On-line animation short play for foreigners in China

Rule of Law Daily, Beijing, March 27-Zhang Chen, an all-media reporter of Rule of Law Daily, learned from the State Administration of Immigration today that the first season (five episodes in total) of the cartoon short play "Legal Tips" for foreigners in China was broadcast online today.

"Legal Tips" is a short cartoon drama about foreigners’ popularization of law in China, which is planned and produced by the Immigration Service Center of the State Immigration Administration. Each episode is about 5 minutes long, and there are two versions in Chinese and English. The contents are all based on real cases of foreigners’ violation of laws and regulations in China, focusing on social life fields that are prone to illegal situations such as foreigners’ stop living, accommodation registration, work and employment, using MG hand-drawn animation form and adding Chinese traditional cultural elements.

"Legal Tips" is a cartoon drama for foreigners to popularize law in China, which makes full use of the mode of "big screen+new media" and "TV+network", and will be accurately promoted to foreigners in China on national TV channels, official online media platforms such as China Law Popularization Network and new government media of immigration management institutions, so as to ensure the effect of popularizing law.

The relevant person in charge of the Immigration Service Center of the National Immigration Bureau said that the Legal Tips for foreigners in China will provide practical and effective legal guidance for foreigners in China to help them enhance their legal awareness and better integrate into China society.

EU issued regulations requiring customs to register electric vehicles imported from China, and the Ministry of Commerce responded.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference on March 14th. Some media have asked questions. Recently, the European Commission issued regulations requiring the customs to register the imports of electric vehicles from China. It is believed that the import volume increased significantly after the countervailing investigation against China last year, which will harm the EU market. What is the response of the Ministry of Commerce?

  He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that we have noticed that the EU recently issued regulations requiring the customs to register electric vehicles imported from China. China is highly concerned about this, and the industry is extremely worried about the measures that the EU may take in levied retroactively in the future.

  China’s electric vehicle export enterprises reflect that China’s export volume to the EU is in line with the changes in the consumption of electric vehicles in the EU, and there is no so-called surge in imports and damage to the EU market. The adoption of import registration measures and possible levied retroactively by the EU has increased import links, added burdens to normal trade, and is not conducive to deepening cooperation between the new energy industries of the two sides, and will also affect the interests of EU consumers.

  China has always insisted on resolving mutual concerns through dialogue and consultation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. It is hoped that the European side will prudently use trade remedy measures to create a more stable and healthy environment for the development of China-EU electric vehicle industry. China will pay close attention to the follow-up actions of the European side and firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises.

The chaos in the fitness instructor industry started: qualification training exams such as "buying food"

  Investigation motive

  With the implementation of the national fitness policy and the public’s concern about health problems, more people began to walk into gyms. Where there is demand, there is a market, and gyms around citizens’ places of residence have mushroomed everywhere. However, as the fitness market becomes more and more popular, many problems are gradually exposed, among which the professional problem of fitness instructors is the most reflected by the public. How to identify the qualification of fitness instructor? How to standardize and effectively supervise the fitness market? Around these problems, the reporter of Legal Daily conducted an investigation on the fitness market in Beijing.

  □ Legal Daily reporter Shuai Biao

  □ Legal Daily reporter Lian Yingting

  At 7 o’clock every night, the members who come to the gym crowded the small gym and sweated on all kinds of equipment, while a coach stared at the members’ movements.

  This is a chain gym located in Beijing’s North Fourth Ring Road. Jing He worked out in this gym, but after two weeks of exercise, Jing He decided not to go here again.

  Jing He, who has many years’ experience in horse racing and fitness, found the problem without practicing here for several times. "The coaches here are unprofessional." Jing He told the Legal Daily reporter bluntly, "I found that many members’ actions were wrong, but the coaches didn’t correct them, and even some coaches’ actions were wrong. It is too dangerous to exercise like this. "

  In recent years, the popularity of the fitness market has made many people smell business opportunities. Not only gyms can be seen everywhere, but also some fitness instructor training institutions have emerged. However, whether it is a gym or a coach training institution, its professionalism is worrying.

  According to the investigation by the reporter of Legal Daily, most of these coach training institutions have short training time and low gold content in their certificates. In addition, the threshold for fitness coaches is low and there is no uniform standard for qualification certificates, which leads to uneven levels of coaches in the domestic fitness industry, chaotic fitness coach qualification examinations and lack of supervision.

  Fitness instructor qualification training

  You can pass the exam by paying.

  On the morning of September 19th, the reporter of Legal Daily went to a gym in Wangjing, Beijing, which was in a relatively prosperous area and medium-sized. After entering the gym, the reporter found that the fitness equipment here is different from the traditional fitness equipment.

  Manager Wu Jiao told the reporter that this store belongs to foreign countries, which is different from the route taken by ordinary gyms in China. "All our technical systems are imported from the United States."

  The reporter saw in this gym that a whiteboard records the daily training contents and achievements of members, and the coach gives lectures to members intensively every day. This form is rare.

  As for the teaching staff, Wu Jiao told reporters that the coaches here are all certificates issued by foreign countries, and all coaches have to undergo all the training in the technical system before they can take up their posts. If you want to get this kind of primary certificate issued abroad, you only need to train for two days and then take the exam, and the rest of the time is self-study. It is more difficult to get a higher level certificate. First, you have to pass the English test, and second, the professional training exam is also real.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the qualification certificates of fitness instructors mainly include Asian Fitness Certificate, National Fitness Instructor Professional Qualification Certificate, American Fitness Certificate, CSCS Fitness Instructor Certificate and other certificates issued by domestic fitness colleges. Among them, the National Physical Fitness Association (NSCA) registered physical fitness training experts (CSCS) certification pass rate is very low.

  At present, domestic fitness instructors generally have two certificates, one is the national fitness instructor professional qualification certificate issued by the Vocational Skills Center of the State Sports General Administration, and the other is the Asian physical fitness certificate.

  An industry insider told reporters that the Asian Physical Fitness Certificate is the easiest to obtain, so most fitness instructors have this certificate. The National Fitness Coach Professional Qualification Certificate is jointly made by the State Sports Bureau and non-governmental organizations. In fact, non-governmental organizations borrow the signboard of the Sports Bureau.

  Wang Weida, who works as a fitness instructor, told the Legal Daily reporter that the national fitness instructor’s professional qualification certificate is not a hard indicator. However, in order to attract members to buy classes, many gyms will encourage coaches to do more research, making more and more coach training institutions cooperate with gyms.

  The process of this kind of textual research is to pay the training institution a fee of about 3,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan, train for about one week, and then take the exam.

  Wang Weida said: "This kind of exam is easy to pass. Even if you fail, you can make up the exam for free. Nowadays, the demand for fitness instructors is in short supply, so many training institutions can let you live for money, which is beneficial to both sides. If the training fails for half a day, the money is equal to nothing, so as long as you pay, you have to let them pass. "

  According to Bao Ke, a fitness and bodybuilding teacher in Beijing Sport University, there are not many professional coach training institutions. Many training institutions want to seize this opportunity to make a fortune, so they will train and issue certificates as soon as possible.

  "Now there are many certificates that are more interesting, such as qualification certificate and training certificate. The qualification certificate means that you passed the exam through training, and the training certificate means that you participated in the training." Burke said.

  The teaching staff is uneven

  How much is the main business of coaching?

  According to the reporter’s investigation, at present, there is no rigid requirement in the fitness industry that you must hold a certificate before you can take up your post. Therefore, some people without professional background can take up their posts after short-term training. The threshold of fitness industry is too low, which gives many non-professionals the opportunity to enter.

  Leo, a bodybuilding student, told the reporter of Legal Daily, "When we are training in the gym, we often see many unprofessional coaches instructing members to make some wrong moves, which will lead to muscle injury in the long run. The so-called coaches have never studied systematic courses at all, and even some gyms will post the qualifications in the coach’s resume on the wall in order to attract members to buy courses. There are all kinds of certificates, which are actually fictitious. "

  "In fact, many gyms lack professional coaches. I brought 48 bodybuilding graduates this year, and only 4 of them chose to work in the gym, but there are many gyms that I want this year. At present, the gym mainly depends on sales performance, not that the salary you get with good skills is relatively high. In the final analysis, it depends on how to make money for the gym, which also leads some more professional fitness instructors to choose this line. " Bao Ke said that in the gym, selling courses has become the coach’s main business. As long as the courses are sold more and can help the gym make money, nothing else is important. It turns out that every gym has a tour coach, who will guide all members for free to attract customers to buy his private lessons. Now, coaches don’t want to make a tour, but sell more private lessons, giving less and less guidance to members unless you are willing to pay a higher price for private lessons. Therefore, many gym coaches are now looking at money.

  Jing He also told reporters that once, when she was exercising, she saw the coaches in the gym receiving training. "When I listened carefully, I didn’t train professional knowledge at all, but taught them how to sell private lessons.".

  Bao Ke also mentioned that at present, there is no good evaluation mechanism for the qualifications of coaches in China, which also leads to uneven levels of fitness coaches.

  "Now the national fitness is advocated, and the fitness market is also hot, but from a practical point of view, every member can really benefit very little, and the gyms that really do this can be said to be rare." Burke said.

  Regarding the reasons for this kind of problem, Bao Ke believes that there is no special regulatory body in China, and the fitness market is basically market-oriented.

  Coach qualification standards to be unified

  Training institutions need to strengthen supervision.

  In November, 2015, the Career Development Report of Fitness Coaches in China released by the Vocational Skills Appraisal Guidance Center of the State General Administration of Sport stated that in the private education industry, 52% of the "newcomers" who have been employed for one to three years have professional background, and the remaining 48% have no professional background.

  Guo Yong, a bodybuilding coach of the national team and a lecturer in bodybuilding major at Beijing Sport University, told the Legal Daily reporter that professional background mainly refers to sports-related background, such as students from sports institutes and sports majors, not necessarily specialized in fitness.

  In addition to professional background, those who have been promoted from different channels to coaches hold different certificates. At present, there are no uniform norms and standards for the qualification of fitness instructors in China.

  "I think it is difficult for the fitness instructor qualification certificate to reach a unified standard, and it is also difficult to achieve effective supervision." Bao Ke said that the fitness instructor grade examination in the Human Resources Center of the General Administration of Sport is relatively formal. However, in order to standardize and effectively supervise, I personally think that the gym needs to cooperate first, that is, you can’t work without a qualification certificate; Secondly, improve the member identification ability; Finally, the industrial and commercial department should assess how many teachers and abilities there are in the gym, instead of having a business license and a venue to open a gym.

  Wu Jiao believes that we should start from the source, that is, the operator. Operators must attach importance to coaches first, and train coaches from all aspects, instead of letting coaches be salespeople. Now many coaches basically sell classes after going to the gym; Secondly, for coaches, we should pay more attention to the evaluation of members or the performance of teaching. If we only look at how many classes have been sold, the professionalism of the coaches themselves will not improve. In addition, there is nothing wrong with letting go of the threshold. The key is how to train these coaches after entering, which is a very key link.

  Guo Yong believes that the chaos in the fitness market is a normal phenomenon, and all industries have such a process, which gradually moves from immaturity to maturity, from non-standardization to standardization, and from professionalism to professionalism.

  "I think that the qualifications of fitness instructors in the future are diversified, and fitness instructors are a skill. It is impossible to force the qualification examination at present. Moreover, it cannot be said that the qualification certificates issued by some institutions are not good. I think the training of fitness instructors is much better than before, and there will definitely be more and more training institutions in the future. In the end, who can stay depends on the market. " Guo Yong said.

  Cartography/Gao Yue  

How to make artists fully integrate into the IP confrontation? The general director of Ace to Ace has something to say.

Video: Ace-to-Ace Edition: More laughter is waiting for you.

In recent years, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s variety matrix brand has become more and more famous, and many programs that are familiar to the audience have been launched. Among them, "Ace to Ace", which combines song and dance, competition, theater and other links, has created its own sky in the field of variety in the shed. With a large number of loyal audiences, how is each program of "Ace" planned? Is it true that so many stars are attracted by sky-high salary as said on the Internet? A few days ago, the reporter interviewed Wu Tong, the general director of the program, and he will answer the audience’s curiosity and online rumors one by one.

Why did you launch Ace to Ace?

Outdoor reality show blowout, want to differentiate

The birth of every program will have a supporting point, and the fulcrum of the birth of "Ace" is the original intention of differentiation. After the fire in Running Man, the outdoor reality show showed a blowout trend. Wu Tong revealed that it was Wang Jun, director of Zhejiang Satellite TV, who proposed the direction at that time, and wanted to make a reality show in the shed to occupy another blue ocean area of variety industry with differentiation, so after the team constantly brainstormed and scrutinized the details, there was Ace to Ace, which focused on the variety in the shed and focused on the IP concept.

Because it is a completely original program, there is no reference model. It can be said that since the birth of "Ace", every program from the first season to the second season needs great efforts and efforts. As it turns out, this variety show in the shed has indeed achieved good results with its own differentiation and has become the hottest variety show in the TV shed in China.

How does a strong guest appeal come from? Platform cohesion is the key.

Viewers who have seen Ace to Ace will be amazed at the ability of the program to invite artists. Each issue is a heavyweight ace, from Jackie Chan, Zhang Guoli, Ceng Zhiwei and other "big brothers" in the circle to Fan Bingbing, Yang Mi, TFBOY, Lu Han and other popular goddesses to "play". Why can the ace have such a strong artist appeal? For the guests who had been rumored by the Internet that "Ace" was attracted by sky-high salary, the general director Wu Tong said that it was purely a rumor. The reason why the guests of the program were willing to participate in the program was firstly because Zhejiang Satellite TV’s platform was cohesive and attractive enough to attract stars, and secondly, the artists’ docking and communication skills were really strong, which was also an advantage of the platform.

Speaking of artists, Wu Tong also mentioned two words, namely "surprise" and "moved". "Ace" programs often arrange surprise guests for the coming artists. The confidentiality of this link is well done, so the artists themselves don’t know, and it is precisely because of this that unexpected situations often appear at the recording site, which makes the "Ace" team feel surprised and moved. For example, in the ninth episode of the first season, Quiet reappeared the image of "Da Yuer" in the classic TV series "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", and the director group specially invited Ma Jintao to play the leading actor "Dourgen" to give Quiet a surprise. Unexpectedly, Quiet was moved to tears when he saw Ma Jintao. This scene also moved the program group. In the seventh program of the second season, when Kimi suddenly appeared on the scene, not only the audience applauded and screamed for the reunited ipartment crew, but also Michael Chen, Loura and Sean immediately got high. The friends who rarely met together recalled the past on the stage, and the details were particularly touching. Similar surprises are staged in almost every issue. It can be said that surprises are mutual. The program group has prepared surprises for artists, and artists are constantly giving new surprises to the program group.

Enter the blueberry video to watch the latest full video of Ace to Ace > >

What kind of team is behind the show?

Most of the members are post-90s, and they are thoughtful for every detail.

Behind any excellent program, there are a group of hard-working people, and "Ace to Ace" is no exception. This program is basically from the planning, artist communication and details execution. They are big enough to know all kinds of hot events and new ways of playing, but they are still not careless in implementing the details. Every detail is carefully thought out and compared again and again before making a decision. Wu Tong, for example, said that in the case of the ninth program of the second season just aired, Athena Chu played the role of "Zi Xia Fairy" again after 22 years. In order to better reproduce the classic role, the costume program group just thought back and forth for a long time and prepared three sets of costumes with different stage effects, except for the transparency of 30% and 60%, and the materials of the clothes are also different, and the details are so accurate, just to bring the best programs to everyone.

Because "Ace to Ace" involves many links, the program group has a lot of preparation work to do, and it takes a lot of energy just to wear clothes and props. Wu Tong admits that the entire choreographer group sleeps less than 3 hours a day, and during the day, they do execution, such as communicating with artists and trying out costume props. They don’t start planning or summarizing until 12 o’clock in the evening, and call it a day. The hard work of the program team also shows that it is not easy to make a good program.

Wu Tong also said that compared with the first season, the second season showed more feelings, hoping to really leave something for the audience after the show. When it comes to the future, Wu Tong feels that if the audience likes it, they are willing to keep doing it, but they will not solidify their thinking, and they have been trying to bring more newer and more meaningful things to the audience.


Talk about innovation, talk about industry, and talk about the head of AI BAT appearing at the Zhibo Fair.

  On August 26th, the second China International Intelligent Industry Expo officially kicked off in Chongqing, and the mountain city once again set off a wave of intelligence. With the theme of "Empowering the economy and adding color to life", this year’s Zhibo Fair invited Nobel Prize winners, Turing Prize winners, leaders of the world’s top 500 companies and leading enterprises in the global big data intelligent industry to attend.

  Following the gathering of the last Zhibo Fair, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and Li Yanhong, three Internet technology industry tycoons, will once again join hands to attend the fair, and put forward their views and imagination on the intelligent industry around the topics of "enterprise innovation", "industrial competition" and "artificial intelligence" at this year’s Zhibo Fair.

  The speeches of the three heads are full of personality. Ma Yun, who pays attention to sustainability, attaches great importance to the cultivation of the development source of innovative technology. In his speech, he proposed that "technology is developed, not regulated"; Ma Huateng, who is leading Tencent’s transformation, continues to speak for the industrial Internet, trying to attract more partners to make new "fist products" together; Li yanhong, a technical background, values AI landing, and his core views revolve around practicality and independent intellectual property rights.

  Jack Ma

  In the future, human beings will live by data.

  Ma Yun is one of the three entrepreneurs who has invested the most in education. In sharing, his views also revolve around the universal and sustainable development of people, cities and even technology, which is consistent with the concept of teaching without distinction and learning with each other in educational thought.

  Ma Yun’s speech started with social progress. He compared the difference between Chongqing and Silicon Valley, and thought that holding the Zhibo Fair in the southwest of China represented social progress. Regarding how the society will progress and how the city will develop in the future, Ma Yun borrowed from the residents in Guizhou mountainous areas to become a data annotator through data annotation training, creating a large number of employment cases, and proposed that in the future, human beings will live by data and find a place to communicate with data.

  In the current digital age, technology is playing a more beneficial and convenient positive role in regional development and personal growth. Ma Yun said that what leads the future is the wisdom of human beings behind intelligence, and suggested that "in the era of wisdom, technology and equipment should be spent on human progress and human feelings".

  Talking about macro-innovation, Ma Yun suggested that China has the opportunity to become a country on the Internet, but in comparison, there are not many enterprises like BAT, but fewer, and China should develop dozens of such enterprises. "We should not be afraid that innovative enterprises will become giants, but should worry that giants will not innovate."

  Ma Yun believes that the next 30 years will be an era of intelligence, and the modern service industry will become the dominant employment, the essence of which is the development of finance. Ma Yun talked about the three relationships of "intelligence+":in the era of intelligence, intelligent policies are needed, and all intelligent businesses must bear corresponding responsibilities. No one can be big without taking responsibility. He expects big enterprises and big innovations to contribute to solving social problems and future problems.

  Pony Ma

  Industrial competition has entered the era of "doubles"

  After a major organizational restructuring, Tencent has focused its business on developing the industrial Internet for a year. Ma Huateng’s speech at the Zhibo Fair mainly focused on the industrial structure, and the call for "doubles" released the signal that Tencent wanted to form an alliance with friends.

  Ma Huateng said that the main field of industrial competition is gradually changing from "singles" PK to "doubles" competition. The competition of physical industries is no longer a solo struggle, and various physical industries are combining with the information industry to form new partners to participate in the competition.

  Recently, Tencent has "rooted in the consumer Internet and embraced the industrial Internet", hoping to become an assistant for digital transformation and upgrading in all walks of life. Taking automobiles as an example, Ma Huateng mentioned that the automobile industry is facing a great change that has never happened in a century. The application of 5G technology, the landing of artificial intelligence, the replacement of new energy, and the governance of smart cities are promoting cross-border cooperation, especially the integration and innovation of information industry and automobile industry, and building a new car networking ecosystem.

  Ma Huateng believes that in the past few decades, the rapid development of China’s economy and industry mainly benefited from the extension expansion. In the next few decades, China must exert its innovation potential to achieve high-quality development. Therefore, today’s China industry needs more fighting spirit. "In the face of economic transformation and industrial upgrading, we need to constantly stimulate the innovation potential and create more fist products."

  Li yanhong

  Artificial intelligence can no longer "show off skills"

  The in-depth layout of artificial intelligence has always been the core strength of Baidu. "Artificial intelligence no longer pays attention to coolness, but pays attention to solid promotion and implementation." At the Zhibo Fair, Li Yanhong shared three suggestions on promoting and landing artificial intelligence based on the observation of the application and development of artificial intelligence technology.

  First, we should pay attention to safety and efficiency. Li Yanhong pointed out that from the perspective of safety and cost, the low-speed L4 in the driverless field will be realized before the high-speed L3. The reason why Baidu slowed down the speed is to ensure safety.

  Second, I hope to speed up the construction of infrastructure. Li Yanhong, who once worked on Wall Street, has a personal experience of Sino-US competition in science, technology and commerce. Focusing on the different development directions in the field of autonomous driving, he pointed out that China and the United States actually have considerable competition. The United States places more emphasis on bicycle intelligence, while China has advantages in infrastructure, and can add many devices on the roadside to improve safety and efficiency.

  The third is to make full use of open source and open platform. Li Yanhong said that China’s open source platform started relatively late, but it played a vital role in the development of artificial intelligence. He believes that the industry should fully realize that open source does not mean that everything is free, but self-controllable, and many open source things still need to be in the hands of others. (Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalist Frida Meng Ouyang Hongyu Cui Jiang)

Samsung Galaxy S24 Series: Redefining Mobile Search with Instant Search

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World Book Day | Let the book in your hand light up the light in your heart.

  Busy city life

  Starting from the morning rush hour.

  Ended in the last bus at night.

  On the hurried commute.

  a book

  Start a spiritual journey beyond time and space

  A reader

  Quietly depict the most beautiful scenery in the noisy city.

  Even if people are crowded, there is also a spiritual corner.

  When the world is too fast, books slow the heart down.

  The book in your hand will light up the light in your heart


  The reader on the subway

  The first episode set out

  [Introduction: "The Scholar on the Subway" is a series of online micro-documentaries jointly created by Xinhuanet and Zhongban Group Digital Media Co., Ltd., which records the people who study on the subway by oral record, observes the life and mental state of ordinary people in the city through the subway, which is closely related to people, advocates reading for all and explores the possibility of building a public spiritual space in the city. 】

  April 23 rd

  World Book Day

  Pay attention to reading

  May you become the most important person in the city.

  A beautiful reading landscape


  Build a spiritual corner for yourself in a crowded crowd

  Dictation | Zhu Liwei

   In February 2018, I met a young man reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance on the subway. My strong curiosity and professional relationship prompted me to ask him if the book was good or not, but in the end I only dared to take pictures of him reading with my mobile phone.

   This photo inadvertently opened a photo exhibition of my circle of friends. I called it "the reader on the subway". Out of my love for books and concern for reading, I recorded about hundreds of subway readers in more than a year.

   Gradually, I met more and more interesting reading stories, such as the mother who buried herself in the teenage version of 100,000 Why, the girl who always sat in the same place to study, the uncle who always read the same book, and the young man who always took Mazar to the car to study … … This flowing reading landscape became colorful in my eyes, and I inadvertently became a reading observer on the subway, imagining the people behind me and their lives through books.

   The books that were taken to the subway were far beyond my imagination. This long list of subway books made me realize that I might actually be in an invisible underground library.

   I posted the reading moments recorded in my notes on the Internet, and the response was unexpected. Some netizens said that this "gentle photo album" made him "warm in heart", while others said that such a "spiritual corner" actually made him "somehow, tears filled his eyes", and many people set out, opened their books and wrote down their thoughts and feelings.

   A netizen left me a message: If your goal is to read all the famous books, it is better to start your reading on the subway from now on.

   I think reading is never too late to start. Everyone has a seed buried in his heart. It needs to find the temperature for germination.

   In the limited space of the subway car, during a journey of several tens of minutes, the book links the reality and a better life, the once-only life and the infinite parallel universe, and the spiritual exchange between ordinary people and writers. Studying on the subway is a spiritual corner they built for themselves in the crowded crowd.

   The city is so big and in a hurry, start another spiritual journey with a book, and expect you to become a "scholar on the subway"!

   (Zhu Liwei: Publishing practitioner, loves reading, pays attention to reading and is willing to share. Since February, 2018, she began to photograph the readers on the Beijing subway, and published the reader’s photo album and "subway book list" on the Internet, which aroused enthusiastic attention and discussion among netizens.

   Producer: Xiao Yang Sun Jing

   Editor: Zhai Zihe and Zhang Qingshui

   Planning: Wang Zhiyan, Liu Jiajia

   Producer: An Junyang

   Director: Wei Xiaotong

   Filmed by Wei Xiaotong and Zhu Liwei

   Copywriter: Zhu Liwei and Wang Zhiyan

   Post-production: Wei Xiaotong Wang Zhi Zhang Youming

   Publicity Coordinator: Liu Jiajia Zhao Zixuan and Li Aili Dai Jiayun.

   Art Design: Cheng Yuanyuan

   Voice: Lu Junwen

Guiding opinions of the Ministry of Education on actively promoting English courses in primary schools

Education departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (Education Committees) and Education Committees of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

  In order to carry out the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the Third National Conference on Education, and further implement the strategic guiding ideology of "education should face modernization, the world and the future", the Ministry of Education decided to set up English courses in primary schools as an important part of the curriculum reform of basic education in the early 21st century. The following opinions are put forward on offering English courses in primary schools.

  First, actively promote the establishment of English courses in primary schools

  The basic goals of promoting English courses in primary schools are: starting from the autumn of 2001, English courses will be gradually offered in primary schools in cities and counties all over the country; In the autumn of 2002, English courses were gradually offered in primary schools where towns and villages were located. The starting grade of English courses in primary schools is generally grade three. The education administrative departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of the actual situation, determine the working objectives and steps of offering English courses in primary schools in their respective regions.

  In actively promoting the work of offering English courses in primary schools, we should protect and support foreign language teaching in other languages such as Japanese and Russian. Encourage schools that use other languages as their main foreign language courses to run their own characteristics. Actively support "double foreign languages" and other teaching experiments.

  Second, the basic requirements for offering English courses in primary schools

  English teaching in primary schools should be based on the Basic Requirements for English Curriculum Teaching in Primary Schools (Trial), pay attention to stimulating and cultivating students’ interest in learning English, cultivate a certain sense of language and a good foundation of pronunciation and intonation, and guide students to be willing to communicate in English simply. Prevent and correct the practice of teaching language knowledge such as pronunciation and grammar, and focus on cultivating students’ ability and interest in communicating in English. The evaluation of primary school English should be based on formative evaluation according to the requirements of curriculum objectives. It is not allowed to queue up students’ test scores as the basis for various evaluations and selections.

  English courses in primary schools should follow the principle of short class hours and high frequency, and schools can carry out colorful English teaching activities through the combination of long and short classes and cooperation inside and outside classes. To ensure teaching activities at least four times a week, the school can arrange flexibly according to specific conditions. In primary schools offering English courses, from the third grade, the Chinese class will be reduced by one class hour, and the rest of the English teaching activities will be solved by local class hours.

  All localities can determine the teaching methods of English in primary schools according to the actual situation. Change the traditional concept of classroom teaching, make full use of distance teaching methods and English teaching audio-visual resources, and create a good language learning environment for students. Cities or regions with better teacher conditions should actively use English audio-visual media in classroom teaching. In areas where English teachers are not qualified for the time being, English TV programs, videotapes, CDs and tapes should be actively used to carry out teaching activities under the guidance and organization of teachers.

  From the first half of 2001, China Education Television will broadcast a series of training programs for English teachers in primary schools to improve their English teaching ability, and make some TV teaching programs for English in primary schools, which will be broadcast regularly and rolling from the fall of 2001, and at the same time provide corresponding audio-visual media for primary schools to organize English teaching.

  Third, strengthen the management of primary school English textbooks

  In view of the fact that there are a considerable number of primary school English textbooks in China, at present, the main way to solve the demand for primary school English textbooks is to organize the review of existing textbooks and standardize management in accordance with the Basic Requirements for Primary School English Curriculum Teaching (Trial). The textbooks approved by the examination will be included in the catalogue of teaching books for primary and secondary schools. Beginning in the autumn of 2002, English textbooks for primary schools that are not listed in the catalogue of teaching books for primary and secondary schools will cease to be used. New primary school English textbooks must be submitted to our department for approval. Encourage the development of high-quality English teaching software.

  Fourth, strengthen the construction of English teachers in primary schools

  Strengthening the construction of English teachers in primary schools is the basic condition to improve the quality of English teaching in primary schools. At present, we should focus on the training of primary school English backbone teachers and tutors to solve the urgent need of offering English courses in primary schools. Can carry out job-transfer training, for in-service primary school teachers with a certain English foundation, after passing the training, they can be transferred to engage in English teaching or take part-time English teaching counseling. Teachers’ colleges at all levels, teachers’ training colleges, and teaching and research offices in primary and secondary schools should train in-service primary school teachers under the planning and guidance of local education administrative departments. Strengthen the construction of English education majors in normal universities at all levels and types, and strive to expand and improve the scale and ability of training primary school teachers in normal universities. We should continue to run secondary foreign language normal schools well. Encourage and support qualified secondary normal schools to hold English professional classes. Secondary normal schools should offer compulsory English courses. Conditional secondary normal schools can be transformed into secondary foreign language normal schools.

  According to the local reality, make reasonable provisions on the standard of primary school English teachers’ equipment, teaching workload, job appointment and salary. In order to attract excellent primary school English teachers, all localities can adopt appropriate encouragement policies according to the actual situation. Encourage non-normal college English majors to teach in primary schools.

  Five, strengthen the leadership of English courses in primary schools.

  Education administrative departments at all levels should fully understand the importance of promoting English courses in primary schools, strengthen leadership, formulate operational implementation plans, stress practical results and make steady progress. Conditional areas should provide necessary conditions for primary schools to receive English course programs. In particular, to solve the problem of cable TV reception, it is equipped with necessary equipment such as TV sets, video recorders and tape recorders. Other areas should make full use of the "radio and television project for every village" and the "school-to-school project".

  Strengthen the scientific research on English curriculum and teaching in primary schools. I will set up a national primary school English teaching steering committee to guide the national primary school English teaching and scientific research. Teaching and research departments at all levels should be equipped with full-time primary school English teaching and research staff, and actively organize primary school English teachers to carry out teaching and research work.

  All localities should set up a number of "demonstration classes", "demonstration schools" and "demonstration areas" in a planned way, carry out teaching reform experiments, sum up and popularize advanced experience, and play an exemplary role in promoting English courses in primary schools locally.

  Attachment:Basic requirements for English teaching in primary schools (for Trial Implementation). docx

the General Office of the Ministry of Education

January 20, 2001

chinese volleyball association

List of members of the Sixth Committee of China Paixie Association and personnel of leading bodies.

Honorary Chairman Song Renqiong

Chair Yuan Weimin

vice president
He Huixian (female) Wei Jizhong Xu Li Zhang Rongfang (female) Gao Shenyang
Mou Dawei Xie Delong Sun Yongyan wishes Jiaming Yin Baolin.
Li Yunlin Xu Zhengguo Li Chunlan Wang Wei Zhu Ling (female)
Chen Zhaodi (female)

Invited vice chairman
Ma Guoli, Chen Yihong and Duan Yongping
Secretary-General Xu Li
Treasurer Zhang Rongfang

Executive Committee (in alphabetical order)
Ma Guoli Wang Wei Sun Yongyan Zhu Ling (female) Mou Dawei
He Huixian (female) Zhang Rongfang (female) Li Yunlin Li Chunlan (female) Chen Yihong
Chen Zhaodi (female) Duan Yongping Zhu Jiaming Xu Li Xu Zhengguo
Yuan Weimin Yin Baolin Gao Shenyang Xie Delong Wei Jizhong

Commissioners (arranged by strokes of surname)
Ma Guoli Wang Wei Wang Zexiang Wang Jianping Wang Xiaoyi
Wang Shuying (female) Wang Yuyan (female) Le Rongrong Lu Weizhong Ye Xiaotian
Zuo Zhiyong Liu Zheng Liu Wenbin Sun Tong Sun Jie
Sun Bo, Sun Yongyan and Sun Jianhui are in the middle of Zhu Yuan’s song.
Zhu Ling (female) Mou Lin (female) Mou Dawei Xing Fengru He Yang
He Ribin He Huixian (female) Wu Yongmei (female) Zhang Renjiang Zhang Liqun
Zhang Chenghui Zhang Zhijie Zhang Zhenxi Zhang Rongfang (female) Li Hua
Li Yunlin Li Zonghao Li Changtie Li Chunlan (female) Li Xueliang
Yang Liguo Yang Xianghong (female) Yang Mazhen (female) Shen Sanying (female) Di Anhe
Chen Yihong Chen Zhengxiang Chen Yuxin Chen Zhonghe Chen Zhaodi (female)
Chen Xiaowei Zhou Xiaojing Ji Keyi Zhou Haitao Duan Yongping
Zhu Jiaming Hu Jin Zhong Bingshu Ni Jinghua Tang Ling
Xu Li Xu Zhengguo Yin Baolin Yuan Weimin Gao Shenyang
Huang Feng Cheng Li (female) Dong Tianshu (female) Xie Delong Chu Guangcun
Xue Yongye Dai Tingbin Wei Jizhong

Honorary member
Ma Qiwei Que Yongwu (female) Deng Ruoceng Chen Yaqiong (female) Zhang Ran
Wang Zhiqiang Wang Zuhong Sun Zhian

Articles of Association of China Volleyball Association

(Adopted at the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Congress of China Volleyball Association on July 30th, 2001)

Chapter I General Principles
Article 1 China Volleyball Association is referred to as "China Volleyball Association", which is translated into English as "CHINESE VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION" and abbreviated as "CVA".
Article 2 The China Volleyball Association is a national, voluntary and non-profit professional mass sports organization that manages volleyball in People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Article 3 The purpose of China Volleyball Association is to unite national volleyball workers, athletes and volleyball fans, as well as people at home and abroad who care about and support China’s volleyball cause, implement the national fitness plan and the Olympic glory plan, promote the popularization of volleyball and improve the technical level, and serve to strengthen people’s physique, enrich the amateur cultural life of the masses and promote the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization; Actively participate in the activities of the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation, enhance friendship with volleyball associations, volleyball clubs and athletes from various countries and regions, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation.
China Volleyball Association abides by national laws and relevant policies, and abides by social ethics.
Article 4 The China Volleyball Association is the only legal organization that represents China in international and Asian volleyball federations. The Association recognizes and abides by the statutes and relevant regulations of international and Asian volleyball federations.
Article 5 The China Volleyball Association is a group member of the All-China Sports Federation and a national special sports association recognized by the Chinese Olympic Committee.
Article 6 The China Volleyball Association accepts the professional guidance, supervision and management of the State Sports General Administration and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 7 The headquarters of China Volleyball Association is located in Beijing.

Chapter II Scope of Business
Article 8 The business scope of China Volleyball Association is to organize and guide the development of national volleyball in a unified way, promote the popularization and improvement of events, and promote the development of volleyball in Asia and the world according to the national sports laws and regulations, relevant principles and policies, and relevant provisions of international sports organizations. At the same time, actively carry out business activities related to volleyball according to national policies, raise and accumulate funds for the development of this project, and promote the industrialization of volleyball.
Responsibilities of China Volleyball Association:
(a) to be fully responsible for the management of this sport, to study and formulate project development plans, plans, principles and policies, and to guide the work of member associations;
(2) To study, formulate and organize the implementation of the national competition system, competition plan, competition rules and adjudication law of this project, and be responsible for the management of various national competitions of this project;
(three) to guide the construction of the club of this project and the training of reserve talents, and to manage the national teams at all levels of this project;
(four) to guide the construction of athletes, coaches and referees in this project, formulate and organize the implementation of the corresponding grade management system, and organize the training and training of athletes, coaches, referees and related management personnel;
(5) Organizing scientific and technological research and tackling key problems of this project, and improving the level of scientific training and management;
(6) Put forward the international activity plan of this project, organize and implement it concretely, and be responsible for the selection of coaches going abroad to teach, the training and competition of individual athletes abroad, and the centralized management of overseas coaches and athletes entering the country to engage in coaching and competition;
(seven) to organize and coordinate volleyball publicity, press and publication, production and distribution of film and television products, as well as TV broadcast and information release of volleyball competitions and related activities;
(eight) to formulate the standards of the site and equipment of this project, and to guide the construction of the site and training base and the production of equipment;
(9) Actively carry out market development activities and consulting services related to this project, broaden sources of funds, and enhance self-development ability and stamina;
(ten) do a good job in the organization and construction of the association itself, widely contact and unite people from all walks of life, and give full play to the role of the association as a bridge and link.

Chapter III Membership
Article 9 The China Volleyball Association implements the membership system. Members of China Volleyball Association are divided into member associations, member clubs and individual members.
Article 10 Member associations
(1) Volleyball associations of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, volleyball associations of all national industries and systems and volleyball organizations of the China People’s Liberation Army who recognize and abide by the articles of association of the Association may voluntarily apply to join the Association and become members of the Association upon approval; China Volleyball Association only recognizes that there is a volleyball association in the above-mentioned regions or industries and systems, and the association must be recognized by the corresponding sports administrative department;
(2) The member associations of China Volleyball Association have the authority to organize, coordinate and manage the volleyball activities held within their jurisdiction under the guidance of their sports authorities;
(3) Members’ associations may recruit volleyball associations and volleyball clubs from the prefectures, cities, districts, counties, industries and systems within their respective administrative divisions as their group members;
Article 11 member clubs
A club with a professional volleyball team established in accordance with the Interim Provisions of China Volleyball Association on the Management of Volleyball Clubs will become a member club of China Volleyball Association after being approved and registered by China Volleyball Association. Mass volleyball clubs registered by member associations and their subordinate organizations in accordance with the regulations will naturally become the grassroots member clubs of China Volleyball Association after they formally go through the filing procedures with the Association.
Article 12 Individual members
All kinds of volleyball clubs can attract individual members according to their articles of association. Individual members absorbed by the club will naturally become individual members of China Volleyball Association after the corresponding volleyball association has formally fulfilled the filing procedures.
Article 13 Rights of Members
(a) the right to vote and to be elected;
(two) suggestions, criticisms and supervision of the work of this association;
(three) to participate in the relevant competitions and activities organized by the association in accordance with the regulations;
(4) Freedom to apply for withdrawal.
Article 14 Obligations of Members
(1) Abide by the articles of association of this Association and implement the resolutions of this Association;
(two) actively participate in the activities of this association, and seriously undertake the tasks entrusted by this association;
(3) Consciously safeguard the reputation and rights and interests of this Association;
(4) Pay the membership dues on time.
Article 15 Membership
An application for membership in this Association must be made in writing with the following materials:
(a) the articles of association of the organization;
(two) a copy of the organization’s approval documents in the local sports administrative department and the registration certificate of the civil affairs department;
(three) the organization status and the list of responsible persons of the organization;
(4) Other materials that should be attached.
Article 16 Withdrawal from the meeting
(1) A member’s withdrawal must be formally notified to the Association in written form, and the withdrawal can only be established after the creditor’s rights and debts with China Volleyball Association, its member associations and member clubs have been cleared up and approved by China Volleyball Association. Prior to this, the member association and the member club were still regarded as members of the China Volleyball Association.
(2) The withdrawal of a member association or a member club will stop participating in all activities of the association after approval.
Article 17 Loss of membership
Any member association or member club will terminate and cancel its membership of China Volleyball Association under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Failing to pay membership dues and other payable funds on time;
(2) Seriously violating the articles of association and relevant regulations of China Volleyball Association, and causing great reputation or economic losses to China Volleyball Association or its member associations and clubs;
(three) the member club is not registered on time or the club itself is disintegrated, bankrupt and banned by the government community management department.

Chapter IV Creation and Dismissal of Organizational Structure and Person in Charge
Eighteenth China Volleyball Association member congress is the highest authority of the association.
Article 19 The National Committee of China Volleyball Association is the executive body of the member congress and leads the work of the association when the member congress is not in session.
Article 20 The Executive Committee of China Volleyball Association is responsible for exercising part of the functions and powers of the National Committee when the National Committee is not in session;
Article 21 The Standing Committee of the Executive Committee of China Volleyball Association manages the permanent office of the Association and handles the daily affairs of the Association.
Section 1 Members’ Congress
Twenty-second members’ congress is held every four years, and it can be held in advance or postponed according to the needs of the work.
Twenty-third members’ congress implements the representative system of member associations, units, departments and relevant parties, and its representatives are elected by the following parties:
(1) Representatives of member associations;
(two) representatives of key industry sports associations;
(three) representatives of the sports authorities and the permanent institutions of the China Volleyball Association;
(4) Representatives of relevant units;
(five) representatives of experts and scholars, athletes, coaches, referees and amateur trainers in the national volleyball field.
Twenty-fourth members’ congress shall be presided over by the presidium of the congress. The presidium of the congress is produced through consultation at the preparatory meeting of the congress.
Twenty-fifth members of the Congress functions and powers:
(a) to formulate or amend the articles of association;
(two) to consider the work report and financial report of the National Committee;
(3) Deliberating and adopting the personnel composition plan of the National Committee and its leading bodies;
(4) Deciding on the termination;
(5) Deciding on other major matters.
Twenty-sixth members’ congress can only be held when more than two-thirds of the delegates are present, and its resolution can only take effect when more than half of the delegates present vote.
Section 2 National Committee
Article 27 The term of office of the National Committee is four years, and the meeting of the National Committee is held once a year. A special meeting of the National Committee may be held with the consent of the Executive Committee of this Association or at the written request of more than two thirds of the members of the National Committee.
Article 28 The meeting of the National Committee shall be convened by the Executive Committee.
Article 29 The National Committee deliberates on the principle of democratic centralism, and its functions and powers are:
(a) to implement the resolutions of the members’ congress;
(two) to elect and recall the leaders of the executive committee of the association;
(three) to report the work and financial situation to the members’ congress;
(four) to listen to the work report of the Executive Committee;
(5) To decide on the tasks and policies of this Association;
(six) to decide on other major issues.
Article 30 The National Committee shall be convened only when more than 2/3 members are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only when more than 2/3 members present vote.
Section III Executive Committee
Article 31 The Executive Committee consists of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. The meeting of the Executive Committee is held once or twice a year, and the meeting is presided over by the chairman or the vice-chairman entrusted by the chairman to preside over the daily work of the association.
The functions and powers of the Executive Committee are:
(a) to consider the work reports submitted to the National Committee and the member congresses;
(two) to consider the motion submitted to the National Committee for discussion;
(three) to examine and approve the important internal management system of the Association;
(four) to prepare for the convening of the members’ congress;
(five) to listen to the work report and financial report of the permanent establishment;
(six) to decide on the annual work plan.
Article 32 The Executive Committee shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the Executive Committee members are present, and its resolution shall take effect only when more than 2/3 of the Executive Committee members present vote.
Section 4 Standing Committees and Permanent Offices
Article 33 The Standing Committee of the Executive Committee is composed of the chairman, the vice-chairman who presides over the daily work of the Association, the secretary-general and the treasurer. The meeting of the Standing Committee is generally held once every quarter, and the meeting of the Standing Committee is presided over by the chairman or the vice-chairman who presides over the daily work of the Association.
Article 34 The China Volleyball Association shall set up permanent offices and business entities according to the needs of the work, and the permanent offices shall carry out their work under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Executive Committee.
Article 35 On the recommendation of the Secretary-General, the Chairman shall appoint a number of deputy secretaries-general to assist the Standing Committee in handling the daily affairs of the Association.
Article 36 The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general and treasurer of China Volleyball Association must meet the following conditions:
(a) adhere to the party’s line, principles and policies, good political quality;
(2) It has great influence in the business field of this Association;
(3) The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general and treasurer shall have a maximum age of 70;
(4) Being in good health and able to stick to normal work;
(5) Having not been subjected to criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;
(6) Having full capacity for civil conduct.
(7) Leaders of enterprises, institutions and public figures who have cooperated with the Association for a long time and made outstanding contributions to the development of volleyball can be invited to take the leadership positions of the Association.
Article 37 The Secretary General of China Volleyball Association shall be the legal representative of the Association.
Section 5 Special Committees
Article 38 The special committee is the professional working body of China Volleyball Association, which carries out its work under the organization and guidance of the Standing Committee of the Executive Committee.
Article 39 The Association shall set up the following eight special committees:
(1) Competition Committee
(2) Training and Scientific Research Committee
(3) The referee committee
(4) Publicity Committee
(5) Club Committee
(6) Youth Committee
(7) Beach Volleyball Committee
(8) Market Development and Promotion Committee
Fortieth the functions of the special committees:
(1) Competition Committee
1, drafting and revising the national volleyball competition laws and regulations;
2. To study and formulate the national volleyball competition system and formulate the reform plan of the competition system;
3. Draw up plans for national and domestic international volleyball competitions, and organize and implement the competitions jointly with relevant departments;
4, to guide the volleyball competition in various regions.
(2) Training and Scientific Research Committee
1. Organize coaches and researchers to carry out theoretical research and business exchanges on volleyball, and provide suggestions and guidance for improving volleyball training, competition and teaching;
2. Organize scientific and technological research on volleyball;
3. Organize coaches to train, observe and learn, and compile coaches’ teaching materials;
4. Recommend coaches of national teams at all levels;
5. Put forward suggestions on the formation, training, competition and management of national volleyball teams at all levels.
(3) The referee committee
1. Compile and publish the Chinese translation of Volleyball Competition Rules;
2. Draw up the management regulations for referees;
3. Organize and manage volleyball referees;
4. Organize referee training and compile referee teaching materials;
5. Guide and supervise the selection of referees;
6, comprehensive declaration of national and international referees.
(4) Publicity Committee
1. Study the situation of volleyball news propaganda, and formulate medium-and long-term propaganda guidelines and phased propaganda plans;
2. Drafting and revising the rules and regulations on volleyball news propaganda;
3. Organize, guide and supervise the news reporting of volleyball matches on TV, radio and newspapers;
4. Guide and supervise the publication of volleyball professional books and periodicals.
(5) Club Committee
1. To study the development of professional volleyball clubs and put forward suggestions on strengthening club construction;
2. Organize the exchange of experience between clubs;
3. Coordinate the interests between clubs.
(6) Youth Committee
1, guide and coordinate the development of national youth and mass volleyball;
2, to investigate and study the youth and school volleyball, in conjunction with the education authorities to formulate relevant management regulations;
3. Assist the education department to carry out volleyball education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and organize various national youth volleyball competitions;
4. Put forward suggestions on the formation of national youth and juvenile volleyball teams.
(7) Beach Volleyball Committee
1. Guide and coordinate the popularization and improvement of beach volleyball in China;
2, in conjunction with the relevant departments to organize or guide social organizations to undertake national beach volleyball competitions and international beach volleyball competitions held in China;
3. Organize and coordinate the professional training of beach volleyball players, coaches and referees;
4. Put forward suggestions on the formation of national beach volleyball team.
(8) Market Development and Promotion Committee
1. Study the development and changes of volleyball market, and draw up the guiding ideology and development strategy of management and development;
2. Study the measures and methods to improve volleyball image packaging;
3. Guide the market development of local volleyball organizations and organize the exchange of experience;
4. Provide information and services for domestic volleyball equipment manufacturers.
Article 41 Each special committee consists of a chairman, one to three vice-chairmen and several members, with the chairman responsible for the work of the committee.
Forty-second members of the special committees and the candidates for the vice-chairmen shall be nominated by the Secretary-General and determined by the Executive Committee.
Article 43 The chairman of each special committee and the vice-chairman of the club committee shall be ex officio members of the National Committee.
Forty-fourth special committees shall, according to their functions, formulate detailed rules for work, which shall be implemented after being approved by the Standing Committee.

Chapter V Local Authorities, Industries, Systems and Grassroots Organizations
Forty-fifth local volleyball associations can be established at or above the county level according to administrative divisions; Sports associations of various industries and systems can set up corresponding volleyball organizations according to their own conditions.
Forty-sixth organs, institutions, enterprises, schools, rural towns, urban streets and other grass-roots units, under the guidance of local volleyball associations or industries, systematic volleyball organizations to establish volleyball clubs.

Chapter VI Principles of Asset Management and Use
Forty-seventh China Volleyball Association funding sources:
(1) Appropriation from the state sports administrative department;
(2) Donations from social groups and individuals at home and abroad;
(3) membership fees;
(4) Agreement and advertising revenue;
(five) paid services and other legitimate income.
Article 48 The funds of this Association shall be used for the business scope and career development as stipulated in the Articles of Association.
Article 49 The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure the legality, truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of accounting information.
Article 50 This Association shall be staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. When an accountant transfers his job or leaves his post, he must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.
Article 51 The asset management of this Association must implement the financial management system stipulated by the state and accept the supervision of the members’ congress and the financial department at a higher level. If the source of assets belongs to state appropriations or social donations or subsidies, it must accept the supervision of audit institutions.
Article 52 The Association must accept the financial audit organized by the association registration authority and the competent business unit before changing its legal representative.
Article 53 No unit or individual may occupy, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of this Association.
Article 54 The wages, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of this Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the state on public institutions.

Chapter VII Organization and Management of Tournament
Article 55 Competition management
(a) the China Volleyball Association implements hierarchical management of volleyball matches within its jurisdiction;
(2) The official competitions at all levels in the country, the international invitational tournament organized by China Volleyball Association and the bilateral exchange visits, and the competitions entrusted by FIVB and AFC to China Volleyball Association are directly managed by China Volleyball Association;
(3) The matches between clubs of the same member association of China Volleyball Association, between clubs of different member associations, and between clubs of member associations and clubs of other countries and regions shall be managed by the member associations, and the competitions shall go through the necessary reporting procedures in accordance with relevant regulations;
(4) The competitions between the member clubs of China Volleyball Association and the bilateral competitions between the member clubs and the volleyball clubs of other countries and regions shall be managed by the member associations and member clubs, and the competitions shall go through the necessary reporting procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 56 Competition qualification
(1) A club that is not registered with the China Volleyball Association, a club whose membership has been suspended, and an athlete who is not registered and has obtained a competition license are not allowed to participate in the official competitions organized by the China Volleyball Association or member associations or member clubs;
(2) Without the permission of FIVB, all clubs are not allowed to compete with clubs of non-FIVB member associations or clubs of member associations whose membership has been suspended by FIVB.

Chapter VIII Broadcasting of Games and Performances
Article 57 The China Volleyball Association, its member associations and member clubs have the right to broadcast the volleyball matches, performances and other activities hosted by them live or recorded through television or radio. The right to broadcast the matches and performances of the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation by the China Volleyball Association belongs to the International Volleyball Federation, the Asian Volleyball Federation or their authorized institutions.
Article 58 When domestic TV stations, radio stations or other institutions require live broadcast or recording of volleyball matches and performances sponsored by China Volleyball Association and its member associations and member clubs, they must apply for broadcasting to the organizers in advance and sign an agreement on the transfer of broadcasting rights with the organizers. Without the permission of the organizer, the organization that has obtained the transfer of broadcasting rights shall not transfer the broadcasting rights it has obtained to any third party. The organizer has the right to refuse TV and broadcasting organizations that have not signed an agreement on the transfer of broadcasting rights to enter or approach the competition performance venue.
Article 59 The broadcasting of overseas matches or the production, transfer or distribution of audio-visual products shall be handled by the China Volleyball Association in accordance with the FIVB Constitution and the relevant provisions of China.

Chapter IX Procedures for Amending the Articles of Association
Article 60 Any amendment to the articles of association of the Association shall be reviewed by the members’ congress.
Article 61 The revised articles of association of this Association shall come into effect within 15 days after it is adopted by the members’ congress, reviewed and agreed by the competent business unit and reported to the registration and management authority of the association for approval.

Chapter X Termination Procedure and Property Disposal after Termination
Article 62 If the Association needs to terminate its activities for some reason, it shall be moved by the National Committee or the Executive Committee.
Article 63 The motion to terminate this Association must be voted by the Congress and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval.
Article 64 Before the termination of this Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up the creditor’s rights and debts and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation will be carried out.
Article 65 The Association shall be terminated after the cancellation of registration by the association registration authority.
Article 66 The property after the termination of this Association shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purpose of this Association under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and administration organ of associations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
Article 67 The flag and emblem of the Association shall be examined and promulgated by the National Committee, and no unit or individual may copy or use them for commercial activities without permission.
Article 68 The Articles of Association was adopted by voting at the second plenary meeting of the sixth member congress on July 30, 2001.
Article 69 The right to interpret the Articles of Association belongs to the Executive Committee of this Association.
Article 70 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the association registration administration organ.

Guide to offering incense and praying in Jinshan Park on New Year’s Eve released

On February 2 nd, the reporter learned from Zhenjiang Wenlv Group that the guide to worship incense and pray for blessings in Jinshan Park on New Year’s Eve in 2024 was released. The activity is civilized and fragrant, and the staff will provide each visitor with 3 fragrant scents free of charge. Visitors are forbidden to bring any incense sticks, tin foil and other fragrant items into the park.

The time for offering incense is from 20: 00 on February 9 to 2: 00 on February 10, 2024. All the activities will enter the park by ticket, and the ticket price is 10 yuan/Zhang, which will be pre-sold at the ticket office of Jinshan Park three days in advance. All kinds of card certificates are not allowed to be used.

The activity will implement the control of the flow and direction of the incense worshippers, and visitors are invited to enter and leave the scenic spot according to the guiding route. When the number of people entering the park exceeds the instantaneous maximum carrying capacity of the scenic spot, ticket sales and admission will be suspended, and visitors are requested to wait in line patiently.

It should be noted that a no-fly zone is set up at the event site, and drones, Kongming lanterns, etc. are not allowed to be used in and around the scenic area.(Shan Shan Yang Yue)