The protagonist of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" has his own halo, and the supporting role "Phnom Penh" is dazzling

  The second season of the hit drama "Celebration of More than Five Years" was launched after a lapse of five years. The protagonist Fan Xian was resurrected from suspended animation at the end of the first season, returned to Kyoto, and was forced to be involved in a conspiracy struggle: not only to be careful of the "accidental injury" of the second prince and the crown prince competing for power, but also to break free from Emperor Qing’s "unpredictable power, and the holy heart is like an abyss".

  Compared with the first season, the second season of "Qingyu Nian" has a weaker sense of pleasure and a stronger sense of reality. Fan Xian has also changed from a high-spirited teenager to a scheming person – constantly experiencing setbacks, weakening the aura of the protagonist, and taking off the golden finger. But it is also in the process that his strategy, pattern, courage, and wisdom have been continuously improved and grown.

  Fan Xian admitted his limitations by saying to his subordinate Deng Ziyue, "I can only survive in Kyoto because I have a backer." This also meant that the character began to really grow. The backer he was talking about was not Emperor Qing, the highest representative of the imperial power, but Chen Pingping, the supervisor, his father Fan Jian, and Lin Xiang, his father-in-law, as well as his powerful subordinates Wang Qinian, Deng Ziyue, Yan Bingyun, and the protégés he discovered during the invigilation of the Chunqu exam. The sum of the forces formed by these people became a powerful balance that hindered the imperial power and gave Fan Xian the confidence to win in the end.

  The reason why the first season of "Qingyu Nian" has become a hit is that in addition to Fan Xian (played) with the aura of the protagonist and the golden finger is wide open, Chen Pingping (Wu Gang), Fan Jian (Gao Shuguang), Lin Xiang (Yu Yang), Wang Qinian (Tian Yu), Teng Zijing (Wang Yang), Begonia Duoduo (Xin Zhilei) and a series of supporting characters have also contributed to the shaping. "The second season of Qingyu Nian", in addition to the wonderful original supporting characters, has added more supporting characters – their highlight performance has contributed a lot of famous scenes, which not only effectively sets off and enriches Fan Xian’s growth, but also makes the quality of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" more significant.

  The main characters often have their own halos, but the supporting characters also have "gold medals". In the second season of the celebration of more than one year, the highlights of the supporting characters are like setting a dazzling gold edge on the beautiful jade of the series (gold edge is a jade decoration process, which is done by inserting a layer of metal material on the edge of the jade to make the jade look more exquisite and gorgeous). Let’s take a look.

  Highlight Supporting Actor 1: Old Gold Head (Wang Jianguo)

  When Fan Xian returned to Kyoto, the first thing he encountered was the tragic death of Lao Jintou’s father and daughter. The old Jintou, a vegetable seller, went through several times to enter the Huoyue Building in order to help Fan Xian find Teng Zijing’s wife and children, and to meet his daughter. In the end, they and their daughter were beaten to death. They represent the most insignificant civilians in Kyoto. In a world where human life is regarded as a mustard, they are "dead and dead", and few people care. When Fan Xian tried to save the father and daughter, he saw the intertwined web of power – the ideal of "equality for all" he pursued was greatly hit, which also opened the first step of his growth. His personality also changed from the high-spirited spirit of the first season to deep and pragmatic. The old golden head did not appear in many scenes, but the old drama bone Wang Jianguo played a miserable and helpless little character with a few expressions and movements.

  Highlight Supporting Actor 2: Deng Ziyue (Yu Mailei)

  When Fan Xian competed with the intertwined power system and the emperor’s wits, in addition to relying on the support of Chen Pingping, Lin Ruofu and other high-ranking people, he also relied on the help of Wang Qinian and Yan Bingyun. The fate of Deng Ziyue, a lower-level official, resonated with many migrant workers today.

  When he was young, he also had ideals and full of enthusiasm, and he was determined to achieve a career. However, he was defeated by the dirty and corrupt officialdom, and he issued a sigh of "being an official can’t be too maverick, but choose to be with the light". He only wanted to be independent and clean in the big dye vat of officialdom. For this reason, Deng Ziyue "bent his waist and his knees were soft". However, there were still shining things in his heart, such as backbone and the energy to do things realistically.

  Deng Ziyue is the "trumpet" Fan Xian, a Fan Xian without a golden finger. His decline is the descent of an idealist to vulgarity, and it is also the fate that Fan Xian may encounter in reality. Yu Mailei, who plays Deng Ziyue, is full of drama, and his performance is very layered. Through facial expressions, body movements, and lines, he accurately presents the change of the fate of a small bureaucrat in a few minutes: from a hot-blooded young man who slays evil and eliminates adultery, to a clown who slaps horses and whiskers, and a vulgar official who only wants to protect himself is unwilling.

  Fan Xian pressed Deng Ziyue step by step, and Zhang Ruoyun and Yu Bailei both showed superb acting skills. The two jointly dedicated a famous scene in the second season of "Celebration of Yu Nian".

  Highlight supporting role three, royal history Lai Mingcheng (played by Bi Yanjun)

  The emperor, Lai Mingcheng, is most likely the embodiment and epitome of honest officials in history such as Hai Rui: he is Geng Jie, noble, arrogant, upright, upright, pedantic, and inflexible. He holds high the banner of idealism and has a clean pursuit of honesty. For this reason, Lai Mingcheng became "against the sky and the earth and the air", and even joined Fan Xian and his son, the second prince of Shen Qing, and even the emperor of Shen Qing. As a result, he touched the reverse scale and got the fate of being killed by the rod.

  He is also another Fan Xian, a more idealistic one, who uses anti-Machiavellian to deal with Machiavellian, demands the de-absolutization of power, and effectively supervises the imperial power. His ideal is also Fan Xian’s ideal. On the one hand, he made an example for Fan Xian by martyrdom and remonstrance with death. At the same time, his radicalism and rashness also made Fan Xian change from an arrogant idealist to a down-to-earth idealist. Fan Xian later talked about strategy and layout during the invigilator’s Spring Exam, which led to success and avoided his detours.

  The emperor Lai Mingcheng was killed in the rain is another scene in the second season of the celebration of more than one year: Bi Yanjun’s personality of the emperor Lai Mingcheng is both hard and pedantic, both hot-blooded and unworldly.

  Highlight supporting role Fourth Second Prince (played by Liu Duanduan)

  The second prince also shines brightly in "The Second Season of Qingyu Nian". He is arrogant, surly, crazy, sensitive, and fragile. At the same time, he is smart, has means, and has strategies. He basically does not lose ground in the confrontation with Fan Xian. At the same time, like Fan Xian, he is tired of being a pawn. He has the ambition to dominate the overall situation, but he is powerless in the face of Emperor Qing’s overturning imperial techniques. He is a mirror image of Fan Xian, a dark version of Fan Xian. He is the whetstone that Emperor Qing used to test the crown prince. No matter how much he fluttered, he could not control his own destiny, and was destined to be a tragic figure. In fact, if the protagonist’s aura was closed, the fate of the second prince would most likely be Fan Xian’s fate as well.

  Liu Duanduan played the second prince with his alpaca-style hairstyle, model-style steps, and his expression of boredom, madness, and neuroticism. Every match between him and Fan Xian is worth savoring.

  In addition, the newly added concealment of Wang Qinian’s wife (Gao Lu) and the madness and cuteness of Princess Beiqi (played) are also dazzling. They add 10% emotion and 20% humor to the 50% Machiavellian and 20% suspense of the whole play, which adjusts the dark color of the Machiavellian part, making the rhythm of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" switch between heavy and light, making the viewing experience more comfortable and more in line with the creator’s pursuit of anti-Machiavellian to deal with Machiavellian theme appeal. (Text/Liancheng)