The reporter investigated the beach where Zhangpu fell into the water: the villagers in the non-scenic area rarely went to the sea.

  On the afternoon of August 14th, 17 foreigners came to the beach near Zhenkou Village, Qianting Town, Zhangpu County, and were involved in the sea. After receiving the alarm, the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it and demanded that all efforts be made to search for and treat the wounded. The local authorities organized more than 330 search and rescue personnel, including emergency management, public security, health, ocean and fishery, and maritime search and rescue detachment of Shuguang Rescue Team, and dispatched 1 maritime search and rescue helicopter and 22 search and rescue vessels. As of 22: 00 on August 14th, the rescue work was all over, among which 11 people died after being rescued, and 6 people’s vital signs were stable.

  Today (15th) morning, when the reporter came to the beach near Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, he saw that the warning line had been set up at the intersection entering the beach. On the beach at the scene of the incident, there was a warning sign saying "Safety against drowning and no swimming in the sea". Yang Huifang, a villager, was the first person who heard the call for help and went into the water to rescue him.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:About 2 o’clock (afternoon), I heard someone calling for help, and then I ran into the water first, and saved one first. Then I rescued him. He was always sober. He told me that there were more than a dozen people in the water below, and I couldn’t save them by myself. Then I ran to the other side to sail, and there happened to be several fishermen there, asking them to go out to save them together.

  Yang Huifang told reporters that the rescue coincided with the high tide of the sea, and the waves were higher than the waves. When the sea retreated, people were easily taken into the sea. He took life-saving equipment and swam to the sea, saving one person first. Due to the large number of people who fell into the water, Yang Huifang swam back to the shore to find reinforcements and rescued five more people with the villagers.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:There are basically many undercurrents in the sea, and the situation is very complicated. For example, when the waves come up (high tide), it seems that the water is pushed up, but after it comes up, the water is pulled back. Normally, we locals are afraid to go down in this water.

  Yang Huifang said that the tides are quite rough in July and August, and the tides are different every day. Even the villagers who are good at water rarely go to the sea, and this place is not a local tourist attraction. The tidal forecast of Fujian Ocean Forecasting Station shows that on August 14th, Zhangpu County appeared at 4: 56 all day, and the tidal height was 1.87 meters. The second is 17: 32, and the tide is 1.68 meters high.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:Our side is an ordinary beach, and few people usually come to play. I didn’t know where it came from yesterday (so many people). It’s not a scenic spot here, but an ordinary beach.

  The reporter learned from the investigation on the beach where the incident occurred that the waters not far away are the inshore farms of the whole village, doing traditional farming such as scallops and oysters. Yang Yucong, secretary of the General Party Branch of Jiangkou Village, told the reporter that the entire coastline of Jiangkou Village is two kilometers long, and there are more than a dozen warning signs along the coast of the sea like this. There have never been such heavy casualties in the village before.

  Yang Yucong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:There are warning signs on this side of the coastline, all of which are to persuade some foreign tourists to come here and not to get into the water, because the sea conditions here are more complicated.

  During the summer vacation, some seemingly safe places are actually very dangerous when playing at the seaside, and such incidents also sound the alarm for us.

  Yang Yucong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:In the future, for example, when we see foreigners entering the water, we will immediately stop it, and we will also put up warning signs more clearly.

  At present, there are 6 survivors of the Zhangpu drowning incident, whose vital signs are stable and in good condition, and the cause of the incident is still under investigation.

   (Headquarters reporter Han Zhitao, Chen Geng, Zheng Wei, Jimson)