American illegal dog fighting football players formally plead guilty and face up to five years in prison.


    On August 27th, American football star michael vick (centre) left the Richmond District Court in Virginia, USA. On the same day, michael vick, who was criticized for his involvement in illegal dog fighting, attended a hearing in the Virginia District Court and formally pleaded guilty. District Court Judge Henry Hudson said that Vic’s plea agreement may not help him reduce his punishment, and he still faces up to five years in prison. Dog fighting is illegal in 50 States in the United States, and 48 of them even make it a felony. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

    American football star michael vick, who was criticized for his involvement in illegal dog fighting, attended a hearing in the Virginia District Court on the 27th and formally pleaded guilty. Vic apologized to the public for his behavior. He said that he is not mature enough and needs to grow up.

    District Court Judge Henry Hudson said that Vic’s plea agreement may not help him reduce his punishment, and he still faces up to five years in prison.

    punish severely

    Vic arrived at the court to attend the hearing accompanied by supporters and lawyers on the 27th, and also waiting outside the court were protesters holding up photos of "defeated dogs" who were injured in dog fighting competitions. Dog fighting is a bloody game, and Vic has been strongly criticized by the media and animal protectionists.

    At the hearing, Judge Hudson asked Vic, "In an conspiracy charge, do you admit guilt because you are really guilty?" Vic replied, "Yes, your honor."

    Dog fighting is illegal in 50 States in the United States, and 48 of them even make it a felony. A new bill passed by the US Congress stipulates that "dog fighting" in cross-border transportation is a federal crime. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if convicted, Vic faces up to five years in prison.

    Prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg said in a statement: "The person who committed dog fighting for the first time may not be sentenced to imprisonment, but we believe that this case is disgusting, cruel and inhuman, so three of the four defendants, including Vic, should be punished more severely."

    The prosecutor suggested that the judge sentence Vic to 12 to 18 months’ imprisonment.

    Hudson said that the prosecutor’s suggestion is of great significance to the judgment, but even so, the final judgment is not completely limited by the prosecution’s suggestion.

    "You must face any decision I make," Hudson told Vic in court. "If I think you need to serve five years, you must obey." Vic replied again, "Yes, your honor."

    On August 27th, michael vick was interviewed by the media in a hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters


    Vic, 27, is the star quarterback of Atlanta Falcon, an American professional football team. His 10-year salary of $130 million ranks second among NFL players.

    Vic told the media on the 27th that he apologized to the public for "everything I have done". He not only apologized to his coach, teammates and NFL, but also apologized for "immature behavior to all children".

    "What I did is very immature, which means I need to grow up," Vic said. "I am responsible for my actions, and now I have to pay for it."

    Vic said that he was "disappointed" with himself and "through this incident, I realized my mistake".

    "Fighting dogs is a bad thing, and I should resist such a thing," he said. "I apologize to everyone and I will redeem myself. I have to do this. "

    Vic admitted on the 24th that he and three other people participated in an illegal inter-state dog fighting organization called "Bad News from Dog kennel" from 2001 to April 2007, and funded dog fighting activities, and admitted that the activities of this dog fighting organization involved gambling and his own participation in the execution of defeated dogs.

    This picture taken in June 2006 shows a dog that will be used for dog fighting in Northampton County, North Carolina, USA. In the United States, the scene and consequences of dog fighting are quite cruel. The duration of a dog fighting is as short as 15 minutes and as long as five or six hours until one dog bites the neck of another dog. All 50 States in the United States stipulate that dog fighting is illegal, and 48 of them even list dog fighting as a felony. Even so, the bloody game of dog fighting is still rampant in the United States. Xinhua News Agency/AFP


    Vic’s dog fighting behavior not only faced legal sanctions, but also dealt a heavy blow to his football career. Vic has lost most of his sponsorship since he was accused. Nike, a sporting goods manufacturer, suspended the release of a sports shoe named after Vic.

    The NFL announced a one-season ban on Vic. Atlanta’s "Falcon" team said that they would not fire Vic immediately, because he had received a dividend of $22 million from the contract signed with the team in 2004, and the "Falcon" team hoped that Vic would return the money.

    In a letter to Vic on 24th, Roger Ghoder, a member of NFL Committee, said: "What you admit is not only illegal, but also cruel and should be condemned. Your team, NFL and fans are all hurt by your actions. " (Yan Chao)

Editor: Zhang Pengfei