the statues, murals and Dunhuang suicide notes in the ancient Dunhuang Grottoes, that is, decorating incense burners to add fragrance to winter. The picture shows the incense burner displayed in the silk painting "Shuiyue Guanyin Bodhisattva (partial)" unearthed in Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra Cave. Photo courtesy of Dunhuang Research Institute

  Su Shi, Zeng Zeng, gave an old man a "copper leg warmer", and wrote to tell him how to use it: fill the hot soup, plug the water inlet, wrap the cloth sheet, and sleep very warm at night. Judging from the efficacy, it is a bit like a hot water bottle today.

  If you are worried that it is not warm enough, you can consider going to the stove or smoking cage. The shapes and sizes of smoking cages vary: the big ones can reach hundreds of kilograms; Small ones can be lifted, and elegant people will carve exquisite patterns on them, which is quite artistic.

  Hand-held stoves can be called "warm babies" in ancient times, which can be carried around, and also have the elegant names of "sleeve stoves" and "holding stoves"; There is a hand stove, and naturally there is a foot stove. As the name implies, this is used to warm feet. Others use a "fuming stove" to adjust the room temperature, and put some spices in it to make the room full of incense after heating, killing two birds with one stone.

  In fact, the ancients did not have heating and various advanced measures to keep out the cold, but they combined with real life and invented many items to solve the heating problem, and many designs have been extended to the present. (End)