Foreign media look at global supercomputers: the performance of the strongest computer in the EU is only 2.5% that of China.

  Reference News Network reported on April 4 that foreign media said that the famous Top 500 ranking shows which countries have the most powerful supercomputers in the world. The United States has kept its position as a powerful computer superpower, with China occupying the forefront, while Europeans without their own technical foundation can only be vassals of the United States.

  According to the website of Austrian Anti-Party Magazine reported on March 30th, German Konrad Zuse invented the computer in 1937 — — Z1。 He later completed the Z3 in 1941, which was the first programmable computer in the world. The transistor was first invented and patented by Europeans.

  People may think that the computer industry must be owned by Germany — — At least it is dominated by Europe. After all, the inventor was German — — Europeans. No, that’s not the case. In terms of computer hardware, Europe can be said to be unqualified.

  According to the report, the performance of supercomputers is expressed in units of floating-point operation speed per second (TFlop/s). The most powerful supercomputer in Europe is Piz Daint of Switzerland, which ranks eighth, with a speed of 7788.9 tflops/s. This computer, which belongs to Swiss National Supercomputing Center, is produced by American Cray Company.

  The United States is strong

  According to the report, American computers frequently appear in the top 100, occupying the 3rd, 7th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th-21st and many other positions. Since the x86 division of IBM responsible for supercomputers was sold to Lenovo in China in 2014, the current ranking of IBM computers (4th, 6th, 14th, 54th and 68th) is shared by China and the United States.

  The United States occupies 31 places in the top 100. Because the rankings of other countries that use American processors are not counted, this figure does not reflect the real strength of the American computer industry (specifically, the chip giant Intel).

  According to reports, most supercomputers in Japan use Fujitsu processors. So is Japan very independent? Not exactly. Fujitsu is an R&D and production partner of Intel. Therefore, Intel’s genes also promoted the development of Fujitsu processors.

  According to the report, Europeans have no ability to succeed on their own in supercomputer technology. The most powerful supercomputer in Europe must be purchased — — Buy from America. Apart from Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Britain and Germany are all customers of Cray. American computer companies do well in Europe. HP’s customers include Poland, France and Czech Republic.

  According to the report, there are also many computers in China in Europe. Lenovo and Huawei are famous Chinese brands in Europe. Italy and Germany are Lenovo’s customers. Lenovo has bought part of IBM’s computer business little by little in recent years. Therefore, in the past, the customers of "Blue Giant" became Lenovo’s customers. With the help of China — In the framework of cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe, Poland has become a close partner of China people, especially in the computer field. Poland’s supercomputers occupy the 48th, 90th and 92nd places in the top 100. The computer ranked 48th was purchased from Hewlett-Packard in the United States, but now it attaches great importance to cooperation with the United States and China.

  China processor is far ahead.

  The report said that in terms of supercomputers, China has not caught up with the United States — — But surpassed the United States. China occupies the 1st, 2nd, 42nd, 67th, 74th, 77th, 78th, 86th, 91st and 96th positions in the top 100 respectively. Tianhe-2, ranked second, still uses Xeon processors from the United States. Now this is a thing of the past.

  During this period, China people developed their own processors — — The Shenwei processor makes Intel’s Xeon look old. Top 500 ranked first in China Shenwei Taihu Lake Light, and its peak speed reached 125,435.9 tflops/s. The third-ranked American Cray Company’s supercomputer using AMD Opteron processor has a peak speed of "only" 27,112.5 tflops/s. This is roughly only 22% of the light of Taihu Lake in China.

  According to the report, the best supercomputer in the European Union is the Mistal in Hamburg (using American processors), which ranks 33rd, with a speed of 3,147.8 tflops/s, only 2.5% of the light of Taihu Lake. The most powerful computers in the European Union can only achieve 2.5% of the performance of China supercomputers by using American components.

  Now can you understand why Trump wants to make America great again? He is right to say so. In the field of computers, the technology of the United States is many light years ahead of that of Europe, but it is only ahead of Europeans, not China.

  Specifically, a giant battle, a battle between the United States and China, and a processor war between American chip giants AMD and Intel and Shenwei of China Jiangnan Computing Technology Research Institute have begun.

  According to the report, with the launch of processors such as Huawei Kunlun and FusionServer, another China company is also shaking the position of AMD and Intel. It should not be forgotten that Huawei and Intel have a technical cooperation relationship. With Intel’s genes, Huawei is now preparing to step out of Intel’s shadow and bathe in the sunshine of the computer industry independently.

  Europe’s achievements in the computer field are few and far between. Think about it, only such achievements can be achieved with American processors. In the field of computers, European technology is virtually the same as non-existence. This is a shame for Germany and Europe: they waste the advantages and great legacy created by people like Chuze. (Compile/Zhao Wei)