BYD Han EV sales broke through 100,000 blade batteries, highlighting its advantages.

recent days,BYD released the latest sales data.,The cumulative sales volume of the first anniversary of the highly acclaimed Han listing has exceeded.10Ten thousand vehicles, reach101309Car,Sit tightHigh-end new energy vehiclesTop1And China brand medium and large car market.Top1. At the same time, BYD’s market value has also soared, breaking through.three00Yuandaguan.

It’s not just BYD Han who has been recognized by the market. Since its launch, the blade battery has also been recognized by the market.Leading the new energy car market with stronger technical strength.Blade battery as HanEVWhat kind of technical advantages does one of the core components have in charging?

Blade battery models achieve maximum output power.

When charging an electric vehicle, we often pay attention to the charging power of the vehicle, because the charging power directly determines the charging efficiency, but the charging power here is not the highest charging power, but the average charging power.

At present, many overcharge technologies claim that the charging power can reach.250kW, even higher. However, in actual use, it will be found that, firstly, it is necessary to rely on special super charging piles to achieve overcharge, and it is difficult to achieve charging close to the peak output power of charging piles by using other charging piles, and the charging power is greatly reduced; Secondly, even if there is an overcharged pile, the time to really reach the peak power is only a few minutes, and then the power will drop very quickly, and the actual charging speed is not ideal.

Byd Han equipped with blade batteryEVVehicle type, as long as the charging pile supports, the vehicle can realize fast charging. The charging power will maintain a relatively stable state, and at the same time, it can basically reach the maximum output power of the charging pile, and the time for maintaining high-power charging can basically be charged.90%ElectricityQuantity.

Comparison of thermal stability of materials

As the power battery of Ferrous lithium phosphate system, BYD blade battery has high temperature resistance.500.At the same time, BYD has always adopted a high-voltage charging scheme to reduce heat generation and loss, improve charging efficiency and protect batteries. Under BYD’s advanced battery thermal management system, the blade battery can maintain high-power charging for a long time, and finally realize the Han.EVfillelectricity10Minutes, maximumrunone35km.

Blade battery is HanEVSales continue to help.

Explosion diagram of battery pack

Blade battery has a long blade-like appearance, and the battery pack adopts a non-modular design, and the batteries directly form the battery pack, so that they can be evenly arranged in the battery pack, and the heat dissipation of the batteries is from liquid cooling.Utypepipe/tubeTo liquid coolingPanel, more uniform heat dissipation, effectmoregoodCompared with the traditional battery, its heat dissipation area is larger, reducing heat accumulation. For the battery thermal management system, the battery core temperature in the battery pack is more consistent, and the thermal management system has higher heat exchange capacity, which can always keep the battery core in the best working temperature range. Therefore, it is ensured that the heat generated by the blade battery can be released in time in the process of long-term high-power charging, and the influence of excessive battery temperature on the safety performance and service life of the battery can be avoided.

BYD blade battery redefines the safety standard of power battery for new energy vehicles, and also has super strength, super endurance, super life and super power. Blade battery is redefining the new energy market, which is the cornerstone of BYD Han EV sales.

A few days ago, BYD Auto introduced the standard endurance version of the luxury Han EV equipped with blade batteries. The NEDC has a cruising range of 506km under comprehensive working conditions, and the subsidized price is 209,800 yuan, which will be delivered from September. China’s high-end new energy car, represented by BYD, has never been afraid of foreign competition and is accelerating its entry into mainstream families.