EU issued regulations requiring customs to register electric vehicles imported from China, and the Ministry of Commerce responded.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference on March 14th. Some media have asked questions. Recently, the European Commission issued regulations requiring the customs to register the imports of electric vehicles from China. It is believed that the import volume increased significantly after the countervailing investigation against China last year, which will harm the EU market. What is the response of the Ministry of Commerce?

  He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that we have noticed that the EU recently issued regulations requiring the customs to register electric vehicles imported from China. China is highly concerned about this, and the industry is extremely worried about the measures that the EU may take in levied retroactively in the future.

  China’s electric vehicle export enterprises reflect that China’s export volume to the EU is in line with the changes in the consumption of electric vehicles in the EU, and there is no so-called surge in imports and damage to the EU market. The adoption of import registration measures and possible levied retroactively by the EU has increased import links, added burdens to normal trade, and is not conducive to deepening cooperation between the new energy industries of the two sides, and will also affect the interests of EU consumers.

  China has always insisted on resolving mutual concerns through dialogue and consultation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. It is hoped that the European side will prudently use trade remedy measures to create a more stable and healthy environment for the development of China-EU electric vehicle industry. China will pay close attention to the follow-up actions of the European side and firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises.