Four couples of police doctors on the front line of epidemic prevention: postponed wedding, son alone at home and reunion dinner that can’t be made up.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, an epidemic prevention and control war broke out nationwide. In the face of the pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, the police and medical staff stood in the front line of epidemic prevention. Many "police doctors and couples" gave up their families for everyone. Some of them were born after 70, 80 and 90, and they silently built an important epidemic prevention line with their persistence and dedication. What we are going to tell below is the story of four police and medical couples who are sticking to the front line of fighting the epidemic this Spring Festival …
The wedding dress that was too late to try was postponed after 90 years.
Write Xiao Wei couple chat record.
Xiao Wei, a policeman from Jinhua Police Station of Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, and Xiaoxiao, a nurse from People’s Hospital, both born in 1990s, originally planned to hold a banquet in the near future, but the wedding was postponed due to the sudden epidemic. In Jinhua Town, which is dozens of kilometers away from the city, there are only three police officers in the police station. As the youngest policeman, Xiao Wei took the initiative to provoke the responsibility of daily patrol and quarantine. The small separation made them unable to meet each other for several weeks, and they could only express their thoughts on each other through WeChat.
"I want to see you. I don’t want to be alone at home."
"Why did you come to me? I don’t have a car. I didn’t eat anything here. I ate instant noodles."
"You should pay attention to safety when checking, put on the mask and tighten the strip above your nose!"
"There are a lot of things today. You should cover yourself in the evening, eat more, and don’t put your son hungry!
Nurse Xiao Xiao introduced that she had planned to let her husband accompany her to try on the wedding dress after the New Year, but now the epidemic is current, she is busy, and her husband is busy, and the wedding will be held after defeating the epidemic. Because I learned that I was pregnant with a baby, I was afraid that the dress style I had been optimistic about had to be changed. No girl wanted to be the most beautiful at the wedding, but in the face of this epidemic prevention and blocking war, only understanding and strength were the greatest encouragement for herself and the greatest support for her husband.
Incorrect reunion dinner, stick to your post and have direct contact with patients.
↑ Yang Yang is taking blood tests for patients.
Yang Yang, a post-80s police sister-in-law, is a tester in the respiratory department of Mianzhu Hospital. She and her colleagues completed the blood drawing work for all patients. She had direct contact with the first pneumonia patient infected by novel coronavirus in Mianzhu. During the epidemic prevention, she can’t go home or dare to go home. She said that although she has done a good job in protection, she will still worry unconsciously, not because she is afraid of being infected, or because she doesn’t want to get involved with her family.
Her husband, Li Hong, is a police officer investigating a case in Chengnan Police Station. In an extraordinary period, he has to do his job correctly in epidemic prevention, and he takes turns to visit the homes of isolated people in his jurisdiction every day. Find and help injured elderly people living alone to seek medical treatment; Go to the mahjong room where people gather to persuade them to disperse; Handle public security cases of rumors and rumors and criminal cases of telecom fraud. During the Spring Festival, many people are tired of staying at home, but for Li Hong, they can’t go home.
"When the epidemic is over, let’s have a good reunion dinner!" On the phone with Li Hong, Yang Yang’s voice choked. "You went to other provinces to catch fugitives during the Spring Festival when our eldest son was born. Our youngest son was just born this Spring Festival, and both of us were too busy to go home. Since New Year’s Eve, we haven’t had a bite of the reunion dinner. When we are finished, we will pick up our parents and have a good reunion!"
"Drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
↑ Zhang Chun went to the duty station to ensure the supply of materials.
"Wife, have a drink!" "Husband, you also drink quickly!" After 80s, Zhang Chunhe Shen Li, a police doctor and wife, handed each other a bottle full of mineral water, and they both smiled at each other and gulped it down.
Zhang Chun is doing police security work in Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, not only considering the epidemic prevention and protection of front-line police officers in society, but also taking into account the daily epidemic prevention and quarantine in the unit. "The first-line masks are missing again, so we need to buy them quickly … three meals for the 24-hour police should be guaranteed. Disinfectant should be sprayed every day. Goggles, yes, give the first line goggles! " Zhang Chun carefully handled all the materials procurement, transportation and guarantee. However, he was surrounded by pieces of mineral water, and he was completely unconscious to take a sip.
Shen Li is "armed to the teeth" in the fever clinic of the hospital, taking the temperature of patients in long queues and cooperating with the screening test of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus. This "equipment" has to be worn for a long time every day, and it is difficult to take it off. In order not to delay the patient’s medical treatment, she wears it for one day. When she came home at night, she had a break to drink water.
A day without drinking water, drinking a can of water, "drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
"Pay attention to safety" is the only thing he can tell his grown-up son.
Shu Shizheng visited the returnees.
"Child: In the face of the epidemic, the two busiest people are your father and me. Don’t blame us!" In the WeChat circle of friends of police sister-in-law Tsui Hua Chen, she said to her son with guilt.
As a medical worker sent to the community by Mianzhu People’s Hospital, from the beginning of the New Year’s Day, she went to the door every day to take the temperature of the isolated people at home, publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention, and do her best to monitor the epidemic. The child’s father Shu Shizheng, as the director of the police station in the city, has not finished the security duty on New Year’s Eve, and has received the task of epidemic prevention and control. In recent days, he led a team to assist the streets and communities to shut down 266 related places in the area in time, and concentrated police force to investigate and prevent 61 returnees from Hubei one by one, and cooperated with the government’s prevention and control working group to track down and isolate people, taking the lead in severely investigating 4 cases involving the epidemic, and cracking down on 14 related owners and illegal personnel who secretly operated mahjong halls.
The couple have been away for a long time, and only their son takes care of himself at home. Shu Shizheng said with deep feelings that the post-70s love memories. When the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake was used for earthquake relief, their son was only 4 years old, and the couple didn’t take care of it much. Now his son is 15 years old. These days, he is allowed to cook and do housework at home alone. Seeing his son’s maturity and independence, he is more gratified and more sour in the face of this sudden situation.
Wang Shuli Red Star Journalist Wang Mingping According to Mianzhu Public Security Editor Zhang Wei