He boarded the world hot search, why?

After working as a truck driver for almost 20 years, Wang Zhigang suddenly became angry.

Fans are more accustomed to calling him "Black Brother"-this is his nickname.

Brother Hei’s life is in a small cockpit all the year round. Accommodation is settled on the truck. You can wash clothes and cook by connecting a water pipe from the water tank, and then you can take a shower by connecting a plastic shower head, "like a humble home".

Brother Hei likes to record stories on the road. He always has a way to explore the taste of life in a monotonous journey. Some chatting card friends, a steaming bowl of braces, some sadness on the road, and some sudden and painful illnesses are all recorded in his video.

In fact, in Aauto Quicker, there are 200 million migrant workers writing their own stories.

Someone shuttled through the streets of Beijing in the early morning and became a ferryman in the city; Someone drove a truck and set foot on the long northwest road; Someone is guarding the joys and sorrows of the kitchen and bearing the taste of a city.

Behind every brick and tile is life.

A 6-square-meter hut bears the joys and sorrows of Gao Zhixiao’s life for many years.

The green wall paint peeled off, revealing the white wall inside. A bunk bed occupies almost the whole space, and the waste cartons picked up by Gao Zhixiao are stacked at the door. Outside the house, dozens of families are strung together in a long corridor.

Holding a mobile phone, he walked from outside to inside, recorded a simple and rough "roomtour" and uploaded it to Aauto Quicker.

He never thought that this hobby of recording his life with Aauto Quicker for many years would make him on the cover of Time magazine and be seen by the whole world.

It was the spring of 2020, and the epidemic was severe. There was a broadcast of "Don’t gather, don’t go out" on the loudspeakers in the streets and lanes, and all walks of life were shut down.

Gao Zhixiao accepted a new takeaway order.

That’s a request for purchasing insulin. He can imagine that the person who placed the order was anxious, "maybe waiting for help."

Gao Zhixiao got on the electric car, drove to the guest’s home, took the prescription, and then went to the hospital to get the medicine.

As soon as he got out of the hospital, he sprayed disinfectant all over his body. "I was also afraid in my heart."

It was an old lady who lived alone who bought the medicine.

The old man warmly invited him in. Knowing that the old lady hadn’t eaten yet, he knocked on two eggs and put down a bowl of noodles, and made an agreement with the old man to see her again next time. Before leaving, take away the garbage in the house.

He grew up in a single-parent family and can understand the loneliness of the elderly.

At the moment he walked out of the hutong, he felt that the city was wrapped in loneliness, and the spring was chilly. There were few pedestrians on the road, and he shuttled through the empty road alone.

During the epidemic, he has to run more than 100 kilometers every day to complete sixty or seventy orders. He sent mobile phone charging cables to patients in isolation hospitals and bought vegetables, rice and oil noodles for the people in the city.

When the world stopped, they became ferrymen in the city.

Gao Zhixiao recorded the stories behind these orders one by one in Aauto Quicker, and he was seen at the gates of closed communities, under overpasses and hutongs.

These records also attracted microphones and spotlights, and the media poured in.

In March 2020, Time Magazine published a special issue on the epidemic, with the theme of "Ordinary people all over the world under the epidemic", and he became the only Chinese face on the cover.

On the cover, he is dressed in yellow-this is a sign of a service provider in the take-away industry. He has a northwest man’s face with thick eyebrows, dark skin and big and deep eyes. Time magazine rated him as "having an extraordinary sense of mission".

Compared with "Gao Zhixiao", his more well-known name is "takeaway Xiaoyao Ge".

Brother Xiaoyao is a character in online games. He was originally an inn boy, and later became a generation of chivalrous men, fighting for the sword in the Jianghu. "I went to the clothes and hid myself in the name."

Gao Zhixiao thinks that there is a similar side to Li Xiaoyao in his own personality. When night falls, the road is his river and lake.

Walking in the Jianghu, those fine and carefree days were recorded by him in Aauto Quicker.

On the "Express Mountain" of the Double Eleven, I bought chocolates and roses for my wife on Valentine’s Day. On a rainy night, my car broke down. He ran to deliver four orders and pushed the car to his home 5 kilometers away step by step. ……

In the live broadcast room, he "talked about life" with the familiar old irons, talked about the 7-year experience of drifting in the North, and shared the helplessness and goodwill encountered in the delivery.

He said that he would take his wife to see the red leaves in Xiangshan, Beijing. "Then make a video for the old irons."

On the Aauto Quicker, there are many take-away riders like Gao Zhixiao. Zhou Lei, a rider from Hebei Province, won more than 300,000 fans in Aauto Quicker because of his love of singing. He was invited by CCTV to appear on the Avenue of Stars and entered the annual finals.

These take-away workers, in the city with many high-rise buildings, maintain the smooth operation of urban machines. With the help of the internet platform, they broke away from the vague group of "takeaway brothers" and had their own close-ups.

They record their love for life and let themselves be seen.

Everyone loves to eat the cook’s food, but few people pay attention to the cook’s hands.

The Yellow Sea has a pair of hands with prominent joints, and the most common ones are scars. These scars are witnesses to the story. There are three or four old and new cuts in one place, and the original knife wounds and scalding scars are faintly visible.

In Aauto Quicker, he has another nickname-"Chef Huang". He has released more than 700 videos of cooking and has 4.59 million fans. The dishes are all home-cooked tastes, but the viewing data of the video is very impressive.

He turned the bitterness and sweetness of living in the countryside and the city into authentic food and put it in front of the audience.