Interview with Yu Chengdong: The investment in Cyrus is increasing instead of decreasing, and the Huawei Eco-car Alliance is established.

morningnineAt 8: 00, Yu Chengdong arrived at Huawei’s flagship store in Futian, Shenzhen on time, dressed in a black suit, and even before the greeting was over, he opened the trunk of the car and excitedly introduced the latest detailed design to reporters.

It was supposed to be a weekend break, but Yu Chengdong said that his weekends and holidays are almost spent helping car companies build cars.

After a few years of breaking into the automobile field, the outside world is still looking at Huawei’s help to car companies build cars. "Cyrus cooperation has broken down", "there are still eight months before Huawei builds a car" and "Huawei will build its own car factory in the future". Recently, all kinds of rumors about Huawei’s car-making have once again put the technology giant’s greatest concern at the moment.Business is in the spotlight.

As the person in charge of Huawei terminals and smart cars,The helmsman of BU’s two major businesses, Yu Chengdong.Respond skillfullywatch from a height or distanceQuestions about whether Huawei will build a car.howeverThe most important issue before him is no longer whether Huawei makes cars, but how to let the outside world understand the cooperation model between Huawei and car companies and adopt this model.realizeCommercial success.

On February 18th, Yu Chengdong accepted an exclusive interview with Interface News. In the interview, he responded to the outside world’s car-making for Huawei.Cooperate with CyrusSome misunderstandings also explain the logic of Huawei’s choice of the current car-making mode and his future thinking about the smart car industry.

Huawei’s automobile business has three modes: standardized parts mode,HI mode (Huawei Inside mode) and intelligent car selection mode. Yu Chengdong said that the biggest difference between the latter two is that the smart car selection model is dominated by Huawei, and Huawei has the deepest participation and direct right.Product successResponsible; The HI mode is dominated by the car factory, and Huawei provides it with a full-stack smart car solution.

Yu Chengdong reiterated to the interface journalist, "Huawei doesn’t need to build its own car."

In his view, the car factory has the ability to build cars, and Huawei will not build factories or buy production lines, which is a waste of social resources. Huawei does not have the qualification to build a car and the personnel to build a whole car, but it can provide software, design, experience and quality control.

Therefore, Huawei’s intelligent selection model proposes to set up an ecological alliance with a few car companies to join.Strong alliance,commonexploitation. Make the experience to the extreme, do a good job of product differentiation and work together.liveTime window of automobile industry reform.

"The world is Huawei’s eco-car." Yu Chengdong said.

When the automobile industry moves towardsElectrification,Intelligent and networked, traditional car companies have been unable to cope, and these are precisely Huawei’s strengths. Yu Chengdong said that Huawei has accumulated a large number of consumer-oriented products in the past ten years.Experience, quality process, user experience, brand and sales channel resources can be shared with car companies, and they can be unified and quickly replicated in the ecological alliance.

The reason for being an ecological alliance is simple. If you simply sell spare parts and are dominated by the car factory, the success or failure will depend on the ability of the car factory. The car factory will die if its ability is not strong. So, just haveHImodelNot enough, the intelligent selection mode should be led by Huawei, from product design to channel sales, directly to productssuccessResponsible.

Many people have asked Yu Chengdong why he didn’t look for a cooperative car.World-class car factories such as BBA (Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi) and Toyota. His consideration is that the times are changing, and if you still follow the requirements of these traditional giants, you will not be able to do it in the market. If Huawei wants to win and survive, the initiative must be in its own hands.

The first car company to join the eco-alliance is Cyrus. Riding the east wind of Huawei, CyrusThe product quality is greatly improved,Revenue, Sales and FamealsoIt is increasing day by day, but for a long time, the outside world is not optimistic about this cooperation model. Celeste is considered as Huawei’s foundry, and even all car companies that cooperate with Huawei have been labeled as "selling their souls".

"Our ecological alliance is definitely not a foundry model. It is not to put some intelligent things in and help it market, but to jointly develop." Yu Chengdong said that car companies can only earn small money under the OEM mode, but the joint development mode will leave the big profits to car companies. Huawei wants to help car companies sell more cars and make big money, so that Huawei cansupplyMore parts, this is the real business logic behind Huawei’s car sales.

Although the sales volume of Cyrus has increased greatly, the company itself has not broken away from losses. Yu Chengdong believes that car companies have invested heavily in the early stage, but once the sales volume takes off, because Huawei will distribute the profits to car companies, car companies that work closely with Huawei will beshort-termTake the lead in becoming profitable and become the most profitable car company in China.among.

This sounds like an attractive business story, and Huawei’s next task is to prove its feasibility. Yu Chengdong is full of confidence in this. "I believe this model will make others never understand it, and in the end they will not catch up."

Huawei chose not to build a car, which also made the partner’s every move more concerned. During this period, it was reported in the industry that "Huawei’s R&D personnel were evacuated from Cyrus", "Huawei contacted other car factories" and "asked the poster toThe news that AITO logo was changed to HUAWEI, indicating full dominance, said that the cooperation between Cyrus and Huawei broke down, and the news once alarmed the capital market.

"Huawei has not only failed to evacuate R&D personnel, but has increased its investment in Cyrus." Yu Chengdong explicitly denied these rumors to the interface journalists.

Among the eco-alliances, Cyrus is the car company that has the deepest cooperation with Huawei at present. Both sides sinceAfter the smart car brand AITO was launched in 2021, three models, M5, M7 and M5 EV, were released one after another. In 2022, AITO deliveredexceed75,000 vehicles, becoming the fastest-growing brand of new energy vehicles.

Yu Chengdong emphasized that under the mode of intelligent selection, Cyrus, which has the earliest cooperation with Huawei, the deepest accumulation and the richest product models, must benefit the most.

He mentioned that Huawei’s smart selection model will cooperate with other manufacturers because the resources of the Cyrus family are limited. At present, the production capacity of the two factories is full, and the new factory is still under construction, so there are not so many resources. There will be a few manufacturers in the ecological alliance, but in any case, the biggest beneficiary of this model is Cyrus.

"Now Cyrus and the past are not the same. Huawei has been empowered by industrial design, quality control, user experience design and intelligence, and now these capabilities have become its own assets. " Yu Chengdong said, "So we must first help the car factory to succeed. We can’t succeed if the car factory can’t succeed."

Cyrus really benefited from it. In the past few years, Cyrus has gained a lot of resources and experience from Huawei terminals, as well as sales channels all over the country, which directly promoted the sales of Cyrus to take off.

During the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show, Huawei announced that it would help Cyrus sell cars. At that time, Yu Chengdong said that Huawei has more than 5,000 high-end experience stores and 60,000 retail and service outlets offline, which is an advantage channel resource that traditional car companies can’t match. In the past two years, Huawei’s channel networks all over the country have been transformed into preparations for selling cars.

Next, Huawei will also improve this sales model. "We used to think too simply." Yu Chengdong said that the reception capacity and personnel quality of many stores are not competent to sell cars, which leads to some problems in the retail sector. This year, Huawei will not blindly expand its sales network, but will upgrade the reception and sales capabilities of some stores, and even close some stores, focusing on the user experience.

Yu Chengdong once imagined that,In 2022, all Huawei cooperative brands could sell 300,000 cars together, but it was later found that it was almost impossible to achieve it under the supply chain conditions last year. In 2022, the industry sold more than 75,000 units, and this figure is other.New brandThe achievements of car companies in three to five years.

In 2023, Yu Chengdong did not set a sales target for the world. He doesn’t pay attention to KPI, and a word mentioned more frequently is NPS (net recommended value of users)-the average NPS level of the automobile industry is around 40%, and BBA is also floating at this level, while the industry has reached 70%, exceeding the level of luxury car enterprises.

On the riseApart from NPS, another pressure on Yu Chengdong is profitability. At an internal meeting at the end of last year, Yu Chengdong proposed that Che BU should be profitable in 2025. He told Interface News that to achieve this goal, Huawei must first help car companies sell 1 million cars, and he is confident to achieve it.

"We hope that Zhixuan andThe amount of HI mode can be increased, and the amount of intelligent selection may be even greater. Either way, we can do it. "Yu Chengdong said.

lashWith a sales volume of 1 million, Huawei is facing fierce competitors such as BYD and Tesla, as well as an old rival Xiaomi that may appear in the future. When talking about competition, Yu Chengdong said that Huawei mainly makes mid-to high-end products, and does not involve prices below 200,000 yuan. The best result in the future is that we can expand the market together.

This year, HuaweiA variety of questions will also be released.New car,includeAsk the boundaryM5, the advanced intelligent assisted driving version of M7, etc. The biggest upgrade of new products lies in the high level.intelligenceAuxiliary drivingThe plan got on the bus, and the whole plan was developed by Huawei.

A mainstream scheme to realize autonomous driving in the industry is to adopt high-precision map technology. However, due to the ever-changing roads in China, it is difficult for the high-precision map scheme to truly experience high-order intelligent assisted driving. Yu Chengdong said that the solution adopted by the world does not need to rely on high-precision maps, but through Huawei’s integration of perception capabilities, algorithms andAI technology, implementationLeading intelligent assisted driving experience.

In Yu Chengdong’s view, the intelligent upgrade of automobile parts is the core of the competition between China and American automobile brands in the future. future2-3 years is the window period of intelligent networked cars, and Huawei must seize it.chance.

"A person is dozen however, want a few brothers.togetherYes, that’s why we set up an ecological alliance. I believe that the car companies that have the closest cooperation with Huawei will be the few that can live to the end. "Yu Chengdong said.