Do you feel that the air conditioner blows "fake 26℃" in winter? Not an illusion!

The first cold, freezing rain and snow weather in 2024

People in Guangxi are shivering with cold.

As soon as many friends get home,

I took it out.

The same "standard movements" as in summer:

Turn on the air conditioner, set it to 26℃ and start heating.


Blow for a while

I always feel that something is wrong …

The air conditioner is turned on to 26℃ in summer.

You can stay indoors.

Wear short-sleeved shorts and have fun

Why is it open to 26℃ in winter?

anyway/no matter what/ in any case

You have to wear long-sleeved trousers.

It doesn’t feel too warm, does it

in fact

Many people will have it in their hearts

Questions like this:

26℃ of air conditioner in summer

It feels like that.

In winter,

The total feeling is "false 26℃"

I can’t help but doubt my life.

Don’t blow a lonely?

Dig into the reason

It’s a little complicated

Take you to reveal the secret

There is nothing wrong with your body feeling.

The temperature of 26℃ in air-conditioned rooms in winter is just different.

First of all, expose a truth that many people don’t know:

Setting the air conditioner to 26℃ does not mean that the wind blown by the machine is 26℃, but that we want the indoor temperature to become 26℃.

Therefore, the summer temperature is 35℃, and we set the air conditioner at home to 26℃. In order to lower the room temperature to this temperature, the air conditioner will blow cold air; When the temperature is 0℃ in winter, we set the air conditioner at home to 26℃. In order to raise the room temperature to this temperature, the air conditioner will blow hot air.

The above is easy to understand, but then another key knowledge point comes: cold air has a large proportion, love to run down, warm air has a small proportion, and love to flee up.

We often install the air conditioner on the wall two or three meters above the ground, and the components that sense the ambient temperature in the air conditioner are also located in the high place of the room, that is, the place where warm air gathers.

So, when everyone sets the air conditioner to 26℃ in winter, the people who stay under the air conditioner haven’t warmed up yet, but the air conditioner in the high place has "felt" that the indoor temperature is 26℃, which is warm enough and the task is completed.

In addition, the temperature of the wall is quite different in winter and summer.

Let’s assume that the indoor temperature is the same in winter and summer, and the temperature distribution in the room is even, but you will still be significantly colder in winter. Why? Because the wall is cold, it is also conducting heat.

Heat will flow from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects, so in winter, the walls of air-conditioned rooms will continuously conduct and transport warm heat to the cold outdoor. So if you want to really feel the indoor warmth of 26℃, wait for the wall to heat up slowly.

Wet air cooling

It will also weaken the "power" of air conditioning heating.

In addition, specifically to the southern region, another reason why air conditioning is not so warm in winter is wet and cold. Because of the cold water hidden in the air, it absorbs the heat from your skin all the time. When they are dried and evaporated by your body temperature, they will take away some heat.

Wet cold is everywhere, between clothes and skin, between socks and feet. As long as there is air, this wet cold will accompany you. Therefore, in winter, we might as well try the "dehumidification" mode of air conditioning first. When you feel the air is drier, is it warmer?

Dry mouth and nosebleed

"Winter air conditioning disease" can not be ignored either.

However, solving the wet and cold, another problem that comes with it may be air-conditioning disease in winter.

Everyone is familiar with air-conditioning diseases in summer, and there are also air-conditioning diseases in winter, which can not be ignored. People who stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time in winter may have symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness, sore throat, cough, irritability, tight skin, etc. Many people wake up in the morning and feel thirsty and even have nasal bleeding.

In addition, in rooms where floor heating and heating are used, people are also prone to "heating sickness", and the symptoms are similar to air conditioning sickness. The reason is nothing more than two factors: too high temperature and too low humidity.

First of all, under normal circumstances, the human body will evaporate about 1000 ml of water every day, including 600~700 ml through the skin and 300~400 ml through the respiratory tract. After heating, the room is dry, and the human body loses more water. In such an environment for a long time, many systems of the body will be unsuitable.

In addition, if the heating temperature at home is too high and the air continues to be dry, it will cause the secretion of respiratory mucosa to decrease. In addition, in order to keep warm, the window ventilation will be reduced, and dust and bacteria at home will attach to the mucosa, which will easily lead to diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection and bronchial asthma.

Dry air in the air-conditioned room will aggravate the evaporation of tears, cause insufficient wetting of the angle and conjunctiva, and cause dry eyes and visual fatigue. In addition, when people stare at mobile phones, computers and other electronic screens, they will unconsciously reduce the number of blinks, and the secretion of tears is insufficient, which will easily induce dry eye syndrome over time. Exposure to air-conditioned environment will accelerate the loss of water in the skin, leading to symptoms such as dryness, tightness, peeling, roughness and itching.

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay special attention to it. When the indoor temperature is high, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases go out to contact cold air, which will easily lead to vasoconstriction and spasm, and blood pressure will suddenly change. When the organism is short of water, it will easily lead to the increase of blood viscosity, which may lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Correct prevention of "air conditioning disease" and "heating disease" in winter can start from the following points:

1. When using air conditioner, adjust the direction of air outlet.

In winter, when the air conditioner is heating, the temperature is too high, the temperature rises too fast, and it is blowing directly on the human body, which will cause some problems. Therefore, the air conditioner should be adjusted to medium wind and the tuyere should be adjusted to blow down.

2. Air conditioning temperature should not be too high, pay attention to regular ventilation.

If the indoor temperature is too high, it will easily lead to cough and chapped lips. It is necessary to control the indoor temperature and humidity and keep the air circulating. The room temperature is preferably between 18℃ and 22℃, and it is guaranteed to open the window twice a day for at least half an hour each time.

3. Keep indoor air humidity.

To prevent the room from being too dry, it is recommended to keep the humidity at 50%~60%, and a humidifier can be placed in the room to increase the air humidity. At the same time, you can also put pots of water in the house, or put some aquatic plants to adjust the indoor humidity. Note that the humidifier can’t always be on.

4. Pay attention to replenish water in time.

Being in an air-conditioned room for a long time will make your skin dry and rough, so you should pay attention to hydrating, drink 1500~2000 ml of water every day, or eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Source | Popular Science China, Henan CDC, Health Times, Public Health, etc.

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Do you feel that the air conditioner blows "fake 26℃" in winter? Not an illusion! Touch the weather in Guangxi to read the original text

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Original title: "I feel that the air conditioner blows" fake 26 C "in winter? Not an illusion! 》

Cheng Siwei: It is misleading for real estate to be selected for industrial revitalization planning.

  According to media reports, Cheng Siwei revealed that the real estate industry has been included in the top ten industrial revitalization plans in the State Council. In this regard, the reporter of Economic Half-hour interviewed Cheng Siwei exclusively this morning. He told reporters that when he gave a class to students, he said that he had expounded his concern about the real estate revitalization plan based on relevant reports, but the media completely ignored this premise and misled his meaning when quoting him.

  Cheng Siwei: The selection of real estate for revitalization planning is misleading.

  (Reporter: Yan Wenyu, Gu Ping, Xiong Manlin, Jia Yujia Camera: Shen Yan, Xu Sheng, Zhang Xiaoming)

  Yesterday, the headlines of many websites were all the same news. It was reported that the real estate industry had occupied the last place in the State Council’s top ten industrial restructuring and revitalization plans. As soon as the news came out, various media and websites reprinted it one after another. The real estate sector in the stock market was also on the move, and a large amount of funds flowed into real estate stocks. At the same time, controversy and opposition were endless.

  Let’s take a look at our follow-up report on this matter.

  Yesterday, on several well-known domestic portals, the news that "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans" suddenly made headlines. At the same time, when searching for two keywords "real estate" and "revitalization plans" through search engines, almost all major websites reported or reprinted it, attracting countless eyeballs.

  On January 2nd this year, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council said that the State Council was studying the adjustment and revitalization plan of ten important industries. Subsequently, eight industrial revitalization plans for automobiles, steel, textiles, equipment manufacturing, ships, electronic information, light industry and petrochemicals were reviewed and approved in principle by the the State Council executive meeting. During this period, the non-ferrous metal revitalization plan has been initially approved by the State Council. So which industry will be selected into the tenth industrial revitalization plan of the State Council is full of suspense.

  Yesterday, with the news that the real estate industry has caught the "last bus" of the top ten revitalization plans, the market quickly responded. In yesterday’s stock market, the net inflow of funds from the real estate sector topped the list. Real estate stocks not only floated across the board, but also hit an average growth rate of 4.64%, breaking the weak trend of real estate stocks since this round of market.

  However, after the closing yesterday afternoon, some media said that real estate was unlikely to be included in the revitalization plan, which made many investors feel extremely confused. Economic Half-hour reporter traced back to the news that "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans", and found that the media that first reported the nine industrial revitalization plans were all Xinhua News Agency, and the sources were all the State Council executive meeting. This time, the media that first reported "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans" was not Xinhua News Agency, nor was it the State Council, but quoted Cheng Siwei, former vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), at an academic forum last Saturday. It was reported that during the speech, Cheng Siwei

  So, did Cheng Siwei say that the real estate industry has really entered the top ten revitalization plans, and through what channels did he get the news? The Economic Half-hour reporter made an exclusive interview with Cheng Siwei this morning.

  Reporter: "Cheng Lao, I saw such a news on the Internet yesterday that real estate was included in the top ten industrial revitalization plans. So, stimulated by this news, real estate stocks also rose by 4.64% on average. I wonder if you have noticed this news?"

  Cheng Siwei: "I have seen it. In fact, I told them at that time that it was not news, and they wanted to quote it. They told me that the secretary had already posted it, so there was no way, but in fact, this was when I was giving lectures to my students, and it was not a public report."

  On Sunday, some media reported that Cheng Siwei revealed that the real estate industry has been included in the State Council’s top ten industrial revitalization plans, and Cheng Siwei’s photos were also used in the report, while Cheng Siwei told reporters that he talked about this matter when he was teaching students, not a press release.

  Reporter: "through what channels did you learn that this real estate industry has been written into the national industrial revitalization plan?"

  Cheng Siwei: "First of all, I saw the news released by Securities News on February 17th from People’s Daily Online. I also printed it out today. The headline of this news is called, officials of the Energy Bureau said that the energy industry revitalization plan was replaced by real estate planning. In addition, on People’s Daily Online, if you click on it, you can also see the real estate industry in the top ten industrial revitalization plans, so I, I personally got the information from this aspect."

  Reporter: "Besides this news on the Internet, do you have any other channels to confirm what you have seen?"

  Cheng Siwei: "It seems that I read on the Internet that on the 22nd, officials from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development also said that this was the case, because to be honest, as a scholar, I just expressed my views, and I can’t make any explanation on behalf of the government. This is just what I said on the basis of the published news, so I also said that it was reported that there was such a situation."

  The report on February 17th mentioned by Cheng Siwei is like this: "People from the National Energy Administration said that the plan to introduce another energy sector in addition to the nine major industry revitalization plans has been replaced by the relevant plans of the real estate industry"; The website mentioned by Cheng Siwei is a special page of People’s Daily about the revitalization plan of China’s top ten industries, which indicates a total of ten industries, and the real estate industry suddenly appears in it. However, unlike other reports on the revitalization plan, the so-called real estate revitalization plan has never heard from the the State Council executive meeting, and all the first reports are not from the news broadcast of Xinhua News Agency and China TV Station, but a media claimed that they were confirmed by an official of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction.

  Reporter: "Generally speaking, what is a channel and a formal channel for the release of such a plan?"

  Cheng Siwei: "As far as I know, the report is like this. He is planning one by one, first reviewed by the National Development and Reform Commission, and then submitted to the the State Council executive meeting for deliberation. Therefore, I think this procedure should be like this. Before the State Council officially passed, the content of the plan was impossible. Release."

  Reporter: "Take a look, this webpage is generally reported in this way. The topics are all called real estate listed in the top ten revitalization industries. Has it been confirmed?"

  Cheng Siwei: "Well, I don’t watch it. It’s inappropriate for him. In fact, at that time, I asked my secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to tell them that it was simply a hype, not news."

  Cheng Siwei said that when he was teaching students, he said that he expounded his concern about the real estate revitalization plan based on relevant reports, but the media completely ignored this premise and misled his meaning when quoting him.

  Reporter: "Do you think this presentation is your original intention?"

  Cheng Siwei: "I think this is a bit misleading, which is what I said just now. In fact, this news was announced on the 17th, and when I spoke, I said that I was giving lectures to students, so it was reported that this should be very clear. But because I have repeatedly said that I am now from the National People’s Congress, even if I am the vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, I don’t care about the government, and now I have retired from the post of vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, so what I am talking about now is all. Therefore, I think it is a matter of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Energy Bureau and the Ministry of Construction, so I think this report is not accurate. "

American illegal dog fighting football players formally plead guilty and face up to five years in prison.


    On August 27th, American football star michael vick (centre) left the Richmond District Court in Virginia, USA. On the same day, michael vick, who was criticized for his involvement in illegal dog fighting, attended a hearing in the Virginia District Court and formally pleaded guilty. District Court Judge Henry Hudson said that Vic’s plea agreement may not help him reduce his punishment, and he still faces up to five years in prison. Dog fighting is illegal in 50 States in the United States, and 48 of them even make it a felony. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

    American football star michael vick, who was criticized for his involvement in illegal dog fighting, attended a hearing in the Virginia District Court on the 27th and formally pleaded guilty. Vic apologized to the public for his behavior. He said that he is not mature enough and needs to grow up.

    District Court Judge Henry Hudson said that Vic’s plea agreement may not help him reduce his punishment, and he still faces up to five years in prison.

    punish severely

    Vic arrived at the court to attend the hearing accompanied by supporters and lawyers on the 27th, and also waiting outside the court were protesters holding up photos of "defeated dogs" who were injured in dog fighting competitions. Dog fighting is a bloody game, and Vic has been strongly criticized by the media and animal protectionists.

    At the hearing, Judge Hudson asked Vic, "In an conspiracy charge, do you admit guilt because you are really guilty?" Vic replied, "Yes, your honor."

    Dog fighting is illegal in 50 States in the United States, and 48 of them even make it a felony. A new bill passed by the US Congress stipulates that "dog fighting" in cross-border transportation is a federal crime. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if convicted, Vic faces up to five years in prison.

    Prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg said in a statement: "The person who committed dog fighting for the first time may not be sentenced to imprisonment, but we believe that this case is disgusting, cruel and inhuman, so three of the four defendants, including Vic, should be punished more severely."

    The prosecutor suggested that the judge sentence Vic to 12 to 18 months’ imprisonment.

    Hudson said that the prosecutor’s suggestion is of great significance to the judgment, but even so, the final judgment is not completely limited by the prosecution’s suggestion.

    "You must face any decision I make," Hudson told Vic in court. "If I think you need to serve five years, you must obey." Vic replied again, "Yes, your honor."

    On August 27th, michael vick was interviewed by the media in a hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters


    Vic, 27, is the star quarterback of Atlanta Falcon, an American professional football team. His 10-year salary of $130 million ranks second among NFL players.

    Vic told the media on the 27th that he apologized to the public for "everything I have done". He not only apologized to his coach, teammates and NFL, but also apologized for "immature behavior to all children".

    "What I did is very immature, which means I need to grow up," Vic said. "I am responsible for my actions, and now I have to pay for it."

    Vic said that he was "disappointed" with himself and "through this incident, I realized my mistake".

    "Fighting dogs is a bad thing, and I should resist such a thing," he said. "I apologize to everyone and I will redeem myself. I have to do this. "

    Vic admitted on the 24th that he and three other people participated in an illegal inter-state dog fighting organization called "Bad News from Dog kennel" from 2001 to April 2007, and funded dog fighting activities, and admitted that the activities of this dog fighting organization involved gambling and his own participation in the execution of defeated dogs.

    This picture taken in June 2006 shows a dog that will be used for dog fighting in Northampton County, North Carolina, USA. In the United States, the scene and consequences of dog fighting are quite cruel. The duration of a dog fighting is as short as 15 minutes and as long as five or six hours until one dog bites the neck of another dog. All 50 States in the United States stipulate that dog fighting is illegal, and 48 of them even list dog fighting as a felony. Even so, the bloody game of dog fighting is still rampant in the United States. Xinhua News Agency/AFP


    Vic’s dog fighting behavior not only faced legal sanctions, but also dealt a heavy blow to his football career. Vic has lost most of his sponsorship since he was accused. Nike, a sporting goods manufacturer, suspended the release of a sports shoe named after Vic.

    The NFL announced a one-season ban on Vic. Atlanta’s "Falcon" team said that they would not fire Vic immediately, because he had received a dividend of $22 million from the contract signed with the team in 2004, and the "Falcon" team hoped that Vic would return the money.

    In a letter to Vic on 24th, Roger Ghoder, a member of NFL Committee, said: "What you admit is not only illegal, but also cruel and should be condemned. Your team, NFL and fans are all hurt by your actions. " (Yan Chao)

Editor: Zhang Pengfei

Zhang Xiaojing talks about financial support for science and technology innovation: giving risk pricing to the market, establishing fault-tolerant mechanism and inclusive supervision.

Zhang Xiaojing, Director of the Institute of Finance of China Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, The Paper reporter Zhou Yushe

On September 22nd, at the 5th Bund Financial Summit in 2023, Zhang Xiaojing, director of the Institute of Finance of China Academy of Social Sciences and director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, pointed out that risk and uncertainty are the "bridges" between finance and science and technology innovation. For scientific and technological innovation, the biggest problem is how to deal with the risks and uncertainties faced by innovation and how to cross the "valley of death". For the financial system, risk pricing and risk allocation are its most basic and important functions.

"It is risk and uncertainty that make finance and technological innovation have a natural connection, and also provide a perfect reason for finance to support technological innovation." Zhang Xiaojing said that a financial system has advantages in identifying risks, pricing risks and allocating risks, so it must also have advantages in supporting scientific and technological innovation.

Focusing on China’s financial support for scientific and technological innovation, Zhang Xiaojing pointed out the "soft underbelly":"The lack of risk identification ability, the dysfunction of risk pricing and risk allocation are precisely the Achilles heel of China’s financial system, which has also become the fundamental reason for the lack of financial support for technological innovation."

Zhang Xiaojing said that the "four-in-one" catch-up model (the "structural advantages" of state-owned enterprises, the development responsibility and soft budget constraints of local governments, the institutional preferences of financial institutions and the last resort of the central government) makes the risk pricing and rational allocation of financial resources not determined by the market, but largely influenced by government intervention, leading to distorted risk pricing and improper allocation of financial resources. Some departments get a lot of credit funds, but fail to bear the corresponding risks-this is caused by implicit guarantee, rigid redemption and too big to fail.

However, this does not mean that the government cannot play a role in it, but emphasizes that the role of the government should also be played on the premise of not damaging the decisive role of the market.

"Financial support for science and technology innovation needs an’ ideological enlightenment’." Zhang Xiaojing said that the value of capital depends on future expectations, not the past, which is a real revolution and "ideological enlightenment" in financial epistemology. It is this revolution that laid a theoretical foundation for financial support for scientific and technological innovation: because the current financial support for science and technology innovation depends on the "expectation" of future scientific and technological innovation achievements.

Zhang Xiaojing said that it is necessary to respect the laws of the market economy and promote the reform of financial marketization. Putting the focus of economic development on the real economy does not mean that finance can be dispensed with, or that finance is in a completely subordinate position. The development of China’s socialist market economy in the past 40 years is to liberate the role of finance as a cashier in the planned economy era and give full play to the dynamic role of finance in promoting the transformation of savings-investment and economic catch-up and development.

He said that the relative independence of finance is precisely the premise that finance can better serve the real economy, abandon the "traditional" thinking that finance is only a vassal and mirror image of the real economy, and accurately understand the dialectical relationship between economic and financial symbiosis and common prosperity. The development of finance does not necessarily lead to the hollowing out of the industry, and the strength of American science and technology is closely related to its developed financial system; High-level science and technology can’t stand on its own feet without the support of a modern financial system.

In Zhang Xiaojing’s view, promoting financial market-oriented reform, getting rid of implicit guarantee, illusion and ownership discrimination, and improving the decisive role of finance in risk pricing and risk allocation are the institutional guarantees for financial support for science and technology innovation.

Financial support for science and technology innovation must also understand the law of scientific and technological innovation, especially the basic law of transforming scientific and technological innovation into actual productivity. Experience shows that the influence of the adoption of new technology on productivity growth is underestimated at the beginning and not overestimated at the end, which is generally in a "J curve" mode.

Talking about innovation failure and fault-tolerant mechanism, Zhang Xiaojing said that from the micro level, investment failure should be allowed, and state-owned enterprises should establish fault-tolerant mechanisms. To tolerate fluctuations and bubbles at the macro level, keeping the bottom line of risk does not mean zero tolerance for financial risks. The function of finance is realized in fluctuation, just as the function of price mechanism is that price is realized around value fluctuation. This means that supervision should be inclusive.

In addition, Zhang Xiaojing also talked about preventing technological development from succumbing to financial laws. Technological development is completely determined by market or financial laws, which may deviate from the social optimal goals, such as investing heavily in the research and development of late-stage therapeutic drugs, rather than the research and development of early-stage preventive drugs; AI technology is more oriented to replacing labor than empowering or assisting labor.

"Risk identification, risk pricing and risk allocation are the’ soft underbelly’ of China’s financial system, and the lack of modern financial thinking leads to improper evaluation of science and technology innovation (enterprise) is the’ soft underbelly’ in concept understanding." Zhang Xiaojing concluded that the solutionWe need an ideological enlightenment, leave risk pricing and risk allocation to the market, respect the laws of market economy, grasp the laws of scientific and technological innovation, establish fault-tolerant mechanisms and inclusive supervision, strengthen international cooperation and improve global scientific and technological governance.

How to judge whether tea is good?

"Source of this article: People’s Daily Press"
A friend often asks me, "How to judge whether tea is good?" I seriously replied: "Tea looks clean, and it tastes sweet and delicious, which is good tea." They didn’t think so. They thought I was either perfunctory or empty. No way, I have to talk about how to judge whether tea is good.
Appearance. The shapes of tea are various, and the most common ones are strip-shaped, curly, long and round. No matter what the shape of tea leaves is, it is judged by the rope, tenderness, thickness, weight and uniformity of tea leaves. Usually, the rope is fine and tight, the gap is small, and the volume is small, followed by the bulky and loose one. Generally speaking, no matter what shape of tea leaves are, as long as they are compact and heavy, without yellow flakes and thick branches, they will not be bad.
Gloss. It is difficult to subjectively say which color of tea is absolutely good for tea from different producing areas and different technologies, but one thing can be objectively judged, that is, the gloss of tea. No matter what color tea is, as long as it looks bright, oily and textured, it is good tea.
Dry humidity. The water content standard of all kinds of tea is kept at 5%-7%. More than 8% of tea is easy to age, and more than 12% of tea is easy to mildew. At present, many tea farmers deliberately control the water content at more than 10% when making crude tea, so that the weight of tea will increase. This kind of raw tea will feel very good when it is first tried out of the oven, but the taste will change completely after a while, so the dryness and humidity of tea is very important. I introduce a method to measure the moisture content of tea by hand: hold a large handful of tea in your hand for three to four times repeatedly, and there is a tingling sensation in your hand. When you hear the sound of broken branches, the moisture content of tea will generally not exceed 8%; The tea with water content above 10% has no tingling sensation in the palm of your hand when you hold it, and the tea is a little soft and smells green. Of course, there is also a remedy to buy tea with high water content, that is, put the tea in an air-conditioned room with air conditioning, which can not only remove some water from the tea, but also prevent it from rapid oxidation.
Soup color. The color of soup refers to the color of tea soup after brewing, which can be divided into three types: normal color, bad color change and old color change. Normal color refers to the tea made under normal harvesting conditions, and the tea soup shows the normal color after brewing. For example, green tea or green tea is green or light yellow (also called goose yellow) after brewing; Black tea is red soup color or golden soup color, red and bright. Bad discoloration means that it is difficult for tea soup to present its proper color because of improper collection, transportation or initial preparation of fresh tea. For example, the soup color of deteriorated green tea is grayish brown or reddish in yellow. Aging discoloration means that it is difficult for tea soup to present its proper color due to aging in the production process. For example, if the tea leaves are not kneaded in time after fixation, and are not spread to cool or dry in time after kneading, the soup color of new tea will be old. Properly made new tea, the soup is bright and crystal clear; When the tea is aged, the soup color is yellow, brown and gray, and the turbidity is everywhere.
The above are some opinions on "observing the face and observing the color". Let’s talk about the soul of tea endoplasm.
Smell the fragrance. Different land, climate, varieties and production techniques make the aroma of all kinds of tea have their own characteristics and styles. As a whole, it can be summarized into five evaluation factors: purity, richness, freshness, flatness and coarseness.
Pure: the fragrance is pure, and there is no miscellaneous taste and greasy feeling.
Strong: The aroma is strong and long.
Fresh and refreshing: the smell is fresh, which makes people feel refreshed, such as being in a mountain or a place with a good ecological environment, and feeling in the air with high negative ions.
Ping: The aroma is plain, and there is no strange smell.
Coarse: fragrant, but the fragrance is mixed, choking the nose and spicy.
The durability of aroma is also a factor to judge the quality of tea. I condensed the criteria for judging good tea into four simple words-quiet and elegant, and the durability of tea is reflected in the word "quiet". "Quiet" means that the aroma of tea is long and lasting.
I sum up the smell of incense as follows: the pure is pure, the fragrance is elegant but not greasy, and the light and tasteful is quiet. With this feature, good tea is undoubtedly also.
Let’s talk about the taste of tea. Taste means the feeling after drinking. Alcohol is just right. Tea tastes fresh, mellow, fragrant and sweet. The taste of inferior tea is bitter, coarse and pungent, and some people interpret this performance as strong and sweet, especially the tea drinkers of the older generation in Chaoshan often describe this bad taste as "fleshy", "full mouth" and "strong enough".
Sometimes the tea soup tastes bad, which may be due to the thick water. Rough water is not a feeling, but a fact. Sometimes, we feel that after drinking tea soup, there are attachments on the tongue surface or the bottom of the tongue, which makes the tongue surface feel rough. This is because there are more particles in the tea soup. There are two sources of particulate matter: first, the tea processing process is unsanitary, dust and sand are attached, or wood ash particles are caused by improper baking with charcoal fire, which belongs to foreign coarse particles; Second, the release of particles is related to the quality of tea. For example, the tea growing at low altitude has high temperature, fast growth speed, thick leaves and loose fibers. After making and baking at high temperature, once soaked, the crumbs and particles on the edge of tea will dissolve in water, making the tea soup more particles and the tea soup thicker. This is an endogenous particle, which will have a dull and astringent taste after drinking.
In front of me, I talked about several basic elements of tea evaluation, from the shape, appearance and gloss of tea to the color, smell and taste of soup, and finally talked about the evaluation of leaf bottom.
Many people drink tea, whether they understand or not, they will pick up the cover bowl and smell it, and then poke the tea with the cover. The technical term of this link is "viewing the bottom of the leaf". Viewing the bottom of leaves is also a method to judge the grade of tea. Generally speaking, the color is the first thing to look at at the bottom of the leaves. After fully brewing, the leaves are spread out and the color is uniform, and one side is not red and the other side is green. The texture of the leaves is oily, there is no obvious explosion point or burning point, and the integrity of the leaves is high. It is good tea to have such a leaf bottom. Of course, tea culture is profound, and not all teas are the same. Some teas with obvious characteristics, such as Jin Junmei in Tongmuguan, are still tall and straight after soaking in water for more than 20 years, and each bud head is bright and thick, like a red tassel gun head; If it is Jin Junmei made of green tea buds from Guanwai or Jiangxi, after several times of brewing, all the buds will stick together and never stand up again.
Of course, these people need to be judged by people who have rich experience or major in tea research, and ordinary tea drinkers don’t need to spend so much energy to study these problems.
(This article is excerpted from People’s Daily Publishing House "Thinking about Tea")

24-hour bookstore enriches wuhan nightlife. You have a good place to stay up late reading.

Citizens read books in a 24-hour bookstore. Intern Peng Hua, reporter Yang Taoshe

  In November 2014, Zall Bookstore launched a 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close", waiting for people to read books every cold or hot night. At that time, Zall was the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan. In recent years, the 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan has added Jiuqiu Library and Boshihui City Study, enriching the cultural nightlife in Wuhan.

  24-hour bookstore is a night reader.

  Provide a quiet place for reading

  "There will be many interesting things happening at night." Luna is the manager of Jiuqiu Library, which is located in Dongsan Road, Fruit Lake, Wuchang District. It opened on January 25, 2016 and has been open since then.

  On the 18th, she told reporters that the biggest feeling of working at night shift is to find that there are really many people who love learning. There used to be an old man who rode an old bicycle every night and went back around 6: 00 in the morning. He studied English here all night. There are often some students from Wu Da University here, and he will ask them for advice. A girl from Wu Da University specially prepares study materials for this grandfather, and she will put them here the next day for the clerk to hand over to him.

  On the 18th, a young girl was watching a video with headphones, and there was a book full of notes in front of her. The post-90s girl who was preparing for the exam as a certified public accountant usually came over after work and talked about her views on this 24-hour bookstore. The girl said, "People who stay up late need this kind of store very much."

  Unattended libraries can "brush their faces" to borrow books

  On July 12th this year, the 24-hour city study room on the first floor of Boshihui International Plaza in Jiang ‘an District opened to welcome guests, which is located near Sanyang Road subway station. There is no librarian in the museum, and citizens can enter the museum at any time, "brush their faces", and apply for certificates and borrow books by themselves. This is the first unattended intelligent library in Wuhan. Since opening up, it has become a popular punching point for citizens.

  On the 18th, the reporter visited this intelligent library. At about 9 pm that day, a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass study room on the left side of the lobby on the first floor of the building was lit with yellowish light. There is a face recognition access control system at the door. When you enter the library for the first time, you need to swipe your ID card. There is a self-service borrowing and returning card machine in the tube, which can handle the reader’s ID card and complete face registration and WeChat binding. Later, you can enter the library without a card, and you can "brush your face" to borrow and return books by yourself.

  Ms. Mei, who passed by here at night, picked out five books, put them in the sensing place, and the machine began to recognize faces. In less than 10 seconds, the screen showed that five books were successfully borrowed at the same time. The mobile phone also received a message from WeChat prompting the successful borrowing. "Very convenient." Ms. Mei said that after the library opened, she would come here every other week or so, and if she had time, she would read here for a while.

  24-hour bookstore enriches the function of city night

  In recent years, wuhan nightlife has become increasingly diversified. In addition to consumption and entertainment at night, the opening of 24-hour bookstores and other cultural places has provided people with new choices and enriched the city’s night functions.

  At about 10 pm on the 17th, Mr. Deng, who lives near Zall Bookstore, wanted to go to the movies, but when he passed by the bookstore, he saw the lights on in the store and chose to go into the bookstore. "Watching movies is more of a social need. It will be better to go with friends, and it will be more enjoyable to read when you are alone." In 2013, Zall Bookstore opened in Wuhan and noticed that many readers had no time during the day and could only come at night. In 2014, Zall Bookstore started the 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close" and became the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan.

  On the 17th, when talking about the original intention of Zall Bookstore’s 24-hour opening, Ms. Gao, the manager, told the reporter that the 24-hour bookstore provided a choice and place for those who only had time to quiet down and study at night. 24-hour bookstore will not bring much benefit, but it is a functional existence, and there will always be people who need it, which is a useful supplement to the cultural construction of the city.

  Feng Guilin, a researcher at Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the more convenient the cultural facilities are for the public, the more diverse the forms and contents, and the more diverse the needs of various groups. This is not only a promotion for a city’s function, but also a guide, which can better improve citizens’ civilization quality.

  Trainee reporter Li Huizi

The U.S. Defense Secretary visited Israel, saying that the war will transition from "large-scale fighting to low-intensity conflict."

On December 18th, 2023, in Tel Aviv, Israel, US Secretary of Defense Austin arrived in Israel for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister galante. Pengpai image map
According to the Reference News, Reuters reported on December 18th, officials said that US Secretary of Defense lloyd austin arrived in Israel for talks on December 18th, local time. It is expected that the focus of the talks will be Israel’s final end of the high-intensity war in Gaza and its transition to a more limited and precise conflict.
Austin said that during the meeting, he had discussed with Israeli Defense Minister galante how to reduce the harm to civilians, and mentioned that the war would transition from "large-scale fighting to low-intensity conflict". "Any campaign will have several stages, and we will continue to urge (Israel) to protect civilians during the conflict and increase humanitarian assistance into Gaza."
On December 18th, 2023, in Tel Aviv, Israel, US Secretary of Defense Austin arrived in Israel for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister galante. Pengpai image map
According to previous reports, a senior U.S. Defense Department official accompanying Austin said that Austin discussed Israel’s transition plan to the next stage of the war in his talks with senior leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister galante. The official said: "The high-intensity ground operations and air strikes you have seen will not last forever. This is just one stage of the war. "
In addition, it is also reported that US officials expect that Israel may gradually adopt a low-intensity and localized war strategy before January next year, including targeting specific militants and leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). A senior U.S. Department of Defense official said on the 17th that Israeli security agencies are evaluating the necessary conditions for entering the next phase of the conflict, and Austin hopes to listen to Israel’s "clear explanation" of these conditions.
On December 18th, 2023, in Tel Aviv, Israel, US Secretary of Defense Austin arrived in Israel for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister galante. Pengpai image map
Some analysts said that Austin’s visit can be called "a delicate balancing act". Because Netanyahu’s violent bombing of Gaza has triggered strong global protests and ceasefires, Biden’s government is facing increasing pressure at home and abroad. Although the United States is still providing weapons and diplomatic support to Israel, in recent times, with the increasing casualties, the attitude of the US government towards the Netanyahu government has become more tough. According to previous reports, US President Joe Biden said last week that Israel’s "indiscriminate" bombing would lead to the country’s risk of losing international support.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

The U.S. military slashed its defense budget just to aim at the "current war"?

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

  When US Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the defense budget for 2010 on the 6th, he stressed that the US military should drastically reduce the expenditure on R&D and purchase expensive and advanced armaments, and invest more resources to meet the equipment demand in real battlefields such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Analysts said that although it is still unknown whether Gates’s budget can be approved by the US Congress, it reflects a certain shift in the US military strategy.

  Give up some "advanced" weapons

  According to the defense budget submitted by Gates, the US military plans to reduce or stop some expensive arms production and R&D projects that are not needed at present.

  As far as the navy is concerned, a plan to develop a new cruiser based on DDG1000 design will be abolished and the fleet upgrade plan will be suspended.

  In the future, the navy will continue to use the main ship type "Ali Burke" class destroyer used in recent years.

  It is said that the DDG1000 destroyer is a multi-functional warship that can avoid radar detection.

  After the design of this destroyer, it was delayed to be delivered for manufacture, but the cost climbed to more than $3 billion per ship in the past 10 years. Therefore, the US Navy called for abandoning the project, but under the lobbying pressure of congressional interest groups, it only reduced the number of reserved ships from 32 to 3.

  In the defense budget, Gates set the premise for purchasing the three ships under construction, that is, the contractor needs to move the two scattered construction sites to the same dock, otherwise the navy will only consider purchasing one of them.

  As far as the Army is concerned, the $160 billion future combat systems R&D project will be cut.

  Gates specifically pointed out that the chariot research and development project costing $87 billion in the system will be cancelled.

  In view of the fact that roadside low-tech bomb attacks are the main cause of American casualties in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, Gates thinks that instead of developing light chariots with advanced concepts, it is better to spend money on anti-mine ambush vehicles. Based on a South African chariot in the early 1990s, this armored vehicle is said to have effectively reduced the casualties of American troops since it was put into use in Iraq.

  For the Air Force, Gates intends to cancel the VH-71 presidential helicopter project costing $13 billion, the C17 new transport aircraft project and an advanced military satellite research and development plan, and at the same time reduce the production of each F-22 fighter at a cost of $140 million, which will be discontinued after 187 fighters are produced.

  The F-22 fighter, nicknamed "Raptor", is the most expensive fighter in active service of the US military and the first fourth-generation fighter in the world. Although it has the functions of stealth and supersonic cruise, it is not suitable for helping the US military to deal with roadside bombs in Iraq or hunt down terrorists hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan. Gates said that F-22 fighters are of little use to American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  Increase the need of real war

  While proposing to cancel and reduce many weapons programs, Gates announced that he would increase funds for other weapons programs. Gates suggested that the navy buy more ships with fast sailing speed, which is beneficial for the military to carry out offshore missions, and suggested that the Air Force increase the number of F-35 joint attack fighters purchased from 14 in fiscal year 2009 to 30 in fiscal year 2010, and the project funds increased from $6.8 billion to $11.2 billion. Gates also said that the Pentagon will increase the funds used to fight against anti-American militants in Iraq and Afghanistan, equip special forces to hunt down terrorists, stop reducing the number of air force and navy personnel, and expand the size of the US Army and Marine Corps, with an increase of 65,000 for the Army and 27,000 for the Marine Corps.

  Gates also proposed to allocate $2 billion for the research and development and application of surveillance technology, including the addition of 50 Predator drones. It is said that since the beginning of this year, the US military has repeatedly dispatched Predators to crack down on Al Qaeda and Taliban forces hiding in the border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Serve the "current war"

  American public opinion believes that the main purpose of the defense budget submitted by Gates is to serve the "current war". The expensive armament project that Gates plans to cut is either a combat system formed during the Cold War or an advanced project aimed at mastering the hostile forces of super-sophisticated technology, which is not in line with the current situation. He stressed that what the United States needs is weapons that can be used to equip American soldiers to fight against real enemies.

  The Los Angeles Times believes that Gates’ purpose is to shift the focus of military spending from large-scale wars against traditional rivals such as China and Russia to small-scale conflicts against armed forces such as the Taliban, which is the first step for the Obama administration to rebuild the US military. This fundamental and directional change in the focus of national defense spending is essentially to increase the ability of rapid deployment of troops, global response and information warfare, reduce the equipment needed for large-scale wars, and reduce the investment and installation of heavy equipment and traditional large-scale weapons development projects in accordance with the "need to guide contracts", rather than mainly considering meeting the requirements of various services and arms and indulging their selfish greed.

  Correspondingly, the deployment of the US missile defense system may also be adjusted. In the defense budget submitted by Gates, the expenditure on missile defense projects will be reduced by $1.4 billion. He proposed to increase investment in regional anti-missile projects targeting missiles with short range and relatively limited strike capability, but to cancel or postpone the deployment of projects targeting intercontinental ballistic missiles.

  Although the day before Gates’ defense budget was published, North Korea announced the successful launch of an experimental communication satellite, and arms dealers such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin took the opportunity to lobby that Gates would strengthen the existing multi-layer missile defense system in the United States in the defense budget, but it was not adopted in the end.

  Military spending still ranks first in the world.

  Analysts said that Gates’ defense budget was a helpless move when the United States was mired in the financial crisis and faced with financial difficulties. Gates himself said bluntly that the purpose of proposing to cancel those eye-catching sophisticated weapons programs is to save money.

  Even so, once Gates’ plan was announced, it caused doubts in the United States. In addition to worrying about whether the United States has the ability to defend its homeland security after reducing conventional weapons, public opinion also believes that this plan will certainly not be approved by Congress. Because the plan harms the interests of arms dealers, these arms dealers will inevitably put pressure on members of Congress who represent their interests and obstruct the adoption of the plan. Even if it is passed, it must be transformed in the implementation.

  International public opinion generally believes that the so-called worry about the impact of Gates’ reduction of the defense budget on American security is simply unnecessary, because Gates’ plan to reduce large-scale advanced weapons and equipment is itself based on "the United States’ military strength is the only one." Although many armament projects have been drastically reduced, the total defense budget submitted by Gates in 2010 will still reach $534 billion, up from $519 billion in 2009. In fact, the total defense budget of the United States has accounted for more than 40% of the global military expenditure for many years. If the cost of counter-terrorism is added, its defense expenditure is almost equivalent to the sum of all other countries and regions in the world.

Editor: Li Yongchao