Twenty-six live broadcast platforms, including Betta, were investigated and found to have an advertising offer of "online celebrity" of 100,000 yuan.

The anchorwoman of "online celebrity" earns extra income by rewarding her fans.

On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the investigation results of a number of online performance platforms, 26 online performance platforms were investigated and 16,881 illegal online performers were dealt with. The reporter’s investigation found that with the webcast terminal moving from PC to mobile, the live broadcast began to enter the era of the whole people. The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has attracted capital madness, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. At the same time, problems such as pornography, violence and infringement in webcasting have also become prominent.

Close more than 4,000 performance rooms.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, the comprehensive law enforcement agencies of cultural markets in six provinces (cities) such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong have recently inspected various online performance platforms, and combined them with self-examination and self-correction of online performance platforms to centrally clean up the content of online performances.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture, in this centralized clean-up, all major online performance platforms closed 4,313 performance rooms with serious violations and rectified 15,795 performance rooms with violations.

The reporter learned that many of the live broadcast platforms and performers investigated this time involved obscene and pornographic content, which is one of the main chaos in the current live broadcast. The reporter has seen on some well-known live broadcast platforms that some "anchors" sexually tease and hint through body and language. "Now mobile phones have almost become the standard for students, and the hard-to-prevent pornographic information in the live broadcast platform is really worrying." A parent in Beijing said.

Violence and abetting crimes are also the focus of this investigation. On some live broadcast platforms, funny live content such as racing cars, eating light bulbs and biting dozens of burning cigarettes appears from time to time. In April this year, the Ministry of Culture clearly pointed out that there was a live broadcast platform to broadcast the gangster-themed games "Grand Theft Auto (GTA)5" and "Dragon 0", etc., with bloody pictures and abetting crimes; Live broadcast of the illegal game "Zhajinhua", etc., promoting gambling behavior, violating social public order and good customs.

According to the investigation results released by the Ministry of Culture on the 12th, 12 business units, including Wuhan Betta Network Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panda Mutual Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Liujianfang Technology Co., Ltd., were investigated for providing illegal and illegal contents such as promoting obscenity, violence, abetting crimes and endangering social morality. At the same time, many anchors and performers were investigated and dealt with, and a total of 1502 serious illegal network performers were dismissed and 16881 illegal network performers were dealt with.

According to the reporter’s investigation, in addition to pornography, violence and other factors, the infringement problem in the live broadcast process has also been repeatedly criticized. Last year, Betta broadcasted the 2015 DOTA2 Asian Invitational Tournament without authorization, and was judged by the court to compensate the relevant companies for economic losses of more than 1 million yuan. In addition, some video websites take street scenes and shopping crowds in shopping malls as live broadcast targets, and even have live broadcast channels under the banner of "the only way for college beauty". Yang Li, a citizen of Jinan, said, "Many people care about this invasion of privacy. Isn’t live broadcast in public places unattended?"

There is an advertisement for "online celebrity" offering 100,000 yuan.

According to a reporter’s investigation, the huge economic benefits, especially the phenomenon that "the more Huang Yue becomes famous for its violence, the more rewards it gets", have made some network anchors spare no effort to broadcast pornography, violence and even create various farce, and strive for fame.

A female anchor named "Coco" in Shandong has more than one million fans on a live broadcast platform. Fans rewarded her with online virtual flowers, lollipops, diamond rings, luxury cruise ships and other gifts. "Coco" also earned extra income by opening members, adding micro-signals and taking photos with netizens. "Some fanatical fans will send out 1314 gifts in a row according to the performance, with one gift ranging from 0.1 yuan to more than 10 yuan, and a group of 1314 will cost hundreds to thousands of yuan. There are more groups of 521 and 88. " "Coco" said.

It is understood that different platforms have different sharing modes. Some platform anchors can get 30%, while others can get 50%. Some platforms will also set corresponding sharing ratios according to different revenues.

In addition, in addition to directly rewarding and sharing, anchors can earn income by participating in various activities invited by fans, selling goods in online stores, and pushing advertisements during live broadcast. Many "online celebrity" have quoted more than 100,000 yuan for pushing an advertisement. The "2016 China E-commerce Red People’s Congress Data Report" released by CBN Business Data Center estimates that the output value of red people’s industry is close to 58 billion yuan this year, which has far exceeded the total box office of 44 billion yuan in China last year.

The rapid development of live broadcast platforms has also attracted the madness of capital, and various live broadcast platforms are becoming the "window" for investment. Since the end of last year, many live broadcast platforms such as virtual hall and Yingke have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. On March 15th this year, Betta TV, a live broadcast platform, received $100 million in Series B financing from investment institutions such as Tencent and Sequoia Capital.

■ Expert advice

Establish performers

Blacklist system

The Ministry of Culture issued the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Culture in 2011. Recently, the Ministry of Culture also issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Performance, which explicitly prohibits using human defects or showing human variation to attract users, or using terror, cruelty, destroying the physical and mental health of performers and cruelty to animals to conduct online performance activities.

Wang Yunfei, an associate professor of sociology at Anhui University, and other experts believe that there are so many kinds of live content that it is difficult to clearly define whether it is horrible, cruel, violent or vulgar. Some platforms and anchors play "edge ball", and some deliberately put servers abroad to avoid direct supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually refine policies and clarify the boundaries of various behaviors.

Some cultural law enforcement officials said that it is also difficult to investigate and deal with illegal webcasts. It is understood that at present, the cultural department’s supervision of webcasting mainly relies on random inspections and reports from the masses. The live broadcast platform needs self-examination and self-examination and is responsible for the live broadcast content. However, some live broadcast platform managers said that nearly a thousand live broadcasts are online at the same time, which is often difficult to monitor seamlessly.

Performers such as anchors bear the most direct responsibility for the content of webcasts. Some experts believe that the "blacklist" system for performers such as anchors should be established and improved to make them "illegal in one place and restricted everywhere" and play an effective deterrent warning role. At the same time, real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated. According to Xinhua News Agency

Xiaomi Auto is released soon! The latest full-body exposure, within 300,000 plus laser radar, will sell 100,000 vehicles next year.

Since Xiaomi announced the construction of the car, this unreleased "first electric car for young people" has been successfully circled.

However, many rice noodles were somewhat disappointed with Lei Jun’s annual speech last week. It was less than half a year before "the production car will be launched in 2024". Lei Jun only mentioned "Xiaomi car" twice at the press conference, and the progress and details of building a car were not announced.

It seems that Lei Jun is not in a hurry. What about the last venture that he promised to put his life honor and family property on?

Fortunately, the latest news has given everyone a reassurance. Recently, a blogger claimed to have photographed four test cars of Xiaomi cars on the Urumqi-Changji Expressway in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and said that "the posture is really good". At the same time, he also added some details of Xiaomi car: equipped with yellow calipers and sharp interior center console edge.

As for how to see that it is Xiaomi Automobile, the blogger said, "Taillights, headlights, wheels and camouflage are all consistent with what Beijing broke at that time."

Coincidentally, at the same time, Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Group, also posted a message in Weibo: "Test Xiaomi MIX Fold 3 Leica Optics, Four-shot and Five-focal Section" and took a group photo. At this time, his IP attribution showed that he was located in Xinjiang. And after the banner held in the group photo is enlarged, it is "fighting for Xiaomi car".

On the other hand, Lu Weibing, the partner and president of Xiaomi Group, also sent a Weibo: "Two shadows are formed", with a picture of two shadows.

Combining multiple sources seems to imply that Lei Jun and other senior executives came to the scene to "supervise" Xiaomi’s test results.

What’s more exaggerated is that the energy consumption performance of Xiaomi Automobile has been concealed. The former Geely Automobile Research Institute Hu Zhengnan published a document in Weibo to disclose the power consumption of Xiaomi Automobile, which can actually achieve good results of "8.8 kWh per 100 kilometers". …

This is quite amazing. The new car may break through everyone’s imagination again like the Xiaomi mobile phone of that year.

Judging from the content released by Hu Zhengnan, due to being spoofed by the engineer, a tram with a remaining battery life of 152 kilometers was thrown at 8 pm, and he was asked to take three strong men back to the destination 85 kilometers away, with an ambient temperature of 37 degrees.

However, he successfully drove the tram to his destination, and the remaining mileage showed that there were still 90 kilometers, and the energy consumption per 100 kilometers was only 8.8 kWh.

Hu Zhengnan revealed in the comments that the whole road is a mixed road condition of high-speed national highways and rural roads. In this process, Xiaomi Automobile has experienced several downhill energy recovery, but in the end, the energy consumption of the vehicle can still be regarded as an upper-class level.

Regarding Hu Zhengnan’s identity, he was the president of Geely Research Institute. In September 2021, he announced on social media that he had joined Leijun’s Shunwei Capital, focusing on the ecological field of smart car technology. Previously, this personnel change was regarded by the outside world as Xiaomi’s car. Welcome to the first car circle.

Combined with its geographical location-Xinjiang, Hu Zhengnan’s news about Xiaomi Automobile is very credible.

The exposure of this data has also triggered a heated discussion among netizens. A medium and large-sized car, such as Tucki P7 and Tesla Model S, has an excellent energy consumption of less than 15kWh per 100km with a single motor version, so the performance of this millet car at 8.8kWh can definitely be regarded as excellent.

In this regard, there is also a digital blogger @ Alex on Earth who analyzed the data, indicating that the four people can still maintain the score of 8.8 kWh per 100 kilometers in a 50-kilometer journey under a 37-degree environment, plus the graph shows that most of the time they are in an acceleration/rapid acceleration state, and some kinetic energy is recovered in the last 10 kilometers, which means that the power consumption performance of Xiaomi Automobile is "a little scary".

In addition to the energy consumption, we have a clearer understanding of the design of Xiaomi car.

Although the new car is still in a state of high camouflage, it is certain that it will be a coupe with a sliding back design, and the front of the new car is long, which is obviously different from our impression of pure electric vehicles. It is expected that the new car will adopt a closed front face design to further optimize the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle.

Not only that, the new car will adopt a borderless door and a hidden door handle design, which looks a bit like Porsche Taycan, so some netizens teased: Whether you can drive a Porsche in this life depends on Xiaomi.

In addition, judging from the outline of the vehicle, the new car may be equipped with a spoiler.

In the body posture, the new car also looks very low. The inclination of the A-pillar is too large, the B-pillar is slender, and the waistline is high. It really looks like a coupe. In detail, the charging port is arranged on the left rear fender, and it will support sucking the charging gun.

From the general outline, it can also be found that the top of Xiaomi car is equipped with lidar equipment.

Earlier, there were car bloggers who came across the road test camouflage car of Xiaomi MS11. The blogger said that the body size of the new car would be at the B+ level.

However, it was revealed that the dimensions, length, width and height of the new car were 4860/1980/1666 mm respectively, which was similar to that of Tucki P7 currently on sale.

In the interior part, the new car may adopt a more conventional design, and there is a large central control screen in the middle of the center console.

Because the screen on the test car has a wide border, it is speculated that the production version may be equipped with a simpler and more sci-fi screen. In addition, the test car is equipped with a relatively small LCD instrument, and the steering wheel seems to adopt a flat-bottomed design, which highlights a certain sporty atmosphere.

In the core configuration, it is revealed that the battery of Xiaomi Automobile is 101kWh, with a rated voltage of 726.7V and a weight of 642kg. These parameters also show that the power battery carried by Xiaomi Automobile is expected to support 800V high-voltage fast charging, which is the same as the previous news.

800V should be the most advanced pure electric fast charging scheme in the field of new energy at present. As a reference, Tucki G6 equipped with 800V fast charging technology can charge for up to 10 minutes and have a battery life of 300km.

At the same time, Xiaomi’s first car will be equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which adopts 5nm process, and the GPU 3D rendering performance is three times higher than that of 8155. At present, there is no production car equipped with this chip in the market, even if Xiaomi car was released in 2024, it is still at the hardware level of the first echelon.

In addition, it will be a high probability that Xiaomi car will be equipped with MIUI car version. After all, MIUI system has always been the core of Xiaomi mobile phone, and it is expected to be equipped with intelligent voice of Xiaoai classmates and get through with Xiaomi smart home system. In addition, Xiaomi car will also support functions such as non-inductive unlocking of mobile phones.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi recently announced the test results of autonomous driving. According to the official statement, the test vehicle can realize unprotected automatic U-turn, bypass the accident vehicle and automatic parking in place.

You can even find the charging port automatically through the mechanical arm to complete automatic charging and homing.

As early as June 2021, Xiaomi invested in laser radar provider Hesai Technology, and Hesai Technology released a pure solid-state close-range blind-compensating laser radar named FT120 in November last year, which is expected to be mass-produced and delivered in the second half of this year.

Therefore, Xiaomi Automobile will be dominated by a hybrid solid-state radar located above the windshield, supplemented by several all-solid-state radars. This configuration is absolutely luxurious today.

Less than a year before Xiaomi’s first car went on the market, the core question of Lei Jun’s "soul torture" may be changed from "to do or not to do" to: expensive or not, which is a problem.

When Xiaomi just called to build a car, Lei Jun made a vote on "How much do you want Xiaomi’s first car to cost?" The result showed that the user group with less than 100,000 yuan was the largest.

However, judging from the current situation, the price of Xiaomi car seems to be not so low. According to many sources, the new car will be divided into two versions, one with a price range of 260,000-300,000 yuan and the other with a price of more than 350,000 yuan.

Then Xiaomi’s mass-produced electric vehicles are expected to become competitors of high-end electric vehicle brands such as Weilai, Tucki and Geely Extreme Chlorine.

However, Lei Jun seems quite confident about this new car. According to media reports, in the past two years, Lei Jun has recruited troops for Xiaomi Automobile. According to insiders of Xiaomi, the existing number of people in Xiaomi Automobile Department has reached 2,500, of which the algorithm team for automatic driving has exceeded 500.

According to the financial report, in 2022, the investment in innovative business such as Xiaomi smart electric vehicle was 3.1 billion yuan, and the size of the automobile business team was about 2,300 people. Half a year has passed, and the team members of Xiaomi Automobile are also growing steadily, and the new car will be unveiled at the end of the year at the earliest.

According to reports, Lei Jun has set a big goal in Xiaomi Automobile, and will achieve sales of 100,000 units in the first year of listing in 2024. In contrast, in the first year of mass production of Weilai Automobile in 2018, the set annual delivery target was only 10,000 vehicles. Until 2022, Weilai delivered a total of 122,500 vehicles, and in the same year, Xpeng Motors delivered 120,700 vehicles. Therefore, the pressure on Xiaomi car is really not small.

Then the question is coming. Do you think Xiaomi’s first battle next year will be successful this time?

Original Original 2022 Seven Live online celebrity Inventory: Some became popular overnight, and some received mixed praise.

Original title: Original 2022 Seven Live Broadcast online celebrity Inventory: Some burst into red overnight, and some received mixed praise.

This year’s anchor keywords are no longer Li Jiaqi and Viya, which people have never heard of before, but more new people have emerged, who have broken through in the fierce live broadcast of the Red Sea by virtue of their own characteristics and advantages.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves, whether it is stars and old artists who have not appeared for a long time, or big brands and unknown small businesses, they are broadcast live one after another.

Who is popular with this year’s live broadcast? In this article, I will take stock of the representatives of this year’s booming live broadcast.

The most cultured live broadcast room: Dong Yuhui

Dong Yuhui is the dark horse in the live broadcast industry this year. With rich knowledge accumulation and outstanding expressive force, he has been "out of the circle".

The young man from rural Shaanxi laughed at himself as a "Terracotta Warriors", but sold the live broadcast room.

His characteristic is that when introducing the characteristics of products, Dong Yuhui will also explain how to express these characteristics in English, with a cordial, enthusiastic and infectious attitude.

Unlike ordinary anchors, whose introduction is limited to product functions, Dong Yuhui changes his identity from time to time, switching freely between roles such as history teacher, philosophy teacher, Chinese teacher and biology teacher. When introducing products, he will add some high-level jokes and celebrity poems from time to time, which profoundly reflects the basic literacy of teachers.

As a host, teachers have their own advantages, such as eloquence and emotional intelligence. He came not only to buy things, but also to learn English and listen to cross talk.

Some netizens commented that "this is the live broadcast room with the most cultural output and input in the whole network", and many parents watched the live broadcast with their children in the name of "learning English".

Dong Yuhui’s popularity made "Oriental Selection" enter the first-line anchor camp, and the live broadcast transformation of New Oriental was also a great success.

"I am a farmer’s child, or a young man who works hard in a big city like you and me." Dong Yuhui evaluates himself.

The most sports live room: Liu Genghong

For a period of time this year, the whole network was full of popular songs, and the protagonist behind it was Liu Genghong, a fitness blogger.

Because it was too hot, several accidents happened:

For example, when he appeared in aerobics, he wore a vest, and because his body was too muscular, he was banned by the system because he was breastfeeding. Jump.

Also, when doing the action, accidentally showing armpit hair was prompted by the system as "not good-looking" and forced to stop broadcasting …

The addition of the 66-year-old mother-in-law directly made the scene hot. Statistics show that in the past 30 days, Liu Genghong has broadcast 28 programs, with a cumulative audience of over 74 million. A number of new groups, "Girl Liu Genghong", were born on the Internet, staying in the studio on time and dancing with Liu Genghong.

Due to the epidemic situation in different degrees all over the country, home fitness has become the urgent need of many people, and it has also contributed to the popularity of Liu Genghong.

But with the passage of time, it is also the biggest regret of many girls in Liu Genghong that they can’t persist in this sports craze.

The most gossip live room: Zhang Lan

With his own entrepreneurial experience and his son’s gossip, he sold a bowl of hot and sour powder. In just a few days, the sales of Maliuji hot and sour powder directly exceeded 60 million.

Zhang Lan knows a lot about the internet. She will talk about things that netizens care about. She followed the online public opinion and teased jokes, and also put in mattresses, marinated eggs, green tea and other products that responded to popular search events.

These products also sell well. Rise.

The live broadcast room is full of connotation and profound meaning. The people who ate melons enjoyed themselves, and Zhang Lan worked hard to make money. This is a win-win game.

This also allows everyone to see Zhang Lan’s indomitable inspirational spirit. As early as 2009, Zhang Lan was selected as the third richest restaurant in Hurun. At its peak, South Beauty had an annual turnover of nearly 3 billion yuan.

However, after successive losses in the capital market, Zhang Lan was once kicked out by the company he founded, but Zhang Lan did not admit defeat. A few years later, he and his son Wang Xiaofei founded the catering company Ma Liuji. No one would have thought that it would be hot again by live broadcast now.

I have to say, Sister Lan is still your Sister Lan.

The most controversial live broadcast room: Crazy Yang Xiaoge

Qianzu spent 100 million yuan to buy more than 50 thousand square meters of real estate of a high-tech enterprise in Hefei, which caused a lot of controversy.

Then, Wang Hai, a well-known counterfeiter, posted a video on Tik Tok, saying that the power parameters of Kim Jong’s wall-breaking machine and meat grinder sold in the live broadcast room of crazy lamb were false.

How fierce is the live broadcast of Crazy Brother Yang?

The short video made Yang Ge a online celebrity, and the live broadcast directly made Yang Ge a billionaire.

"Welcome brothers!

"The popularity of Shawn’s short video was copied to the live broadcast room, and fans watched it one after another. The live broadcast of Shawn was even more popular. Soon, all kinds of big names found Xiao Yang to bring goods.

Xiao Yang also invented a new mode: IP live slicing authorization. Authorized slicing means that, with Shawn’s permission, other accounts edit and bring some tidbits broadcast live in Shawn, and link them to related goods for sale. However, there are a large number of fake accounts of Brother Yang in the market. These accounts are often fake and the source of products is unknown, which will also have a certain impact on Yang Xiaoge’s brand image and damage Yang Xiaoge’s reputation.

When people are popular, the influence of traffic is difficult to control. Xiao Yang, 25, still needs to be down to earth.

The most magical live broadcast room: T97 Big Mouth Girl

"Coffee, do you want to do, do it. Folli, do you want to do it? Do it.


Once upon a time, many people were brainwashed by this magical slogan. The freestyle of the anchor big mouth girl can be called wheat style, which makes the whole network addicted. T97 Coffee has gained more than 1 million fans in two months, and the highest number of viewers in a single game has reached 10.82 million.

The reason why big mouth sister can stand out from the live crowd is because her big mouth is very important.

Because of her big mouth, the big mouth girl used to use a filter to make her mouth smaller. Once she forgot to turn on the filter to reveal her big mouth, only to find that the number of viewers suddenly increased from seven to more than 50.

Therefore, the big mouth girl no longer hides it, but highlights this feature, which is even more unforgettable.

Big mouth Niang also has a big killing trick, that is her live broadcast style, rap live broadcast, some people hate it, some people like it.

She wrote the lyrics with her team. Lyrics are extracted from product features, production methods and advertising copy, and she has learned the single and double rhymes of rap.

The popularity of Big Mouth Niang even set off a rap craze in Tik Tok. Cai Linji, Wallace, Wan Fangyuan score, etc. all began to rap in the live broadcast room.

According to Li Xiao, the founder of T97, the live broadcast room only needs 800 yuan to achieve a high exposure of 50.18 million.

But the traffic is heavy, and it still can’t bring the goods. It was found that the big mouth girl was on fire for a month, and the average sales of T97 coffee per live broadcast was between 75,000 and 100,000, and the highest single broadcast was only over 200,000.

This also exposes an embarrassing fact: the personal characteristics of big mouth sister are too distinct, and netizens will be taken away by big mouth and ignore the products she sells.

The most fake backstage live broadcast room: alimu

This year’s live broadcast industry has made many grassroots popular, and a typical example is Alimu.

Because Xinjiang host Alimu has a dark complexion, it doesn’t match the exquisite Xinjiang background at all. Every time he sells honey live outdoors, he will be questioned by netizens that "your background is too fake."

In order to prove that his background is true, Liu Yuanjie threw a bucket into the stream behind him during the live broadcast, but ran into the water to pick it up. Not only that, Liu Yuanjie also threw stones and slippers into the water to prove his authenticity.

Unexpectedly, these have become the material for the second creation of netizens. The stream and grass behind Liu Yuanjie can be turned into any scene. Send great gods from all walks of life to carry out "second creation" to realize the dream linkage of various scenes, such as fiery volcanoes, chaotic entry into the Ligue 1, lonely moon and street freestyle.

"Your background is too fake" rushed to Weibo hot search, and Liu Yuanjie’s "Jiangyu Alimu" was a hit, with over 400,000 fans overnight.

Although it looks a bit vicissitudes, but the actual age is only 25 years old. Alimu, born in 1997, has another identity: President of Xinjiang Yuli County Beekeeping Association, who is the anchor in Yuli County, Bayinguoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, and mainly sells local honey.

After becoming popular, countless netizens came to Liu Yuanjie’s live broadcast room, and honey was quickly snapped up. Liu Yuanjie fully enjoyed the bonus of "Everyone Becomes Famous for 5 Minutes" and sold it happily.

The most marginal live room: coconut tree live broadcast

The most troublesome coconut tree group entered the live track this year, and it still passed by as always.

As soon as the coconut tree group announced that it had settled in the live broadcast to bring goods, tens of thousands of people suddenly poured in. The four beautiful women in the live broadcast room swayed back and forth with the rhythm, which triggered the emotional excitement of netizens. Many netizens expressed their feelings, "You know this traffic."

Netizens also invented a word for the coconut tree live broadcast room, "the earth wants the wind", which means that the models are all wrapped up and their clothes are not exposed, but they still give people a sharp-edged feeling.

It is not surprising that coconut trees enter the live broadcast. Now live broadcast with goods has become the only way for the development of major brands. Using the "earthy flavor" marketing method with spicy eyes is also the consistent operation method of coconut trees.

Behind the success of the live broadcast, it also exposed the problems of the Coconut Tree Group itself: the products are too single and the marketing methods are too backward. It’s not that the live broadcast is wrong, but that it’s time for coconut trees to change their marketing methods.

As the Beijing News commented:

Coconut juice is really delicious. Keep the quality and don’t let vulgar marketing smash the signboard.

-The end-

Editor in charge:

The man went to "Aauto Quicker" to find his girlfriend and was defrauded. Police: "Girlfriend" is a man

  A man in Yanbian County, Panzhihua, Sichuan met a girl from the video of "Aauto Quicker" and confirmed his love relationship. The "girlfriend" claimed 23,000 yuan in the name of medical expenses for injuries and meeting fees, and then disappeared. After investigation by Yanbian police, it was found that his girlfriend was actually a man. On July 18th, The Paper learned from Yanbian County Public Security Bureau that at present, the suspect Wang was criminally detained by the police on suspicion of fraud.

  According to the staff of Yanbian County Public Security Bureau, on December 19th, 2018, Xie Moumou from Hongge Town, Yanbian County reported to Hongge Police Station that he had met a girl who claimed to be "Li Mengting" through the "Aauto Quicker" video network platform, and they had an online relationship and established a love relationship.

  During the period of "love", "Li Mengting" demanded money from Xie Mou for various reasons, totaling more than 23,000 yuan. Now, "Li Mengting" can’t be found, so please ask the police station to investigate and handle it.

  After receiving the police, the Hongge police station immediately organized the police to investigate. After investigation, Xie met a girl who claimed to be "Li Mengting" through the "Aauto Quicker" video network platform in November 2018, and then they added WeChat (WeChat named Li Meng) to start their relationship and established a "love" relationship.

  During the period of communication, "Li Mengting" defrauded Xie for money on the pretext of falling and needing medical expenses and meeting with a red envelope. In just over a month, he asked Xie for 500 yuan, 2,500 yuan and 10,000 yuan in four times. Although the two sides have never met and watched videos, Xie Moumou has always believed in it.

  Until November 18, 2018, "Li Mengting" borrowed 10,000 yuan from Xie Moumou again. After Xie’s family knew it, they asked him why and asked him to bring "Li Mengting" home to meet him. Later, Xie contacted Li Mengting, and Li Mengting told him to meet in Huili County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province and pay back the money. However, when Xie and his family arrived in Huili, they could not contact Li Mengting. Later, I went to the address originally provided by "Li Mengting" to look for it, but they all said that there was no such person. Only then did Xie Moumou know that he had been cheated.

  The police handling the case comprehensively used various investigation methods, and finally found out that "Li Mengting" was named Wang (male, from Huili County) and was arrested in Huili County on July 5 this year.

  Wang’s confession: In November 2018, he met Xie Moumou through Aauto Quicker. Wang lied that he was a woman, and downloaded photos of beautiful women on the Internet and sent them to a circle of friends to pretend to be himself. Then they added WeChat, and they exchanged and confirmed the relationship of "love" on WeChat. In the meantime, he defrauded Xie Moumou of more than 23,000 yuan for four times with various excuses.

  At present, the suspect Wang has been under criminal detention and the case is being processed.

The spy war "Listener" exposed the trailer. Tony Leung Chiu Wai challenged the old corner of Wang Baoqiang

Siu Fai Mak

Felix Chong

Siu Fai Mak and Zhuang Wenqiang were interviewed by reporters.

Tony Leung Chiu Wai plays the old corner of Wang Baoqiang in The Listener.

    Movie network news(Photo/Hong Kong International Film Festival Reporting Group) A spy war movie directed by Siu Fai Mak and Zhuang Wenqiang and starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Zhou Xun, Mavis Fan and Wang Xuebing was released in Hong Kong on the 20th, with the latest trailer, the blind man of Tony Leung Chiu Wai and the secret agent of Zhou Xun dressed up. It is reported that this film, which is called a combination with Lust, Caution, will be released in the mainland on August 10th.

"Listen to the Wind" was created by many masters.

Siu Fai Mak and Zhuang Wenqiang.


Tony Leung Chiu Wai denied that the film was a copy of Lust, Caution when he played the old corner of Wang Baoqiang.

    Listening to the Wind is adapted from Mai Jia’s classic spy novel, which tells the story that agent Zhou Xun finds Tony Leung Chiu Wai, a street blind gangster, and with the help of Tony Leung Chiu Wai’s superior hearing, finds the enemy radio station that has disappeared for many years and obtains military information to defend the country. Zhuang Wenqiang said, "There are many spy wars in The Listener, but some adaptations will be made to the original."

    In fact, Mai Jia’s work has long been made into a TV series "Assassination", which was a smash hit, and the role played by Tony Leung Chiu Wai was played by Wang Baoqiang in that year. Referring to the difference in temperament between them, Zhuang Wenqiang said with a smile, "In fact, when I first read this book, I thought that this role should be played by Xiaogang Feng, but it is impossible. Of course, it is impossible for Tony Leung Chiu Wai to play Xiaogang Feng or Wang Baoqiang."

    On the same day, The Listener also exposed the trailer for the first time. Many scenes and characters in it will make people think of The Wind and Lust, Caution, but Siu Fai Mak doesn’t think so. "Some people say it is like it. In fact, you will know that it is not like it after watching the whole film, and it is different from our previous shooting style."

Next page:Zhou Xun turned into an emotional liar. Tony Leung Chiu Wai gave up the electric eye and played the blind PK Andy Lau.

Regular press conference of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the first quarter of 2024

  Introduce the promotion of inbound tourism facilitation and domestic spring tourism promotion. Live guests: spokesperson of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, deputy director of the General Office: Zhang Xuxia, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Fu Hanxiao, deputy director of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Wu Kefeng, deputy director of the Market Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Li Xiaoyong, deputy director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Shi Zeyi.

Is the second generation of entertainment still a star? Investigation on the current situation of celebrity children


Rich girls also break into the entertainment circle

It’s too early to be famous!

  3 Huang Zhiqing

  "Princess" selected by Stickmen "Prince"

  Identity: Huang Rihua Daughter Age: 19 years old

  Star potential: ★★★★☆.

  Taiwan Province’s super-popular idol group Stickmen held a concert in Hongkong earlier, which attracted thousands of girls to join in, while Stickmen member "Prince" held a beautiful female fan’s hand for a week and hugged deeply during her solo show. This lucky "princess" who was favored by "Prince" was Felix Wong Yat Wa and his wife Liang Jiehua’s baby daughter Huang Zhiqing.

  Felix Wong Yat Wa always dotes on her daughter and takes her everywhere in idolize. TWINS took her daughter to chase TWINS when she first debuted, and chased S.H.E when she grew up. Now that her daughter is 19 years old and slim, the 24-year-old father still drove her to Stickmen. "I sent my daughter to the concert that day. When I entered the venue, someone asked if I would mind letting my daughter go on stage. My daughter has been chasing Stickmen for two years and likes them very much." Felix Wong Yat Wa was generous when she talked about her daughter’s attention. When the reporter praised Huang Zhiqing’s outstanding appearance and qualified to enter the entertainment circle, Felix Wong Yat Wa did not reject it. "She should finish reading the book first. In fact, my daughter likes acting very much, but she plays a stage play instead of a TV series. I have been to see her performance and she played well. "

  4 Miao Tong

  Little "school flower" has no intention of choosing Hong Kong sister.

  Identity: Michael Miu Daughter Age: 18 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★

  Michael Miu and Qi Meizhen were a couple of golden couple when they were young. Their daughters inherited their parents’ excellent genes, and they became the "beauty queen" of the school at a young age, which was very popular with male students.

  In order to raise a pair of precious children, Michael Miu and Qi Meizhen did not hesitate to give up their acting career in their early years. Under the careful guidance of their parents, Miao Tong, now 18, and Miao Jun, now 15, are obedient, and Miao Tong, who looks very much like Qi Meizhen’s daughter, is very popular with male students. A reporter from Hong Kong followed suit and found that Miao Tong, as the "school flower", often had a male classmate with small eyes to escort him around.

  At the registration stage of "Hong Kong Sister" this year, it was once reported that Miao Tong would run for Hong Kong Sister. When Qi Meizhen attended a public event, she said that her daughter was not interested in the entertainment circle. "I am so angry with my daughter. After reading the report, she asked me what is’ the front belly of the bus’? Later, I learned that she meant’ a lot of prospects’, and my daughter is now preparing to go to college. I was scared all day when I heard that I chose Hong Kong sister. My daughter would better go to school and not be photographed by paparazzi. "

  Children’s group

  1 Chen Kangdi

  A "hipster" who became a designer before her mother

  Identity: Eason Chan Daughter Age: 4 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★

  Chen Kangdi, who has long hair, has become a "hipster girl" under the creation of Xu Haoying, a "hipster mom" who has always studied fashion clothes. She has a beautiful appearance and knows how to draw and dance ballet. She is both a writer and a dancer, and her father is a "big brother" in Hong Kong’s music scene. Xiaokangdi is naturally favored by advertisers. It is said that the value of advertisements in Chen Kangdi is as high as HK$ 2.5 million. Eason Chan said that if his daughter is interested in advertising, he will not object, but he still thinks it is too hard to be an artist. He hopes her daughter can study hard and lead an ordinary life.

  Chen Kangdi, who is only 4 years old, participated in the "I want to be a designer" taught by He Zhien himself earlier. Many children’s hair in the class was stained with paint, but Xiaokangdi was very calm and had a good idea of color matching. He painted the paper skirt and decorated it with small shells, which was praised by He Zhien for its creativity. At a fashion show specially designed for children, Xiaokangdi put on a skirt designed by herself to walk the catwalk.

  2 Xie Zhenxuan

  More suitable for entertainment than grandpa and dad.

  Identity: Nicholas Tse son Age: 2 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★★★

  Because both parents are big stars, Xie Zhenxuan’s gestures have been widely reported since his birth, and his clothes have become a trend indicator, such as Nike sneakers and Bathing Ape hats. Nicholas Tse once blew himself up that his son was worth 10 million Hong Kong dollars, which was higher than himself: "I might scare you to death if I told him. Someone once offered him eight figures to advertise, but I didn’t want him to walk back to his parents’ road." An advertiser confirmed that Nicholas Tse’s statement was true: "There are often manufacturers who want to find Lucas to advertise through us, and there are indeed large brands that bid more than HK$ 10 million. Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Nicholas Tse. He said that he should at least wait until his son is sensible. " To this end, Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse also had a big fight.

  The advertisement was not made, but it didn’t affect Lucas’ exposure at all. His mother often took him everywhere to play, while his grandmother took him everywhere to drink tea and shop. Lu-cas had already trained very professionally, and he was never afraid to see reporters’ "long guns and short guns", but he would cry if the camera didn’t shoot him. Cecilia Cheung once said that Lucas has the talent to be a star, and he will be more popular than grandpa and dad. Grandma praised him for his musical talent, which was better than his father Nicholas Tse.

  3 Ren Qingjia

  Little princess who loves to walk the catwalk.

  Identity: Yam Tat-wah Daughter Age: 4 years old.

  Star potential: ★★★★★★★

  Yam Tat-wah and Sophia Kao’s daughter, Ren Qingjia, are really beautiful. Some time ago, their family of three went to Guangzhou to "chase" Jay Chou, and Xiao Qingjia, sitting in the VIP seat, attracted many people’s attention.

  Ren Qingjia is deeply loved by her parents, and she is a model of Yam Tat-wah who loves photography. Since childhood, her father recorded her growth with a camera, and she was used to showing herself in front of the camera, and even picked up the camera to take pictures herself. Yam Tat-wah was full of praise for her daughter’s "photography", saying that her composition was very special and her idea was very good.

  With a supermodel mother as an example, Ren Qingjia, who loves beauty, began to walk the catwalk at the age of 3. One day, at the age of 3, she went to the street with her mother and grandmother. Originally, she always wanted her mother to hold her, but suddenly she asked to walk in the fields, and then she swaggered up as a model on the road to give full play to her acting talent. In fact, not only the catwalk on the road, but also many fashion shows have invited Xiao Qingjia to make a guest appearance, but all of them have been blocked by their eager parents. "It’s best not to, don’t, don’t even sing. If the daughter goes to film, there will be fewer opportunities to meet. Besides, filming is too hard, and there are day shifts and night shifts. Girls should not stay up all night. I just want my daughter to be healthy. I don’t even let them visit my own filming. It doesn’t matter if you call me autocratic. " Yam Tat-wah said this in an interview.

  ● Reporter’s viewpoint

  Be an ordinary person.

  ■ Kaka

  I’m glad to see that the children whose parents are stars are slim and graceful now, and I’m glad that none of them have dreams of becoming stars again. They inherited their parents’ excellent genes, so they are either hot and beautiful, or they have some extraordinary talents in music and acting, but they only regard this as a kind of interest and hobby. Instead of living in the public eye like their parents, they should be happy and ordinary people.

  In the past, we always liked to use the word "family", including a family of performers, singers and movies. Indeed, there are many big stars in the entertainment circle now. Their parents are stars themselves, such as Nicholas Tse, Fang Zuming and Ceng Baoyi. My father’s shadow may have brought convenience to them when they made their debut, but their ultimate success depends on their own efforts. In fact, what more second-generation celebrities see is not the glamour of the entertainment circle, but the pain that their parents have been followed by paparazzi and the despair that life has no privacy. In today’s era of individuality and freedom, this may be more unbearable than having no money. As a result, the children of these stars are far away from Hong Kong to study abroad, living a rich life of ordinary people and enjoying the freedom that their parents have always hoped for. Parents who are stars also agree with their children’s choice, because they have suffered too much in the entertainment circle and shed too many tears that others can’t see.

  In this era of fast food, entertainment stars are definitely fast-moving consumer goods. What we want to see are some new faces and voices that can cheer us up. As for who she and her parents are, we don’t care.

Editor: Liu Haifeng

Exclusive behind the scenes! CCTV-9 "Flying over the Ice and Snow Line" premiered heavily.

  Running the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics well is of great significance for promoting the development of the Olympic cause and further enhancing China’s international influence, and the leading role in the Winter Olympics is undoubtedly the Olympic athletes from all over the world.

  The 6-episode documentary "Flying over the Ice and Snow Line", jointly produced by China Central Radio and Television Station and Dutch Insight Television Company, will exclusively record the preparation process of top athletes from many countries for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and will land on CCTV Record Channel of China Central Radio and Television Station on January 26th.

  Seven top ice and snow athletes, with a one-year follow-up, "Flying over the Ice and Snow Line" will tell you the extraordinary stories of their overcoming difficulties and achievements in preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  Gu Ailing (China)

  Gu Ailing, a favorite in the sports field, is also a shining star on social media.

  With so much praise and applause at an early age, how does she view honor and position herself?

  How to strike a balance between the flash and the training ground?

  Kay Verbay (Netherlands)

  Kay Wilby is the king of short track speed skating. In the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, he left because of injury. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, he was full of confidence and set foot on the speed skating track again.

  Faced with the pressure of the competition and the eager expectation of the people, can this "speed skating urchin" who loves music return to the peak?

  Alice Merriweather (USA)

  Alice attributed all success to perseverance — — The ability to dig deep into pain, overcome pain and exceed the limit.

  She fought against her physical illness and mustered all her courage to embark on a journey. She was injured again preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics, but she didn’t give up.

  Although she didn’t do well in the points competition and missed the opportunity to come to Beijing to participate in the Winter Olympics, her tenacity and hard work still vividly explained the profound connotation of the Olympic spirit.

  Donovan Carrillo (Mexico)

  Donovan is the first Mexican athlete to win a ticket for figure skating in the Winter Olympics, which is the pride of Mexico.

  Although the conditions are difficult and the funds are extremely scarce, he can only teach and train at the same time, but for this love, Donovan gave everything he had.

  Cady Ormerod (UK)

  Kaidi is known as "Duchess of Man-made Ski Slope", and she is a leader in obstacle skills and aerial skills.

  However, years of extreme sports have brought many illnesses. She has had seven life-threatening operations and even had to learn how to walk again.

  However, in the face of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Kaidi threw himself into training and preparation without hesitation.

  Zhao Jiawen (China)

  The Beijing Winter Olympics is the first time that China has participated in the Winter Olympics in all events, which means that in many events, we will see the athletes of China for the first time.

  In order to get a ticket to the Winter Olympics in nordic combined, China athlete Zhao Jiawen needs to overcome many difficulties and push himself to a desperate situation, just to achieve a breakthrough from scratch.

  These athletes shoulder not only their own dreams, but also the common expectations of the country, the nation and even the people all over the world. "Flying over the Ice and Snow Line" focuses on their sports careers, team families and life experiences, focusing on the mental journey behind the preparations.

  Affected by the epidemic, the competition, training and life of athletes are constantly adjusting and changing.

  The film crew mobilized shooting teams from all over the world to overcome all difficulties and go to the athletes’ training venues to shoot. Many pictures in the film will be presented exclusively.

  The film adopts advanced ice and snow motion capture shooting technology, trying to present touching moments about courage, growth and harvest through fascinating ice and snow limit pictures.

  Telling the Olympic story in the Olympic spirit, Flying Over the Ice and Snow Line will show the world the charm of hosting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in a green, shared, open and clean way.

  21:00 pm on January 26th.

  Sino-Dutch co-production documentary "Flying over the Ice and Snow Line"

  CCTV-9 blockbuster premiere

  Stay tuned!

  Chief producer | Zhuang Dianjun

  Supervision system | Zhang Xuemei Yang Chunguo

  Chief editor Chang Yang.

  Responsible for editing Cai Tian ran Luo Wei

"Lei Yu" dampened the enthusiasm of NBA China Games, and many related activities were cancelled.

  Zhongxin Online Haihai, October 9 (Reporter Miao Lu Yin Liqin) There is only one day left before the NBA China Game. According to the usual practice in previous years, the outside of the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center should be in full swing at this time. However, due to the impact of Morey’s "Lei Yu" incident, the reporter saw a particularly deserted scene at the scene.

  The Center Stage area of the outdoor venue is being demolished. Photo by Yin Liqin

  In the Center Stage area of the outdoor venue, the original performance venue and the chairs left for the audience to watch the activities are being demolished, and the scene is in a mess. The cleaning staff is cleaning up the demolished garbage. The booths of Gatorade and other brand sponsors on both sides of Center Stage have also stopped building, and some have even disappeared, and the signs with NBA Logo have been removed one after another. Even the China flags on both sides of the road were not spared, and they were picked by the staff overnight.

  At 9: 00 pm local time on October 4th, USA, the general manager of the Rockets, Morey, updated his social media and made inappropriate remarks about Hong Kong. Subsequently, both CCTV Sports and Tencent announced that they would no longer broadcast games with Houston Rockets, and some China sponsors and business partners also announced that they would suspend their cooperation with Houston Rockets.

  Gatorade and other brand sponsors’ activity sheds have stopped building. Photo by Yin Liqin

  When China fans focused on crisis public relations, the NBA’s response disappointed them again. Adam Xiao Hua, president of NBA, who is attending activities in Japan, responded to Morey’s remarks about Hong Kong twice in a row and publicly supported Morey. Xiao Hua said, as a values-based organization, I want to make it clear that Morey’s ability to speak freely is supported by (us).

  As soon as this statement came out, it was originally only a criticism against Morey and the Rockets, and it evolved into a question against the entire NBA league. Many netizens are angry. "This is the NBA’s disregard and provocation against China." "If the NBA official has this attitude, you can terminate the cooperation." Some fans pointed out sharply: "It took former NBA President Stern 30 years to enter the gate of China, but Morey closed it, and Xiao Hua added a lock three days later."

  In 1989, david stern, the former president of NBA, waited in the wind for 40 minutes with a videotape before knocking on the door of CCTV. During the talks, he patiently explained to CCTV leaders what the NBA is, and even sent a free NBA video to Beijing every week. He also invited CCTV’s broadcast team to broadcast the Star Game and the finals live on his own. Because of this, the China market opened its arms and had a close relationship with the NBA.

  Over the past 30 years, the NBA has undoubtedly become one of the biggest beneficiaries of the China market. Since Yao Ming joined the Rockets in 2002, the league has increased its audience by 370 million in nine years. The copyright price of NBA China has also been rising all the way, from 7 million yuan in 2010 to 1.5 billion dollars (about 10.7 billion yuan) in 2019 when Tencent won the exclusive rights of digital media.

  Statistics show that the copyright revenue of NBA in China is equivalent to 11% of the local revenue. It can be said that in recent years, the NBA has made great strides in economic benefits, which cannot be separated from the support of China fans. The most beneficial team among them is probably the Houston Rockets, because many people pay attention to the NBA, starting with Yao Ming’s joining the Rockets.

  With the continuous fermentation of events, many NBA-related activities were cancelled. According to the latest news, the night of NBA fans was cancelled. In addition, it also includes the opening of NBAStyle Zhengda Plaza Store, and the caring public welfare activities in front of the NBA China Tournament.

  Even Lakers star James, who just arrived in Shanghai last night, got a "rest time" and didn’t attend Nike’s activities last night. A number of invited artists in China also announced their withdrawal from related activities.

  It is reported that Xiao Hua arrived in Shanghai in the early morning of the 9th. He said earlier that he had "direct communication" with Yao Ming, President of chinese basketball association. Yao Ming is "very sad" and "very angry" at present, but he hopes to "finally reconcile" with Yao Ming. However, according to information obtained from NBA staff, Xiao Hua has not arranged any activities at present. (End)

23141 Football Quiz: brentford vs West Ham United

Traditional football 14 quiz games.

Welcome to the 23141 football quiz game:

Brentford vs West Ham United is stronger than brentford. Brentford’s performance in the near future is average, and West Ham United may win or draw; Sheffield United VS Wolves, the current state and strength of Wolves are better than Sheffield United, and they are more likely to win this game.

Everton VS Brighton, although Brighton has certain strength, there is still a gap compared with Everton, and Everton has a greater chance of winning or drawing. Manchester City VS Bournemouth, Manchester City is a strong team in the Premier League, and its strength is obviously higher than Bournemouth. In this game, Manchester City wins, Burnley VS Crystal Palace, and the strength of the two teams in this game is relatively close. Burnley has performed well recently, while Crystal Palace has some ups and downs, but considering Burnley’s situation, it is possible to win or draw.

Newcastle United VS Arsenal, Newcastle United performed in general, Arsenal has a strong lineup and good offensive ability, and Arsenal has a greater chance of winning or drawing.

Frejborg VS M? nchengladbach, although Frejborg also has certain strength, M? nchengladbach is more prominent in attack and midfield control.

Meng Xing wins or draws. Hoffenheim VS Leverkusen, a strong Leverkusen with outstanding offensive and defensive abilities. Although Hoffenheim has certain strength, there is still a certain gap.

Leverkusen wins. Clone VS augsburg, Cologne and augsburg are similar in strength, but Cologne has performed slightly better recently. Augsburg has a lot of ups and downs, and this game is a draw or Cologne wins. Berlin United VS Frankfurt, the Berlin United lineup is poor, and there are problems in attack and defense. Frankfurt wins or draws. Mainz VS Leipzig Red Bull, Leipzig has advantages in attack and defense recently.

Red Bull Leipzig won this game. Dortmund VS Bayern Munich, although Dortmund has certain strength, there is still a certain gap compared with Bayern, and Bayern won the game. Atlanta VS Inter Milan, despite Atlanta’s remarkable offensive ability, Inter Milan has an advantage in lineup and defense.

Inter Milan won the game. AC Milan VS Udinese, the strength of AC Milan, a strong Serie A team, is obviously stronger than Udinese. AC Milan won this game, and the charm of football lies in its passion and unpredictability. Welcome to my sports lottery store to present you with a wonderful football feast.

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