The mayor of Zhangjiajie’s "entertainment" caused controversy. Netizens said that he was the most handsome in history.

    Zhao Xiaoming, mayor of Zhangjiajie, shows people with exaggerated cartoon images.

    Endorsement of Zhangjiajie International Country Music Festival with Cartoon Image

    Data Map: Zhao Xiaoming, Deputy Secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee and Mayor.

    "Writers are entertaining, scholars are entertaining, and now even the mayor is entertaining." Yesterday (6th), a video of Zhao Xiaoming, the mayor of Zhangjiajie, showing people with exaggerated cartoon image spread on the Internet, which caused a thousand waves, causing widespread controversy among netizens at home and abroad.

  "Cartoon mayor" triggered online controversy

    The opening of "2009 Zhangjiajie International Country Music Festival in China" is just around the corner, and Mayor Zhao Xiaoming can be described as a pioneer. As the "image ambassador" of this music festival, Zhao Xiaoming did not hesitate to "vilify himself" and showed people with the cartoon image of "grinning" in the image propaganda film of the music festival. The mayor personally endorsed a large-scale music festival and "sacrificed his life to get an electric shock" to appear on the screen with his exaggerated cartoon image, which may be the first time in China.

  Netizens called him "the most handsome mayor in history"

    Mayor Zhao’s "self-destructive image" and "giving his life to get an electric shock" caused a strong controversy on the Internet. A netizen in Hainan commented that "what does this make the mayor’s authority and dignity?" This netizen’s statement was immediately refuted by other netizens. Most netizens believe that the mayor is a "public servant" and does not have to be "high above" to reflect the authority of officials. Mayor Zhao’s act of being close to the people makes people feel very cordial; A netizen in Shandong said that "the creativity is very good, but the painting is too rough", which means that the exaggerated cartoon image of Mayor Zhao is "not flattering", while a netizen in Guangxi said that "the sexiest organ of a man is his mind, so he should be given a’ most handsome mayor in history’!"

  With some comments from netizens:

    Beijing netizen: like one! Such a move can increase the intimacy of officials!

    Jiangsu netizen: I hope all officials can be closer to the people in reality!

    Shanghai netizen: What’s the fuss? Foreign presidents personally design their own cartoon images!

    Shandong netizen: Creativity is good, but can’t it be painted better? ? This is not difficult, is it? ?

    Guangdong netizen: mayors all over the country should learn from this man. Don’t put on an official airs all day!

    Hunan netizen: Zhangjiajie has made great progress in urban construction and city appearance in the past two years. As a native of Zhangjiajie, I sincerely thank Mayor Zhao.

    American netizen: This is a kind of progress and closeness to the people. Officials in China often look arrogant. Do more similar things, which is beneficial!

    Shanxi netizen: very good, emancipate the mind and set an example of innovation! More approachable image.

    Fujian netizen: It is more important than cartoons to manage Zhangjiajie’s tourism environment better!

    Zhejiang netizen: it’s quite good, but it’s a little rough!

    Netizen in Chongqing: I hope more officials can be as popular as Mayor Zhao.

    Korean netizen: Look at those objections, and China’s official standard thought can be seen.

    Sichuan netizen: Hunan is the central region, but the dancer on the right in this picture is dressed like a western ethnic girl, not a local Miao and Tujia costume, which is a failure.

    Netizen in Liaoning: Very good, approachable and innovative. Most people should like it.

    Macau netizen: Controversy is also beneficial, at least raising the popularity of the music festival.

    Netizen in Xinjiang: The mayor is so handsome. I like him, and the music is very nice, which gives people a shocking feeling.

    Shaanxi netizen: My wife clamored to go to Zhangjiajie several years ago, but she never made it. This time, you can see that tickets for many performances have not increased in price, so let’s go together on annual leave!

    Jiangxi Netizen: Since it is the China International Country Music Festival, why should we use American country music songs? Why not use China folk music? Are you holding a music festival in China or an American country music festival in China? How dare you say that? While all over the world are building up the confidence of local culture, the mayor of China still uses American music as a propaganda sign of China folk music. Is this a manifestation of its contemporary "national inferiority complex"? Why do music festivals in China promote American music?

    Hunan netizen: this is the perfect combination of advanced management concept and Zhangjiajie’s original natural scenery. I believe that music energy saving can be as successful as promotional film, and we look forward to it!

    Netizen in Hebei: Hunan people just dare to think, dare to be the first, and live up to the eternal famous couplet at the entrance of Yuelu Academy.

    Guangxi netizen: I don’t think the cartoon image of Mayor Zhao is ugly at all. On the contrary, I can give him a "most handsome mayor in history" or something. The most handsome, coolest and sexiest organ of a man is not eyebrows, eyes, nose, face, muscles, but-thoughts! (Reporter Wang Xiaoyang)

Editor: Li Xiuwei

On the battlefield, will artificial intelligence defeat human intelligence?

  On March 15th, 2016, Google’s artificial intelligence "AlphaGo" defeated Go world champion Li Shishi with a disparity score of 4-1. On May 27th, 2017, China’s Ke Jie, who is recognized as the world’s No.1 Weiqi player, lost 0-3 in a three-piece chess contest with Afa Dog.

  It is reported that in the research team of "Afa Dog", only Huang Shijie can play Go for four amateur paragraphs. The level of amateur four-stage Go may only be to understand the basic rules and some simple skills of Go. And once he is combined with the artificial intelligence "Alpha Dog", he can actually play a super-class chess player without winning. This fact reminds us that a commander who understands basic operational rules and tactical principles, if combined with the corresponding operational command-aided decision-making artificial intelligence, will defeat the first-class military commander without artificial intelligence?

  Where does artificial intelligence come from?

  Electronic computers and the Internet are born in response to military needs, and so is artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science. In 1939, World War II broke out and Britain declared war on Germany. Alan mathison turing, a mathematician and logician engaged in research work in Cambridge, enlisted in the army and joined the code-breaking station ordered by Churchill. The deciphering machine named "Turing Bombe" developed by them successfully cracked the communication code of the German Supreme Command Center, code-named "Enigma". Later generations commented that the "Turing Bomb" advanced the end of World War II by at least two years. After the war, Turing mainly engaged in the pioneering research of computer programming theory, neural network and artificial intelligence. He was called "the father of artificial intelligence" because of a series of outstanding achievements.

  According to the Chinese definition, "intelligence" includes people’s "wisdom" and "ability", that is, intelligence and ability. The English expression of artificial intelligence is: artificial intelligence; Artificial means "artificial" and "imitation", which is strictly translated. Only Artificial Intelligence can be translated into "artificial intelligence" or "artificial intelligence". In fact, the current "Alpha Dog" is really just a "Go Brain", which decides how to play chess, and the chess movement is done manually.

  The superb Go level of "Alpha Dog" benefits from the deep learning method provided by new technology with big data science and technology as the core. It can be described visually as follows: the program only describes the learning and thinking methods of "Alpha Dog", and the improvement of its intelligence level depends on the accumulated data. For "Alpha Dog", the data include the chess score of Go masters, the chess score of real opponents and the chess score of "Alpha Dog" playing by itself. These chess scores are the source of "intelligence" for "Alpha Dog" to improve its chess skills. In terms of digesting the chess score and learning progress, the ability of "Alpha Dog" is beyond anyone’s reach. Ke Jie, the world champion, can play up to 1,000 chess games a year, while Alpha Dog can play 1 million chess games a day.

  This makes the improvement of "Alpha Dog" chess power open, and there is almost no "ceiling". On the premise of not modifying the "Alpha Dog" program, the "Alpha Dog" can achieve the progress and improvement of "new day by day" or even "new from time to time" as long as the chess score of high-quality chess is continuously increased. It is objectively proved that the research team of "Alpha Dog" has basically mastered the winning mechanism of Go and described it in programming language.

  This remarkable ability includes two aspects: one is to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the existing disk; Second, based on this judgment, the possible position of the next move is decided, and a decision is made after the value judgment of several possibilities. Whether it is to judge the value of a certain move or the quality of the whole disk, it is necessary to construct a certain mathematical model and accurate algorithm.

  The success of "Alpha Dog" shows that its R&D team’s efforts in this regard are very close to human cognition, and machine learning has stood on the threshold of human brain learning. Super-first-class chess players found that "Alpha Dog" can even discover the laws and knowledge that human beings have not discovered for thousands of years from big data, which means that human beings have opened up new channels for expanding their knowledge system.

  What is the use of artificial intelligence

  Because of the realistic ability and potential ability displayed by artificial intelligence, all countries in the world are trying to use artificial intelligence for national defense and army building. As far as reality is concerned, the application of artificial intelligence in military field is mainly reflected in three aspects.

  The first is an unmanned combat platform. The existing unmanned combat platforms, whether unmanned aerial vehicles, robots on land or unmanned submarines at sea, have low intelligence. Generally, it only replaces people for some specialized operation. On the battlefield in Iraq, the US military used more than 4,000 robots to detect mines, roadside bombs and operate in some dangerous areas. The US military has more than 8,000 aerial unmanned systems and more than 12,000 ground unmanned systems, which have become an indispensable part of the US military’s operations. The development of artificial intelligence technology can make unmanned platforms more "smart" and improve the combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment, but it is not possible for unmanned platforms to make independent decisions so far.

  The second is intelligent precision ammunition. The US military used advanced laser or TV guidance in missile technology, which began in the Vietnam War in the 1970s. Its "Gemstone Road" missile hit more than 60% on the battlefield in Vietnam. The JDAM "Joint Direct Attack Ammunition" equipped by the US military adopts a more advanced guidance mode: inertial guidance +GPS satellite guidance. The "Joint Direct Attack Ammunition" during the Gulf War can only add target data before taking off. In the Iraq war, its receiver can receive the target data from navigation satellites, and can change the target at any time to destroy it, and its "intelligence" is obviously improved.

  The third is command-assisted decision-making. Think of "Alpha Dog" as a command and decision system of black-and-white confrontation, and its excellent performance in cognitive decision-making of black-and-white confrontation, and its ideas and methods should be used for reference for operational command and decision-making.

  Situation awareness on the battlefield is very complex, and multi-source intelligence gathers to form massive data, which cannot be completed by relying on the commander’s manual analysis. Artificial intelligence has great advantages over human beings in searching, storing, calculating and mining massive data. Introducing a deep learning algorithm similar to "Alpha Dog" to intelligently analyze satellite images and radar data will greatly improve the efficiency of intelligence analysis.

  In addition, at present, the cognitive understanding of the comprehensive battlefield situation depends largely on the commander’s experience and intuition. Using the "value" algorithm similar to "Alpha Dog" to judge the situation of Go and the probability of winning or losing, and learning from the "strategy" algorithm similar to "Alpha Dog" to determine the position of the player, it can provide auxiliary support for the commander’s operational decision.

  However, the application of artificial intelligence in the military field is far from reaching the level of independent decision-making like "Alpha Dog" Go. In November 2001, Predator UAV launched an attack on Al Qaeda military commander Mohammed Latif in Afghanistan, which became the first anti-terrorism actual combat of UAV. But it is the drone operator who controls from the rear who presses the "fire" command. Even so, it will inevitably bring collateral damage to innocent civilians. In 2013, Pakistani officials announced that since 2008, the US military has launched more than 300 drone air strikes in Pakistan, killing more than 2,000 innocent civilians.

  What is the future of artificial intelligence?

  From the situation that the world’s first-class Go players, Li Shishi and Ke Jie, have little chance to win the game against "Afa Dog" and the result of complete defeat, it is not exaggerated to draw the conclusion that artificial intelligence has surpassed human beings in the field of Go. In the game of Go, the obvious advantages of artificial intelligence are as follows: without fatigue curve, intelligence will not decay with time; There are basically no mistakes, and no opportunities will be given to opponents where they can; Free from emotional interference, not angry and impulsive because of the provocation of opponents; Learned and memorized, learning and playing chess more than ten million times before the game, which is beyond the reach of human beings; Powerful computing power is beyond the reach of human beings.

  But the victory of "Alpha Dog" is, in the final analysis, a human victory. The research on the mystery of human thinking and brain science is still superficial, and the development of human brain is far from exhausted, but the mechanism and composition of computers and artificial intelligence, no matter how powerful, are well known, because they were originally designed, manufactured and developed by people.

  At least so far, any artificial intelligence has the ability given by human beings. It is not surprising that it surpasses human beings in some ways. Humans make up for their own shortcomings by making various tools, a process that began in the Stone Age. Today, the major means of transportation far exceed human’s walking ability, and various machine manufacturing systems far exceed human’s unarmed manufacturing ability. Digitalization, networking and intelligence are the basic tracks of the development of the information society. It is expected that artificial intelligence will show its great power in the mature stage of the information society.

  Then, will there be a first-class military commander completely defeated by an artificial intelligence command system with strong deep learning ability in the battlefield in the future? To fully answer this question requires a masterpiece, but there are many essential differences between chess game and battlefield confrontation. For the following reasons, the author thinks the answer is no.

  One is the one-way transparency of the battlefield and the two-way transparency of the chess game. In the game of Go, both sides of the game are equal and transparent, regardless of the chessboard structure or the disk situation. However, the modern battlefield spans the virtual and physical space of land, sea, air, sky, electricity and internet, and the weather, weather, rain and shine, flood and tide are unpredictable. Clausewitz’s "battlefield fog" covers the battlefield. Even if it is a close confrontation, the battlefield space can never be transparent in both directions. The party with strong perspective observation can realize that the battlefield is more transparent to itself. Two-way reciprocal transparency in battlefield space has never existed and will never exist.

  The second is the certainty of the value of chess and the uncertainty of the effect of combat action. In the game of Go, the value of one player’s move is almost certain on the disk. An opponent can weaken the value of his next move, but he also has the same chance to fight back.

  However, the effect of combat operations on the battlefield is uncertain. In October 2001, the United States Joint Forces Command published "Effect-based Operations", and the US military formally accepted the theory of "Effect-based Operations". In 2008, General james mathis, the current U.S. Secretary of Defense and then commander of the United States Joint Forces Command, issued the Guide to Effect-based Operations, which officially abolished the theory of Effect-based Operations. Matisse’s reason is: "All combat environments are full of countless changing factors, so it is logically impossible to accurately predict the outcome of an action."

  The third is the authenticity and deception of the situation. On the board of Go, the situation of the board seen by both players is clear and true. But as Lenin said: "There is no war in the world without strategy." Strategic and tactical deception is a common tactic in war.

  The fourth is the strict game between the two sides and the potential multi-party participation. On the chess board, the two sides of the game are strictly limited between the two sides. Although there is a team behind the "Alpha Dog", it cannot change the nature that they are one of the two sides. In the history of human wars, especially since World War II, many local wars are actually "proxy war", where two sides or three parties join in the battle. Behind them, the situation is complicated and the behind-the-scenes promoters are hidden. For example, in the battlefield in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda is the target of the US military; On the Syrian battlefield, however, they may get some support from the US military because they are anti-Syrian forces.

  The fifth is the symmetry and asymmetry of space, time and weapons and equipment. In the game of Go, the time and space of both sides are symmetrical, and the weapons and equipment are black and white chess pieces. Although they are black first, they must pay back. In the real battlefield, preemptive strike is asymmetric in time, and air-to-ground attack is asymmetric in space. The wars of the United States against Iraq and Afghanistan are the wars of information-based weapons and equipment against mechanized weapons and equipment in the agricultural era, respectively, and there is intergenerational asymmetry in weapons and equipment between the opposing sides.

  Sixth, the certainty of chess rules and the flexibility of operational principles. In the game of Go, "Jinjiao’s silver-edged grass belly" is the basic value judgment criterion, and it is the basic chess rule … … The connection is broken, the dragon is encircled, and the eye position is broken, which is to avoid passivity with all one’s strength. These rules are basically certain and must be observed. Militarily, victory is no longer an important tactical principle. However, in the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Bocheng made a second ambush in Qigen Village, which became a classic of military command and a stroke of genius.

  Clausewitz said: War is a kingdom of uncertainty. The most essential difference between Go and military confrontation is the difference between certainty and uncertainty. The success of artificial intelligence is an amazing scientific achievement; But military command is not only science, but also art. The superb command art is more derived from the commander’s imagination and inspiration, generate, who said, "The wonderful operation is single-minded".

  Generally speaking, the application of artificial intelligence in the military field will enter an unprecedented active era with the development of technology, but the leader of war or battlefield will always be people.

  (Author: Wu Minwen Unit: National Defense Information College)

The recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products is released to see what spring delicacies are available.

  "The light rain brings new flowers, and the thunder starts." Starting today, China has entered the solar term of fright. "Sting" means "hiding", and insects hide in the soil in winter; "Surprise" means "wake up", and the spring thunder in the sky wakes up the insect. "Spring thunder scares all insects", which means that the spring thunder begins to sound at the time of the sting, awakening the stinging insects that are dormant in the ground for the winter.

  In this solar term, when spring thunder suddenly rings and everything grows, what are the delicious tips of spring? Let’s take a look at the "Rural Revitalization and Good Solar Term" recommended map of national high-quality agricultural products jointly launched by China Weather Network and China Social Assistance Network.


  When Cherry, the fruit assassin, slowly disappeared in the market, China native cherry began to appear on the market. Cherry is called "the first fruit in early spring" in the north. As the saying goes, "cherries are delicious but difficult to plant", especially the high-quality varieties in big cherries, which are very demanding on many conditions such as climate, soil and water, temperature and humidity. Thanks to the suitable geographical and climatic conditions, sweet cherry has formed two concentrated world-class advantageous producing areas in China: Liaoning, which is dominated by Dalian, and Shandong, which is dominated by Yantai.


  Golden skin, tender flesh and sweet juice make mangoes popular with people. Mango is native to India and Malaysia. According to research, mango was brought back to China by Master Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty. It is recorded in the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty that "An Boluo Fruit is rare in the world". Nowadays, mangoes are planted in Taiwan Province, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and Yunnan.

  Shepherd’s purse

  "The peaches and plums in the city are worried about the wind and rain, and the shepherd’s purse flowers in the stream head in spring". Entering the solar term of fright, willows spit out new things, flowers are waiting to be released, and green shepherd’s purse begins to grow out of the ridge. Shepherd’s purse has been eaten since ancient times. Its history can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period in the 6th century BC, and "Who says tea is bitter, it is as sweet as water" in The Book of Songs is the initial understanding of shepherd’s purse. For thousands of years, shepherd’s purse has been interpreted in a variety of ways, such as raw food, frying, simmering soup and stuffing, which can be described as one dish and a hundred flavors.

  Bamboo shoots

  "Bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts, can be dishes." The definition of Erya, the earliest ancient Chinese dictionary, tells the historical origin of bamboo shoots and China cuisine. Throughout the dynasties, many literati had a soft spot for bamboo shoots, leaving many poems of praise. Huang Tingjian said that it "leaves bamboos and shoots, and when it blooms, it overwhelms salmon dishes", and Li Yu praised it as "the freshest and most beautiful thing, the first among vegetables". In modern times, the practice of bamboo shoots is varied, such as braised in oil, stir-fried, cold salad and simmered soup, all of which are delicious.

  Toona sinensis

  Speaking of the smell of spring, there is another thing that has to be mentioned, and that is Toona sinensis. Although the Toona sinensis on trees in most parts of the north has not germinated during the period of fright, thanks to the developed logistics and greenhouse technology, we can taste this spring flavor in advance during the period of fright. For Toona sinensis, it can be said that those who like to eat are eager to eat, and those who don’t like to eat are shunned. The rich and unique fragrance is used to cold tofu or stir-fry eggs, which are all delicious dishes for people to eat.

[Continue to write more stories about spring and enter the national new zone of special economic zones] Hainan Free Trade Port policy has achieved results and explored the "treasure" at the southernmo

Cctv news(Reporter Xu Yeqing): On June 1, 2020, the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port (hereinafter referred to as the "Overall Plan") was officially released and implemented. According to preliminary statistics, more than 110 policy documents have been issued. This series of support policies are like precious seeds, which are spread in every corner of Hainan and promote the smooth construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

Cultural tourism consumption is "fruitful"

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the tax exemption policy for outlying islands, and the accumulated sales amount is about to exceed the 100 billion mark. In the tempering of time, tax exemption for outlying islands has gradually developed into a "golden signboard" in Hainan. In July last year, the new policy of duty-free shopping in Hainan Island was implemented, and the shopping quota was increased from 30,000 yuan per person to 100,000 yuan per year, and the number of times was no longer limited; The variety of duty-free goods on outlying islands is extended to electronic products such as mobile phones.

Haikong Global Boutique (Haikou) Duty Free City (hereinafter referred to as "Duty Free City") is a duty-free store in Haikou, Hainan Island. Chairman Zheng Xiangjun recalled that at the beginning of the preparation of the duty-free city, the international market was affected by the epidemic, and the production capacity of major international brands dropped sharply, the supply was tight, and it was extremely difficult to attract investment and purchase. "Despite this, we are still facing difficulties, and we are fully promoting the work of raising the tax-free sector in the spirit of nailing, which will continue to help Hainan’s tax-free projects in the outlying islands." The first phase of the final project was successfully opened on January 31, 2021 as scheduled.

"The activity is still quite strong!" Ms. Wang and Ms. Liu, who came to the duty-free city for shopping, both said that they had a good shopping experience here. It is understood that as of April 22, the cumulative sales revenue of the first phase of the duty-free city has reached 313 million yuan, and the cumulative number of shoppers has reached 270,840.

Haikong Global Boutique (Haikou) Duty Free City mainly sells perfume and cosmetics.

In recent years, rural tourism has also become one of the first choices for people to travel for vacation. In Yanfeng Town, Haikou City, there is also such a village with a new look.

Tourists are punching in at the "online celebrity" B&B. Photo by Xu Yeqing

Beautiful countryside, Yaocheng, has built a new model of "supporting government infrastructure, industrial investment by state-owned enterprises, sharing rural resources and guaranteeing farmers’ dividends" to build a beautiful village, which is ecologically orderly, harmonious with fields and hospitals, and dependent on enterprises and people. According to the relevant person in charge, the current "online celebrity" village is built on the basis of the original village, which combines modern design with the original ecological environment to create an "idyllic living room" in Jiangdong New District, which integrates homestay, pastoral health, business office, high-standard farmland planting and agricultural experience.

Comparison of the internal transformation of Yaocheng beautiful countryside Photo by Xu Yeqing

It is understood that in 2020, the number of tourists received in Hainan will increase quarter by quarter, making it one of the regions with the best tourism recovery in the country.

Major functional platforms "take root and sprout"

In order to promote the development of China’s health industry and the reform of China’s medical and health undertakings, in 2020, Lecheng Administration launched the "Global Special Drug Insurance" with system integration and innovation in cooperation with medical supervision, insurance supervision, customs, medical insurance and enterprises.

At the same time, relying on licensed medical treatment, licensed research, licensed operation and licensed international exchange, Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pioneer Zone launched an innovative experiment in an underdeveloped medical province. At present, Boao Lecheng Smart Medical Industry Complex can use more than 130 kinds of domestic unlisted medical instruments.

Promote the construction of Sanya Yazhouwan Science and Technology City at a high level. Focusing on the requirements of the Master Plan, Sanya Yazhouwan Science and Technology City will focus on building "one port, three cities and one base", namely Nanfan Science and Technology City, Deep Sea Science and Technology City, Science and Education City, Nanshan Port and global animal and plant germplasm resources introduction transit base. It is understood that Yazhouwan Science and Technology City has added 2,290 registered enterprises in the past two years, and 254 projects have been signed and settled.

"The grass is growing, and the spring mountain is expected." With the effective implementation of the policy system of Hainan Free Trade Port, the continuous improvement of the development environment and the increase of market participants, Hainan is bound to have more "treasures" worth exploring and excavating.

The number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in two years.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 13th According to the data released by Korea Education Development Institute on the 12th, with the increasingly severe problem of low fertility rate, the number of students in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in South Korea is expected to fall below 5 million in 2026.
On May 27th, 2020, students from Shilun Primary School in Seoul, South Korea returned to school accompanied by their parents. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Sang Ho Lee)
The data shows that the number of primary and secondary school students in South Korea is about 5.13 million this year, and it is expected to decrease to about 4.83 million by 2026. In 2029, this number is expected to further drop to about 4.275 million.
The number of freshmen in primary schools in South Korea is also decreasing rapidly. According to the evaluation data, there were about 401,000 freshmen in primary schools in South Korea last year, which is expected to drop to about 348,000 this year, and will fall below 300,000 in 2026, and will be further reduced to about 245,000 in 2029.
With the sharp decrease of school-age population, the Korean government has introduced a policy to reduce the number of teaching staff in public schools. According to the teacher recruitment plan released by the Korean Ministry of Education in April last year, from 2024 to 2027, South Korea will reduce the number of newly hired teachers year by year. In 2027, the number of newly recruited teachers will drop to 2,600-2,900, a decrease of up to 27% compared with 3,561 in 2023.
In recent years, the phenomenon of late marriage and unmarried in Korean society has gradually increased, and the fertility rate has been declining. In 2022, the number of newborns in Korea was 249,000, and the total fertility rate was 0.78, both of which were the lowest since Korea had relevant records. The total fertility rate of 0.78 is far below the 2.1 needed to ensure the stability of the country’s population.
According to a preliminary estimate by the Korea Statistics Office, the number of newborns in the country may be less than 230,000 in 2023, which is nearly half of that eight years ago. (Zhang Jing)
Source: Xinhua News Agency

The reporter investigated the beach where Zhangpu fell into the water: the villagers in the non-scenic area rarely went to the sea.

  On the afternoon of August 14th, 17 foreigners came to the beach near Zhenkou Village, Qianting Town, Zhangpu County, and were involved in the sea. After receiving the alarm, the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it and demanded that all efforts be made to search for and treat the wounded. The local authorities organized more than 330 search and rescue personnel, including emergency management, public security, health, ocean and fishery, and maritime search and rescue detachment of Shuguang Rescue Team, and dispatched 1 maritime search and rescue helicopter and 22 search and rescue vessels. As of 22: 00 on August 14th, the rescue work was all over, among which 11 people died after being rescued, and 6 people’s vital signs were stable.

  Today (15th) morning, when the reporter came to the beach near Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, he saw that the warning line had been set up at the intersection entering the beach. On the beach at the scene of the incident, there was a warning sign saying "Safety against drowning and no swimming in the sea". Yang Huifang, a villager, was the first person who heard the call for help and went into the water to rescue him.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:About 2 o’clock (afternoon), I heard someone calling for help, and then I ran into the water first, and saved one first. Then I rescued him. He was always sober. He told me that there were more than a dozen people in the water below, and I couldn’t save them by myself. Then I ran to the other side to sail, and there happened to be several fishermen there, asking them to go out to save them together.

  Yang Huifang told reporters that the rescue coincided with the high tide of the sea, and the waves were higher than the waves. When the sea retreated, people were easily taken into the sea. He took life-saving equipment and swam to the sea, saving one person first. Due to the large number of people who fell into the water, Yang Huifang swam back to the shore to find reinforcements and rescued five more people with the villagers.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:There are basically many undercurrents in the sea, and the situation is very complicated. For example, when the waves come up (high tide), it seems that the water is pushed up, but after it comes up, the water is pulled back. Normally, we locals are afraid to go down in this water.

  Yang Huifang said that the tides are quite rough in July and August, and the tides are different every day. Even the villagers who are good at water rarely go to the sea, and this place is not a local tourist attraction. The tidal forecast of Fujian Ocean Forecasting Station shows that on August 14th, Zhangpu County appeared at 4: 56 all day, and the tidal height was 1.87 meters. The second is 17: 32, and the tide is 1.68 meters high.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:Our side is an ordinary beach, and few people usually come to play. I didn’t know where it came from yesterday (so many people). It’s not a scenic spot here, but an ordinary beach.

  The reporter learned from the investigation on the beach where the incident occurred that the waters not far away are the inshore farms of the whole village, doing traditional farming such as scallops and oysters. Yang Yucong, secretary of the General Party Branch of Jiangkou Village, told the reporter that the entire coastline of Jiangkou Village is two kilometers long, and there are more than a dozen warning signs along the coast of the sea like this. There have never been such heavy casualties in the village before.

  Yang Yucong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:There are warning signs on this side of the coastline, all of which are to persuade some foreign tourists to come here and not to get into the water, because the sea conditions here are more complicated.

  During the summer vacation, some seemingly safe places are actually very dangerous when playing at the seaside, and such incidents also sound the alarm for us.

  Yang Yucong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:In the future, for example, when we see foreigners entering the water, we will immediately stop it, and we will also put up warning signs more clearly.

  At present, there are 6 survivors of the Zhangpu drowning incident, whose vital signs are stable and in good condition, and the cause of the incident is still under investigation.

   (Headquarters reporter Han Zhitao, Chen Geng, Zheng Wei, Jimson)

The most complete running strategy! Correct running posture, warm-up and stretching will help you protect your knees.

Haruki Murakami said this in the book "What do I talk about when I talk about running":

Every time I see this pastoral chicken soup, my mind can’t help but flash out:

The wonderful running posture I saw in the gym in those years.

Like this:

Especially the last one! !

This kind of person’s posture is not only dramatic, but also the whole process must be accompanied by the loud noise of "pa pa pa".

Although running looks simple, you should be serious!

First of all, adjust your posture before starting, hold your chest high, raise your head and abdomen.

This posture correction looks like this on the treadmill.

The sense of professionalism will come out at once, but you have to keep it all the time.

Because some friends run and relax because of their bad physical habits, it will become like this …

The correct running posture should be like this:

Keep the upper body straight, lean forward slightly as a whole, make a fist with both hands, and the big arm drives the body to swing rhythmically.

If you have a pairThe damping effect is particularly good.You can find the ground with your heel, but don’t be too heavy. Otherwise, it will hurt your knees and there will be hidden dangers of injury.

The correct running posture should be the forefoot landing, or the whole foot landing.

Be careful, don’t think it’s running on tiptoe.

If you want to lose weight on the treadmill, practice your physical fitness by the way.

Then this running posture is enough for you to complete the training safely.

What do you think running to warm up is?

Walk at a speed of 4 on the treadmill for a while?

Start running when you get a little sweaty? ?

All wet.

Running is not just about swinging back and forth on two legs, you need your ass.

How to "wake up" your ass during warm-up?

It is enough to use these three tricks on the treadmill.

It can reduce the pressure of knee joint as much as possible and strengthen the strength of quadriceps femoris.

Strengthen hip muscles by maintaining a semi-squat posture.

Action 2: The treadmill walks sideways.

Activate the hip and strengthen the stability of the hip joint.

Exercise the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus to make the buttocks fuller and rounder.

Action 3: Treadmill walks alternately.

Improve the flexibility of hip joint and strengthen the core abdominal muscles.

Strengthen the flexibility of ankle joint and reduce the risk of sprained ankle.

In fact, many students who claim to have "lost their knees" are just scaring themselves.

Have you ever seen what it’s like to run a broken knee?

It’s like this.

This is running away from your knees, and every step will hurt.

So, if every time you finish running, you just feel sore and uncomfortable in your knees the next day, and then you will recover after two days’ rest, then it’s not a big problem at all, just iliopsoas syndrome.

Buy a foam shaft and learn to relax with me.

Put the foam shaft on the outside of the thigh, then press down the weight of your whole body, support the ground with the other leg, and rub back and forth.

If you roll to a very, very painful point, and the pain is the same as my expression in the picture above, then you are doing the right thing.

Repeat rolling for 40 seconds and then change legs, and then repeat rolling for 40 seconds.

In addition to the relaxation of the iliac meridian tract, our thigh roots have to be stretched.

Lunge forward to leg press, straighten your upper body, slowly turn your body, feel the stretching of your thighs and hips, take five deep breaths, and continue on the other side.

You can do the above two moves alternately after running.

Kneel your legs on the foam shaft, support your upper body, and press the weight on the front side of your calf to crush the foam shaft.

If you show the same expression as me, it’s basically that you’ve found the pain point and just keep running over it.

In addition to relaxing the fascia, you also need to strengthen the muscles in the front of your calf and let him help you every time you run.

First lie on the yoga mat and do a hip bridge posture, then hook your toes forward for about 5 seconds, put them down, and then repeat.

From the knee to the calf, there is another part! !

The soles of the feet hurt when running, which is probably plantar fasciitis.

For this kind of disease, you can practice the skill of catching towels when you are free at ordinary times. You can catch towels with a sense of ceremony as shown in the picture above.

You can also throw the towel on the ground and then "catch" it with your feet.

It’s very Buddhist to feel tired every time you scratch your feet.

"10-20-30 training method"It is a very simple but efficient method.

According to a research report in Scandinavian Sports Medicine and Science, compared with normal runners, ordinary fans who use this training method have a very high training level after 8 weeks.

Running must challenge yourself and refuse to be bored.

Another touching spirit of women’s volleyball.

This article is transferred from Guangming. com;
[Special Report of Tokyo Paralympic Games]
Another touching spirit of women’s volleyball.
—— Sidelights of China Sitting Women’s Volleyball Team in Tokyo Paralympic Games
Guangming Daily reporter Wang Dong
On the morning of September 5th, the sitting women’s volleyball final of the Tokyo Paralympic Games was fought by China and the United States. In the previous group match, China beat its opponent 3-0. Therefore, before the match, it was generally believed that China had a better chance to win.
In the Paralympic Games, China and the United States are a pair of old rivals, and they always occupy the leading position in the world. Since the project entered the Paralympic Games in 2004, China won the championship for three times in a row. In the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio, the United States defeated China for the first time to win the championship. At the Tokyo Olympic Games, they once again became opponents in the final. Unfortunately, however, the China team failed to realize their long-cherished wish. In the final, they lost to their opponents 1-3 and won the silver medal.
After the game, the famous women’s volleyball team in China, Zhu Yunying, commented on this group of women’s volleyball girls: "We feel that this silver medal is not lighter than the gold medal. After all, compared with the healthy people, this is really a group of girls who are determined not to give in to fate. From them, we can feel a different and moving spirit of women’s volleyball! "
If you have a dream, you have to fight for it.
For the defeat in the final of Rio Paralympics five years ago, all the players and coaches are holding their breath, and they are extremely eager to regain this gold medal in Tokyo.
Last March, when Tokyo announced that the Olympic Games and Paralympics were postponed due to the epidemic, all the players in China’s sitting women’s volleyball team were relieved. Although this meant another year of training around the clock, at least the game was still there, and they were more worried that the Tokyo Olympic Games would be cancelled. "The Olympic Games are held every four years, and we all particularly hope to stand on such a stage." Team member Tang Xuemei said.
In this team, there are many three or four elders, and some players can’t even take care of their children for training. To this day, they only want to hit the dream of gold medal. As Zhang Xufei, a veteran who has been playing since the Beijing Olympic Games, said: "There are still dreams, so we must fight again."
According to Xu Huimin, the head coach, during the training for more than a year, the players’ mental state is very good. "In order to realize the dream of an Olympic champion, everyone’s heart is very United, and the atmosphere in the team is very good. No one has ever asked for leave because of poor physical fitness. Some old players are even better than the last Paralympic Games. This is the power of faith, and this is the spirit of women’s volleyball. " Xu Huimin said.
Extraordinary efforts and efforts.
After retiring from the Shanghai Women’s Volleyball Team, Xu Huimin began to coach women’s volleyball for the disabled in 2009 and took over the position of head coach in 2018. In her mind, this is a teacher of honor. These disabled and determined girls have stood on the top stage in the world again and again, and won the gold medal in the Paralympic Games for three consecutive times. Their achievements in the sports field are completely comparable to those of the China women’s volleyball team. And their hard work is even more beyond ordinary people’s imagination.
As soon as he took over the sitting women’s volleyball team, Xu Huimin was shocked. Compared with the conventional volleyball which needs to run and jump, the rhythm and skills of sitting volleyball are quite different. The same basic volleyball movements, such as receiving and sending, padding and spiking, are very difficult for sitting volleyball players and require more perseverance and sweat-all the movements of girls can only be done sitting on the ground. They should replace their feet with their hands and learn to move quickly on the floor; Touching the ground for countless times, blisters are everywhere on hands and buttocks …
In order to better experience the technical characteristics of sitting volleyball, she also sat on the ground: "I need to play with them to understand the rhythm of playing and adjust the training plan." Through continuous exploration, Xu Huimin has formed a set of efficient training mode. In order to achieve good results, Xu Huimin also applied for the sitting volleyball men’s team to practice with the girls, simulating high-intensity competitions and tempering their competitive state.
Xu Yixiao is the main force in the team. As a professional volleyball player, she started her sitting volleyball career after being disabled by injury. "The skill of sitting volleyball is completely different from that of professional volleyball. When I first started to contact sitting volleyball, I even felt that I couldn’t move at all, and then I started to learn from the basic skills." Xu Yixiao said, "To some extent, sitting volleyball for disabled people is more difficult than indoor volleyball for able-bodied people."
Never give up in the game, and live by dreams.
There are too many touching stories in this glorious group. Optimistic, hard-working, tenacious and sunny … Their experiences deserve to be known to each of us:
Tang Xuemei, who lost her left leg in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, never gave up on herself. During the exercise, she found sunshine and self-confidence. "Volleyball brings me a lot of happiness. The shadow caused by the earthquake is almost gone. I have a higher platform and can realize more life value. As a disabled person, it is a great glory in my life to win the gold medal in the Paralympic Games and raise the national flag. " Tang Xuemei said.
Due to the special experience and the reality of changing people’s lives with sports, the International Olympic Committee specially wrote an article to report Tang Xuemei’s struggle story, which touched people all over the world and inspired children all over the world who struggled with their fate.
Rising from grief, Tang Xuemei practiced the spirit of women’s volleyball with her own actions, and at the same time opened a new life.
Wang Yanan was amputated in a car accident at the age of 17. She changed from a girl who likes dancing to a disabled person. Her life fell into gloom, and she even wanted to commit suicide.
However, many years of volleyball career have made her life have a different color, especially the gold medal of the London Paralympic Games in 2012. She still remembers: "I am very strong. When I was a child, I told myself that I would climb the biggest performance stage, but I didn’t expect that I would finally climb the highest podium in this way."
"I won’t think about saying that others look down on me, I can’t. I will take care of and help my friends now, and I have realized my value here. " Wang Yanan said.
Four-time Olympic veteran Zhang Lijun, from 14 to 36 years old, struggled in the sitting volleyball for 22 years and never wanted to give up. This is her last Paralympic Games. Zhang Lijun said, "I am very grateful for sitting volleyball, which has always inspired me. Volleyball is a complex that I can’t give up. Through sitting volleyball, I found myself and reflected my own value. "
Lu Hongqin, from Shanghai, is 41 years old. She is an old volleyball player who has experienced five Paralympic Games. Because of polio, Lv Hongqin lost her ability to walk normally since she was a child. In 1999, she became an athlete in Shanghai Sports Training Center for the Disabled. Sitting volleyball changed her life. Since 2000, she has won many honors, such as the national March 8th Red Flag Bearer, the national outstanding athlete and the national May 1st Labor Medal.
As Tang Xuemei said: "The spirit of China women’s volleyball team is the same as that of China sitting women’s volleyball team. Even at the last minute, as long as the game is not over, we can’t give up."
Guangming Daily (September 9, 2021, 09 edition)

Clean-up of professional qualifications: the state does not allow enterprises to be "willful"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30th, by topic:Some similar "chicken ribs" certifications are still in progress-professional qualification cleaning and tracking

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  A few days ago, the State Council decided to cancel 47 professional qualifications such as property manager, market manager and flower arranging worker. So far, the State Council has cancelled 319 professional qualifications in six batches.

  However, according to a survey conducted by Xinhua Viewpoint, although some professional qualifications have been cancelled, there are still qualification examinations with similar names and types organized by different departments. Many job seekers are not sure whether they still need to take the examinations, and some enterprises still take the cancelled qualification certificates as the entry threshold.

  Almost all the qualification exams have left people "stupid and confused"

  The reporter learned that with the issuance of relevant national documents and the rapid implementation in various places, many qualification examinations have been cancelled.

  "We have cancelled the qualification examinations for flower arrangers and manicurists according to national documents." Occupational skill testing authority officials in Shandong, Jiangxi and other places said that all the qualifications cancelled by the state would not be tested again.

  Some job seekers also reported that in some places, some qualification examinations listed in the cancellation list are still in progress. For example, the country has previously cancelled the professional qualification of landscape architects, but some provinces clearly stated in the announcement that the landscape architect exam was held in May.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the country cancelled the certification of landscape designers organized by China Building Decoration Association, while some provinces conducted the certification examination of landscape designers organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In fact, although the certificates and accreditation methods are different, the qualifications of the two departments are similar, mainly including landscape design and greening planning. "In our industry’s view, the landscape architect certification functions and objectives of the two departments are basically the same, and the gold content is not high, which is of little significance in practical work, like chicken ribs." Wan Nan, a landscape architect from Dalian, said.

  The staff of a vocational skill appraisal station in Anhui introduced that whether the qualification examinations with similar or consistent names and organized by different departments are cancelled or retained depends on the understanding of each province.

  Similar situations are not uncommon. The accreditation of registered enterprise trainers organized by the National Development and Reform Commission was cancelled in 2014, but the accreditation of enterprise trainers organized by the human and social departments is still going on this year; The qualification certification of professional managers in China, which is in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, was also cancelled in 2014, but the qualification certification of professional managers organized by entrepreneurs associations in china enterprise confederation and China still exists, and relevant training notices were issued in March this year.

  Some job seekers said that it is impossible to know which qualifications have been cancelled and which ones need to be tested. The relevant personnel of human and social departments in Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi and other places interviewed by the reporter said that there are many departments that organize the implementation of vocational qualification licensing and accreditation in China, and various ministries and associations have many qualifications. Some staff members bluntly said: "It is impossible to figure out how many qualifications there are."

  "Some associations and departments are keen on organizing examinations and setting thresholds, partly because vocational qualification certificates are profitable from training and examinations to issuing certificates." A cadre of the human society department in Anhui Province said.

  The state does not allow enterprises to take the exam, but it still requires qualification certificates.

  It is understood that vocational qualification certificates are divided into two categories: access and level. Access certificate requires that you must hold a certificate, and the level class represents the level and business ability of the holder, and it is not required to hold such a certificate.

  However, during the interview, the reporter found that among the vocational qualifications that have been cancelled by the state, not only some entry qualifications are still regarded as entry conditions by some enterprises, but even the level certificates that are not entry thresholds have become entry "stepping stones".

  Although the qualification of the entry-level tenderers has been cancelled by the state, the reporter found on some recruitment websites that the recruitment requirements issued by many companies in Hunan and Zhejiang still clearly stated that "the professional qualification certificate of the tenderers must be available".

  The country has cancelled the qualification identification of access property manager, but the reporter called a real estate agency company in Wuhan in the name of applying for a property project manager. The staff said that job seekers must have relevant qualification certificates such as property manager.

  The barista organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the hotel waiter organized by the China Business Federation all belong to the level evaluation qualification certification. However, the reporter found that a company in Guangzhou requires job seekers to "hold a barista qualification certificate issued by the state" in their job descriptions, and hotels in Tianjin, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other places require waiters to bring hotel waiter qualification certificates during interviews.

  "In the face of a large number of job resumes, the qualification certificate is an important tool for enterprises to select talents quickly and effectively. If only one out of 20 people has a qualification certificate, then I will definitely choose him. " A person in charge of Nanchang Jialaite Peace International Hotel said, "It’s better to have a certificate than nothing, and whoever has a qualification certificate will definitely give priority to who."

  "The country has cancelled the qualification examination. Where can I take it?" "I didn’t send a resume when I saw a company that clearly stated that it needed a qualification certificate." For some "willful" requirements of enterprises, some job seekers in Jinan and Changchun expressed their helplessness.

  Continue to intensify the clean-up and standardize the development of the evaluation system of social institutions.

  In addition to cleaning up 319 professional qualifications, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security proposed that in the future, all newly established national professional qualifications should be reported to the human resources and social security department of the State Council for unified planning and management of national professional qualifications, and all regions and departments should not set up national professional qualifications by themselves.

  Hongchun Wang, a professor of labor and social security in anhui university of finance, and other experts believe that the state’s measures to cancel the license and recognition of professional qualifications in batches have played an obvious role in simplifying administration and decentralizing power and stimulating market vitality. However, in view of the phenomenon that some departments and associations set up qualification recognition indiscriminately for their own interests, we should continue to intensify the clean-up and make a "positive list" of professional qualifications as soon as possible.

  Cadres of the human and social departments in some areas said that relevant departments and associations should conduct self-examination and self-correction according to the vocational qualification certification items that have been cancelled by the state, take the initiative to cancel the qualification certification that is similar to or even the same as its content, and consciously reduce duplicate identification and "chicken ribs" identification. Provincial and municipal departments of human resources and social security should also take the initiative to stop setting relevant examinations. At the same time, guide enterprises to adapt to policy changes, no longer set invisible thresholds, but select talents in a more scientific and effective way. Relevant enterprises that obviously violate state regulations should be given necessary disciplinary warning.

  Wang Zhongwu, a professor of sociology at Shandong University, said that certain departments must not be reluctant to "cash cow", so that qualification recognition becomes a stumbling block to "double innovation". "For pharmacists, teachers and other occupations with greater responsibilities or public interests, as well as the level evaluation of taxation, accounting and other social needs, the reservation should be retained."

  Hongchun Wang and others suggested that we can learn from foreign advanced experience for some level evaluation with large demand, give full play to the role of the market and social organizations, support and encourage the cultivation of a number of accreditation organizations with high degree of specialization and strong credibility, and establish a scientific and effective third-party evaluation accreditation system. (Reporter Meng Hanqi, Yuan Junbao, Chen Nuo, Wu Huiying)

Come and sign up! Chengdu people’s most anticipated "PK Competition for Hard Dishes in the Year of the Communist Youth League" is coming again!

Cover journalist Han Jianwen

Pot friends! Today is the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, officially starting the countdown to the 10-day Chinese New Year! At the same time, it also means that the annual vegetable competition is coming!

Imagine, you showed your hand at the group annual banquet, made a tonal and delicious hard dish, which will definitely impress your relatives and friends, be praised by your peers, be admired by your younger generation, be deeply loved by your partner, and be promoted and raised in your job! Go to the peak of your life immediately!

If you haven’t decided what to do, let the Star Chef Competition and the hard dish guide for the New Year’s Eve give you inspiration!

Guide to hard dishes for 2020 New Year’s Eve.

In 2020, we invited chefs from major star-rated hotels in Chengdu to show us the hard dishes in their hearts. Just saying a few things will make people drool.

Baked Alaskan Crab with Garlic Flavor

The combination of thick garlic and Alaskan crab is bright and fragrant, and simple seasoning can set off the sweetness of crab meat, which is full of the whole mouth and has endless aftertaste.

Sesame crackling Diao roast chicken

When it comes to lifting roast chicken, many foodies are salivating, because its crispness and separation of flesh and blood are comparable to ordinary roast chicken, and with the fresh fragrance of sesame seeds, it will trigger your taste buds.

Boiled beef with green pepper sauce

The fat cow cooked with the secret green pepper juice is full of the flavor of the sauce, and the refreshing and exciting taste in one bite is still full of fat cows full of vigor, which is really unique.

This year, ace chefs will bring you a brand-new batch of delicious food in the Star Chef Competition, and take you to taste the "hard dishes of the group annual banquet" in Chengdu hotels and Chinese restaurants in the Spring Festival of 2024!

Looking for Chengdu, the star chef arrived.

"Chengdu 4th Star Chef Competition" and "Dragon" re-appeared!

The whole city collects the most "hard" taste of 2024!

Long press the poster to identify the QR code to register!

Taste Chengdu together and celebrate the Year of China!

Looking forward to your registration, come and participate!