300,000, upgrade but no price increase! Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgrade Listed

On January 8, the Avita 11 Hongmeng Zhixiang upgrade was officially launched, and the new car launched a total of 4 models, with a price range of 30-390,000 yuan, consistent with the old models.

The new car is mainly upgraded for intelligent driving, chassis and seats, and is equipped with an 800V high-voltage platform, Hongmeng cockpit, and Huawei ADS2.0 intelligent driving. It provides single-motor rear drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive options, with a 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.98 seconds and a pure electric battery life of 730km under CLTC conditions.

Specifically, the Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade continues to come standard with 34 smart driving sensors, including 3 laser mines, 13 cameras, 12 ultrasonic radars and 6 millimeter-wave radars, equipped with Huawei ADS2.0 assisted driving system, which can realize high-speed/urban road section assisted driving. The core of this upgrade no longer relies on high-precision maps to complete smart driving NCA, which can cover 300 + cities across the country, including provinces, counties, towns and townships. At the same time, it is not afraid of changes in reality, constantly optimizing algorithms, and it is not afraid of repairing subways, tidal lanes, traffic control and other scenarios.


In terms of chassis upgrades, the Avita 11 Hongmeng Smart Enjoy upgrade is equipped with Huawei’s iTRACK dynamic torque distribution system, which can realize microsecond-level ultra-fine real-time road condition sensing technology to scan the road environment. When encountering complex road conditions such as speed bumps and potholes, millisecond-level torque fine-tuning can be achieved. At the same time, it also has all-weather, all-scene, high real-time dynamic stability improvement, reducing slip rate by 50%, reducing body shake time by 40%, and reducing lateral swing by 30%, ensuring driving safety and stability in extreme road conditions and extreme scenarios.

Avita 11 Hongmeng Smart enjoys the upgrade of the upgraded seat, which is optimized for the four somatosensory aspects of legs, waist, back and sitting posture. Among them, the seat frame, sponge, foam and face cover have been redeveloped to make the seat surface more suitable for the body curve, the leg support is more in place and the backrest waist is more soothing. At the same time, higher on the priority list of optimization shoulder support, back immersion optimization, and waist top pressure point optimization greatly improve the comfort of the ride.


At the same time, the rights and interests of this car purchase have been upgraded, and there will be a two-choice rights package. Benefit 1: Give a high-end smart driving package worth 26,000 yuan; Benefit 2:5,000 yuan deposit to deduct 25,000 yuan for the car. From the perspective of cost performance, equity 1 is definitely the most cost-effective, unless you are not interested in smart driving and just want to hold the steering wheel yourself. In addition, the first owner of the three-power quality assurance for life, 6,000 yuan replacement subsidy, all series of gifts Intelligent fragrance system, down payment 42,000 yuan, full-term ultra-low interest and other limited-time rights.

Now with the launch of the Avita 11 Hongmeng Smart Enjoy upgrade model, under the condition of unchanged price, it has upgraded the smart drive, chassis, and seats, and introduced rich car purchase rights, further enhancing its cost performance and enhancing market competitiveness.

Wang Sicong once again denounced the show plagiarism: really don’t **!

1905 movie network news The Muse Life Experience Show variety show created by a satellite TV made its debut last Saturday. Gold medalists He Jiong and Wang Han made their debut with ten popular Muses, which attracted much attention. However, once the show was broadcast, netizens found that the show was quite similar to the Korean variety show "Heroes". In the early morning of the 4th, Wang Sicong, "Secretary of the Discipline Committee of the Entertainment Industry", also forwarded the news that the media had bombarded the show for plagiarism, saying: "I really don’t understand if I copy it."

On the evening of the 4th, a certain satellite TV (Weibo number "Xiaoxiang Wolong") choked Wang Sicong through Weibo, saying: "Wang Sicong, you are really worried? Still watching after one o’clock in the morning? Innovation, happiness and nutrition, it seems that you still need to see and experience more. The world is so much more exciting, don’t follow what others say. In fact, there are many" right and wrong "people, and the same is true of the program. You should have a deep understanding of this —–"The picture on Weibo shows the dog who has been covering his eyes, and he has AT the official Weibo of the program, which has been forwarded by the official Weibo.

But the matter was not over yet. Then, Tang Ji’an once again posted on Weibo: "@Wang Sicong, what is the stalk you haven’t seen before? The old warehouse red carpet and the bridge section of the human-pulled plane really come from the east? There is a unique warehouse inside the dilapidated appearance. Our colleagues have used it more than ten or twenty years ago. We can find all kinds of the same style in the Beijing 798; take a red carpet and take a seat. Which award ceremony is not there? The Guinness record for human-pulled planes is constantly being refreshed. Of course, it is not uncommon for men to pull planes, but have you really seen beautiful women idols pulling planes? The same may be the same space and objects like once, the difference is only the people and the hearts of good and evil —-This will remain the same through the ages!" And the picture of this Weibo is also quite interesting: a little suckling pig wearing red rubber shoes. The intention is intriguing.

Wang Sicong, who was heartbroken by the entertainment industry, was still rebuking until the early morning, forwarding Tang Ji’an’s Weibo and attaching: "Really don’t **, plagiarism is not allowed to be said? Plagiarism You also copied out the sense of honor is also awesome. Can the poor toilet table of Guizhou donkey only rely on Weibo to tear up with me to hype this show? Copyright is not a legal issue, but it is a matter of IQ for you to copy so stupidly."

Then, the scolding war further escalated,Tang Ji’an posted another Weibo post on the afternoon of the 5th: "Good or bad, it doesn’t count if you say it! Beauty will only be more beautiful if it is surrounded by ugliness and evil! Let the stir-fry go away! Go home and take care of your one-acre and three-point land! Don’t pit D again!" Users commented one after another: "Plagiarism is plagiarism, mango platform has copied it all the time, what a ghost?", "Resistance at the top of your lungs, hahaha!"

How can online ride-hailing drivers who are trapped for a long time protect their health?

  reading prompt

  Sitting for more than 10 hours a day, not being able to eat on time, not being able to use the toilet at any time, and driving with high brain tension, online ride-hailing drivers face a variety of occupational health risks. Due to the "cooperative relationship" with the platform, online ride-hailing drivers cannot obtain corresponding medical insurance on the platform.

  "The mileage of the dashboard of the car is hundreds of kilometers every day, and the number of steps we walk is less than 1,000. It seems that we don’t have to work in the car every day, but in fact, after more than 10 hours a day, we are more tired than people who do other jobs," said the ride-hailing driver Xiang Feibian as he drove.

  In 2015, Xiang Fei came to Beijing from Qinghai to become an online car-hailing driver. In order to increase the number of orders, he, like many online car-hailing drivers, goes out early and returns late every day, and works more than 10 hours. Online car-hailing is convenient for people to travel, but sitting for a long time every day, not being able to eat on time and using the toilet at any time bring many health risks to online car-hailing drivers.

  Chen Baosheng, chief physician of the physical examination department of Peking University Shougang Hospital, said that online taxi drivers are sedentary in the cab for a long time, often put into work immediately after meals, and the brain is in a high state of tension when driving. It is easy to gain weight, blood pressure, blood lipids, etc. will rise, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes will also be caused by metabolic dysfunction. In addition, if you maintain a posture for a long time, the spine is not evenly stressed, and the driver is also prone to ligament and muscle damage.

  Working overtime makes the health of online car-hailing drivers worry

  At 10:30 p.m. on April 19, Qi Caijuan, who had finished her mission, returned to the downstairs of the community. She slowly opened the door, gently poked her legs out of the car, and walked out of the cab hunched over. "It’s an old problem," Qi Caijuan said. Every night when she finished work, her waist would not straighten up, and it would take a few minutes to walk normally.

  Qi Caijuan is an online ride-hailing driver in Chengde, Hebei. At the age of 20 years, she has a hair problem. In addition to the pain in the waist, shoulders and neck caused by long-term sitting, Qi Caijuan also suffers from stomach problems due to the lack of argument for eating.

  Although he has only been driving online for a few years, Xiang Fei has already suffered from a serious lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. He said that he had heard people say that online car-hailing drivers make a lot of money before, but after he started working, he knew that there was a lot of water on his account, but after deducting the oil money and car damage, he really didn’t get much. In the past two years, the number of online car-hailing drivers has increased, and the industry competition has intensified. In order to make more money, he drives almost 12 hours a day.

  Xiang Fei used to put a headrest in the driver’s seat to keep the head and waist relatively comfortable, but in the past two years, the platform has required drivers to have a unified image, and they are not allowed to put personal items in the car. He can only remove these items. Xiang Fei said that because of the difficulty of parking, he rarely goes to the toilet, and many drivers also suffer from prostatitis.

  According to a study conducted by Tsinghua University in 2021, the average daily working time of online car-hailing drivers in first-tier cities is 11.05 hours, and the average weekly travel time is 6.45 days. More than 80% of online car-hailing drivers spend more than 8 hours a day.

  "If you have a new order, please take it in time." Wu Jiahong, the online taxi driver, took advantage of the absence of passengers and was ready to take a nap in the car. Before taking 10 minutes, the order notification sounded on her mobile phone. Wu Jiahong leaves the car on time at 7 o’clock every day, and sometimes it is already 12 o’clock in the evening when she returns home. On this day, she wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, so she did not turn off the order receiving system during the rest, but just started the car, a burst of cervical spine pain accompanied by a burst of dizziness suddenly hit, and she had to cancel the task and go home to rest.

  Go to the hospital once and lose half a day’s income

  Online car-hailing drivers belong to flexible employment. They have not signed an employment contract with the platform and have no social security. It has always been a dilemma for online car-hailing drivers to be solved. All along, Qi Caijuan has paid social insurance by herself as a flexible employer.

  Although she often feels unwell, Qi Caijuan rarely goes to the hospital in order to take more orders. "It takes half a day to go once, and in addition to the money it costs to see a doctor, half a day of income is also gone." She said that when her stomach is uncomfortable, she goes to the community hospital to prescribe some stomach medicine and put it in the car for backup. When her shoulder and neck are really uncomfortable, she will go to the massage shop to press it, on average once every two months.

  After resting at home for half a day, Wu Jiahong still felt stuffy in her chest, so she came to a hospital the next day in desperation. "I spent nearly 300 yuan in the morning, which is almost half of my water for half a day." Wu Jiahong told reporters that if she used medical insurance to settle, she would only need to pay half the money, but because the platform did not pay for her medical insurance, she did not renew her medical insurance after it expired, and could only pay in full.

  On November 30 last year, the Ministry of Transport and other eight departments issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Employees in the New Business of Transportation", which proposed to encourage online car-hailing platform enterprises to actively participate in the pilot of occupational injury protection, and to urge online car-hailing platform enterprises to participate in social insurance for drivers who meet the conditions of labor relations in accordance with the law, and to guide and support drivers who do not fully meet the conditions of establishing labor relations to participate in corresponding social insurance.

  Wu Jiahong told reporters that in order to increase her income, she often takes orders on multiple online ride-hailing platforms, but none of these platforms have signed employment contracts with them, which are only "cooperative relationships." She said that if there are platforms that can pay for social security and medical insurance, she is willing to run orders on one platform full-time.

  "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups"

  After seven years of online car-hailing in Beijing, Xiang Fei recently participated in the free driver medical examination organized by the trade union system through the platform for the first time.

  Xiang Fei is very satisfied with the inspection. He told reporters that the physical examination includes not only blood routine, liver and kidney function, full abdominal color ultrasound and other routine inspections, but also a special project for the driver’s prostate examination.

  After the checkup, the hospital also held lectures on disease prevention, first aid and other aspects of occupational diseases for online ride-hailing drivers, and organized free clinics for online ride-hailing drivers. "I think it’s very useful, I learned a lot of knowledge, and I feel much more comfortable after shoulder and neck massage," Xiang Fei said, but he did not know when the next checkup would be.

  As she gets older, Qi Caijuan has become more and more concerned about her physical condition. Since the platform has not yet provided free medical checkups to drivers, she has taken the initiative to check twice. "I hope the platform can provide free regular medical checkups, so that I can feel more at ease when working," Qi Caijuan said.

  Chen Baosheng said that considering the professional characteristics of drivers, they should conduct more in-depth and comprehensive inspections of key parts such as the spine every three years or so in addition to the regular physical examination every year. Drivers themselves should also pay attention to their physical health and get out of the car as much as possible to do some stretching exercises.

  The recent notice issued by Guangdong Province on further improving the work related to flexible employment personnel participating in basic medical insurance for employees pointed out that, including relying on new business platforms such as e-commerce, online car-hailing, online food delivery, and express logistics to achieve employment, and employees who have not established labor relations with new business platform enterprises can participate in basic medical insurance for employees at the place of employment in Guangdong Province without household registration restrictions. This measure will increase health protection for new employment forms such as online car-hailing drivers.

Brand-new Power Brand-new Model Tiggo 8 plus Kunpeng Edition

This year, many independent brands have developed brand-new power systems, among which Chery’s Kunpeng Power is one of them. However, since its release, it has not been applied to any model. It was not until recently that it was reported that Chery’s newly developed Kunpeng Power will be mounted on the Tiggo 8 plus Kunpeng version. Next, we will make a detailed model diagram for this car.

Let’s look at the front of the car. The front of the car has not changed much compared with the past. However, the position of the air intake grille has been greatly updated, and it adopts dot matrix, which really looks more classy than before. It is worth mentioning that if you look at the picture, you will think that the car paint is black, but it is not. It is a brand-new color matching nebula purple, which will be more dreamy at close range.

When you come to the side of the car body, you can’t see much difference from the previous version, and the length, width, height and wheelbase have not changed compared with the past, which is 4722/1860/1745mm and the wheelbase is 2710 mm.

In fact, it is not only the side of the car body, but also the rear of the car has not changed much from the past. However, it is worth mentioning that the bilateral four-port exhaust at the rear of the car is still very eye-catching.

Entering the car, a small-scale embracing center console is designed, and it is equipped with a pair of 12.3-inch smart dual screens, and there is an 8-inch LCD touch screen below to control the air conditioner or seat. Moreover, the overall style of the car is full of science and technology, and it is equipped with a SONY surround sound system, which improves its enjoyment.

It is worth mentioning that its air outlet is very long, extending from the central control to the co-pilot, which looks very comfortable.

Finally, it is time to introduce its power system, which is also the most important part of this article, because this is the first time that the Kunpeng power developed by Chery has been applied to the car. So what is this Kunpeng power? Don’t worry, let’s take a look at its power system first.

It is equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI engine, with a maximum power of 187kW, a peak torque of 390N·m, an acceleration of 7.3 seconds at 0-100km/h and a fuel consumption as low as 7L/100km.

In fact, when Kunpeng Power was launched, Chery first proposed the concept of Chery 4.0 this year. This power architecture includes various new energy forms such as fuel, hybrid, pure electricity and hydrogen power. Fuel and hybrid are also called Kunpeng Power, which are made up of Chery’s fourth-generation engine and DHT hybrid special speed change.

It is worth mentioning that this is also the world’s first full kinetic energy hybrid configuration Kunpeng DHT dual-motor drive, with 9 working modes, 11 combined gears and SD dual-shaft drive. This technology has also successfully integrated smooth, powerful and efficient features, which can realize the functions of single/dual-motor pure electric drive, extended range, parallel connection and direct engine drive, and greatly improve the comfort and efficiency of most driving conditions.

Finally, let’s look at its tires. It uses Cooper tires with the size of 235/50 R19. Cooper tires often appear on SUV models. Its powerful handling, all-season traction and comfortable driving experience are integrated, which is very suitable for this car in general.


In fact, for the Tiggo 8plus Kunpeng Edition, we are more looking forward to its power performance. In other places, there is actually not much difference from the previous version or the Tiggo 7 PLUS. After all, the price of 124,900-169,900 yuan is here. Imagine that it is not expensive to experience the more advanced power technology in China for ten years. And we will also bring you a test drive article of this car in the future.

Jia Ling’s "Li Huanying" takes the fire to travel to Xiangyang to promote the development of cultural tourism

This Spring Festival, Hi, Mom has become a popular film in the Spring Festival schedule. While making a high box office, the film also brought fire to the location of Xiangyang, Hubei Province.

After the release of Hi, Mom, a large number of tourists poured into Hubei Weidong Holding Group Co., Ltd., the main location. The company, formerly known as the State-owned Weidong Machinery Factory, mainly engaged in the production and manufacture of chemical raw materials and chemical products, still retains some features of the State-owned factory in the last century. Staff canteens, barbershops, basketball courts, grocery stores, big signs and other places in the factory are crowded with tourists waiting to take pictures.

Dongfang Chemical Factory is the place where Jia Ling lived with her parents and sister, and the old house of Jia Ling’s family is still preserved. "In the movie, the gate of Shengli Chemical Plant, the ball game and other shots were all taken in our factory. The popularity of the film also made our factory a fire. " The relevant person in charge of the factory said. According to the data of Xiangyang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, from February 11 to 17, Xiangyang received a total of 837,600 tourists and realized a tourism income of 154.04 million yuan. According to the data of Tik Tok, the topic # Hello, Li Huanying Shooting Place, Xiangyang New Punch Point # has been played 48.18 million times. Under the charm of film and television dramas, the lit destination of cultural tourism is far more than one in Xiangyang, Hubei.

Those "online celebrity attractions" that have been ignited by film and television works.

Through combing, it is found that during holidays, the appearance rate of "online celebrity attractions" which became popular due to the explosion of film and television dramas is comparable to that of famous tourist attractions. Last summer, the suspense drama "The Hidden Corner" spread all over the network. Besides the actors in the play, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, which was shot and set, also became a new scenic spot in online celebrity. Within a week of the drama’s popularity, Zhanjiang’s tourism fever rose by 261% week-on-week.

The place where Zhu Chaoyang swims with his father in the play (called "Chikan Swimming Shed" by locals) has attracted more than 2,000 visitors every day. The Benlisto convenience store in front of Zhu Chaoyang’s house, the corner where Pupu recognized Zhang Dongsheng, the Xinhua Bookstore where three children often went, and the breakfast shop where the old police officer took Yan Liang to eat were all located in the famous Chikan Old Street in Zhanjiang, and netizens also marked them as "holy places".

The Longest Day In Chang’an is also worth mentioning. During the broadcast, "Xi ‘an fever" was promoted. From the delicious food in Xi ‘an, to the ancient buildings in Xi ‘an, and then to the local government’s initiative to promote the theme of "See Chang ‘an at twelve o’clock and visit the ancient capital of Xi ‘an", the ancient capital of Xi ‘an was very popular at that time. According to the data of a travel platform, the search volume of air tickets rose to 200% in just one week in Xi ‘an.

On the occasion of the broadcast of the court drama Story of Yanxi Palace, the presentation of "Yanxi Palace" in the drama directly ignited the "unpopular tourist route of the Forbidden City" in that year. According to the media reports at that time, "many foreign tourists who travel to the Forbidden City will also specifically tell the tour guide’ Be sure to go to Yanxi Palace’."

After the broadcast of The Untamed, it led to the "Eleventh Guizhou Punch Card Fever" of that year. A barren hill in Duyun, Guizhou Province, attracted a large number of fans to punch in because the characters Lan Zhan and Wei Ying walked by. The barren hill, which had no one to come, abruptly made a way out.

stage photo

live scene

Punching strategy map of "Chen Qing Ling Girl"

The film’s ability to carry goods should not be underestimated. Since Han Han’s movie "See You Later" was broadcast in the summer of 2014, Dongji Island, located in Dongji Town, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, has caught fire, and the number of tourists visiting here on holidays has increased by nearly 10 times. For this reason, the shenjiamen Banshengdong Wharf, which is the only way to Dongji Island, has increased the ferry service, and even a ticket is hard to find. According to official data, in 2015, the number of visitors to the East Pole exceeded 200,000, an increase of over 50% compared with 2013.

The film "The Richest Man in Xihong City" quickly set off a tourism boom in Xiamen and Penglai. Many people will be curious about Shen Teng’s "Bao Xia" Castle Hotel in the film. In fact, its real name is Wencheng Castle, which is located in Penglai, Shandong Province. It was built by Li Wencheng, a master architect, and his team after 10 years and spent 600 million yuan, covering an area of more than 5,000 square meters. Since the release of The Richest Man in Xihong City, the search popularity of keyword products such as Xiamen, Penglai and Penglai Wencheng Castle on a tourism platform has increased by 31%, 162% and 210% respectively. In terms of the predetermined number of people, Xiamen attracts more young couples (couples), of which the post-80 s and post-90 s accounted for 37% and 41% respectively; Penglai Wencheng Castle attracts mainly parent-child families, and its "Deluxe Sea View Triple Room" is the best selling, and "Castle Tour" has become the most popular parent-child travel mode that summer vacation. Some tourism platforms have also taken the opportunity to launch a family-friendly tour package. Visitors can not only stay in and visit the splendid castle, but also visit a large-scale organic grape plantation in the castle and get two bottles of local red wine. It is worth mentioning that the hotel room price is not as luxurious as in the movie, and it only takes a few hundred yuan to completely reproduce the "hundreds of millions of scenery" in the movie.

Film and television works bring huge traffic.

According to the Global Tourism Destination Analysis Report, 24.5% of China tourists said that they would be tempted by a certain destination after watching the film and television works, so that they would like to experience the scenery in the camera and experience the same route of the stars. Film and television IP has brought huge traffic to tourist attractions, making previously unknown scenic spots "red" and driving the local tourism economy. Take Wuzhen as an example. A local film "Time Like Water" made Wuzhen famous, but Wuzhen was not satisfied with the temporary scenery-from a sightseeing town to a holiday town to a cultural town. On the road of differentiation, Wuzhen launched cultural IP such as Wuzhen Drama Festival and Muxin Art Museum with culture as its personality, giving birth to more diverse and colorful forms.

Also with the help of the promotion of film and television, the Zhujiayu Scenic Area in Jinan, which is known as the "famous village of Chinese history and culture", can tap its own cultural value. Many people learned about Zhujiayu through the hit drama "Going to the East". Since the Ming Dynasty, Zhujiayu has gone through more than 600 years of ups and downs, and still completely preserved the original architectural pattern. With an area of 7,000 mu, there are nearly 200 ancient buildings, 99 stone bridges, 66 Jing Quan and more than 100 natural landscapes … With its own cultural value and film and television popularity, Zhujiayu Scenic Area has built a new era spirit education base and a new era spirit exhibition hall. Five scenic spots in Zhujiayu Old Street were restored, eight traditional workshops were restored, and 21 damaged houses in Zhujiayu Old Street were restored. In the next step, Zhujiayu will become an ancient village in Qilu’s original ecological mountain area with important influence in China, which integrates four functions: nostalgic experience, film and television shooting, painting and calligraphy sketching, and cultural research. Today, Zhujiayu Village is known as "the first ancient village in Qilu, the first specimen in Jiangbei" and a 4A-level scenic spot.

Zhujiayu Street View

Zhu Kaishan old house

In 2010, a movie "If You Are the One 2" caught fire in Yalong Bay in Sanya. Until today, tourists’ evaluation of Yalong Bay has been high. Among them, Bohou Village in Sanya, located in the southwest of Yalong Bay National Tourist Area, is particularly worth mentioning. Before Bohou village, the land had been immersed in seawater all the year round, and it had been salinized. In 2017, Sanya municipal government repositioned the village and began to build beautiful countryside. At present, Bohou Village has developed 25 travel rentals and inns, which can provide nearly 500 rooms, 2 farmhouses and 1 supermarket. Since beautiful countryside was built in 2017, the annual per capita income of villagers has reached 19,000 yuan, of which the annual per capita income of villagers has reached 30,000 yuan after the renovation of Xinpo District in beautiful countryside.

Avoid the explosion effect "short-lived glory"

The radiation effect of film and television travel should not be underestimated, but many scenic spots are prone to "booing" and "IP". The industry believes that cultural IP hot topics alone are not enough, and the supporting facilities and services of tourist destinations need to be continuously improved in order to create high-quality IP attractions.

Taking Xi ‘an as an example, after the upsurge of Xi ‘an tourism in The Longest Day In Chang’an, Xi ‘an Culture and Tourism Bureau took the IP of film and television works as an opportunity to hold city tourism promotion activities and launch related cultural and tourism products. In recent years, because some scenes in the Japanese animated film Spirited Away written and directed by Miyazaki Hayao are similar to Hongyadong, a popular scenic spot in Chongqing, many people once thought that Hongyadong was one of the "locations" of the animated film, making Hongyadong, which is a popular tourist destination, more sought after.

It’s also very important to make new ideas in publicity and promotion. In the film My People My Homeland unit story "A UFO falls from the sky", the location of "Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST)", "Bridge of the sky", astronomical town, alien home inn, etc., let the audience remember the beautiful scenery of traditional villages in Gelai and many other places. With the flow of film and television works, the local media center has launched a series of reports on "My hometown and my hometown, the story of Guizhou", aiming to project the film into reality and attract more tourists.

For cultural travel destinations, the favor of film and television is only a lucky "lottery ticket" after all. Whether you can cash huge bonuses from it, besides luck, it is more important to have more sincere operation and layout.

Source: Public Network Poster News, People’s Network, Xinhuanet, Xiangyang Evening News, etc.

79,800 BYD Qin PLUS Glory Edition was sold.

  [car home new car listed] On February 19th, we learned from BYD official that its compact car-Qin PLUS Glory Edition was officially launched, among which DM-i models were launched in five configurations, with the price range of 79,800-12,580 yuan; There are five configurations for EV models, and the price range is 10.98-13.98 million yuan.. At the same time, the official also announced a number of concessions. It is worth mentioning that (|) Glory Edition has added white glaze and green appearance color matching, upgraded intelligent voice continuous call, and upgraded intelligent power on and off for all departments. For the detailed price of the new car, please see the figure below:

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, the new car adds white glaze and green color matching, which is in line with the existing design style as a whole and looks more advanced as a whole. Specifically, the new car uses a larger "dragon mouth" front grille and internal "dragon armor" elements to bring strong sensory impact. At the same time, the heavy downward pressure of the front of the car and the four three-dimensional lines on the hood of the engine combine to create a visual effect of diving. It is worth mentioning that the EV model is different from the DM-i model in the front grille, which improves the recognition.

Home of the car

  The car uses a penetrating taillight, the outer shell of the lamp group is blackened, and the interior uses LED light source. Above the taillights, there is also a "Build Your Dreams" trailer with the latest design font.

Home of the car

   Qin PLUS Glory DM-i is equipped with a DM-i plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a permanent magnet synchronous drive motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 81 kW and the maximum torque is 135 Nm. In terms of driving motor, two power versions are provided according to different models, with the maximum power of 132 kW and 145 kW respectively and the maximum torque of 316 Nm and 325 Nm respectively. In terms of battery, the new car will be equipped with DM-i super hybrid special power blade battery pack, and its NEDC comprehensive pure electric cruising range is 55km and 120km respectively.

  Qin PLUS Glory EV is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous drive motor with a maximum power of 100 kW and a peak torque of 180 Nm. In terms of battery, it is equipped with 48kWh and 57.6kWh battery packs according to different configurations, corresponding to cruising range of 420 km and 510 km. (Text/car home Zhouyi)

Lei Jun gets an annual salary of 10 billion in Xiaomi? Did not give cash equity incentives.

  Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) announced that Lei Jun, the chairman and CEO, received an annual salary of 10 billion yuan, which aroused widespread concern.

  The salary of the five highest paid people disclosed in Xiaomi’s annual report on April 8. On April 8, the 2018 annual report released by Xiaomi showed that the annual salary of the five highest paid people in the Group totaled 10.218 billion yuan, of which the four employees with lower annual salary were all between 30 million and 100 million yuan, except for one employee whose annual salary was marked as "150 million yuan to 15 billion yuan". Based on this calculation, the annual salary of the highest paid Xiaomi employee was at least 9.818 billion yuan.

  Screenshot of Xiaomi’s voluntary announcement on April 10. On the morning of April 10th, Xiaomi made a special announcement, confirming that the salary of a special person mentioned in Xiaomi’s annual report ranged from HK$ 150 million (equivalent to about RMB 128 million) to HK$ 15 billion (equivalent to about RMB 12.8 billion). The special person was Lei Jun..

  However, the announcement clarifies that this part of wealth is mainly a one-time issuance of 636 million Class B common shares to entities controlled by Lei Jun on April 2, 2018. Moreover, as of April 10, the relevant shares are still held by entities controlled by Lei Jun and have not been sold.

  Previously, Lei Jun promised to donate all the relevant shares for public welfare purposes after deducting any taxes payable.

  The Paper checked Xiaomi’s prospectus and found that before Xiaomi went public, Xiaomi Company issued about 64 million Class B common shares to Smart Mobile Holding Limited controlled by Lei Jun as equity incentive in April 2018. These shares accounted for about 2% of the total share capital, which was close to 9.9 billion yuan according to the valuation at that time.

  In the first financial report released by Xiaomi after listing in August 2018, Xiaomi also made relevant disclosures. The financial report shows that Xiaomi’s total salary expenses (including share-based salary expenses) are RMB 11.643 billion, an increase of 666% over the previous quarter, which is due to the one-time share-based salary of RMB 9.9 billion in the second quarter of 2018. At that time, people close to Xiaomi revealed to The Paper that this 9.9 billion yuan option reward was the gift package that the company rewarded Lei Jun on the eve of listing.

  In 2018, Xiaomi’s annual income was 174.915 billion yuan, turning losses into profits and earning 13.478 billion yuan. On April 10th, Xiaomi Group opened at HK$ 11.60 (equivalent to RMB about 9.9 yuan), with a market value of HK$ 287.8 billion (equivalent to RMB 246.2 billion).

It is said that Xiaomi will have a press conference this month, and the "heavy new product" is suspected of Xiaomi Automobile.

On December 5th, according to the blogger "@ Li Ang Ang Ang Ah", it was reported that Xiaomi had a press conference this month, which was related to Xiaomi’s surging system and "really heavy" new products.

Some netizens asked if they could talk about it, and the blogger replied that "the news is not a mobile phone anyway". In addition, some netizens asked if it was a "car", and the blogger replied to the dog head expression pack.

Picture 3

According to the IT House, in the past two months, Xiaomi has continuously released heavy new products such as Xiaomi 14/14 Pro, Redmi K70 series, and 澎湃 OS, including accessories such as Xiaomi Watch S3 and Redmi Buds 5 Pro. However, Xiaomi Automobile remains mysterious. In addition to the ID photo published in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the configuration information of Xiaomi Automobile is unknown. Therefore, netizens’ guesses about "heavy new products" are mostly Xiaomi cars.

After completing the training of store managers in some cities, Xiaomi Automobile has a new trend in sales. According to the new interface, some Xiaomi homes in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have started to confirm the display of cars. A Xiaomi Home store in Xujiahui, Shanghai, the first floor of which is currently under renovation (two floors in total).

According to the staff, in the future, the first floor of the store will all be used to place the exhibition car, and the exhibition car will arrive at the store in the first quarter of next year. In addition, the IT House has also reported a similar statement, saying that "it is tentatively scheduled to start arriving at the store in March next year".

Also today, Xiaomi was exploded in Zhejiang International Stadium. Many bloggers exposed the pictures and videos of the special internal test of Xiaomi Automobile today. It can be seen that Xiaomi Automobile went to the track and adopted a unique painting style.

Picture 4

At the same time, Hu Zhengnan, a partner of Shunwei Capital Investment, took a photo, saying that "it’s another day’s Battle. Some people claim to set up our circle, while others claim to overtake me through the straight road", and Weibo’s positioning is displayed as "Zhejiang International Circuit".

Picture 5

As early as November 15th, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

Public information shows that the car is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1440mm; high; The maximum speed is 265km/h, and the fuel is pure electric; The total mass is 2655kg and the kerb mass is 1980kg;; The front tread is 1693mm and the rear tread is 1699mm;; The front suspension is 975mm and the rear suspension is 1022m, and several photos of Xiaomi car body are displayed.

Picture 6

At present, there are many speculations about the pricing and official listing time of Xiaomi Automobile in the industry. As of press time, Xiaomi has not made an official announcement yet.

Integrated from IT house, interface news

Musk’s greatest achievement is brain-computer interface, which is far ahead in building the highest medical technology. Brain-computer interface can not only help more people stand up, but also live l

On October 27th, according to Tianjin Daily, recently, a new generation of domestic chip dedicated to brain-computer interface acquisition was successfully developed in Tianjin.

Affected by this news, in the early morning of October 27th, many brain-computer concept stocks such as innovative medical care, Xinzhi cognition, Guanhao biology, Sanbo Brain Department, international medicine and Nanjing Panda changed.

At the close, Guanhao Bio increased by 7.89%, innovative medical care increased by 5.68%, Nanjing Panda increased by 4.54%, and Sanbo Brain Department increased by 3.58%, ranking among the top gainers.

New progress of brain-computer interface

Brain-computer interface (BCI or Brain-Machine Interface,BMI) refers to the direct connection between human or animal brain and external equipment, which realizes the information exchange between brain and equipment, and is known as the "information superhighway" for human brain to communicate with the outside world.

With the continuous progress of brain science, brain-like science and artificial intelligence technology, people’s interest in brain-computer interface is increasing day by day. Various research institutions and companies have invested in this research.

According to the analysis data of Rui Beast, from 2014 to August 20th, 2023, there were 170 financing incidents in the brain-computer interface industry in China, involving 60 companies, and 78 incidents in which the financing amount was disclosed, with a total financing amount of 5.845 billion RMB, involving 149 investment institutions. From the breakdown of the track, the biomedical field is the most active, followed by brain-computer interface equipment. In addition, EEG acquisition platforms and electrodes/probes have also concentrated many high-quality enterprises to attract capital investment.

Since the second half of this year, good news in the field of brain-computer interface in China has continued, and a number of policies have supported industrial research and development. In August, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Standardization Pilot Project of New Industries (2023-2035)", in which the future industries will focus on nine major areas, such as meta-universe and brain-computer interface. On September 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the unveiling of the future industrial innovation tasks in 2023, aiming at four key directions: metauniverse, humanoid robot, brain-computer interface and general artificial intelligence.

According to reports, the chip successfully developed in Tianjin is jointly developed by Haihe Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interaction and Human-Computer Integration and China Electronic Information Industry Group. It has completely independent intellectual property rights and can be used for non-invasive brain-computer interface and multi-modal neuroelectrophysiological equipment. It can be widely used in smart medical care, aerospace, human-computer interaction, games and entertainment, etc., and will transform the achievements of enterprises in Tiankai Park.

Among them, Yishi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., an enterprise hatched by Haihe Laboratory of Brain Machine aiming at the innovation achievements, is negotiating and docking with a number of 3A hospitals, scientific research institutes and medical device enterprises. After the trial production of the chip sample is successful, it will be formally applied to self-developed EEG acquisition modules and wearable portable devices, and put into various civil and special brain-computer interface application scenarios to accelerate the transformation and promotion of follow-up products.

Brain-computer interface is an interdisciplinary subject in the fields of materials science, neuroscience, brain science and information science. Relevant research reports show that brain-computer interface technology is widely used in the market. Among them, medical health is the largest market application field of brain-computer interface at present, and it is also the fastest growing field, mainly focusing on four functions: monitoring, improvement/recovery, substitution and enhancement.

Brain-computer interface technology can directly realize the interaction between the brain and external devices, cross the conventional brain information output path, and is widely used in medical and health fields. At the same time, with the continuous exploration of the structure and function of the brain by modern medicine, human beings have made in-depth research on the functional areas of the brain, such as movement, vision, hearing and language, so obtaining and analyzing the information of these brain areas through brain-computer interface equipment has a wide range of applications in the fields of physical examination and diagnosis, screening and monitoring, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological and mental system diseases.

In the future, after removing obstacles such as ethics and technical maturity, it will gradually penetrate into entertainment, smart home, military and other fields and become one of the important forms of human-computer interaction.

Innovative medical care is suspected of speculation.

According to public information, in the A-share market, many listed companies, including Innovative Medical Care, Sanbo Brain Department, Nanjing Panda, Jiahe Intelligent, century huatong, Tomcat and so on, have started brain-computer interface business.

In the early morning of October 27, there was a change in the brain-computer interface plate. Among them, Innovative Medical jumped 8% to the daily limit in 5 minutes, and the closing price was 8.37 yuan/share, an increase of 5.68%.

This is not the first time that innovative medical care has experienced a daily limit due to the concept of brain-computer interface. In June this year, innovative medical care gained 5 consecutive boards. According to the announcement of abnormal fluctuation of stock trading released on June 13th, on June 8th, 9th and 12th, the deviation value of closing price decline of innovative medical stocks for three consecutive trading days totaled more than 20%.

According to the announcement, the company’s production and operation situation and internal and external operating environment have not changed significantly recently, so investors are advised to pay attention to the trading risks in the secondary market.

According to the data, innovative medical treatment was mainly engaged in the cultivation, processing and sales of freshwater pearls. In February 2016, the company successfully completed a major asset restructuring. In 2016, the company’s main business expanded to the medical service industry and transformed into a big health industry, from a single aquaculture processing enterprise to a dual-main listed company with pearl jewelry processing and production, wholesale and retail and medical services. The company achieved diversified development.

This also makes many investors suspect that the brain-computer interface may be another false concept of harvesting leeks. "This company’s business has nothing to do with the brain-computer interface at all. It has been losing money since 2019 and has never made any money. It’s just that a company called Boling Brain Machine was set up by participating in the stock market, and it caught the east wind of brain-computer interface. In fact, this company was only established in 2021, and everything is in ruins. The so-called brain-computer business has not been lost. "

Innovative Medical previously stated on the interactive question-and-answer platform of investors that the company’s shareholding in Boling Brain Computer (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. was 40%. According to public information, Boling Brain Machine (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the development of brain-computer interface and the core technology of pan-brain application medical instruments, focusing on the social problems of treatment and rehabilitation of stroke with high morbidity and disability in international clinics, and developing new brain-computer interface technologies to improve the rehabilitation effect of patients and enable patients to maximize their functional improvement and self-care ability.

After the close of trading on October 27th, Innovative Medical released the results announcement for the third quarter of 2023, with revenue of 607 million yuan in the first three quarters, up by 12.32% year-on-year; The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 14.21 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.52%. Among them, the net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company in the third quarter was 10.761 million yuan, compared with 35.2151 million yuan in the same period of last year, which turned from profit to loss; Operating income 2.02100 million yuan, down 1.53%.

Weihai reported the main itinerary of 14 local COVID-19 infected people, involving buses, hospitals, etc.

According to the website of ahava Health Commission on the 9th, from 0: 00 to 24: 00 on March 8th, 2022, Weihai reported a confirmed case of COVID-19 and 13 asymptomatic infected people. After preliminary epidemiological investigation, the main itinerary is as follows:

No.17: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zone B of Changhong Community, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Keji Road and changchun road).

On March 1st, I went to Room 208, the second floor of Zhenjiabao (Donghe North Branch) for dinner in the evening.

On March 2 -3, I sent my family to work in the North Campus of Weihai Stomatological Hospital (Haigang Road).

On March 4th, I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5, in the morning, I scraped with a white Beijing Hyundai in Area B of Changhong Community, and handled the accident for about 1 hour.

On March 6th, I sent my family to work in the North Campus of Weihai Stomatological Hospital (Haigang Road).

On March 7th, I went to Leda Department Store in Xilaotai in the morning, and then to Ant Quick Repair Auto Repair Shop (opposite to Shining Auto Repair in the east of Keji Road).

No.18: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.10 Suzhou Street, Jingyuan Sub-district Office, Huancui District.

From February 28th to March 4th, I walked to school every morning and walked home from school in the evening. There is no history of activities in other places except family and school.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6th, I went to Zhang Cun Sports Park Library in the morning and went to Zhang Cun Xiaoerge Dumpling Shop for dinner at noon.

On March 7th, I went to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) for nucleic acid detection in the morning.

No.19: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Building 110, Guzhai East Road.

On March 1st, I went for a walk in Huancuilou Park in the morning.

On March 2nd, I went to work in Weihai Seaside Forest Farm, had lunch and dinner in the unit canteen, and lived in Gaojiao Mountain at night.

On March 3rd, I went for a walk in Huancuilou Park in the morning.

On March 4th, I took a bath in Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5th, I went to work in Weihai Seaside Forest Farm in the morning, had lunch and dinner in the unit canteen, and lived in Gaojiao Mountain in the evening.

On March 6th, I went for a walk in Huancui Building in the morning.

On March 7th, I took a bath in Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the morning and went to the municipal hospital for nucleic acid detection in the evening.

No.20: male, confirmed case, living at No.154 Xinwei Road, Huancui District.

From March 1 ST to March 7 th, life is more regular. In the morning, take bus No.12 at Ceramic Road Station and get off at TV Station, and go to work at Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone. In the evening, take bus No.12 and get off at TV Station and get off at Ceramic Road Station.

On March 4th, I went to the Shantou store next to Jiajiayue in Tashan Morning Market to buy steamed bread.

On March 5, in the morning, I went shopping in the shop near Yuanyuan Bath (Guzhai East Road), and in the afternoon, Zhenhua took a bath to get the express delivery.

On March 7th, I went shopping in the shops near Tashan Morning Market, bought medicine at Yanxitang Pharmaceutical Chain (Zhaizi Store) at noon, and took a taxi to Weihai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for emergency treatment after lunch.

No.21: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.116 Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District.

From February 28th to March 3rd, I stayed on campus and didn’t go out.

On March 4th, I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6th, we went to the nucleic acid detection point of Limin Hospital in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone for nucleic acid sampling.

No.22: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.98 Guzhai East Road, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

On March 1st, I went to Jinyuan Decoration Material Store in the morning and then went to work in Weihai Tianjun Decoration Co., Ltd..

On March 2nd, I went to Yingchuang Meiyu Hangao Store for shopping in the morning, then went to Mingren Nanfang Hardware Store for shopping, and went to Wanjiatuan Jiayue (wearing a mask) for shopping in the afternoon.

On March 3, I went to work in the company in the morning, decorated and purchased in Jinyuan at noon, then purchased in Mingren Nanfang Hardware, and bought food in Wanjiatong Market in the evening.

On March 4, I went to work in the company in the morning, then went to Daguanghui Yousheng Hardware Purchase, and then went to Jiangjiazhai Agricultural and Sideline Market; In the afternoon, I went to the neighborhood Committee to buy insurance, and then I went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) to take a bath.

On March 5, I went to work in the company in the morning, then went to Deyi Hardware Store and then went to Qincun Market.

On March 6th, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Huya Fried Chicken Restaurant in the food court on the fifth floor at noon, and went to Haixitou Village in the afternoon and then to the company.

On March 7, I went to work in the company in the morning and then went to the municipal hospital for nucleic acid testing; Go to the community clinic at noon, and then ride home without going out.

No.23: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaiku Garden, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in the 123 Computer Technology Co., Ltd. (Lotte Twin Towers) in the morning, went home for dinner at noon, went to work in the company in the afternoon, and went to Jiajiayue (Zhaiku Store) and Peony Garden Community in the evening, and didn’t go out at home.

On March 2, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Mingding Steamed Bun (Changfeng Store) at noon, went to Changqing Fortune Building at noon and returned to work in the company. After work, I went to Peony Garden Community and didn’t go out after returning home.

On March 3rd, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate at Sean Mala Tang (Lotte Twin Towers) at noon, and ate at Yilang Barbecue Buffet Shop on the 3rd floor in the evening.

On March 4, I went to work in the company in the morning, ate in the company at noon, and went home from work in the evening.

On March 5, I went to work in the company in the morning, went home for dinner at noon, and went home from work in the evening.

On March 6, I didn’t go out at home in the morning. At noon, I went to the second floor to buy men’s clothes, and I didn’t go out after I got home.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home in the morning, and was transferred to isolation in the afternoon.

No.24: Female, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaku Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning and took bus No.92 to take them home in the afternoon.

On March 2, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning, went home after arriving at Weihai Commercial Bank, and took bus No.92 to pick them up in the afternoon.

On March 3rd, I sent my children to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning, took the No.12 bus to the Young Seedling Quotations Rehabilitation Center, and took the No.92 bus to pick them up in the afternoon.

On March 4th, in the morning, take bus No.53 (from Zhaiku Station to RT Mart Station) to attend classes in Chunmiao Yulu Rehabilitation Center, and then take bus No.41 (Lanhua Office Supplies Station-Changfeng Station). In the afternoon, I picked up my children at Xinxing Kindergarten, and then got off at Bus No.92 (Changfeng Station-Zhaiku Station). I didn’t go out after I got home.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6, I rode an electric car to the Economic and Technological Development Zone at noon and actually bought clothes.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home.

No.25: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Zhaku Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On March 3, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 4th, I went to Xinxing Kindergarten (Changfeng Community) in the morning and went home in the afternoon.

On March 5, I didn’t go out at home.

On March 6, I went to the Economic and Technological Development Zone at noon and actually bought the second floor, and then returned home without going out.

On March 7, I didn’t go out at home.

No.26: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Pomegranate Garden, Songshan Street, Huancui District.

On February 28th, I went to the Shunxin Barbecue Restaurant on Unify Road for dinner in the evening, then took a bath in Koryo, Economic and Technological Development Zone, and went home without going out.

On March 1st, I bought breakfast at Laotaimen Steamed Bun in Zhaku in the morning, bought rice at MengMeng Steamed Bun Shop in Changfeng at noon, and went to Changfeng Freight Market in the afternoon.

On March 2, I went to Wenbifeng Ancestral Hall in the morning, and then I went to Songshan Community to collect nucleic acids.

On March 3, in the afternoon, I went to Jimo Dingxin Fruit Market to purchase goods, and then I went to Huainan beef soup for dinner.

On March 4th, at noon, I went to Kaijia Automobile Maintenance Center in Zhaku, then to Hongfang Hotel for dinner, and then to the Mulberry Picking Garden in Wendeng District to purchase goods. In the afternoon, go to Wharf Primary School, and then have dinner at Shuiwan Hotel.

On March 5, in the morning, I went to the hot spring wholesale market and Nanqufu FAW Pentium Automobile Hospital to get the goods. In the afternoon, I went to Sifang Road to have a fresh food room, and then I bought food at Sifang Road Vegetable Shop and Jiajiayue Supermarket in the south of Xiangyang Community.

On March 6th, I went to the picking garden in Wendeng District in the morning, and there was a fresh food room in Housifang Road to get the goods. In the afternoon, set up a stall in Huaxia Wash Square.

No.27: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.374 Guzhai East Road, Tianhe Street Office, Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone.

From March 1 ST to March 3 rd, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, ate in the unit canteen at noon, and didn’t go out after returning home in the afternoon.

On March 4th, I was at work in the morning, went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon, and had dinner at Mingdeyuan Hotel, a bathing beach in Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone in the evening.

On March 5th, in the afternoon, I went to Baojiahui Shopping Mall of Qunyi Vehicle Management Office of Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and then went to the supermarket upstairs of Xiyuding Neighborhood Committee.

On March 6th, I went to Ximen Aquatic Products Market in the morning.

On March 7th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, went to Yuanyuan Bathhouse (Guzhai East Road) in the afternoon, and drove to Weihai Municipal Hospital to collect nucleic acid at night.

No.28: Male, asymptomatic infected, living in Building 21, Lily Garden, Huaxia City, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, went to Haiyuan Park in the afternoon, and went to Zhajiang Noodles (Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone) for dinner, Olufang Night Market and Olufang Shopping Mall in the evening.

On March 2, I went to work in the morning, sent a colleague to Qijia Banker at noon, and went to Xiangyun Fire Theme Park at night.

On March 3rd, I drove to work in the morning, went to CITIC Bank in Beizhudao at noon, and took a walk near my community at night.

On March 4th, I drove to work in the morning, went to Suning Chen to Ma Lamian Noodles for dinner in the afternoon, and went to Zhaizi RT Mart, Whale Garden Zunhui Pharmacy and Harbour Park in the evening.

On March 5th, I went to CITIC Bank in Wenhua Middle Road for business in the morning, and went to Sunjiatuan Jinhai Accord Hotel and Qianhaiyu Hotel (Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone) in the evening.

On March 6th, I had breakfast in the Northwest Mountain Jingren Pie in the morning, then went to work in the unit, bought food in Changfeng market in the afternoon, and went home at Xiangyun Fire Theme Park in the evening.

On March 7th, I drove to work in the morning, went to Changfeng market to buy food at noon, went to grandma’s house (Lily Garden) for dinner in the afternoon, and walked around grandma’s house for about 1 hour in the evening.

No.29: Female, asymptomatic infected, living in Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District.

On March 4th, in the afternoon, I picked up my children from Weihai No.2 Experimental Primary School and went back to my parents’ home in Tongde Road, Huancuilou Street, Huancui District for dinner. I didn’t go out after returning home.

On March 5, I didn’t go out in the morning, went to my parents’ house for dinner at noon, went to Fortune Plaza in the afternoon, and returned home after dinner at my parents’ house at night.

On March 6th, I went to Ruisi English (Weihai Fortune Center Store) in the morning, then picked up the courier at the entrance of Weihai Meteorological Bureau, picked up the children at Ruisi English at noon and returned to my parents’ home. In the afternoon, I went to Master Street Dance Chain (downtown store) and returned home in the evening.

On March 7th, I sent my children to Weihai No.2 Experimental Primary School in the morning, and then went to work in Weihai Meteorological Bureau. At noon, I ate in the canteen of the unit. In the afternoon, I drove with my colleagues to Haogang Trading Firm in Huancui District, sampled nucleic acid at Limin Hospital in Gaoqu District, and returned after dinner.

No.30: Male, asymptomatic infected, living at No.10 Suzhou Street, Jingyuan Sub-district Office, Huancui District.

On March 1st, I went to work in Weihai Training Center of Zhongyuan Oilfield in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and went to Harbour Park for exercise and running in the evening.

On March 2, I went to work in the morning and bought wine at Qigutuan Red Sorghum Brewery at noon.

On March 3, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and then went to Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Jinzuo Community; Go to the North High-speed Railway Station for car inspection in the afternoon.

On March 4th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and stayed at home in the afternoon.

On March 5th, I stayed at home.

On March 6th, I went to Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Golden Tower in the morning, had dinner at Xiaoerge Dumpling Shop at noon, and then went to the express delivery point (now to Tesco) to get vegetables.

On March 7th, I went to work in the morning, ate in the canteen at noon, and then arrived at Zhang Cun Shuiyuan Golden Tower.