How is the NPC online celebrity cuisine cooked on the tip of the tongue?

  Shandong Jujube Steamed Bread: Steamed Bread bigger than the face in the canteen in the West District. One person in the dormitory takes food, and one big steamed bread feeds the whole dormitory.

  Bamboo tube rice: soft and delicious, with the fragrance of bamboo and rice, which ensures the original nutritional value.

  Crayfish rice: 30 peeled lobster tails, spicy, curry and thirteen flavors, and even fried eggs are in the shape of loving you.

  "Peel the salted egg yolks one by one, crush them, add pork floss, sesame oil and lard, then knead them into the shape of egg yolks and add them to the green group … …” On the eve of Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Youth League launched in the dining hall of Renmin University of China has become "online celebrity" again, and netizens have forwarded and commented that they want to eat. This is another "online celebrity" after the moon cake, steamed bread bigger than the face and double ninth festival cake. Why does the "online celebrity School" keep pouring out in university canteens? How are these delicious meals cooked? Beijing Youth Daily reporter visited this.

  Pumpkin bread stuffed with bean paste, bamboo rice and grilled fish in the east dining hall, New Year’s gift box in the central dining hall, Shandong jujube steamed bread bigger than the face in the west dining hall, Chongyang cake, pumpkin stuffed bread, crayfish rice, Qingtuan and Dongtai fish soup noodles in the north dining hall … … Teacher Song Dawei, the general manager of China Renmin University Logistics Group, combed the delicious food that spread from the school cafeteria to the Internet and was a smash hit. "There are already as many as ten." Why are these so-called "online celebrity Pie" dishes so popular? According to the investigation by the reporter of Beiqing Daily, behind a "online celebrity School", there are many people’s contributions.


  The "canteen iron powder ball" is designed to "pick holes" for dishes.

  As a sophomore this year, Zhang Shuzhi joined the "iron powder group in the canteen", where he can deeply participate in the promotion of new dishes, the promotion of dishes and the tasting of dishes in the canteen, and at the same time enjoy the VIP treatment and participate in cooking demonstration classes and practical classes. The logistics group will also hold lectures on cooking techniques and give live demonstrations of cooking for "iron powder" from time to time; Conduct cooking practice classes or organize "iron powder" to hold cooking skill competitions and other activities.

  Wei "Warm People’s Congress", the logistics officer of the National People’s Congress, started the "Recruitment Order for Food Lovers" this year, and specially called "students who can eat and eat" to try dishes in the canteen. Zhang Shuzhi was selected as the first batch of "iron powder" because he actively left a message in the background of "Warm People’s Congress". "Speaking of ‘ Warm people’s congress ’ This public number is also one of the public numbers with the largest number of fans in our school. "Zhang Shuzhi said that this is not only a" message board "for NPC students to express their opinions, but also a window for outsiders to understand the" online celebrity School "of NPC.

  So far, Zhang Shuzhi has given a lot of "constructive suggestions" to the canteen, including "How to make the Youth League more waxy" and "How much peanuts in Regan Noodles taste better". He "@" asked the director of the canteen in Weibo, and would also mention in the window when cooking, "Although I can’t see the cooking process of the kitchen, I can obviously feel the change of taste when I eat next time, which means that my opinions are not in vain".

  "Food is the most important thing for the people, and students’ food is our day". Wang Ruorong, director of the North District Dining Hall, is not only the spokesman of online celebrity food, but also the famous "Director Weibo". He often interacts with students at the Weibo, and he is always "clear" about which dishes are salty and which ones are weak. This is not enough. Wang Ruorong hopes to hear more "first-line" opinions, so he goes from "online" to "offline" and stands in the crowd every day at the peak of eating to capture students’ evaluation information on dishes.

  Chefs in various canteens are "more energetic" than craftsmanship.

  Master of State Banquet in the Great Hall of the People, Chef Tan Jiacai of Beijing Hotel, members of the French Chef’s Association, and even a team of chefs who hold the Guinness World Record have all been to Renmin University to show their specialties on the spot. This is one of the series activities of "Guest Chef RUC" in the dining hall of the National People’s Congress — — "Guest Chef RUC" activity, that is, inviting elites from the catering industry in society and universities to come to the school for exchange. The directors of the five canteens of the National People’s Congress are "struggling" in their hearts and want to invite better chefs to let the students have a good meal. The chef in the canteen is also "straining a string". Every time, he has to learn two skills from foreign chefs and cook them for students in his own school.

  Not long ago, Yang Guoqiang, the chef of the First Normal University who won the gold medal in many cooking competitions, was a guest at the National People’s Congress, showing the students two excellent dishes — — Kung pao chicken and sliced pork curry. Chang-hua He, the executive chef of the western dining hall, has learned a trick. "He is an authentic kung pao chicken, mainly because when preparing soup, the proportion of vinegar and sugar is just right, and the cooking temperature is also very important, and it will be cooked in seventeen or eighteen seconds. Then there is the ingredients, and the chicken leg tastes better. " He Changhua said that he would ask the students’ opinions next, and if everyone approved it, it would be promoted in the canteen in the future.

  Dai Zhihui, the chef of the North District canteen, did something particularly "satisfying" last year — — Correct the name of Wuren moon cake. Last year, the Mid-Autumn Festival coincided with the 80th anniversary of the school, and the Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes were upgraded to celebration mooncakes. Of course, Wuren mooncakes are indispensable. Dai Zhihui realized that to change the "stereotype" of Wuren moon cakes, we should start with "stuffing". First, he collected all kinds of making videos from the Internet, and then he began to prepare mooncake stuffing: peeling walnuts, pine nuts and melon seeds by himself, frying and baking, and then trying to taste crispy. After thirty or forty times, he finally found the "secret recipe". As soon as the improved "Soviet-style five-kernel mooncake" was released, it was snapped up. Although the salary earned at school is half that of the outside world, Dai Zhihui saw the students taking photos and praising them in Weibo and friends’ circles, and felt that their self-worth was realized. "I can get the recognition and respect of these high flyers, and my work is also motivated." On behalf of wisdom.

  Building "online celebrity" depends on professional team "packaging"

  From the moon cake for the anniversary of the National People’s Congress canteen to the Tomb-Sweeping Day Youth League, the planning scheme is inseparable from a name — — Song da me. Song Da I am the general manager of Logistics Group and the general planner of "online celebrity" food. From "how to make a good dish" to "how to package it" to "how to publicize it", he is all right. Some teachers say that he "wasted his talents" and he said that "it is to turn into spring mud to protect flowers". "Where do you think the university canteen is different from other canteens? It must be a cultural expression. Students come thousands of miles to study and eat something good, which is not only the satisfaction of taste buds, but also the emotional resonance. "

  So there was a mooncake packaged with "Xiaofeng is red before it is red"; With the "to be no.1" packaged pig hand new year suit; With the upcoming "Thousand Miles of Water chestnut" as the name, the fresh meat stuffed green group of shepherd’s purse is available.

  Of course, I am not alone in the struggle of Song Da. The food design and dissemination of the National People’s Congress relies on the "professional strength" of this top comprehensive university: the menu questionnaire survey conducted by the students in the canteen is processed by the teachers and students of the School of Statistics to screen out the most useful information; After the good food is out of the pot, the packaging will be handed over to the Art College; When it comes to new media propaganda, students from journalism school are the best choice. "The participation of students is not only exercise, but also deepens the understanding and recognition of school logistics work." Song Da, I said.

  "To build a online celebrity, we must not only have authentic materials, but also emotional expressions, so that students can have an appetite." Hao Zuoshan, a second-year student majoring in Chinese painting at the Art College, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that every time before launching a new "online celebrity", Song Da always took the team to "see the model". The so-called model is a cooked dish. "First observe its shape and color, then understand its ingredients and production methods, and then take pictures.


  Eating in the canteen has become an expectation.

  "I haven’t ordered takeout for a long time." He Yan Liang of the 2015 College of Labor and Personnel told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that since the canteen is safe to eat, its taste is not inferior to that of other restaurants, and it is cheap, why not buy rice in the canteen? Li Huan of the Marxist Institute said with emotion that it is not the alarm clock that wakes her up every day, but the breakfast in the canteen in the West District. "The taste of bean noodle meatball soup is not worse than the snacks in Huguosi."

  "Eating and eating, tears can’t help falling." An old alumnus wrote in Weibo that the school cafeteria gave her too much expectation.

  "Missed the moon cake, missed the big steamed bread, missed the Chongyang cake, and now we are going to miss the Youth League". Many netizens left a message in the backstage of "Warm People’s Congress", saying that they hoped that some "online celebrity-style shared versions" could be produced in the canteen of the National People’s Congress, which would also be a kind of welfare for foreign school staff without meal cards. Otherwise, people’s canteens would always be "people’s canteens", but they would never eat them.


  The canteen can also be kept.

  The memory of a university

  Dialogue: Wang Ruorong, author of "The Taste of the National People’s Congress" and director of the North District canteen.

  Beiqing Daily: What’s the difference between the book "People’s Taste" and other cooking textbooks?

  Wang Ruorong: There are many books related to cooking in the market, but few books related to college canteens. When I was writing this book, I specially combined recipes and food culture, and shared some chefs’ practical experience and students’ opinions. In the front of the chapter, I put a poem like "The spring vegetables under the mulberry are full of green beds, and the heart is green and tender, and the mustard moss is fat", hoping to reflect the cultural taste of the National People’s Congress.

  Beiqing Daily: What do you think the taste of NPC is?

  Wang Ruorong: The taste of people’s congresses is different for everyone. For example, after 70, there are dishes that people like after 70, and after 80 and 90, there are their favorite tastes, including after 00 who will graduate in the future, which may not be the same as after 80 and 90. But one thing is certain, when it comes to the taste of the National People’s Congress, the first thing they think of must be the taste of the National People’s Congress canteen.

  Beiqing Daily: What do you think is the relationship between students’ feelings about the canteen and their impressions of the university?

  Wang Ruorong: We often say that the meal in the university canteen is a youth meal, because some people will not eat the canteen often after graduation from university. University canteens have memories of their youth and the taste of their youth.

  Since 2010, the alumni of the National People’s Congress have formed the tradition of returning to school for 20 years after graduation on October 3 every year. Before the party every year, the canteen will prepare the party menu according to the opinions of the alumni. So far, the hot dishes such as fish-flavored shredded pork and meat rolls have always been a must. The same recipe, the same smell, let them relive the university cafeteria.

  This group/reporter Jing Liu