The best writer in the history of writing books with 70 computers has published 200 thousand books (Figure)

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  Philip Parker, a 48-year-old man from San Diego, USA, claimed to be "the most prolific writer in history"

  Philip Parker, a 48-year-old man from San Diego, claimed to be "the most prolific writer in history", the The New York Times reported on the 16th. Of course, this is not entirely a boast, because with the help of 70 computers and 7 computer programs, he has "written" 200,000 books so far, and many of his books are sold on Amazon’s book website. Thanks to almost all the computer help, Parker’s cost per "creation" of a new book is only 12 cents. In addition, his books are "printed on demand", and he only prints one when customers order one.

  Write a book with 70 computers

  Parker holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in management economics from Wharton College, University of Pennsylvania, USA. At the same time, Parker is a visiting professor of management in a business school near Paris. Actually, Parker doesn’t publish books in the conventional sense. He is called an "editor" rather than a writer. Because almost all of the 200,000 books he "created" were "compiled and sorted out" through computer programs.

  It is reported that the computer program written by Parker can collect any public information about a research topic from the Internet and compile it into a book. Parker’s 0.2 million/200 thousand books were actually completed with the help of 70 computers and 7 programs.

  Because of this simplicity, Parker’s "creation" of each new book costs only 12 cents, and the books are "printed on demand". Parker’s books sold on Amazon. com are never pre-printed, but he only prints one when customers order one.

  However, although Parker has published 200,000 books, his sales per book are not satisfactory. According to Parker, hundreds of his best-selling books have been sold.

  Plan to write a love novel

  Parker’s books cover all walks of life, including "medical works", crossword puzzles, simple poems and even animated game scripts. The page number of each book is about 150 pages. It is reported that there are thousands of crossword puzzle books written by Parker alone and they can be published in 20 languages.

  Parker is currently writing some new computer programs, and hopes that the new computer programs can help him "create" some love novels. At present, the computer programs have been able to lay out the basic structure of some love novels.

  Readers feel "cheated" after buying it

  Parker said that his main motivation for compiling books by computer is to provide readers with some text materials that are ignored by booksellers because the readership is too small.

  However, readers who buy Parker’s books have no idea that these books are computer works, because like other books, Parker’s books also have titles, catalogs, rich illustrations and contents.

  However, many readers feel cheated after buying Parker’s books. David Pascoe, a reader in Perth, Australia, bought the book "The Source Materials of Patients with rosacea" from Amazon in 2004, but he found that this book was not an incisive study by medical experts at all, but a hodgepodge of online information about rosacea.

  Is it expected to become a "new industry"?

  For this special way of publishing books, Kurt Beidler, senior manager of Amazon Book website, thinks: "Parker’s way of publishing books is a creative example. This is a new industry, which uses computer power to introduce new materials to customers." (Aier)

Editor: Li Erqing