Network anchor pseudo-charity: the live broadcast gives money to do charity, and then the money is recovered after the broadcast.

  Aauto Quicker Jiege, the anchor of "pseudo-charity", collected the money sent to the villagers.

  Before the live broadcast, the anchor "Aauto Quicker Jiege" said that he would send money to the villagers.

  Expose false charity

  In front of the desolate soil slope, a group of local villagers in shabby clothes stood in a row, while the children squatted on the ground. A young man is taking back the money just sent to them from them: 2000 yuan each.

  The parties appear

  Afterwards, the man who sent the money admitted that it was really his own doing to send money to shoot the video first and then take it back after shooting. The purpose was to increase the number of fans and watch more, so that "fans can brush more gifts."

  More ironically, this man was actually the first "flag-bearer" to reveal pseudo-charity in Aauto Quicker. However, when his revealer retaliated, he used his killer weapon and released this secretly recorded video.

  I see

  The exposed man and the exposed person are both anchors on the live broadcast platform in Aauto Quicker. They used to be a team, and then they began to reveal each other because of "infighting", revealing the true face of "pseudo-charity".

  Recently, a video was circulated on the Internet, which became an "armor-piercing bullet" that penetrated the pseudo-charity volunteer group in Daliangshan area. In the video, two men broadcast live on the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform to do charity, arranged villagers in a village in Liangshan Prefecture to stand in two rows, and then distributed money to the villagers live broadcast. After the live broadcast, these people took the money back from the villagers.

  Afterwards, the man who sent the money admitted that it was really his own doing to send money to shoot the video first and then take it back after shooting. The purpose was to increase the number of fans and watch more, so that "fans can brush more gifts." More ironically, this man was actually the first "flag-bearer" to reveal fake charity in Aauto Quicker. However, when his revealer countered, he used his killer weapon and released this secretly recorded video.

  In fact, the "pseudo-charity" of giving money first and then taking it back is not this one. After the rise of webcasting, many "volunteers" who went to Liangshan Prefecture in the name of charity actually engaged in the activities of collecting money through charity.

  "This is ‘ Aauto Quicker Charity Circle ’ The general rule is that live charity can be on the hot search list, fans are rising fast, and with fans, everything is there. " Aauto Quicker Jiege, the anchor involved in the pseudo-charity storm, said.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Huan Xiaohuai

  Video exposure

  Pay the money first, and then take it back after the live broadcast.

  The parties admit that taking it back after sending money is only to increase the powder.

  This video circulating on the Internet has become a powerful evidence to uncover some "volunteers" pseudo-charity.

  In the video, a man in a black shirt walks away from the picture and says, "I’ll send you something later … …” Behind him, another man took back stacks of hundred-dollar bills from a group of old people and children. Then he handed it to the man in black. The man in black buried his head in counting money and greeted him, "Take something." After putting the money in the handbag, he went on to shout, "Keep shooting, line up, line up, let’s keep shooting!" " A group of children gathered around the trunk of the car to get something.

  Corresponding to this video circulating on the Internet, it is another video. In the same place, the same group of people, the man in black is standing on the side of the old man and the child, waving a stack of RMB in his right hand. "Dear iron powder and black powder, I will do what my brother Jie said, and I promise to give all this 30,000 yuan … … Send it to the 15 poorest families in this village, each with 2,000 yuan. " After reading the lines, the man in black handed the money to the villagers behind him one by one.

  On the day of sending money, the man in black and his party rented the Chang ‘an bus of the local passenger transport company. As can be seen from the license plate information, this is a car in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture. The reporter then contacted the owner, who said that he was only the driver of the county passenger transport center. The car can be rented. Some time ago, someone did rent a car to the village. It is not clear whether he sent money.

  Through investigation, the reporter learned that the man who gave money in the video was an anchor "Aauto Quicker Jiege" in Aauto Quicker live broadcast. Recently, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" was on the live broadcast platform, fighting with several other anchors and accusing each other of doing "pseudo-charity". After the video was exposed, he told reporters that he was secretly recorded by others. For this video, the anchor is a little angry. And "Aauto Quicker Jiege" also exposed his opponent’s video, and the "Wolf King of Northeast China" and "Uncle Black of Aauto Quicker" who used to do charity together became the objects of his revelation.

  "I admit that I sent money and took it back. Do they dare to admit it?" On the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" admitted that he had made a mistake, and repeatedly emphasized his purpose of doing public welfare in Daliangshan, "just to increase the number of fans for Aauto Quicker Live, so that fans can brush gifts while watching their love". At that time, a netizen who was with "Aauto Quicker Jiege" at the money distribution site also confirmed the matter online.

  Behind a "pseudo-charity"

  Anchors expose each other’s shortcomings: the other side is cheating.

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" broke the news: "How miserable are they to the recipients?"

  After he was exposed as "pretending to send money", "Aauto Quicker Jiege" was not to be outdone, but also exposed many insider stories about his opponent’s "pseudo-charity".

  In his live video, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" broke the news that another anchor "Uncle Aauto Quicker" who is famous for "doing public welfare" in Daliangshan on the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform gave 1,000 yuan to an old man, sent a video once, took it back after filming, and sent it to another old man, and sent it to seven old people successively. However, "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" did not formally respond to this matter.

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" also revealed that these "volunteers" who went to Liangshan Prefecture not far from Wan Li to do charity were all miserable in the face of the recipients. He broke the news in the video that these "caring people" smeared mud on children’s faces, highlighting their misery.

  At the scene, in addition to the anchor, the person in charge of the camera kept directing the movements of the old man and told the caring people how to stand and where to go. On the home pages of these anchors, a video ends, often accompanied by a sad music. Jiu-Er and Call of Love are familiar in these videos. These love scripts are almost the same. Apart from giving money directly to the old people, the second is to put a piece of meat in the children’s hands, hand them a chicken, and let them eat it in front of the camera, or send a box of milk to the grandmother, and several people take pictures with their mobile phones for a long time.

  Attack each other in live broadcast:

  You call me "fake charity" and I call you "greedy"

  "Aauto Quicker Jiege" has 659,000 fans. According to his data, he is 27 years old from Suzhou, Anhui Province, and has been doing public welfare in Daliangshan for two or three months.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned from a number of anchors engaged in "charity" that the anchor Liangshan Tour usually has two or three people as a group, staying in a hotel in the county town, and going to the mountain village to "do public welfare" during the day, usually renting a car and buying some clothes and stationery. After that, they began to look for a remote primary school or village, distribute gifts and shoot live videos.

  Aauto Quicker Black Uncle, a native of Harbin, published 1,050 works with 678,000 fans. After the fan base grew, he began to recruit some "apprentices". Among them, there are 640,000 fans of the "Northeast Wolf King" in the same camp. "Aauto Quicker Jiege" originally belonged to a member of the team, but later, because of infighting, it became a different kind of team, and began to reveal the secret with the momentum of killing one thousand enemies and injuring 800 others.

  For the infighting, "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" has another saying, "Later, when we were greedy for more money, we broke out with us."

  Now, the main content of several "charity" anchors broadcast live every day is to denounce each other for doing "fake public welfare". "Uncle Aauto Quicker Black" swore in the live broadcast room with a Northeast dialect. "Who was protecting you at the beginning? Now catch who bites who. " He revealed that it was "Aauto Quicker Jiege" who first came up with the idea of getting the money back after sending it, and he revealed the secret because they were greedy and earned more.

  Farewell to "Uncle Aauto Quicker":

  The message said that "people are not sages."

  On November 4th, influenced by this incident, "Uncle Aauto Quicker" bid farewell to his fans and left a message saying that "to err is human". In the live video, he sat in the back seat of the car, smoking a cigarette, and his expression was lonely.

  Prior to this, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" had repeatedly exposed "Uncle Aauto Quicker" doing fake charity in Liangshan Prefecture. In response, the latter exposed the video of "Aauto Quicker Jiege" giving money first and then taking it back.

  After this infighting storm, many "charity" anchors admitted to cheating everyone. An anchor "Sister Mei of Shandong" apologized in response to the accusations of fans, saying, "I don’t want to deceive everyone either."

  After it was exposed that the money was paid back, "Aauto Quicker Jiege" released a live video on the evening of November 4, with the words "Jiege admits his mistake and apologizes to the fans" on the live screen. In the live broadcast, in order to express his determination to admit his mistake, he drank a bottle of disinfectant on the spot and was taken to hospital for treatment.

  The anchors make money like this.

  "Uncle Aauto Quicker" once revealed that "you can earn 20 million by May next year"

  These rely on "charity" as the anchor of the live broadcast program, and they have dug the first bucket of gold on the live broadcast platform. Mr. Zhao, who has been watching videos live in Aauto Quicker for a long time, has a deep understanding of the rapid rise of these "charity" anchors. "When I first started to pay attention to them, there were more than 800 fans. In just two months, it has reached 630,000."

  Like most of the audience, Mr. Zhao also praised and brushed gifts for these groups at the beginning. "Because the live broadcast can arouse fans’ sympathy, let them make donations by brushing gifts." According to the introduction, to make their iron powder grow, besides fans brushing gifts, they can increase their income, and they can also make use of fan groups to engage in Wechat business and advertise in the live broadcast room.

  It is understood that in Aauto Quicker, if you want to give a gift to the anchor, you must recharge the fast coin. 6 yuan can recharge 60 fast coins, and one coin is 10 cents. Among the gifts, a flower costs 1 fast coin, a glass of beer costs 10 fast coins and a rockhopper costs 298 fast coins.

  Fans are productivity, and with fans, someone will brush gifts. If you are lucky, you can earn 10 thousand yuan a day, not to mention. During the live broadcast, Uncle Aauto Quicker, who is also doing "public welfare" in Daliangshan, even revealed during the live broadcast that "it is necessary to rely on Lao Tie (fans) to brush gifts, and together they can do public welfare, and they can earn 20 million after May next year."

  Police statement

  The phenomenon has attracted great attention from relevant local departments.

  Previously, several anchors were summoned by the police.

  According to a person familiar with the relevant departments of Liangshan, some time ago, there were indeed a number of anchors engaged in live broadcast activities in Zhaojue and Bhutto. They usually took out money and distributed it to some villagers. After the live show was completed, they took back the money. "They usually gave a small part of the money to the villagers as ‘ Hard work fee ’ Or give something to eat, and then leave after filming, deceiving the local people. " After such behavior was exposed, it caused resentment among local people and netizens. At the same time, this has also attracted the attention of relevant departments in Liangshan, and local public security, civil affairs and other departments have been involved in investigating this matter. After the incident, several anchors were summoned by the police.

  According to this person familiar with the matter, in recent years, there have been many charitable organizations and individuals coming to Liangshan. With the development of webcasting, some anchors have flooded into Liangshan to attract attention, attract fans to grow and gain benefits. This person believes that such pseudo-charity not only affects the image of Liangshan, deceives the kindness of local people, but also sends the wrong message to the outside world.

  Yesterday, the Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned from the Liangshan Charity Federation that at present, the public security and civil affairs departments in Bhutto and other places are jointly investigating and handling this matter. "The results of the investigation and handling have not yet come out."

   Response from all sides

  Local Charity Federation: Violation of the New Charity Law

  According to the relevant person in charge of Liangshan Charity Federation, "We have learned many such things, some are deliberately posing photos, and some are maliciously guiding villagers to say that some poverty problems are spread on the Internet." The person in charge said that this way of making fake and creating poverty has damaged the image of Liangshan and the local people.

  The person in charge said that the newly adopted Charity Law clearly stipulates that individuals cannot initiate public fundraising. "The actions of these people have violated the Charity Law."

  Lawyer’s statement: If the circumstances are serious, criminal responsibility can be investigated.

  Lawyer Kou Yi of Beijing Yingke (Chengdu) Law Firm pointed out: This kind of behavior is a serious violation of law and social morality. Deceived netizens can claim the corresponding losses from the network anchor and the operating platform where the anchor is located, and at the same time, they can report to the administrative department. If the amount of fraud is large, they can directly report to the public security organ and investigate the criminal responsibility of the deceiver.

  Yuan Jia, a lawyer of Taihetai Law Firm, also believes that these anchors’ behavior of "pseudo-charity" belongs to using fictional facts to defraud everyone to spend money. They have obtained other people’s money for the purpose of illegal possession, and the circumstances are serious, which is a kind of fraud.

  Latest progress

  Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform: There is no response to this matter yet.

  Aauto Quicker Live is a live broadcast software of Beijing Aauto Quicker Technology Co., Ltd., and its official website claims that the live broadcast software has 300 million users.

  Is Aauto Quicker Live Broadcasting Company aware of the behavior of a group of "pseudo-charity" anchors? Is there any obligation to suspend its live broadcast service? Yesterday afternoon, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily sent an interview outline through the email account left by Aauto Quicker Live, trying to interview it. As of 8: 00 last night, when the reporter wrote, the other party had not replied.