Wei Tao and Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin held working talks

  On October 24, Wei Tao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, held a working meeting with Wang Jianlin, chairperson of Wanda Group, to deepen strategic cooperation and promote project construction. Gao Yimin, senior vice president of Wanda Group, and municipal leaders Pei Yaojun, Chen Bo, and Li Yongqiang attended.

  Wei Tao, on behalf of the municipal party committee and municipal government, welcomed Wang Jianlin and his party to visit and inspect, and introduced the advantages of Taiyuan’s industrial development, location and transportation, especially cultural and tourism resources. He said that Taiyuan has a long history and profound heritage, beautiful mountains and rivers and pleasant climate, and has a reputation of "Splendid Taiyuan City" since ancient times. In recent years, we have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the important instructions of the Supreme Leader General Secretary’s inspection and investigation of Shanxi’s important speeches, conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, based on our own comparative advantages, vigorously developed the cultural and tourism industry, and made every effort to build an important cultural and tourism destination at home and abroad. Taiyuan’s attractiveness and influence continue to increase. Wanda Group has long been deeply involved in the cultural and tourism sector, and has first-class innovative planning and management and operation It is hoped that Wanda Group will give full play to its brand, resources and team advantages, expand cooperation models and expand cooperation fields in cultural tourism, sports events, business operations, etc., and plan and implement a number of high-standard and high-quality cultural tourism projects to achieve win-win development. Taiyuan City will set up a special class to strengthen communication and docking, ensure elements, and provide all-round services and create the most favorable conditions for the development of enterprises.

  Wang Jianlin expressed his gratitude to the municipal party committee and municipal government for the great importance attached to this return visit. He said that he came to Taiyuan again after many years and felt that it was a worthwhile trip. Taiyuan’s rich historical heritage, beautiful urban environment, strong development trend and rich cultural and tourism resources left a deep impression. Wanda Group is full of confidence in cooperating with Taiyuan and will combine Taiyuan’s resource endowments to highlight originality, locality and repeated consumption. In-depth cooperation in cultural and tourism projects, sports events and other fields will create a new business card for the city of cultural and tourism business, and contribute to the economic and social development of Taiyuan.

  During the merger, Wang Jianlin and his party went to Jinci, Taiyuan Ancient County, bell tower Street, Jinyang Lake Park, Shuangta Park and other scenic spots for on-the-spot inspections to learn more about the city’s cultural tourism industry planning, project layout, and facility construction.

(Reprinted from Taiyuan News Network)

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British experts say this is not the first time MH370 has been found on Google Maps

  According to the British media "Mirror", British technologist Ian Wilson claims to have found the crashed MH370 passenger plane on Google Maps, lying quietly in the jungle of Cambodia.

  Many netizens searched based on the Google Maps coordinates provided by Wilson (12.089059, 104.151882), and indeed saw the same image.

  But is this really MH370, which has been missing for four and a half years? Suspicions abound, and so far there is no conclusive evidence to confirm this claim.

       In fact, this is not the first time someone has claimed to have found MH370 on Google Maps.

  Off the coast of Padang, Indonesia

  According to the British media "Daily Star", in July this year, some netizens posted a screenshot of Google Maps on social networking sites, pointing out that the picture depicted the crashed passenger plane MH370, which crashed off the coast of Padang, Indonesia.

  The news quickly spread, and many people believed it to be true. According to Xingzhou.com, Eddie, the head of the Indonesian Padang Disaster Management Committee, then "refuted the rumor", saying that the pictures posted online showed traces of posting productin, and the Indonesian government had never received relevant information.

  Near the Round Island of Mauritius

  According to Fox News, in March this year, Australian amateur air crash investigator Peter McMahon said that he had carefully studied Google Maps and confirmed that the wreckage of MH370 was located 16 kilometers south of Round Island in Mauritius in the southwestern Indian Ocean. He has given the information to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and also claims that the fuselage of the plane is full of bullet holes.

  A spokesperson for Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre said McMahon contacted the Australian Transport Safety Bureau via Facebook and email in 2016 and 2017, but the date of sending the pictures was November 6, 2009, four years before MH370 disappeared.

  South Africa’s Cape Coast

  According to the Daily Mail, in March 2016, Scott Waring, editor of the daily UFO sighting newspaper, reported that while searching for UFO sightings on Google Maps, he had accidentally found the wreckage of a plane suspected to be MH370 off the coast of the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

  Mr. Waring said the satellite photo, taken on June 27, 2015, was 16 months away from the accident, and that it was most likely to have drifted there, based on Australian models of currents that floated MH370. But no debris was found in the area in subsequent searches.

  The Operational Secrets Behind Google Maps

  Since the disappearance of MH370, almost the whole world has been actively searching, and many ordinary people also want to do their part. Google Maps has become one of the most efficient search tools.

  According to British technology media Stuff, Google Maps spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha said that Google occasionally captures some difficult-to-explain images, especially objects moving at high speed underwater, such as fish, water currents, etc., which may form an airplane-like outline and give people the illusion.

  However, Google Maps does capture "special effects images" of real aircraft.

  A plane appears to have landed on a rooftop in central Adelaide, Australia.

A passenger plane is low potential among the trees of Brooklyn, USA.

It looks like a plane is parked in the yard of a family in Paraguay.

  It looks like a plane is parked in the yard of a family in Paraguay.

  Forbes reported that Google Maps uses multiple satellite images to map the world, and satellites occasionally capture aircraft in flight, which may give users the above-mentioned bizarre images.

  Google Maps’ satellite imagery is sourced from DigitalGlobe, a US commercial space imagery and geospatial content provider, whose Earth Imaging Satellite is capable of capturing 30-centimeter resolution images.

  Each of DigitalGlobe’s satellites orbits the Earth 16 times a day and can collect 3 million square kilometers of imagery. Working around the clock, these satellites have long amassed a wealth of data that powers Google Maps.

  In addition, Google has hired a special team to manually check and correct maps using an internal program called "Atlas." Operators not only check for problems reported by tens of thousands of users every day, but also fix them as needed.

  Google Maps’ "Scientific Open Way"

  As well as providing users with navigation, Google Maps has long been a "professional assistant" for explorers and archaeologists.

  Google Maps was first used by an Italian programmer to discover historic sites. He discovered an ancient Roman manor more than 2,000 years ago. Since then, Google Maps has become a weapon for many archaeologists.

  Last October, archaeologists discovered 400 mysterious stone gates estimated to be 9,000 years old in a remote desert in Saudi Arabia using Google Maps.

  David Kennedy, a professor at the University of Western Australia who led the study, said he was contacted by a Saudi doctor with an interest in history who spotted the spectacle on Google Maps. The area is a "hellscape" without vegetation or water, so it has not been explored before.

  The high-resolution images are "democratizing" archaeological research, Mr. Kennedy said.

  In May of this year, a British butterfly scientist named Julian Bayliss discovered the last "secret garden" on Earth with the help of Google Maps.

  According to the technology media The Verge, Belize used Google Maps to observe the African rainforest for 15 years. In 2012, he found a volcano-like mountain range between Mabu and Namuri mountains in northern Mozambique.

  After six years of observation and research, Belize led an expedition into this pristine tropical rainforest in northern Mozambique. The reason why it is called the last mysterious garden on earth is because of its steep terrain and 700 meters above the ground, which keeps this rainforest the most pristine ecology.

  In fact, ordinary people can also use Google Maps to start their own exploration and archaeological journey. Google Earth also added an "Explorer" tool last year, which contains introductions from experts in various fields to help you rediscover this wonderful world.

Why does Andy Lau always make bad movies?

Text | Zhang Ying

edit | Zhao ordinary

"Andy Lau is an entertainer who is deified by all the media."

In a speech on a CCTV program in 2013, Andy Lau commented on himself. But everyone knows that the three words Andy Lau can no longer be summed up in words like "an artist".


"There can be people in Hong Kong who don’t know the governor, but no one doesn’t know Andy Lau." The media and the public have many similar evaluations of Andy Lau, constantly pushing him to a higher "mythical" status.

(Andy Lau’s "If Heaven Has Love")

It is undeniable that in the past 40 years of his debut, Andy Lau has many roles that everyone loves to talk about, and has also handed over many quality masterpieces such as "Infernal Affairs", "Heaven Ruoyou Love" and "Sister Tao". But at the same time,Poison Eye(WeChat ID: DomoreDumou)It seems that Andy Lau has been entangled and swayed in bad movies over the years.

A few days ago, the new film "Hot Blood Choir" that he produced and starred in was released. As of now, the box office is less than 50 million, and the rating of Douban is as low as 4.8. This result has awakened many people’s memories of "the bad movies that Andy Lau made these years."

"Buchuan Mountain Residence" is an "iconic bad movie" that he starred in that caused audiences to complain and bad reviews on a large scale. There are more films like "Ace", "Macau 3" and "My Agent Grandpa" with Douban ratings hovering around 3-5 points, and acting in movies with bad reputation. This is what happened to Andy Lau from time to time.

He himself has never been shy about this."I don’t care about scenes. I don’t dare to shoot anything except taking off my clothes."

"Stupid child" | "As long as I don’t take off my clothes, I dare to shoot"

"There is a stupid child born in the 1960s outside the quiet village." Andy Lau wrote and sang this lyric about himself.


Born in 1961 in a remote village in Hong Kong, Andy Lau moved to the city at the age of 6 and lived with his family in a slum called Diamond Hill. He knew how to live hard before anyone else: as a teenager, he got up at 4 a.m. to pull water and prepare to sell breakfast, helped out in his shop after school, started doing homework at 10, and slept only about four hours a night.


Because he had to help his family’s grocery store and the ice room deliver takeout, and the ice room was near the Jiancheng studio, Andy Lau kept an eye on the phone every day, rushing to answer when the bell rang, in order to go to the studio to deliver takeout and see more stars in the crew.


Perhaps because of this influence, after graduating from Secondary Five, Andy Lau applied for the wireless artist training class. At the age of 20, he entered the TVB training class and became a trainee.


A year later, Xu Anhua’s "Joining the Sea of Rage" began filming. One of the male leads was originally reserved for Chow Yun-fa, but Chow Yun-fa refused to play due to market considerations. After being recommended, the producers found Andy Lau. At that time, Andy Lau, who was a complete newcomer to the film, was not qualified to worry too much like Chow Yun-fa and firmly seize this precious role opportunity.

"Go to the Sea of Anger" won the earth-shattering wins, good reputation at the same time, also won the box office revenue of 15 million Hong Kong dollars, in 1982, this is the absolute head of the hit film, and the newcomer Andy Lau also took this hit, won the Academy Award "Best New Actor" nomination.

(Andy Lau starred in the 1982 film "Joining the Sea")

Perhaps it was because "Go to the Sea of Rage" allowed Andy Lau to dig the first "diamond", and then he buried his head on the "Diamond Mountain".But in this process, there will also be a lot of "sand and gravel".


According to incomplete statistics, in the four years from 1988 to 1992, Andy Lau almost made more than 10 movies every year. And among these huge numbers of movies, there are many bad movies that have long been forgotten in the corner.


Asked by the media in 2005 why he was making 12 films a year, Andy Lau replied: "I knew at that time that if I wanted to stay in the entertainment industry, I had to take more roles. No matter what, I had to make an impression on everyone, and I had to be firmly tied to everyone’s heart."


As a newcomer to the film industry, Andy Lau, who is in his twenties, had to film.


In the 1980s, the annual production of Hong Kong films remained at around 100, the total output value of films was once the first in Asia and the second in the world (after the United States). A large number of Hong Kong directors rose, and various types of films such as martial arts, action and comedy were produced. For Lau Dehua, it was a good time. The booming Hong Kong film market gave him the opportunity to make intensive films.


"In Hong Kong you can shoot three movies at the same time, shoot this one in the morning, change to another one tomorrow, and go home at night." Behind this "everything" mirrors the fierce competition behind the booming Hong Kong film market.


Andy Lau’s "opponents" include Zhou Yun-fat, Miao Qiaowei and Tang Zhenye, who are already famous in the market and have box office in the radio training class, as well as Leung Chaowei and Zhou Xingchi, who are in the late class.


Only by constantly shooting can Andy Lau catch up with the ever-changing market.Bad movies also became the "fate" he never got rid of in the process of running and catching up.

Businessperson | "Not so artistic, I love money"

"Stupid kid" Andy Lau also has smart things.


Perhaps the 15 million Hong Kong dollar of "Go to the Angry Sea" is too charming, and the smart Andy Lau smelled the huge opportunity of the film market. Obviously, this is a broader and more charming blue ocean.

"In the early 1990s, Andy Lau felt that he knew a lot about movies and wanted to try his hand at filming, so he set up a joint venture with a telecommunications company in Hong Kong," Jin Yan, who has worked with him for many years, told the media publicly.

From then on, Andy Lau assumed the role of a businessperson.


(Andy Lau concert)

As a novice businessperson, Andy Lau did not go well. He invested in several films using expensive big-name actors such as Anita Mui, Maggie Cheung, and Guan Zhilin. The film "The Legend of War" (1992) alone had an investment of 60 million Hong Kong dollars, but in the end, the box office was only over 12 million.


By 1995, Andy Lau had lost more than 40 million yuan.


"From 1995 to the middle of 2000, all the scenes I made were used to pay off debts."Andy Lau once said in an interview. During this period, Andy Lau starred in a large number of films with poor reputation, such as "Ambition of Heaven and Earth" (1997), "Love Dream" (1999) and "Battle to the Top of Forbidden" (2000).


(Andy Lau’s "Love Dream")

After being in huge debt, the 40-year-old Andy Lau had to take a photo.


However, after the money was paid, Andy Lau still did not give up his film business. In 2002, he founded Yingyi Entertainment Co., Ltd. This time, Andy began to turn his attention to newcomers: in 2005, his Yingyi Entertainment launched the "Asian Rising Star Direction" program, in which Andy alone paid about 25 million Hong Kong dollars to film six emerging directors.


At that time, the list of new directors was now the big director Ning Hao. In 2006, Ning Hao used the 3.50 million invested by Andy Lau to shoot the box office 23.50 million work "Crazy Stone". Director Ning Hao had his own famous work and helped businessperson Andy Lau make money.


Unfortunately, of the six films that Andy Lau invested in, the other five lost money. Some were thrown away after filming, some were not released after filming, and some were begged for mercy halfway through the shooting: "Please don’t shoot it, okay?"


In the following years, Andy Lau’s company invested in many films, and he often starred in films he invested in in addition to his status as a producer and producer. Among them, there were many masterpieces such as "Sister Peach", and of course, there would also be films with general reputation such as "My Agent Grandpa" and "I Know Women’s Hearts".

(Andy Lau’s "Sister Tao")


Bad movies became part of Andy Lau’s businessWhen asked by the media "Don’t you think you are an artist?", Andy Lau could only answer with a smile: "I don’t count, I’m not that artistic, I love money."

Favors | Andy Lau of "On Call"

In the days when Andy Lau was desperately filming to pay off his debts, a familiar figure often appeared in his works: Wang Jing.


In those years, Wang Jing would find Andy Lau to act in a suitable film, giving him a lot of help when he was eager to make money. So in many public occasions later, Andy Lau would speak for Wang Jing without hesitation: "I came out of making the bad movies you said. Director Wang Jing gave his all for his movies, which is worthy of our admiration."


(Andy Lau and Wang Jing)

"Sometimes, for example, meeting Wang Jing may be too good a friend. I don’t know if this is good or not. I think sometimes some human favors are necessary for people."


Andy Lau repaid the money debt and owed the "love debt".


Not only Wang Jing, in the 1980s, when Andy Lau experienced being "hidden", he also received a lot of help from Hong Jinbao. After that, Andy Lau has been recalling the love of that year. Even Hong Jinbao himself lamented that he has won many celebrities, and it is difficult for most people to find them to make movies after they become popular, but there is another Andy Lau who is "on call".


(Andy Lau and Samuel Hung)

In this way, for the sake of favor, Andy Lau, who is about to turn 60, still had to shoot.

When he recorded the program "Zhiyun Dinner" in his early years, Andy Lau said that he was very eccentric, "friends will help you when you are busy."

When Zhang Weijian’s investment failed and he was facing bankruptcy, he asked Andy Lau to borrow money for help. Andy Lau generously helped him and told him that what he learned should be taught, and what he earned should be given to others.

Perhaps it was because he was helped by too many people in his early years that Andy Lau, who became famous, did not hesitate to assist filmmakers.Helping to play a "bad movie" is also one of the ways.

The 2013 release of "Tianji Fuchun Mountain Residence" (3 points on Douban) was the darkest moment for Andy Lau’s film reputation. Every time he attended an event, he had to face questions from the media "why did you accept this film".

When filming "The Founding of a Nation", Han Sanping took Sun Jianjun (the director of "Fuchun Mountain Residence") to see Andy Lau. At first, he asked Andy Lau to be the director. Andy Lau thought his directing ability was limited and refused, but in the process, Andy Lau and Sun Jianjun established a friendship.


Andy Lau said in an interview,"Just like a group of friends, the audience should not think so much about why, it is actually that simple."


(Andy Lau in "Secret: The Residence of Fuchun Mountain")

Du Qifeng once told Andy Lau to be selfish and choose works selfishly, so that he can control the quality of his works better.Andy Lau replied that this is not his personality.


In the future, Andy Lau’s "road to bad movies" may be longer. But fortunately, as long as they hear the words "Andy Lau", audiences will still walk into the cinema with hope.



1. "Ten years is not easy, ten years in a flash – 1997 to 2007 Hong Kong Film Talk" Author: Liefu

"57-Year-old Andy Lau has been popular for 37 years" by Captain

3. "Let’s Talk" 20131215 (No. 072: Andy Lau)

4. Chongqing Evening News: "Andy Lau confesses that doing business is difficult: I can still afford to lose money now"

5. Sohu Entertainment: Interview | Andy Lau: Shooting "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" for Friendship

6. Interface News: Interview with Andy Lau: I’m not that artistic, I love money

7. China News Weekly: "Hong Kong People" Andy "

Wang Sicong joked that Huang Zitao’s singing skills were poor, and the program team choked: You can do it, you go

??1905 movie network news On the evening of the 25th, the entertainment large "Star Wanted" bombarded Huang Zitao, commenting that Huang Zitao’s RAP performance in the variety show "Who is the Singer" was "The rhythm can’t keep up with the rap, and the subtitles can’t keep up with the rhythm."

??That night, "National Husband" Wang Sicong immediately forwarded the Weibo and commented: "Is this… the’misplaced RAP ‘that has been lost in the music industry for a long time?" This is not the first time Wang Sicong has choked Huang Zitao. Before, he broke the news in the "H surname Xiaoxianrou playing a big name" incident: "I will not break the news of all kinds of dating in the name of dating, a brainless one." Now "National Husband" once again fired at H surname Xiaoxianrou, making the majority of netizens guess: "What exactly did Huang Zitao offend my husband!"

??In addition to attracting tens of thousands of netizens to watch, the official Weibo of "Who is the Singer" also stood up at the first time, forwarding Wang Sicong’s Weibo and commenting: "You can do it, you can do it." Some netizens expressed support for this domineering side leakage, "The official blog is domineering", "The official blog is too cute", "Whether it is hyping the official blog or not, I respect you as a man! What! Da!".

??There are also netizens who, as always, support the entertainment industry Discipline Inspection Commission: "Don’t let people say that you sing badly, he doesn’t know what you sing", "You have finally restored the messenger of justice in the entertainment industry, and finally started to complain about this male **", "Husband, why don’t you go to" Who is the Singer "to have a shot?".

Lei Jun: The official version of Xiaomi Auto SU7 has been delivered.

Special statement: The above contents (including pictures or videos, if any) are uploaded and published by users of the media platform "Netease", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

219,900 first limited to 3,000 Jetway Traveler Silver Dragon Wings listed: more handsome than tank 300.

  On January 29 th, the Jetway Traveler Silver Dragon Wing Edition was officially launched recently. The price of the car was 219,900 yuan, and the starting limit was 3,000 units.

  This car is the first product of the official modified brand of Jietu JMK. It has been upgraded in different degrees in terms of appearance and interior. At present, the new car has completed the announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and can be licensed normally. In the future, it will adopt the order production mode, and the delivery cycle will be within 3 months.

  The new car is based on Jietu travelers, and its appearance is the key part of the upgrade. The front face is added with an anti-collision bumper, and at the same time, the grille is also equipped with a ring-shaped penetrating light. The brand logo is transplanted to the hood, and the hood is also equipped with an air inlet, which is very sexy for hard-core off-road vehicles.

  AT the same time, a brand-new style of 20-inch wheels was put on, and AT off-road tires were equipped. The roof was equipped with a multi-functional roof platform, and two-stage gangways and exclusive customized side schoolbags were installed on both sides, which made some Land Rover guards feel both visually and visually.

  The rear of the car has also been upgraded. It has an independent rear space box, even the taillights have a protective cover, and the tailgate is open to the side. This is also a very common configuration of hard-core off-road vehicles. It is worth mentioning that the car body is also equipped with a mortise-and-tenon structure expansion interface (the original factory reserved 40+ expansion and upgrade interfaces), which is convenient for users to modify freely.

  The whole interior has not changed much. The whole car mostly uses horizontal and vertical lines, has a full LCD instrument panel and a large-size central control panel, and has a built-in Qualcomm 8155 chip. In the future, the theme car of Yinlong Wing will be upgraded through OTA.

  In terms of power, the car is equipped with a 2.0T engine, which is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. The system can explode up to 254 horsepower and the peak torque is 390 Nm. It is also equipped with XWD automatic intelligent four-wheel drive, which adopts the sixth generation intelligent torque manager of Borg Warner+intelligent limited slip differential lock, and supports intelligent switching in 6+X mode.

  Obviously, Jietu Traveler came to the Great Wall market segment, and it really became a dark horse, which successfully opened up the situation in the field of hard-core off-road SUVs with urban attributes, and with the arrival of plug-in hybrid version, its sales volume is bound to continue to increase.

Understand the new car in Hall E1 of Beijing Auto Show in the article of extremely krypton MIX, etc.

  [car home Information] The 2024 Beijing Auto Show has already begun. There are more than 200 new cars released/listed at this auto show, including many heavy models. In order to make it easier for you to understand the new car information, we made a series of topics for the auto show new car summary, and counted the heavy new cars for you according to the dimensions of the exhibition hall. This article focuses on the E1 Hall where luxury cars gather. Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Lamborghini and high-end refitter Maisarui have all released new products. In addition, Changan Mazda, Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi, Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Chery, and Extreme Krypton also have heavy cars. For example, Changan Mazda EZ-6, Krypton MIX, Brand New (|), and New Tiggo 8.

Home of the car

◆ Booth map of Hall E1 of Beijing Auto Show

Home of the car

Changan Mazda: EZ-6 and ARATA create concept cars.

● Starting: Changan Mazda EZ-6

  Changan Mazda EZ-6 is positioned as a medium-sized car, which is a brand-new energy vehicle jointly developed by Mazda and Changan. It is reported that the car will be officially launched in the second half of the year.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  In terms of appearance, Mazda EZ-6 continues the design style of Mazda family. The biggest highlight of the front face is that the classic Mazda wing adopts luminous design and uses headlights that run through the water grid, which continues the concept of soul movement as a whole.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  On the side of the car body, the car has a hidden door handle and offers two 19-inch aluminum alloy wheels, which also adopt a low wind resistance design. The new car body lines are full of strength and dynamic waistline. Just like other Mazda models, the dynamic beauty can be displayed by relying on the body lines.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  According to the official, the new car will offer 8 car paints to choose from, including two brand-new colors of the brand-streamer gold and moon grey. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 4921/1890/1485mm respectively. The taillights of vehicles are through-designed, and four round barrel lamp groups are added on both sides of the taillights, which is also a tribute to the classic design of the brand. It is worth mentioning that this car will also be equipped with an intelligent electric rear spoiler, which supports manual or automatic opening and closing.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  In terms of interior, the dashboard of the car adopts a suspended design shape as a whole, and the overall style is also close to electrification. In terms of materials, the car will be made of Alcantara and will be decorated with matt chrome trim to enhance the sense of exquisiteness. The high-profile models will use the "Red Deer Brown" interior color, while the basic models will use the "Heron Feather White" color.

  In terms of intelligence, the car will be equipped with a 14.6-inch LCD screen, and the car system adopts 8155 chips to integrate the control of air conditioning, seats, entertainment and other functions. The car will also be equipped with a 14-speaker Sony audio system, 64-color ambient lights, front zero-gravity seats, and the cockpit also supports 13 scene mode switching. It is worth mentioning that the car also has a panoramic canopy and will provide automatic or manual sunshade. In terms of power, the new car will be compatible with pure electricity and extended range power.

● Starting: Mazda ARATA creates a concept car.

  Changan Mazda not only released mazda 6’s successor EZ-6, but also released the "ARATA Chuang" concept car, which is a brand-new SUV model and will also provide pure electric and extended-range power.It will be listed in the China market in 2025..

Changan Mazda ARATA creates 2024 basic models.

Changan Mazda ARATA creates 2024 basic models.

Changan Mazda ARATA creates 2024 basic models.

  In this concept car, we can see Mazda’s iconic design elements, and the flying wing trim adopts luminous design. It is expected that the car will also use split headlights in mass production. You can also see the typical proportion of Mazda from the side, showing a sporty style. Of course, this concept car only shows the design concept of the next new car, and the specific production version is not expected to be seen until the end of the year or even next year.

  The car will be built based on Changan EPA platform, which is compatible with pure electric and extended range power. In addition to this SUV, Mazda has planned the third and fourth models to cooperate with Changan.

Extreme Krypton: Extreme Krypton MIX, Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliant Edition

● Starting: Extreme Krypton MIX

  Extreme krypton MIX is the fifth model of extreme krypton. The new car will continue the latest design language, be equipped with STARGATE integrated smart light curtain and adopt a brand-new door opening method. In terms of power, the krypton MIX will be equipped with a motor model TZ235XYC01 with a maximum power of 310kW.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, the car adopts the Hidden Energy minimalist design language used by Krypton 007, with rounded front lines and slender headlights, which is full of science and technology. At the same time, the large black air intake under it also enriches the visual layering of this car.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  On the side of the car body, the polar krypton MIX adopts a "big bread" car body structure. The length, width and height of the car body are 4688/1995/1755mm respectively, but the wheelbase reaches 3008mm, which means that it will have considerable interior space. I believe everyone is curious about the way the car door is opened. The driver side of the car uses the traditional front door+side sliding back door, while the passenger side is expected to use the split side sliding door. The practicality is worth looking forward to.

Home of the car

  The tail design of krypton MIX is very simple, and the penetrating light strip is located at the lower part of the rear windshield, and the two are integrated. At the same time, the black rear surround shape and color matching echo the front of the car. Combined with the previous information, it is expected that the new car will provide 19-inch multi-spoke wheels, and the high-profile models will be upgraded to 20 inches. In addition, it is expected that the high-end models of the extreme MIX will also be equipped with lidar.

Home of the car

  In the interior part, handrails are also designed on the left and right sides of the seats in the front row of the vehicle. Therefore, the left and right passages in the front row are clear and can be traversed. The new car still adopts the design of bosom block. The rear row of the vehicle is designed with three seats, but the left and right two seats are also designed with leg rests, providing a very comfortable seating space. Because the right side of the vehicle adopts the design of sliding door, it will be quite convenient to get on and off in the back row of the vehicle, and the back of the passenger seat can also move forward.

  In terms of power, according to the previous application information, the extreme krypton MIX will be equipped with a motor model TZ235XYC01 with a maximum power of 310kW. At present, two versions have been declared, with the curb weight of 2739kg and 2639kg respectively, both of which are equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery, so it is estimated that the battery capacity is different.

● Starting: Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliant Edition

  The medium and large MPV—— under the brand Krypton-Krypton 009 Brilliant Edition officially met with the public. The car has been on the market before.A total of 1 model was launched.The price is 789,000 yuan.The new car only offers a unique exclusive appearance and interior color.It is reported that the new car will be built based on the 800V platform architecture, and the maximum power of dual motors is 788 horsepower. The official positioning of the Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliant Edition is "four ultra-luxury flagships", focusing on four luxury travel areas. In terms of battery life, CLTC’s pure battery life can reach 702km. The new car will be delivered on May 19th.

Home of the car

  Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliant Edition continues the sci-fi appearance of the current extreme Krypton 009 model, adopting a dark front face, replacing the longitudinal trim of the net with an all-black design, and adding chrome trim to the lower part of the front and the side of the car body. In addition, the new car is equipped with a lidar at the roof.

Home of the car

  The most eye-catching thing on the side of the car body is the brand-new "pie" rim shape. The polished design echoes the chrome plating on the top, and the whole car is full of gas. The shape of the rear of the car is consistent with that of the regular version, and it is equipped with through taillights. The difference is that the polar krypton logo at the rear of the car becomes gold, and the right side is also equipped with the golden "009 Glory" logo. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5217/2024/1812mm and the wheelbase is 3205mm. In terms of rims, the new car is equipped with 20-inch suspension forged rims.

Extreme Krypton 009 2024 Brilliant Edition

Extreme Krypton 009 2024 Brilliant Edition

Home of the car

Home of the car

Extreme Krypton 009 2024 Brilliant Edition

  In terms of interiors, Extreme Krypton 009 Glory will adopt a four-seat layout, with a 43-inch large-screen audio-visual entertainment system in the back row and ZEEKR OS 6.0 system inside, which can support up to 64 apps in the background. In addition, the cockpit and the passenger compartment can be completely isolated in the car, which is independent of each other, and also creates a more private and exclusive space experience for the rear passengers. In the details, the seat belt, headrest embroidery and interior leather stitching are all in gold design. At the same time, the interior also uses metal chrome plating and wood decorative board to match, which sets off a luxurious but not greasy atmosphere.

  The new car has a laser radar, and the detection distance in low light environment is up to 200 meters. Not only that, the new car is also equipped with satellite communication technology, two-way satellite message and two-way satellite call. In order to ensure the storage of valuables, there are two electronic safes in the car, which can be set with passwords respectively. In view of users’ privacy, the new car supports privacy mode setting, which can realize one-click undisturbed, while creating a seamless mode, Bluetooth connection and other functions can realize seamless connection to avoid personal information disclosure. In addition, with the help of LC privacy dimming glass, its shading rate can reach 99.5% and ultraviolet blocking rate can reach 99.9%.

Extreme Krypton 009 2024 Brilliant Edition

  In terms of power, the new car will be built based on the 800V platform architecture, equipped with a dual-motor four-wheel drive system. The maximum power of the front motor is 270kW(367 HP), the maximum power of the rear motor is 310kW(421 HP), the total power is 788 HP, and the maximum speed is 230 km/h. It will be matched with a ternary lithium battery and support 6kW external discharge. In terms of battery life, CLTC’s pure battery life can reach 702km. 0-100km acceleration time is 3.9 seconds.

  For charging, the charging time from 10% to 80% is 11.5 minutes. This time, the extremely charged V3 charging pile was released. The peak power of a single gun reached 800kW, the maximum output voltage was 1000V, and the maximum output current was 800 A.. According to the plan, by the end of 2024, the total number of extremely filled piles will exceed 5,000, and in addition, extremely krypton will also introduce 1515 convenient electricity, that is, it will take 15 minutes to find piles and charge them in 15 minutes.

Chery: New Tiggo 8, Fengyun A9, Fengyun T9, Fengyun T06 Concept Edition, etc.

● Starting: New Tiggo 8

   The new Tiggo 8 adopts a brand-new design language, which is more refined as a whole. This new car will also be sold to overseas markets in the future.

Chery tiggo 8 2025 basic model

Home of the car

  The appearance of the new Tiggo 8 is quite different from Chery’s current products. The front of the car adopts a two-color design, and the interior of the large-size mesh adopts a diamond grille, which looks good in quality. The headlights on both sides are split, and the lower lights blend with the black area, which has a strong sense of layering.

Home of the car

  The design of the side is similar to that of the existing model as a whole. It is reported that the wheelbase has been lengthened, and the car has been replaced with a hidden door handle and equipped with multi-spoke wheels. At the rear of the car, it will adopt a penetrating taillight design, in which the brand LOGO is embedded. The design of the tailgate is also relatively simple, and the license plate area is placed in the rear enclosure.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The design inside the car is closer to the style of new energy vehicles, and with the beige interior, it looks very simple. It is equipped with LCD instrument and independent central control large screen, and we can also see wireless charging panel with air outlet and mode conversion knob.

  Judging from the tail mark of 390T, it is expected that it will still be equipped with a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a maximum torque of 390 Nm, or a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. In the future, the car will also launch a new energy version. For more information about the new car, we will continue to pay attention to the report.

● Starting: Fengyun A9

  Chery Fengyun A9 appeared at the Beijing Auto Show. Compared with the previously released version,The design of the new car is closer to mass production (but it is not a mass production car)The official announced that it will be officially listed for sale in 2025.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Fengyun A9 positioned the brand’s flagship sedan. Compared with the previous version, we can see that its front is obviously "mass-produced". The car will use a closed front face, eliminating the lattice "light grille" on the previous model, enriching the internal details of the headlights on both sides, and adding ventilation holes on both sides of the front enclosure.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  On the side and tail, some details have also been adjusted, such as the application of a new style of wheels, the cancellation of hidden door handles, and the replacement of chrome decoration. However, the car is still not the final production car. For example, the exhibition car has no brake system. The official revealed that its length is nearly 5 meters and its wheelbase is nearly 3 meters. It is reported that the car will also have L3-level intelligent driver assistance system.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The new car adopts front double wishbone+rear five-bar suspension, and the addition of CDC magnetic suspension makes driving feel more comfortable. Power can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration time of 5 seconds, pure electric cruising range of 200km, comprehensive cruising range of more than 1400km.

● Fengyun T9

  Chery Fengyun T9 plug-in version locates medium-sized SUV, which has been officially announced.The pre-sale price range is 159,900-199,900 yuan.. Fengyun T9 is based on the super hybrid platform of Mars architecture, with 5 seats and 7 seats to choose from. It is equipped with Kunpeng Super C-DM hybrid system, and its comprehensive endurance will exceed 1400km. At the same time, it also adopts CDC suspension system.

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, the design of this car is full of strength, the body lines are smooth, and the overall shape is full. The shape of the diversion grooves on both sides of the front of the car gives it a bit of a sporty atmosphere. In terms of body size, the new car has five-seat version and seven-seat version, with the length, width and height of 4795/1930/1738(1741)mm and the wheelbase of 2770mm respectively, of which the seven-seat version corresponds to the body height of 1741 mm..

Home of the car

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

  From the side of the car body, the smooth waistline design makes the whole car look more slender, and the suspended roof design adds a sense of fashion. In the rear part, the through taillight design is highly recognizable after lighting, and the exhaust layout with two outlets on both sides further emphasizes its motion attribute.

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

  For the interior, Fengyun T9 plug-in version is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a large-size central control screen. The main driver’s seat has 6-way adjustment +4-way lumbar support adjustment, and the 10-point air bag massage has three opening modes, and the backrest/cushion is equipped with 3-speed ventilation and 3-speed heating. The queen’s co-pilot also appeared in the car with one-button lying down, and had a 10-point massage. The maximum opening angle of the leg rest of the cushion can reach 128, and the maximum opening angle of the backrest of the cushion can reach 125. The second and third rows of this car also support one-button down, and the second row of seats can be moved with one button, which is convenient for entering and leaving the third row.

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

  In terms of power, Chery Fengyun T9 is equipped with two hybrid systems. The engine is a fifth-generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI hybrid engine. The maximum power of the engine is 115kW, the maximum torque is 220N·m, and the thermal efficiency reaches 44.5%. One of the two hybrid systems is stepless super hybrid DHT, which adopts E-CVT gearbox. Its motor power is 150kW, the peak torque is 310N·m, the comprehensive power of the system is 265kW, and the comprehensive torque is 530 N m.. Automatically switch between pure electric/hybrid/extended range/fuel four driving modes according to the usage scenario. The acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 7.7 seconds.

Chery Automobile Fengyun T9 2024 120-long-life flagship model with 7 seats.

  The other is a three-speed super hybrid DHT, which adopts dual-motor drive +3-speed DHT. Its driving motor power is 165kW, the maximum torque is 390N·m, the system comprehensive power is 280kW, the system comprehensive torque is 610N·m, and its 0-100km/h acceleration time is 4.26 seconds. The new car has a comprehensive cruising range of more than 1400km and a fuel consumption of 4.2L/100km. In terms of charging, it can achieve 30%-80% energy replenishment efficiency in 20 minutes.

Chen Ze, a well-known game anchor, was accused of disturbing the people and was angered by his neighbors. A female neighbor rushed into his house! I respond

City Express News Late last night,Chen Ze, a well-known game anchor, clashed with his neighbors during the live broadcast. The neighbors loudly reprimanded Chen Ze for disturbing the people every day, and then rushed into his home.

Subsequently, Chen Ze Weibo’s account @ Mushroom Mushroom did not send a message to respond to disturbing people:

At five o’clock in the morning, Chen Ze replied to the netizen: Don’t talk nonsense, it’s better to have more public figures than less …

Early this morning, related topic words rushed to the top of hot search.

Online celebrity College, Lobster College … What do these "wonderful" students study?

  When it comes to majors, we generally keep the following two attitudes: "Never apply for my major" and "Look at other people’s majors". Our own majors have endless spit, while others’ majors have endless envy. Next, I’d like to introduce the e-sports housekeeper, anti-terrorism, zombie online celebrity Moutai, and a potato. There are too many "exotic" majors in universities, and some of them may sound good. After learning about them, you will find that they seem really good … … I hope you can face your major after reading it.


  Hard and pragmatic

  Potato college

  Remember when Yunnan Normal University announced that it would set up a potato college?

  Potato research in this school began in 1970s and has been playing an important role in potato research in Yunnan Province. The purpose of the establishment of Potato College this time is to give full play to our traditional scientific research advantages and focus on the construction of two characteristic majors, namely "Potato Genomics" and "Genetics and Breeding", so as to enhance the ability and level of the transformation of potato scientific and technological achievements.

  What a surprise!

  Potatoes — Potato — potato

  Has become a discipline.


  Keep up with the trend

  Online celebrity College

  The establishment of "online celebrity College" in Chongqing Institute of Engineering has attracted everyone’s attention. However, the school responded that "online celebrity College" is neither an independent college nor a specific major, but a training program of "school-enterprise cooperation" between schools and enterprises, aiming at solving the employment problem of some students.

  There are no shortcuts in life, and there is no gain for nothing. Entering "online celebrity College" still needs to study hard and attend classes seriously, but it doesn’t mean that you can really become "online celebrity" in the future. I hope everyone can treat it rationally.

  Professional gaming

  Setting up this major also means that parents will say, "Can you go to college by playing games?"? Can you eat it as a meal? " When you are young, you can confidently say, "Yes!"

  If you think that e-sports major is to let you play games every day, then you are wrong.

  Let’s take a look at the curriculum of e-sports major in Xilin Gol Vocational College:

  Including regular culture classes (language, mathematics and English); E-sports development history & data analysis; Specific professional courses of competitive games (MOBA, FPS, cards); Referees, coaches and related behind-the-scenes personnel courses.

  E-sports major is not used to train professional players, so students who love to play games should consider it before applying for this major ~


  High-end trench gas type

  International housekeeper major

  At present, there are Wuhan Vocational College of Commerce and Trade and Beijing Institute of International Economics and Trade in China.

  Although there is "housekeeper" in the name, the family name is "international" ~

  Senior butler originated in Britain, with an average annual salary of nearly 30,000 pounds and a maximum of 100,000 pounds.

  At present, domestic housekeepers are divided into junior, middle and senior levels. The monthly income of junior housekeepers is about 5,000-8,000 yuan, while that of intermediate housekeepers is more than tens of thousands. According to industry analysis, the monthly income of truly professional top housekeepers in the future can reach more than 200,000 yuan.

  High income is accompanied by high requirements. Compared with the flight attendant major, the entrance threshold for international housekeepers is higher. The admission rate is generally around 30%.

  Main courses: modern international etiquette, hotel management, medical first aid, coffee and tea art, home and flower arrangement, nutritious diet, Mandarin, golf training, western-style bartending, yacht management, jewelry appreciation, etc.

  Horse science major

  Professional racetrack, customized equestrian clothes costing 10,000 yuan, and foreign precious horses worth millions … … Do you think you opened the story of "The overbearing president only loves me and contracted a whole racecourse for me"? In fact, this is just the daily class of students majoring in horse science at Qingdao Agricultural University.

  In 2011, Qingdao Agricultural University set up the first major in horse science, becoming the first and only school in China to set up an undergraduate major in horse science.

  In order to cultivate professional horse racing talents, in 2015, Dali Horse Industry Group of United Arab Emirates set up a scholarship of "Horse Science" in Wuhan Business School, and invested 30,000 yuan each year to help two students in the school complete their studies. Among them, one student can also get the opportunity to go to Dubai professional racecourse for training.

  This major sounds cool, but in fact it is not as simple as riding a horse every day, nor is it so easy and "fun".

  In the training plan of horse science specialty, it will take more than 2400 class hours in four years to graduate smoothly. The courses studied are also related to various fields. The main courses include: animal anatomy and histology embryology, animal biochemistry, feed science, microbiology, biostatistics and experimental design, livestock environmental hygiene, veterinary medicine foundation, modern horse breeding, equestrian, horse training and nursing, equine diseases and other nearly 30 courses.


  Type of unconsciousness

  Anti-terrorism law school

  In 2016, China’s first anti-terrorism law school was established in northwest university of politics and law, which will train undergraduate, master and doctoral talents in anti-terrorism, and pay attention to the cross-support of law and political science and the combination of knowledge structure.

  This is a major that sounds very powerful and confusing ~

  -Why did you choose this major? (Lighting and microphone for the following classmate)

  -"Nothing else, everything is for justice!"

  Ammunition engineering and explosion technology specialty

  This major is designated by the state to recruit civil servants from public security, safety administration and other institutions. There are only six universities offering weapons majors in China: Beijing Institute of Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, north university of china, shenyang ligong university, Anhui University of Science and Technology and Shenyang Institute of Technology.

  Main courses: ammunition system analysis and design, explosion physics, ballistics, terminal effect, dynamic detection technology, impact dynamics, explosion technology, safety engineering, etc.

  Belonging to the discipline of weapons, is there a feeling of arrogance and coolness immediately? !

  In ancient times, there were knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, cymbals, hooks and forks.

  Today: AK-47, M16, G36 and SG550.

  (I can’t edit any more … )


  Eating and drinking type

  Lobster college

  In July 2017, an admission list published by Jianghan Art Vocational College, located in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, the hometown of crayfish in China, was on fire. The school admitted 86 freshmen to its first "Lobster College". When I saw this major, the netizen said in an instant: "Tell the truth, I can read postdoctoral students at one breath!" Sign up for our group ~ ~

  "Lobster College" consists of three majors: catering management, cooking technology and nutrition (crayfish cooking direction) and marketing (crayfish industry direction), and is admitted through strict examination of candidates’ qualifications and comprehensive professional knowledge examination, professional skills examination and cultural comprehensive examination.

  However, "Lobster College" and "Crayfish Specialty" are two different concepts. Lobster College is a related specialty for lobster industry, both of which are approved by the Provincial Department of Education.

  At present, "Lobster College" has been renamed as "College of Food Culture".

  Regan Noodles research institute

  Regan Noodles is one of the representative cuisines in Wuhan, and its noodles are slender, strong, yellow, oily and delicious. Mixed with sesame oil, sesame paste, rich fresh and spicy powder, spiced pickles and other ingredients, it is full of color and flavor.

  Its magic is that foreigners will feel terrible when they eat it for the first time, and they will want to stop after eating it for the second time.

  In June, 2015, the Institute of Cooking and Food Engineering of Wuhan University of Commerce and Cai Linji, a time-honored brand in Wuhan, jointly established the Wuhan Regan Noodles Research Institute. This is the first time that a university in Wuhan has set up a research institute for traditional snacks in Wuhan.

  The Institute mainly conducts research on Regan Noodles’s historical heritage and cultural development, brand protection, industrial production and product packaging, marketing and product development, and conducts human resources training, so as to promote the development of Chinese snacks.

  Wine specialty

  The full name is "Grape and Wine Engineering Specialty", which is an interdisciplinary comprehensive discipline of science, engineering and agriculture, based on chemistry, biology and engineering, and studying the scientific theory and applied technology of modern high-quality wine brewing process, art appreciation and marketing concepts.

  Main courses: grape cultivation, wine technology, wine tasting, wine engineering, wine marketing, grape variety, wine chemistry, wine microbiology and wine regulations.

He boarded the world hot search, why?

After working as a truck driver for almost 20 years, Wang Zhigang suddenly became angry.

Fans are more accustomed to calling him "Black Brother"-this is his nickname.

Brother Hei’s life is in a small cockpit all the year round. Accommodation is settled on the truck. You can wash clothes and cook by connecting a water pipe from the water tank, and then you can take a shower by connecting a plastic shower head, "like a humble home".

Brother Hei likes to record stories on the road. He always has a way to explore the taste of life in a monotonous journey. Some chatting card friends, a steaming bowl of braces, some sadness on the road, and some sudden and painful illnesses are all recorded in his video.

In fact, in Aauto Quicker, there are 200 million migrant workers writing their own stories.

Someone shuttled through the streets of Beijing in the early morning and became a ferryman in the city; Someone drove a truck and set foot on the long northwest road; Someone is guarding the joys and sorrows of the kitchen and bearing the taste of a city.

Behind every brick and tile is life.

A 6-square-meter hut bears the joys and sorrows of Gao Zhixiao’s life for many years.

The green wall paint peeled off, revealing the white wall inside. A bunk bed occupies almost the whole space, and the waste cartons picked up by Gao Zhixiao are stacked at the door. Outside the house, dozens of families are strung together in a long corridor.

Holding a mobile phone, he walked from outside to inside, recorded a simple and rough "roomtour" and uploaded it to Aauto Quicker.

He never thought that this hobby of recording his life with Aauto Quicker for many years would make him on the cover of Time magazine and be seen by the whole world.

It was the spring of 2020, and the epidemic was severe. There was a broadcast of "Don’t gather, don’t go out" on the loudspeakers in the streets and lanes, and all walks of life were shut down.

Gao Zhixiao accepted a new takeaway order.

That’s a request for purchasing insulin. He can imagine that the person who placed the order was anxious, "maybe waiting for help."

Gao Zhixiao got on the electric car, drove to the guest’s home, took the prescription, and then went to the hospital to get the medicine.

As soon as he got out of the hospital, he sprayed disinfectant all over his body. "I was also afraid in my heart."

It was an old lady who lived alone who bought the medicine.

The old man warmly invited him in. Knowing that the old lady hadn’t eaten yet, he knocked on two eggs and put down a bowl of noodles, and made an agreement with the old man to see her again next time. Before leaving, take away the garbage in the house.

He grew up in a single-parent family and can understand the loneliness of the elderly.

At the moment he walked out of the hutong, he felt that the city was wrapped in loneliness, and the spring was chilly. There were few pedestrians on the road, and he shuttled through the empty road alone.

During the epidemic, he has to run more than 100 kilometers every day to complete sixty or seventy orders. He sent mobile phone charging cables to patients in isolation hospitals and bought vegetables, rice and oil noodles for the people in the city.

When the world stopped, they became ferrymen in the city.

Gao Zhixiao recorded the stories behind these orders one by one in Aauto Quicker, and he was seen at the gates of closed communities, under overpasses and hutongs.

These records also attracted microphones and spotlights, and the media poured in.

In March 2020, Time Magazine published a special issue on the epidemic, with the theme of "Ordinary people all over the world under the epidemic", and he became the only Chinese face on the cover.

On the cover, he is dressed in yellow-this is a sign of a service provider in the take-away industry. He has a northwest man’s face with thick eyebrows, dark skin and big and deep eyes. Time magazine rated him as "having an extraordinary sense of mission".

Compared with "Gao Zhixiao", his more well-known name is "takeaway Xiaoyao Ge".

Brother Xiaoyao is a character in online games. He was originally an inn boy, and later became a generation of chivalrous men, fighting for the sword in the Jianghu. "I went to the clothes and hid myself in the name."

Gao Zhixiao thinks that there is a similar side to Li Xiaoyao in his own personality. When night falls, the road is his river and lake.

Walking in the Jianghu, those fine and carefree days were recorded by him in Aauto Quicker.

On the "Express Mountain" of the Double Eleven, I bought chocolates and roses for my wife on Valentine’s Day. On a rainy night, my car broke down. He ran to deliver four orders and pushed the car to his home 5 kilometers away step by step. ……

In the live broadcast room, he "talked about life" with the familiar old irons, talked about the 7-year experience of drifting in the North, and shared the helplessness and goodwill encountered in the delivery.

He said that he would take his wife to see the red leaves in Xiangshan, Beijing. "Then make a video for the old irons."

On the Aauto Quicker, there are many take-away riders like Gao Zhixiao. Zhou Lei, a rider from Hebei Province, won more than 300,000 fans in Aauto Quicker because of his love of singing. He was invited by CCTV to appear on the Avenue of Stars and entered the annual finals.

These take-away workers, in the city with many high-rise buildings, maintain the smooth operation of urban machines. With the help of the internet platform, they broke away from the vague group of "takeaway brothers" and had their own close-ups.

They record their love for life and let themselves be seen.

Everyone loves to eat the cook’s food, but few people pay attention to the cook’s hands.

The Yellow Sea has a pair of hands with prominent joints, and the most common ones are scars. These scars are witnesses to the story. There are three or four old and new cuts in one place, and the original knife wounds and scalding scars are faintly visible.

In Aauto Quicker, he has another nickname-"Chef Huang". He has released more than 700 videos of cooking and has 4.59 million fans. The dishes are all home-cooked tastes, but the viewing data of the video is very impressive.

He turned the bitterness and sweetness of living in the countryside and the city into authentic food and put it in front of the audience.