Talk about innovation, talk about industry, and talk about the head of AI BAT appearing at the Zhibo Fair.

  On August 26th, the second China International Intelligent Industry Expo officially kicked off in Chongqing, and the mountain city once again set off a wave of intelligence. With the theme of "Empowering the economy and adding color to life", this year’s Zhibo Fair invited Nobel Prize winners, Turing Prize winners, leaders of the world’s top 500 companies and leading enterprises in the global big data intelligent industry to attend.

  Following the gathering of the last Zhibo Fair, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and Li Yanhong, three Internet technology industry tycoons, will once again join hands to attend the fair, and put forward their views and imagination on the intelligent industry around the topics of "enterprise innovation", "industrial competition" and "artificial intelligence" at this year’s Zhibo Fair.

  The speeches of the three heads are full of personality. Ma Yun, who pays attention to sustainability, attaches great importance to the cultivation of the development source of innovative technology. In his speech, he proposed that "technology is developed, not regulated"; Ma Huateng, who is leading Tencent’s transformation, continues to speak for the industrial Internet, trying to attract more partners to make new "fist products" together; Li yanhong, a technical background, values AI landing, and his core views revolve around practicality and independent intellectual property rights.

  Jack Ma

  In the future, human beings will live by data.

  Ma Yun is one of the three entrepreneurs who has invested the most in education. In sharing, his views also revolve around the universal and sustainable development of people, cities and even technology, which is consistent with the concept of teaching without distinction and learning with each other in educational thought.

  Ma Yun’s speech started with social progress. He compared the difference between Chongqing and Silicon Valley, and thought that holding the Zhibo Fair in the southwest of China represented social progress. Regarding how the society will progress and how the city will develop in the future, Ma Yun borrowed from the residents in Guizhou mountainous areas to become a data annotator through data annotation training, creating a large number of employment cases, and proposed that in the future, human beings will live by data and find a place to communicate with data.

  In the current digital age, technology is playing a more beneficial and convenient positive role in regional development and personal growth. Ma Yun said that what leads the future is the wisdom of human beings behind intelligence, and suggested that "in the era of wisdom, technology and equipment should be spent on human progress and human feelings".

  Talking about macro-innovation, Ma Yun suggested that China has the opportunity to become a country on the Internet, but in comparison, there are not many enterprises like BAT, but fewer, and China should develop dozens of such enterprises. "We should not be afraid that innovative enterprises will become giants, but should worry that giants will not innovate."

  Ma Yun believes that the next 30 years will be an era of intelligence, and the modern service industry will become the dominant employment, the essence of which is the development of finance. Ma Yun talked about the three relationships of "intelligence+":in the era of intelligence, intelligent policies are needed, and all intelligent businesses must bear corresponding responsibilities. No one can be big without taking responsibility. He expects big enterprises and big innovations to contribute to solving social problems and future problems.

  Pony Ma

  Industrial competition has entered the era of "doubles"

  After a major organizational restructuring, Tencent has focused its business on developing the industrial Internet for a year. Ma Huateng’s speech at the Zhibo Fair mainly focused on the industrial structure, and the call for "doubles" released the signal that Tencent wanted to form an alliance with friends.

  Ma Huateng said that the main field of industrial competition is gradually changing from "singles" PK to "doubles" competition. The competition of physical industries is no longer a solo struggle, and various physical industries are combining with the information industry to form new partners to participate in the competition.

  Recently, Tencent has "rooted in the consumer Internet and embraced the industrial Internet", hoping to become an assistant for digital transformation and upgrading in all walks of life. Taking automobiles as an example, Ma Huateng mentioned that the automobile industry is facing a great change that has never happened in a century. The application of 5G technology, the landing of artificial intelligence, the replacement of new energy, and the governance of smart cities are promoting cross-border cooperation, especially the integration and innovation of information industry and automobile industry, and building a new car networking ecosystem.

  Ma Huateng believes that in the past few decades, the rapid development of China’s economy and industry mainly benefited from the extension expansion. In the next few decades, China must exert its innovation potential to achieve high-quality development. Therefore, today’s China industry needs more fighting spirit. "In the face of economic transformation and industrial upgrading, we need to constantly stimulate the innovation potential and create more fist products."

  Li yanhong

  Artificial intelligence can no longer "show off skills"

  The in-depth layout of artificial intelligence has always been the core strength of Baidu. "Artificial intelligence no longer pays attention to coolness, but pays attention to solid promotion and implementation." At the Zhibo Fair, Li Yanhong shared three suggestions on promoting and landing artificial intelligence based on the observation of the application and development of artificial intelligence technology.

  First, we should pay attention to safety and efficiency. Li Yanhong pointed out that from the perspective of safety and cost, the low-speed L4 in the driverless field will be realized before the high-speed L3. The reason why Baidu slowed down the speed is to ensure safety.

  Second, I hope to speed up the construction of infrastructure. Li Yanhong, who once worked on Wall Street, has a personal experience of Sino-US competition in science, technology and commerce. Focusing on the different development directions in the field of autonomous driving, he pointed out that China and the United States actually have considerable competition. The United States places more emphasis on bicycle intelligence, while China has advantages in infrastructure, and can add many devices on the roadside to improve safety and efficiency.

  The third is to make full use of open source and open platform. Li Yanhong said that China’s open source platform started relatively late, but it played a vital role in the development of artificial intelligence. He believes that the industry should fully realize that open source does not mean that everything is free, but self-controllable, and many open source things still need to be in the hands of others. (Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalist Frida Meng Ouyang Hongyu Cui Jiang)