What is the AEB in He Xiaopeng, Yu Chengdong?

A few days ago, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng publicly stated in an interview that "Ninety-nine percent of AEB of Friends (Friends) are fake.",this burst point of view instantly attracted the attention of the network.

Subsequently, Yu Chengdong countered He Xiaopeng’s AEB argument in the circle of friends:Experience it quickly, even what AEB is, even the top leaders of car companies have not understood it at all.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Wen Jie and Tucki are both in the first echelon in the field of intelligent driving, and this fight has attracted a large number of people who eat melons. So what exactly is the AEB that Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng are arguing about? Let’s talk about it today.

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

1. He Xiaopeng: It is said that 99% of AEB is fake.

Recently, in an exclusive conversation with "No.42 Garage", He Xiaopeng released a lot of materials and made a rather sharp comment on the technology of friends and businessmen.

After the launch of the new M7 in Wenjie, it was completely destroyed, with a large quantity exceeding 80,000 units. The AEB active safety promoted by Yu Chengdong has become the main reason for many people to buy it. You know, it can stop at 90km/h, and there is only one at present, but in He Xiaopeng’s view,This is actually a fraud.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

In his reply, he said: first, most people may never touch AEB;;Second, friends talked about AEB. I think 99% of it is fake. It is fake. None of the publicity was officially released by the company. It was all from small videos.

At the same time, it added: our people also asked, its AEB can’t be opened at all, and there are too many cases of wrong braking on the road.

Answering "its propaganda effect is greater than its actual use effect?" , He Xiaopeng said:

At present, when talking about AEB in the industry, we mainly talk about vertical AEB; When it is triggered, its speed should be within 60 kilometers per hour in most cases.If the speed is too high, once you brake by mistake, it will be a great shock to users, which is simply unacceptable.

He Xiaopeng added: I don’t think it’s right to treat customers as guinea pigs. Some enterprises dare to do this, but they will also bite back. I have worked in the automobile industry for several years, but I don’t want to do this, but we will definitely do a better job in AEB.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

2. Yu Chengdong retorted that the top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB.

This view has attracted the attention of Yu Chengdong, the chairman of Huawei Zhixuan Car. After all, the other party named it as fraud, so Yu Chengdong refuted it in the circle of friends, saying"The top leaders of car companies don’t understand AEB".

This is not enough. Yu Chengdong continued to write in the comment area of his circle of friends:

Some people don’t understand what AEB is at all, and tell some people that intelligent driving is nonsense/flicker, almost exactly the same!

Lack of basic understanding of industry technology development and future development!

Some car companies are busy doing intelligent driving all day, and the results of AEB active safety test are very poor. When asked, they know that they have not even done the basic functions of AEB.This surprised me very much! Either let the men fool, or lack the most basic understanding of the development of the automobile industry!

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

There is no doubt that Yu Chengdong’s response is full of gunpowder, but in combination with He Xiaopeng’s previous remarks, it is indeed time to stand up and say, after all, the more clear the argument is.

3. What is AEB?

So what the hell is AEB?

According to public information,AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking) is an automatic emergency braking system for automobiles.The distance from the vehicle or obstacle in front is detected by radar, and analyzed by electronic control unit. According to different distances and speeds, whether there is a danger of collision is judged, an alarm is given to the driver, and automatic emergency braking or vehicle deceleration is performed to the maximum extent, so as to reduce the probability of collision with the vehicle or pedestrian in front and avoid accidents.

Simply put, it is to take the initiative to help you step on the brakes to avoid hitting people or other objects.

As one of the active safety functions, AEB has increasingly become the standard of many new cars. At present, the relatively advanced AEB score in the industry is 60 km/h.. That is, when driving at a speed of 60km/h, AEB can take the initiative to stop the car before it hits the object when it detects a stationary object in front.

Yu Chengdong promoted that the AEB active safety of its own Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving can reach 90km/h braking, which is "far ahead".It can effectively avoid most traffic accidents caused by inattention and complex road conditions.

4, use it once to return to the book! Huawei AEB successfully avoided hitting the elderly.

Huawei’s ADS 2.0 advanced smart driver does have related cases, not the M7, but another Aouita 11.

Recently, Aouita CEO Tan Benhong shared a very thrilling case. The owner drives a Aouita 11 on the national highway. Because there are few vehicles, the speed is not slow, and the light on the road is not good.

All of a sudden, this Aouita 11 suddenly started to brake, and gave a thumping sound until the brake stopped.The driver found that an old man dressed in black wanted to cross the road. If the vehicle did not automatically identify and brake urgently, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

When the Aouita 11 brake stopped, a Volvo S90 came near the driveway. The driver on it also noticed that the situation was wrong, and the brake light was always on. Then the old man retreated to the road and the two cars drove away.

Tan Benhong said:

When I watched this video for the first time, I was really worried. I didn’t see an old man until the car stopped. With the Aouita 11, there are more and more cases of automatic obstacle avoidance and extreme car rescue.

In fact, there are many feelings. On the one hand, it has strengthened our determination to do intelligent driving.Help everyone step on the brakes and take a direction in the extreme situation of being invisible and too late to improve the safety of travel;

On the other hand, I still want to remind you that the current intelligent driving is only an aid, not a real automatic driving. You should concentrate and be ready to take over at any time.

Yu Chengdong publicly shelled! What exactly is AEB?

5, the end

From this point of view, the AEB function is indeed very practical in safe driving, and it can even be said that "use it once to return to the book." After all, if you really succeed in avoiding hitting people, the loss saved may be hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Although there are differences in their understanding of AEB, it is undeniable that AEB has become an indispensable part of intelligent driving in the future.

Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng’s "pinching each other from a distance" is actually a microcosm of the increasingly fierce competition in the automobile industry in recent years, especially in the research and development of new energy and intelligent driving. Whoever comes up with really good products can survive under the cruel competition.