Musk’s greatest achievement is brain-computer interface, which is far ahead in building the highest medical technology. Brain-computer interface can not only help more people stand up, but also live l

On October 27th, according to Tianjin Daily, recently, a new generation of domestic chip dedicated to brain-computer interface acquisition was successfully developed in Tianjin.

Affected by this news, in the early morning of October 27th, many brain-computer concept stocks such as innovative medical care, Xinzhi cognition, Guanhao biology, Sanbo Brain Department, international medicine and Nanjing Panda changed.

At the close, Guanhao Bio increased by 7.89%, innovative medical care increased by 5.68%, Nanjing Panda increased by 4.54%, and Sanbo Brain Department increased by 3.58%, ranking among the top gainers.

New progress of brain-computer interface

Brain-computer interface (BCI or Brain-Machine Interface,BMI) refers to the direct connection between human or animal brain and external equipment, which realizes the information exchange between brain and equipment, and is known as the "information superhighway" for human brain to communicate with the outside world.

With the continuous progress of brain science, brain-like science and artificial intelligence technology, people’s interest in brain-computer interface is increasing day by day. Various research institutions and companies have invested in this research.

According to the analysis data of Rui Beast, from 2014 to August 20th, 2023, there were 170 financing incidents in the brain-computer interface industry in China, involving 60 companies, and 78 incidents in which the financing amount was disclosed, with a total financing amount of 5.845 billion RMB, involving 149 investment institutions. From the breakdown of the track, the biomedical field is the most active, followed by brain-computer interface equipment. In addition, EEG acquisition platforms and electrodes/probes have also concentrated many high-quality enterprises to attract capital investment.

Since the second half of this year, good news in the field of brain-computer interface in China has continued, and a number of policies have supported industrial research and development. In August, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Standardization Pilot Project of New Industries (2023-2035)", in which the future industries will focus on nine major areas, such as meta-universe and brain-computer interface. On September 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the unveiling of the future industrial innovation tasks in 2023, aiming at four key directions: metauniverse, humanoid robot, brain-computer interface and general artificial intelligence.

According to reports, the chip successfully developed in Tianjin is jointly developed by Haihe Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interaction and Human-Computer Integration and China Electronic Information Industry Group. It has completely independent intellectual property rights and can be used for non-invasive brain-computer interface and multi-modal neuroelectrophysiological equipment. It can be widely used in smart medical care, aerospace, human-computer interaction, games and entertainment, etc., and will transform the achievements of enterprises in Tiankai Park.

Among them, Yishi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., an enterprise hatched by Haihe Laboratory of Brain Machine aiming at the innovation achievements, is negotiating and docking with a number of 3A hospitals, scientific research institutes and medical device enterprises. After the trial production of the chip sample is successful, it will be formally applied to self-developed EEG acquisition modules and wearable portable devices, and put into various civil and special brain-computer interface application scenarios to accelerate the transformation and promotion of follow-up products.

Brain-computer interface is an interdisciplinary subject in the fields of materials science, neuroscience, brain science and information science. Relevant research reports show that brain-computer interface technology is widely used in the market. Among them, medical health is the largest market application field of brain-computer interface at present, and it is also the fastest growing field, mainly focusing on four functions: monitoring, improvement/recovery, substitution and enhancement.

Brain-computer interface technology can directly realize the interaction between the brain and external devices, cross the conventional brain information output path, and is widely used in medical and health fields. At the same time, with the continuous exploration of the structure and function of the brain by modern medicine, human beings have made in-depth research on the functional areas of the brain, such as movement, vision, hearing and language, so obtaining and analyzing the information of these brain areas through brain-computer interface equipment has a wide range of applications in the fields of physical examination and diagnosis, screening and monitoring, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological and mental system diseases.

In the future, after removing obstacles such as ethics and technical maturity, it will gradually penetrate into entertainment, smart home, military and other fields and become one of the important forms of human-computer interaction.

Innovative medical care is suspected of speculation.

According to public information, in the A-share market, many listed companies, including Innovative Medical Care, Sanbo Brain Department, Nanjing Panda, Jiahe Intelligent, century huatong, Tomcat and so on, have started brain-computer interface business.

In the early morning of October 27, there was a change in the brain-computer interface plate. Among them, Innovative Medical jumped 8% to the daily limit in 5 minutes, and the closing price was 8.37 yuan/share, an increase of 5.68%.

This is not the first time that innovative medical care has experienced a daily limit due to the concept of brain-computer interface. In June this year, innovative medical care gained 5 consecutive boards. According to the announcement of abnormal fluctuation of stock trading released on June 13th, on June 8th, 9th and 12th, the deviation value of closing price decline of innovative medical stocks for three consecutive trading days totaled more than 20%.

According to the announcement, the company’s production and operation situation and internal and external operating environment have not changed significantly recently, so investors are advised to pay attention to the trading risks in the secondary market.

According to the data, innovative medical treatment was mainly engaged in the cultivation, processing and sales of freshwater pearls. In February 2016, the company successfully completed a major asset restructuring. In 2016, the company’s main business expanded to the medical service industry and transformed into a big health industry, from a single aquaculture processing enterprise to a dual-main listed company with pearl jewelry processing and production, wholesale and retail and medical services. The company achieved diversified development.

This also makes many investors suspect that the brain-computer interface may be another false concept of harvesting leeks. "This company’s business has nothing to do with the brain-computer interface at all. It has been losing money since 2019 and has never made any money. It’s just that a company called Boling Brain Machine was set up by participating in the stock market, and it caught the east wind of brain-computer interface. In fact, this company was only established in 2021, and everything is in ruins. The so-called brain-computer business has not been lost. "

Innovative Medical previously stated on the interactive question-and-answer platform of investors that the company’s shareholding in Boling Brain Computer (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. was 40%. According to public information, Boling Brain Machine (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the development of brain-computer interface and the core technology of pan-brain application medical instruments, focusing on the social problems of treatment and rehabilitation of stroke with high morbidity and disability in international clinics, and developing new brain-computer interface technologies to improve the rehabilitation effect of patients and enable patients to maximize their functional improvement and self-care ability.

After the close of trading on October 27th, Innovative Medical released the results announcement for the third quarter of 2023, with revenue of 607 million yuan in the first three quarters, up by 12.32% year-on-year; The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 14.21 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.52%. Among them, the net profit loss attributable to the owners of the parent company in the third quarter was 10.761 million yuan, compared with 35.2151 million yuan in the same period of last year, which turned from profit to loss; Operating income 2.02100 million yuan, down 1.53%.