The man went to "Aauto Quicker" to find his girlfriend and was defrauded. Police: "Girlfriend" is a man

  A man in Yanbian County, Panzhihua, Sichuan met a girl from the video of "Aauto Quicker" and confirmed his love relationship. The "girlfriend" claimed 23,000 yuan in the name of medical expenses for injuries and meeting fees, and then disappeared. After investigation by Yanbian police, it was found that his girlfriend was actually a man. On July 18th, The Paper learned from Yanbian County Public Security Bureau that at present, the suspect Wang was criminally detained by the police on suspicion of fraud.

  According to the staff of Yanbian County Public Security Bureau, on December 19th, 2018, Xie Moumou from Hongge Town, Yanbian County reported to Hongge Police Station that he had met a girl who claimed to be "Li Mengting" through the "Aauto Quicker" video network platform, and they had an online relationship and established a love relationship.

  During the period of "love", "Li Mengting" demanded money from Xie Mou for various reasons, totaling more than 23,000 yuan. Now, "Li Mengting" can’t be found, so please ask the police station to investigate and handle it.

  After receiving the police, the Hongge police station immediately organized the police to investigate. After investigation, Xie met a girl who claimed to be "Li Mengting" through the "Aauto Quicker" video network platform in November 2018, and then they added WeChat (WeChat named Li Meng) to start their relationship and established a "love" relationship.

  During the period of communication, "Li Mengting" defrauded Xie for money on the pretext of falling and needing medical expenses and meeting with a red envelope. In just over a month, he asked Xie for 500 yuan, 2,500 yuan and 10,000 yuan in four times. Although the two sides have never met and watched videos, Xie Moumou has always believed in it.

  Until November 18, 2018, "Li Mengting" borrowed 10,000 yuan from Xie Moumou again. After Xie’s family knew it, they asked him why and asked him to bring "Li Mengting" home to meet him. Later, Xie contacted Li Mengting, and Li Mengting told him to meet in Huili County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province and pay back the money. However, when Xie and his family arrived in Huili, they could not contact Li Mengting. Later, I went to the address originally provided by "Li Mengting" to look for it, but they all said that there was no such person. Only then did Xie Moumou know that he had been cheated.

  The police handling the case comprehensively used various investigation methods, and finally found out that "Li Mengting" was named Wang (male, from Huili County) and was arrested in Huili County on July 5 this year.

  Wang’s confession: In November 2018, he met Xie Moumou through Aauto Quicker. Wang lied that he was a woman, and downloaded photos of beautiful women on the Internet and sent them to a circle of friends to pretend to be himself. Then they added WeChat, and they exchanged and confirmed the relationship of "love" on WeChat. In the meantime, he defrauded Xie Moumou of more than 23,000 yuan for four times with various excuses.

  At present, the suspect Wang has been under criminal detention and the case is being processed.