What is the "Emma Potato" that call? Huang Xuan takes you to find out!

1905 movie network news Yesterday, before Huang Xuan arrived in Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region, many filmmakers began to call for the local "Emma Potato"!

Namling county, Shigatse, the hometown of Emma Potato, means "victory" in Tibetan.


Although I have good wishes, I can’t get rid of another hat — — State-level poverty-stricken counties have a wide range of poverty, a deep degree of poverty and great difficulty in getting rid of poverty.


Shigatse, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Xizang Autonomous Region, is located in the southwest border of China and the southwest of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It borders Nepal, Bhutan, India and other countries. Among them, Dingri County has the highest peak in the world — — Mount Everest. The natural climate in the city is harsh, with small annual precipitation, thin air and dry climate, and it has a typical plateau climate.


As a result, Shigatse city has poor infrastructure, inconvenient transportation and long growing period of crops, which can not be separated from the ranks of deep poverty-stricken areas for a long time.


Dig potatoes and buy potatoes. Huang Xuan is the propaganda ambassador of "Emma Potato"


Today, following the "footsteps" of potatoes, Huang Xuan completed a day of poverty alleviation research.


From understanding the life of Tibetans who grow potatoes to digging and shipping potatoes, to cooking and eating potatoes, Huang Xuan has gained a lot in one day.


Jiang Guojie, deputy secretary of Shigatse Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, introduced to us that potatoes are the main food in the local area. There are 40,000 people growing potatoes in the whole area, with a total area of 40,000 mu. 


During the visit to poor households, we also learned that even a grandmother in her sixties would plant potatoes in Emma Township, namling county, but she said that she was old and it was still hard to plant potatoes.


Fortunately, every receiving season, there will be a car in the village to purchase potatoes in a unified way. For grandma, it also saves the hard work of selling potatoes. Left-behind families like this, which usually have only the elderly and children, can produce five thousand kilograms of potatoes every year.


In the process of chatting with grandma, it happened that the potato truck came to grandma’s house to collect potatoes, so Huang Xuan joined the ranks of digging potatoes. After repackaging, Huang Xuan also subscribed for several bags of potatoes he dug up on the spot.


Secretary Jiang introduced that the soil for planting potatoes is different from the clay in the mainland, and it is sandy soil made by alluvial fans of the Yarlung Zangbo River, which is also a rare flat land at the foot of Mount Everest. In addition, the light here is good and the temperature difference is large; In terms of planting, it is also free of pesticides and organic fertilizers and pure natural; Therefore, the content of starch, sugar and vitamins in potatoes is high.


Huang Xuan cooks "Potato Banquet" to find two potatoes "koi fish"


"Every time before I go home, my mother asks me what I want to eat."


"I would say, fry a shredded potato!"


Huang Xuan recalled the story with his mother, and admitted that he loved potatoes most. Naturally, he joined in the process of making a "potato feast".


There are many local ways to eat potatoes. Potatoes wrapped in beef is a classic way to eat. Beef is wrapped in potatoes and then fried. Huang Xuan got started quickly and blew up a whole plate.


"Very sandy, very glutinous, very soft." Huang Xuan ate and admired.


County magistrate namling county also introduced us to the local difficulties: because potatoes are all grown organically, the cost is high, but the yield is relatively low; The sales channels are narrow and almost the same as similar prices, so it is difficult for farmers to increase their income; The storage method is primitive and can only be stored simply underground; Potato itself has high starch and sugar content, and it is relatively easy to deform during transportation, so transportation conditions are also a big problem.


Huang Xuan also appealed to everyone that it is worthwhile to spend a little more money to eat organic and healthy food!


The county magistrate also announced the purchase hotline: 15289125599. During the live broadcast, someone called in and subscribed for 20,000 Jin of potatoes. Huang Xuan himself subscribed for 15,000 Jin on the spot, and the movie channel Starlight Action Team also subscribed for 10,000 Jin.


At the suggestion of Lan Yu, the research assistant, Huang Xuan signed two boxes of potatoes on the spot. I wonder which two lucky "koi fish" can buy these two boxes of signed potatoes? In addition, Huang Xuan also came up with an advertisement for "Emma Potato": "Emma Potato, hey mom! It’s delicious! "


On the road to poverty alleviation, it is also inseparable from the efforts of grassroots cadres. Xiluo Tsering, the branch secretary of the village committee in Emma Township and the leader who became rich, helped the people sell potatoes, never charged a penny difference, paid 140,000 yuan for the villagers’ treatment, and sent passers-by to see a doctor without leaving a name.


It is with these cadres who have fought hard to get rid of poverty that the work of getting rid of poverty can be carried out smoothly. I believe that the road to prosperity in Emma Township will get better and better in the future.


Drink "Mount Everest Divine Spring" and make good wishes for Tibetan areas.


Dingri County in Shigatse City has a unique peak community, and Mount Everest is the most dazzling pearl.


"Mount Everest Divine Spring" has been certified by the highest international standards, with excellent water quality and rich in various trace elements needed by the human body. Local people say that if you drink three sips of water at the "Mount Everest Divine Spring", your wish will come true.


Huang Xuan and Lan Yu also took Qingquan and drank three sips, making good wishes for local poverty alleviation.


The county magistrate of Dingri County introduced us that the homestay at the foot of Mount Everest is a local characteristic industry, and there are not a few families who have improved their income because of operating the homestay. One of the homestay owners has earned ten times as much as his parents.


According to the investigation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the daily reception capacity of Dingri County can reach 12,000, but there are only 1,000 at present. For the development of tourism, a local industrial chain of eating, living, entertainment and shopping has been derived. Every visitor who climbs Mount Everest will get a free environmental protection bag, and it is necessary to "not leave a piece of garbage on Mount Everest".


According to the director of agriculture and animal husbandry, there are also "three blacks and one red" characteristic industries in the local area: black glutinous rice, black medlar, black king kong potato and red-skinned potato.


Huang Xuan, who had drunk black gouqi tea, also recommended: "After sitting at the foot of Mount Everest and being introduced by the county magistrate and the director of agriculture and animal husbandry, everyone can rest assured. I also hope that these things can be promoted to everyone, which will not only be good for everyone’s health, but also help local employment. I hope more people can get to know them and help them. "


Lan Yu also reminded everyone that you can buy these natural and organic ingredients by searching JD.COM for Operation Starlight and Tibet Pavilion.


"Fighting poverty — In the "Starlight Action" public welfare project, a number of filmmakers will go deep into poverty-stricken areas, conduct on-the-spot investigations to understand the poverty situation, and plan and integrate poverty alleviation programs in order to contribute to poverty alleviation. China Film Report will continue to bring reports.


The whole event was broadcast exclusively by JD.COM, and supported by the poverty alleviation e-commerce platform. The whole event was sponsored by Huawei bracelet B5.