In November, Beijing’s key online dramas and online movies were publicized.

In November, 2023, there were 70 online dramas and online movies registered in the "Information Filing System of Key Online TV Drama" of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, which met the relevant regulations on the production of original audio-visual programs on key networks. There are 39 online dramas with 921 episodes, and the realistic theme accounts for 48.7%. 266 episodes of 13 urban themes, 46 episodes of 3 public security themes, 64 episodes of 2 legendary themes, 16 episodes of 1 science fiction theme, 134 episodes of 6 martial arts themes, 12 episodes of 1 revolution theme, 33 episodes of 1 rural theme and 350 episodes of 12 other themes. There are 31 online movies, and the realistic theme accounts for 77.4%. 6 urban themes, 1 martial arts theme, 3 legendary themes, 5 rural themes, 3 youth themes, 2 public security themes, 1 science fiction theme and 10 other themes.

There are 8 online dramas with 171 episodes in Beijing, accounting for 20.5% of the national total, and the number of publicity is the second in the country. Realistic themes accounted for 62.5%; According to the theme, there are 3 urban themes with 50 episodes, 1 rural theme with 33 episodes, 1 sci-fi theme with 16 episodes and 3 other themes with 72 episodes. According to the age, there are 5 contemporary and 3 ancient.

A total of 7 online movies in Beijing were put on record and publicized, accounting for 22.6% of the national total, and the number of publicity was the highest in the country. Realistic themes accounted for 71.4%; According to the theme, there are 2 urban themes, 1 rural, youth, legend, martial arts and other themes; According to the age, there are 5 contemporary, 1 modern and 1 ancient.

The list of items is attached.

November 2023, Beijing’s key online drama shooting.

Record and publicize repertoire information

November 2023, Beijing’s key online film shooting.

Record and publicize repertoire information

Source: Capital Radio and Television

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