The purchase of 96 luxury cars and 135 suites in Harbin was investigated and dealt with.

CCTV News:Since the 14th Supervision Team of the Central Committee for Eliminating Evil entered Heilongjiang, it has taken cases with high public concern and great social impact as the key supervision work to follow up and promote the progress of cases.

Yu Huajie, member of the Standing Committee of Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection:In August 2018, we received a large number of reports from the masses, especially from some electric power construction enterprises and construction people. It reflects a series of problems, such as corruption, bribery, monopoly and so on, of Li Wei, deputy general manager of Harbin Power Supply Company of the former State Grid, and his younger brother (Li Tong, former chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Company). We immediately launched an investigation under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and took lien measures against them in a timely manner according to law.

 Li Wei, the eldest brother of the Li family, was then the deputy general manager of Harbin State Grid Corporation. He had nearly 1 billion yuan of power engineering projects in his hands every year. As his younger brother Li Jian, he started a private power engineering company with his friends, and his business naturally flourished under the care of his brother. Li Tong is the youngest in the family. He started as an ordinary worker. After his brother Li Wei was promoted from the position of chairman of Harbin Electric Power Industry Group Company to the position of deputy general manager of State Grid Harbin Company, he directly took over his brother’s position and became the main person in charge of the company. The two brothers took up leadership positions through illegal means, and this was only the beginning of the three brothers of Li’s taking up the road of black crimes.

Collusion in bidding and violence to suppress monopoly power projects

Since 2010, since Li Wei served as assistant director of Harbin Electric Power Bureau and chairman of the electric power industry group, he has been monopolizing the electrified connection project in the whole city. Through collusive bidding, they first won the bid with the electric power industry group, and then subcontracted the project to the company started off-line by their younger brother Li Jian and the black-related organization. In a few years, they almost monopolized the construction of the electric power project in the whole city.

 Boss Li Wei

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:According to statistics, since 2010, the Li brothers, a criminal gang, monopolized 76.7% of the power projects in Harbin. They monopolized these power projects by means of bidding and violent suppression, and directly distributed them to the secondary companies controlled by the members of the organization, which in turn handed them over to downstream companies for construction.

Refusal to pay for subcontracted projects is forced to pay with goods.

In 2017, Mr. Ma of Harbin became the construction company they subcontracted. What was the result? During the central supervision team stationed in Heilongjiang, Mr. Ma came to the station to reflect his experience.

Mr. Ma from Harbin:These 22 substations should be around 11 million, and my own capital investment is 4.3 million, but so far I haven’t got a penny. He gave us a car with a market price of 700,000 at that time at a price of 1.5 million pieces, and the house and watches were several times higher than the market price. If you don’t want it, there is no money. Anyway, this is the thing.

I squander my money and my employees can’t pay.

There are more than 70 injured companies in Harbin, where Mr. Ma also suffered. All of them could not get the money after completing the construction, but the three brothers Li gained huge benefits in a short time. After a joint investigation by the Supervision Committee of the Harbin Commission for Discipline Inspection and the task force of the Public Security Bureau, in the past 14 years, the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations have made illegal profits of nearly 3.4 billion yuan.

Tao Chengquan, a policeman of Harbin Public Security Bureau:After they had money, they bought a lot of real estate, luxury cars and antique cultural relics all over the country. As a collective enterprise, more than 100 employees went to the provincial government all the year round to report the situation because they could not pay their wages.

On the one hand, there are hundreds of employees who can’t get paid, and on the other hand, there are 96 luxury cars with nearly 100 million yuan. At the same time, the task force also detained 135 properties purchased by the Li brothers’ triad-related organizations all over the country.

96 high-end cars that received bribes were worth nearly 100 million yuan.

Since the central supervision team entered Heilongjiang, it immediately took this triad-related organization as the key supervision case and went to the case-handling unit several times to understand the progress of the case. Members of the Central Supervision Team came to the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to interrogate Li Wei, who had been criminally detained.

Luxury cars full of parking lots

Luxury cars full of parking lots

During more than two hours of interrogation, Li Wei told the Central Supervision Team about other leading cadres’ participation in business operations, bribery and crimes. According to the investigation, Li Wei, together with his younger brothers Li Tong and Li Jian, made huge profits in power projects, and also accepted bribes of more than 20 million yuan from other companies. In June this year, 96 high-end cars photographed by the task force of Harbin Public Security Bureau during the seizure of criminal goods filled the parking lot, with an estimated value of nearly 100 million yuan.