Driving brother: Run up to 1200 kilometers, and frankly say that "Driving is a job that truly reflects more work and more reward"

Flexible employment is one of the hot topics recently. According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2021, there will be 200 million flexible employment workers in China. Driven by information technology, a large number of new flexible employment needs and opportunities have arisen. Different from the characteristics of traditional employment relationships, all workers who belong to flexible employment relationships are classified as flexible employment workers. In addition to traditional flexible employment forms, with the development of new business formats, they also include a large number of takeaway riders, online car-hailing drivers, e-commerce live streaming hosts, online class teachers and other groups. Due to the flexibility of time, space and salary, these occupations are also increasingly favored by young people. Many college students choose to enter flexible employment platforms after graduation. In response to this group, the national level and the provinces have introduced corresponding support, encouragement and safeguard measures.

Liu Pengfei has been driving for almost 7 years. He goes online at 19 o’clock every day and goes offline at 4 o’clock in the morning. The longest online time is 14 hours. He can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month by working hard. During the Chinese New Year this year, his daily income is more than 1,000 yuan, which is the busiest time of the year.

Liu Pengfei, who had a job in a hospital before, talked about choosing to drive and why he could stick to it for so long. He said he liked this loose freedom, being able to get in touch with all kinds of people, and being able to drive all kinds of cars. "I have also met customers who offered me 30,000 monthly salary and asked me to be a full-time driver, but I refused. I like freedom and freshness."

entry experience

Resign from the hospital to be a substitute driver, the first step to joining the job is to take a road test

Liu Pengfei was born into a military family and was influenced by his father to choose to join the army after graduation. After the army changed his career, he was placed in a hospital in Beijing as an internal service, responsible for security work, and earned a good income. This job, which was considered stable by outsiders and a good unit, was "too comfortable" for Liu Pengfei. He felt that the day-to-day work with no upward path would make him "******". In his 20s, he began to do some side jobs after *** off work.

On the one hand, he chose to work as a substitute driver because he could earn more money, and on the other hand, he did it out of hobby. "Boys like cars. They can drive all kinds of cars and experience different driving feelings, which is very interesting to me."

Liu Pengfei introduced that when he first started working as a chauffeur, the chauffeur was a major offline company, and he needed to call a long time in advance. The master was relatively small, the cost was very high, and he could not receive a few orders a day, which was very expensive for the guests. In 2015, Didi started the chauffeur business and was attracted by the advertising. In August, Liu Pengfei registered for Didi chauffeur. He was the second batch of chauffeur masters on the platform.

If you want to be a chauffeur, the threshold is still relatively high. According to Liu Pengfei, the current entry process is that after the individual registers, the platform has advanced administrative review, confirms that there is no criminal record, no dangerous driving records such as drunk driving and speeding, and then conducts an interview. If you have a large area of tattoos, you will not be able to pass the interview. After passing the interview, you will also have to take the unified driving school road test, similar to the "Subject 2" test, which tests the driver’s proficiency in driving a manual car; after passing the test, you will go to the training service process. "We have regulations on each link from the first sentence we say when receiving the order, to the customer meeting to the boarding service, the start of the journey, and to the end of the order." After all the training, it will take about a week

Liu Pengfei found that with the deepening of people’s awareness of the rule of law, more and more people are called on behalf of the driver, and his income has also increased significantly. Moreover, by taking orders through the Internet, he does not have to worry about not having orders, and because of his good performance and service, he can receive more high-quality orders. In 2017, he quit his job as a hospital editor and dedicated himself to being a driver.

income level

Normally, it is more than 10,000 a month, and the farthest distance is 1200 kilometers.

The family did not know about Liu Pengfei’s resignation until two years later, when his father went directly to the hospital to find him without saying hello, his colleagues leaked the truth. Liu Pengfei said that until now, the family only knew that he was "running Didi" and did not say that he was a driver, because the old man did not understand and always felt that he would come out at night and come into contact with some drunk people, so he did not want them to worry.

"I didn’t think I would do it for so long, but I’m still very willing to continue doing it." Liu Pengfei said that the working hours are free, and he "comes out when he wants to, takes a day off when he wants to, and doesn’t have to clock in to work." And the more work, the better the income.

Liu Pengfei lives in Tongzhou District, Beijing, and every night around 7 o’clock, he will go online in places where orders are concentrated, such as Moon River and 1988 Town in Tongzhou, "because there are many good restaurants in these places, and business banquets are here. This is also our main customer group, because if it is a family dinner, many of them are driven back by the daughter-in-law." Then as the system assigns, he will go to Tongzhou, Beijing City, and even other places in the suburbs of Beijing.

"After working for so many years, I have never cancelled an order for personal reasons. For example, if it is too far away, I will go anywhere. Fangshan, Pinggu, etc., in my eyes, there is no place too far." At around 4 am, with the decrease in orders, Liu Pengfei went offline and rode his electric car back to his home in Tongzhou.

Once, a guest placed a driving order in Harbin, which was the farthest he had ever received, more than 1,200 kilometers. The guest needed to drive two cars back to Harbin as a wedding car, but only one person knew how to drive. The next morning at 7 am, Liu Pengfei drove off and drove to the destination at 10 pm. The whole journey took 13 hours. The guest insisted on buying a plane ticket for him to send him back to Beijing the next morning. Liu Pengfei earned 2,900 yuan for this order.

For drivers, there are obvious seasonal orders in a year, and more orders in winter. The busiest months of the year are the twelfth and first months. "From the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the daily income is more than 1,000 yuan; from the fourth to the sixth day of the first lunar month this year, I earned 3,500 yuan after running for three days." Liu Pengfei said that the income of driving is relatively good. Normally, it is no problem to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. If it is a little harder, you can get more than 20,000 yuan. "The possibility of more than 30,000 yuan is a little higher on the Internet," Liu Pengfei said with a smile.

Work Story

Be invited to work full-time 30,000 monthly salary

Once bravely helped catch a car thief

As a substitute driver for many years, Liu Pengfei has not only met all kinds of people and driven all kinds of cars, but also encountered all kinds of things, including nobles and madmen.

One night in 2019, Liu Pengfei received a drunken driving order from Tongzhou to Tiantongyuan. He drove normally in the inner lane of the Fifth Ring Road according to the maximum speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour. There was a dispute between two passengers in the back row of the road. One of them was drunk and suddenly opened the door. At that time, there were two large trucks parallel to each other. The large truck in the middle lane almost collided with the large truck in the outer lane in order to avoid their vehicles. Liu Pengfei quickly stopped. "Who knew that after getting out of the car, the male guest who opened the door gave me two hits directly. He also said, ‘Why didn’t you stop if you asked you to stop?’ In fact, he didn’t say to stop me at all." Liu Pengfei said that another guest quickly apologized to him, saying that his friend had drunk too much to make such rude behavior. Liu Pengfei, who is more than 1.8 meters tall and has been a soldier, did not fight back, but just reported to the platform according to the process, called the police, and swallowed the grievance in his stomach. The next day, he accepted the mediation of the police station and refused the compensation of the other party. "He has a good attitude. There were two people the night before. I know he drank too much, forget it."

Another time, Liu Pengfei took an order to Tianjin at 1am. When he arrived in Tianjin, he found that it was raining very heavily there. After parking the car, the guest gave him an umbrella and asked him how to get back. He said he planned to take the first high-speed train back at 5am. After a while, the guest came back and said: "I went back to check, my daughter-in-law is not at home, you can come to my house to make do with the night." Eventually, the guest dragged Liu Pengfei home and cooked two packs of instant noodles. The rainy night was unforgettable to him.

On several occasions, because of Liu Pengfei’s good skills, good service, and discernment, guests asked about his background. When they learned that he had been a soldier and worked as a security guard in a hospital, they directly offered to "come to my company to work as my full-time driver," with the highest monthly salary of 30,000. But Liu Pengfei refused, "It is indeed more stable and high-paying, but I know what the purpose of my work is. I still like this sense of freedom. I can contact different people and take care of my family and children, so I refused."

Once, Liu Pengfei accompanied a fellow team member to the traffic team to deal with violations. With years of professional sensitivity, he saw two sneaky people on the side of the road circling a motorcycle, "I said these two must be thieves, so I parked the car in front of them, and when I saw them turn around and come back, I was basically sure. I dialed 110 directly, and the other party asked me for the specific location and how many thieves there were. During my call, they succeeded. One of them went back to ride their own car, and the other was about to get on the bus and leave. I told the 110 operator directly, I’ll catch it for you! 110 reminded me to do what I can, and if not, just wait for our police to arrive. I was afraid that if they ran away, I would go up with another master and press the thief there. We also checked his pockets to make sure there was no sharp knife or something like that, and then controlled and waited for the police. His accomplices later met and wanted to run, so I went up and dragged him down directly. He may have been scared silly at the time. "Later, they handed the person over to the police who rushed over, and also cooperated with the police station to make a confession. The police station said that he applied to the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau for a brave and advanced individual. Although he was not elected in the end, Liu Pengfei felt very proud.

Industry transformation

There is a new trend in driving, and the valet goes to the 4S store for maintenance.

Today, Liu Pengfei has become the captain of the driving team. He manages 60 or 70 masters, and the team has 200 people at most. New drivers will ask him if they don’t understand anything, and he will remind everyone to make more money online during peak periods. He also opened the account at Douyin and posted some interesting things he encountered in work and life.

After seven years of driving, Liu Pengfei found that his job had changed. For example, more and more people were doing driving, and the range of orders received was shortened from the previous 3 kilometers to about 1 kilometer now, but there were also many more customers. The people who called the driver were not only drunk, but also had services similar to "errands". For example, if they didn’t have time to go to the 4S store for maintenance, they called the driver to help. They also cooperated with Audi, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota stores, and the 4S store would pay to help customers call the driver for maintenance. Some second-hand car dealers would also use the driver to collect the car without delaying other trips.

When it comes to work testimonials, Liu Pengfei said that chauffeur is a real job that can get more work and more money, and as long as you pay, you will get a good return. Of course, pure physical effort cannot completely do the chauffeur work well, but also have a good sense of service and experience accumulation. Of course, there are not easy things in the work. You must be able to withstand waiting, accept bad weather and all kinds of customers. At this time, you must control your emotions and understand them as much as possible from the perspective of customers. You will accumulate regular customers for yourself, and ultimately benefit yourself.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily