Finnish man’s severed finger can be directly plugged into a computer by implanting a USB flash drive (Figure)

Jerry shows the thumb drive.

U disk finger in use

Jerry’s thumb drive

  Finnish man amputated his finger and implanted a USB flash drive directly into the computer with a capacity of 2GB.

  According to Finnish media reports, in May last year, Finnish man Jerry Chalahua lost a finger in a car accident. When the doctor learned that Jerry had been a computer hacker, he suggested that he install an invisible USB flash drive when repairing his fingers, and Jerry readily agreed. Although the finger of this USB flash drive looks a little strange, Jerry obviously likes it very much because all his information is stored in his finger.

  Lose one’s finger in a car accident

  Jerry’s friend Henry Bogos revealed in his blog that Jerry is a young software engineer in Richmarki, Finland.

  Last May, Jerry, who was driving a motorcycle on the road, accidentally hit a deer that was about to cross the road. He flew out of the motorcycle on the spot. Fortunately, Jerry only lost one finger, and he only needs a doctor to repair his finger and install a fake finger to return to normal life.

  Fake finger USB flash drive

  However, just as the doctor was preparing to rebuild Jerry’s silicone finger, he inadvertently learned from his chat with Jerry that he was a software engineer and had worked as a computer hacker. The doctor put forward a novel suggestion to him: an invisible U disk could be implanted when installing the prosthetic finger, and Jerry readily agreed on the spot. As a result, Jerry’s finger became a USB flash drive with a capacity of 2GB. The fly in the ointment is that when ten fingers are stretched out flush, the strange fingers on the U disk are very different.


  Although it doesn’t look good, Jerry obviously likes this finger very much. When he got home, he couldn’t wait to unplug this USB flash drive and plug it into the computer. He downloaded and installed software such as Billix, CouchDBX and Ajatus for this USB flash drive. After that, all he had to do was gently unplug the ring finger.

  Now, Jerry can not only use this USB flash drive to transfer data from his fingers to the computer, but also transfer his brain’s thoughts to his fingers through the computer. At present, Jerry has put forward higher requirements for this USB thumb drive. He said, "I am eager for the doctor to help me upgrade as soon as possible, with larger capacity and higher technology content, and to look more beautiful with removable nails!"

Editor: Peng Wei