Takeaway rider health certificate fraud chaos: 30 yuan a piece, "package approved"

  Beijing, May 15 (Reporter Li Xingjian) According to the Voice of China’s "News Evening Peak" report, for word-of-mouth maintenance, food safety, etc., many takeaway delivery platforms have declared that "riders should apply for a health certificate". However, the reporter’s investigation found that it is easy to search for a link to apply for a fake health certificate on the Internet. For only 30 yuan, you can get a fake health certificate completed by a P picture. "The store" also promises to "pass the package review". Many takeaway delivery platforms are also "open" to the review of riders’ health certificates, and even takeaway sites help riders open a so-called "green channel" for health certificate application, which can be completed quickly without a physical examination.

  Xiao Zhang, who was a rider on a takeaway delivery platform in Nanjing, Jiangsu, told reporters that according to regulations, the health certificate should be handled by the CDC in each district, but at their rider station, as long as they hand over 20 yuan to the stationmaster, in less than half an hour, the health certificate can be completed and approved by the takeaway platform.

  "The reason I don’t do it is that 70% to 80% of riders have fake health certificates. If you want to do it, you will pay 20 yuan to the webmaster, and then you will get the fake health certificate." Xiao Zhang said.

  Xiao Zhang and others said that due to the intense competition among various platforms and the greater mobility of riders, there is a shortage of personnel at various distribution points, and some distribution points falsify health certificates for convenience.

  The reporter searched for the name of the group "health certificate" on QQ, and the list immediately popped up multiple ways to apply for the health certificate. After the reporter randomly joined two of the group chats, an administrator soon chatted privately and asked, saying that there is no need for a physical examination, only need to provide information such as name, age, avatar photo, and the city where the running order is located. The health certificate can be applied for in all cities across the country, 30 yuan each, and promises to "pass the platform review".

  Less than half an hour later, the reporter received the completed "health certificate", which looks almost real from the appearance. The first column of the certificate reads the employee’s preventive health inspection certificate, and the category of the employee is marked with food hygiene, which is valid for one year. It is stamped by the center for disease prevention and control of the reporter’s registered city, and the health certificate number and barcode. The staff member said that many of the health certificates used to run takeout are completed by P pictures.

  According to media reports, although many disease control departments across the country have provided online inspection of health certificate number network services, but a number of takeaway platform personnel confirmed that the actual operation is still mainly manual review, due to the large number of people and other reasons, the verification effect still needs to be improved.

  Reporters consulted the local 12320 public health service hotline on issues such as how to report false health certificates, and staff told reporters that they could consult industry and commerce, market supervision or health departments.

  The reporter then dialed the Nanjing Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the staff said that questions related to the health certificate should be asked by the health bureau.

  The local disease control department said that it is only responsible for handling health certificates, and the CDC has no law enforcement powers and is not responsible for complaints and reports of fake health certificates.

  In recent years, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong and other places have successively issued food safety supervision and management measures for online catering services, which clearly stipulates that operators, third-party platform providers and third-party logistics service providers engaged in online ordering services should strengthen the training and management of food delivery personnel, and require food delivery personnel to obtain health certificates according to law when they are on duty. However, the national regulatory documents do not put hard requirements on the health certificates of takeaway personnel. The "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services" that came into effect on January 1, 2018 mentioned that "food delivery personnel should maintain personal hygiene" and "food Security Training and management of food delivery personnel should be strengthened."

  The relevant person in charge of the Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control said that in addition to the problem of false health certificates being difficult to investigate and deal with, there are still problems such as "people and certificates are difficult to verify" in some areas where the health certificate has not been informatized. The person in charge said: "In our provincial CDC to apply for a health certificate, real-time capture and real-time physical examination, after the physical examination, the photo can be matched to apply for a health certificate, and take the road of informatization. Is the person going to the medical examination himself? If you don’t take the road of informatization, there may be loopholes."

  Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering at China Agricultural University, said that health certificates that can pass the platform inspection can be called "real and fake health certificates", which brings difficulties to supervision and great hidden dangers to food safety, making the original "safety gate" of food safety into an "empty shelf". Building a fence for food safety requires the joint efforts of distribution platforms and regulatory authorities, and the full use of information technology to make the health certificate information transparent. "The market supervision department not only needs to supervise whether riders are certified to work, but also should conduct on-site inspections and spot checks. At the same time, when it comes to food hygiene, the platform cannot be mercenary."