Seminar on the change drive of future war held in Beijing

On December 16th, with the theme of "Change and Challenge", the forum "Change-driven Seminar of Future War" and the 30th anniversary special event of Military Digest were held in Beijing.
Military Digest celebrated its 30th anniversary. In order to give back to the support and love of experts and readers over the years, a seminar was organized around "the change drive of future wars". Nearly a hundred experts, scholars and researchers from the government, research institutes, universities, enterprises and institutions gathered together to discuss the influence of the changes in the international environment, the evolution of the strategy of great powers, the iteration of cutting-edge science and technology, and the innovation of combat style on the development of future wars.
Li Xiaolong, director of the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information and Information, said that at present, the world is facing a century-long change, economic globalization is facing a countercurrent, security hotspots are one after another, and geopolitics is turbulent. At the same time, the scientific and technological circles focus on basic research and subversive technologies to make breakthroughs in many fields, and the application of cutting-edge technologies in the military field promotes the evolution of war forms. The seminar will provide an exchange platform for experts from all walks of life and lead us to understand the current and future development pattern.
Jiang Chunliang, a researcher from the Academy of Military Sciences, Shao Yongling, a researcher from the Rocket Army Research Institute, Wu Yihong, a former researcher from the World Research Center of Xinhua News Agency, Professor Ma Hongbin from Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor Shang Zhigang from Harbin Engineering University, and Zhang Chuanliang, deputy director of the System Engineering Center of Beijing Aerospace Information and Information Research Institute, and many other experts made wonderful reports at the meeting, and deeply analyzed the driving factors of future war change from the current situation to the trend with far-reaching insights.
After the theme report, the experts affirmed the achievements of Military Digest in the past 30 years, and sent a message of blessing for the future development of Military Digest.
Military Digest is a national defense and military popular science book, which is supervised by China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd. and sponsored by China Aerospace Science and Industry Defense Technology Research Institute and Beijing Aerospace Information and Information Research Institute. Based on the strong aerospace background and resources, the journal gathers domestic high-end authoritative military experts, and takes the principle of "broadness and depth" as the principle to continuously pay attention to new military knowledge, new technologies, new equipment, new trends, new developments and new concepts at home and abroad. (Song Yajuan)
Source: Guangming Net