chinese volleyball association

List of members of the Sixth Committee of China Paixie Association and personnel of leading bodies.

Honorary Chairman Song Renqiong

Chair Yuan Weimin

vice president
He Huixian (female) Wei Jizhong Xu Li Zhang Rongfang (female) Gao Shenyang
Mou Dawei Xie Delong Sun Yongyan wishes Jiaming Yin Baolin.
Li Yunlin Xu Zhengguo Li Chunlan Wang Wei Zhu Ling (female)
Chen Zhaodi (female)

Invited vice chairman
Ma Guoli, Chen Yihong and Duan Yongping
Secretary-General Xu Li
Treasurer Zhang Rongfang

Executive Committee (in alphabetical order)
Ma Guoli Wang Wei Sun Yongyan Zhu Ling (female) Mou Dawei
He Huixian (female) Zhang Rongfang (female) Li Yunlin Li Chunlan (female) Chen Yihong
Chen Zhaodi (female) Duan Yongping Zhu Jiaming Xu Li Xu Zhengguo
Yuan Weimin Yin Baolin Gao Shenyang Xie Delong Wei Jizhong

Commissioners (arranged by strokes of surname)
Ma Guoli Wang Wei Wang Zexiang Wang Jianping Wang Xiaoyi
Wang Shuying (female) Wang Yuyan (female) Le Rongrong Lu Weizhong Ye Xiaotian
Zuo Zhiyong Liu Zheng Liu Wenbin Sun Tong Sun Jie
Sun Bo, Sun Yongyan and Sun Jianhui are in the middle of Zhu Yuan’s song.
Zhu Ling (female) Mou Lin (female) Mou Dawei Xing Fengru He Yang
He Ribin He Huixian (female) Wu Yongmei (female) Zhang Renjiang Zhang Liqun
Zhang Chenghui Zhang Zhijie Zhang Zhenxi Zhang Rongfang (female) Li Hua
Li Yunlin Li Zonghao Li Changtie Li Chunlan (female) Li Xueliang
Yang Liguo Yang Xianghong (female) Yang Mazhen (female) Shen Sanying (female) Di Anhe
Chen Yihong Chen Zhengxiang Chen Yuxin Chen Zhonghe Chen Zhaodi (female)
Chen Xiaowei Zhou Xiaojing Ji Keyi Zhou Haitao Duan Yongping
Zhu Jiaming Hu Jin Zhong Bingshu Ni Jinghua Tang Ling
Xu Li Xu Zhengguo Yin Baolin Yuan Weimin Gao Shenyang
Huang Feng Cheng Li (female) Dong Tianshu (female) Xie Delong Chu Guangcun
Xue Yongye Dai Tingbin Wei Jizhong

Honorary member
Ma Qiwei Que Yongwu (female) Deng Ruoceng Chen Yaqiong (female) Zhang Ran
Wang Zhiqiang Wang Zuhong Sun Zhian

Articles of Association of China Volleyball Association

(Adopted at the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Congress of China Volleyball Association on July 30th, 2001)

Chapter I General Principles
Article 1 China Volleyball Association is referred to as "China Volleyball Association", which is translated into English as "CHINESE VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION" and abbreviated as "CVA".
Article 2 The China Volleyball Association is a national, voluntary and non-profit professional mass sports organization that manages volleyball in People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Article 3 The purpose of China Volleyball Association is to unite national volleyball workers, athletes and volleyball fans, as well as people at home and abroad who care about and support China’s volleyball cause, implement the national fitness plan and the Olympic glory plan, promote the popularization of volleyball and improve the technical level, and serve to strengthen people’s physique, enrich the amateur cultural life of the masses and promote the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization; Actively participate in the activities of the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation, enhance friendship with volleyball associations, volleyball clubs and athletes from various countries and regions, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation.
China Volleyball Association abides by national laws and relevant policies, and abides by social ethics.
Article 4 The China Volleyball Association is the only legal organization that represents China in international and Asian volleyball federations. The Association recognizes and abides by the statutes and relevant regulations of international and Asian volleyball federations.
Article 5 The China Volleyball Association is a group member of the All-China Sports Federation and a national special sports association recognized by the Chinese Olympic Committee.
Article 6 The China Volleyball Association accepts the professional guidance, supervision and management of the State Sports General Administration and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 7 The headquarters of China Volleyball Association is located in Beijing.

Chapter II Scope of Business
Article 8 The business scope of China Volleyball Association is to organize and guide the development of national volleyball in a unified way, promote the popularization and improvement of events, and promote the development of volleyball in Asia and the world according to the national sports laws and regulations, relevant principles and policies, and relevant provisions of international sports organizations. At the same time, actively carry out business activities related to volleyball according to national policies, raise and accumulate funds for the development of this project, and promote the industrialization of volleyball.
Responsibilities of China Volleyball Association:
(a) to be fully responsible for the management of this sport, to study and formulate project development plans, plans, principles and policies, and to guide the work of member associations;
(2) To study, formulate and organize the implementation of the national competition system, competition plan, competition rules and adjudication law of this project, and be responsible for the management of various national competitions of this project;
(three) to guide the construction of the club of this project and the training of reserve talents, and to manage the national teams at all levels of this project;
(four) to guide the construction of athletes, coaches and referees in this project, formulate and organize the implementation of the corresponding grade management system, and organize the training and training of athletes, coaches, referees and related management personnel;
(5) Organizing scientific and technological research and tackling key problems of this project, and improving the level of scientific training and management;
(6) Put forward the international activity plan of this project, organize and implement it concretely, and be responsible for the selection of coaches going abroad to teach, the training and competition of individual athletes abroad, and the centralized management of overseas coaches and athletes entering the country to engage in coaching and competition;
(seven) to organize and coordinate volleyball publicity, press and publication, production and distribution of film and television products, as well as TV broadcast and information release of volleyball competitions and related activities;
(eight) to formulate the standards of the site and equipment of this project, and to guide the construction of the site and training base and the production of equipment;
(9) Actively carry out market development activities and consulting services related to this project, broaden sources of funds, and enhance self-development ability and stamina;
(ten) do a good job in the organization and construction of the association itself, widely contact and unite people from all walks of life, and give full play to the role of the association as a bridge and link.

Chapter III Membership
Article 9 The China Volleyball Association implements the membership system. Members of China Volleyball Association are divided into member associations, member clubs and individual members.
Article 10 Member associations
(1) Volleyball associations of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, volleyball associations of all national industries and systems and volleyball organizations of the China People’s Liberation Army who recognize and abide by the articles of association of the Association may voluntarily apply to join the Association and become members of the Association upon approval; China Volleyball Association only recognizes that there is a volleyball association in the above-mentioned regions or industries and systems, and the association must be recognized by the corresponding sports administrative department;
(2) The member associations of China Volleyball Association have the authority to organize, coordinate and manage the volleyball activities held within their jurisdiction under the guidance of their sports authorities;
(3) Members’ associations may recruit volleyball associations and volleyball clubs from the prefectures, cities, districts, counties, industries and systems within their respective administrative divisions as their group members;
Article 11 member clubs
A club with a professional volleyball team established in accordance with the Interim Provisions of China Volleyball Association on the Management of Volleyball Clubs will become a member club of China Volleyball Association after being approved and registered by China Volleyball Association. Mass volleyball clubs registered by member associations and their subordinate organizations in accordance with the regulations will naturally become the grassroots member clubs of China Volleyball Association after they formally go through the filing procedures with the Association.
Article 12 Individual members
All kinds of volleyball clubs can attract individual members according to their articles of association. Individual members absorbed by the club will naturally become individual members of China Volleyball Association after the corresponding volleyball association has formally fulfilled the filing procedures.
Article 13 Rights of Members
(a) the right to vote and to be elected;
(two) suggestions, criticisms and supervision of the work of this association;
(three) to participate in the relevant competitions and activities organized by the association in accordance with the regulations;
(4) Freedom to apply for withdrawal.
Article 14 Obligations of Members
(1) Abide by the articles of association of this Association and implement the resolutions of this Association;
(two) actively participate in the activities of this association, and seriously undertake the tasks entrusted by this association;
(3) Consciously safeguard the reputation and rights and interests of this Association;
(4) Pay the membership dues on time.
Article 15 Membership
An application for membership in this Association must be made in writing with the following materials:
(a) the articles of association of the organization;
(two) a copy of the organization’s approval documents in the local sports administrative department and the registration certificate of the civil affairs department;
(three) the organization status and the list of responsible persons of the organization;
(4) Other materials that should be attached.
Article 16 Withdrawal from the meeting
(1) A member’s withdrawal must be formally notified to the Association in written form, and the withdrawal can only be established after the creditor’s rights and debts with China Volleyball Association, its member associations and member clubs have been cleared up and approved by China Volleyball Association. Prior to this, the member association and the member club were still regarded as members of the China Volleyball Association.
(2) The withdrawal of a member association or a member club will stop participating in all activities of the association after approval.
Article 17 Loss of membership
Any member association or member club will terminate and cancel its membership of China Volleyball Association under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Failing to pay membership dues and other payable funds on time;
(2) Seriously violating the articles of association and relevant regulations of China Volleyball Association, and causing great reputation or economic losses to China Volleyball Association or its member associations and clubs;
(three) the member club is not registered on time or the club itself is disintegrated, bankrupt and banned by the government community management department.

Chapter IV Creation and Dismissal of Organizational Structure and Person in Charge
Eighteenth China Volleyball Association member congress is the highest authority of the association.
Article 19 The National Committee of China Volleyball Association is the executive body of the member congress and leads the work of the association when the member congress is not in session.
Article 20 The Executive Committee of China Volleyball Association is responsible for exercising part of the functions and powers of the National Committee when the National Committee is not in session;
Article 21 The Standing Committee of the Executive Committee of China Volleyball Association manages the permanent office of the Association and handles the daily affairs of the Association.
Section 1 Members’ Congress
Twenty-second members’ congress is held every four years, and it can be held in advance or postponed according to the needs of the work.
Twenty-third members’ congress implements the representative system of member associations, units, departments and relevant parties, and its representatives are elected by the following parties:
(1) Representatives of member associations;
(two) representatives of key industry sports associations;
(three) representatives of the sports authorities and the permanent institutions of the China Volleyball Association;
(4) Representatives of relevant units;
(five) representatives of experts and scholars, athletes, coaches, referees and amateur trainers in the national volleyball field.
Twenty-fourth members’ congress shall be presided over by the presidium of the congress. The presidium of the congress is produced through consultation at the preparatory meeting of the congress.
Twenty-fifth members of the Congress functions and powers:
(a) to formulate or amend the articles of association;
(two) to consider the work report and financial report of the National Committee;
(3) Deliberating and adopting the personnel composition plan of the National Committee and its leading bodies;
(4) Deciding on the termination;
(5) Deciding on other major matters.
Twenty-sixth members’ congress can only be held when more than two-thirds of the delegates are present, and its resolution can only take effect when more than half of the delegates present vote.
Section 2 National Committee
Article 27 The term of office of the National Committee is four years, and the meeting of the National Committee is held once a year. A special meeting of the National Committee may be held with the consent of the Executive Committee of this Association or at the written request of more than two thirds of the members of the National Committee.
Article 28 The meeting of the National Committee shall be convened by the Executive Committee.
Article 29 The National Committee deliberates on the principle of democratic centralism, and its functions and powers are:
(a) to implement the resolutions of the members’ congress;
(two) to elect and recall the leaders of the executive committee of the association;
(three) to report the work and financial situation to the members’ congress;
(four) to listen to the work report of the Executive Committee;
(5) To decide on the tasks and policies of this Association;
(six) to decide on other major issues.
Article 30 The National Committee shall be convened only when more than 2/3 members are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only when more than 2/3 members present vote.
Section III Executive Committee
Article 31 The Executive Committee consists of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. The meeting of the Executive Committee is held once or twice a year, and the meeting is presided over by the chairman or the vice-chairman entrusted by the chairman to preside over the daily work of the association.
The functions and powers of the Executive Committee are:
(a) to consider the work reports submitted to the National Committee and the member congresses;
(two) to consider the motion submitted to the National Committee for discussion;
(three) to examine and approve the important internal management system of the Association;
(four) to prepare for the convening of the members’ congress;
(five) to listen to the work report and financial report of the permanent establishment;
(six) to decide on the annual work plan.
Article 32 The Executive Committee shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the Executive Committee members are present, and its resolution shall take effect only when more than 2/3 of the Executive Committee members present vote.
Section 4 Standing Committees and Permanent Offices
Article 33 The Standing Committee of the Executive Committee is composed of the chairman, the vice-chairman who presides over the daily work of the Association, the secretary-general and the treasurer. The meeting of the Standing Committee is generally held once every quarter, and the meeting of the Standing Committee is presided over by the chairman or the vice-chairman who presides over the daily work of the Association.
Article 34 The China Volleyball Association shall set up permanent offices and business entities according to the needs of the work, and the permanent offices shall carry out their work under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Executive Committee.
Article 35 On the recommendation of the Secretary-General, the Chairman shall appoint a number of deputy secretaries-general to assist the Standing Committee in handling the daily affairs of the Association.
Article 36 The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general and treasurer of China Volleyball Association must meet the following conditions:
(a) adhere to the party’s line, principles and policies, good political quality;
(2) It has great influence in the business field of this Association;
(3) The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general and treasurer shall have a maximum age of 70;
(4) Being in good health and able to stick to normal work;
(5) Having not been subjected to criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;
(6) Having full capacity for civil conduct.
(7) Leaders of enterprises, institutions and public figures who have cooperated with the Association for a long time and made outstanding contributions to the development of volleyball can be invited to take the leadership positions of the Association.
Article 37 The Secretary General of China Volleyball Association shall be the legal representative of the Association.
Section 5 Special Committees
Article 38 The special committee is the professional working body of China Volleyball Association, which carries out its work under the organization and guidance of the Standing Committee of the Executive Committee.
Article 39 The Association shall set up the following eight special committees:
(1) Competition Committee
(2) Training and Scientific Research Committee
(3) The referee committee
(4) Publicity Committee
(5) Club Committee
(6) Youth Committee
(7) Beach Volleyball Committee
(8) Market Development and Promotion Committee
Fortieth the functions of the special committees:
(1) Competition Committee
1, drafting and revising the national volleyball competition laws and regulations;
2. To study and formulate the national volleyball competition system and formulate the reform plan of the competition system;
3. Draw up plans for national and domestic international volleyball competitions, and organize and implement the competitions jointly with relevant departments;
4, to guide the volleyball competition in various regions.
(2) Training and Scientific Research Committee
1. Organize coaches and researchers to carry out theoretical research and business exchanges on volleyball, and provide suggestions and guidance for improving volleyball training, competition and teaching;
2. Organize scientific and technological research on volleyball;
3. Organize coaches to train, observe and learn, and compile coaches’ teaching materials;
4. Recommend coaches of national teams at all levels;
5. Put forward suggestions on the formation, training, competition and management of national volleyball teams at all levels.
(3) The referee committee
1. Compile and publish the Chinese translation of Volleyball Competition Rules;
2. Draw up the management regulations for referees;
3. Organize and manage volleyball referees;
4. Organize referee training and compile referee teaching materials;
5. Guide and supervise the selection of referees;
6, comprehensive declaration of national and international referees.
(4) Publicity Committee
1. Study the situation of volleyball news propaganda, and formulate medium-and long-term propaganda guidelines and phased propaganda plans;
2. Drafting and revising the rules and regulations on volleyball news propaganda;
3. Organize, guide and supervise the news reporting of volleyball matches on TV, radio and newspapers;
4. Guide and supervise the publication of volleyball professional books and periodicals.
(5) Club Committee
1. To study the development of professional volleyball clubs and put forward suggestions on strengthening club construction;
2. Organize the exchange of experience between clubs;
3. Coordinate the interests between clubs.
(6) Youth Committee
1, guide and coordinate the development of national youth and mass volleyball;
2, to investigate and study the youth and school volleyball, in conjunction with the education authorities to formulate relevant management regulations;
3. Assist the education department to carry out volleyball education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and organize various national youth volleyball competitions;
4. Put forward suggestions on the formation of national youth and juvenile volleyball teams.
(7) Beach Volleyball Committee
1. Guide and coordinate the popularization and improvement of beach volleyball in China;
2, in conjunction with the relevant departments to organize or guide social organizations to undertake national beach volleyball competitions and international beach volleyball competitions held in China;
3. Organize and coordinate the professional training of beach volleyball players, coaches and referees;
4. Put forward suggestions on the formation of national beach volleyball team.
(8) Market Development and Promotion Committee
1. Study the development and changes of volleyball market, and draw up the guiding ideology and development strategy of management and development;
2. Study the measures and methods to improve volleyball image packaging;
3. Guide the market development of local volleyball organizations and organize the exchange of experience;
4. Provide information and services for domestic volleyball equipment manufacturers.
Article 41 Each special committee consists of a chairman, one to three vice-chairmen and several members, with the chairman responsible for the work of the committee.
Forty-second members of the special committees and the candidates for the vice-chairmen shall be nominated by the Secretary-General and determined by the Executive Committee.
Article 43 The chairman of each special committee and the vice-chairman of the club committee shall be ex officio members of the National Committee.
Forty-fourth special committees shall, according to their functions, formulate detailed rules for work, which shall be implemented after being approved by the Standing Committee.

Chapter V Local Authorities, Industries, Systems and Grassroots Organizations
Forty-fifth local volleyball associations can be established at or above the county level according to administrative divisions; Sports associations of various industries and systems can set up corresponding volleyball organizations according to their own conditions.
Forty-sixth organs, institutions, enterprises, schools, rural towns, urban streets and other grass-roots units, under the guidance of local volleyball associations or industries, systematic volleyball organizations to establish volleyball clubs.

Chapter VI Principles of Asset Management and Use
Forty-seventh China Volleyball Association funding sources:
(1) Appropriation from the state sports administrative department;
(2) Donations from social groups and individuals at home and abroad;
(3) membership fees;
(4) Agreement and advertising revenue;
(five) paid services and other legitimate income.
Article 48 The funds of this Association shall be used for the business scope and career development as stipulated in the Articles of Association.
Article 49 The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure the legality, truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of accounting information.
Article 50 This Association shall be staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. When an accountant transfers his job or leaves his post, he must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.
Article 51 The asset management of this Association must implement the financial management system stipulated by the state and accept the supervision of the members’ congress and the financial department at a higher level. If the source of assets belongs to state appropriations or social donations or subsidies, it must accept the supervision of audit institutions.
Article 52 The Association must accept the financial audit organized by the association registration authority and the competent business unit before changing its legal representative.
Article 53 No unit or individual may occupy, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of this Association.
Article 54 The wages, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of this Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the state on public institutions.

Chapter VII Organization and Management of Tournament
Article 55 Competition management
(a) the China Volleyball Association implements hierarchical management of volleyball matches within its jurisdiction;
(2) The official competitions at all levels in the country, the international invitational tournament organized by China Volleyball Association and the bilateral exchange visits, and the competitions entrusted by FIVB and AFC to China Volleyball Association are directly managed by China Volleyball Association;
(3) The matches between clubs of the same member association of China Volleyball Association, between clubs of different member associations, and between clubs of member associations and clubs of other countries and regions shall be managed by the member associations, and the competitions shall go through the necessary reporting procedures in accordance with relevant regulations;
(4) The competitions between the member clubs of China Volleyball Association and the bilateral competitions between the member clubs and the volleyball clubs of other countries and regions shall be managed by the member associations and member clubs, and the competitions shall go through the necessary reporting procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 56 Competition qualification
(1) A club that is not registered with the China Volleyball Association, a club whose membership has been suspended, and an athlete who is not registered and has obtained a competition license are not allowed to participate in the official competitions organized by the China Volleyball Association or member associations or member clubs;
(2) Without the permission of FIVB, all clubs are not allowed to compete with clubs of non-FIVB member associations or clubs of member associations whose membership has been suspended by FIVB.

Chapter VIII Broadcasting of Games and Performances
Article 57 The China Volleyball Association, its member associations and member clubs have the right to broadcast the volleyball matches, performances and other activities hosted by them live or recorded through television or radio. The right to broadcast the matches and performances of the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation by the China Volleyball Association belongs to the International Volleyball Federation, the Asian Volleyball Federation or their authorized institutions.
Article 58 When domestic TV stations, radio stations or other institutions require live broadcast or recording of volleyball matches and performances sponsored by China Volleyball Association and its member associations and member clubs, they must apply for broadcasting to the organizers in advance and sign an agreement on the transfer of broadcasting rights with the organizers. Without the permission of the organizer, the organization that has obtained the transfer of broadcasting rights shall not transfer the broadcasting rights it has obtained to any third party. The organizer has the right to refuse TV and broadcasting organizations that have not signed an agreement on the transfer of broadcasting rights to enter or approach the competition performance venue.
Article 59 The broadcasting of overseas matches or the production, transfer or distribution of audio-visual products shall be handled by the China Volleyball Association in accordance with the FIVB Constitution and the relevant provisions of China.

Chapter IX Procedures for Amending the Articles of Association
Article 60 Any amendment to the articles of association of the Association shall be reviewed by the members’ congress.
Article 61 The revised articles of association of this Association shall come into effect within 15 days after it is adopted by the members’ congress, reviewed and agreed by the competent business unit and reported to the registration and management authority of the association for approval.

Chapter X Termination Procedure and Property Disposal after Termination
Article 62 If the Association needs to terminate its activities for some reason, it shall be moved by the National Committee or the Executive Committee.
Article 63 The motion to terminate this Association must be voted by the Congress and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval.
Article 64 Before the termination of this Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up the creditor’s rights and debts and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation will be carried out.
Article 65 The Association shall be terminated after the cancellation of registration by the association registration authority.
Article 66 The property after the termination of this Association shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purpose of this Association under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and administration organ of associations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
Article 67 The flag and emblem of the Association shall be examined and promulgated by the National Committee, and no unit or individual may copy or use them for commercial activities without permission.
Article 68 The Articles of Association was adopted by voting at the second plenary meeting of the sixth member congress on July 30, 2001.
Article 69 The right to interpret the Articles of Association belongs to the Executive Committee of this Association.
Article 70 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the association registration administration organ.